Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 27, 1912, Image 5

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On of Hi flint thing we da la to
Wai'U (lit dairy heifer tu lead and be
bandied while ill l on 11 Not only
U ib eaalrr tu handle at fma as, but
lit la ritnlvr to train to tlx halter limb
when alia grows to bo a big, lining
two or thru year old heifer, writ M.
Coveitlell In Iowa Homestead. II y
teaching bor to lend Dow IIht will
tH no "broking In" lo lw dmi when
all drops br dot calf. It I not only
liard work to bond I tli mutured
lielfer Hint always baa run wll'd, but
It I HMltlrvly dangerous and may
even rvault lu acrloua Injury lo the
heifer or Iter ownor before aha la sub
dued. In thin an ui roiiuactlmi It la
alao our policy to tench the diilry ralf
to l aiiruiit'liiH from either aide
Nun of oura cvor know any ill(Teren
between tli wrong aide and "Hi rliilit
Ida." Ther nr numerous advatitngcs
lo be derived mm uillklng a row on
Ithrr the rliilit or lb loft alilu, which
ever la hnuillvxt.
Clenu, warm, anug qunrtir at tilshl
for tu diilry heifer will menu not only
a an vim; of feed, but a cow of higher
grade when the I grown, na rxiire
to tli elements or senut rullona check
Th Hntatrln row Kaney Spot
ford, herawlth ahown. waa lha niat
prlae ami arnnd champion cow at
aavaral laailing atai fair during
rt'nt yara; aliH ml many oihar
ahuwa. aa- AmwrW-an Asrlculttirlat.
Hhe la tha dam of four A. It U
dausntera, alo Bir Htiorfortl IWata.
winner of many final aiyl Junior'
champion prlaea, Thla cow walaha
l.0 ountla and la on of !ho
that ai a quick rhott-o and hav
many admlmta, One of her uatigh
lere haa lvn ovar lu poumla of
milk r day. Ilwr lual throe ralvwa
are. ailll owned a( Itlveralde farm.
In nortlmrn tllinolt, IL & Hangar
proper development, which never la
quito regnlued At the same time,
rouflneuieut In a rUuui, dark atnll la
Juat at much to be avoided aa the cold.
i ,. . .,ati . -
filthy quarter. The calf will need j They will aniell the niolnuun. hip at
dally exerclH In th uien air aud aun- i tho feed and begin to ent When they
'sl't, " I once get a tuate of luch feed they will
I'lenty of water I another proaalng ent all they can hold. ,
avnllnl to beat reaulla, ami the ann- The lga ahould I fed In the middle
ply ahould not only he jrencmua, but of the forenoon and In the middle of
It ahould he ptiro. clean and liot Ice the afternoon. When t have dtnlred to
cold. Juat na It eoinea from the well j crowd plga to mnke all the growth k
I about the correct temiwmturc. Knit j alblo to ahow them at the fulr I have
alao ihould b kept whero alio can given them a feeding In tha evening
reach it at all time, a It i of groat i alao.
aaalatnnce In promoting Ideal dlgeaton After th pig hav eaten from the
and aaalmllntlou and In wnrdng off
cllsenae. Au occnalonnl currying aud
brushing I alao innductlve of good re
ulta, keeping the akin clean and
henllhy and Hill further trulnlng the
heifer to be handled nil over.
The qneatlon of feed 1 nlao given
careful attention, Mnny farmer do
not conilder thla worth tho effort, but
let u renieuilier that wo muat devel
op dairy tlaauo In the young and rapid
ly growing heifer If ho I to prove a
heavy milk producer when alio arrive
at muturlty. Thl I not a difficult
matter, line the kind of feed that
pone tho qunlltle neceaanry to the
nourlahnient and healthy development
of the bolfer are the one that will
build for milk and crenm production.
