Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 18, 1912, Image 3

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
' Marnsy Plans tig Show,
Burns. lUrnvy county farmrtrs ars
prmrlni to tiink bin uliowltm at
Ibn Northwaat I'roittK-ta Kltlon In
Mlmieaptilla nxt Nvnnilnr. Ths
Hum ciimmnrolnl t-luli, tha Hnruy
County fiilr aaaorlatlon and tha Ors
(cm mid Wratprti Colmiltuilon com
pany bnv utiltoil In th aoliilnint
o( roiimilltv lo Iihvb clmrRfl of tha
ollm-tlnn, arranarmnnt ami ohlpinoiit
ef lh amiiU'a Mini th colotilxntlon
company lias ngroeil lo Hint lli,v
are properly plnrnl so thy enn bo
K'n to b'Kt ndvutititico.
Irrigation Work la Finish").
llmiil Ulvxr. Tim drat of thin wars'
marked lh cumplntlun of two 1)1 )
tnttia of IrrtiiitHon In tha Hood River
vntlxy. One, tha ditch of ths Hood
Klvor Irrigation company, furnish
water lo lliti orchard and strawlmrry
paiihon of tlii wont sldn In a commun
ity coniprlalnn (00 arrwa of tho appl
valley laud, and tha other will water
fertile area of SOOO acrva weat of
Dee, between tha weat fork of tha
Hood river and the pi ream proper.
acond Unit ef fUclamatlon Projtct
tart a.
Klamatb Kalla Work on tha aec
ond unit of tha Klamath reclamation
project haa begun In earnest. Tha
second unit covera landa In I'oe val
ley on both aldea of l-ont river, tha
landa lylna: rust of lat river In tha
Klnmittb valley, between Olena and
Tha Kliimiith project, on which work
b.'xnn In llln, waa originally planned
to Irrigate about 200.000 arrea of land
Of thla, the flrat unit, covortnx about
10.000 acrca of tha beat of Innd. la
completed and hna bean under Irrlgs
tlon alnce 1907, In part, aoma landa
beln added each year. It la nearly
all f.irmed now. Thla flrat unit la In
tha Klamath valley, extending to tha
aouth and aoutheaat from Klamath
Falla, and Ilea betwuen loat and Kla
ntnlh rlvera. Another unit dcalKtied
waa to rover tha marsh landa and
purl lor. of the bed of lower Klamath
take, and covera wllh aoma high lands
about Booo acrca.
Brldga Collapttt and S ara Hurt.
Etiitone. Three, workmen were In
Jurcd when 450 feat of falneworU for
a new county bridge acroaa tho Wll
lamella river at Jim"r, suddenly col
lapted. Tha benta for tha falsework
were framed and aet on the aurfiic of
the river bed, aa bedrock waa too near
to allow of tha driving of piling. Aa
the next to the l.iat bout waa .bolim
raised, they slid forward and col
Superintendent Wright laauea State'
ment Pleasing to Oregon.
Bnlem. Deposits In tha bank of
the state have Increased IH.S45, 115.01
between June 7, 1911, and June 14
1912, according to a statement which
waa leaned by Superintendent of
Banks Wright, The total amount of
depoalta In the state were 124.759,
013.79 at the close of bualneaa June
14, this year, aa compared to $11 8.'
413.8H8.78 last year.
The entire statement ahowa that the
banks of Oregon are In a flourishing
condition, the only decrease being
that In overdrafts, thla decrease being
I283.ti08.48. This leavea a total of
1471,037.14 In overdrafts aa compared
to 1754,645.62 (or the preceding year,
Total resources this year are 1156
720,950.61 aa compared to 8147,764
892.68 for the preceding year, or an
Increase of $8,9(6.057.93 for the year.
Loans and dlacounts total $80,304
991.87 as compared to $74,725,584.93
or an Increase of $5,679,406.94.
Bartlett Pears Oo East.
Medford. The Rogue River Valley
Fruit and Produce association sold Its
first carload of nartlett peara for the
1912 season at $2 a box f. o. b. Med
ford. The car will be consigned to
eastern markets and Is one of the ear
liest ore-crop sales ever made In
southern Oregon.
Union Publlo Library Building to Rise
Union. Andrew Carnegie has ap
proved of the plana of the Union pub
lic library, and the library board has
taken steps looking toward the com
mencement of work upon the building
at the earliest possible day. The
building will be 47x32 feet In size.
