f We are Now Ready to Show Yom The most complete and up-to-date Line of Furniture in Prineville. A visit to our store will educate you in the latest styles. Buy now and save at least 20 per cent. See what cash will buy. u $4.25 value, now $3.00 Two R Weeks rm Only at These 1W Mot Unique Ironing Board on the Market. Solid Oak wax f inih only $ 1 6.75 rr ' t Strong, Durable. Only $2.25 Complete line of Made-in-Oregon,and Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges at the very closest price Solid Oak, elegant, only $ 1 X (mm Vernii Martin Latest Style Only $11.50 For Two Weeks Only Carpets and Linoleums Get our prices. Over $150 worth of carpet samples. Prepare for the hot weather. See our Refrige rators and Fireless Cookers. Lot3 of comfort for little cost. We are ready to do business. Are you ready to save money? You can't do as well at Sears, Roebuck's after you pay the freight, besides our goods are better. Carman Mattrew De Luxe $ 1 5. Also other Values at $3, up. Prineville Furniture Exchange Chas. F. Condart, Prop. Prineville, Ore Text of New Homestead Law Following Is tho text of the Ilorah Jones three year home stead bill as It was signed by President Tuft ou June 6. It will be noted that the law tubes the form of an amendment to sections 2201 and 2207 of - the revised statutes. Under the terms of tho now law, a copy will be sent to each homestead entryman by the secretary of the interior., The three year law fol lows: Be It enacted by tho senate and Louse of represenatives of the United States of America in congress assembled: That section 2291 and section 2297 of the re vised statutes of the United States be amended to read as follows: "Section 2291. No certificate, however, shall be given or patent issued therefor until the expir ation of three years from the date of such entry; and if at the expiration of such time, or at any time within two years there after, the person making such entry, or if ho be dead bis widow or in case of her death his heirs or devisee, or in case of a widow making such entry her heirs or devisee, in case of her death, proves by himself and by two credible witnesses that he, she, or they have a habitable house upon the land aud have actually resided upon and cultivated the same for the term of three years succeeding the time of filing the affidavit, and makes affidavit that no part of such land has been alieuated, execpt as provided in .section 2288, and that he, she or they will bear true allegiance to the government of tho United "States, then in such case, he, she or they, if at that time citi zons of the United Stutee, shall be entitled to a patent, as in other cases provided ' by law: Provided, that upon filing io the local land office notice of the be ginning of such absence, the en try men i-hull be entitled to a continuous leave of absence from the land for a period' not exceed ing five months in each year after establishing residence, and upon the termination of such ab sence the entrymen shall tile a notice of such termination in the local laud office, but in case of commutation the 11 months' actual residence as now required by law must be shown, and the person commuting must beat the time a citizen of the United State: Provided, That when the person making entry dies be fore the oiler of final proof those succeeding to the entry must show that the entrymen had com plied with the law in all respects to the date of bla death and that) they have since complied with the law in all respects, as would have been required of the entry man bad he lived, excepting that they are relieved from any re quirement of residence upon the land: Provided further, That the entryman shall, in order to comply with the requirements of cultivation herein provided for, cultivate not less than one-six-tecnth of the area of his entry, beginning with the second year of the entry, and not less than one-eighth, beginning with the third year of the entry, and un til final proof, except that in the case of entries under section 6 of the enlarged homestead law double the area of cultivation herein provided shall be re quired, but the secretary of the interior may, upon a satisfactory showing, under rules and regu lations prescribed by him, re duce the required area of culti vation: Provided, That the above provision as to cultivation shall not apply to entries urider the act of April 28, 1901, commonly known as the Kinkaid act, or en- I tries uuder the act of June 17, 1902, commonly known as the reclamation act, and that the provisions of this section- relative to the homestead period shall apply to all unperfected entries as well as entries hereafter made upon which residence is re quired: Provided, That the sec j retary of the interior shall, with iu 60 days after the passage of this act, send a copy of the same to each homestead entryman of record who may be affected thereby, by ordinary mail to his last known address, and any such entryman may, by giving notice within 120 days after the passage of this act, by registered letter to the register and receiver of the local land office, elect to make proof upon his entry under the law under which the same was made without regard to the pro visions of this act "Section 2297. If, at any time after the filing of the affidavit as required in section 2290 and be fore the expiration