Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 15, 1912, Image 2

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    Baseball Next Sunday
At the Club Grounds
The baseball season will be oixn-
j they were put out before they (rot
I headway.
f Another thitiR that has helped U
j keep the fires down is the wateh
' fulness of campers. The c:im-
Kn'im of edueation to guard against
edatthe Commercial Club grounds; ,ilM by fin, tk.vosUtion has taught
Sunday, August IS. Captain lVch-. U)e the Amgfin ()f loavinR
tel will lead last year", unbeaten campflIVS unextinruished. By using
Prineville team against a picked ; intclitfont care 8ml c,,IK.ra,in);
team from Prineville and other j wi(h the West wrvjw miions (lf
Crook county town. This will be j JolIara will be MW, to the ,H(,llU
the first of a writ of games to I where olherwiaB it would go up in
played at Lnkeview, Klamath Falls. 1 9m ,ie
Burns and at home, and will give fans ' . "
an opportunity to see first-class ball ' EQUal bill I r3gtJ
in Central Oregon for the first time! . If
this year. Proceeds from the grame i League Meeting
will be used to help pay the expenses
for the trip to Lakeviow. where the
next games will be played, August
21 to 23, during the convention of
the Oregon Development League.
The Prineville band will furnish the
crowd with the latest musical selec
tions during the game. Come out
and see Prineville demonstrte the
national game. Game called at
3 o'clock sharp.
Forest Fires Reduced
to a Minimum
Forest Supervisor Ross is greatly
pleased over the results of the co-
The regular meeting of the Prine
ville Equal Suffrage League was
held Satuiday. August 10th, at the
Baptist church. After the meeting
had been called to order the litera
ture and buttons that had been re
Iceived from Portland were diutrilr
uted among the members. A great
! many buttons, and also literature
were received, and any one desiring
either can notify Mrs. Sharp, and
she will be glad to furnish them.
The Prineville League hopes to
have a booth during fair week and
one or more prominent speakers
from Portland. Therefore a special
meeting will be called to discuss
these matters. It is earnestly re-
Vanity Fair At
The Lyric Theatre
Your wish is satisfied. At last
you must acknowledge the suprem
acy of the vitigraphic art in this re
markable production from William
Makepeace Thaekory's novel. It is
a feast of reason and animated les
son in literature. An excellent
story and a study of mankind. Take
this in at the Uvrie theatre Friday
and Saturday evenings, and you will
come away satisfied and gratified.
You will behold one of the marvels
of moving pictures.
Work Commenced
on New Steel Bridge
operative efforts of different associ" ! quested that all members and those
ations acting with the forest service
to keep down fires. While the orig
inal outlay this year has been much
greater than usual for fire protec
tion, it has resulted in practically
stamping out fires. There has
been several incipient blazes, but
, Born, Wednesday July 7, to the
wife of Chas. Christiana, a girl.
Mrs. Oscar Hyde and children
kave returned from their visit to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fraser and son
ef Ontarii were guests at the Prine
tille Sunday.
Mrs. Addie Spaulding returned
Monday from a visit to her sister,
Mrs. Bell, at the Dalles.
C. F. Condart returned Sunday
from his trip to Crescent lake. He
reports good hunting and fishing.
Eighth grade examinations will be
held September 5th and 6th. Those
who were conditioned in May have
a chance to make up and enter the
high school.
Miss Knox and Hugh Lakin have
bought the Milliorn confectionery
store. The change in ownership
took place Monday. The new pro
prietors will overhaul the building
and otherwise fix it up. Miss Knox
will have charge of the business.
Preaching at the Mill Creek school
house by John E. Williams, pastor
of the Methodist church, Sunday at
11a. m., and a baptismal service at
2 p. m. Let everybody in the com
munity attend. It is suggested that
there be a basket dinner at the
schoolhouse, or in some grove.
J. T. Hardy, traveling freight
and passenger agent of the Oregon
Trunk, and H. Baukol, the local
agent at Redmond, were week-end
visitors to Prineville. This was Mr.
Baukol's first visit, and he ex
pressed himself as greatly pleased
with the looks of the town.
interested in suffrage will attend
this special meeting, to be held
next Saturday at 2 p. m., sharp, at
the Baptist church.
