Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 11, 1912, Image 1

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    V of O
Kucne Or
Crook County Joiiroa
Entr4 t th poatnflli ml Prl ,!,
County Court July Term.
Three New Sled Bridget Ordered One for Wigle, One for
Trail Crossing end One for Prineville Other Inv
portent Business Transected Court Ad
journed Until July 15th.
Count; court met Wednesday July ifwt and lay, imiluliiln and nw any
8, 11)12. Present li. C. Kill. Judge, nnil nil post, wires, conduit and
prvslitliiir; CMiimtwlinrTa Jhiii KIc. other aipl1ititi-i-a for telephone pur
It. II, Hnlley; Sheriff Itulloitr and pones an provided lis Si-c, u:'4S I.. ().
county clerk Brown. ; I.. In, upon, over and under those
Wrongful aement! it appear- certain county road decrtled iw
Ing to the court by certain atlldnvll follows: commencing at the town the following persons bad Im Itedmond, east along the V. T.
wrongfully nseed for the year 11)11. Kedmond riad IS miles; branching
for tint atitiiN a stated hereafter, and . '" '' T. Redmond road
il,.iil,..hrll( ii it,.. nnivlnliHu about H mile ent of tllO town of
nt the statute, hiu remitted theaiime
from the total amount of their taxes !
It I ordered that the couuty clerk
credit the her Iff on the lull tax roll
with said mi ma aa follow : W. ('.
II, in re til T'j- Mr. Alnilrii I'lirstierir. .
t lim U . II lt..llMiii 111 All' Ileiikln
& Kord. I'IH.07; 1., W. Zumwalt $21,
O. II. Helkmii I0, A. M. I .lira ft Co.
id hate on tuxclt appearing to
the court from the Hworn statement
of l. 1.. Porter, corroborated by the
records of Crook con my, that nld
I'orter tin paid taxes tor the year
lull to tlu amount of H12 upon $325
worth of H-nionnl property wlilcli
lie never owned, It l therefore or.
dered that the county clerk draw a
warrant for mild sum, the same be
ing the amount overpaid.
Cancelling warrant. It npienrlng
to till court that one Al Culiltt,
heretofore tiled bin claim for ISIM
against Crook county, which mild
claim waa duly allowed Mnreh R,IU12
and warrant No. 31W drawn therefor,
and It further apearing that Road
Supervisor Nn me Included suld claim
In his supervisor's report, which wn
accepted and allowed at the March
term of court. It la therefore ordered
that the county clerk mark mild
warrant No. .1113 "cancelled by or
der of the court," and that a similar
notation lie innde on the stub of the
but mentioned warrant.
Now lspremuted to the court the
petition of Jthe Hampton Valley Im
provement Association for franchise
on county ronda, etc., for telephone
purpoaea, It Im ordered that aald
aaaix'latlon have the right and privi
lege to erect or lay, maintain and line
In the unincorporated towna of
Hampton Hut ten and Imperial and
on countyjrondsjnnd thoroughfares
described : Beginning at a point on
the couuty road, known an Kord
road, Intersecting the aouth lino of
sec. 3Ti, tp 22 aouth. range "1 ent,
following aald road to Bend, Oregon,
and any other highway connecting
with aald road In Crook county, and
In upon, over or under all thetreets,
alley, avenues and thoroughfares
thereof, any and nil pole, wire mid
other appliance for telephone pur
pone, aa provided In nee 024.1 L. O.L.
provided, however, that thla frnn
chlHe hIiiiII not be contrued na ex
climlve or Interfering In any manner
with nny prior veated right ac
quired by any peron or persona for
the use of nny street, alleys or
thoroughfare for telephone, pur
poses. Suchfwlrcsmny be atruug ou
pole orjother fixture above grouud
or laid under ground In plpca, con
duits or otherwise safely protected,
and said wires to lie HUHpended ac
cording to state or county laws and
regulation for tclepliono purpose:
provided, further, that the Hampton
Valley Improvement Association
shall erect and maintain said ap
paratus so us to prevent n far as
possible any nrcloent or damnge to
travelers and all others using Bald
thoroughfares. The rights, privi
leges and franchises grunted shall
continue to be In force and effect for
a period of 25 years. Said line or
lines where they cross the county
t mils shall be at least 20 feet In t he
dear above said road. The con
struction ond operation of said sys
tem to be subject to and under the
direction of the local road supervisor
and the county court. Provided
also that said association shall pro
tect and save harmless Crook county
from all actions and damages aris
ing from the granting of this fran
chise. Now Is presented to the court the
petition of the Deschutes Mutual
Telephone Company for permission
to use certain county roads for tele
phone purposes. It Is ordered that
tbe said Deschutes Mutual Telephone
Co, have the right and privilege to
out h ou the II.
