Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 18, 1912, Image 5

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    of tba Prinevltla Light & Water
Company and official representa
tive of the l'rlnevllla Cumtuerclal
Club, accompanied the pathflnd
on, and il was with deep regret
to all that bit service ended so
noon, n he wu a constant source
of lofornutlnu and Jolly good
follow. Mrs, McDowell, who is
mltiiros of the Prlnevilln Hotel,
waa accorded no end of thank
fur the fine tueol served to as
hungry a bunch aa ever entered
her dining room,
J. W. Brewer, president of the
Redmond Coimnorclal Club, and
VV, u. I'hounix, of the same or j
gunl.itloD, wero present to es I
cort the pat 1 n nil a rs into their .
city, which Is rapidly forging,
alirad. The gorgel of the llnrri
man demonstration train is tak
lug wonderful effect In thia spc-i
tlon. Touliry and dairy cattle .
are fast assuming prominence.
Hince April 1, at which time the
new crvumery was established,
over 5 ih.) head of HoUtein and
Jersey cattle have bceu brought
In. The creamery is averaging
from 100 to 500 pounds of but
ter a week, which la a finu show
ing in a community which six
yeara ago was a sagebrush prai-
jie. From Kcdmond the party
came to Bend by way of Laidlaw
and we left for Burns early
Thursday moruing.
Heart to Heart
Pathfinders See a
Great Country
Bond, July 12,-Tho pathfind
er cara loft Bolter'a ranch Wed
nesday morning at 8 o'clock and
made over 100 miles during the
day. obtalulng a complete story
of road conditions which will
ahortly be placed In book form
for the benefit of the 1'ortland
buhinoH men who will nuke the
Portland Lakevlow trip next
month, Trout creek valley was
noon loft aud aftor a steady climb
to (iateway, on the Uarrlman line
to Bend, the party entered the
Agency Plains district, which
extends ttome 12 in 1 ten north of
Madras and went to tho Des
chutes river.
Six years ago this aectlou was
practically a sagebrush Hat; to
day, as far as the eye can reach,
it U practically one solid grain
Meld. I). W, Harnett, Hecretary
of the Madras Commercial Club,
stated there wan 00,000 acres of
grain In the Agmicy Plains dis
trict that would harvest 30 bush
els to the acre Formerly it cost
four flftlm of the crop to haul
grain from here to Shantko, but
with both the Hill and Uarritnan
eysteuns within short hauling dis
tance, the abovo acreage will be
rapidly increased.
The parly stopped at an at
tractive farm home owned by S.
Iv Binder, who originally came
from Missouri and located bin
property six yeara ago. A little
boy and girl took ut through the
orchard that would hame many
in much more heralded parts of
Oregon. There was everything
to make Mr. Smith, the O.-W, R.
A N. agriculturittt, happy for his
principal topic' of conversation Is
"Make the farm attractive."
There were flowers, shrubbery,
and a big vegetabio garden, and
through it all the two children,
who led the party, showed the
pride of Interested ownership.
"Do you like It here?" asked C.
C, Chapman, of the Commercial
' Oh, my, yes," they both cried
in unison. We found later at
Madras that this wus the show
place on Agency Plains, but it
serves as an illustration to others
f wLat can be accomplished by
those who desire to make the
most of thejr opportunities.
The average size of the wheat'
ranches on Agency Plains is ltlo; ' "r luv,!r- Together they bad
Will Ullll !, , ,Uft.r.llC, V"V nvu.M
Anil be refused nil u Id.
Think what till n-omiia dlit. If she
wuuld lour lier husband to bli certain
fate. ahead vf her stretched out years
of una ninl comfort lu nor old age.
Aheud of ber If ehe would go were the
love ii nd cure of bur children, the prat
tle of grandchildren, peaceful years.
Clone ot hand win horrid death.
And this delicate woman deliberately
disdained the offer of the years. If
life meant separation from ber other
self aha passionately chose death. And
so. with her arms about her beloved,
she Kindly went dowu with tilm.
Only one picture?
Yen. but among all whli'b the world
will love to remember ot that time
that tried men's souls and the souls of
women will be that radiant, appealing
picture silhouetted against' that dark
night of terror, the picture of the great
hearted woman who, lovlLg her own,
loved bltu to the end.
