Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 27, 1912, Image 8

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    Dr. Chalk Mad'addcri
Kvu.iiih; th t'-'ti' ii n,t f-i-tiKit' TittfiMtUi
t.Htiiuvtfit riMuuM 1mm ttt.i n rijiwimii i
Of ins Onr Mttrit f wrnittt Mur.
Tiit PAVuS
arm c-9
! Tor Sule.
his i'Iiiiii'b IiiK will, Vm li rniMK
limin-h Ihiiii itt'.; iiIih-Miiiii irHi null
linvli. A hiiruiiiu, null tlUlKI. 1'iirim
flthlri'iih C, i'iivi- (!nnni Cimii'v Jimriiiil.
iV Iroiirs u jiiwil ,mI nlwit tilt- liitnxliii'tiin uf immlers. Dill tluw
thut tut v niiiUf their iippiwiui' v limy In' sniti tn lir heiv only on irw
tuition Tlnv tire seen viiuy mi liu:h pn-iit nivMiiM ;ovns. mid their
iulroiUictiutt Is beiuj: mined ill nitiier tluui piuenilij iti'oiiiplisiia i
Faunittrs uu nimus were Itm-iiU'il in li.iie the (h'tecis In tne hfjiitv of u I-icw li
ourt InNiuijr ol lue euiiiunutb ix'iilurj utid were u uuuiett becnuse ot tuoi:
LJ - ' "x !
' f ' J 1 ,
Loan ta V.uuct cswr,
tin .lai m Kiu'wu. uititmiii' i tin- only
cnip tillwUtl ti) tlif luriii ur milt
knuwu "joUown" or 'viiiw ulilwi."
suvt h Liiiliiciii nt (i)i' I lUU'U hum
Ui'imrtiniMit of iicrl.-iiltiirv. Tin" ilnuin
uauiilly biw itir clmnioliTlHtlr v iiit
tuiu til lilnilrt tvwi li Viiiii- nk iifli-r
tluv Hrv t In tlif lU'ltl. tint ofluu tlii
(luM'ii.Hi' HiH'iin eurl.v hi thutr ismw'tU
In the i?d lu'll Tin' tiulir mid luwtir
totivw arv tkv tirat n uliuw tliv lt;iHi uf
Onii -iii''i! imiii'Ii, tun unit! nirniit riuc.
ll'U' 1' '. h. i'Iii inn hiii! ullviir illuinu
iiiimi'KimI to mlk hiii, Fntitiir iiii:vi
liiivi ill tln iillii ur ut AI'b; l.miii'
iiillhlii'rv mnrn. ;, ill
Tlii' Mill tlnmk I.U'ivHiujK Ai'uiM"i
ut v.'rimk I iiimri iilit'in h Minimi hi iTvmi
(or tin uriiMi Hint rii'iiiimii of imv
Ikthiiii iir riii mitiliiiK, nr Kiliuiy
I'unU'iir Unt'iifi buiiihini' In any uimu
lnr if H'Ip Hrttn'titthit..
II Si olll li.vVMI'Nll CaI.I'VAV,
HMCTHllirv 1 ltm
CmUa mttmm mm4 0tm mm, mr mA
. V'-.
V Si
Ol fctrlrul'.Mlti.
uru ji'l.uw
ttruund Un
tirow u. as it-i
U'lir wth'ii' li'iif uht Ornt
li..t".'l: tl.f Vftlill Blld
niitiuif mid tlii-u lulvr
iirvliiil, mid lluiill.v ttrup
iaactefl nesOTi'.bteoi to Hie panniers liii li in i-ouuirii's l-r the floiiker hi
baat of burieo tbc l!''.U" auiunti Ufiirs utiou i!f l; k. 'i'bf tvn-utii-tli ii-titurf
uuier is rwy Uiin-b unxl: tied nffuir, us tuur be m l.y flu'tux at tin- ti
govus sbvg bi-re. TUe dre.ns is uf blue tSl triiuuied ii.b iii tuid
Oar buttuut. Xae oUiur b uf tut'iv s'-rij.ed In !!. ivu-biuud witb ptiuo ui-terrai
When Hanging Pictures. I
Where a wall is so svft end ixs
that a call driven Into it fur a tture!
r aoy otber tliinx ' ill Ijear a !
eltrbt it may eusily be remedied by j
tuixiiig a littw piiister uf mn wi:b a j
little water r buttermilk In a ttautip. I
Buttermilk is best, as it keeis tue
plaster from cracking. Scoop out a
fain II byie Id ft wall with a (jebknife. j
fitl it with tbe luster and tbeo'luaert
tbe cail geurly. it will be bard m a ,
luii'Ute, and tbe uaii wij tbeo be safe. '
Whm tc Execisa.