I'. Wilson road two and half miles,
thence on the U. H. Foster road IS
mile eaat; thence south one mile
on the I). A. aU road; also north
from tlinC H. Foster road one mile
Oil the J
F. Klce road; also from the
Junction of the 11. P. WIIon road
and the C. II. Kour road, west
about a mile; thence south 3', miles
on the C. II. Foster road; also west
from the C. II. Koter road on
theU. V. Horner road half a mile,
and ent from the C. H. Foster road
on the Allen Wlllcoxou road one mile
and north from the Allen
Wlllroxon road on an un
recorded rond to the J. A. ltlggs rer'
deuce one mile; also south of Red
moiiil on tbe llend-Kcdmond road
about Heo. Ill and 30 In tp l.'i, range
13, one mile, and from said Bend
Itedmond road near the north side
of sectloii l'., 2 tulles on an unre
corded road In a westerly direction
to the Kirk W hi led road; also from
said lteniMtedmond road west near
the south side of Sec. 30-15-13 on an
unrecorded road V4 miles to the
Kirk W lilted road; also west from
Itedmond commencing on the Hue
between sections 9 and 111, tp 15,
range 13, thence west to the Des
chutes river and thence south about
2 miles on unrecorded roads; also
south from the Redmoud-DeachtlUi
river road on the Kirk Wlilted road
2.S miles; also north from Redmond
on the Kiirle lieu ton road IV miles
and oil the I). C. Hall rond 4 miles;
also from the D C. Hall road In an
easterly direction on the W, V. St
C. M. Wagon road one tulle, and In a
northeasterly direction from the
Karl Ben ton road 1H miles on tl e
II. M. Smith road. Said poles are to
be firmly plauted so as not to Inter
fere with the use of said county
roads; and also the pole and ap
pliance mtiMt lie so erected and
maintained a not to Interfere with
nny electric or telephone wires now
or hereafter erected upon said county
rond, and further that all places
where said Hue or lines cross the
county road they shall be at leiu-t
20 feet In the clear above said road;
also provided said line or Hues are
constructed, maintained und operat
ed us not lu any way or manner to
Interfere with the rights of the public
upon said road. The construction
and operation of said system to be
subject to and under the direction of
the local road supervlor and the
county court. Provided, further,
that said l)cchutc Mutual Tele
phone Co. shall protect and save
harmless Crook county from all
News Snapshots
Of (he Week
followers fought hard for the presidential nomination. The names of Governor
beiore tho convention, as .ae expected. The balloting for candidates broke all
being held.
action or damages arising from tbe
granting of this fnitichlite.
Ditch riders ex-offlclo health offi
cers. And now Is presented to the
court by the Central Oregon Irri
gation Co., In accordance with tbe
order heretofore entered, the names
ol 14 dlteb riders for said company,
ami the county clerk Is hereby re
quested to forthwith forward said
communication to Dr. C. H. White,
statu health officer, for such action
or suggestions In the premises as he
may see fit.
And now Is presented to the court
the oath of olllce and bonds of the
following road supervisors : W. J.
Schmidt, district No. 14, (500; Paul
Held, dlatrlct 1H, $500; Otho Ilaker,
district 84, $500; which aald bonds are
hereby approved and ordered tiled.
Supply warehouse at Madras and
Bend. Whereas It has been found
necessary and economical for the
county to construct for lt own ne,
upon railway prosTty,a warehouse
for tbe storage of tools and other
count supplies, and whereas, the
Oregon Trunk Hallway has offered
to lease to Crook couuty certain
property adjacent to Its sldetrarks
for an annual rental of 5 In ad
vance. It Is therefore ordered that
this court execute a lease In dupli
cate for a lot In Madras and one lu
Itend, according to blue print maps
attached to lease, and when returned
duly executed by said Oregon Trunk
Hallway Company, be (lied with the
couuty clerk for record.