Oh weary, sated womnn; ob, listless
husband, crying out In your complain
I n 13 of the marriage bonds that chafe,
look on this lusting, vivid picture ot
conjugul fidelity, strong aud holding
J. E. Stewart & Company
Our Prices are at BebrocL ' A trial order
will convince you. .
Peter Schuttler
We are offering our wagons at very
attractive price and will give liberal
terma. All sizes from 2 3-4 to 3 3-4.
Farm beds and 1 2 and 1 4 foot racks.
Binder Twine
We handle the Plymouth Extra
Binder Twine which is a better
grade than Standard which is gene
rally sold and runs 10 per cent
J. E. Stewart & Co.
Parties looking (or s cheap piano
should call oil A. H. l.ippman & Co.
A snip. -9
"The Ixrd do ao to me and more slio
If aught but death part thee and me."
If It Is dlttltult to ebons between a
thousand stories of heroWin til that
night when the Titanic went down, on
tory stands out graphic sud luminous,
the story of th great lovt of the wife
of laldor Btraua, the New York phllan
thropUt Hlie rrfuxed to save her life, prefer
ring to die with the husband of her
Bin was urged to go. Almost they
comKlled her to go. tier husband,
who bad chosen a manly death for
blmiH'lf and who spurned sll offers of
aufety ao lung as women aud itilldivii
remained, added bis plesdings, begging
Mrs. Straus In the nam of their chil
dren sud grandchildren to go to the
Hlie clung to ber husband.
Hud they not corns down the years
together, sharing each other's sorrows
and Joys? And she loved htm now no
less than In the days of their plighted
troth, She was bound to him by tender
Ilea that even death could not looaen.
To whom it may concern.
The Central Ori-gon Ice i. Storage Co.
of Hcnd sill not lie reeponai bin Inr sny
letils contracted bv Oilliert F. Smith.
7-lH-at H. KsKaTsy, Manager.
Land Scrip for Sale.
Csn be used to locale sny government
land subject to liomeatead entry. Se
cures prlent promptly without settle
ment or improvement. Fully guaran
tend. For price address L. W. Hub
bed A. Son, Springfield, Missouri. 6 "7
Cut Your Weeds.
Notice ii hereby given that sll weeds
and thistles in the streets and vacant
lota must be cut at once. Kenters and
proerty owners are responsible for
streets sud alleys abutting their
premises. Tb city ordinance will be
trtcilv enforced ten daya alter date.
Br order o( the City Council.
Paled this 4tb dav ol July 11112.
Thomas Coon, City Marshal.
Notice fur I'uhlictttion.
Dt-psrlnH-ntorth Interior. IT. St. Lorl Oflloe
I Tho DallH. Orvoii. July loth. WU.
Nntlor It ht'iftiv fivmi ttit Uuy LjiaIltt,
ol I'rliirvlllv, Or,-eni. who. on June Wtb. ivll,
mail, limiH-stpatl, !. M1US. ror sr', ne'-, lot
Land 3 hw,-. o nml loU 4, 4, w-t-llon , tt.wn
ship IS south, runt 16 t. V IllHiut'tte Meri
dian, hft Itlmt notlts'of lllla-nttoil U lllllke
rominutatlon proof, to mIhi,iiIi claim to th
ntiifl kikivi, 4,urliM-l. iM-nirw rrt-n nrown,
ciunir clrk t tiu ortl,-. at PrlOfVlllt,, Ore
gon, on the IRth itujr of Auaunt. laiX
(tHliiiht nnm- n wuu,mm: JimM A.
Murttit. John H.ti,fr. Ulenn Ht-oitrli-awm,
l ltoiiia M. t.rolUm. all of Hrtoevttlti. nrr
(m. '-"P C. W. M'W- Hrltsr.
acres, although there are a few
of .120 and one of 6 10.
From Madras to Metolius was
hut a few miles and on the nut
skirts of the city the party passed
the O A. C. experiment station,
for which the Portland delegates
to the Oregon Development
League contributed so liberally
last fall upon their return from
Hums. It will do their hearts
good next month when they see
the magnificent showing already
made and the superintendent is
to be congratulated on it.