The isoldeu ti'aie f'jr eM'ivise It 'bi-B
the vysteiu is ueiiber fatigued uw de
pressed. A robust -rsou luay tt.e a
ui'Klerate amount of exereise bef ir
breakfast. Thus Inclined to b frail
and t to feel faiut before breakfast
and lav.iruid iu tbe early part of ti
flay sbould cot exercise until rtiree
bourg after breakfast. Aa evetuin
walk will often lud'.ice sieeii. Ail es-ei'-ise
cutist be taken la moderation to
bring about good results.
Fl'fiNnTRB Is jt luteiest to tbe bousewife at all seasonn. but Itiuova
tious 1q fliat line imike (heir aiijital parti'.-ular'y at tbe boaserleaalng
period, wbeu f lumes iq s bemes of furolsbiu; are to be oousjden-d
and old and undesirable piw-es are retired In favor of new otiea Tbe
Illustration sbows a bandsoUie new es'-riloire wbi'b follows tbe precedent set
by tbe furniture of tb brst empire. Very up to date totobea are added iu ULe
Vll f - : W V Vif
Y v. j 2.1 M .
W b' '"V . . -A'
oft, ur only tine sub- of sue leaf ui'.v
dry up, white tbe u:lier ba'.f remains
normal Tine Inner s.i mpunn is tbe
'more usuut and Is a Uisitnt;u)slilii;
' obarumerisiie of ibe Uiaeuse. Llrtie ur
no wtltlnt! uf tin piuiit is tlieti eiiiuir
eut. and tin that iiuu "leilows" is a
better diwrtjitive term 1 1 it u wilt 'bi
k'ent leaf Is alwuis Hie brut to tirop
off. and tills Is tu'iy-d by tue uext
above iintii ouiy a liare ntB!k W left,
supporting a small Uu;ierfel bead ur
uone at alt. deieiid!iK upon the ate uf
tbe plaut wbeu it tiei-auie diseased.
j Kubseyueut tu tbe Cropping of tlie
' leaves short sprout friui one half lie u
tw uue and ouebalf im ties tut fi aouie
times srow out to'tweeu tbe It-uf aciira.
iirowuiujt of tlie U"dy tHirtlou ut tbe
stem is auotber riianiterltli' ut wilt.
I Tbe Seed should be dimufwied with
foruialdebjde tone quarter pint to wr.
eu callous of water, tearing tbe se"d
iu tlie sulutiou about fjfteeu mluutea.
tbeo wasbins and dr.nujri. Wilt baa
been found to o- i iir ia oiaiiy seed U-da.
and for that reuMju manure and oU
kuowu tu be free from Ibe diiiease
sbould t used, literllizorioa ot tbe
seed bed should W f a'tn ed believer
possible. It bus beeu found tint even
tbouiib tbe seed lied lias tieeti sterliid
and uouiufi-eted piiitus obtjtlni'd tbey
may bei-oiue diseased later if planti'4
out In illteiled soil.
Tbe plants evidently beeoine diaeasi'd
wben quite young, aud ttuiuy ean be
detected bifore plaotius. -uti bouH
be pulled out and dwtrojed Io cot
allow ctui'k to routo at lli orer tbe
fields. Wbeu water la used for settlnt
It sbouUJ be taken frotu wells Instead
of from dralnste dltbea
Crop rotation sbould be prarfireil.
sTbe rotation slmuld cow a pert'id of
four bo eiflit year.
pliSS Native Herbs, by its
liiaaple composition of
roots, herbs end barks
its wonderful cur:- of Rlieu
runuMta, DynpfpKia, Catarrh,
Slda Lrujnkms, luiaey end
Liver Disordersits populrtrty
la rdlliocs of households, dor
iug quuner of i century,
bwuied for it the hi chest
award il the IntemrtioaU
Erpositian ia Paris, Trance,
Kat it your houselio!i
; rc.-?fy totcy. ?00 Jcl
l Sits S.I.C3. Atk tbe
i SSiEt A sent. .'.
Rsynjord C&lav&n, Ajeat
t Frineville, OrfoH til'.l'.M V
t Srai'.h & AJiiDchtm, Prop.
