Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 04, 1912, Image 7

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    We are Now Ready to Show Yon
The most complete and up-to-date Line of Furniture in Prineville. A visit to our store will educate you in the latest
styles. Buy now and save at least 20 per cent. See what cash will buy.
iff If
$4.25 value, now $3.00
Compare our
prices with that
of Portland or'
any other rail
road town.
Moat Unique Ironing Board on
the Market.
Solid Oak wax finUh only $ 1 6.75
Complete line of Made-in-Oregon,
and Charter Oak
Stoves and Ranges at the
very closest price
Solid Oak, elegant, only $ 1 7
- " X
Strong, Durable. Only $2.25
Vernia Martin Latest Style
Only $11.50
Carmant Mattrett De Luxe $15.
AUo other Values at $3, up.
Don't Forget Our Second-Hand Department
Carpets and Linoleums
Get our prices. Over $150 worth of carpet
Prepare for the hot weather. See our Refrige
rators and Fireless Cookers. Lots of comfort for
little cost.
We are ready to do business. Are you ready
to save money? You can't do as well at Sears,
Roebuck's after you pay the freight, besides
our goods are better.
Prineville Furniture
Chas. F. Condart, Prop. Prineville, Ore
Land Board-Will
Protect Settlers
iSulom, Or. lt will be neces
sary for J. E. Morson. president
of tho Deschutes Land Com puny,
with whom tho desert lund board
has been having much trouble in
arranging datails for the protec
tion of settles in connection with
ths company's Carey Act proj
cct, to come to time and make
satisfactory agreements with the
desert land board before tbecom
Iany will be given an easement
for Crescent lake reservoir, a
necessary part of the project.
This point Is made definite and
mphatic by a letter received by
the secretary of tha lund board
from Fred Dennett, commissioner
of the general land oflice. Mr.
Donnctt states that right of way
for the reservoir site will not be
granted until investigation of the
operations, begun as a result of
Information furnished by the
governor, is completed lie inti
mates that the genera! land office
ex pouts the company to enter
into a new and more binding con
tract with the desert land board.
"If the application is approved
the company can stand on its le
gal rights and the desert land
board will have no meuns of con
trolling the company, except as
assured under the contract,"
says Mr. Dennett. "It appears
that the state board has bad con
siderable difficulty not only with
this company, but also with oth
er companies relative to their
various contracts. Accordingly
the company's application will
remain suspended, pending the
completion of" the investigation
and the adjustment of all difficul
ties between the board and the
Land Scrip for Sale.
Can bo used to locate any government
iiunl subject to lioniest:i(l entry. Se
cures prtent promptly without eetlle
ment or improvement. Fully guaran
teed. For price eildress L. VV. Hub
bell & Son, Suriuglleld, Missouri. . 6 21
How Fanners Can
Destroy Pests
The purpose of this article is
is to supply the popular demand
for information relative to tho
most effective means of controll
ing certain crop pests iu this dis
trict. IvAiuiiTS seem especially troub
lesome in young alfalfa and it is
possible to protect small plats in
the less settled communities by
chicken fencing. Poisoning is a
very effective way to combat
these rascals, placing the poison
in rabbit runs and at field cor
ners on shingles. A teaspoonful
of salt is placed on a shingle and
powdered strychnine sprinkled
over it using a quantity equal to
half the size of a pea, slightly
moistening and then sprinkling a
trifle more salt over this.
Sage rats have given consid
erable trouble and where not too
numerous these like the rats may
be shot. Early in the season
they will eat grain poisoned with
strychnine. The most effective
treatment that we have found at
this time of year Is carbon bisulf
ide. Pour about a teaspoon ol
this poisonous liquid on some ab
sorbent, a? a piece of dry horse
dung, roll down the burrow and
plug up the holes. The liquid
evaporates rapidly and the gas
being heavier than air settles
downward, suffocating all animal
life confined.
, Caution This gas will explode
and all flames or pipes must be
kept away.
Red ants are very destructive
and have been seen to destroy as
much as one acre in twenty of
'grain, Early and frequent disc
Ing exposes and kills these and
they are very sensitive to odors,
so burying the absorbent satura
tod with carbon bisulfide in ant
hills is very 'effective iu destroy
ing tho ants. Pouring about a
tub'esnoon of kerosene in each
hill is auplher effective and cheap
method of destroying ants. They
may also be trapped by burying
bottles in the mounds so the top
ts flush with the surface.
Wike wortMS are hard, smooth,
cylindrical, reddish brown larvae
about 1 to irfehes long. They
eat the smaller stalks and" roots
of young grain and puncture the
larger ones. Late fall plowing
and relation of crops allowing
hogs to pasture on the meadows
before breaking up, and avoiding
the growing of crops subject to
injury the second year from sod.
and late spring seeding, ate
about the only things that can be
done to lessen Injury.
Cct worms. These caterpil
lars are smooth, soft bodied,
whitish to grey or brown in col
or and variously marked with
stripes or blotches. They destroy
young grain by eating the leaves
and gnawing off the stalks near
the ground at night. Pasture off
with hogs and early fall plow be
fore the insects have laid their
eggs in the rubbish. Seed late
in spring where possible for the
worms go down into the subsoil
to pupate late in spring. Mixing
one pound paris green to thirty
pounds bran and scattering along
edges of field with a drill, or
baout such plants as cabbage by
band, will be very helpful in les
sening injury.
