Of U '-"Kcne Or Crook -County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER $ 1 .50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1912. Entf4 at the pmt'ffir at Prln-UI Oregon, wound-claM Uiltr VOL.XVI-NO.34 Expert Crandall Makes Report of His Findings to the County Court To tii Honorable County Court, Crook couuty, Oregou: tlentlcmenruder that order made Hi, 8. lf12, by your honorable body directing me to examine the financial condition ot ruth am! every olllcer handling public Inn. In, mitl that I re port fully tint rtKiilt of uch luvintl. gallon; that a report ",B ,K'i" ul the respective oltlee I made In ..i.i. .I,-...!..,, l.v law; that a full anil complete report ; I iiiaite on the Kincrgency Uoa. ," "''"' '" - Kuud, a. handled by Hon. II. C. Kill. '' ' P"1' ; ' -..,1-1-.. . i.. ..,.. .in II Hvw; In these later cose the practice with the rUiiergenry Hond r unfit Kmergenry Homl examined am audited, auil a report be iiiaite on eame. I herewith ub. mil my report a follow: , I have audited the account of W. V, Klnir, county treurcr, from Jnu. I, lnoo, tip to and Including I've HI, WW, the eud of hie term, and II ml that all money received by him have been proerly charged, and that tor all money paid out lie hit tiled a proier voucher with the conn, ty clerk. That the nuiount paid to til successor u the correct nmoilut , n hown by the balance on his cash book, 1 have filed a statement ehowliDt the total amount received from each otirce, ami IiowIiik the total dtHhuracmeiiU of each ncroiint. I have nidi I led the account of It. U Jordan, county treimurer, Irom Jan. I, 11)11, to Mar. Ill, 1912, and II ml that all money received by liliu hit been properly chanted, and that lor all money paid out he ha tiled a proer voucher. The . balaiu-e on hand April 1, lUI'i wn 1W,.V!5.(H. 1 find that It ha lieen the culom tor all time pnt to credit the com mon iK-hoot fund with the amount collected for all fine ot the circuit court and of the Jimtlce of the pence. All thewt flue thould not lie credited to the common chool fund. Certain Liquor 9m, iforcnlralu prohibitory territory, Rlvlnx liquor to tuluor,) aault and battery fine, and tinea tor keeplnR lewd houe, ahould lie credited tojthe general fund; while flue tor ale without llcemie, elllnit to minor dlnonlerly conduct In un incorporated town, larceny, eliould tie credited to chool tund. I have tiled a atatemutit of the fine anil amount collected and paid Into the county treasury ilnoe 100U. allowing , which fund they hould be credited to, and from It you will notice there I due from the hcIiooI fund to the g -neral fund or county fund the imi of (1410.41. I have nudlted the account of Frank Klklim, ehcrltf, with the col. lection on the tax roll from Jau. 1, l'.Hm, to Dec. !H,1t'l0,and have filed a tatement of the amount collected and di'poelted ot initH. From the Rtatemeut you will eo that he over- until Into the county trcneurer the Miltiuot (79.W, nil of thU amount ex cepting the sum of .'l.2."i being placed " to the credit of the general fund. Thl lum of $3.25 wn placed to the credit ot hcIiooI dlxtrlct No. 12, mid when refund I made to Mr. Klkln thl amount of $.1.25 hIioiiIiI be paid from the fund beluiiKlng to hcIiooI dletrlct No. 12. You will notice that thi'e error occur by paying Into the county treiMitrer for tux receipt ot W05. I have nudlted the account of T N. Balfour, sheriff, with the col lection on the tax roll from Jan. 1, 111, to March SI, 1912, and find thnt the amount hIiowu upon the tax roll a collected have been properly paid Into the county trenurer, with the exception of $ ,40. I find the distribution of the taxe Iiiih not been very carefully checked by the nherlff before paying the amount