For Sale.
Tim Ybfrels Haines, Alaska track. A
good chance for a tmre bargain. In
quire of Dick Kirwood, Prineville.
Wm. Combs was over from Sis
ters the last of the week.
Prince Staats, C. H Hunter, Miss
Black an'd Miss Sanford were Bend
visitors Sunday.
Wm. Burch and family left Wed
nesday for a fishing and hunting
trip to Crane Prairie.
Mr. Shattuck and family and Ed
gar Stewart and family leave to
morrow for an outing at Davis
About twenty girls had a regular
high jinks at the home of L. M.
Hodges Friday. They dressed up
in boys clothes and enjoyed them
selves to the limit.
W. W, Musgrave, who left Prine
ville recently to take a position in
the forestry service at Corvallis,
has quit the government service
for good to engage in the lumber
business in Portland.
Barney Milliorn has sold his con
fectionery store to Lakin & Knox.
He will take a trip to the mount
ains the first of the week, while his
wife and family visit a brother at
Echo. On their return Mr. an Mrs.
Milliorn will move to Eugene where
they will spend the winter.
W. L. Powers, superintendent of
demonstration farms at Redmond
and Metolius, and T. D. Beckwith,
state bacteriologist of soils at A. O.
C, were in Prineville the first of
the week. These gentlemen came
over to urge upon the people here
the importance of making Farmers'
Day a big success. Go to Redmond
next Saturday if possible and help
swell the throng.
Engineer E. D. Ackey with a crew
of men commenced work Monday on
the new steel bridge over Crooked
river west of town. The Coast
Bridge Company has the 'contract.
The bridge will be 125 feet long,
with an 18-foot roadway in the
clear. It will have two sets of steel
tubular piers 25 feet long by three
feet in diameter. The steel for the
bridge is now at Redmond. It will
take six weeks, Mr. Ackey says, to
complete the work. The steel f. o.
b. Redmond cost the county $4,515.
The work of construction will be
given to the county at' actual cost
by the bridge company. ' j
The new bridge will rest just
north of the old one, which will be
taken down and moved to some
point between Prineville and O'Neil.
Black Pine Poles
for the Asking
Forest Supervisor Rosa says that
the forest servieo would be glad to
give, free of charge, the black pine
poles on the top of the divide be
tween Trout and Mill creeks. These
poles are useful for fencing nnd
construction work. There is no road
on the Mill creek side, he says, but
the forest service expects to build
one, just when be could not state.
There is a roud on the Ashwoml side
from Trout creek to Ashwood.
William Combs was over from
Sisters Saturday.
Ralph Poindoxter was here from
Bond the first of the week.
Work commenced this wcvk on
the concrete foundation for the now
Clifton & Cornell building.
I'tion church services at the Bap
tist church Sunday at 8 p.m. Rev,
Williams will preach the sermon.
Preaching at 11 by the pastor.
A telegram was received at Prine
ville Tuesday announcing the death
of the father of Dr. Gove. As the
doctor has not returned from his
outing at Crescent lake, C. F. Con
dart had a messenger dispatched to
the lake to hunt the doctor and no
tify him of his f ather's death at
This lull nut OAK
I'LSK, .ke cul
Cash wilh order, you lo
pay (lie freight Irom
( liicayo, 'I his price is
lower lli.iu Scant, Roe
buck or any other cat
atomic house,
A. H. Lippman & Co.
rnmBTaitm w fmaaajKBoti
Postoffice Inspector Whitney was
in Prineville Saturday.
George Reams and family return
the lat of the week from their va
cation. Will Allen of Oregon City is vis
iting the various Lafollette families
in and around Prineville.
Born, Wednesday, August 7, to
the wife of James C. Stevenson of
Pringle Flats, a girl.
Birdie Morris and father return"
Klt-iiance, style and reasonable price,
beeidia a perfect Bt, la the verdict o(
tlie having been fitted with glaiaea by
Pr. liehrvmlt, the eye-apecialiat.
S. R. Cooper returned Monday
from a trip to the coast.
Mrs. L. C. Morgan returned Sun
day from her visit to Portland.
Mrs. Will Arnold and her sister-
in-law, Mrs. Fennimore, left Sun-
day for Portland.