Such ratlnui aa clovor, alfalfa and
clean, bright corn fodder are our favor
Ito roughage In feeding the dairy
heifer. I'"or tho grain portion of the
feed we glv one-fourth -onti, one
fourth bran or ollmeal and two-fourtha
corn chop. Muity or unclean feed In
either the grain or roughage I care
fully guarded ngnlnnt, aa they ar pro
ductive of dlgcitlve derangement.
Corn I made tho larger portion of the
ration only whllo the weather la cold
In order to promote heat for keeping
tho body warm.
Milk From Silage Fad Cow.
The depnrlnioiit of agriculture re
port a teat nt the Illinois station,
where tho diilry herd wn divided In
two lota, ono which waa fed forty
pounds of corn silage per cow dully,
while the other lot wna fed only clover
hay and grain. During the course of
the experiment sample of milk from
each lot wore lubtnlttod to 872 persons
for an opinion a to any difference in
flavor, the tester being, of course, kept
In Ignorance of which milk was silage
produced. The result showed thnt 00
per cent readily preferred the milk
from the silage fed cowa, 20 per cent
the milk from coVs not fed silage,
while 11 per cent could not mak up
their minds either way.
Warbles In Cattle.
Tho grubs may be killed by smearing
on a little mercurial ointment or Inject
ig a drop or two of turpentine, but
this is objectionable treatment, ns the
dend grubs docompose and continue
the Irritation. It is much the bettor
plan to squeeze out the grubs and de
stroy thorn.
Shoop and Silage.
Sheep cannot ent sllngc In ns great a'
proportionate quantify ns do cattle,
I hough no one seems to l;no,v why.
However, they do well on It, and It
naves n great deal of tiny and other
1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1
On advantage of sneculeut
feed I lb fuet that It not only
provide lb row with tuor
ttinlaturc but at th aam Uin I
Tli milk uteitalls mut b fres
from ami mi and crtrki. It la lin
IHiaalbl to ketp them clean If
tilts I not lb ria.
Tli blggor tli ar of corn
when they ar put In th alio
th bigger th milk Row will It
w hen thsallag I fed.
Provided your row I good
on, th mor ah I fed along
right Hue lb mor all will give.
No animal Hint geta ouly food
nuugli to aiiiKrt II f ran niak
gain or profit
Haphasard method of breed
ing never pny Willi dairy cot Us.
Tli bust herd bull' U none loo
Th man who ran dubl th
produi'tlveurai of hi farm mor
than double It value.
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I i
Yungatr Should D Liberally Pad t
Baour Beat Results.
ritrs gum lu . weight while young
much rhenper Ihnu they do aa they ap
proach umtiirv ago.- If fod all they can
couaum aud aaalinllitt while young,
they aciUlr the thrifty hnblt and can
be mndu to grow to market weight at
le expena for feed than If allowed to
come along In the uaunl tiiunner, write
X. A. Clnpp In (rang Judd Farmer,
Mueu pig ar liberally fed whll
young Ih itouiacli I ex ponded rap
idly, and they can conauiue end ulllli
more feed over and abov what la re
quired to maintain them. Tbl enable
thorn lo gain In weight ut lea coat per
pound than would b poaalbls If allow-
ed to grow slowly
When th pig ar Hire week old
1 1 hey will begin to look around the pen,
: aud If when th sow la out a tit t la
j alielled corn la thrown on th floor of
; the pen the sow III begin to pick It np
before ah paya any attention to th
! pig. The pig will eoe her pick up th
I kernel one nt a time, and they will be-
! gin to pick them up and chew them.
Such cau be the Drat leaaon In eating
; grain.
When the low la out pine amall.
t ahnllow trough whero It will bo hnndy
: lo coat or drive the pigs over It, Take
omo flue middling In a pall, tcnld it,
I itlr in aouie new milk, weetcn th
I mea with a little blackstrap malaise
I and put It In the trough while It I
i warm. Irlv the pig over the trough.
trough Tor a week or more coarser
fi cda can be used and aklmmllk ub
.llluted for new milk. A good feed
In uindo by mixing corn chop and oat
chop with the hull lifted out with an
equal quantity of wheat middling. I
like to feed a little luolnsae along
with the warm feed to make It more
palatable and to keep the bowcla In a
laxative, healthy condition.