luto the county trenmirer anil II ml a grcut many ciihc In the collection from January 1, 11)00 to March 81, 11)12, where the amount ot the npeclal tuxes have been wrongfully credited. Also the Hueclal fuud are entitled to their proportional Interest of 12 per cent per annum of the amount of Interest collected on the delinquent taxes. Thl Interest has not been given to the different funds. I have prepared a statement and filed herewith showing the amounts due the various school districts and cltle, and the districts and cltle that have been overpaid, The amounts run from a few cents to over one huuilred dollars In several cases. It low been the custom for everal adiulnlstrnfliiii, 1 understand, tor the sheriff to Ink the fee for wrvli-e ot pniem III civil cumn III lieu of traveling exis-nse ot the service, working with or through an under standing with the county court. At the reiiieiit ol your body 1 wave pretmred statement allowing the amouiiut ot money collected from whatever aoiirre I couiu mm. ui H Uo allowing the cane where service ha been tor the paier to lw aent to ieclal deputies living nearer than the county neat for service, and keep ing the mileage fee for hi aervlce. The amount of tee collected by Frank Klkln amount to (HW'.'p, and the amount collected by T. N. Ilnlfour amount to -isl .). 1 find the account of the County Hupcrliitrndcut with the Institute fuud correct. The fee tor thl fund I no longer collected .by the urln tendiMit. I have examined the account of the county clerk from Jan. 1, loot) to March :il, 11)12. I have a tntcment showing the amount of fee due. 1 have also a statement of probate fit- due from certain estate. The error occur n follow: When llllng the tltloii for administration, the fee are charged upon the value of theestat a set forth In the petition. The value ot the estate I fixed when the report of the appraiser I Hied. In these cae the appraisement fixe another fee than first paid Would recommend that claim lie filed auiilnst these estate for the balance a shown due. I have filed a statement of the high school fund trotn Jau, 1, lUUt), to March 31, 1012. The total expend! ture during that time were (XI,7N0.21 There w.i paid In sain He (1h,;:V4 US. For real estate and building 9U.4,1 15 Furniture and apparatus 12,502 2 IWpnlr and Improvement (2,061.4fi, Janitor (1,531.75. Fuel (1,112.20 Insurance (U22.80. Light and water I.V11.22. Library $.127.10, Grounds (.'CD.US. Advertisement and premi um fltUHOTi. 1'oMtage and printing :lS'..tl0. SiM'letle and entertnlnineiits Cms.01. Traveling expense (10,20. Other exiM'tise (1.0S7.S3. ( do not find it very complete record of the Item of exiendlture on tile with the record. the bills are approved for pay ment properly, but In a great tunny Instance the statement of the house selling the good, only, Is tiled. To make a proper public record It I very uecesnary that the Invoice giv ing a list ol article and price ! filed. I find a bill for (5.00 hauling pow der to Trail Crossing was passed through the various auditing boards as belonging to the high chuot ac count. 1 huve a statement allowing the expenditure of the general fund from Jan. 1, 11KHI to April 25, 1012, and would suggest thnt the same be published. The cost charged to sheriff ofllco of (1(1,271.1)11 Is. divided Into sheriff's salary, (S,:m.20; chief deputy, (4000 .ir i . f. S'L News Snapshots Of (he Week fr;ci i.lrs KMrx MacVengh. Miss Harriet Qulmby, the foremost woman aviator, fell 1,600 feet with a passenger Into Dorchester bay, near Boston. Both were instantly killed. The airship Akron, in which Melvtn Vanluinn expected to fly across the Atlantic ocean, exploded at a nelgrt of 2,000 feet over Atlantic City, and Vaniman ana nls crew 01 rour were siiiea. Statement of Expenditures of General Fund from Jan. 1, 1909 to April 25, 1912. 