Steel hr'dgc over the Deschutes
and Crooked Kivers near Culver:
And now Is prewented to the courts
complete detailed statement, duly
verified, by U. E. Woodward, super
intendent, giving the name of the
stream across which each of said
bridges Is built, Its entire length,
width, amount and cost of each kind
of material, entire cost of each of
said bridges with a brief general de
scription of the structure and char
acter of each of said bridges, ' which
said statement Is on file In tbe clerk's
otllce of Crook county and la open to
public lnsiectlon, and each member
of the couuty court has heretofore
make a. personal and careful In
spection of each of said bridge and
finds that the same are constructed
and erected strictly according to the
contract, plans and specifications
heretofore approved by this court,
and alter a full consideration of said
matter the court hereby approved
the report of said superintendent and
accepted bot h of said bridges ou be
half of Crook county, provided, how-
evi'r tlmt ""thing lu said report or
the order of this court shall be so
count rued ns to In any manner te
lease or discharge the material, man
or contractor of or from any of the
conditions or liabilities contained In
or covered by the surety bond here
tofore given Crook couuty In the
matter of either of said bridges or
the erection thereof.
Report on county bridges: And
now Is presented to tbe court the
report of O. K. Woodward upon
certain bridges within this county,
the dangerous condition of which
lias been called to the attention of
this court, to-wlt: 1'ost bridge,
Wigle bridge, also known as May
Held bridge over Crooked river, and
Trail Crossing bridge, and from
which report It appears that said
Post bridge Is In a safe condition;
that the Wigle bridge "Is In very
bud shape," some of the timbers be
ing eaten by dry rot, that It would
cost about f .'00 to repair this bridge
i. IchampW IT
Jalton B i
Ollie James of Kentucky was selected as peranuieut chairman of the Democratic national committee and took his place at the
Baltimore convention, succeeding Alton B. Parker of New York, who was temporary chairman. William J. Bryan, who was
defeated in the election for temporary chairman, attacked the'"interests" in a long speech on the floor of tho convention. Wood
row Wilson ot New Jersey and Champ Clark of Missouri were cheered enthusiastically by the delegates and galleries, and their
which would extend Its time of ser-' Is preaeoted the matter of the con
vice for a period of no over two at ruction of a new and ubtantlal
years. That the Trail Crowing : bridge sen Crooked river at the
bridge hns a sag of about eight place commonly known as Trull
Inches In tbe center, and that Its ' Crossing, aud It appearing to the
weakest point lain the floor Joist ; tbe court that the preaeut structure
that the estimated cost of repairs has been In use many year; that
upon thla bridge Is 1500, which would ' the timber therein are defective aud
extend Its time of service for a period ;
o not over two years. Kald report
further shows that the condition of
said last two mentioned bridge
scarcely warrants the expeiiM of
their repair and from tbe point of
economy, recommend the replacing
of these bridges with more perina-
neut structures. And each member
of the court having personally and
carefully examined each of said ,
bridges about once every three or ! public that said bridge be constructed
four months during the past three u a nrt-claa manner in order that
years, initially accompanied by an uch Improvement be of a perina
experienced brldgeman, finds that pent nuture, aud the court having
said above mentioned report is true 1 made full and due Inquiry Into the
In substance, and therefore approves 1 matter of prices and styles of bridge,
the same and orders It filed with the 'abutments, etc., It Is therefore
clerk of Crook county for
public In-
Petition for county road by C. D.
Preston et al. Now Is presented to
the court the petition of C, D. Pres
ton et al. for a county road, and tbe
same Is continued because of defect
ive notice.
Kilo White et al. petition for
county road. Now Is presented to
the court the petition of Silas While
et ul. for a couuty road and the
same Is continued becnuse of de
fectlve notice of posting.
V. Schreder et al. petition for
county road. Now Is presented to
the couuty court the petltlou of V.
Schreder et al. for a county road and
the snuie is continued until the next
meeting of this court because of de
fective affidavit.
Report of clerk on scalp bounty.