The amount of feed given ahould be
Increased ouly a fnat a the capacity
of the pig to eat Increase. Feed In
clean trough every time. Give the
plga a chance to run In the field and
oat grasa. If fed and handled In the
manner described the pig can be
weaned when eight week old, and
there wilt be no check In their growth.
At two montha old they ahould weigh
from fifty to ilxty pounda each and be
well started toward hnghood. I have
frequently had pigs weigh 80 to 100
pound each when three month old.
Caring for Horn1 Shautdar.
In getting the afmuldera ready before
one (tarts working he should clean
them well, washing and brushing to
remove the dandruff. One should keep
the mane out from under the collar
while working.
A good wtinh. Is made of one-fourth
salt, one-fourth alum, one-fourth bo
rax and one-fourth saltpeter. Dissolve
this fully lu a gullon of rainwater
and then put It lu glass Jars and keep
It covered. Ono should wash the
horses' shoulders every night They
must not bo brushed too hard, for that
would Irritate the skin and cause It to
get sore.
One should never clean horses' col
lars in the morning, but clean them at
night, rubbing them clenn with the
blind. In on so oue forgets to clean
them at night ho should take a wet
cloth to clean them in the morning. If
one acrapes the collar with a knife or
a curry comb It will scratch the sur
face of the -collar, and the result will
be a sore shoulder. '
Rationa For Dairy Cattle.
The following general facts should
be observed in making up the ration
for a dairy cow: A cow ahould be fed
nil thut she will eat and digest well,
riving due consideration to the cost,
digestibility and composition of the
food fed. The more palntnblo the food
the greater quantity a cow will con
sumo. Variety often Increases pnlatn
blllly. A part of tho ration should be
succulent in nature, ns such f&od stim
ulates action in tho intestinal tract,
which stimulates vigor, thrlfv and
honltli in the nnlmnl. Another Impor
tant pnrt of the food supply is water.
Too oflen tula Is not given proper jon
Whaat In Spain.
About 73 r Cent of th total land
under cultivation In Spain I given op
lo cereal. During th paat dorad the
crop of cereal exceeded 3.JH0.0J ton.
Th land, however, I luaceptlbl of t
far larger production, and In fact
enough wheat could be grown In
Rpnlu not only to xemd th consump
tion of It prevent population, but for
a large export Ther ar vait tracts
of arid land In tli Interior of lh conn
try which could b brought under cul
tivation by sinking artesian well for
Irrigating purpoam, for water I found
In all part of th peninsula at amall
depth. That much tin been doo to
Hit respect In recent year I evidenc
ed by the fact thnt In IWaj th Import
of wheat and flour Into Hpaln amount
ed lo about f2i.ono.nno and
respectively, and In !! the Import of
wheat amounted to only 12,'JOO.OOO and
flour loaa than f 1.000.
Th Dpt Wall.
What I auppooed to be the doept
boring In the world I at th little vil
lage of Cznrhow. In Rlleata. Germany,
to a depth of almost a mile and a half
below the aurfuo. The bore la aoven-b-en
and one-third Inchea In diameter
at the mouth end a little abort of two
Incliea at the bottom. The exact depth
of tho hole I aald to be 718 feet Th
xarlmenta that have so far been
mndo with the bore ahow that the
temperature of the enrth Incren at
the rate of 1 degree V. with each Mic
tion of fifty-eight feet, or I degree C.
for each 104 3 feet
Nnesrrolv Cunpewdr.
An English Inventor ha brought ont
kind or steel which resist the cor
ronton of smokeless gunpowder, the
chief objection to the ao of that form
f powder for 11 rear mi.
"VM W"r7tdT
Kevnty-flve cords ol 4-foot green
Jiimiwr wanted by the I'rinaville Kchool
I'ntrirt; one hall to be delivered by
Sent. 1. 1'llL' InH nnu.1,.11 I..- .,
ill November, 1UI2. The Uoard re
serve the right to reject any or all
omi. i.ave oiiii at my ottice.
