LOCAL MENTION J. M. Hay of Silver Lake wan over fur a lorn) of freight Tuesday. Mr. II. I'. Ik'lknup was thtrguet uf honor tit dolli(htful afternoon luncheon Riven by Mr. C. W. Klkln Monday. James Pulton and Lindsay Size more who woro former resi dents of Crook county, came in last week from Klamath Kalis Id their touring car. The gentle men were accompanied by their wives pnd wore warmly wel comed by tholr many old time friend a. C. P Judtfj was In Prloevllle Tuesday, coming over from Hod tuond to look up business mat' tor. Mr. Judge ban head ciuartora at North Portland, whore be koepa a plentiful aup ply of high grude cuttle. Most aof this stock will be disposed of in Central Oregon. Our ranges tire sadly depleted J.ist now, and they will be replaced by blooded Bill mills, as It pays butler Id the end. Frank Long and wife of Mc Minvllle, are visiting relatives in Crook county. Frank came di rect from Texas, and say that Central Oregon look butter to kit lit than any part of Texas. It seems that a realty company' literature attracted Frank's at tention to Texas, and upon ar rival there ho found the land be Inir boomed was under two feet of wuter during tho winter. They will bo in Prinovillo for a while. Requirements of a Legal Fence E. A Simon came down from Camp creek tho first of the week. Crop are looking fine up his way. Lot of new people settling up the country, he ay. , "There in one thing these new comer do not understand," Mr. Simons say, "and that is the legal requirements of a fence." Whut is a legal fence? The law reads as follows: "Posts must be Cl feet in length, not less than 4 inches in diameter, made of sound timtar; such posts shall be set in the ground 2 feet, and shall not be further than 32 feet apart. There shall not be less than three wires. The lower wire shall be 2 feet from the ground, the second 15 Inches above, the up)er 15 inches above that one. There shall be poles or false pobU set up on the ground, 4 J feet high, to which the wires of such fence shall be securely fastened." In substance this is what the statutes says is a legal fence. House for Rent fl rooms; hot and cold water ; range onnnctii ; porcelain link ; electric lig-lit. 12 a month ; term (or leane.UvH) Lot Opon-lsced watch, liaa gold signet ring, lull! V. P. 8. clam pin and silver charm attacked to ailk lob. Finder nluue lvs at thia ollice or at Mm; Kate' niilllnury store. 5-20 Home Comfort Range " For mlo !). F. C. Comlart. 8. 20 Redmond Lumber & Produce Co Wholesale and retail hay, grain, floor ami' (ceil. Lime anil commit. We sell the T. Q. Mautlt Wagon and Mohne farm machinery. 6-0-tf Horses for Sale. On the old C. Ram Smith rnnch, near 1'rltievlllus sold In any number , at reasonable prices. For further lntormntlon address O. II, Rukhki.i., I'rluevllle, Oregon. 12-ltt-tt Wood Wanted. Seventy-five conli o( 4-foot green Juniper wanted hy the I'rincville School Jiietrict; one-half to be delivered by Sept. 1, 1912, and one-halt by middle of November, 1912. The Board re serve the right to reject any or all bid. Leave bid at my ollice. 0-111 M. It. ELLIOTT, Clerk of Board. C. S3rink iPrinftlU, Ortgon, Willard II. Wirtz Attorncy-ut-Law. Olllco In M. H. UIkkh' oillce. l'KINIOVII.I.K, OllKUON I T71 I.01K3K meets pvnry a esaiurauy n la u I. Htmnicor woloome. G. V, Kentna, N. Q. C, L. HiiaMtwk, V. O.; Hurt Humes, Hec.j uu1 I'artloa tuoklrif (or t cheap piano houhl call oa A. II, Llppoian & Co. A map. 0-20 Millinery Clearance Sale ! A nice assortment of J Pat tern Mats will be sold at ACTUAL COST. Entire stock of summer millinery to be closed out by July I st Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlor, Prineville HAVE YOU Filed your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract? Certainly everyone Imnati abilract now. I'o von know Khero your cornor are. Well, No, Not exactly. Brewiter Engineering Company, I'rliii-ville, OrvKn, will locate lliHin lor you ami guarantee the work. Survey log, rintilng, Irrlgntluu ngiiiMiri.lig. I'lioii I'lonevr 201. Notice of Sheriff Sale. Notice l hereby given, that under and by virtue of an execution and oritur nl pain of ruirly, laatied out ol the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon (or Crook county, in a auit herein (.'