of the three years mentioued in section 2291, it is proved after due notice to the settler, to the satisfaction of the register of the laud office that the person having filed such affi davit has failed to establish resi dence within six months after the date of entry, or abandoned the land for more than six months at any time, then and in that event the land so entered shall revert to the government: Provided, That the three years' period of resi dence herein fixed shall daterom the time of establishing actual permanent residence upon the land; and provided further, that where there may be climatio reasons, sickness, or other un avoidable cause, the commission er of the general land office may. iu his discretion allow the settler 1 12 months from the date of filing which to, commence his resi dence on said land under such Notict tf Ailaiaiitritar't Salt at Real EiLie. Notice i hereby given, by the under Signed, the dmlnivtrator of the estate of Hubert Pennington Johnson, de ceased, that iu pursuance of an order of the, county court, of the State of Ore- eon )r Crook fount v. made and entered on the tub dav of June, l'.'li, the undersigned, the administrator aforesaid, will sell at private sale, for cash, subject to confirmation by said court, after Saturday, the 13th day ol July, 1112, at his oilice in Prineville, Oregon, all the light, title and interest the said Robert Pennington Johnson had at the time of his death and all the interest the estate has acquired in ad dition to that of the said Robert Penn ington Johnson at the time of bis death, in and to the following described real property situated in the County of Crook, State of Oregon, towit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section seven, and the east half of the northeast quarter of section eighteen in township thirteen south, of range four teen east of Willamette Meridian, Terms and conditions of sale, cash, five per cent of purchase price to be paid on day of sale, balance upon con firmation by the court. M. R. Elliott, Administrator of the estate of Robert Pennington Johnson, deceased. 6-6 rules and regulations as he may prescribe." Home Comfort Range For eale by F. C. Condart, 6-20 Notice of Hearing. ' Before the Board of Control of the State of Oregon, Water Division No. 2, Crook county. In the matter of the determination of the relative rights to the waters of Crooked River and Its tributaries, tributary of Desehttes river, j W, V. Brown, eontestaut, vs. . - ' j John Darin, contested. I To John Dariu, coutestee, above named : In .the name of the state of Oregon, You are hereby not) tied that the above named contestant has tiled a contest against your claim to the waters of the above named stream and Its tributaries, and that a bear ing will lie had In the matter of said contest at the courthouse tn Prine ville, Crook county, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m , on Monday. the 22nd day of July, 1912, before the undersigned superintendent of Water Division No. 2; and you are hereby required to appear before me at said time and place with your witnesses, to give evidence In the matter of such contest. Witness my hand this 13th day of May, 1112, at LaGrande, Oregon. Geo. T. Corn han. Superintendent of Water Division No. 2, State of Oregon. 5-:!0-7t Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land olRoe at i no uaues ureon, June tutu, t'JU. Notlee is hereby titvoii that Charles A, Stevenson, of Held, Orepon, who ou June liOth, 1007, and May S, 11)11, made homestead, No 1,VW, ami serial Nos Oil IMisstiH, tor se' j mv',', s i, tie',,, e1., neV,, set' .1o, w1 sw1, see -2 and el. . se1,. soetion lit;, township ni sonlli, ratine ly east. Willamette Meridian, has tiled lmiiee of in tention to make live year proof, to establish (Maim to the land above deseribed, before Warren Brown, County Clerlt, at his ortVe. at Trine ville, Oregon, on thelSird day of .Inly, TJ12, Claimant names as witnesses: Charles l'ar rish, of Held, Oregon, Harry llarnes, Fisher O. Lokhh, Otis Logan, of llarnes, Oregon. - . . C. W. Moons, Register. Meats andPoultry That surpass all expectations as to flavor and tenderness is what we offer to our customers. All kinds of cuts of Meat, Lamb, Veal. Pork, Beef, etc. For reliability, fine quality of the Meat we sell, and low prices, we stand alone. . ' City Meat Market w. A. Booth, Pres. D. F. Stewart, Vtoe-Prea, C. M. ELKi.N3,Cask r Crook County Bank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Statement of the Crook County Bank of Prineville, Oregon, u rendered to tho Superintendent of Bankt, Juno 7th, 1911 ' Uansnd Discounts , 1129.870.26 Capital paid lu full 138 000.00 Overdrafts.. 2.S11.SS Surplus 10.00000 ruiunuiruiu uMuraa,,,,,,, x,-.it. cnmviaea prorata Z.850.SH , 14U.14U.7& Real estate ... . ... tl.7W.0ft Deposit Clia a kind mi iat Inm Unki (47,809.95 I18S.990.9S tlS8,990,W W SSL H k i S3 3t i! f, V There's a Bare Chance that you might pick up as good a grade of Sporting Goods as we are handling In some other store, but we doubt very much If you would be able to meet our prices. We are large buyers of nil classes of Sport ing and Hunting Kqulpnients, mid we buy iu the best markets for spot cash. That Is why we are enabled to set competition at defiance. L. KAMSTRA, Proprietor Crook County Jewelry and Sporting Goods House.