Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 25, 1912, Image 1

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    Vol o
Euaene Or
Crook. County- Journal
County Court
Adjourned Term
Pursuant to adjournment court
met July 15. ltd 2.
Present II. C. Kllis, Judge; K.
11. Jlayley mid James Kice, com
missioners; Warren Itrown, county
clerk; T. N. Italfour. sheriff.
It apiK'sm from the affidavit of
A. It. Ilowmnn that he has. lout or
destroyed warrant No, 51111, for
t:Kl, Mid Howman ha agreed in
writing to Indemnify Crook county
nguitmt any loss caused by the pre
sentation of suid original warrant,
it is ordered thut county clerk draw
a new. warrant.
Now I presented to the court
the petition of 111 luminous and
resident of iiend road district No.
8, and deschute road district No.
12, asking for the construction of a
bridge acroM the Ik'schute river,
and it i ordered that action thereon
be continued until the next term
hereof for a full and thorough in
vestigation of the subject.
I'etition of Frank Irvine et al for
a new'county road, accompanied by
a bond of 2K) with Frank Irvine
and Gottfried Kampfer, an sureties,
and it appearing that all the legal
requirement have been complied
with, itjis ordered that the board of
road viewers meet at the beginning
of Raid proposed road on the 20th
day of August, 1912, view, review,
ami survey said proposed road and
report thereon at the next term of
tvis court.
It appearing from the statement
of Went & Wheeler and other evi
dent, that they have been wrong
fully taxed upon certain property
and by mistake said wrongful tax
has been paid under such wrongful
assessment; it i therefore ordered
that the clerk draw a warrant for
J.10, being the amount of said
wrongful assessment.
The viewers'.' report on the J. G.
Edwards'ct al road was continued
until the September term.
The report of Messrs Crandall &
& Roberta, auditors, upon R, L.
Jordan, county treasurer, from
January 1, 1911, to March 81, 1912,
was approved as apparently correct
and ordered filed for public refer
ence. The auditors' report upon Frank
Elk ins, sheriff, from January 1,
1909, to Dec. HI, 1910, is approved
and ordered filed for public refer
ence. The auditors report on T. N.
Balfour, sheriff, from January 1,
1911 to March 31. 1912, is approved
and ordered filed.
Now is presented to the court
the auditors report on delinquent
Ux rolls of 1901, 1902, 190.'!, 1904,
1905, 1900, 1907, 1908, J9II9, 1910,
fully itemized, which is hereby ap
proved as apparently correct nnd
ordered filed.
Now is presented the complete
auditors report upon the reports of
supervisors of the several road
districts from Jan. 1, 1909, the (lute
of last auditing, to March 31, 1912,
which is approved and ordered filed
The auditors report on the high
school fund was approved and
ordered filed.
The auditors report upon the
ireneral fund was approved and
ordered filed.
The auditors report upon em
ergency road fund us handled by R.
II. Baley, showing total receipts and
disbursments from January 1, 1900,
to Dec. 31, 1911, is approved as
apparently correct and ordered filed
t for public reference.
Miss Conwayi stilary .$ Ill 11
I'LiiW, light and wuter 78 80
Crook Co. Journal, printing 77
O A Gustufson. iunltor 120 00
It K Price, express 1 25
Miss Ultcliell, salary May W0 00
E K Evans, salary May.. Ill 11
i W Smith, salary May 111 II
MuM V Wood, mitury May,
J uiie, JuU, A ugust 200 00
K I. ('in-, salary May, June ... 2M 00
T 1. (julnn, rent operntiouiMt 30 00
Prof Duun, tip comuienciu't 33 10
lln'iiinond, Stephens Co, ill-
pluiiiiis .-.. 40 70
Orvllla Brewer Tub Co,
American 112.1
J K illl Co Inn . 28 8
1 J Mlllger Ise ItO !ln
Jonliui & Co, uiiNe 4-'l SH
King Co, tndse 10 9.'
