W. N. Jones Receives Unconditional Pardon Wastington, Juno 3. Having clearly established, by giving the records that he wss twice con victed in land fraud cases by 'fixed-' juries, und having shown this fixing was done by William J. Burues and his ageuts, Willard N. Jones, of Portland, today re ceived an unconditional pardon at the hands of President Taft. and is thereby relieved of pay ment of fines Aggregating tlS.OOO and escapes serving four months in jail. While President Tafts state ment on this is not made public, it is understood to be a scaUiing arraignment of Burns and others implicated with him, but Burns will escape puuisbment for his violation of the law aud ethics, notwithstanding that bis guilt is established by his own records, some in his own handwriting now in possession of the Attorney General, as the statute of limit ations has run and nothing could be accomplished by attempted prosecution. - The Department of Justice in today announcing the pardon of Jones made the formal state meut, but explained that Jones bad been pardoued because the department bad exhaustively ex amined his charges against Burns and other prosecuting officers and found his charges completely proved. These char ges if ever made public in their entirety, will make one of the most sensational records in the history of. American criminal procedure. Summed up generally, the Jones charges, which the Attorney-General holds are proved are as follows: That the Government prose cutors are detectives and political i enemies of Jones, determined and selected the whole jury box list of more than 500 names from which the grand and petit juries were drawn, this unlawful sel ection of jury lists beiug made along political lines with the pur pose of securing men who were i prejudiced and who would con vict. - That the names lawfully in the ' jury box were unlawfully remov ed. -; ; That witnesses were intimid ated into giving false testimony against Jones under threat of in dictment. That witnesses were of threat ' ened in the presence of their families in their own homes by a member of the grand jury and by detectives in Government employ. : That in various cases then be ing tried, numerous persons ; were indicted and compelled to - give against other defendauts, evidence not true and thereafter such indictments were dismissed. The case of Jones was pre pared and presented to the At- torney-General and the President by H. H. Schwartz, of Portland, and James S. Easby-Smith, of Washington, and it wa3 upon evi dence which they dug from the official files of the Departmeut that Jones' pardon was based. With the permission of the Attorney-General, Schwartz went through the confidential files left at Portland by fleney and Burns and then followed his search : through the files in Washington. The disclosures made are in i many intances astounding. In March, 191 1, President Taft after reading the first appeal of Jones, commuted his sentence in two cases to four mopths, to run consecutively, and lefi his fine at 12.0C0. Schwartz, then in Portland, telegraphed the President outlining the nature-of his discovery among the Heney Burns confidential papers ' and secured a stay of porceedings, and during that stay completed his record. Most of the sensational evid ence showing the Burns methods of packing juries was found in box which Eeney and Burns left at Portlaud in careof Honey's appointee. Marshal Keed, mark-ed"Contldettalr-Not to Be Op ened." This box was turned over to the District Attorney by Rct'd'a successor, and District Attorney McCourt pave Sch- wartx access to it by direction of the Attorney General. In this box was a vast collection of rcc ords showing tha manner in which the jury box was filled by Burns. After the court had ordered that a jury lie drawn, from cer tain counties only. County Clerk of those respective couuties sub mitted lists of names to Burns, who in turn investigated person ally, and through paid agents and detectives each man was named to determine in advance whether he would vote for conviction if drawn for jury duty. Evidence in this box, compared with the personnel of the juries, shows that no man sat on the jury who had not been sounded