Now Is presented to the court the re
port of the county clerk showing the
payment of bounty on 236 coyote
sculps and ou 22 bobcats' front feet,
amounting lu all to 3t8; said scalps
and front feet were then reduced to
ashes In accordance with the code.
Petition of Elmer W. Pershall et al
for county road. Now Is presented
the petition of Elmer W. Pershall et
al. for a county road, accompanied
by a bond of 200 with Elmer W.
Persball-and G. F. Persons as sure
ties and It also appearing to the
court by affidavit that at least 12
signers of said petition are free
holders residing hi the road districts
In which said proposed road Is situ
ated, and It also appearing from the
opinion of the district attorney that
all papers, etc., relative to said road
are regular and in accordance with
the statute, It Is ordered that the
board of road viewers meet at the
beglnulng of snld proposed road on
the 30th day of August, 1012, view,
review and Burvey Bald proposed
road and report thereon at the next
term of this court.
Petition for county rond by W. F.
Mason et al. Now Is presented to
the court the petition of W. F.
Mason et al. for county road, ac
companied by a bond of $100 with
A. A. McCord and Henry H. Clow as
sureties, and It appearing by the
opinion of the district attorney that
all the requirements of the law have
been complied with, it Is ordered
that the board of road viewers meet
at the beginning of said proposed
road on the 2Hth day of August, 1912,
vie wt review and survey said pro
posed road aud report thereon at
the next term of this court.
New bridge at Trail Crossing. Now
-r7t f
i roxuEii
Burke of North Dakota and Governor Koss of Massachusetts wer not placed
records of Democratic national conventions, two exciting all night sessions
rendered unsafe by dry rot; that, as
'appears by the written report of o.
, K. Woodward, a bridge expert, said
bridge Is uimafe and that It would
' not be economical to attempt the
repair thereof, and It further appear-
lug to the court that the necesalty
for Immediate action upon said
bridge Is an emergency matter, and
it further apiiearlng to tbe court
that It Is for the best Interests of the
deemed advlable by the court to
forthwith enter Into a contract un
der tbe provisions of Sec. j3(iS, L. O.
L. to that extent, I. e., that said
court forthwith contract for the
necessury material for the con
struction of said bridge and cause
said bridge to lie forthwith con
structed; and that this court employ
a suitable and competent superin
tendent who shall Inspect all ma
terial as to Its fitness; all In compli
ance with said Sec. WA,, L. O. L ,
and to this end It Is ordered by the
court that a contract be entered Into
by the county court of Crook county,
Oregon, and the Coast Bridge Com
pany, an Oregon corporation, for
such bridge, which contract, among
other things, shall call for all ma
terial fubrlcoted ready for erection
for one low truss bridge, 100 feet
long and 16 feet In width; also 14
I-beams 7 Inches by 20 feet long, to
be used as approaches to said span,
also two sets of steel tulles 30 feet In
length by three feet In diameter with
all necessary rods and braces, for
the sum of .t,&45 f. o. b. Terrebonne,
Oregon, provided said Coast Bridge
Co. shall forthwith furnish a surety
bond In tbe penal sum of t3,S45, run
ning to the county of Crook, guaran
teeing the furnishing and delivery of
all ef said materials according to the
contract hereinafter set out and tbe
plans, specifications and strain sheet
thereto attached and made a part
And It Is further ordered that an
other and seperate contract be
entered Into for the labor erecting
said bridge, at actual cost to Crook
county, as more fully appears by
that certain contract this day
entered Into by the parties aforesaid,
provided, that said Coast Bridge Co.
shall furnish a penal bond gunran
teeing that In no event will the cost
of the erection of said new structure
and the removal of the old structure,
laying the same upon the bank, ex
ceed the sum of ti;l"0, which contract
for said materials, this day entered
Into , It Is further ordered that the
written specifications, consisting of
six typewritten pages, for the ma
terials used In snid bridges and the
details for the erection thereof, based
upon the handbook of the CaJnegle
Steel Company, together with the
blue print of said proposed bridges,
the strain sheet and the surety bond
executed by the National Surety Co.
