kl la ts rt ui K at It 7 to o c w. a a I I 0 a c i c X t J f' NEW TROUSSEAU LINGERIE CONSISTS OF FINE FABRICS PLAINLY CUT MTT IXGHRIE 1 designed now to carry out the narrow cffccta required hy th I rashiouatM tiur. Therefor anderortueut, are ckvs fitting and lmmj bav few If any ftlsr-a. t. re Ue chin ts the fsvorft material for trousseau lincr-i. It is a luxurious choice, j th fabric doe not launder very satisfactory y faces r favorit decorations on th underwear t ts ttoawaU TSw yoke ar ao ckoely fitted ttut nMou rtui through J- .'- V f ; - m 1 J' ." v.i I I . .. , .., I , 1 v A I f. ' " ' ; -i j j TATXTT ROEK TC XriT. art art s24 t bM tb pntHts la r". tbocji tly ara fr.Tt',y srd for dworarxw. Tb rbxrs:s$ e.g!::r.-a sivi brr his a rctti! yofca at Irisa. Frrwk aad &U!t$c !! Ira forma: tb iawr j-atc Br bk fri3 anewaJ tb ifc t TS :ts ar e) vita Us riUM. aa4 Ua iix aims tte fracL A SENSIBLE HAT. Tk Hum Darty ta a Sam a4 a Ha4 Cwra. Tii orssltn aoJ vetty bat b tf irt tCoe ttuptl imw. h bT tr.Basc t&u a tad of tt arvea4 t2 eron aad a tuiiiJ t;t rsa awct aa4 bew a: tt tide. Ta drty kat of vaif. tiua ia a typ is Try fT.tr far coaaf nr. It is a r Ka ba adprar of tia rt H ca S prJ(ror. It say Wr J tfe r:rcEt of aoe of tba tarttt.ro.-ss 'j fmtcfwl atawry ttil Bs trs as c to aum tiii sTvaw fvtrz. fee S9 cs.ry awtjarca. wty s.i raJed e;t! ted w-.'.ajea ieVl fiiijeiti of ra lii.-f tl1-- 4:-i- a... t..e : vf lit r-..--kf a: & CirL.;si t If '.'i.zxs a tie ritf of deai t.ira or try tc c :l,.riie friK-z. w ;.i; h t-".i s. : v- r... z i tc iv ?. ai- -... Nr --t-.-i e-. j.: ..::v :..y rery if -? 1 x : . : i. ct..ej tei-i-r? i'i-r-i w .-cuj iesasii tb- ;.-z..i zt- c 1 : . c :.- r t tJ.-.sfi irsw ji t'?K wt t'i-'f t -.: I.- :.. j i iirt ic-. mj.zp .:.. t. ; .o: - ix w A Srr 5.1 ai JPet ctv2s iii-it . ;.-i ire riprr lAaced t y pr. f xi3er rrji peS Js:.c f.cced y-.r.;ct Sit'i Us w-ii ecicj.-a: :t-f lurrnr ek; tii cat thea crisr d t3c. A era; tuiy te zud t iTe; i vr tbe ?rii. sw i :be f j::s are x- -7 a -; :s f.-er. Xb jmis pt-m trtia zz r-vt Xl fresi; iinr we2 wa&bet tr aeswrtTT k.t-c4 w..t Ftkc;! ress.:. : LACES ASO EWIROIDERiEt. LACES ASO HI! La -es mr coasKned with dam asi.s aid Tesnrts to make da Ja ty bixa fc dress oarauoai. riaSicfs cf tcje. hcc or net are conl ia evrrr poawitH ua- Ea.bsrS eowerw c-f woo aad' ee:vet a- sboari ea tiStca acarfs aad au&ea. i Krit t..-ies of Ci J lcc.:iiery arTer sjoa the tjc Bid coat ad akirt J ex-fear is serf, towieif and ritj. e t Ts.rti tsd EsTKiia wrarfs 2 e c Tf-J iff jrs s4 wxadsa r c..- r.f are f-;ur. e M.wt of tl er.:ciieriei seew T !a dresw 7 is tb crew pat- J tera. Ti r;tsj or era! eye-W T jj.-.'.'-tz ia ll Eiie-iri ar J i't sees. Xacrase i9.