. C. Mt-Neely la plaintiff and The Ma.lrat tiateway Hole' Company, aenrporatian, and A. K. llanlley are ilefrmtanla, um a judginniit In favor ol the above nameil pUiUilt! and againot the tve nniiitM (Menilauta lor the mm nl M)J.U0, with lutereat thereou at rale ol nix lor rent iwr annum Irom the 17lh dav ol April, toll, and the further mm ol tlOO.OO an aitoriiey'a (. and the lurther aum of 1-iU.UU atcotta and dialiurniuriits, which exrculion hear date the l'.lth day ol June, 1W12, and which order of aale com mand me to will, in the manner pro vided hy law lor theialeol real property the following described premise and properly, to-wll; Ut tiuinberetl tt, 7, 8 and I), 111 block 4 ol the town ol main, (now known aa Medraa) Crook County, Male of Oregon, together with the teimiiientr, hereditaiuenui and ap purtenances thereto lielonging or III any win apiertaiuing and all building ma terial tUeieon funnelled by the plaintiff (or the construction ol the hotel build ing on said premioee, which taid exe cution and order of tale ia to me directed, I have levied upon all the stave deaciihed premise and projierty, and will, on th Z7tk Jay l Mr, 1912 at the hour of 2 o'clo.-k in the afternoon of that day, at the (tout door of the courihomie in Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, sell, at public auction, to tlie higheat bidder (or caili, all the right, lille and interest the iu defemhiulM had, oo the l"ih day ol April, It'll, in and to aaid premise and property, to atiafy aaid judgment, attorney' lee. coi; and accruing coata under aaid exe cution. Dated and published drat time, June 20th, 1912. T. B.U.KiUK, Sheriff of Crook county, state of Oregon. iiy. ii. A. rosTKK, uepuiy. Not lit of Contest. Department of the Interior, foiled States Land Ollice. The Dallei. Orrgnn, May V, 11)12. To GiHiiye Curtis, deveaaed, of l'riueville. Oregon. Conlfatee: ouare lierehv notified tost Minnie C. McMillan, whOKivea l'llnevlile.Ureeoii. aa her pnatolltie aiMreaa, did on May 14, llil'i, tile in thia ollice her duly corrobor ated application toconleat anu secure the CHiiceUultuii of yourhunieatead, Entry No. serial iso. Uiii maae .-sovenitwr 7. 1IU0, lor B NK','. l.ou 1. , acctlon 4, township 15. 8., range 1A, K., Wlllaiu elte Meridian, and aa gromuia for her oon tet she alleges that Maid tieorge Curtis, clhiiiiant.died on or about March. lull, leav inir the following mulled heirs at law.to-wit Jiiliii Curtis. William t'urtii, and Mrs. W. H. Kviina, aonaand daiiKhter reanectivelv and other helni which ara to comeatant unknown, tliat the aaid Urorite Curtia. de- ceimed, has wholly fiiileit to reside upon. improve or cultivate aniu iravv iur over al.x inoiitha next preccedtng August V.Mx, Inn, that he wholly adamloiicd aaid tract for over six mouths next proceeding August ill, lull, mat tiienriraot aunt uenrge Curtia have wholly failed to reside upon, improve or cultivate said tract for over six mouths net proceeding August 111, 1011. You are, therefore, lurther notilitd that the said allegations will be taken by this oillce as having been conleaxed by you, and your said entry will lie canceled' there under without your further right t be heard therein, either before this office or on appeal, if you full to (lie in this ollice within twenty days after the KOUKTH publication of this notice, aa shown below your aimwer, under until, specifically meet ing and renponilinit to these allegations of contest, or if you fail within that time to tile In this oillce due proof that you hn'e served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either In person or bv registered mail. If this service is made' by the de livery of a copy of J pur answer to the con testant in person, proof of such service must he either the said contestant's writ ten acknowledgment of his receipt of thei copy, allowing the date of its receipt, or the ulllilnvit of the person by whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered! it made by registered mail, proof ot such service must oonsist of the affidavit of the person by whom the copy was nmlled stating when and the postotllce to which it was mailed, and this ultl.luvit must be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt for the letter. You should slnte in your answer the name of the postolliee to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. 