1W I'ifll 1GM VU J III,, 10 mi " ' ir.juM .ii a t.f.-(ii 8 i n t vh :n Mi? 14 y, UAa imt!l ""I """ ar;e si.. (.a.ni "" l.tmilM K.I, 40 KilMW " 4li Wi . ", ' 1 . I'M7: 1.UI.7J l.n. 12 7JI I.HU04 7M7 -HIM M Hi 177 US 4.li.41 ,: i 'iiti I,7mi amuiiii t.i Vi4 : M J.H'.ll IJSil J.iUllW M:V ' 141. I muK'i l.:iavi ),ie7.:,7 SU,;.7.U 41W M.l M7UU I ,&'. .7m. Mi KihmI Fund .. I Willi)' luurl t'lP'uii Coiiri .. . Jilalti' I'linrt ttM.M,,.. htirifft ofl'.... rivrkiOITtc Trt'ft.urnr. offtr' .... I'uruiiwri OBIi ,....., -li,N, Ki.t. ortlt ... CullM-tluu 1 tn.MM... Imtm Kflilliiltit ,.,.,... f'urrvnl KtM)iiMw ...,. cuiirl Hoiimi h.i.vft Jail HuaM nl ITtMiurra r.ru ul fmir, K.ui ...... HiMum . rt M, KlMtOuu KKimllM ... , Nitw rutin Hoitwi fuuil.... ii lummy run'i Iiirm HuLutil Com . ' Hrliloa .......-. Cutllltf WmI Mil' 'tk)Xi'W!, tX im (CI peclal dcputlc, frl.OOO 74; traveling exiHne, (K77.DO The cost charged to clerk' office of fl0,:tU5.t2 I dlvliliil Into clerk' alary, (U.OOO.00; chief deputy, (.1,000; ss-lal deputy, (772..VI; miscellaneous expene, (Hit 42. The ciwt charged to treasurer' olllce of H,0:n) 10 I divided Into salary, (2,000,00; extra comensatloa (ICiO.OO; traveling expenses, (.sa.40. The cost charginl to asseor ofllce of (S.715.HH Is divided Into salary, (3,13.21); chief deputy, 1, A40.1K), ieclal deputy, tU,4-,3.ll4; mlswlhilieous, (31H..Vi. There Is charged to surveyor' ofllce :i.m!7.0, of which 12,462.10 went for making "present ownership" books. Water Master was paid 9411150; while the surveyor received (1,074 1W for hi fee on work. Tim expenditure of the road fund. by the iiipervlsor amount to $.,- :UI0 20. as ner statement filed. While there were orders Issued from rond fuud other than amount paldsus-r- vlsors, amounting to I2H.054 25, order amounting to (55.5o0.00 were transferred to emergeucy road fund, and out ot the general fuud there was paid (10,534.50, uiaklug a total of (l.'i2,025.04 expended or road. You will find, on the statement of expenditure by the supervisor eve rnl dlMcrepaucle In their account. There was paid out on common school fuud from Jan. 1, 1000 to March 1, 11)12. the sum of (M4.9W9.7.1. The state taxes paid during the same time amounted to (19.S11.10. Scalp warrant were Issued during thl period for the sum ot U,$S.50. Ottbls amouut the state has re turned the sum of 15,104.50. I have audited the account ot the Hon H. C. Ellis with the emergency road fund from the creation of that fuud from March 1, 1100, up to and Including Dec. ill, 11)11, by examining the reports made to the county court by Mr. Kills, aud comparing the amount charged to htm with the warrants issued, and comparing the paid vouchers with the amount ns taken credit for by him. These report have been filed with the county clerk as follows: May 6, 1009; July 7. lSOO; Jan. 7, 1010; July 7, 11110; Jnu. 7.1011; Jan. 4, 1912, and were approved by the County Com missioners upon those date, and Is so stated In the Commissioners' Journal. There was Issued to Mr. Kills, out of the emergency rond fund, which was transferred from the general rond fund, warrants No. 2tK, 2N7, 300 357, 4:10, 455, amounting to (4500. He also received from Supervisor Olst. No. 12 the sum of (50, being an amount returned on money nil vn tired to meet payroll, making a total of (1550 ftlLLVTNVANinM r '11. 