W. L. Powers,
Supt, Demonstration Farm.
Redmond Lumber & Produce Co
Wholesale and retail hay, grain, flour
ana teed. Lime and cement. We eell
the T. O. Mauclt Wagon and Mohne
arm machinery. 5-9-ti
Horses for Sale.
On the old C, Sam Smith rnnt-ti,
near Prineville: sold Iu any number
at reasonable prices. For further
Information address U. H. Kuksku.,
Prineville, Orejcon. 12-ltt-tf
Settle Up.
As the following firms are out of busi
ness thev wish to close accounts at once.
O'Nell tiros. Co.
Lone i'ine Trading Co.
O'Xeil, Larson A Co.
Settlement must be mode by either
cash or note with Walter 'O'Xeil, Prine
ville, Ore., at the law office of Uflorire
Beruior, 4-1S
Notice f Adausiitratar't Sail ol Real Ettate.
Notice is hereby given, by the under
aiitned, the administrator of the estate
of Koiwrt Pennington Johnson, de
ceased, that in pursuance of an order of
the count; court, of the State of Ore
icon for Crook county, made and
entered on the Hth day'of June, V.12,
the undersigned, the administrator
aforesaid, will sell at private sale, for
cash, subject to confirmation by said
court, after Saturday, the 13th'darol
July, 1W12, at his office in Prineville,
Oregon, all the light, title and interest
the said Robert Pennington Johnson
had at the time of his death and all the
interest the estate has acquired in ad
dition to that of the said Robert Penn
ington Johnson at the time of his
death, in and to the followingdescribed
real property situated in the Countv of
Crook, State of Oregon, towit: The
east half of the southeast quarter of
section seven, and the east naif of the
northeast quarter of section eighteen in
township thirteen south, of range four
teen east ol w Ulamette Meridian.
Terms and conditions of sale, cash,
Ave per cent of purchase price to be
paid on day of sale, balance upon con
firmation by the court.
M. B. Ellioyt,
Administrator of the estate of Robert
Pennington Johnson, deceased. 6-6
Notice of Hearing.
Before the Board of Control of the
State of Oregon, Water Division No.
2, Crook county.
In the matter of the determination
of the relative right to the water
of Crooked Ulver and He tributaries,
tributary of Deschttes river,
, . Urown, contestant,
John Davln, eonteatee.
To John lUivtu, eonteatee, above
In the name of the state of Oregon.
You are hereby notified that the
above named contestant has tiled a
content against your claim to the
waters ot the above named stream
and Its tributaries, nnd that a hear
ing will lie had iu the matter of said
contest at the courthouse In Prine
ville, Crook county, Oregon, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m , on Monday,
the 22nd day of July, 1912, before the
undersigned superintendent of Water
Division No. 2; and you are hereby
required to appear before me at said
time aud place with your witnesses.
to give evidence iu the matter of
such contest.
Witness my hand this 13th day of
May, 1912, at LaOrande, Oregon.
Geo. T. Cochran,
Superintendent of Water Division
No. 2, State ot Oregon. 6-80-7t
r, i
ana Pistol
THE uniform ignition, clue to perfection of famous
accuracy and penetration.
They minimize personal hazard.
Individually made, tested and guaranteed for all stand
ard pistols and revolvers.
Recommended by leading manufacturers.
J&nlagmslJMC-ht perfect shooting combination. '
2M areriwar. Mnr Twt Gtr.
W. A. Sooth. Pres.
D. F. Stewart, Vice-Pres.
C. M. EtKiirs,Cub'(
Crook County Bank
Auta LiabtlittM
Loannand DlMOunu ..,.1129,870.2 Capital paid in full I8ft.000.0il
Overdrafts 2.S1I.S8 Surplus 10.0tn.0A
Furniture and fixtures 2,208.44 Undivided profit IffiOJH
Real estate 6.706.00 Deposit 141,1).74
Cuh m kud ari Jm fW Units $47,809.95
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office
Ht The Pallet Oregon, June 10th, WW.
Notice U hereby given tlmt
Charles A. Ktf veil son,
of Held, Oregon, who on Juno iSHh( IW7, mid
Muy S, itll, lmule homestead, No l.V;ti mid
serlsl Nus 04UUVSStit, for sc mv'4', sw-4 ne.4,
el3 lu'i, set- y,", w2 svl4, see 25 nnd e1.. el4.
section .'d, township u south, ratine Ht esi,
WiUnim-tie Meridian, lifts tiled notice of in
teutiou to iimki? live year proof, to establish
cluhn to the land above described, before
Warren Brown, county Clrrtr, t his office, at
iTiiiovlllc, Oregon, on tlteiMrd day of July, I'.M I,
Claimant tmines as witnesses: Charles lar
rUh, ot Held, Oregon, Harry H antes. Fisher C.
I.oan, Otis Loyan, of Barnes, Oregon,
g-i.ip C. V. Moons, Register.
There's a Bare Chance
that you might pick up as good &
grade of Sporting Goods as we are
linndllng lu some other store, but we
doubt very much If you would lie
able to meet our prices. We are
lnrge buyers of all classes of Sport
ing aud Huutlns Equipments, and
we buy iu the best markets for spot
cash. That Is why we ore enabled
to set competition nt defiance.
L. KAMSTRA, Proprietor
Crook County Jewelry and Sporting Goods House.