Pioneer T & T Co 20 60
K L Cue, nils 72 20
K L Cue. back salary 200 00
J W Smith, sal June & Mp. 200 00
Th Bend Co, iihIho f 102 00
liewl Hardware Co, indue Ml 2Ti
JEDulv, nulls ... 10 50
Bend Mlll'g & W Co, scraper U 50
0 A Fields, work on road ... 14 00
Horace Hr inking, mud wrk t:l 50
Henry (Joiner, road work ..... 12 00
I. Miinli, road work 17 50
S K dray, repair work 8 25
1 W HH-ur, mud work . 24 47
Cove puffer Co, rood work 2."0 00
Benll&Cu, imioliliiery 123 10
Tuui-a-Lum I.iiiiitxr Co 00 60
Tn ui-ri-1 .ii in Lumlx'r Co 174 50
Tiini a l.iun Lumber Co.... 519 30
C W Elkius, paint for bridges 1U0 00
Const Bridge i.ii, 1ml on oc.. 3.300 00
It H Bully, tools lor roud etc U7 3K
Cen Or MerCo, mdse 11 44
I'eter iA'hmiti), blucksmlth'g 7 50
It L Jordan, sp'l road work 3,000 00
It L Jordru, treas., sp'l road
work .-. 3,000 00
Wallace Pout, Judge election
E U Knox, " "
O C liray, "
Homer Norton, clerk "
E EOlllen water, ' "
C I Stover,
E T Klayton, Judge election
J O Powell,
Herman Pocli, " "
L B Lnfollette, clerk election
J F llliuu liard, "
It V Constable, " "
A E Hates, Judge "
Paul Held, " "
Sid Rogers, "
Harry Burns, clerk '
C E Parrlsh, "
L W Bennett "
E C Park, Judge "
3 00
3 00
3 0)
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
W J Sturdivun, " "
J 0 Hanson, "
Kay Archer, clerk "
John Tuck, " "
U L Elders, "
3 00 i
J A Wllleox, Judge "
C It MeLullln, " "
C H Fry,
( W Wells, clerk "
J II Mendenhall, ' "
J C Williams, " . '
6 00
6 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
o oo
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
8 00
N II Elliott, Judge "
J It IleKrich, ' "
R McCnuley, " "
Hugh Peckhain, clerk "
(4 K flrnnt,
J S Mery, " "
J E Heed, Judge "
0 00
6 00
8 II Snyder, " "
News Snapshots
0 (he Week
senate fieclded the cose of Wlllluin
f''-v' i - v H;bt :
, - 7ZJ s v v A&Yi nta!1 JUDGE fvRCHBAlDfJ
W W On utt, " " 00 J H Gray, Judge " 6 0ft
J A Ent.n, clerk " 6 00 I W Ward, t' " 00
E A Hmlth, " " 6 00 O W Nohlc " ' 6 00
I) V Miuklntosh, " " 0 00 C B Dinwiddle, clerk " 8 00
J U Garner, Judge " 3 00 B K Wylde, " ' fl 00
J A Kmlth, " " 3 00 J B .Neville, " " 6 00
A T Coleman, " " 8 00 F B Bayn, Judge " 8 00
CIih. Bolshy, clerk " 8 00 C H Foster, " " 3 00
UC Mills, " " 3 00 EABussett, " " 3 00
ft J Clemens " " 3 00 Penrl Fulkerson, clerk " 3 00
BUI)oiithl, Judge " 8 00 Allen Wllcoxon, " " 3 00
Grant Miller, " " 3 00 I.: M Charlton, " " 8 00
K l Houston, " " 3 00 A G Klbliw, Judge " 3 00
II C Morris, clerk " 3 00 J A Schooling. " " 3 00
j W C Congleton, " " 3 00 Koy Newell, " 3 00
I II J Faulkner, " " 8 0 G V Garhsjk, clerk " 8 30
MS Fisher, Judge " 3 00 L L Newell, " " 8 00
j L H Tlffuny, " " 3 00 L W Long, " " 3 00
W McCorkle, " " 8 00 Guy Lalollette, Judge ' 3 00
G W Bobbins, clerk " 3 00 J A Moffitt, ' " 3 00
Jerry Holllqttlllii. " 3 00 J W Wells. " "3 00
I. H Ballard, ' " 3 00 Glenn Hendrlckson, clerk " 3 00
WJ Selimldt, Judge " 3 00 J P Hopper, ' " 3 00
