County Court-July Term tr:at. tra i u l kMaia ar !- tarbrf to al etaia a trt aa.. lh st cirri; r4 th;s er.rt Inr a-tb rna ium ; a4 a it tsr U( tirr-A list . E. iri .! . orJ as.1 brii rf.o Cr-wa M!, tw ! ba fmWtjfi M K'nsmVtt ensrruoa. tta-i iaTrt kit Badmal a t u tl f saw aa4 tLaU upct aXi for sta hrJ ta4 iaiw aad nrrtiff M la limit earrart&a tioc ttr tta.1 ba arJrl pud 1.7 tmA ecKwt, aa4 ( tla nsra awtac 4 aai br,'i tU a?' aaJ t.a asti tta Wi ai la taxi coan, a i3 al emspirM 4?tavJxi iftaant, n?.H, r.Ttaf th aaav of ti itnts across atrfc taxi aria Ux aaa ar Inealioa o( tel brsr ia kmb a ssaatttr ti-t it wj b loud, il. tt.r least. wSUi, Unocal aad na el nth k.a.1 o auuwtal anj tatin coat o M.4 init. -.tfc a brarf (aaral aVaeKpbn a tlt S5yla aad character 0 aaai bride. aa4 af iu w naxliata orroa4iSta, at by tats ! aad arorVSad by t.alai. I Cro".! rlrrr. Xo o tbit day nam ih matfr of tbcoeTrwtka d aw, .air and suitable ateri brMee arrow Crorkl rirrr at Prio rlllr, ao4 it apmtr1nc to tba court that It to ni-Mjry !'f aaJ4 eoooty to rrrrl a !rMe rrmm CrtkM wir at ftM point Vtwa Pria rllie acul 0'3H1 aad It lurtbef ap Iar1r:i to the eonrt that tb prwnt atrortant arroM irrik4 rirrr at PHmtIIU frh rvrtaia nrar tlmtra. braa and rr,l. .X .n'tatle l nPlM"T ""U5 01 taa prrr!t in&en.; twvvr at a aw 4 t r roaarf, tar al a rt t R. i. ttjigmm raaj a U fef;y m;Ujl tk :-Tt ri rt t-sw f-irt A -4 f-ae- i f-.frtu f. tl;-; ttat t--o-i aejl u rtt lra tua w.t ul ::"T'av. k-nt Iswt at ! ta k I'n. '. t'.Z. T" uttrf of t pet-t-un of J- I W.raAa t aX. f-r a ty r i tm mavra) a t- it an I 1 UV.r m l n-n.ff to JVir p rwlm ire f'T'a.'' U i toart t.. ri t-f. tlwrt i,U Ur wf'VfKi (akl t &f Ja.f. o r-irR:rm.'x ta f M eoaft. ti :Dirtka krati cf rcakj. t pt:t3oni jf aaxl (rv!a-r a4 frffuv aott S j af.p"anrf by t-.r attnr-ij. W. H. wtik tbr rWk ( aa:4 ort a laJ! Wati, aorf ta rMatrier bj ta.r aa-l rrxapirtf V -1 atatratmt. . attorn?, M. R. l.tL Oa no.Xj.xi 4a.y rtiV4. (1,( f uw of th' attorty " puijarr it it erif-i ma acr-a abka aaM brt-i b ' aJ.a.'fl tt t r.iut b ton- bailt, t! aaia or bxatkMi t4 Mk! brlil ta ara a BUkf taat It tnay xaMly t hjrat-S, lta aattr tract a. mkitu. aB4Bt a4 c t uf araki3I of material a4 ratlra eut 4 aaJi br!lrf. with a brV-f pwnl 4a rnptra of ta a'jkr aad taarartr A brilifr a4 of lta tmnrdiat armal!aana. a fa aark rar oadr aa4 roTtiir4 by atatat of the atat rjf jngm. Ewtw; of brvijrr. TW eaart ba irj thia day tntrrad tnta a eotitrart for tn firr.ahir.( af tcatrriaJa &.'y fabri- ca&i for ta wntXtan of rrrtata bntjjfr ia Crock, mai it apfvariea: ta tfc mart that it anil b for to brtt ta tmt af th poUic that taad brvigva b rrarted ia a profarr aad vcrkiaashk Kasarr by cxprru wi'Jt modern m rlmwry aad aifr&aarra. aad it ttmrt harirf s&ad fall isqry into the mat of coeb vork, it ia dcmcd atfoaabi by thai ffiart ta forthwith retrr into an airrxramt anir t prerawrrt cf tec KfA. I O. I. with u Cttt Erid for U. erary labor in th mat tr of th rrwrtioo of th 'jrA kridtr at Trail Cr.r.. WijrW tad Prirxrruit, inffiodjng tn takir.f dova and layirsf s;a) th bar.k for oa clMwbrr of the rtnetarc aow laeatrq at lora pi ota.'t:i a-irwart twa ta rrfaur -4-ul fflMsirajut af rv4 frcfltt t city i3: t rrvT; t what it coca lesur.ij '- a ta B H-, pmUft t?tCr,m. mw!t ac! tniiit aa annus t Ta3 to Uiat ror-u-.ii'-fl V. .-itiftr-s, a-J m;wt4 ti".t t cwrt ntwvr ;tr -'r BSTatf:ifc.s a-d trUbrratjua ."