! Little Blanche Rnwell celebrated
her tenth birthday last week by giv
ing a party to ten little friends
Mrs. F. Gage of Mitchell left I
fine box of apricots at the Journal
office Tuesday, to show the kind of
ea Saturday trom a vis.t to the , fruit that can be raisvJ on her
place. She has apricots, peaches,
plums, and apples of all kinds in
Prineville Land & Livestock
ranch at Summit Prairie.
'Edith Bushnell, the 14-year-old great abundance.
Jn..U IT C? T..t II T, !
, , . , , . , . , At the special election held lost
creek, had her leg broken Friday ' ... , . .. , . . .
.... . , week in ten school districts in north-
wime jumping irom ner norse. r i i. i
em Crook county, it was almost
Mrs. James Kennedy and children unanimously decided to establish
were in the city Monday on their i a union high school at Madras. The
way to Prineville where they go to! vote stood 171 in favor of and 13
visit her sister, Mrs. Ellis McKin- against.
non, for a time. Burnes Times-Herald.
It is expected that Prineville will
I send a strong delegation to the an
Mrs. Manford Nye was cut and ' nual Central Oregon Development
bruised last week in a runaway ac
cident. She was raking hay when
the horses she was driving took
fright and dashed away. Dr. Ed
wards was called to attend the in
jured woman, who is getting along
all right, he says.
Sheriff Balfour came over from
Redmond Tuesday with a negro
named John Messer, alias Bob
Wilson, who was tried before Jus
tice of the Peace Williams, for ma
liciously mutilating a building. The
coon was sentenced to 60 days in
the county jail.
League, to be held at Lakeview
August 20, 21 and 22. Quite a
number hftve signified their inten
tion of going. There will be a big
The Artisans were pleasantly sur
prised Monday evening by receiving
two boxes of choice peaches from
their old members, Mr. and Mrs,
A. C. Knighten of The Dalles. The
lodge wishes to assure the donors
that their remembrance was highly
appreciated. It was sent through
Mrs. Cyrus who has the knack of
doing things in the right way.
J. E. Stewart & Company
Groceries I Peter Schuttler I Binder Twine
WclffOnS We handIe the p,ymouth Extra
Our Prices are at Bebrock. A trial order w a Binder Twine which is a better
will convince vou T -I j n8? V"3, grade than Standard which is gene-
wm convince you, attractive prices and will give liberal , , , ,n
terms. All sizes from 2 3-4 to 3 3-4. Iy 8old and run8 10 Per cent
Farm beds and 1 2 and 1 4 foot racks. further.
J. E. Stewart
' '
BlaTWIMfIWiriW-aii ia iiiiiiiiini mi
Fresh Water Fish
a well at fi-h Irom the brin dtep are to be bad hrru daily. Our
cuuaiiigmenta comet direct from Ocean, river and lake, and the
frenliiieaa and quality are therefore guaranteed. All Huh cleaned,
ready (or cooking, if drairod. Pliona your ordora and llipy will be
promptly delivered. We charga only iiiodorate prliea lor the
twnt gradva of Hull.
City Meat Market
D. P. Adamson & Co.,
For Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals
Lowney's Candies, Ice Cream Soda, Sta
tionery and Prescriptions see
D. P. Adamson & Co.
WS Xm run
Cash Grocery
Don't Forget The
These hot days when you
want something good to
Geo. Whiteis, Prop.
otf..i, w II? tr i
cmngies, mournings, w iuuowb, ji
Doors, uiaiwea, iuc. ate., ssius.
w a a a a a m a a a i a
O.-W. R. & N.
Central Oregon and Portland
All Trains Arrive at and Depart From
Union Depot, Portland
Train leaves Redmond 7:15 a. m., arriving Portland Union Depot
5:80 p. m. Returning, leaves Portland 7:50 a. m. or 10:00 a. m., ar-
riving Kedmond 7:20 p. m. For particulaas apply to H. Baukell,
Agent, Redmond
While In Portland
A cool, delightful snmmer resort on the shores of the Pacific
ocean. Only a few pleasant hours down the Columbia from Port
land, reached
'T. J. Potter" out of Portland at 10:30 p. rn or the "Hassalo" at
H:UU a m.