OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Double Shooting Near Roteburg. Rcuwburg. A a .sult of shoot ing affray at Reston. IS miles vest of Rosehurg. John Adams, who the offi cers hold responsible for the trouble, is dead at Me toy hospital in this city. Paul Graf, a brother-in-law, who was shot by Adams, lies in a precarious condition at his wife's home near Res ton, while Ben Hardman, who attempt ed to assist Graf and later shot Adams. Is facing an Impending charge of man slaughter. Prehistoric Tooth Found at Lebanon Lebanon. C. C. Beebe, who lives on the hill about three miles east of Leb anon, a few days ago unearthed part of a skeleton'of some monstrous ani mal Mr. Beebe brought to libation on Strawberry day what Is supposed to be a tooth of this animal. Several physicians pronounce It a tooth. It is In layers and only a part of it waa brought to Lebanon, but what waa brought in measures 17 Inches around and is 5 inches long. EDUCATE SETTLERS IS PLAN Prevention of Fire Instead of Fighting "Flames is Idea. Portland. Protection of forests from fire by means of an educational campaign will be the main feature of the work of the state forestry depart ment during the Are season this' year. At a meeting of the state forestry board, held in the forestry headquar ters in the Yeon building, plans for systematic protection work were out lined and State Forester Elliott was instructed to begin at once the organ ization of a force of workers for the state and for the various lumber and timber land owners ami interests. The state will have 75 paid patrol men to guard thfc forests and carry on the 'educational work, the various counties will have special guards and the timber owners and lumber com panics will have about 600 men in the field. The plan to be worked out will be .long the line of fire prevention In stead of fire fighting. To make thip possible the full force of patrolmen will be deputized and will start as soon as possible to visit lumber camps and homes of settlers, farmers and campers and explain to them the need of using precaution in the handling of fires where- there is danger of its spreading. 5CC.C30 Damages Asked. Oregon City. C. Scheubel, of the law firm of CReu & Schuebel, has filed suit for 510,000 damages against the Moraiii0 Enterprise and $10,000 damages against Gustav Schuoerr, president of the Deutsche Verein in Clackamas county. The p!aini:ff alleges that an adver tisement of Schnoerr's in the Morn ing Enterprise, published just before the recent primary, libeled hini. BLUE SKY LAW OPPOSED Salem People Against New Commis sion and More Power for Governor. Salem. Contending that Blue Sky law, a measure which it is proposed to initiate at the coming election, and which has for its object the regulation of corporations and the creation of a corporation department for the pur pose, means but the saddling of anoth er commission on the people and their taxation in an indirect manner to maintain it, a number of people prom inent in state affairs here have signi fie i their intention of actively oppos ing it and predict that when the peo ple are made thoroughly acquainted with the measure, they will vote it down at the polls. The main objection urged against the bill is that it means the creation of another commission, and additional taxation for its support. Incidental thereto is the minor objection that it gives the governor more power in that the law provides that the corporatiou commissioner shall be appointed by him, and hold office during his plets ure. Morris Working on Road. Hood River V. Cooper Morris, the eonvicted bank wrecker, of Portland, has begun work as an honor man on the Portland-Hood River highway at Camp Benson. Morris arrived with another prisoner from Salem and was put to work with a gang on the right of way for the scenic boulevard around Shell Rock mountain. Anti-Boycott Law is Aim. Eugene. A proposed state law for bidding the boycotting of any legiti mate business, and another measure Inquiring permission of the mayor as a prerequisite to the holding of a pub lic meeting on the street, are embo died in two seta of initiative petitions received liere. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON The senate hat confirmed the nomi nation of J. II. Woodford as postmas ter at Medford. The oth annual reunion of the Ore gon Pjoneor Association was held la Portland Thursday. The annual meeting of th Clatsop County Su.iday School Association was held at Astoria. Mabel Miller has been nominated as postmaster at Jacksonville, succeed ing John F. Millor, whose term exptr ed. Crops throughout the Klamath coun try will be better this year than ever before In the history of that part of the country. Struck by the Shasta Limited trav eling at 30 miles an hour, Mr. Mary Shepherd, of Oregon City, was thrown 16 feet and instantly killed. Articles of Incorporation for the Sil ver Falls Timber company, with $t, 000,000 capital, were filed at Salem. J'he principal place of business Is Port land. Heavy rains in eastern Oregon have done much damage to growing crops. Cloudbursts have added to the trouble and railroads have suffered severely from washed out tracks. The bureau of statistics of the de partment of agriculture reports that crop conditions are particularly favor able in Oregon, the composite condi tion of all crops being 108.5. The directors of the Clackamas Southern railway have entered into contract with Archie Mason of Port land to make the grade and build the bridges between Oregon City and Mo lalla. A stay of execution has been grant ed In the cases of Charles and George Humphreys, sentenced to death for the murder of Mrs. Elizabeth Griffith of Philomath. The case bas gone to the supreme court on appeal. Dr. J. Dillon Plamondon, who was dispossessed of the position of super intendent at the Eastern Oregon Branch Insane Asylum, has made ap plication to members of the state board to be reinstated In that position. The Klamath Falls Commercial club has started a movement to build up the credit of the city, which Is below par. The administration is in a bad way on account of the legal tangle following the adoption of two charters, Pelican Lodge, the 1140 acre sum mer home and fishing and hunting re treat of the late E. H. Harriman, on Upper Klamath lake was transferred by Mrs. Harriman to the Fleischacker interests. The price was not divulged, A co-operative meat-packing plant to provide consumers in Portland and San Francisco with meat and meat products at wholesale prices was launched this week in Ashland, by a number of prominent capitalists of southern Oregon. A tour of Coos county is to be made this month by Frofessors H. S. Jack son and II. F. Wilson of the entomol ogy department of the Oregon Agri cultural college, accompanied by F. C. Relmer, sup'Tintendent of the new southern Oregon experiment station. Frank Spillman, a rancher, aged 30, is under arrest charged with the at tempted murder of Charles Kirkpat-rk-k, who was shot on the night ot June 4. while walking on the street at Baker with Miss Birdie Rusk. Spill man waa a former sweetheart of Miss Rusk. Based on the showing of Medford merchants, the interstate commerce committee has ordered a reduction of from 11 to 12 cents per 100 pounds in class rates one to four, inclusive, on traffic over the Southern Pacific from Medford to Dunsmuir, Cal., and inter