- ty ream brfey tarrm ta roo t.ntut aa aiacuat nysai t that riml JT"" ut-!"tw by aal rtxcautUw. prvridati. kowTr, t&at aa4 tursilln a. bfo tftt fr at Crvt4 roonty brnaM ?ctj. tribal ta Ua cwort lha bora bit rback er t-aabi as f th artral twharrttarrt, aayabl ta ' th orVr af uu4 wnnutt.J tcka or sou baroaur taa and parisl aw r brfora Nor. I, 112. aaa MtampUu hat or aenrrwacat rrotir. aor( othor O3od at. til th eit rrrzXar Una of Uua aat and that th ptttter b a-lawd X da; withm wkick to tm any ebjxctietw thy stay kav ta th rr aiarattraiK kvma rfa-md ta r to any of th nrrtstm or aanra cf ptraona foond Uirwa, or ta thrir : tasnc, th aatooat af tifta ta b paid. qua.Vatioca ta auch rvmocaitratori. ! ?octaratir( that ad work aha!t b ant Th prtiuoa of Ca M jTorr rt al far ; a.-kir th diractioa of Suprrnaor T. F. eaoaty road it brrvby rontisoad b Bjfhaeaa, aad prwaida( tkat apoa th cat ef faJ jrr to t'im aiit rriatii paynarstof th araoajnt of tack aob to pour.f aotma. a-nptoa in labor prior to th ir.a t a ntvj Th prtitaoa ef Henry Bmai t L j thereof, (aid check er not bt r turned for court j road ia hereby csntiaoed be- by taad cocaautte to th maker there caate of oVfectii mAicm. j of ; aad ia cat the aabacrtber fa. or Viewers' repurta to the Jamea N. j seflectt to work out cork tubarriptioa Darit et il roa.5. the A. O. WtJier et prior to Soe. 1. 1912. thru taid check or al. road, and the J. G. Edwardt road aot ahall be rocrerted bsto raah by wer read for tzse first tua ia opea 'taid roountttr and txpeoded toward court aad continued octi! Jaij 10. j said DnprvremeriL Prtitioa for th foilowtnf; rovrCy j Now it protected to th court th p roada wer receired and apoo due coo-: tttioa of Frank Irrie et al for a coon teVratwo it wat ofVrrl that aJ papers ty road. It it ordered that th county rr.MUir to aaa be forwarded to the clerk forward ail papers relative to dutrtct attorney. tow:t: Peter Erick- aasd road to th dutnet attomry for bit aon et al nad, O. C. CaHael! t ai optntoa at to their valkiily. road, R. M. Eiirr et al road. E. I- j The county clerk is hereby requested Bates et a! r&ad. Meri L. Archer et ai f to draw a warrant on the feneral fund. road. payable to Ralph U Jonian. treatarer The petitioa for a coanty rood by R. j of the special road fund, for at is road A. Am mora et al was cor.Ur.oed be-1 work, for the sum of t "Jl There caje of defective a-'f.-ias it and oath of , spos court adjoamd ant:l July li saretiea. THTX7T31 rpfl Bp AUTOLOADS .RIFLE M: xi W I aa I elallic Garlridges B enough for the biggest game. Qukk enough for the most dangeroui game. k Drab In. iomK. te-k t!o wh tar ( rapeiity ic .teiie tie at aeed y U. Tba oeJy rrcd-cfertlrd ri Ibal rf cam i.r ta the ckaavtet ueJ aitrr lU lu3rt bat kit & KMtzW. Beak to batxilc lh Keain( amr.uaitioti with freaferet accuracy aad lalrry. QvafCal0(S, P" tKootiet tomtiaiatssi TiV A-i;-a Meullic Certrida Ca.1 , Na Tark let 1 Strawberries! trrsftb mtA size to be retant at a ait to be cbjra betwren PrlneTflle and O'.S'ell, itnd it farther appearing to the coort that It to for the tawt Intemt iA tb poUle that a rt tiu atel trt'I 1 eonetrwried at I'rloerllie frUrr to the rrtournl of 5 point between Pri-ieviH aad O'Neil. ! a.nH tn f M it m tvr4rA K ffk cwart that a cor. tract be entered into forthwith by the cocnty coort of Crock county araj the Coast Ervijfe Co., for ' the iahor bereir.l fore roenticeied. pro- tb 41 one, aad It appearlo to the Tk3m- eoartaaaeirStamia!rit,;jC-f;il fiie f""' itii th coon that lmmJlat u-1!on he tAkeo. an.l i "jrt7 kocd a the perl turn for tie It farther appearing to the court I rour specinea m wen - thataateel atrietore with a rri-l1-' rrs.