in advance and been reported upon as being convinced of Jones' guilt and as being for conviction. Burns himself, in his own hand writ ting, indorsed one man as follows: "Convictor by God, from the word go; would convict Christ," and another 'O. K , just read the indictment to him." , Burns frequently wrote after the names of men he had inter viewed, "Convictor, would con vict Christ." One man who ser ved as juror in the Jones case was reported as follows: "Populist and Socialist. Been an ardent reformer in his time but now believes that through graft and monopoly everything is gone to bell and it is too late to save the country. He is one who would be in for convicting anybody, especially, if he were republican politician." So it went down the whole line of 500 or more names. Experimental Farm Dates Fixed W. L. Powers, superintendent of the Crook County Demonstra tion Farms, gives tLe following notice to formers and others: Until further notice the Supt of the Demonstration Farms will be at the day farm near Metolius Tuesdays and Thursdays be tween trains and may be seen at the office room in the rear of the Metolius State Bank on these days. A selected library of dry farming literature will be pro vided at this office and a supply of bulletins will be on hand for free distribution to dry farmers. The dry land demonstration farm is one half mile north of Metol ius depot and visitors aro wel come at all times. The bead office for the Dem onstration Farms is located at Redmond over the Bank of Com merce, and the office hours for present will be Monday, Wednes day Friday afternoons from 1 to 5. and all eveninss of t.h weW when in town from 7:30 to 9 This office will be provided with a selecteu library of literature on irrigation and dry farming. The irrigation demonstration farm is located one mile north of Redmond and all' those interest ed in this kind of farming should arrange to visit it during the season. - Beginning next week a series of Talks to Farmers willbeissued by the superintendent through the press of this district. These series will deal with subierts of timely, practical interest rather than follow any system atic order from week to week. The subjects will be chosen from the questions most frequently asked in the correspondence and interviews with farmers. All correspondence should Le addressed to the Redmond office until further arrangement, to in sure prompt attention. Redmond Lumber & Produce Co Wholesale and retail hay, (rain, flour and feed. Lime and cement. We sell the T. G. Mandt Wagon and Moline farm machinery. 6-9-tf Hold Union Picnic On July Fourth Church iiK-mbvrsi, jnrniVrst of Christian young peoplo' svio(ics and Sunday schools throughout Crook county, are combining their forevs in a big picnic to be iriwn on the Warmsiirinjrs ain ncy, at a point near Mecca, July Fourth. The unique event was instituted by the Crook Coun,ty Christian En deavor union, at a meeting held in .Metolius last feuruary. The ex ecutive committee of the Endeavor union has charge ' of all arrange ments. It has sent out invitations to every church organization, re gardless of creed or denomination, to "participate in this big event, which is the first general reunion of Christian people of all denominations that has taken place in this country. The purpose is mutual acquain tance and a good time. The rail roads have granted a special rate of one and one-third fare, and a special train will probably be secured for the occasion. You are welcome even if not affiliated with any local organization. The event gives promise of being the most notable one of the season in Crook connty. Everyone who comes is requested to bring his own luncheon. Pro vision has been made for conveyance from the station to the grounds. No fireworks of any kind will be per mitted. An elaborate program is being arranged by a special committee, in cluding music by a brass band, as well as games of various kinds, and a Fourth of July oration by a promi nent public shaker. For further particulars consult the officers of the Christian En deavor society nearest to you. To the Public. I'liave secured a renfirat of the mail contract between Hriueville and lied mond and will rou'iuua