0. V. MOORE, (Ml ' Register. Dido of first publication June 91912. " "second ' .lune IS, l!ir. . " " third " June lit), loii. " " fourth ", June 27, 1U1J. Crook County Journal, county ollicial paper. IKiO a year. Ifotice for 1'uhllcutloa. bcpariim'nt of Hi interior, VJ. S. Laud orate at The liailea, omron, May SIX, Mi, Notlca U harrl'V given that ' Juan oarmlals, ot (irlailr, Ons i,u on auu.t 9ib, IVIo, made llmii'ialead K". trmt, lor ', aw.-, 2. anil ni, nwi.M-cilon 11, o,wtulii, tS Miutlt. ranxe 1A eaat. M lllatiiplle meriillan. baa aift boliee of liilntlna O, make comtnulaltott itrmrf tu aalal.ll.li rlaim to the loin! above Ora rllied, lielure Tlnmhr K. 1. liiiSy, V, a CoiniiilMlnio-r at bia olSi-e, at I'rinevllla. Ori-a"a.oa ilir llthda; oljiiir. ivii. Claimant hainea aa allnewu-a: Tnumaa Snilih, Jiaa-pb ainlib, CoaMir Nsoblll, Jueeb Monlgoiuerjr, all olOrl'Klr, Orfaou. - (,'. W. MikiAk, Keglster. Rotlcti of 1 Inul Settlement. Xntlee l berehr ilvea tbat tbe uaileralinrd adintlilalralor ollhe aataleof t. W. t'lark, ! eaavd, baa Iliad bit ftnal rHirt and tbe ronrt baa Muiiilar. the I.I lr ul Julr, A. If. Ili, al tbe county court room In tbe counly court boiiM, In l'rlnevitla,t:riM,k county, ori-gun, aa tlia lime anil la' lor baarlna any and all nl. IrtctiMiu to aall Itnal ri-M,rt. and tbe Ulacbarae uf Ilia a'lnuulafral.,r Irotn bla truit. Paled IblaSlb ilay vljuua, A. I). 1I2. V- co'saii.. AdmlnUtrator da bonla nea ot the eatate of C. W. rlark, dvceaavd. Netkt ef Referees' SaU. In the Circuit Court ( the Klnte uf On-Kiui, fur Crook county, C. S. Kmlth, 1'litlutlff, va. jHtnea O. Wilson, Oeo. F I.lllv, E. It. Mmliliix, Wlllliuu Miu key. . A. Wella, S. K. Owena, Carrie Mi hnlHe, Homm Mcholiia, Mitgjrle S. Kulllvun. I iiriii-llua 11. Nulllvnn, .MhuuIu S. , Stilllvnn aa Hdmlulafriitrlx of the e- Utte of ( oroollu sulllvHn. drenl. Surnh M. Clerk, nud Mnnth M. ( ievk n a executrix of the last will iiml i teHtHilieutol ileury A, Cleek, deccueed Ib-femliiiit.ii. Notice Ih hendiy irtven thnt In imr- i aiiHtice to an order of the above en- tilled court lu the above entitled suit I to us, the uridoraljjtied referees, all- rtrteil ami delivered, upon a decree : In sold suit and curt nunle and en- j teretl at the OctoU-r l'JU term there- rif, ciiiiiMiitiicllnif the liuderMlKiieil us I Keferee therein to well lit nubile iitiettiin fur chIi In hand, lu pan-ela, j or aa a whole aa anld Keferees mav ! deem bent, Ihe herelnnlter tleecrlbetl reul pruiH-i ty, tneiitloned and de-. M-rlbed In aaid suit, aud order, anil; bcliiir for the tuiriitlon of anld Inmla und aaid order commniidlnir u as eitch refereea tnaell anld lands In the! inn liner required (or the aule of real I proxT(y onVxifUtti'li, etild lauds Ih-! Iiilt deaerllied ax follow, to-wlt: 1 1 he vreet hall ol the aotithweat 1 ijuurter nl aeetloti twenty-ulne C.'!). the Htiulll hull ot the enutlieiiMtl quarter of siTtlou thirty ClOi, the) cast half of the northeiiMt quarter, ' ami the east hall id the southeiiat , quarter of section thirty-one Cll I, all j In township alxteeu I Hi) eolith, of i range twelve (12) enet til the WIIIhio- ette Merldlnn In Cruuk count v. t ire-; goo, coiitnluliiK XM men;, ami In iilieilleiiee to the command of the aaltl order, we, the uudcralgued, ref- vrw. will on Friday, tee 194k day ef July, 1812, at the hour ol ten (10) o'clock In the forenoon of aaid day, m-n at public auction, at the front door of the county rourthoiiHe In Prloevllle, Ore-j Iton, to the blghcHt bidder, cnah In . hand, the iilon-Hiild ueacrilied rent pntiierty In parcels, or as a whole, ' ami said sale lie Inn subjit't to con- U rm at Ion by the above entitled court. latel at Prineville, Ureiron, till: 4th day ol June, l'.ll'J. r Irat publication June fl. I'll'.'. l.nxt publication July 11. 