Ed Merrltt, ' " 3 00 LL Scott, .... 3 oo
R E Jordan, " " 3 00 F E Dayton, judge " " 3 00
iLComiell, clerk " 3 00 C P Becker. ' " 3 00
A Elmer, 3 00 j F B Wilson, " " 3 00
E N Hawthorn, " " 8 00 W I) Barnes, clerk " 8 00
(.' L Huberts, Judge " 8 00 It G Kturgeon, ' " 3 00
iJLLIster, " " S 00 F X Wallace, " " 3 00
jWACarson, " " 8 00 J W Wilt, Judge " 6 00
OB Gray, clerk " 3 00 V F Edmunson " " 6 00
I K W Nelson, " " 3 00 J W Berry, " " 6 00
C (; Blrdsoiig, " ' " 3 00 ! It J Skelton, clerk " 6 OO
J W Hitter, Judge " 8 00 C L Gist, " " 6 00
Henry Koch, " " 3 00 W A Wilt, " " 6 00
I-LJuues, " " 3 00 J W Wright, Judge " 3 00
R E Jones. clerk " 8 00 W E Claypoor. " " 3 00
Patrick Golder, " " 3 00 J 8 Tetherow, ' " 3 00
Harry Lnnlus, " 3 00 B F Chase, clerk " 3 00
W 11 Holllngshend, judge eletn 3 00 Lloyd Harder, " 3 00
J L lienson, Judge election 3 00 J C Taylor, " " 3 00
Jaimn Black " " 3 00 S C Caldwell, Judge " 6 00
C V Carmlehnel, clerk ' S 00 M J Kelly, " " 6 00
W C Ilolllngshead, " " 3 00 ! C M McKay, " "6 00
M F Iliiwthom, " " 3 00 TC Ewing, clerk " 6 00
Jus Wood, Judge " 3 00 W II Cable, ' " 6 00
S 8 Black, " " 3 00 UM Davis, " " 6 00
HC Grant, " " 3 00 Win Blair, Judge " 3 00
J G Clark, clerk " 3 00 J E Daly, " " 3 00
It E Darby, " " 3 00. C A M. Kenney " " 3 00
JAGoiwr, " 3 00 ItuBcoe Gurd, clerk " 3 00
G W Klayton, Judge " 3 00 J A Hill, ". " 8 00
John Demorls, ' " 3 00 C F Klann, " " 3 00
H L Reynolds, " " 3 00 J M Montgomery, Judge " 3 00
It II McCord clerk " 3 00 J W Livingston, " 3 00
I'rlce Cosboir, " " 3 00 P B Polndexter, " " 8 00
Lloyd Powell. " " 3 00 Voy McCallUtir, clerk " 3 00
J E Kobcru, Judge " 3 00 J F Taylor, " " 8 00
G II Nye, ' ' 3 00 ( has Montgomery, " " . 3 00
VSBushell, " 3 00 J F Welgand, Judge " 3 00
JumesCraiu, clerk " 3 00 L M Tbomaa, " 3 00
Fred Merret, " ' 3 00 Chns Paxton, " " 3 00
Q E I hlnn, " " 3 00 H W Walte, clerk " 3 00
J O Youngstrom, Judge ' 6 00 JL Thomas, " " 3 00
O G Collver. " " 6 00 J A Brown, " " 3 00
C W Hunter, ' " 6 00 T A Taylor, Judge " 6 00
O C Youug, clerk " 6 00 E W Mason, " " 6 00
J T Robinson, " ' 8 00 H W Gard, " " 6 00
Carl Wlndom, " " 6 00 A 1) Adumson, clerk " 6 00
I) W Burnett, Judge " 3 00 J Y Crews, " 6 00
SEGray, " " 3 00 . R E Galloway, ' " 6 00
W A Ellis. "
W R Cook, clerk
W F Hummer, "
PT Atkins, "
P. T. Monroe, Judge
A J. Prather, "
3 00
3 00
8 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
! J. H. Prlday, "
II L Prlday, clerk
C E Jolmnnsen, "
J Bolter,
I P Chltwood, judge
I Wm Joslln, "
IjENewblll, "
j Geo Dee, clerk
i A Morrow, "
i L II Hamilton, "
W J Johnson, Judge
; J E Fuller,
i Gilbert Lawson, "
! J W Stanton, clerk
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
8 00
3 00'
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
j Grovor Price, "
i D J Evans, "
The national Prohibition convention was held In Atlantic City, N. J. American athletes triumphed at the Olympic games In