to aerve niv patron in both places to the best of mt ability. All exprt-sa matter will re ceive my personal attention. Soliciting a share of your patronage. I remain, respectfully, 5-10 Matt Kclksch. Notic ef Aihaiaiitrator's Sals sf Real Eitals. Notice is hereby given, by the under, sinned, the administrator of tha Mtate of Kobert Pennington Johnson, de ceased, that In pursuance of an order of the county co-irt, of the State of Ore Son for Crook county, made and entered on the 6tb day 'of June, 1912, the undersigned, the' administrator aforesaid, will sell at private ale. for cash, subject to confirmation by said court, after Satnrdav. the 1.1th day ol July, 1912, at bis office in Prlneville, Oregon, all the light, title and interest the said Kobert Pennington. Johnson bad at the time of his death and all the interest the estate has acnnlred in ad dition to that of the said Kobert I'enn- ineton Johnson at tha time nt bia death, in and to the following described real property situated in the Countv of Crook, State of Oregon, towit: the east half of the southeast quarter of section seven, and the east half of the northeast quarter of section eighteen in township thirteen south, of range "four teen east of Willamette .Meridian. Terms and conditions of aala. caah. five per cent of purchase price to .be pain on oay ol safe, balance upon con drmation by the court. " M. R. Elliott. Administrator of the estate of Kobert f epyinglon Johnson, deceased. ti o tProfassiCaal Cards, Dr. Charles MacFadden Oateooathic Physician Hyscnlp, Dietetlo and Natural Therapeutics Office Over Morris Furniture Store. Telephone: Pioneer, No. 126. . Dr. Howard Gove Oentiat Rooms 14 and Iff Adamson Building. T. E. J.DUFFY Attorney -at-Law (Succesaor to W.A.Bell) Pbi.evh,lk , . Ohkoo: C C. 3rix ftaal stat IPrineviiU, vrtgoit Dr. John Huback, Lute Veterinnry Kurccmi TT, fl. Armyi XJermriuifnt 01 fbe fhillpjHnB. All Huitijeai Worlc at Keaonable Hamilton Stable. Prineville Or W. A. BELL . Lawyer i The Dalles Oregon $500 Reward. Tim Mill Crock l.lvtwtoek Association M I'nttk. Comity offers a reward of f.'iiH) f.r the arrest ami minUtum of an pvraim or persons stealing, or killing' cattle or liors tHMnugntg to any mem her of this aitH'itttot,, VUlsira Ktiinvt Caivn, secri'tary-l'reaa. Teacher's Examinations Notice la livn.hr givn thai tha County ; Superintendent of Crook County will hold Ui regular examination lor applt ' cauts for stale and county papera at the j court Iioum, I'rineville, as follows j For Statu 1'anera-ComuiiMieipg Wad ! nesdav. Jiine In. at It o'clock a. in., aud ' continuing until fNiturday, June 2'.', at, 4 l. hi. . .. j Wednesday forenoon Waiting, f, S. i History, 1'hysiniogr. '., i Wednesday afternoon I'hysl -al tieog ! rapliy, Heading, Composition, Methods I in Kesditig, Methods in Arithmetic. I Thursday forenoon Arithntottc, Civil ! Government, llutory of Kdiii'auon, ,' I'svcholoity, Methods 'in Cieographv. Ihursuay afternoon -(raiutiiar, tivog-! raphy, American Literature, i'hv)cH, Methods In language, I hem for l'ri mary Certificate. Friday forenoonTheory and Practice, Orthography, Kngtish Literature. Friday alluruoou School Law, llolatiy Algetira. 8aturda forenoon iom trv. O ology. Saturday Afternoon tiencral History, RtHikkeepiug. . "1 R. A. Fot. County Snp't. . Sheriff's Sale. la the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Crook. J. H. Wenandv and 1., 1.. Fox, co-part. ners, doing bu-ines uuder the llrm name and style of Wunandy Livery, Feed It Automobile Co., plaiutifls, vs. J. T. Cotnbea. defendant. Notice is hereby mvcu that under and by virtue of an execution and otder of sale of personal proiwrty Issued out ol the circuit court of the state ol Oregon for crook county, in I lie aliove entitled suit, on the thirteenth dy of March, lwu', in favor ol the nnove namtd plaintiff and against the above named defendants, upon a judgment and de cree in favor of the said plaintiffs for the sum of four hundred eighty-eight aud tiny nine hundredths dollars and the further sum of twenty-three dollars damages and cuxts, which aid judgment was enrolled and docketed in the ofhee ol the county clerk of Crook county, state of Oregon, on the