-e ire sbmw tins t ever jor.r. aad aew av- a clj.r. ts t-v. 9 Vt f c tie w-S ns.oHT &m X Eel", "sir w-aiwu. occiVy tVe e J. is tzl are Bach Z ft-z. !ri ia.- cata are a rax I t:T.f w-v-fl Z T 1-trr? h?F lars ts it-es are " e eery p--rz .tr. Tiy a- tw-tix . frr-a c-" tz.-& a.r arrn-1 " i w-::t '..ii-rif cnMisrtL -r-f --- ---- - t't'i' rt- t'.i.T W. 1 prtr w.'.h crraej If :Vy ire szi w-e -rtV t-d : : r r ,i r .e .i tb ntliA If :itT it t fr-.-J :t Krc3Ef it t si:- is :j :t --aiiy jee- 2 r-irr.:: J.-r t-J ?IT al a i ::' :.-f.r f 5,5 car's a y.f7 i 1 . l- 1 tie: . .: riTT';.'. mi ii7 - :::.;'r. mi n c:-S . " "; . . : - e .1 .ia .-7 .:.. tvrts. Eriat . t.f7f-?i -or 1. af .;.facb,y ; 1 ;:;-.- :i fni- ai-ff w,,.-t ,f r-trn: trarne. wirer -r-c.'.e Vv ;t : JW1M.S.' : re:? i CXTT-tiS. lr". 1 Utt s"J 3 ;.mr. rf2 wlirl '7 1 if ut . 11 tin- y tb bets r '"r very 1 .vrzuttt. Tiny are n 1 t-1. kavt x n- rje7 ?T7T,f aavc w :.)-h sbi If-;.; & v,: f;t Tbe a cat t r- c ; y v f tlir ra-T5is with ri;e ii ti ri-i-rratjii of a rt tie to t cf trizJm. ECONOMY IN PARASOLS. kav Framai fram Vur t Yaar and Sara ywur vamii fmiiwH fnio yir to ysr, fr h-y 1 rwowrwl to tuau h yur o Too k auj at ti.ilf tin tvwt f ! on. Sty I In framr ch.ihi.- lut ItttS friu m to iov, anj it ivrtinl K kak smart to bav yotir tmral aotiy nutvb tu in tli fabric It no with hK-a it t oarrit. It fr.jKMitly hap pns that buy a yarvl or two mora than tb actual auiount u-lrl, and It at scarcely rtQ Ui!e cit la black aod bU to Woi-p over auy ouitrrtal to altrr a Jma, rcvt. of cvurw, small ivcM vitti btca lo nwinl Iimh fad, and t! carcfuiSy avd atatrrUI ia uttr!y uxi." tt a cvmiaratlvily aoiall sum any uiutxvlia makr tll re cover your last year's parasol frame from tb iin-e left from your aew frwk. and you will hac a smart ad d thio to your cxwtuiue. A veil (osraed avail! last jrear bad a stuoaln( suit of blue Uneu ltb targe Sowers of embroidery a;s"ll.)upd above tb beta aad as triuimtng ou the cora(, while ber paral, roteonl witb tb aaoie fabric, bad on of tbe Sower oa each paaeL Tbese cm a I sewei oa after tb varaoi mc bom from belnc eovered. Vja tb sua atubcvl'a and carefolty pin ta the center of eacb panel wbat ever tnmailnf you are goiuc to apply, ttiea sewr It carefully down. It ts la eireiieot tate h embroider one's In ltiais en on of tlie paue. and ribbon work makes aa effective ornamenta tion. NiwKM Hmt. Scorch nark, anlro very had. w hew. of coore. there i no cere for t&env may t removed fnm Uiww ta the fo lowiofi way; Cut aa onioa ta half and rub tS -orvbed part wi;h IL Then k in evid water. wis! Sad tbit tb marks wi:i dii-pewr after tbi treotroect. W beo ruttiv.c lr away fn the drawers je ieer! f tbem place