Stockholm. Pot McDonald broke the world's record for the shotput with a heave of 50 feet 4 Inches, and Meredith, a school
boy, created a new world's record when he ran 800 meters In 1 minute 59 9-10 seconds. William F. McCombs was offered the
mnnncement of the WUsou campaign, and Charles D. Utiles was chosen to take charge of the Tuft forces. The United States
Lorlaicr of Illinois. The house voted to
David Hill,
F A Shonqulst,
E T Luthy,
Robt Gathergood,
3 00
3 00
3 00
C A Gilchrist,
Jns Street,
Wesley Street,
R S Dixon,
Herman Schmld, " "
Chns Lampert, " "
J It Harvey, carrying poll bks
3 00
3 00
2 63
6 00
9 85
3 00
11 30
9 30
IB 00
3 00
Redmond Com. Club, hall rent
Wm Blair, reg. eU-ctors
E A Bnssett, carrying poll bks
E J Clark, prep elect booths ...
Irwlu Miller, witness
M F Hawthorn, witness
Eddie Blrdsong, witness ..
i W McClure, witness 9 00
C D Brown, witness..
9 00
-.Ik, ,
impeach Judge Robert W. Archbald.
00. Jno Atkinson,
Oo! C B Allen,
Everybody Boost
Crook County Fair
From present indications the First
Central Oregon District Agricultural
Fair this fall will be the best ever
held at Prineville. The board of
directors have broadened the scope
of the society in every direction.
The school exhibit have received
every encouragement. Teachers
and pupils are working together as
never before. Complimentary sea
sin tickets to both, combined with
the cash premiums, is spurring the
little folks to make the effort of
their lives.
Many improvement are being
made at the grounds. The new
grandstand, the judges' stand, the
new stalls for the accommodation of
track and exhibition horses, the ad
ditions to the pavilion that will
double its capacity, the new poultry
buildings and the new entrance to
the grounds, will give patrons the
much needed accommodations for
physical comfort and the care of
stock that have long been felt as
absolutely necessary.
The splendid premiums that are
offered for Crook county agricul
tural products cannot fail to arouse
great interest in our farmers. The
premium list will soon be ready for
distribution and a line to Secretary
Jack Cadle will secure one.
J E Goodfellow, witness
9 00
21 20
2 00
12 00
6 50
12 00
9 00
4 60
11 00
5 00
5 60
4 60
9 00
13 40
14 00
2 00
Bay Nash, witness
John Deneen, witness
L A Rawllngs, witness
Floyd Warner, wltuess.
S W Merrill, witness
j II Jackson, witness
E T Sltyton, witness
J M Lawrence, wltness.
T Hobwood, witness
Ray McKlnnon, witness.
Bert Demarls, witness
W H Cable, witness, , ....
Lee Lawler, witness
J R Bayliss, witness
L M Hodges, witness
OO Pollard, witness
W W Brown, witness
W C Moore, witness
J O Oberg, witness
2 00
00 L E Thorp, witness
00 F A Powell, witueBS
00 Joe Hoover, .witness
00 j F P Rogers, witness
00 , H L Prlduy, witness
W McFurland, witness..
J H Himer, witness.
Henry Hlvlns, Juror
00 J W Berry, Juror....
00 1 Albert Moore, juror.
E A Bussett, juror
J F Rice, juror...