l:!th day of March, UH2, and which said decree or dered the personal nrorerty beloninni to s.ild defendaut te so'd by the sheriff ol Crook eountv, state of Oregon, to satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees and coats, now thervfuie notice is furth er given timt I have levied npon all the personal pro)ierty, and 1 w ill on SatenUr, tin 29tl s.y af Jaas, 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the north door of th county courthouse in Prineville, Crtaik county, state of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the personal properly belonging to aaid defendant to satisfy said judgment and decree, attorney's fees and coats and accruing coats. Dated and published Best time this .10th day of May, 1U12. T.Tf. Baifovh, ' Sbeiiff of Crook county, state of Oregon. Notice of Hearing. Before the Board of Control of the , State of Oregon, Water DIvIhIou Xo. I 2, Crook county. Id the mntter of the determinntlnu ! of the relntlve rlirhta to the witter i of Crooked Itlver and ita trlbutarlca, tributary of Deachttea river, W. V. Urovrn, conteataut, VH. , John Davln, conteatj. - To John llavlu. conteatee. abort nitineil : In the name of the atnte of Oregon, ' Yon are hereby no tilled that the1 above named cuntvatuut haa filed a contest fiKnliiKt your claim to the wntera of the above uiimed st renin and Ita trlbuturlea, find that a henr. Inir wilt lie had in the matter of aald ' ctmteat at the cotirthotiae In I'rltm. ! vllle, Crook county, Oregon, at the j hour of M o'clock a. m , on Mondnv, 1 the 2!ii(l day of July, 112. Itefore the; undi-rHlKned siierln tendent of Water j Division .No. 2; and you are hereby! required to appear before me at anld i time and place with your wltneaaea, to give evidence In the mutter of euch content, j WltoeaM my hand thla 1.1th day of I May, 1012, at LaGrande, Oitbod. J CiKo. T. (.'(K iiruN, j Superintendent of Water IMvMon j -No. 2, State of Oregon. 5-!W-7t i r "RECEPTION Smith & Allingham, Props. Champ Smith's old stand. j Imported and. Domestic Cigars Famous Whiskies Old Crow; Hermitage; Red Top Rye; Yellow Stone; Canadian CluVi; Cream Rye; James E. Pepper; Moore's Malt. t . - . Porter, Ale and Olympia Draft Beer on Tap. and? Imported Wines Liquors. rtjF jaVaVi Kre.1 A. Hire, t r, J, a. Kniius jr., K. U, County M irvnyor. Ih'puty Cu. SurM yor, Kicc & Neville CUU Engineers. i;n.Tkl K'mlH"rti'a. raiaartiLe, osnms fjpt C. 3rink ff r4. yW, 9rfm, In illci'iimilnu; fiirnttusi retnt'liilier (lint much aervrilly "cnaaed" llowadnya, lie. cHtiKe of Ita flimsy rlmrai'icr. Hut wheti you ouine hi'ro to exiiinltiiiavur lorfce nud well-ttaanrted atok .vim tltlil none but the beet iiinkiw In every Hue of illiihitf-rtKint, parlor, bed-ruoiii lllirarv, bull r kitchen Cnriiltiir.-, Cra.ta, Mntlluga, lliiga, Linoleum, etc. mid nil nn marked nt the po. lively lowest iHcca. For caali ur on ItiHtnlliiienta. . A. II. LIPPMAN & COMPANY Order Yeur Screen Doors New, 1 MICH EL IN TIRE PRICES Reduced f Effective May 30th Subatantial Reduction on all iiiea. Site 34x4 36x4) 37x5 NEW PRICE $33.25 43.75 54.00 THE SUPERIORITY OF MICHEL1N TIRES IS RECOGNIZED ALL OVER THE WORLD IN STOCK BY Prineville Machine Shop Every Housekeeper, no matter what her weekly expenditure may lie, values the oppi r tuulty to eave. Many a penny may be aaved by the person clever enough to buy their Spring Lamb, Fine Poultry aud all other Meats at our market. . ' City Meat Market Li r- Sonera ffilacksmitiing Ira u ri Horseshoeing, Wood "VVobk, etc., Neatly and Promptly Donk Whkn it is Donb By. : : i Sfobcrt 97ooro L J r-t r 1 n ti rt LJ LJ r.i t j n LJ E3 L J t,a L'I3 Satisfaction Will Pbinevillk, ri"trifri"ir!i!inriPiflr!Piriiiirriri'riririti lrisiiTiPiriiipiiriiiirspipinrinrimmrpiriitirpiri Willaid II. Wirtz Attorney.nl. I,nw, Oltlce In M. K, niuu"' tilllcK. I'ltlMlt II.I.K, flltt'.t'X rt t I.T I 'MHIlt met ever W, 1 HuuiUy mHil. ritrnpo ra wi-in'ine. It. I', Itnnnn, N. Il l I!. . J, hLhiio. k, V, tl.l Hurt llaillua, m',, I. ml C, II. IHnwiitilr,TiTu. Amur! it la well tu of it. ta lie. Old Price $35.75 47.25 58 75 rt tj r..t u r.i L J El k. J r.i Li r.i L J r.i LJ rii L J ri L J ri LJ r.a LJ B1 KQ ca t j ' ra UJ Be Guaranteed Okeqon. y )