i NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Senate Committee Agrees to a ! Modified Form of Bourne's Parcels Post Measure. Washington. After a dlsput of toore than two months the senate Kunmittee on postofticea and post Toads reached an agreement on the fostofTice appropriation bill, and the Beasure will be reported promptly. Senators Bristow and Bourne, sit ting as a sub-committee on the parcels post, agreed on a modified form of Senator Bourne's plan. It retains Senator Bourne's scheme for a divis ion of the country into tones within which rates for the transmission of parcels shall be the same. Senator Bristow belieTed the Bourne plan would place rates so low that the project would be found im practicable. To meet his objections, eight sones were outlined instead of six, as origin-lly planned, and the rates proposed by Senator Bourne were increased. Country Divided Into Zones. Senators Bourne and Bristow greed upon the parcels post sones as follows: First tone, length SO miles, rate 5 cents for the first pound, 3 cents for each additional pound; second tone, length 150 miles, rate 6 and 4 cents; third tone, length 300 miles, rate T and 5 cents; fourth tone, length 600 miles, rate 8 and 6 cents; fifth tone, length 1000 miles, rate 9 and ? cents; sixth tone, length 14C0 miles, rate 10 and 9 cents; seventh tone, length 1S0O miles, rate 11 and 10 cents; eighth lone, length over 1S00 miles, rate 12 cents per pound straight Maximum packages 11 pounds. A provision is made for local deliv ery fixing a charge of five cents for . the first pound and one cent for each additional pound, or IS cents for an 11-pound package. House Censures Building Plans Severe censure of the government methods of erecting public buildings is contained in the report of the house committee on expenditures on public Buildings. The committee points out the ex travagance and waste and the possi bilities of fraud in public expendi tures. The committee recommends that government buildings be standardized and endeavors to point out what it considers the folly of maintaining a big force of draughtsmen and archi tects to make plans for every building constructed by the government. The report finds that since 1902 721 build ings have been erected and that there are now pending billls for 750 build ings, to cost an aggregate of $70,000, 000. The committee urges that members of congress be less tealous in their efforts to get public buildings for their districts and recommends legislation making it illegal to erect a public building in any city of less that 5000 Inhabitants or whose postoffice takes In less than $10,000 annually. Homestead Rules Made. Regulations governing entries under the Borah three-year homestead law have been issued by Secretary Fisher. Credit for the three-year period must begin from actual residence. Proof must be submitted within five years. Cultivation for three years, counting from date of entry, is re quired, including actual cultivation of not less than one-sixteenth of the land beginning with the second year and not less than one-eighth begin ning with the third year and until final proof. Absence from the land for not more than five months in one continuous period is allowed, but bona fide con tinuous residence during the remain ing portions of the three-year period must be shown. National Capital Brevities. An investigation of expenditures In the forest service by a special senate committee is asked in a resolution presented by Senator Overman. Congressman Sulzer's bill, provid ing for the creation of a department of labor, has passed the house. The measure creates the position of sec retary of labor, who shall be a mem ber of the cabinet. Investigation of federal officehold ers' activities in the republican pre convention compaign and at Chicago will be made by the United States civil service commission and will com mence about August 1. Correspondence between the state department and the British govern ment looking to the suppression of atrocities practiced upon natives of the Futumayo rubber country indi cates that the two governments are in perfect accord. The impeachment