0 l:i Ji. it. ELLIOTT,
Clerk of Board.
To the Public.
I have tecured a renewal ol the mail
contract between Frineville and HeI
mond and will continue to serve mv
j.atrons in both place to the beat of
mv anility. All expreaa matter will re
el' I v my personal atlentim, Soliciting
a shire of your uatronaire. I remain.
respectfully, Mil Mrr Kclikii.
If f 1,1 I.OIXIK nx-ms every
a KSt.KJt A1 Saturday olilik
Hlrnrs welcome. O. P. Kcama, N. O.i C.
L-Hkaitork. V. O.: Burl Barnes. Hcc.i and
C. B. Dinwiddle. Tn-aa.
Notice of Final Settlement
Nuttre It bcrabv atven ihit th ttnr.ltfn.i
huftlrd III, fln.l nt'i-oum aa .lniln!.lrtur ot
tlK'ntstrulMloi K. A.lsnu, d'rd. olth the
Clerk ol il? County cwurt ot ih male ot ore
sou lor Crook county, aud iha nald court h
ml UiUKtuv, tit, Jth aj- nt Aiiku.I, mi.', at tilt
hour ot !c o'clock in ilic lorcn,Hui a me time
lor hcartui unt llnsl account ami any ui
trflott ttml may tm mmi thereto mil fr
Biakiua aucti order ai may ua rcuutrad lu the
uatru ana publl.hcd ant time June Huh. isl.'
W a. Aiums.
Adinliititratoiof the mate ol ailaa t. Adanit.
Report ef the Condition
tlllc, in (lie state ol Oregon, at tha clow ol
btuiuru Juna Utb. 1912:
Loanaaml dlncounui lla2.7HD.1T
Overtrain, tecured aud unecured,. .tfl it
B imU, and warrant m 7j
llatiklnt houw e
Furuitunand flsturea 4,732
Hue Iron) kanka (not reaerva hanki). .tat 3
Due trom approved reaerva bauki..,, 1
Cherka aud other caah Itema 819 si
Caah on hand 111? VI
Total I1S1.47J is
Capital nock paid lo I M.oeo 00
Surnlua lund 14,000 00
rndtvldcd prorlta, leaa eajHinaea and
taxea paid i,m m
Due to banka and banker ,. eri SO
liepotlta due mala Treaaurer 00
Individual depoalu aubjeot to check. lOT.rJO s
Dematid cvrtlllcatea of depoalt l.SSO 00
raahlen chaeka ouutandlnc 1ST SO
Tlmeert!flcate ot depoalt,,., ll.f 16
Key rind 4 00
Total I1S1.47T 4S
State ot Oregon, County ol Crook, u:
I. C. M. Klklna. cahler of the hnv.nAn,ed
bank, do aolcmoly awear that the above slate
luent la true to the best ol my knowledge and
oeoei. cj, at tiikina, rajuuer.
Bubacrlted and aworn to before n.e thlt22nd
day of June, IW1. M. R. Elliott.
Notary Pt bile.
Corrcct-Atteat : I). F. Hrttw art,
Report of the Condition
at Ijtldlaw, Ore,, in the state or Oregon, at
the close of bualnesa June 11th, Mil
Loans ami discounts $!2,2iiS 9!)
Ovenlrafts.secured and unsecured 30 85
Bunking house i.jtoo CO
Furniture and tixtures 1,541 g7
IHte from hunks not reserve banks 87 0
Due from approved reserve banks 3,3311 0
Checks and other cash items.'. . . ,418 21
Cash on hand , 1,244 31
Expenses 123 ii
Total 20,843 5S
Capital stock paid in 10,0X0 CO
Individual deposits subject to
check 7,500 55
Demand certilieates of deposit. , 75 00
Time certificates of deposit 2,770.00
Dills payable for money borrowed 5U0 00
Total.... , 20,845 55
State of Oregon, Comity of Crook, 88 :
I, Win. I). Barnes President of the abovt-
nnmeil hank, do solemnly swear that tie
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. Wit D, IUrkis
Subscribed and aworn to before me this
L'llh day of June, 1012. A. K. liiunsnj
ivotury 1'uuiic.