5 CliBii;)' ntitb'a old ataud.
Imported atiid Ootnritic
F&rooui Wbitkies
Old Crow-, Hermitage; Red
4 Top Rye; Yellow Stone;
, 4 Canadian Club; Cream
4 Rye; James E. Pepper;
4 Moore's Malt f
Porter, Ale and Olympia
4 Draft Beer on Tap. .
4 r
4 . f
Imported Vines and
Keep Fliea Frem 6Hp.
The fly will make lt appearance io
.njidsuuariier. Tbe fly alma to depoalt
;lta eKva witbin or close to tbe uoatrila
of tbe sbeep. Tbl Is accompanied by
I do pain to t be cheep. Tbe egstc batch io
a few weeka, and tbe little worm a
cenda tbe iiostrila. roaklns tbe poor
!anlmalc aloiotst wild with uerrouc die
tress. Tbe best remedy U a little piue
tar srnea red on (be oose. It sbould be
; frequently applied. By pounos "t
tie tar lo tbe feed trough and sprlo
kllng It orer with fine malt and wheat
bran tbe cneep will coat tneir own
Doses. There ia a good way where tbe 1 BMt preceedijig Augun . bd!
fjoik la targe.
Turnip For fJaxt WlnUr.
Turnip for wlutw atoritig may be
aown io July flod August. Two to
three pound of eel per ';re are re
quired. In field culture tb row are
often thirty Inche apart, to facilitate
borne cultivation. The e-4 I iseme
time sown broadcast from July 20 to
Aug. I, wbeo tbe crop la grown for
Cheap 8ila.
Twenfy tbrce acres of corn after rye,
planted June 1, with cow pea drilled
between row at tbe first cultivation,
Vrodueed at the New Jersey eiperl
inent atatlon 214 8 tons of Kllatre. Tbe
total cost wa S3.&1 per ton in the (Ho.
electric lltrhlg net Into the ends of the desk. The escritoire ta of mahogany
with gold trimming. The chair I upholstered U white and gold tapestry aud
baa panel of coue vet Into the buck and sldea. The panel In the rear come
Juat wbera the head recta. On upholstered chair this fa generally the part
that I first worn and tolled. The cuu uul may be cleuued aud resided
Whenever It need It , .
Whitewash tbe trunk of tbe
abade tree If thl ha not al
ready been done. This trill glva
the farmstead a neat and attrac
tive appearance, allowing the re
finement of those who own it
You are, therefore, fort her notijt-d that .
! the aid alienation will be taken by tins I
joHie as bavinx been ''.oiil'eMsi-1 by yoo,
ilU'l your raid entry will lie eiinceled tlier '
I urj'ier without your further riht t.i lie ;
J heard tin-rein, either liet'ore this oft'-e or j
Ion sj.peal, if you fail to tlie iu tins olficr j
jwitinu twenty days after the roll (il JJ I
; fiuhiicaiion ot tlii .lotice, as howii Uinw j
j your answer, uii'i.-roslli. sjsi.'j.i;aiiy inet.
i Hiff and re.-pon'iinii' t-i these alleyaljon of :
j contest, or il you laij within (Ual tune to J
! ill'!, tn Uii othi-e 'iue proof that you hiie j
crvfi s copy of your sntwer ou (lie hsid
Ciute-talit cilner in tiy rei;-p red
::::'tl, 'A tba lt:v:e in made the do-'
livery i.'ju'ir answer t-. the con-'j
brclaiit In tieroii, proof of ii' h w-rvke ,
Miust he either the miii I'olitestanl 's wiit-
ten ackiiwledKiiM-lit ol ins receipt of the j
ipy. nhowui the date of its receipt, i,r
the sfliiiavit ol the persin by whom tlie j
'leJivery was made ftaiini; when sod whi-re i
the copy was delivered; It made by j
res'lwU'ied mail, prol ol such service mut
cmsist of the sthdavit of the person by
whom the copv ws maiiisi stating; when i
and the iotot!ice Ut which It was mailed, !
and this Whiisvit limit lis accompsnii'd by
the sstiiisi'ter's rewipt for the Jetur.
Vou should state in your anwcr the
name of tlie povUillice to which you iJesire
future noticen lo he sent to you.
'Pf Itegister.
ilHte of first publication June a 114)2.
" " eiiid " June iK, 1!12.
" " third June au, 10)2.
' " fourth " June n, Uli.
r T. Cm- JP. 2tnm?
I'. imnij I'liynicliu,,)
t!U Asss-snai' fsnneriv Imv iis fclirtll
lisuv stkss lli'lll llBl". an t.v.