vening points. Hood River will vote on the Issue of $90,000 worth of bonds for the purpose of constructing a municipal water sys tem to take the place of the system recently purchased by the city from the Pacific Power & Light company, which has been found inadequate to supply the needs of the town. A program replete in lectures by prominent authorities upon subjects teeming with interest to the mothers and teachers of Oregon, was announc ed by Professor Joseph Sehafer, di rector of the summer school, for the .Mothers' Congress, which is to be held at the university on Juiy 2 and 3. President Crooks of Albany college an:iO',inceB that 5100,000 has been se cured to insure a $250,000 endowment fund for the institution. James J. Hill has offered the colleg-'; $50,000 'iron condition that it secures an addi tion:;! $L'00,000. The campaign far the additional $100,000 will proceed active--. United States District Attorney Mc Court has filed a suit in the United States district court in the name of the government against Wiliiird N. Jones to recover $1X3,000, alleged to be the value of nine claims in the Siletz Indian reservation that came into the possession of Jones by fraudulent means. Announcement has just been made by the Brooks-Robertson and Scanlon Gipson companies, holders of millions of feet of central Oregon timber, that a mill to cost $1,000,000 will be bui!t at Bend, construction to start within 18 months. .The plant will have a min imum payroll of $25,000 a month, em ploying 600 men. WILLIAM FLINN r William Fllnn, former Pennsylvania state senator, one of Roosevelt's chief lieutenants at Chicago. 26 KILLED INCYCL0NE Ruin and Death Mark Path of Missouri Storm. Kansas City, Mo. Twenty-six per sons are known to have been killed and many Injured by a Btorm that passed over central West Missouri, demolishing buildings, tearing down wires and leaving the smaller towns and country homes completely wreck ed. Reports Indicate that the storm, after doing many thousands of dollars worth of damage here, passed to the southwest, wrecking all buildings In its path. In Bates county, Missouri, the northwest section was swept for five miles and nearly every building in a track bulf a mile wide was demol ished. Here 13 deaths have been re ported. Puter, Land Operator, Arrested. Portland. Stephen A. D. Puter, known all over the United States for his connection with the famous Ore gon land fraud cases, was arrested here on a charge ot forgery, sworn to by Chief of Detectives James Howard, of Minneapolis. Puter is charged with having ob tained $2300 on a check, backed by a forged draft, which ho cashed through the aid of a collection agency. Under Boycott, 6CC0 Butchers Close New Yorit. Following an announce ment by Jewish housewives that they would boycott their shops until the price of meat was lowered, O-hmj kosh er butchers in New York decided to clo:.c- down until the wholesalers give tiii-m cheaper rates. Three hundred thousuud Jewish residents are affect ed by this action. Wenatchee Joins Union. Wenatcliee, Wayh. Organization of the Wenatchee Fruitgrowers' Union marks the first step on the part of the local growers toward affiliation with the Northwestern Fruit Kxchange of Portland, the object of which is the combination of the western apple growers for marketing their crops. Vancouver Ship Truckers Strike. Vancouver, B. C. A large number of Industrial Workers of the World Invaded the wharf .ere the blue fun nel liner Cyclops, just arrived from Liverpool via the Orient, was unload ing and induced SO truckers to demand an increase of wages. Woman Attacks Premier Asquith. London. While Premier Asquith was holding an official reception in honor of the king's birthday, a fash ionably dressed suffragette tried to tear the epaulettes off' the premier's coat. Will Referee Johnson-Flynn Battle. Las Vegas, N. M. K. W. Smith, a Chicago sporting writer, was selected referee for the Johnson-Flynn cham pionship battle here July 4. Hobson to Run For Senate. Troy, Ala. Richmond Pearson Hob son has announced his candidacy for the United States senate. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Track prices: Club, 90c; t uestem, 95c; red Itussian, 90c. Oats No. 1 White, $40 per ton. Hay Timothy, $17; alfalfa, $12. Butter Creamery, 27c. Eggs Ranch, 20c. Hops 1911 crop, 35c; contracts, 2.1c. Wool Eastern Oregon, 18c; Wil lamette valley, 22c. Seattle. Wheat niueatem, 95c; Club, 90c; red Russian, 80c. Oats $39 per ton. Butter Creamery, 27c. Eggs 21c. Hay Timothy, $17 pct ton. v ! I Settle) Up. A the following Arm ar out of hul ue they th to dons accounts at once. O'Scil Bros. O'Nell Hrot. Co. Lone I'm Trading Co. O'Neil, tannin A Co. Settlement muni he made hy either raoli or note with Walter ll'Nvil, Prine ullr, ( rrM at the lw olhce ol lioorge Hornier. 4-lS Cancellation of County Warrant j Notice I hereby given that HOilnv. aterlhe tint ol July. 1M2, the lulhm ing lit of warrant! iwumt over seven yearn ago. will be cancelled if not pre tented to the county clerk ol Crook county for payment on or before the ex piration ol ' the above time limit. The person to whom Ifounl, the amount and ilnteol nwue ar follows: C A Mile-. fti, May 11. 1'HH C A Hume.. $1, " I. Allu.ghgm. $2. MavU 'MH J W li, March 7. 1JNW Jme Mitchell, (.".' M. July 3, l'.KKJ C i Bethel, (1. fep 4, Iwtf li K Kobertn. f- Nov. ., !HV Ihtdlev M Hi-Id, ?1, Jan. f, 1W4 turner l.ewm. l. Jan. II, ISO Max U-1'age, (I, Jan. '.I. Ilim Chun. W liner, (1. Jan. , 1M Chan. Turner, VM, May II, t'.H4 T I. Cliildem, 11.25, May 11, l'.HM A I'aviH. 2, July 1, I'm J A Molina, l &, JuW 1, l'.HH John Mulvalnll. I !. July H, ltm4 C i Cornett, :!, Julv , ImM K W North, 2, Sept, 10, 14 H J Horn. 1 50 Nov, X, I'MH Alran Kin-hill, 12 to Nov. 2. I'.KH J I" Vatillouteii, p, Jan. 7, 1:W5 W M Mos. l, Jan. 7.1'.)5 (i C Cox, ;!, Jan. 7, l!K5 Ji.( h Whitfield. $:. Jan. 7. l'Htf C W I'alniehn, , Jan. 7 P)5 W K Hotter, $1, Jan. 7, PHV C K IVIano, $1 Jan. 7, l'.HM T J Mallov. $1, Jan. 7. ItHk'i Mrs. Kthel lUnta.$l MI, March S l:k)5 (, S llarne. M M, March H, ln).' Roy Jone. 11.50. March X, IM James Sitheraoo.1, tl tW, March S, 1!H5 T St Michel, $1.40, March S, l'.iOS i W Copeland $1,40, March K, l'K5 J M Patton, $1.-40 March s, palfi X P Weider, 11.40. March S, l'.KCi W K Stephen. d.lM, March I '-Hi.) A I.ika, $1 50, March 1 MH5 K. i Wenner, $1 20. Mav 12,1'.V, K (J WeUucr, $1 .10, Mav 12, l'.Hii T J Dolan, 1. Mar In, l'.n W Hannan, $1, Mav 1 li5 II Klrther, 1, Mav' Is, ItioS A Histon. $7.05, May IS, l'.ajS State of Oregon, i it. County of Cro.ik. ) I, Warren Broun, clerk of the above named county and state, do hereby certify that the foregoing lint of war rant contains all the warrant in my ollice Hliicti have lieen issued over seven year and are Hill unpaid. Witnese niv hand and the el of id court ou this the lt day of Mv, AHllKX Hiiowx, L'ouuty Clerk. o.o.o. N KST NO. 158S Subordinate ; Order of Owl, meet the rerond and fourth Thursdays in each month at iSelknap hall. All migratory n 'scorili i hIIv welinne. T. K. J. I Oiffv, 1 .esiili-nti Willard 11. Wirtr., Secretarv. 