of Judge Robert TV. Archbald was called in the senate and Archbald ordered to answer the charges on July 29, the house to pre sent its rebuttal answer on August 1, and supplementary answers to be in by Angust 3, when the case is re quired to be complete. ' CHAS. E. RUSSELL ST Charles E- Russell, the noted mag azine writer who has been named for governor by New York socialists. PUBLIC MEN TERRORIZED Suffragettes Make Demonstrations Against English Ministers. London. Completely terrorited by the suffragettes, English public men are guarded as the ctar is guarded at a time of Nihilistic activity in Rus sia. " They are no longer worried by the risk of mere annoyance. They fear for their lives and the safety of their families. King George's advisers have warned him strongly against public appear ances for the present. . Scotland Yard's ingenuity and resources are taxed to the utmost to protect the members of the cabinet, their wives and children and their homes. Premier Asquitti, chancellor of the Exchequer, Lloyd-George, Home Sec retary McKenna, Minister of the Navy Winston Churchill, and other cabinet ministers have received threats, anon ymously, of what will happen to them unless they declare for equal rights at the polls. Not only are they assured that they are in danger of being kill ed, but that the burning of their homes and the kidnaping of their children are planned. Judge Hanford Resigns. Seattle. United States District Judge Cornelius H. Hanford, whose conduct on the bench has been under Investigation for nearly a month by a sub-committee of the house judiciary committee, telegraphed his resigna tion to President Taft Judge Han ford gives ill health as the reason for the resignation. THREE ARRESTED FOR COMPLICITY IN MURDER New York. After five hours of gril ling cross-examination, in which every phase of the murder of Herman Ros enthal was taken up in detail, three men were arrested at police head quarters, two of them charged with being directly implicated in the slay ing of the gambler and the third with being a material witness. The prisoners are: Louis Weber, or "Bridgey" Weber, as he is best known to gamblers, who is reputed to be the proprietor of a gambling house near Forty-second street and Sixth avenue; Sam Paul, reported to be the propri etor of a gambling place In East Sev entieth street; "Jack" Sullivan, called "The King of the Newsboys," and who declared his right name was John A. Rich. The arrests were made at the in stance of Deputy Police Commissioner Dougherty, who conducted the exam ination of each of the men, assisted by Inspector Hughes. Weber and Paul are not charged with being in the "murder car" at the time the ifatal phots were fired, THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Track prices: Club 65c; bluestem, S:c; red Russian, S jc. Oats No. 1 White, $35 per ton. Hay Timothy, 512; aifi.Ua, $12. Butter Creamery, 30c. Eggs Ruiich, 23c, Hops 1511 crop, 2;c; contracts, 21c. Wool Eastern Or.-gpn, ISc; Wil lamette valley, 2Zc. Mohair 3.c. Seattle. Wheat Blue-stem. 83c: Clnh (We: red Russian, 7Sc. Oats $36 per ton. Butter Creamery, 31c. Eggs 24c. Hay Timothy, $17 per ton. Is. ZAPATISTAS MAKE ATTACKJN TRAIN 84 Soldiers and Passengers Killed by Mexican Rebels. Mexico Ciiy. KiKhty four persons were killed and many were wounded in an attack by Zapatistas on a pas senger train between this city and CuernavHca, Moreloa. The Zapatistas, said to have num bered 500, placed a mine undr the railroad track, which exploded as the locomotive passed over it. The over turned engine hardly had settled when the Zapatistas sprang up from all sides and poured a murderous fire Into the train. The first object of their attack was a second-class coach in which were tiding a federal military escort, with a captain and two lieutenants. The federals got out of the car a quickly as possible to answer the fire of the assailants, but their efforts were fu tile. The command with the excep tion of five wounded and two who es caped, were killed. Forty-one passengers were killed and many were wounded. After the train had been swept by their fire, the Zapatistas rushed on