-.tee,r.g th. faithful per way at leaat 18 feet In width, be rortract and th tpe- mwttrd la a peraaoebt manner ao-1 the eocirt tuirlog btrnuAuT maIe . d;e loqairy Into the matter of the price anil atyle of bridife, abqtraeotii, etc, It to dnrmed advtoabie; for the Cnrt to forthwith enter Into a coo tract under See. L. O. L., to thl extent: Tb t said eonrt forth with contract for the oeceaaary ran terlai for the eomrtrixtlon of a&ld bridge and eft tine said bridge to be forthwith eoDatrtKted, and that tbla court employ a suitable and compe tent superintendent who ahull In spect all material as to fitaew; all Id compliance wltb said Sec. KVh, I,, u. L, aad to this end It to ordered by the eonrt that contract be entered Into by the county eonrt of Crook county, Oregon, and the Coast Bridge Co., an Oregon corporation, for such a bridge, which contract, among other things, shall eall for all material fabricated ready for erection for one blgb tnias, rlrltnl pan bridge, 125 feet long and IS feet clear roadway; also two sets of ezfx-Atitjnm thereto atfacKayl I Petition fa county road by S. D. Viitard et si. Now is presented to the court the petition of S. D. Mustard et a! for a county road, and opos doc eofssideration it is ordered that th eoonty clerk forward all papers relative to taid road to th district attorney for his opinion at to their rabidity. Now it presented to the eonrt the pe titions of M. A. Gulick et al for s coun ty road, and George P. Beck man et al for county, and upon due consideration it is ordered that the county clerk for-, ward all papers relative to said roads to she district attorney for bis opinion as to their validity. Rebates on taxes. It appearing to the court by statements and otner evi dence that the following named persons were wrongfully taxed for the year l&ll upon certain property and that by mistake wrongful taxes were paid as follows: Ezeiciel Shafer J6.53, L. E. Pickett K75, James McGaffiie 41.28, P. W. Singer tr.. It is ordered that th county clerk draw warrants on the steel tubes 25 feet long by three feet i ener! !mA ryment of said claims. to diameter, with all rods and braces for the sum of 41.',f. o. b. Iledmond, Oregon, provided said Coast Bridge C. shall forthwith fumlah a surety bond In the penal sum of $4,515, run ning to the county of Crook, guaran teeing the furnlnlilng and delivery of all said materials according to the contract hereinafter set out and the Whereas, V. B. Earn, former super visor of Powell Butte district, has re signed, it is therefor ordered that C. H. Foster be a.vl he is hereby appoint ed road supervisor of th Powell Butte district for the ensuing part of the year. Whereas, insursnce on the court house and its contents expired on May plans, specifications and strain sheet 1Jli nd whweal' ,a,d noranc thereto attached and made a part waa' uPn 'd "ate, duly renewed in thereof. Audit Is further ordered j the arn"uit and by the companies that another and separate contract herein!,ftr mentioned respectively for be entered Into lor the labor erecting j th P"0"1 of xh""! to-wit: Hart- said bridge, at actual cost to Crook i f"r'J llT"- Ir'"- r-"- W' California Int. county, as more fully appears by ! Cm- Hamburg Bremen Fire Ins. that certain contract this day j Co- Vm' n"m" Co. IIO.WX), Liv entered Into by the parties alor-Haifi, j rrfX"1 4 I-ancashire Fire Ins. Co. $15, provldcl that said Coast Bridge Co. ! That a:l " 'M P"' "ave shall furnlnh a penal bond giJfirn. I aPProv'l " form and legality by the teeing that In no event win the cost ! 