1U12. J. 11. (jlt.VY. II. A. Fomtkh, W. It. McFARCAxn, Jteferees. Low Round To Western Points from Redmond $13.30 Clatsop Beach. Seaside and Gearhart, Oregon, on the sea-shore vacation resort just south ol reached" directly by "The North Bank limit Od 31st. $14.60 Tacorna, Tacoma's great annual carnival, Tickets sold June 28 and July 2. Limit Jiy 5. ..... . . $9.30 Portland, The greatest national convention ol the year. A solid week ol public enter tainment. Tickets sold July 7, 8. 9, 10. 11. Limit July 22. $16.20 Seattle, Seattle's splendid annual civic carnival. Limit July 22. Oregon Trunk Railway trains run daily without change between Central Oregon points and Portland. Trains leaving Redmond 7:15 a. m., arrives Portland 6:30 p. m. Details will be furnished on request. W. E. COEMAN, Gen 1 Frt. & Pass. Agt, Portland, FOSTER & HYDE Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. Man and Wife Wanted. sum (inn wile wnnteil at once to wors on riuicii. Adilreaa Chas, O'.Nkii., Howard, OrKn. Notice of Final Settlement Kotleela barsnvalvaa that tbe nnderslfned baa aiad hi. flnal ai'i-foint aa admlnl.trator of tbe raUtnolMllea K. A'lama, rf-eal, wltb tba ( lark ol lb County urt of IbaataW ol lira, ana Ux Cruoh eotinty, and me aaid court baa aat Monday, tba tlh day of Auual, till, ml tba buurof luo'eba k In the foreN'Mm aa tba lime tor bearing aaid final a-ounl aud any ot Jm tln lltat mar t Made tnereu. and ba ssakina such order as may be rauulred in tbe pramlM-e. Utel and pnbllabed Irat time June aitb, 1112 . . Vt" Anaaa. A'lnilnl.iraloi uf tbe eatate ol Sllaa I. Adams, deaaaed. Sheriffs Sale of Real Estate. T. F. McCalllster, plaintiff, v. George McCalllster, a administrator of tlie estate of lewi McCalllster, de ceased, Ueorge Met allbler, Henry C. MrK'sllialer. A. M Manly and Manly, her huslund, J. I) .Mc( allister, Kate Kixzett and I'.xxett, her husband, Hannah Foat mi Foa, her husband, William Met ail-ep-r. Allr McCallister, Ivy Hatch and eve bah h, her hus band, end all m fcoown heirs of Lewis McCallister, doared, C. M. Klkins, C. ' J. Johnson, L. A. Booth, O. 11. dray and O. C. Gray, defendant. , Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of sn execution and order ol aale ol morigsged resl estate isaued out ol the circuit court of the state of Ore gon (or Crook county, in the stove en titled auit, on the 2oth dar of May, 1012, in favor of the abov named plain tiff and against the alwve named de fetidanta, upon a judgment and decree : In favor ol the said plaintiff for the stun of Twentv-one hundred furty-nine and sixteen hundredths dollars,' with inter-: ext thereon at the rate ten per cent per annum Irom Ihe 18'h day ol Hep-. teuiber, 19)7, until paid, and the furth er sum of two hundred fifty dollar as t turner' fees, nd the further sum of tiftrfivedullara as coats.which said judg ment was enrolled and docketed in the otlire of the county clerk of Crook coun ty, state ol Oregon, on the Hth day of May, l'.H2, and which aaid decree or dered that the following described mart-; giged real estate belomting to the estate of aaid Lewi McCallister, deceased, to wlt : ImI ope, and the eat halt of tlie ; southeast quarter of section six, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section seven, the southwest quarter of Ihe soutbweat quarter of sec tion live, all in township eixteen south, i ol range eleven ol of the Willamette Meridian in Crook county, state ol (he gon, toirrther with the tenements, hereditament and appurtenances there to bclougin or in any wise apwrtaln Ing. be sold by the eheriff ol Ctook county, state ol Oregon, to satisfy said lodgment, attorney' fee and cost. -Njw therefore notice ie further given that I have levied upon all the above described real property, and 1 will, on Siterdar, the 29tk say ef Jane, 1912, st the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at tbe north door of the " connty courthouse in Prineville, Crook county, stace of Oregon, sell, at public auction to tbe highest bidder lor cash. all the right, title and interest the said Lewi McCallister, deceased, had in and to said premises it any time since the said 1Mb day of September, l'JOT, and ail the right, title and interest each j and all the above named defendants) bad or have in and to said premises st j any time since the said isth day of hep. temher, l'.K)7, in one parcel, to satiny said judgment and decree, attorney' fees and coeta and seeming costs. , Dated and published first time this :',0th day ol .May, 1012. T. N. Balfofr, Sheriff of Crook county, state ol Ore ou. Trip Fares j CENTRAL OREGON LINE Pacilic Ocean. This is the perfect the mouth ol the "Columbia Rivet' Road" Tichcls sold daily. Return Montamara Festo. Llks Grand Lodge. Golden Potlatch. Tickets sold July 14, 16, 18. H. BAUKOL, Oregon, Ag t, Redmond, Oregon Examine the Oxfords tbat we are now offering to discrimi nating dressers, aud you will find them the acme of your desires for fine footwear. In style, In general appearance, In the soft yet durable leather, aud perfection of fit and finish, and you will be more than satisfied, no matter how critical you are. Aud when It comes to prices you will acknowledge your surprise at the fairness of ours. Sheriff Sale. , ... !" OI ""'amen .Meridian, in Or k l,y vIrtoe ofo execution and order connty, Oregon, be told by the sheriff ol aale leaned out of the circuit court of of aaid connte, a under exeeotion, and thesta-e of Oregon for Crook county, the proceerl of icb aale, after paing on the bill day of May, 1912, in lavor of j th coat and disbursements, ettorn-y' May Mackey, plaintiff, vs. John Kergu- fern, snd the expense herein staled. oo nd badie l-ergnaon, defendants, shall tie applied upon tlx judgment, lor the sum of eleven hundred lorty- j snd il the proceed of nch sale be in three dollar and sixty cent 11 14-1. MO) ' sufficient, the plaintiff shall have judg with intereat thereon from th Olh day ment and execution against the de of May, 191Z, at the rate of lu per cent1 fendant, John Fergoaon and Sadie rr anooin, and ons hundred dollar I Ferguson, to recover soc b balance un (100) attorney's fees, and the further paid, and in obedience to said execution, urn ol seventeen d jllars and fifty cent j order of aale, and decree, notice t here. ($17,601 coata. which fodement wae -n- rolled and docketed in the clerk's office of said court in aaid county on Iharlih day of May, 1912, which (aid exeeotion commands me to sell the following de scribed property, lying and being aa fol lows: The southeast quarter of the southeast qnSrter of section twenty, three; th southweet quarter of tbe southwest quarter of section twenty four: the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty Ave. snd tbe northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-six, The Litte Four Roadster i . ;r-"" .. " " lM Vswwaaa Fully Equipped F. O. B. Portland $795.00 20 h. p. Motor, 4 Cylender, Tension Magneto. Semi-float EQUIPMENT Mohair top shield. Prest-O-Lite tank. MOUNTINGS-Full nickel throughout J. C. ROBINSON , Agent for Crook and Hamey (Counties. Madras, - - Oregon You Should Look over our Second-Hand Department. Goods almost as good as new for half price and less. We try to please our customers in every way, Following are some of our bar !)) $5.00 $6.50 Give Us a Trial. i 1 Prineville Furniture Exchange Charles F. Condart, Proprietor Maionic Building. Pioneer Phone. W. A. Booth, Pre. D. F. Stewart, Vice-Pres. Crook County Bank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Statement of the Crook County'Eank Superintendent of Aaaeta r.rwnsfmd Dtscounla t!2S,ST0.!fl Oienli'Hfls i'.'Ut.SS H'urnltmv ami fixtures ttcal valuta H.70H.0O Cash oo hand and due from banki (47,809.95 I. township eighteen onth, range twelve 0 given that I bare levied upon the property abovo described, and will on SetareV. Jaas 29, IS 12, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at the north door of the courthouse, in Prine ville, Orevon, e!l to the highest bidder lor cash in hand, the above described property, or so much thereof may t required to satisfy (aid judgment, inter eat, cost snd accruing costs.. Dated thia 3otti day of May, 1912. T. X. Bau-ocb, Sheriff of Crook county. s Selective Axles. Transmission, High with hood and curtains, wind- i TO $10.00. Also oecond Hand Art Squares Good as New, Half Price Satisfaction Guaranteed 2 C. M. Elk i N9, Oastaiei of Prineville, Oregon, aa rendered to th Banka, June 7th, 1911 . Liabilitiaa Capital pnld In full Surplua Undivided profits Deposit faR.ooo.oo 1 (1,000.(10 . . . . icsso ?a ... 1M.14U.74 J, u. Muwkldle, Trvaa. flSS.mXMB 18S,J00.9