At Metolius the citizens were
fathered to extend a welcome
and D. O llurdick, representing
the commercial organization, pi
loted the party to Culver. From
Madras to Culver potatoes of an
exceptionally hich standard were
in evidence. Remember that; fast In the hour and article ot deathl
this is a dry farming section and
if you have any doubts as to the
eillcacy of this method of agri
culture thoy will soon be dis
pelled by taking part In the Aug
ust excursion,
From Culver the party went
southward through the great La
monta valley, and late in the after
noon enjoyed meeting a delega
tion of prominent citizens from
Prineville some ten miles out,
who piloted the tourists into the
county seat of Crook. Those rep
resenting Prineville were Mr.
and Mrs John K. Stinson, Judge
M. E. Brink, R. L. Brewster aud
A. R. Bowman, president of the
Prineville Commercial Club. Mr.
Stinson Is manager of the Oregon
& Western Colonization Company
and did everything to make the
stay at Prineville a 'pleasant one.
From The Dalles to Prineville,
C. L. Shattuck, general manager
What may we write under It?
What more slgutuVunt words than
those of another woman of this race,
Ituth, the Monbltess:
"Where thou dlcst I will die, and
there will 1 be buried."
Wold WaTteST
Seventy-five conl of 4-foot green
Juniper wanted by the Prineville School
lMBtrict: one lmll to be delivered
Notice for l'ublication.
Department of the Interior, H. M. Lund Office
l Tlie llle, (Irrimi, July Hill, Uli,
Nolloe Ulierebr lven I hat
John Campbell
of Hem. nret.,0. who mi April lib. llt.
tllttile hniiieilrml. No. OST .,.1, for nwH nw1-, Heo,
1. ei,. Mrc.'" mid S ne'. e.-llon lo.
tnwnthtp 1 Muth. mnce Iv eiMt, U lllHinette
liierlilmii. hit tiled notice, ot llllenllon to
timke .tmniiuttitloii proof, in efttithiwh ctAlui
lo tin- lunrt ulMtve tleecrllM-d. Iteforw Warren
lliown. onuuly clerk, itt hit office, ut i'rlne
vllic, "ntiili. on the i'lh day of AtilUMt. I'Hi
ClHliimnt unmet, h wltnenm-ii: I'nnl Held
and Mntide Plen-e of Held, Unniin, Fisher 11.
lAitun and Drvlllr 1. ImvUoii of HArne. Ore
gon- ,-lhp i. , Mookk. Kelt-r.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice is hereby given, that under
and by virtue of an execution and order
ol tale of property, iatued out of the
Circuit Court ol the State ol Oregon fori
Crook county, in a auit wherein C. C. I
McNeely ie'ptaiutiff and The Madras
l,ateay Hole1 Company, a corporation, '
and A. K. Heutley are defendanta, aponj
a judgment In favor of the above named
plaintiff end againat the above named
defendants for the sum of SsOO.00, with
interest thereon at rate ol six or cent
per annum from tho 17th dav of April,
lull, and the further sum ol 1100.00 as
attorney's fee. and the further sum of
t'M)M a coats snd disburamente, which
execution bears date the l'.Hh day of
June, 1W12, and which orderof aale com
mands me to sell, in the manner pro
vided by law lor the sale of real property
me louowing uoecrioeu premiere anil
property, to-wit : U)ts numbered 6,7,
8 and U, in block 4 of the town of Pal
main, (now known aa Madras) Crook
Couuty, Nate of Oregon, together with
the tenementr, hereditaments and ap
purtenances thereto belonging or in any
ie appertaining and all building ma
terials toeieon furtiiahed by the plaintiff
for the construction of the hotel build
ing on said premises, hicb said exe
cution and order of aale is to me
directed, I have levied upon all the
aliove described premises and property,
and will, op the
27th sty ef Jgly, 112
st the hour of 2 o'clo:k in the afternoon
of that dsy, at the front door of the
courthouse in Prineville, Crook county,
Oregon, sell, st public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, all the right.
title and interest the said defendants
had. on the 17th day of April, l'.lll, in
and to aaid premises and property, to
satisfy said judgment, attorney'a fees.
costs and accruing coats under said exe
Ihited and published first time, June
itlth, 112.