4.WV.UU O.IMJ.UO 'll I "" JtwJ.III lJB 4.JT4.W .l) H..UCI Governor Wilson of New Jersey and Oovernor Marshall of Indiana, the Democratic nominees for president and vice president, received congratulations from thousands of friends and admirers. More than forty persona were killed and sixty were Injured near Corning, N. Y., when an express train traveling at a rate of a mile a minute crashed Into a passenger train filled with ex cursionists. A. Platt Andrew, assistant secretary of the treasury, resigned and made grave charges against Secretary Franklin ( "-"-tt ,rftrrtiji i 112 TiiUl I I jo.vji.m I mai ft I 4.K, a .Vi H . 26 i :l.u I I 2.141 ti l..i m lu.' n ' ;mi mi 4H ' tW ' 1.2Ml 1,2.4J .;i.ui I lie i :.v I wi 7 Jt. iw ! i i ii.wi i:, 3JI'. 41 I.C 31 y i.'i 7,.'i' - 4.'i :r,:,.'it .l."4l 7ft 246 70 J.IWI.VIl 1.7!lU.UU W.i 'l .W - XAi lib 72 71 (. 7b W f. fl !l t4VCI6.DA The sum of the voucher No. 1 to 77, amount Co (4400.1;, leaving a balance In Mr. Kill' band ot (149.04. Them wn alo exhibited to me for examination and to verify the pay ment of these voucher, the pass book of the First National liank of Bend, and of the Central Oregon Bunking k Trust Co.. with the emer geucy road fund, with all cancelled checks; mid such cancelled checks, with the balance as shown by the pas book, verifies the balance of (140 01, uuexpeudfd at that date. 1 have filed herewith for the rec ords a summarized statement of this account, showing tie numbers and amount of each warraut received and the number aud amount of each voucher paid, and endorse the bal ance ot $149.04 as tH-ltig correct a of the dut of Dec. 31, 1911. I have audited the account of It. H. Uayley with the emergenev road fund, from March 1, 1009, to Dec. 31, 11)11. and tlud as follow : That he received from H. C. Ellis, emergency road fund, (1000; donation Mr.Tay lor $50; Joe Howard fl50; Laldlaw Townslte Co. (100, citizen ot city of Itedmond (133, R. H. Bayley (42, other (200.45, from county warrant (JIG.OOO. That he received from board aud commissary fi;llfl.x2, making total receipt amouut to 943,902.27. Owing to the tact that the time roll aud ninny of the vouchers and records have been lost In moving camp, do not have a Tery complete record ot expenditures of this ae count. However, I nave exanilued the vouchers on file and cancelled checks relating thereto, cancelled checks where voucher were missing and stub of check Issued where cancelled checks and Toucher both were missing, and have accounted (or the expenditure as follow s: lioad implements ( 71 00 Poll tax refund 3 08 Luld!a,w bridge 202 40 Craln Prairie road 100 00 General bridge material and work 798 35 Bend-Lald!aw road 2115 50 Machinery and material 4,148 3ti Trail Crossing 7,904 62 Allen bridge 245 14 McKenzie road 787 58 Tetherow bridge... 200 00 Camubell bridge 3,257 03 Brownhlll grade 5 00 Hnycreek grade 44 35 Lower bridge .'. 501 49 Co. roads, not specified 5,307 43 Lnldlaw grade i.k 10 Edwards hill 100 00 Cllne Falls..' S63 03 Mlscclaueous supplies 1,047 30 Mill Creek 201 00 Summit Prairie 445 50 (Continued on page 5) .-r.VV .S-'Vrn; . Sa.v. . emit, N iKA S W, l y W II ,1IJNE! , rwn'ira1 'T?" 't a i Special Premium List Offered at The First Central Oregon Fair List of special premiums of toral Society's Fair, at Prioe ville, October 16, 17. 18, 19, 1912: PK1NEV1I.LE DONOItS. Best bushel potatoes, any J variety, irrigated or dry land, entrance free. Society's special, cash . 925 00 W. F. King Co. special on same, hand garden seed er and cultivator, value 16 00 Prineville Review special. 1 year subscription ..... 1 50 J. E. Stewart & Co. spe cial, spring tooth borse cultivator, val 16 00 Clifton & Cornell, best pen Plymouth Uock chickens, any article in stock val 5 00 Foster ft Uyde, same on pen Orpingtons 5 00 D. P. Adamson, same on pen White Wyaodottes. 5 00 H. Temnleton, same on pen Leghorns 5 00 Crook County Bank, best bushel spring barley. cash 5 00 Same, best sheaf spring barley. 