'V'i 'iiatrict attorney and the cwrt of the ere;tlon of Hld new structure herel,V approves said r"leies and each and the removal of the old Mtni. t nre I of th,'rn nd directs that the same be laying the same upon the bank ex. ceed the sum of $2,1.71. It Ik further ordered that the written Kp.fl(i. cations, consisting of six typewritten pages, for the materials lined in said filed by the county clerk in a safety de posit box or other place for safe keep ing. Expense of fire warden. It appear ing to the court that F. A. Elliott, bridge, nnd the details for the '-ate forester, has duly appointed Clyde erection thereof, bused upon the ! McKay fire warden for all timber lanr's handbook of the Carnegie Kteel Co., I'" Crok county south of Bend at a together with the blue print of snld : monthly salary of $10", provided that proposed bridge, the strain sheet t!,e 't"ty court allow the actual ex and the surety bond executed bv the; pensest of said fire warden incurred in National Surety Co. In favor of said , the :rformarice of his duties, it in Crood county in the penal Hum of: there ordered that the county court I4,'l."i, guaranteeing the furiiislilng . herehy agrees to allow and pay to said of all materials fabricated, as pro- j Clyde M. McKay his actual expenses as vlded In K'lld cont ract and wit h a ! thown by receipts or vouchers therefor, further surety bond executed by the provided, however, the maximum ex Nutliinal Surety Co. In favor of said ! pense during each month shall not ex- Crook county In the peaal sum ol 2,150 aud.otJicir amount, guarantee ing the erection of said bridge, us more particularly set forth In said contract, which said tpeclflcatlons, blue print, strain sheet and bonds are attached to and made a part of said contrnct, and they are ordered filed with the clerk of this court for public reference and Inspection. And It la further ordered tbat G. E. ceed "(. Now is presented to this court a pe tition asking that'the county build cer tain bridges across the Pilot Butte can al upon said road, and it it ordered that the county clerk forward said petition to I,. H. Root, tupervisor at Laidlaw, with a request that he Investigate the necessity of laid bridge and report the tame to this court at the earliest prac tical date. Petition of R. A. Harvey et al f or a county road. Now is presented to the court the petition of R. A. Harvey et al for a county road. sKxicpamed by a bond of $39 with R. A. Harvey aral S. Nac at sere tie. ard it appearing to the court by iSUnt that at least 12 tig"' of taid petition ar freeholders residing in the road dutrkt or districts in which taid proposed road it lituated. and it farther appearing by th opinion of the district attorney herein that ail papers are regular and in accordance with the ttatate, it is ordered that the board of viewers meet at the beginning of taid proposed road on th 2-th day of August, 1912, view, review and sur rey taid proposed road and report thereon at th next term of this court Plat of Boulevard addition to Bead. Now is presented to the court by The Bend Co., owner in fee of th land platted, the plat and tracing thereof of Boulevard addition to Bend for ap proval by this court and it appearing : that all legal, requirements bav been complied with, said plat and tracing thereof is hereby approved and ordered spread of record. t Plat of First addition to Riverside. : Now ia presented to the court by the Lytic Towns! te Co., owner in fee of the lands platted, the plat and tracing ' thereof of the First addition to River-; side, for approval by this court, and it satisfactorily appearing that ail the legal requirements have been complied with, said plat and tracing thereof ia hereby approved and ordered spread of record. Northwest Townsite Co'i First ad dition to Prineville. Now it presented to the court by the Northwest Town Kite Co., owners of the land platted, the