a sbeet of tiue p-ipce tvtaeeQ each. T5; Biear.s vefy extra tr-ul-V, aad tbe b:ct-wt keep freh and B3crutuiVd ecu & ilui if they are tos! ia w. Neer starvSt ttut I to be stored fVr a ks Urn. I; i af twrsK-k and if 5cf! for Biacy iwn win n. " Kttw the art .e cuie f-ee from starch, dry ar.d f.4d awiy. if u. ia bio pa per. Tie t-'ue pj)-r i.e" tliem from tunias j:Vw. l,w4ro. S.Lld Town's. Ortiase ti towecs !;a jriy tad dlrry Sok;r s TtkI tbea in this matser aad they wi 1 bevocae whit Place Sheta in a kett'e axrd ceeer wiTh cod water. Add aharitita of pure whit soap aa- !be ju of a iet&ow. -P.aoe on the lt f th ai a'.Sw tb water to jmdsany ewen t a tral. If cry asn. h sailed th process aaay bar to be resetted. Kin ia t?td water, then ts a s'iicM. ly Uoe water aud hac a the air to ry- Tb Good Oi &mmr Tiaoo. A'A fcyrr jr . -.f ei- m r.w is. j fsasmer bocc ar to be foe&l la tie miv iw lac UiU I -. e- jr. '- - A" Ak" ..:t wvs ix it. jtTsaun. ar. t f -.i rt . tirf vi kr or-? r.: - a tiijir tbr ci;rt axi- Tam-taa ai Cana. If.ir i.-t r-ciir tf cnscrnBO Ireri tr.-ei ts f:.4tt twa tDS e!T. jre3 i.l.Ki'y su vB.'-iifwy jws; r i7:.i.'i. w-'t I.y-y c-b:;';- 5 ie- f. Xt:0 rzti is a ary tht f t;-ni,:.. t:ait ?: B-i...i-ii'y frf a ;iire 'n4-i5 w. :i ciif-w -: ;-rl :.iry A x'-v t iC-.T sustaucied aad r4 wii T4- s Tort. Ai s;e-'jt.t 5.."k ;c its- far tl t&e iXi.-2.-f a ti arraey .rao4 i Ju..- f iii r km J- :;t-.:-i tlst-i. la i ti; j'd: tf .wfi-s! 5 rjjt tii a ,ai."m t.f it cn e tif 3-w&er tz jr:-k a.ui ir'a--i erris nut. T1j tiiy t'Xiii w-.rX te-,i aduiuii , have a wA liwct-iimsX, Uil jiuus wa it? kIuicjA i tlicd. If lii trbfctr:- JA.-e- t da ti lTif W iLiT9t,"'d t? fe0.3a S rA 1 Aaten.sbwl -s Wa tee. While traveling tvcether three ,Hith era -o.'it!clanv l-Krilre. Se.iuuea aad Hen Hill, lunched ta a railway res : taurant Mifi Scnimes and tlill attaclol the bwi of fare to the extent of a doilar. and Mr ljM;eidr cn- ' tenti'd h!m.c!t with a seventy Ile rent uieaL Itreakfaat emhsi. the thro Ben- I tleiuea each hsudl the wait a silver ; dollar. Twenty 8 cents was due i ltrendre. however, and tM ainoiittt ' tb waiter returned to him on his tray Mr. Leeendr replacevl the quarter on t tb tray to tip" the waiter The waiter, placing th money l a (lass a hta tray. wel It to Mr. Semtne as a tent' real uder of w hat was -pec-ted of hlto. XI r Pcutnics was. how-- . ever, buatty onverinc with his Mend Mr. Hill at th time and In aa abaeut ulnded way approbated th tip aaooey under the Ituprewaioo that U was his chance. Th waiter was daru founded, and Mr. tarcendr. some what etubarRied. beckoned ta him and dropped aa addHKmal quarter en the tray to sooth bis feelings. This th waiter passed to Mr. Hill, with tb hop that he, at let. bad "Vau lit on." and that Mr kmm mlcht fnally he broutht to a kaowt lc of hta aiiatak. A tat be toad a sertoo error. Mr. II 111 dealt with the tip mooey Just as Mr. Sccutuca bad An In tb Brat Instance, Tb waiter was dumfouudiM. but before be could attempt aa tplaatKa tb party baa teried awwy for tbrtr train. Aa lnrl Stery. Joha W. Mackay one Invited Robert ,(5. laroll to vUIt the Comstock niloew. Aa th case de-end1 to tb furnace beat at the bottom of tb haft of oo of tb mines Mr lncerw.ll said. Sptni foe air. -privately 1 always be.evd tber was a hade somewhere tut I aerer dreamed It could be so hot." Redmond Lumber A Produce Co VbcA-a!e and retail kae, (ta. ki' and fe-t. Lm-.e ar I cement. X'e aeil th T. ti. Maacit Waf va aaj Mc4in Tar tb mactiinerT. V-ti Millinery Clearance Sale ! A nice assortment of J Pat tern Hats wiU be soU at ACTUAL COST. Entire stock of summer millinery to be closed out by July 1 st. Mrs. Estcs MiIIierr ParW, PriaerS lotk-o of Coat est. IVTansml of : ialracir. l'a:tej mam iaAd trfi-.e. In iw- iwrr: 1-smr 5V. :ti i TVrK Miltr. of rn-nfi ,m:, OsB. Yea are lrr!n ..i ttal Eaewrt e;tri.-fe?u wfcjrv iCv-cert veroac, r .- r-et 9 e .vno. 0.3 JEe b-ti. t iw LSi day d?v-r , a:i axTi--ifi;--a rtea ir4 ciir carf.sc c e.;r khatrt5r4 lr.t7y Vo. er-taw o. f u.m6 -ire ff. ti- fcr a -t f . a . nKm r. v.-.i 11, r3ie l. . Vt iaiiste55e 14-rv.:sja. aw4 a r7-t.r - ft t e-Tiiet &e a err lt.lt auJ V t Ml O'T kiMfi- wfcc,r a:wj...--rrJ a-4 lvt or" t -r ow w ya? ai- wt a-fia ia. itl; i&ai W ii.i fa.ir-s hi re a?i. iweycwe e r5i.'.rvaie u-e i l.-wrt oe al r arte? - r' al . 1 "fttt tieil . ; '.jr oa;e eif Ul:. a. re.irec ry ua a: . usTire a.i. .1 c ea.-. -e. Y fcrt tii-Y-a.ea. f ii .fir li.a: um-i-1 tuaea ta . 7l;e a ti.ir ier K7lraeJ 5r Mi - v -a :-v C 'xwi ti-f cite --.r.;s.5 v..ir f..-r:jn-r r.rjl v. te "ei-6 t twy -Tt- 4.- ,?i a:?... 'A y.'-s ia-. u t-e :a izt a t: 3. 1a,:v ;n iVr . e. . r. ?.i.:. itfc-.a e; ;' . ..-.. a -& -w- aro-W''r. i?r oi-.a. rf-T'i.. v Tiar-f-,-; ix ana : Jr vo !A a -ca-'JiT. i-it v-e .' tj; ti. a "ix-.n ni4 uu J - t? - ;r .i.M y k f r -r a i-n r v -a t.rr -.t e : .e-ii.-. r-.;.i7 jr. ?er-isr r-v -vyi-t-i;;a.. ilijt lert-.'i'r s. ai7- ev ia . 1 ' - . k ( - 1 i : i' .in . c .i-V-ic.tiJ 7r.:flL. t v; 'i ij wrv-re ail . t e.i: f. --tftJiTt . - 1- .r-a i.v r--.-r.-a ci? i.ir T-r;a 4 tr , "it 5 .2 Tir Ckir A ' :t 1 tj? a7l..;t' 1 7-f- ty t?-'tj. t i a a- 7- air -7 v. r a :a : a : eir--. .1 .. . -t ur . 3; . -t i-i;.-K2rt r.f t 'jr '4 t t-t.tj :-t a t- '-.a ve i-'-:- ta . 1 -- -. 1.- : r ! . -.'" t r v.' a : - 7. t a a t-.a - r ": 7s. -. " i- ..-5 un-.-n :-i- tv ! ' I' :r .!.'- t v ; : i r V.tL ..r-ic-i f-t' ; y-:-t;r 1.-11- 7 - :. tiaiii -f ; ;,:-r. -7; -r . : - ; y . ..-7i.,.L-- Ti .aj!- 3 t: vera. . - . Ji. -LI.. In i-r 4:4 H'L ;::t;.....c '.l.i . '.r.7 -- .,3 t :i. 1 - T.I..;7G ,lt. ,v '.1. - - i.L--it - ; l;t h a.-- " iat -v.if- fen. ? i.xtt jtr.ju 3ar. jo iy c.--i -Mt-: liaV'ie Wrt'a'lr-lfT, -' "..C ''t-ejratl. W fl v : SK HnA ; X i i) .: jntnrtit,L. . 3 .a.." Wr.t Vltf tfct"W -UlO 111" fW l! - W-tl Sr- . IrT' Wart- K - . si aafv ; fa-Jj . :mx J, iwt;ir;i.) ti.'-lu. Tii.r 2 ; V ..it-TlrtTa K-'firiATi l(t l.Jff la.' rf M' 1. H'li H. If- llafcsV 1 Htfcl It. 'tr-tULH. f )t 11 14- XI- .ifc. IC .lt".'f OtsWT.lafii, wtcrv. a 1 1-('T tWLfi C" : i. fffli' a.: ; r.u!. .rt-.. rwFui., n. z.itt arc 0' r u.ti :'.-J-H.tr. IkKTatt la -TlHtsa.' lafcTr- ?fcT r?M. titt. Tpift, .&rrx Itaa-IHaai ) Ma7 C lrx. irftpfc.1, tr. ik,-nm ' 'F"i I o the Public. I lia secured a renewal ( tb mail contract heiaeru I'rinevilla and l-'-l uond and will rontinu to rr rut patrxHi in both place to th beat if uiv ability. All rtprer n.atter mil f ceive my errnal atienifn. Ndicttli: a share .f your patnHtair. 1 rvtnaut. tesprrtlully, Vii M r Kri i a. ' Notice of SherifCa Sale. Nth- la heretiy slvrn, thnt under and by virtue ( nn execution aud rh-r id axle of pri-rt v, Iwiml oat ol tb Circuit Court l the Xtnte of (Hwuii lor Crook cvtunty. In ault wherein S. A. t'er;uio Holt la plalntitl and iieo. W. Suvib r U ile-h-ndnnt. upon a Jii'liitm-iit In lavor ot the atHive naiimj pUlntltl and aicnluat the above ontned ih tendnnt for the aura ol I1J2 71 tmretl-rr with lulrreat at to per cent er an nnm Irom the 6tli dny of Mar. 1 '.., and J? ID aa attorney's lee. and the further aunt 4 $11 UUaa r.ia and dUburainenta. which rvrrutton trara date the lath day ot June, lltli. ami which urder id aaJ roiu tuamls ne to sell. In th manner pro plclod by tnw for tlte a.ile of reitl property the following .lr.ril"-d pretnbmi and property, to-wlt: Hie w j ot nwj an t. tp I? aouib, ranite 11 e Willamette Meridian In Crook county, atate 4 tlreicon, toiretber with the tenement, hereditament a and apiMirtennnce tberettnto he lonelmi or In any wlae aii-rtlnlnt:. whh-h Mid exerotton and order id ale la to tue dire,-to). I hare treleil upon all theaboredvwrttwd prrmlarw and pnnrrty. and w III, on th I7tk jay f Aaawat. 112 at the hoar of I o'clock to t lie afire noa of that day, at th front door of lb courthouw In Prtnevllle, I i-.hu couuty, Oreiton. aetl. at public am-tlon,to the hluhmt bidder for raab. alt the rtcht. title and Interest tlie aahl ileb-ndnnt had, on tb 6th day of May l'. In and to aald prrmle and pr-rtT. to anttnly sjild Jtidirment. attitrnr'a frw. roata and accrulni; coata uud r aald eie cutl m. Ijt.-1 and puMUheil flrat time July iMh. mi T. V It at roi a. 7-1 Sheriff id I'riM-k County, Teaton. frofessr.Mal Cards. Crtfm. Dr. Howard liove DentiaL Rooasa 14 ad IS Asaaaian B0dia HAVE YOU Filed vour Deed) Of Course. I HAVE YOU i - An Abstract i Cenaloly rverv oo ha aa abctract now. Uoyon know otter your corner or. Vkrii. No. -Vc4 exortiy. j Brtvster Eaeiarerinf CsatpiiT, Pnoev iIj. tXwirv. wul kscat itrm lot j yga and roraate lb work. Surrey- f . t'latta. Irrataoa Kn(.neru(. raoat Prjavrer V , . - -T -io2e YANTED -V7.a-... --' laUa.i. V -,- U K.fesv. ii ft arra-a-ti fa.---. . . . . . . " " ' re-T"., i. aU e an ( Ol h i ame fa,,, 1 itT t (TW ian oavy mj a ) ' .'aN m0 mi ii fi n i ai 4m mm. Jm m. CV- . ' r 17 ITT J -war' um uai CTuia v. a. ... . . . . n. -?." .... .l, -. T:.r: , r?'. t i-nf .- r-- - -rr ..r . I i M wv ca,u ajDai r - .. fl fl .Hedjethorn Pcscture-Procf $ 1 80 .v.,.a,-..w,-.H. .. ,. 7JJ, ,' t f i 1ft X IIWK i.wM ,.;iw Jw. t f 'ff . '. I ( i-' '? !, J.L.UEADCYCLEC01IPANY. CHICAGO.ILL- CJtm S. Cmm X S3,tkmmp (H t fl IHTH $ oik nap d Cd wards (County I'll) li Ian.) Dr. J.TrcRclltfH Vox M. H. ' K.tr: and I.. H. A. Iudimi j.lr.iicM-1'n if'Ml "lul" Mi-ilu al HiNird. !pn-tallt i" Mi'K'ry, Hvkm-m.; All nimiaiy Canal; auiniii and rblldren't rli-M- itl n i.e.. i.J r . trine. lia si. I riiwi lll. Or, Dr. Charles Mac.'addCn OitaopatkM Phrocian llvcnli- plrlrlbi an-t "uliiral Tlirlilllc k uilxt Immli IH--.a llllr CMIk in Kamttra block TlphMMi Pioar. No. 12. Dr. John II u back, In, Vnrinr wi I', s Am;, Mlncul il lit rbiH'!n ail auraiial ' al a"Muabla I'll.... Hamiltea SuUm. PriaoeUI. Or C. 33riM :Caua aB raom t pt a Hihi I orru oa Imva iwcta imwa i Paviia a,i i., a raal- u. aca Ull4UttM. t Pnmrr: - - Orfm W. A. HELL lawyer The Uaars Urrawn Si. ClIUH, ;. A. McFAKLANi: Lawyer Frw-tnv in all rour'.s and I', K !al ttrtir. Redmond, Oregon j . T. L. J. DUFFY Attorney' -at-Law (wmii t W. A. Brll) i PaiscTtuK ... Oatfitis 7- C. Brink U.mmjfr Willard II. Wirtz Attornryt-I jw. Uffic In M. K. JilKira' mo. I'mvnii i k, ()iii (,ox Don't Forget The Cash Grocery These hot days when you want something good to eat. Geo. WhiteisProp. - A RIDER AGENT aw-r j . ai.1T .rr- I .'if t-rr.""!.' ir.ll I,, f Ii t,,. , . . . . f ACTCII PtlCES 'H-'"-'" CTti tiwreae v--SrTvVrit i""" '" ar IKt r 5. v,;,"" ' -Tii.l,l,, irii , ,,,!. ,T mr. a,," 3 rTu'L'-rr ... -r . m m., u"varu . 4 r-.iToexiF rvrffift rvs fcakia? n4VtYt aKwitaast tv.r k..waaV t-VteW Wt araeoav-w LalTm w W.t KvMk U ftw-xvat I i i. ' flatlc tla t hlt. nrbkoetread a"a uiKurainoa"B'' "0"ttna, ,,, h" ..7, 4 tir. , . .rMfcr w a-.. ta.r aioinoT" " V rW'r. All order. Atrl a - m wv WU4i (ww t)rtlft M-t '? ttn tw.i tj fiiT. - " t v7WC. Jaiaa