Correct-Attest: H. C. Caov,
Flunk Murk
A. F. Kamhay.
Clearance Sale !
A nice assortment ofj Pat
tern Hats will be sold at
Entire stock of summer
millinery to be closed out
by July lt y
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlor, Prineville
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
Notice ia bereliy given, that unlei
and by virtue of an execution and order
nlaaleof proeriv, iMiied out of tha
Cirruit fourt of the Ktate of Oregon for
Crook county, in a aim here, o C. C.
MeNeely i plaintiff and Th Mailraa
tiateaay Hole' Company, a corporation,
and A, K. lientley are ilefenilants, npon
a judgment in favor of the above named
I'laiutlfl and againat the above named
delendantii for the 11110 of 0i).00, with
inlereat thereon at ra'e of aiz lor rent
per annum from the 17th dav of April,
lull, and the further turn of fltJO.Od at
attorney' fee. and the further sum ot
$.W.tKJ coats and diiburaments, which
execution bears date the l'.ith day of
June. I Wl 2. and which onierof aalecoin
niamli me to ell, in the manner pro
vided by law lor theaaleof real property
th fullowing described premne nd
property, to-wit: ita numbered 6,7.
8 ind U, in block 4 of the town of Pal
main, (now known as Madrae) Crook
County, ftate of Oregon, together with
the teuementr, hereiitment and ap
purtenance thereto belonging or in any
viae appertaining and all building nia
teriali tueieon iitrntslied by the plaintiff
for th construction of the hotel build
ing on laid iiretniae. which laid exe
cution and order ol sale is to me
directed, I hive levied upon all the
elwve deacrilied premises and propertv,
and will, on tha
27th ay i July, 1912
at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon
of that day, at the front door of the
courtlioue in Prineville, Crook county.
uregon, eell, at public auction, to the 1
highest bidder for cash, all the right, ;
title aud interest the said defendant
had, on the 17th dav of Aoril. l'.'ll. in
and to said premises and property, to
satisfy laid judgment, attorney's fees,
coats and accruing cost under said exe
cution. listed and published first time, June
20tb, 1912.
Sheriff of Crook county, state of Oregon, j
By. II. A. Foster, Deputy.
Sheriffs Sale of Real Eatate.
T. F. McCallister, piaintiff, .
George McCallister, as administrator of
the estate of Lewis McCallister, de
ceased, George McCallifter, Henry C.
McCallister, A. M. Manly and Manly,
her husband, J. D MeCallister, Kite
Fizsett and Fisrett, her husband,
Hannah Foes and Foss, her husband,
William McCallister. Alher McCallister,
Ivv lialch and Steve Balch, her hus
band, and all unknown heirs of Lewis
McCallister, deceased, C. M. Elkins, C.
J.Johnson, L. A. Booth, O. B. Gray
ami O. V. Gray, defendants.
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an execution and order of
sale of mortgaged real estate issued out
of the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon for Crook county, in the above en
titled suit, on the "25th day of May,
1912, in favor of the above named plain
tiff and against the above named de
fendants, upon a judgment and decree
In favor of the said plaintiff for the sum
of Twenty-one hundred forty-nine and
sixteen hundredths dollars, with inter
eat thereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum train the istn day ot Sep
tember, 1907, untiljiaid, and the furth
er sum of two humffed dfty dollars as
attorney's fees, aud the further sum of
UftTUvedollars as costs, which said judg
ment waj enrolled and docketed in the
office of the county clerk of Crook coun
ty, state of Oregon, on the 9th day of
May, mix, ana wtitcu said decree or
dered that the following described mort
gaged real estate belomting to the estate
of said Lewis McCallister, deceased, to
wit : Lot one, and the east half of the
southeast quarter of section six, the
northeast quarter of the northeast
quarter of section seven, the southwest
(juarter of the sou tli nest quarter of sec
tion live, all in township sixteen south,
of range eleven east of the Willamette
Meridian in Crook county, state of Ote
gon, together with the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenauces there
to belonging or in any wise appertain
ing, be sold by the sheriff of Crook
county, state of Oregon, to satisfy said
judgment, attorney's fees and cost.