1-11! The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wine, Liquors and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E."BROSIUS, Proprietor Notice for Publication. !t'purtliii-nl ef the Interior. I'.S. Land OltH'e at The lmlli-. i n-Kon. May 1711), I'Jli Notice Ih heri hv stlven tliill Marlon K. Taylor of Post, or., who, on .lure- -inl. l'JH7, nin'0- : hoiia-xti-ad, No. l tl-r w-rtiil. .No. ell Hi, r,,r ! iol I, w', nil-'.,, nee. and tot 1. w' , n-', i wrtinn towilj-litn 17 Houlh, raliK- I'l i eHl, Willamette Meridian , ha tlied noilee of ! Intention lo lo make Dual live-year proof, lo , eslahll-h nlalin lo the land ahove deMi-lilied, ' hefore Wanell Blown, nounly elerk. at Inn orTtee at I'rlnevlile, (JreKoli. on the wtll day if June, V-'U. ' liitinant name hi wltneHwe Caleb liiivN. K'lvvard II. Knox, l-'nink l'o"t, Keulei) liooten, (ill Of 1'OHt, Oreiron. 6.J3 C. w. MOOKK. Relll.Hter. Notice for Publication. l)emrtment ot the Interior, It. S, baud Otllcti at 'I' lie lallen. Oregon, May uili, l'.iu, NolUe is hereby ftlven ItiHt Knl'llilel s. inxon lot llMrnen, Orei(on, who, nn .(una l!Mh, 19H7. ! made h -Mead No. 1,-My, nerial No. OINO, 0r i hWi4 le-i, hei, nw'4, ne'i Hw'-i. tiw'i net,, ee. tion 20, township I'J noiitli, rmiKe 22 east, W il ' lam'-lle Mi-reliaii, tiMsliled la.iteeuf intenlfoli ! In make tllial tlve-yitur proof lo establish elallu llrown, eounty clerk, at hlsoltlee, at HrlnuvUle, Or'-Kon, on the -.'in li -lay of June, I'Jl'i. claimant nmm-H as wllnesses: William ('. .tneohs. ot I'auliiiH, nreKon; I-ysanderH, Lonan and Henry w. Pirkett, of Karnes. Oregon; Columbus J.Juhiisuii of I'rlnevlile, Orejem. a-iop c w. Mooitli, Henisur, Notice of Final Settlement. Noilee la hereby Ktven by the uiidersljrrieil, the administrator of the estate of John Wafctenblast, deceased, thai he lias filed with the couniy eb-i k of Crook eoiinly, Oregon, his final acr-olltillliK of his ndllillilstrnlton of -alii eslnte niirl that Itu- court haM set Monday, the 1st, day of (illy, Ol!-, at HI o'clock ill the foremwm at the county court room tn I'rlne vllle, Oreifon. as the time and place for hear. Iiik and settilnjf said final accfaintliiK. At w hich said time and place any person Inter ested In said estate mav appear and object U) Maid final acetamtlnit- iiuted this Selh day of May. Illli A. .KM,, Administrator of the eatute of John Vv'agen blust, deceuaed. MO Dairy Cows FOR Holstiens, Ayershires, Red Durhams, and Big Jerseys. ALL GOVERNMENT TESTED Also one registered Jersey Bull, two grade Holstien Bulls, two grade Short Horn Bulls. See ALBERT JOHNSON At Redmond Ranch 1-4 Mile north of Depot at Redmond, Oregon. 0-20 Statement of Resource tni LUbilitWo of The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon Bt.Bot itt r.n ttitn mid OlmiuuU .-. 03 t'nlted HUtm H-iuda 1 00 Bn rmtaau,le IJ.W" Cub t Put from bauki W.f-' ft t'sU.I.'t It a. r. aiu. prMUox W01 Wrtw.lUr, Vk Pmidml ARE YOU SURE The m-iinlH how n ch-nr title' to your irniert.v? The recuriln lillletl to kIiciw ciirreet title III II mile inmle till iwk by it leinllii n-nl eHtiite ciiiiiuiiiy. RESULT I. niiu delay mill iobIIiU' Iukm. Iletterlet the I'liiuit-r Almtnul C puny louk ufter j our liiteretn. PIONEER ABSTRACT COMPANY (Member Oregon Association of Title Men) 6 ioneer None Money Back if You Are Not Satisfied. Made at Home. Pioneer Cream Co. Agents DeLaval Separator. PIONEER SADDLER Manufacturer of nni tlettli-r In Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles. E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or. It tttv Tub! lj r ml I W JUVJL B n and Bulls SALE I.UMII.ITIKi Cnpllal Hlnek.'twld In I M.IM Hurplu fund, i-riM ft-!.tf1 00 tudlvlrlcstpnillu, earned r .T.'l a Circulation IkikmIU , taa.oiw M i-Jl.l.'t II T. M. BMI. CuklM H. BaMala. Am'I CukM - : - Butter Better 9 I I l.J Shingles Mouldings, Windows, Doors, ClacseB, Etc. Etc., Etc SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON nnroi"jrriu nnvnrtKr '. !