their strick en victims and began killing the wounded. A priest, unhurt, pleaded with DeLoa, the rebel leader, to stop the slaughter, and it ceased. After sacking the express and bag gage cars the rebels poured oil on the cars and, putting the bodies of the dead into them, set fire to the train. When the relief train arrived there was nothing but debris and a few per sons, mat of whom were hurt, to tell the tale. ! Four Days For Colonel's Convention, Chicago. Three, possibly four days will be the duration of the third party , national convention to open In Chl i cago on August 5, according to details : decided at Roosevelt headquarters, j The tickets will provide for four I days, but it is expected all the work will be completed within three days. ! Vancouver Loss is $2,000,000. j Vancouver, B. C An estimate of i the fire which broke out in the Main street warehouse district places the f loss at nearly $2,000,000. Three big I warehouses, each worth $250,000, were destroyed, as well as a number of j other smaller blocks. The loss on stock was very heavy. MEMBERS CAMPAIGN COMMITTEES NAMED New York. The executive commit tee of the republican national commit tee which will manage President Taft's campaign for re-election was announced by National Chairman Charles J). Hilles as follows: J. T." Adams, Iowa; Charles F. Brooker, Connecticut; Frederick Es- I terbrook, New Hampshire; James P. Goodrich, Indiana; Alvah T. Martin, j Virginia; T. H. Niedringhaus, Mis souri; S. A. Perkins, Tacoma, Wash.; j Alfred T. Rogers, Wisconsin; Newell j Sanders, Tennessee; Charles D. War ren, Michigan; Roy O. West, Illinois; Ralph Williams, Oregon. Brooker, Esterbrook, Goodrich, Mar tin and Sanders will remain at the New York headquarters; Niedring- ! haus, Rogers, Warren and West will direct the Chicago headquarters, and Perkins and Williams will have charge of the Pacific coast. Seagirt, N. J. The democratic cam paign committee, which will have su preme charge of Woodrow Wilson's campaign, was named by Governor Wilson himself. It consists of 14 members, with William F. McCombs, the chairman of the democratic na tional committee, as chairman. The members are: Robert S. Huds peth, New Jersey; Josephus Daniels, North Carolina; Willard Saulsrbury, Delaware; Robert L. Ewing, Louisi ana; A. Mitchell Palmer, Pennsylvan ia; Joseph E. Davis, Wisconsin; Will R. King, Oregon, all of whom are members of the national committee; and Senator Thomas P. Gore, of Okla homa; James A. O'Gorman, of New York, and James A. Reed, of Mis souri; Representatives Daniel J. Mc Gillicuddy, of Maine, and Albert S. Burleson, of Texas, and William G. McAdoo, of New York. Customs Men Capture Opium, San Francisco. Customs inspectors captured a $5000 lot of contraband opium from the Pacific Mall liner Kor ea after a rain of bullets from the officers' revolvers had brought the smugglers, Charles May, ship's car penter, and Otto Lengfeld, a water front bartender, to a halt. The men were rowing away from the steamer in the dark and did not stop until a bullet smashed Lengfeld's hand. May leaped overboard and was picked up more dead than alive from the water he bad swallowed. Dairymen. li. iui'inlM-r thin tlee: The Imnril of IMnvtorn of the Tcrrrliimm1 t'ii. Oporntlve Crvaiuery AMiK-lnllon will MpMiliU every ninety lny three iiu'iulx-rx or patron ouUltle of the director or otttier to wttne tlie trlltiir nud writhing of cniim Mini to luttr nn.v ihhI all complaints ttii(iltit ihtivlnin. oltli-er or'titloy tlierel'.v preventlnu n otie, three or live man concern. We linve mlotitetl tlie mum1 Ioi:imi tlutt Themlore Hoe velt lui adopted lor III new point ful Ililril lrty. That lKn l, " Tuou Slink Not Steal ' T i t'. F. Jl htiK. Manotfer. Lost Span bav liorr, about HOO, on branded Jt'1 connected i)u right hip, white strip in face; other CL on led lap and under niane.white strip in tact; saddle mark. Liberal reward lor iufor aiauon leading to their recovery. A.I drew A. 1, Norton, Itend, Or, 'MsUlp Fruit Evaporator For sale by F. C. Coodart. 6-20 Millinery Clearance Sale ! A nice assortment of. Pat tern Hats will be sold at ACTUAL COST. Entire stock of summer millinery to be closed out by July 1st Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlor, Prineville GOLD MEDAL PARIS 1912 BLISS Native Herbs, by its simple composition of roots, herbs and barks Its wonderful cures of Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Skin Eruptions, Kidney and Liver Disorders its popularty in millions of households, dur ing a quarter of a century, secured for it the highest award at the International Exposition in Paris, France, 1911 Make it your household remedy today. 200 Tab lets $1.00. Ask the Bliss Agent. .'. .'. Raymond Calavan, Agent Prineville, Oregon 6-20 3m p Roticc of Contest. Peparuiifni of the Interior, Unilwl buues Land Office, The Imtien. Orcgrm June 25, 1012. To Victor Snyder, of 1'ririev.iie, Oregon, ContMiee: Yoo are hereby notified that Robert Robinson, who jtiv Koberta, Oreion, so ins postoffice adre&i, AUi on June H, lid2, file in this offi:e his duiy corrobor aiei appneation to contest ana fecur the cancellation of vour bointntead, Km try No. Serial No. 07Uf! made June 27. 1910, for v 9. i nwH nation 7, towntihip 18, a., ranjje 18 e,( Wiiiamette Meridian, and an groumJa for bis content he aliegf that aid Victor Fnyder has wnolly abandoned said tract of land for over one year and six months ltt.it pat; that he ban wholly faiied to retdde uj-on, improve or cultivate the said tract ol land for over one year and sii months next proceeding the date of thU conleM aa rejtdrcd by law or at all since making said entry. You are. therefore, further notified that i ttie faid aUf-Kationi wiii hj taken by this I ottice as havintr been confessed by you, ! anii your t-a.d entry will be canceled then j under without your fnrtlier riht Ut be ; beard therein, eitiier b-fore tins office or on ar-pfal, if you fail to hie in this office within twenty days aftr the FOURTH; publication of tlii notice, as diown beiow '. your answer, under oath, p'citicaliy meet intr and rcipondinif to the allctrationM of contest, or if you fati within that time to n-e in ini otnef due prout mat you nave curved a cony of vour answer on the aid contestant either in person or by regiMtercd niuii. i! tiiia service u maue y tne gc-, iivery cf a copy of j our anhvver to the con lta'nt in )er"on, proof of wuch service iiiiist 1e eitiier the aid conteuUnt'a writ tcu acknowiedjfiiient of ins receipt of the copy. showin.K the date of its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy wan delivered; it made by registered mail, proof ot fich service mut cuiiniH of the affidavit of the person by whom the copv waa mailed stating when and the po to thee to winch it was mailed, a:;d this ailidavit inurt i accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. ; Vou should state in your answer the name of the postoffice to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. C. W.MOORE. 7.t RegiMter. Date of find oublication Julv 4 1912. j uecuna - juiy i, ytit. " third " July 18, 1012. " fourth " Juiy rt mt. 1 M ( I,' t.liR t.v.l. ry I v . 1 H. i u r .1 r l I, l, Hiniiivi ra Kflwiiic (), K Hemiit, N, o,j v. I.. HUaiiio-k. V, Hurl Iturnc, N,; unit It. HiiwIilitlmTrwu. $500 Reward The Mill tWk UvwiUh k AwsoWitt Ion f County oil ir reward of frmO for tit nriuii and romictmn of any ftrriMti or primmi tuning, or kdlin cuttle or ho r- iM'loitjtuiyt iu any input btrof tbta anodatiut. Vi.UUn Kavmonii CAtrvtN, n'ctwtary.Troas, Notice of Final Settlement Vt!o t hertyg!ta ihM ih Mtvlr!f rtcd bfttflltst liU Bitl uwuiit (Ms ihtUitieirwior ut tieltolMlu r. Alm. tntiM-it, lib IN 1 VWrk it Uir imttttv t'wurt uf I tie it of : tu for t'rtmk exmitijr, ami Mi mu court liu i ik MonKt, thvAlti tiny uf Annual, Jt)J. ftt lh ! turn r of lu oUm It in tit tnrtiiHti a ttt Umt ! fur hMtrUs( mhI flnl stcvuunl tint nv mU- )H-tun titnl ajt tw iiitttv tutvttt, it4 fur Itrviiit-. luittt ami iHiblttrttHt flm ttm June JtHti tvlJ Attintnl-tratui of the elatt ol NUaji fc. A'Umt, iicvt-l. Notice of Sheriffs Sale. XntU-e U hert-tiy given, tlmt under ami I iy virtue ut mi execution mid oriier of snle of inMrtjr, domed out of the llreiilt Court ol the Statu ol tirviron lor Crook county, In a suit whvrvln S. A. Ferguson A Noa Is plaintiff Bud tieo, YY. Snyder l de fi'itiliiut, upon h judgment In favor ol the nliove nuiinul pliilntlfU nm! ngnltiot the nlxive nnmi-d defendant for the sum ol 11.71. togvthrr with lutereet at 10 per cent per ti 1 num from the oth iluy ol Mar, l'.iw', nml t-'.VOO ns attorney's Ire, mid the further sum of flH.Uuns routs nml illaliunmieutx, wlilt-ti execution tenrtt ilnte the 1.1th tiny of Juue, l'.'l.'