In favor of snid Crook county, lu the
penal sum of $3,845 guaranteeing the
said above contract; and with a
further surety bond executed by the
ill. ' N
".. S
National Surety Co. In favor of alj
Crook county In the penal sum of
$1300, and other amounts guarantee
ing the erection of said bridge aa
more particularly set forth in the
contract, which said speclfk-ationa,
blue print, strain sheet and bonds
are attached to and made a part it
said contract and they are ordered
filed with tbe county clerk of this
county for public reference and far
apeetlon, and It Is further ordered
that O.K. Woodward, a civil aal
bridge engineer of said Crook county
state of Oregon, be and he la hereby
employed as superintendent of coa
st ruction for said bridge; that said
superintendent shall Inspect all ma
terial, as to Its fitness, and shall In
spect all bills for material and labor
and certify to their correctness be
fore they shall be ordered paid by
said court and upon the completion.
of said bridge shall prepare aud file
with the clerk of said court, a full
and complete detailed statement
duly verified, giving the name of the
stream across which said bridge Is
built, the name of location of said
bridge In such a manner that it mar
eastlr tie found; Its entire length.
width, amount and cost of each kin!
of material and entire cost cf said
bridge, with a brief general de
scription of tbe style and character
of said bridge and of its Immediate
surroundings, as In such cases made
and provided by statute of the st.ite
of Oregon.
New Wigle bridge. Now on this day
comes the matter of the comtrnction of
s new and substantial bridge across
Crooked river at the place commonly
known Wigle, and it appearing te
the court that the present structure has
been ia use many years; that the tim
bers therein are defective snd renders!
unsafe by dry rot ; that, as sppears by
the written report of G. E. Woodward,
a bridge expert, said bridge is nneafs
and that it would not be economy to at
tempt the repair thereof, and it further
appearing to tbe court that the necessi
ty for immediate action opon sail
bridge is an emergency matter, and it
further appearing to the court that it is
for the best interest of the public tint
ssid bridge be constructed in a first
class manner in order that inch im
provement be of a permanent nature:
and the court having heretofore mad
full snd due inquiry into the matter ot
prices and styles of bridges, abutments,
etc., it is deemed advifable by the court
to forthwith enter into a contract, un
der the provisions of sec 6368 L. 0. L.,
to this extent, that ssid court forthwith
contract for the necessary material for
tbe construction of said bridge snd
cause said bridge to be forthwith con
structed; snd that this court employ a
suitable and competent superintendent
who shall inspect all material as to its
fitness. All in compliance with said sto
6368, L. 0. L., and to this end it is or
dered by the court that a contract be
entered into by the county court of
Crook county and the Coast Bridge Co,
an Oregon incorporation, for the bridge,
which contract, among other thing,
shall call for all material fabricated
ready for erection for one high truss
bridge. 125 feet long and 16 feet is
width ; also two sets of steel tubes 25
feet in length by three feet in diameter,
with all necessary rods and braces, for
the sum of $4415 f. o. b. Redmond, pro
vided said Coast Bridge Co. f h ill fortb
with furnish a surety bond in the penal
sum of $4415, running to the county of
Crook, guaranteeing the furnishing and
delivery o all of said materials accord
ing to contract and the plans, specifica
tions and strain sheet thereto attaclied
and made a part thereof. And it is foi--ther
ordered that another and separate
contract be entered into for the labor ot
erecting said bridge, at actual cost to
Crook county, as more fully appears by
that certain contract this day entered
into by the parties aforesaid ; provided
that said Coast Bridge Co. shall furnish
a penal bond guaranteeing that in ne
event will the cost of the erection of
said new structure and the removal ol
the sld structure, laying the same upon
the bank, exceed the sum of $1600. It
is further ordered that the written spe
cifications, consisting of six typewrittea
pages, for the materials used ia said
bridge and the details for tho erectioe
thereof based upon tbe handbook of the
Carnegie Steel Co-, together with blue
print of said proposed bridge, the strain
sheet and the surety bond executed by
the National Surety Co. in favor OS
Crook county in the penal sum of $415,
guaranteeing tbe furnishing of all ma
terials fabricated . as provided in said
contract and with a further surety bond
executed by the National Surety Co. ia
favor of said Crook county in the penal
sum of $ 1600 and other amount, guaran
teeing the erection of said bridge, s
more particularly set forth in said con-
(Continued on page 6.)
IV I I IM.. 1