6 inches at base. cash 5 00 First National Bank, West bushel wheat, any var iety, cash 10 00 Prineville Flouring Mills, best bushel Bluestem wheat, any article in stock val 10 00 Prineville real estate deal ers, best display grains in stalk, cash 10 00 D. II. Still, harness and saddlery best Jersey cow, tine pair horse blankets, value 10 00 E. H. Smith, harness and saddlery best 2 year old stallion of any draught breed, fine stallion bridle, band made, value 10 00 Prineville Cigar Factory, best disduv watermel ons, fine box cigars, val 7 50 Pioneer Creamery, best 1 dav test for milch cows. cash 10 00 Prineville Furniture Ex change, best 25 lbs. on ions, tine reed rocker, value 12 00 Collins W. Elkins, best display onions, not less than 10 lbs eaen variety, washing!umchine, value 15 00 A. H. Lappman & Uo , fur niture dealersand man- ufacturers.bestHolstein cow, fine dresser value 20 00 Mrs. I. Michel. "The Leader," best 3 heads cabbage, any article in stock value 2 50 Whiteis, general grocer ies, best case honev.any article in stock value . . 5 00 Prineville Light & Water Co.. best hand made A- ? ii .NDREW l -I 4 ItV 1 llGQAND MRS. MARSHALL mpg' shoe for draught hors es, cash 5 0Q Pioneer Telephone ' Co , best display Crook Co. minerals, cash 5 00 Wiunek Co , best 10 lbs. butter, 1 case Blue Rib bon assorted table fruits, value 5 00 De Laval Djiry Sapply Co , best display dairy products. 1 pair auto matic milk scales, value 4 09 Same, best 10 lbs. butter. 1 4 bottle milk tester, value 4 00 Same, 2d best 10 lbs. but ter, 1 2 bottle milk test er, value 2 00 Simplex Dairy Supply Co., best display dairy products, 12 bottle milk tester, valre 2 09 W. F. King Co. agents Eharples Separator, best " display dairy products. any article in stock val. 5 09 W. F. King Co.. best case honey (24 drawers),any article in stock value . . 10 00 L. Kamstra, jeweler, best display home preserved fruits, genuine cut glass salad bowl, value 8 00 International Stock Food Co.. W. F. King Co. agents, best standard bred mare, 25 lb. pail stock food, value 3 "5 Same, 2d best mare, 2 pkgs stock food, vaiue. 2 09 O.-W. R. & N. Co., best 2- year-old steer, engrav ed silver cup, value ... 100 00 K Market, Prineville, best 3 lambs, cash 5 00 Same, best 3 yearlg steers 5 00 City Market. Prineville, best 8 lambs, cash .... 5 00 Same, best 3 wethers, cash 5 08 S., P. & S. Ry. Co., best bushel wheat and sheaf of same 6 in. at band, cash 50 00 Lafollett Nursery Co .best display from farm or ranch orchard, variety and quality considered, fruits not in season may . .. be shown in canned or preserved form (com mercial orchards barr edin this contest), 1st premium: 10 Staymen Winesap trees, 10 Gano, 10 N. W. Greening, 10 10 Mcintosh Red, 10 Rome Beauty, 5 Red Astracan, 5 Yellow Transparent, 5 Duchess Oldenberg, 3 Transcen dent crab, 2 Hyslop crab, 1 doz. white grape currant, rooted, 1 do, red cherry currant, rooted, 1 doz. red rasp berry, rooted, or in any . stock on hand 20 00 Same, 2d premium, 5 gpitzenberg trees, 5 Pewaukee. 5 Baldwin, 5 Wealthy, 5 Blue Pear main, 2 Red Astracan, 2 Duchess, 2 Yellow Transparent, 2 Hyslop crab, 1 Transcendent crab, doz. Red Dutch currant, rooted, doz. White Dutch currant, rooted, doz. Blackcap raspberry, rooted, 1 doz. garden sage, rooted, or , in any stock on hand. . . 10 00 Same, 3d premium, 2 Bartlett pear trees, 2 " Flemish Beauty, 2 early Richmond cherry, 1 yellow egg plum, 1 Red June, 1 Wolf plum, 1 De Soto. 1 Forest Gar den, 2 Delicious Apple, 2 Wagener Apple, 1 doz. rhubarb, rooted, or in any stock on hand 20 00 REDMOND DONCRS. Ehret Bros., best 20 lbs. alfalfa seed grown in Crook county, fine suit case, value , . . . 10 00 Freeberg Bros., best pen Rhode Island Reds, 1 fine pair Selz Royal Blue shoes, value 5 00 (Continued on page 2)