. ami which order ol wile com iiiiiihIk rue to sell, In the iiinunrr pro pHUil t.v Inw lor the mil ol renl proiMrty the following ilinerlU'd (irviulani ami irnMrt.v, l-lt: The ivj ol nwj aec 2, tp 17 soiitli, rnnire 11 e Willamette Mcrlillim lu Crook conut.r, atntw ol Oregon, togothvr with the tenetneiifi", liereilltnmeiitii nnl iurteimnoia theriMiutii Ih longlug or In uiiv wUe upinTlnlnlug. whirl) until esecntlon and order ol Nille U to me illwtr.l. 1 hnvw levliil upon nil tlieulioveiliwrilieil pn-mlm-s mid proerty, nm) will, on the ' ITla itf ef Aaiait, 1912 t the hour ol 2 o'clock In the alter ; noon ol tluit ility, nt the front door j ol the court linum- In IVliii'Vlllr, Cmik i county, tin-gon, II, nt public auction, to the hlglnKt liiddcr lor cnh. nil the right, title nut) lutenut the milil ili-feuiliint find, on the Otli I day ol Mn.v l'.n'.i, lu it ml to said ! pn-mlivn nml prnp.Tty, to nU"ly mii Id judgiiicnt, nttorui'V's teea, conti) ; ami Hcvrulug ousts under on Id exe cution. pitted ani puhlldliei Umt time July 1Mb, lt12. T. X. Hai.kiu b. "IS Sltcrld ol Crook County, tircgon. iProfesstr.tial Cards, Puffin mmd tfmrfm Cmii mmwr4 promptly mjr mijAt HAVE YOU Filed your Deed? Of Course, HAVE YOU An Abstract? Certainly everyone baa sn shstrsct now. Io you know where your corners are. Well, No, Jipl exsctly. Brewster Engineering Company, Prineville, Orsgon, will lucato tliem lor you ami ifiiarsnt the work. Survey ing, Hutting, Irrigation Kngineering, Phons Pioneer 204. F?s b ; j ,. I .. Ji O o o Freshly Caught now upon our counters. An array that in Bure to tompt all lovers of what is dainty and appetizing. All una food may be found here in season. Crab?, Shrimps, Lobsters, Oysters and Clams, etc. City Meat Market S. Cdwnr, JT. P. 33.tkn.p (M't'lH.lHIM fiolkncp d Cdwards ?Ajtimmi mmJ Surf ttm. (O'luity I'liyiii inn ) V'm'. I CffK J. Trendies -ox M. It. i H, Kust: '"! I" l nti'l'i 1,11'imiiw Unij.m hint" MiiUi ul ll.'urtl, Siih inli.l lu hurgery; ilyglen : All mriimry i iiiil; woini'ii suit i-lill'lt'ii i iltriieil. onlm nml rr.lil.'ini. niifi ilr wr.t ul l1liurk drug lor, I'rhirvlllw. Or.gtt. Dr. Charles Macl adden OiteofMthlc Phy ticUn Mwnlr. M.u-lln mill Xmurnl Thrrnl"iltl' l.liitiluyr. l.liriiiiU' lllwiiws Hlw'lUr Offics In Kmilr Elock TaUpkonm PioaMr, No. Dr. John lluhack, IjiIv vtriiirv HurgiMm I', s, Arnijr, Iioi.rliit III ut Uir l'llliiltim, All i.uiul Uurk ul MiwMinalil l'rl. H.mllloB St.bl... Prlnavills, Or t)Lij inran HiitrTi.T 1 os if Urrii-g oib Huur fen o AiuMMji't liain kti'HS nuh Oi ml- dene al.rlllUM. ffrimtV: - Owm W. A. HELL Lawyer The Dsllra Oregon Pnt Urn, Crtftm. it , Md'AKLANL Lawyer I'rsi'tic In all courts anil 1". H. n OIlK-e. Redmond, - Oregon frirjrnui'FY Attome-at-Law tHucoror to W. A. Il-ll) I'lllNKVII l. Ok I OHM Xmmyr Crfm. Willard II. Wirtz Attnrnryit-I.nw, Onkc tn M. H. oKUf, l'Hl.VKVM.I.K, UltKUON I)r, Howard (Jove Dentist Room 14 nd IS A dam ion Building. Notice for I'ublicution. iJi-tmrlmriit of the Interior, V . lrnl Or nl Tli IhII(mi. Juno i'th, IvlJ. Nulled U ht tvht KlvfD timt nf IMtwvlliP, Ormtm, who, on Krhruary 2rth Hill. iinuL- tiniiiuMmil, No. (Wltri, fur Wilt HI , tfiwilmhtp I? HfllUltl. milfrf U (Mtt WllUttiftte MiTiaiatt, tikU flifd luiUrt of Ui Irntl(ii) l mtiltn ynttmuttlon proof, to Ut)lth alHliti t thi litiwl hUvi dpswrltwij. hv Utrv Tlntntity K- J. iKiffr. V-H. itmmUnr r( IiU onlra, al 1'i tiu'Vlllt. Oregon, oti tv WU Uuv of AtiinM, WR 4'lalhiHiit ttnni' an with war Nttttmnlol W. Morrlat-tl, Uwnru T KHrh tug. Ia" Half httfrr, of (irtnuti, tlMlph K. titiN, of Ib'rul, iinm, 7-lp C. W. MiM)HK,ittUtfr. Don't Forget The J These hot days when you want something good to eat. Geo. Whiteis, Prop.