plat awl tracing thereof of th Northwest Townsite Co't Firtt ad dition to Prineville, for approval by this court, and it satisfactorily appear ing to the court that all the legal re quirements of law have been complied with, taid plat and tracing thereof is herehy approved by the court and ordered tpread of record. Now is presented to the court a plat and tracing thereof of a part of the town of Iliiiman, showing a part of 11th, 12th, Kith, 14th, and 15th streets, aid blocks KM, 100, 12G, 127 and all of block 91, except lota 13, 14, 15, 16, to be vacated, and it appearing that all the legal requirements have been com plied with, it is ordered that said plat and tracing thereof be approved and ordered spread of record, and the county clerk is hereby directed to make note of and reference to this plat on the town of Hillman. Now is presented to the court a plat and tracing theJeof of a plat of the town of Redmond, showing the alley in blocks 1 and 21) to be vacated, and .it appearing that said alleys were duly ordered vacated by Ordinance No. 27 j of the city of Redmond; that all legal requirements have been complied with, it is ordered that the plat and tracing thereof be approved and spread of record, and the county clerk is hereby directed to make note of and reference to this plat on the original plat of the town of Redmond. Now is presented to the court the pe tition of Albert Moore et al., for a county road and said matter is hereby continued until July 15, 1912. Improvement of Ochoco road. Now on this day appearad before this court J. F. Blanchard, Leo Lafollctte and George Russell, they being acommittee designated by residents and people using the Ochoco road, and stated in open court the willingness of the public interested in said road to contribute a ot Weather is making the Strawberry Season a ahort one this Redmond Lumber & Produce Co w' Lcave yur orler for for canning at the w;.' CASH GROCERY Geo. Whiteis, Prop Wh-jlrtale aad mail bar, frsi sol t-e-1. L)fn SB t cement. t;. T. U. Maodt Wama aoJ Moil (arm machinery. &--tf Millinery Clearance Sale ! A nice assortment of J Pat tern fiats will be sold at ACTUAL COST. Entire stock of summer millinery to be closed out by July ! st. Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlor. Priserille Hoti of CxntenU IrftrartniTil of ih Interior. I b Il. Orv-icn Jon 1SMJ. To Victor fen y tier, of Frineri.le, Orrfun, You mrm brhy notifit that Kobc-rt RoMfinort, who Kufjrti, Oriron, mi Hit in thi offic his Uuif ?orflor-, ih1 TipiictKn tt -ontit n wtiff the t canceF.iation of your bomUati Entry No ' ?ml Xo. 07' mm4! June 27. 1910. ; for m Dw'i return 7, township IH, ., riijr t WiiUniHt Mcnaiafi. and aa grounds for hi content )m aJirjfen that ail Victor hnydfr ha wnoliy arwritloiMfl aat'i trar t of land for Over nnc 1 year and afi riion'tn lavt pant; that b ha whoilv faiiti to reaiile upon, improve or cultivau- the aaid trart ol land for over one ywir and ait month a next prHM-Mlihg I the date of thi eontet ai re(air hj law ' or at all niitce rnakinir Maid entry, Yod are. therefore, further notihVJ that j the aid alUicationi wilt h taken hjr thi ! otlire aa havinr leen confeowd by you, j ani your wttd entry lull lie rarireied there under withut your fun her njrht V he heaid therein, either heforij thi otB e or ! on a;. peal, if you fail to tile in thi ortl e within twenty day a after the Fi; K'l JI : puMi'.