Earl Beutou, juror
A M Logan, juror
E J Merrill, juror
Tom Langon, juror
I A Buckley, juror
. 23
, 13
. 16
, 19
R S Moore, juror,.
J M Teugman, Juror.
Ray Archer, juror
J H Bean, juror......
Chns Boyd, juror
The amusement side of the fair
ha not been neglected. Negotia
tions have been completed for the
attendance of a bird man. He will
make two flight every day from
the fair grounds.
One of the best bands of Los An
geles, reputed to be the finest on
the Pacific coast, has been engaged
to play during the entire fair.
These attractions cost money but
the fair management feels tha't the
increased expenditures will be ap
predated by the general public.
Professors from both the Oregon
and Idaho agricultural colleges will
be here to lecture on subject of vi
ta importance to the farmer and
stockman each evening. The M. E.
church has been kindly loaned for
the purpose of holding the meet
ings. The breeders' exhibit of fat stock
is attracting the attention of the
managers of ihe stock yards and
packing plants at Portland.
Last but not least, a good clean
camp ground is being fitted up for
the use of those who come from a
distance. Feed and stabling will be
furnished at actual cost. There is
wood and water in abundance.
Everybody boost the fair. That
the only way to make it a big success.
W A wilt, Juror-
20 00 -14
13 00
17 40
16 60
12 40
20 20
18 40
16 Ot
21 09
14 00
19 00
9 80
John Ferguson, juror
W H Birdsong, Juror
F J Benedlx, Juror
E H Braden, Juror
A T Bogue, Juror, . ..,
H J Bransletter, juror
John Milllorn, juror
F R Merrltt, juror
C S Grewell, juror
Chas Montgomery, juror
F H May, juror :
H C Lanlus, Juror.
Allen Wilicoxon, deputy ass'r 196 00
JWRoblnson.burialKalenvich 35 CO
A H Ltppman, burial Hooligan 53 50
P A Chandler, justice fees 4 70
James Toney, auto hire 3 00
C P Nlswonger, burial Aifred
Johnson '.
34 00
1 90
28 :5
19 50
6 00
10 09
95 34
10 50
IS 25
20s 00
.23 27
1 85
1 05
30 90
14 40
94 50
R A Ford, expressage
Irene Barnes, work for Co Supt
Mrs C W Elklns, work ex b'd
Edgar B Powell. " " "
R A Merchant, judgment
W R Cook, dep asessor
Mrs Earl McLaughlin, work
ex board
Bend Bulletin, road blanks
James Wood, dep assessor
Nettle Stevenson,-board for Co
W H Wlrts, official expense
Pilot Bute Tel Co
E D Gatchell, guarding and
nursing prisoner
W F Fullbright, guarding and
nursing prisoner
Wm Johnson, clerical work
II C Ellis, cash pd ex Stevens
J F Hosch, M D., care Perry
25 00
65 00
2 50
100 40
35 00
1 09
23 00
Prluevllle Macbine Shop, auto
Wenandy Livery Co, team
Jones It E Co, lumber
V H Irvin, burial DenulsO'Brlen
D W Burnett, affidavit
O E Hyde, coroner's fees
Floyd Lippeucott, transport
ing prisoner 6 00
D T Carmody, taking testl'y 10 00
J J Wilt, dep assessor 212 90
Remingtou Type Co 10S 50
T E Roberts, build warehouse 26 80
Jenn Gltchell, build warehouse
Crook Co Journal, prlutlug.
Pac Sta & Printing Co, type
35 21
- 300 (ft
B F Wylde, lus premium..
R M Berglund, serving subp.... 1 50
Underwood Type Co . 102 50
D S Dutur, reporter's fees 2 50
P L & W Co 106 70
M It Biggs, lus premiums 400 00
Stanley Bulfour, exp Way case 39 65
J;ime8 Toney, auto hire 6 08
Otto Blnswonger, services
Way case
Bend Livery & Tr Co, livery
J M Lawrence, justice fees
F L Davis, witness
John Hamilton, witness ,
B Ferrell, witness
(Contluued on page 5)
14 40
13 44
85 OS
50 00
5 00
3 OO
1 00
1 00
1 00