Utiuiw luiu!iuitMa.
Vvsiswyc. - - - C-rem
G. X. Mcl -AKLA.NL
rmetiiaj iu nil i!inir;s and T. IK. Lanil
1 tUlum.
Redmond, - Orep on
Dr. J. Treadles 1 ox
U. I'. H. Knr: and I.. i. A t.iunhni;
l,'"l-f 'fi-r,,!, Msii- Aieuicui iii.uiil,
, hiei'liilt In hiifjrnrv ; livi-ii'li. ; l-
iMciuiii-y I simi, iuii.-ii snu I'Litumu's
I. I '-itM.'H.
'ta i mt iwiwili-ii'-:, jisir, (.'.. rr.iiri j;it, ut
Iir. Howard liove
HllUllItt 14 1$ AW'M fcliitdatlf.
W. A. Ul.l-L
Thr Ki.ii'i
T. I.. J. DL 1 1 V
A ft orw,'- f-Lew
Huwi'i snoi t W. A h. :
1'lllMVll.l.t ... Ijliun
r f r..
Dr. John I In hack,
It t ! s s V. S Arttij,
I- t, .-i,.. ' :u I a., . :t,e
-: - ' k, Sirt st kwsiK'Ut
Hsniiltua SubU
Pnaevills, Or
r n
t J
r i
i i
v jt
t -
r H
L 4
r y
i j
r t
i j
i j
r i
i i
r i
i. t
r 1
t i
r i
Sonera ZBlacksmitung
B'H2'nt:ai. Wt-D Vi'okc, rrc.,
StillT AMi Pm.kitiT I"SS
Waut it : IVm: Bv : : :
Siobcrt ?oora
Satisfaction Will
I'ktfrviM .r.
r i
r i
- i. j
lie Guaranteed j
,,., r i
Our ."-!,. r i
1 M
iJ-ir'.rii'-r-r-irririrrvrir"r i
l J
i I
r 1
r i
l M
1 1
I. 4
r i
t M
r -i
i j
r i
Jit , Jk Ji, Ji.sL JLiiLrft JkL J
iV-fmrtuifiii tb J iitrrior,
VlitJ Jjttttij OAivp.
To iwrjr f, urtj, at-i-twnpd , oS i'riitrvijM'.
Vtu rtf iir4ir Sfrtifttwl tht Slitnii C. '
iir jMiiitfif. irrfwi. did on May ii. , '
til in tiiit Jin -du.jr wrnAT I
tttti Hlii'n:,ltitM tt (JJtt HTi'i M!HUr- th i
liutioiii-tion uf vour Lufiirtid. Kutry . !
ferial No. V'Ti tiitisfi' Nyvfiiitwr 7. j
310, Ujt h MC. lsfi 3. t, wuuu 1
4, VotiiMiifj i', t?., miie K.. Wiliaiu j
nt WTitiittTi. nd tf ifouti'iii Iwr br eu-,
t sin? H-)r" tiiui ai'i orr urtt, t
clisjrjuttJt .ditwJ un orabyut Murtli HMJ.inf- 1
it-(f tfjf Juj Kwin)f Eitnufj h''ir M Jw .t (. it
Juiii urLip, WjjJmtH urti-. iii Mk, VV, ;
a ri'i oUier bur wik-ti are to Wfit'-wtafJl ;
uiiitrjuwn. that U Mid Oeyrg "uru. dr- j
ijf-aj'j, wholly tuiU-ii tu r-hiJ uf;n, j
iiupruv or cuMi vt trwi lor over kih ;
inofjthis nnt jjiwrfwD'mf AviH IVtU. J'U,
tijt i.f wbuily iitii'ioiid haid Uat.-t f.r :
orr nil iuuiithn uxt j're'diujr Auput'
that tiifhirsjo! km id Wrj-t- .'ufti 1
hitvv wiiuii)' luiltoJ W r?fci'je jkmi, jiujtuvi'
ur c-uJtivat' trad (urrr kjx muMhu '
I am a power for great good if you do
not abuse my use.
In casts of needI do my work well.
I am a builder up of health and strength
in the hospital or in the home.
For the invalid or the convalescent for
the tired or overworked I oiler a great
A little of me goes a long way.
I have been among you for three gen
erations. I'm Inown at Cyrus Noble throughout the world.
W.J. Van Schuyver & Company, Agents, Portland.
Quick Detachable
RESILIENT yi ' ' :"
Easily Fits Any Quick Detachable Rim
No Tools Required
Prineville Machine , Shop j