Sheriff of Crook county, state of Oregon.
By. H. A. roaTKR, Deputy.
Sutement of Rmourcee and Liabilitia of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
tice fur Publication.
Depiirtrnent of the Interior, U.H. Lnnd Office
hi i ne ihuicn. un-iion. July "in,
Notice U hereby given tluit
llora H ('alnntMtU
of Held, On-con. who on April W. lull, made
homeHtead entry No. UH7M, nir n' Me1, nw1
M-k, mc lu, lind nirLiivS "eo U, Ip Itlaoull),
riinae WeHMt W. M., h ttled notlctof Inten
tion to make commutation proof, to ettabllNh
clHlm to the Und ulMtve deNcrtlMd, tMfore
"iirren nnorn. county clera at ntii umivil
I'rtnevUle, Oreaon, on the Attn duy of AuguHt.
lnlmant nameft i wttnewteii: PauI Held
nod Maude Pierce of Held. Oregon. Klsher ).
Iavhu and Orvllle I. ItavlHOn; ,if Harm-,
Oregon. 7-1-p C, . MooKO, Ra-aUler.
Notlcs for Publicution.
Department of the Interior, tt. H. Ijnd OrBc
ut The liu lie. On-gon. July 8tb, 1U.
NotUtU hereby hlvenltiMl .
Maude Fierce,
of Held. Oregon, who, on April 30th, WU.
made HomeNleud, No. ikMTftJ, for n'-t, and
nH (e'4. nectioD l. towtiHlilp le south, rnnge
la cant Willamette Meridian, haa tiled nolbw
of Intention to make i-omntuliitlon proof, to
ctalillfth olalm to the land above described,
iM'fore nrren Hrown. counly clerk at his
oltti'e. at Prineville, Oregon, ou the Alth day
of August. 1UI J.
t 'lalnmlit nameH aa wltneHNea: Paul Held,
John Campbell, of Held, Oregon, Klsher I'.
!ogau aud Orvllle 1 Duvlann t)f Hames. t)te
gon 7-lnp C. W, Mimihr, Hi-glster.
Sept. 1, 11)12, and
of November, 1912
one-half by middle
The Hoard re
serves the ritflit to reject any or all
bids. All bids must he in the hands of
the clerk by August 1st.
o J. a. siurr,
Clerk of Board.
Hay Baling
Will bale hsy by the ton or by the day
to auit customers. Terms reasonable.
Good outfit. Address Kn Smith, Prine
ville, Oregon. 0-27 lm-p
Settle Up.
As the following firms are out of busi
ness they wish to close accounts at once.
O'Neil Bros.
O'Nell Bros. Co.
Ixne Pine Trading Co.
O'Neil, Larson & Co.
Settlement must be made by either
cash or note with Walter O'Neil, Prine
ville, Ore., at the law office of Ueorgn
Bernier. 4-18
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice ia hereby giveu that the under
sinned, administrator of the estate of
Maria C. Reynolde, deceased, has tiled
hia final account as such administrator,
with the clerk of the county court of the
state of Oregon for Crook county, and
said court lias set Monday, the fiih dav
of August, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock
iu the forenoon as the time for hearing
said final account, and any objections
that may he made thereto.
Dated thin 2nd day of July, 1012, and
published first time .Inly 4th. 11)12.
Ukoiuik W. Noiilk,
Administrator of the estate ot Maria C.
Roynolda, deceased.. '
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby givtn, that the
tinderaigned administrator of the estate
of Olive Riling, deceased, has filed his
final account as such sdmtntstrator who
the clerk of the county court of the
state ot Oregon tor Lrook county, and
the said court has set Mondsv, the 5th
day of August, P.U2, at the hour of 10
o'clock In the forenoon, as the time for
hearing said final account, and any ob
jections that ma, be made therto.
Dated and published first time July
4th, 11)12.
William H. Sib,
Administrator of the estate of Olive
Rising, deceased.
Lsns and Dtaeoanta S2SI.S& 03
C nlted Bittee Bond 1JJW0 ot)
Bank C reralaeutc 11M0 12
Cash A lu from banks 210,K 04
OUM24 1
B. F. AOea. PrasisW
WIS Warmar. Vico-TrasU.