Governor Starts on Horae Back Ride,
Salem. Attired In sombrero and all
the other picturesque trappings of
cowboy, Governor West departed Sun
day on his horseback ride to Boise to
attend the governors' conference to
be held there August 1.
The fortieth annual camp-meeting
of the Hplrlluallals of Oregon Is lo
aesalon at New Kra.
A mammoth Ice cavern wllh nine
tmer chambers has Been roiiim 17
miles norili of Fort Rock, near Lake.
Train No. 14 alruck and almost In
tently killed Leroy Cardan at a point
one and one half miles eaat of Oold
Charles W, Thehaud, convicted of
wrecking the United Htntea National
bank of Vale, haa been granted a new
Harry L. Ilown, for four yeara aher-
Iff of l.ane county, waa fatally Injur
ed In an automobile accident near
The Oregon Normal school has com
pleted the flrat of the six weeks of Its
ummer semester with a total enroll
ment of 147.
Dr. M. K. Hall, of La Grande, waa
appointed superintendent of the east
ern Oregon branch Insane asylum by
the slate board.
Falls City has good prospects for
the ealabllahment of a vitrified brick
factory to uee the shale rock found
In abundance In the hills.
The subcommittee on appropria
tions haa Inserted In the sundry civil
bill an appropriation of $100,000 for
Crater l.ake National I'ark. .
The annual convention ef the Ore
gon Htate Pharmaceutical association
met at Oearhart Park, Tuesday, and
continued through the following Fri
Records at the Wallowa county
cotirthouae ahow that bounties have
been paid on 461 coyotes and wild
cats lo the 13 months that ended July
1, 1912.
The Interior department at Wash
ington Is preparing detalla for the
opening by lot of five aectlona of a
townalta In tha Bllets reservation.
The date haa not been announced.
The Harney county rod and gun
club will receive In a few daya from
State Game and Fish Wsrden Flnley
some 60,000 young trout to be placed
In Sllvlea river and Us mountain trib
The six elk. Including ' the baby.
which were an Interesting feature of
the ahowlng of the Aberdeen lodge in
the Elks- parade at Portland, have
been purchased for the city park at
Thomas Hawthorns, of Eugene, for
several years In the reclamation ser
vice at Umatilla and on Klamath pro
jects, haa been appointed state engin
eer on the Paisley project, which la
under the Carey act.
The seventh Annual Cherry fair waa
hold at Salem on Friday and Satur
day. More than 500 exhlhlte were
made and large crowds attended
both days. The cutest feature of the
festival waa the baby parade.
The Oregon atate board of optom
etry at Ita annual meeting at Salem,
elected the following officers for tha
ensuing year: Dr. K. O. Mattern, pres.
Ident; Dr. Herman W. Barr, secre
tary; Dr. C. W. Lowe, advisory mem
ber. With an exceptional tall of rain In
the early summer and a delayed lire
aeason Jackson county timber owners,
co-operating with the government for
est service, are anticipating a record
season aa far aa email loss by forest
Ores Is concerned.
Portland will be represented at the
annual regatta of the North Pacific as
sociation of amateur oarsmen by a
delegation of probably 25, moatly oars
men. The evente will be held on Lake
Shanlgan, a few miles from Victoria,
B, C, July 26 and 27.
Attorney Oeneral Crawford declares
that he Is confident the state will be
able to carry Its point In the caae
against the Deschutes Land company
and J. K. Morson, and that the com
pany will be enjoined from selling as
signments of Interest In Its land on
Ita Carey Act project near La Pine.
The strawberry season haa come to
a close In Hood River for this year.
The total output for the valley waa an
even 73 carloads, 10 csrloads less than
Inst season. The shortage thla year
was caused by cold weather during
the growing aeason, preventing the
berries from attaining their usual else.
The postmaster general gives out
the Information that postala aavlngs
depositors In Oregon applied on July
1 for $5460 of the third Issue of postal
savings bonds. More than $3000 of
the total amount applied for are reg
istered, Indicating that they are being
purchased as permanent Investment.
"The 1913 Orange," the year book
of the Oregon Agricultural college, la
more handsome and substantial in all
Ita departments this year than ever
before. "The Orange" was edited by
the 1913 staff, with R. A. Btanchard
as editor and W. S. Sibray, manager.
The volume Is dedicated to Dr. W. J.
Kerr, president of the college.