-ution ol thia not ire. ai fthown twlow j your answer, under oath, specifically meet- ' infr and respond. nir to ttlleatioiiM of , rriitett. or if you fail within that time to hie in thi om:e due proof that you hae , served a t'fy of your anawer on the naid contr-tant either In peronor hy refi tered i mail, if thuaervu-e ia made ay the d-; livery of a copy of y our answer to the con i teMta'nt in person, prcnif of iii(:b wrvue must fie either the raid conteMtant'a n rit- tti ai-kuowledfroient ofhia receipt of the ; Mipy. ehowiiifr the date of ita receipt, or the afti'lavit of the pHnwjn hy whom the i delivery waa maJe Nttttiiitf when and where ' the copy waH delivered; if made by j rejfiftereil mail, proof ol inch aervice mut ' onaiiit of the affidavit of the ponton by! whom the cop was mailed utatnij' w hen and the potoi!ice to which it waa maited, a:id thia affidavit iiiut aconipanied hy j the pontuiatcr'a receipt for the letter.! i ou ahould at ate ni your answer the : name of the poaUdtice to which you deaire : future notices to be sent to you. j C. W. MOOliK. I 7.4 Keiater. ! Ihtif of firt nubHcatiou July 1912. j ' aecona ' Jtiiyll. :- third " July IH. 1012. MICHELIN Quick Detachable Clincher Iff FULL NjA , ' Ifl ROUND SHATE A V y'- . 1 II STRONG W" ' V RSIUNT Y'l-'' J DURABLE J'fcpV Easily Fits Any Quick Detachable Rim No Tools Required IN STOCK BY Prineville Machine Shop I W yANTED-A RIDER AGE T aii aB mm mi nitavinrf. s.,u.jL.,.i, II I IiV r - i ,tm iM .i mi El . mwm a1 ar ...... ptif,. imI inn t,.i uii i.h. .i-r.-i .i,i V, ,:"u,Z"',, "r orilo n Wi to ki. I riAVAKU - v I ru.'lW1 (I fatal till, S mm iaaaiu. ...I SMWIVHI rillS,',";i,,1rn'''h "hlliet r..M l.Tel.-a It It final f.tnrerrt v, ... . V" l on" alwve .icy-i, . oo Boi ir.-; '!" i"i'cnir.-r,ir..rtiii UhlnJ j.,r ""unlll i,Ja r.Z;.)..:. ' ... V M'r of m tnm a.a. Ill :t TOU WILL BE ASTONISHED v falntmrlMntlfnl (alftt. ". fir, w. 7. "" ""lriurn.H,miK.i.ill. .,. r- 'Zi ?, lA1-t.,a M;"7lJ"'-,l'Millitl.i,,f,.n Metst Ma-S.VTJ-.".- - . ai.sia..arn. W Jf n a 25 Hedgcthorn Puncturc-Prco $ f ifi it u a a i rtfssKHarcv aia.u . . . r- ri rinwu npn(7Btr.m Una.i.... n r t mm a n A DESCRlPTinti, m mi J,,-. ' i. n,iin j .... ?. tnrt t.v S , . ' ""V ''"' "I'll f'jurtli July !ir, V.iVl. j IMiii.iiirn iu,otit allow lnV . . . lt.iti, thai, u,.-ir ilr-Vhivoni , ?. . '' '' r1"s"'-ni sn onlinsrv i,li 1 1.?." 1:'"' "'' "" '" I hn C AU! I : , 'i t ice for rublkation. Ji:lrlmet of the Interior. V . h, JauA oftice at Tim hallea Oregon, June l'nii, 1'jU. 'otlte i here.hy Kfvn that i:tiarle A. Hu;v nin, of ffld, OreKon, who on Jnm 'Mb, tUffi, and Maya, 'U, inade horneHtead, No IVtfi and aortal Noi (MH1-(hj, for ae'4 nwiw e. nt,i4, 'Aft, aw and e1, ae'i, aeetlon 2H, towriKliin yj mmiii, ranj l eant, WlHaiiKitte Meridian, hn tiled notice of In tention U make five year proof, to eatahlinh claim to the land alov dewrrihed, l-((re Warren Brown, :unty Clerk, at hi office, at frlfieviUe, orejron, on the 23rd day of July, u r;faliant nauic an witneuteii: Char) en par riHh. of field, Oregon, ffarry ffarne, Finbtr c. hiutu, Oil laoaau. of Jiarnen, rirciton. el'Jp C. W. Muuat, Reg liter. fnakiiiir day l u. r I. naxlvMi. Hlllll-M iH-hll y ln'inrni Ins imnnwWwn um ii'.wy uri -o u Urn rl.l.-r mil. ti Wotliloc. o 11 . ... . ZZ:.r irmt r. Holies lha (hick rubh.rlr.nij A" nd punoturstlrlpt"B" tnd "D" alto rim tlrlp "H" rim oultlni. Thlt lira will ouila.t toy eth.r JI.I1..-80PT, CLASTIC nd Biar ifioino. All nrdi'nialilpprd mm sirHHS ms: H-"" -r1" W. k.,tl,.l,., "mH Tl. JW """r'"1 '" IIiht l".. m, 1 JLT.-'.?"- '"" nui r"1 f" Vnif tJcen rinA''"J""'"''M" .1 itlr ,uu WIU " 7"irrj.r. W f .V "'l n r k m ! ... j ... pM,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,.,,,, SUVINO . hlryrl. or pair .1 J., . p,, , .; y ..... ..j j ."to?.,ri,,'B,l L- HED CYCLE COMPAHY, CHICAGO, ILL-