Nsw therefore notice is further given
that I have levied upon all the above
described real property, and 1 will, ot
Sataiday, tha 29th day if Jus, 1912,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon
of that day, at the north door of the
county courthouse in Frineville, Crook
county, sta:e of Oregon, sell, at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash,
all the right, title and iitterest the said
Lewis JtcCallister, deceased, had in
snd to said premises at any time since
the said lSth day of September, 1907,
and all the right, title and interest each
and all the above named defendants
had or have in and to said premises in
any time since the said ISth day of Sep
tetnber, 1907, in one parcel, to satisfy
said judgment and decree, attorney-!-fee9
and cohts and accruing costs,
Pated and published tiist time tM
:10th day of May, 1912.
T. N. Balfch'k.
Sheriff ot Crook county, state oi Ore
Filed your Deed? Of Course.
An Abstract?
Certntnlyereryombuan abilract now.
Iio roa know where your corner ar.
Well, No, Sot exactly.
Brewster Engineering Company,
Prineville, Oregon, will locate them lor
voo and guarantee th work. Survey
ing, flatting. Irrigation Engineering,
rfaone Pioneer 204.
July 4th at Bend
Three Days of Fun
4th, 5th, and 6th.
Free open air acts include balloon
ascensions and parachute jumps,
high wire bicycle acts and dives,
water sports. Magnificent fireworks
Also Seven First Class Shows by the biggest amuse
ment company that ever played in Central Oregon.
Prices 1 5 to 25 cents nothing higher.
Big dance night of Fourth. Play and dance night of
third. Baseball games on Fourth and 6th.
Come Celebrate With Us
Hot Weather is making the Strawberry Season a short one this
year. Leave your orders for berries for canning at the
CASH GROCERY Geo. Whiteis, Prop
Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes.
LowRound Trip Fares
To Western Points from Redmond
$13.30 Clatsop Beach.
Seaside and Gearhart, Oregon, on the
sea-shore vacation resort just south of
reached directly by "The North Bank
$14.60 Tacoma, Montamara Festo.
Tacoma s great annual carnival. Tickets sold June 28 and July 2. Limit
Jaly 5.
$9.30 Portland, Elks Grand Lodge.
The greatest national convention ol the year. A solid week of public en'.er
tainment, Tickets sold July 7, 8, 9, 10, U. Limit July 22.
$16.20 Seattle, Golden Potlatch.
Seattle's splendid annual civic carnival. Tickets sold July 14, 16, 18
Limit July 22.
Oregon Trunk Railway trains run daily without change between Cenlral
Oregon points and Portland. Trains leaving Redmond 7:15 a. m., arries
Portland 5:30 p. m. Details will be lurnishcd on request.
Gen'l Frt & Pass. Agt., Pordand,
. SSrimk
Willard II. Wirtz
Office In M. It. bigg' ottice.
1'ui.xr.vii.i.e, Oiikoom
Crook County Journal, county
official paper, f 1 50 a year.
Examine the Oxfords
that we are now offering to dlsertml
cating dressers, and you will find
them the acme of your deaires for
Sue footwear. In etyle. In general
appearance, In the soft yet durable
leather, and perfection ol fit and
finish, and you will be more than
satisfied, no matter how critical you
are. And when it comes to prices
you will acknowledge your surprise
at the fairness ol ours.
Pacific Ocean. This is the perfect
the mouth of the Columbia River
Road" Tichets sold dailv. Return
Ag t, Redmond, Oregon.