A suit to recover damages In the
sum of $20,000 for personal injuries
was died In the circuit court at Astor
ia by W. L. Hurley against the Soren
son Logging company, Hurley was
engineer for the company and the left
sleeve of his "jumper" caught on pro
jecting bolt ends, his left hand, wrist
and arm being broken, crushed and
-V v. I
Photo br AmifWn tras Aaaoclarton.
Ssnstor Lorlmer, of Illinois, who
was unseated by the United States
senate because of allsgsd fraud In his
Two Killed, Score Are Injured, and
Damage to Property targe.
Grand Rapids, Wis. Grand Rapids
was struck by a storm early Saturday
which awept unheralded through the
city, leaving a path of dead and dying
persons and damaged property, and
swept on through the state to Ken
osha, where the death Hat waa added
to, where houses were torn up and
Ores from lightning added to the ter
ror, and then proceeded on to Racine,
where Lake .Michigan waa stirred by
the wind to the extent that a small
tidal wave resulted.
In Grand Rapids 40 or more persons
were Injured, one at least fatally, one
man died of shock, and thousands of
dollars worth of property was dam
aged. At Kenosha, Mrs. E. Prints
waa killed and many people Injured.
Weavere Vote to Strike.
New Bedford. Mass. The New Bed
ford Cotton Manufacturers' Associa
tion accepted the strike challenge of
the weavers' union by voting to refuse
the weavers' demands for the removal
from the mills of notices concerning
the adoption of a grading system In
the cloth mill.
The weavers already have voted to
strike. Twenty thousand operatives
are affected.
DAMAGE $2,000,000
Denver. A wall of water 25 feet
high, carrying death and destruction
with It, swept down Cherry Creek
here Sunday night, ripped open the
concrete walls and in twinkling had
marooned hundreds of persons. Two
psrsons are known to have been
Mayor Arnold, who la directing the
relief work, atated that the property
damage would reach at least $2.000,
Word of the Cherry Creek flood was
conveyed to the city hall by telephone
ahortly before the crest reached Den'
ver and not a moment wa,s lost in
warning those within reach. The fact
that the message was received early
was the means of saving perhaps
hundreds of lives.
Cherry Creek flows along the north
west, south and southwest of Denver.
The creek empties Into the South
Plutte river near the city ball, which
Is located at the oreek's edge In the
northwest part of the city. The wa
ter was alt inches deep In the city
Wheat Track prices: -Club 85c;
bluestem, 89c; red Russian, 85c.
Oats No. 1 White, 135 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $16; ' alfalfa, $12;
clover, $10.
Butter Creamery, 28c.
Eggs Ranch, 86c.
Hops-1911 crop, 27o; contracts
Wool Eastern Oregon, 19c; Wll'
lamette valley, 23c.
Mohair 320.
Wheat Bluestem, 92c; Club, 87c;
red Russian, 87c '
Oats $37 per ton.
Butter Creamery, 28c,
EggB 26o.
Hay Timothy, $17 per ton.
Iv f 1,1 l.orKlf nvM erery
J, VJ. V ealord.r BlsbL
mransrn walanma. O. P, Rcatna, X. (;, C.
It- Hhattork. V, O.I Burt Barnes, .: sod
C. H. Dinwiddle. Tfess,
BLISS Native Herbs, by its
simple composition of
roots, herbs and barks
its wonderful cures of Rheu
matism, Dyspepsia, Catarrh,
Skin Eruptions, Kidney and
Liver Disorders its popularty
in millions of households, dur
ing quarter of a century,
secured for it the highest
award at the International
Exposition in Paris, France,
Make it your household
remedy today. 200 Tab
lets $1.00. Ask the
Bliss Agent. .. ..
Raymond Calavan, Agent
Prineville, Oregon 6-20 3m p
a Vle VJe Subordinate
Order of Owls, meet the recond and
fourth Thursdays in each month at
Belknap hall. All migratory owiicordi
allv welcome. T. E. J. Dufly.Freeident!
Wfllard H. Wirtt, Secretary. l-4tf
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brand of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E.IBROSIUS, Proprietor
Notice for Publication.
Department of thr interior.
I'. 8. Land OAKe at Tbe IMIIm, Oregon.
June iRtb, 112
Kotloe la herrhy given that
Ttioniaa Lonir.
of Po,t, Oregon, who. on July Mb. I17, made
homestead. No. I K aerial. No. 01, for
nel4, aw1 ne!. e nw', section 1U,
townohlp 1 aouth. range l eat, Willamette
Meridian, naa niea nonce oi intention itim
nmke flve-yoar pnr, to eatabllab claim
to the land above described, before Wan en
Hrown.'oounly clerk, at hla office at Prine
ville. Oregon, on tbe tb day of August, 1B1
Claimant names as witnesses: George
Luckey of Prineville, Oregon, Henry Brum
mer, Krauk Post, Joseph Post, of Host. Oregon.
7-t u. w. MOOKn. Keglsier.
Moticc of Final Settlement.
N-nttes is herehv !ven that the undersigned
administrator ol the estate ot C. W. Clark, de
ceased, has tiled his flnal report and the court
has set Montlav, toe aio nay oi aurusi, wu.
at the county court room In the county court
house, lu Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, aa
the tlm and nlat-e for heartna anr and all ob
jections to said final report, and the discharge
ot the administrator from his trust.
Dated thla nu day ol juiy, a. u.
Administrator de bonis non of the estate ot C.
Yf. Clark, deceased.
Notiee for Publication.
Department of tha Interior. U. 8. Land Office
The Dalles. Oregon, June 14th, 19X2.
Notice is hereby given that
Carl John tttindoulst
ot Prineville, Oregon, who on June 8, 1906 and
November l'J. lWf, made homestead No. 16J01
aerial. No, MMl. for seS n", v.1, iw'4, and
8U nwi:. section 32, township IS smith, range
li cast, Willamette Meridian, haa Bled notice
of intention to make five year proof, to estab
lish claim to tlie tana auove uescnoeo, oetore
Warren Brown, County Clerk, at his office at
Prineville, Oregon, on the 30th day of July,
ri.imini names as witnesses.
Numa F. MeOoiu, William Clawson, Otto
Borresou, yeorge j. oruwu, au vi i-nuo me,
Or!"0(?io C. W, Moore, Register.
Notice of Final Settlement
Kotloe Is hereby given that the undersigned
has tiled his final account as administrator of
the estate of Sllaa K. Adams, deceased, with the
Clerk of the County Court of the state of Ore
nn for Crook county, and the said court has
set Monday, the Sth day of August, 1912. at the
hour of to o'clock In the forenoon as the time
for hearing Baid final account and auy ob
jections that may be made thereto, and for
making such order aa may be required in the
lrDatedand published nrst time June20th,1912
vs .1 . n iiama,
Administrator of the estate of Silas K. Adams,
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Offloe
at 1 ne uanes. juiw wi.
Notice la hereby given that
of Prineville, Oregon, who.'on February Wth
UJU, UlHOe uuuieiru, vCT-p-,
section 8. township 17 aouth, range 18 east
n timiueue Menuisu, hiw u u,,,,. .
lenuuu w iiiivt w, ".".. ,."..
tabllsh olalm to tbe land above described, be
fore Timothy E.J. Duffy. U-8. Commissioner
at bis omce, ai rrinevitie, urcgun, uu mo v,u
day of August, am.
inmittiii utui-s ,.11,
Nathaniel W. Morrlsette. George T- Kltch-
tng, Leo Haltinger, or iTiuevme, vieswi
Ralph E. Otttaa, of Bend, Oregon.
7-4p C. W. HOOKS, Register.
High Grade Dairy Cows
On Sale All the Time
if' ' . ...
Dutch Belted Holstiens, Gurnsyes,
Red Durhams, Ayrshires and Big
Jerseys, fresh milkers or close spring
ers, also several Registered and
Graded Jersey, Holstien and Short
Horn Bulls. I also have Yearling
Heifers, one or two year old Steers
for feeders in car lots or less on de
mand. Credit given on feeders. Call
at the old Redmond Ranch, 1 -4 mile
north of Redmond, Ore., at the Rail
road stock yard or write to
Tbe records abow a clear title to your property? The
records failed to show correct title In a sale made this
week by a leading real estate company. RESULT Lons
delay and potwible loss. Better let tbe Pioneer Abstract
Company look after your Interests.
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
Money Back if You Are Not Satisfied.
Made at Home.
Pioneer Cream Co.
Agents DeLaval Separator.
Manufacturer of and dealer In
Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits
and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles.
E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or.
- : - Butter
Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
Doors, Glasses, Etc; Etc., Etc