Capital Stock, paid In I KU)0t OS
Hurplas fund, earned 6tOW) OS
Undivided proflta. earned S7.TJ4 54
Circulation l.soa 00
Deposit S5,0S9 a
S501.424 1
T. M. aalshrsa. Caskiar
H. BaMsrkv Ass't Casksae
W. A. Booth. Pre.
D. T. Ptewakt. Vlca-Pra.
C. X. ELKtira,Cahlai
Crook County
fytansanrf rtlsennnoi SI90 VmSS Pkntral nalrf tt full ' tM.OfY) 0O
Overdrafta 3.11 1 JI3 Burplui 10,0110 00
Furnllure and fixture 2.W1.44 t'ndinded proflta ; J.SS0JH -
Real estate S.?ilS.i) DeposlU 140.U0.7S
CuaeakW aa m fnsa kaakt f4T.809.tS
Notice of Final Settlement.
Natic si AJaiaistratar'i Sal oi Real Eitat.
Notice is hereby given, by the under
signetl, the administrator of the estate
of Robert Tennington Johnson, de
ceased, that in pursuance of an order of
the county co'trt, of the (State of Ore
gon for Crook couuty, made and
entered on the tub day of June, 1012,
the undersigned, the administrator
aforesaid, will sell at private sale, for
cash, subject to confirmation by said
court, after Saturday, the 13th day ot
Julv, 1D12, at his office in Prineville,
Oregon, all the light, title and interest
the said Robert Pennington Johnson
had at the time of his death and all the
interest the estate lias acquired in ad
dition to that of the said Robert Penn
ington Johnson at the time ot his
death, in and to the following described
real property situated in the County of
Crook. State" of Oregon, towitt The
east half of the southeast quarter of
section seven, and the east half of the
northeast quarter of section eighteen in
towuehip thirteen south, of range four
tten east of Willamette Meridian.
Terms and conditions of sale, cash,
five per cent of purchase price to be
paid on day of sale, balance upon con
firmation by the court.
M. R. Elliott,
Administrator of the estate of Robert
Pennington Johnson, deceased. 6-ti
when you begin craving
rough, high-proof, strong,
whiskey when flavor,
delicacy and age no longer
appeal to you cut out
Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable-
Bottled at drinking jtrength.
Costs no more than any other good whiskey.'
W. J. Van Schuyver & Company. Agents, Portland.
sA .
Notice is hereby given that the under
sigued administrator of the estate of
lewis J. Rising, deceased, has filed bis
finul account as such administrator with
the clerk of the county court of the
state of Oregon for Crook county, and
said court has set Monday, the fith day
of August, 1112, at 11 o'clock in the
forenoon as the time for hearing said
final account and any objection! that
may be made thereto.
Dated this 1st day of July, 11)12, and
published urst time July tn, mu. 0( iaid (iav, al ti,e county court room in
WILLIAM H. 8KB, ' Pnnnvllla' Oregon, aa th ti too And
Administrator of the estate of Lewis J. , ,,ia for ti,fl hearinu and settlement ot
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given by the under-
signed administrator of the estate of
J. V. McOonsgill, deceased, that he
has made and filed with the clerk of the
countv court of the county of Crook,
state of Oregon, his final accounting as
administrator of the said estate of J
VV. McGouagill deceased, and that said
county court baa set Monday, the 5th
day of August, 11)12, at 10 o'clock a. m
Rising, deceased.
7 4
Horses for Sale.
On the old C. Sum Smith ranch,
near Prineville: sold In any number
at reaHotmble prices. For further
luforuiHtlon address G. II. Uuhhrll,
Prluevllle, Oregon. 12-16-tf
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
Reasonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. ' Rates Reasonable. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
said final account, at which time and
place any one interested in said estate
may appear and object to said settle
ment. Dated thia 4tli day ot Julv, 1912.
G. W. Rammky,
Administrator of the estate of J. VV.
McGouagill, deceased. 7-4p
ca ;
Sonera tBlacksmithing
Horseshoeing, Wood Woek, etc.,
Neatly and Promptly Done
When n is Done By : : :
Siobert TIfoors
tucjujcjujuaLijLiJUJCJtiJLiJC j
c J
Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed