Dennis O'Brien Found Dead Cormier Hyde, Prom-cutlnif At torney Wirt, ShiTiir Bulfour and County 1'hysiciun Edwrd wor tuimmurietl to lU-ilmond Sunday to Invrstiirate the doath of Dentil O'lirlen, who wua found In ft mall irrigating ditch. The cu.k at first looked like one of foul play but an autopsy revealed the cause of death aa heart failure, The mun won di'ud before he tumbled into the ditch, any the doctor. The luW aliow tlii. There wan no water In them. The wu6nj on the head of the. dend man could tuiyu Ixcn caused by the man fullinir upon wmiethlnor. There wm not even a sunpicion of foul play, , O'Brien wan about 50 year of aire. He had been knocking around toe county since the day of railroad construction. He acted M powder man to one of the crews, Since then he ha jobbed around at various thinjra. lie waa buried by the county. , ' , Sheep Shipping Records Broken The Shanico Star says: "With a total of 61,700 head of iheep ship ped from Shaniko this week, tie Shaiuko branch of the O-W. II & N, break ail records for aheep n!iip menu In the name length of tine nut only for any point In oregon, but for the entire Pacific northwet. Seventy carload were sent out In one day, and 109 car will bo used to accommodate the entire shipment before the week is up next Tuesday. Thi represent the main part of the dpring turn-off for the country immediately tributary to this point, though there remain about 45,000 yet to come from outlying ranche where hearing ha been held up by dmot continuous rain for ten day. The stuck I all In splendid condition n account of the mild winter and jilenti fulness of feed. H in prob able that O.-W. R. & N. will handle n excess of 100,000 head of sheep out of Shaniko this season. The Northern Pacific railroad will iltribute 35 car of this shipment through South Dakota and to Chi cago. New Homestead Bill Up to the President Without words of debate, with .out a dissenting vote, the House of Representatives agreed to the conference report on the Borah Jones three year homestead bill and it was signed by Speaker Clark. As soon as it Is signed by tbe Vice-President It will go to the White House for President Taft's approval and tbe general expectation is that tbe bill will become a law before tbe end of the week. It Is customary for the Pres ident to refer a public land bills to the Secretary of the Interior before signing, and this course may be taken with the three-year bill, but lhat is not likely. The action of the House today was accomplished without any friction, those In charge of the bill wuiting until Its opponents were out of the hull before call ing it up. Five minutes after the conference report was read, It had beeu approved by the House without roll call. Half an hour later some who intended oppos ing the adoptiou of conference report found it too late. It the session of Congress lasts long enough Senator Borah will endeavor to get the House his correlated bill directing the the patenting of homesteads on Government irrigation projects soon as entry men comply with the homestead law. This bill has passed the Senate, but has not been reported by the House committee. . If it is enacted, homesteaders on Government projects can get patent in three years, instead of waiting 10, as at present required. Central Oregon Needs Railroad Facilities "What Central Oregon needs more than anything die is ad ditional railroad facilities," said . P. Davidson, president of the Nttrnh M.CMfk, ami Mnrnh M. (leek Oregon & Western Colonization 'f" xH'utr,1"' th luet will kiii , ., iteatmiientnf Heury A. leek , deietiMeil Couipuny, after returning to hi i iM.-iMiuiitH. oMcefroma trip through tho' s,,Ue "eael.y given that In pur- r iilluni-H In HI) itnWuf iKm ..... state's Interior iocompany with a : party of Great Northern im migration officials, ' "It is hard to adroit," said Mr. Davidson, "but it is true, that a majority of the homestead ers bo have takon up land in Central Oregon In the last four!"'"' i;r;'ix'rtv, mentioned a " . , ;erllied lu mtldatill, mid o or nve years are not producing being for the partition ot more man enough to keep them . . . . ... r ; selves and their ittraillea. ootr.e i have abandoned their places bI- ! ,, ' . , ,,, , , together and are holding their laud foe the development of the T , , , ' country, And they are Homing It at good prices, too. "Now, this luck of develop ment is not because the couutry will not boar development. Our trip proved tho contrary, as none of us ever had seen better crops anywhere. "Uut a man Is not going to do to much farming for tbe market when ho bus to haul hi ptoducts 100 to 100 miles to a railroad. On the average !i0 miles is about the limit of distance that a farm er luCenUal Oregon may reason ably be expected to haul bis pro duce to soil It. The territory within that radius of the new railrouds In Central Oregon Is developed and is doing splend idly. It will produce heavily this yoir. The dry farming section never looked better, and farmers tell me that they will have tho bist crops In tbeir history. All along tbe railroads : and on either side of them the ! cmin fluids the vpL'ftiihla car-! grain, uoius. too vefceiaom fcr dens, the young orchards and , ' , ... .. the stock ranches r reflect tbe fertility ot the nil n.wl ttm in 1 SOU BUU llieiD, dustry of the people. Within a few years the territory Im mediately tributary to the rail roads will add an immense vol ume of value to the stule. "This same situation could be duplicated in the southern and eastern part of tbe state, given adequate transportation facil ities. Toe soil is just as good, the climate Is just as favorable and the moisture is present in the same proportions. The peo ple need only a more economical method of getting to the market." It is probable that the recent trip of Mr. Davidson and his party will result iu early activity in Centaal Oregon. Accompany ing him were E. C. Leedy, general immigration agent of tbe Great Northern; Fred V. Gra ham, Western immigration agent; C. C. Morrison, Immigration agent at Chicago; T. L. McDonald of St Paul, and E. A. Hagrave, of Helena, Mont., special immi gration agent. Wherever the party stopped those men visited the farmers and the homestead ers to learn-their experiences, and to determine, if they could the nted of the country. Mr. Leedy left yesterday morning for Helena, whore he will meet the special train bring L. W. Hill, ex-president of the Great Northern, and members of of his party, to Seattlo sud Port land. It is understood that he and the other Great Northern agents, are prepared to make reports substantially on the basis outlined by Mr. Davidson and recommending the early con struction of a railroad south from Bend. ' , ( Mr. Hill is associated with Mr. Davidson in the Oregon & West tern Colonization Co., which controls 800,000 acres of timber and farm land in Central Oregon and proposes himself to take & trip through that eection this Summer. Following his visit it is probable that definite action toward relieving the situation in the interior will be takon. Mr, Hillit, is understood, will devote much of his time in the future to the development of the territory tributary to the llill linos. He is parUcu!ary in terested iu Oregou. Oregonlan. fUlkt f K.fsrW $!. In th Clrmlt Court of tit Hint ol Oregon, tor Crook i-oimtr. I u a. Kmitti, l'luintin, Jnme (). Wllxon, Oo. K. Lilly, E. II. MaiMux, WIIIIhui May-key. W. A. Well, 8, K, Owen, larrli' Nk-holiui. Hon Mi lmlin, MiikkIi? 8. Hullivun, Conn-Hue II. Hulllvnn, Macule 8. i Sullivan n mliiiliilntrittrlx of t lie ea. li.iifr'.....n.u u..niu.. titled court in the ai.ove etititini uit ; to im, the unilemlgneil referee, (11 I reeleil ttnil delivered, Uion a ilirree In until milt and curt mihiIh ami tie ti-red nt the Octnlmr 1911 term there of, eouiiiiiiiidliig the uiidomlgued nx Heferee therein to Hell nt pillillc miction fur chhIi In lisiirl, lu pun-el, or o a whole h wild . Ki-fi-re- tuny dei'iu lieet, tho herelnnftfr dem-rllied nud de- order, and Hid land ii ml mild onli-r roniiiintidliiir u n w.h.m T,fr,vw uwii wu ratine iii manner re.iiiri'l for the mile of real ""i,;'iJp oiVMHie.n. mmM IhikIm In;- '"g di-erllied iw follow, to-wlt: The went half of the noiithwHt nimrterof iMtioi, twenty-nine U). the Month hull of the outheitt M.ii.l. m im II I.. ...... I 41. quarter of mttlou thirty cun, the earn Hull of the northeiiHt iunrler. find the runt half of the oiiilit-iit quarter of wH-tloo thirty one (III), nil In towimhli Kliteen (Hi) Month, of ruiiite twelve (l'J) et of tbe Willnm ette Meridian lu Crook county, Ore gon, containing H'JO ai rt-H, and lu ohedlnire to the comniood of the aid order, we, the undersigned, ref eree, will on FrUnr. IW IStk iT f Jutr. 1912, at the hour of ten (10) o'clock in the forenoon of Hld day, aell t (iiitiltc aiirtlon, at the front door of the county courthouse In I'rlnevllle, Ore gon, to the hlghcnt lildder, ciibIi In hand, the Hfon-ontd deoertlieil real property lu parcel, or a a whole, ii lid mild unle lielng aulijeet to coo nrinnUon by the above entitled court. Dated at Frluevllle, Oregon, tlilt 4th day of June, l'.IU'. Klmt piihlleutkin June A, l''I2. . It publication July 11, l!)U. .1. II. tlHAV. . H. A. Koktku, - Vi. K. McKarlaxii, Jlefere. Kotln of (latest. Iriiirtiurni of ib Imcrior, United Mie I .a ml Olttce. Th Kiillen. Orrif.m. Mar 21. 1012. j To (ieorit Curtij, Uei-eiiMHl, of 1'riiieville, tlreiroii, 1'uiiienteet Vtiu am hrliv nnllH.l lliat Mintili. f! McUiiinu. KiiuK'ivH.riin.viiie.oifL-on, M mis, nir in no. um,- her duly eorrobor "wI l,il'-ti'" i i-onimt and wun the nci)iimi uf voiir hoiMUd Kmrv No. i r'i n- de Nwemiwr -.i ! 1!10. fur NK','. l.ou 1. a, xviiun1 i4,toruhp i:.. rnn. i , k wuiam- no Mermiaii. anu gnMiiiiH lor here). tw,tlilleirea thai said (ieorve l urlin. elaimaiit.dUHi on orahout Man-h.IUIl.lrav-lug tttff (dlU)Wiiic hBiiied heiraat Julin t'unia, William 1'uriin, and Mm, V. II Kruiis. nnnaand daughter renpn-tively ami other burn winch are u ronteitaiit unknuwii. that the Htiiri (teorira Curua, de al d, haa wholly failed to rvaiiie upon, improve or cultivate no id tract for over nil imuitha neit piei-telliiK August null, Pill, that he wholly adandonetl aid trai t for over ix niontna next preceediugt Aiieunt 111, IUU, that the hem ot said George Curtia have wholly failed to rcaiile upon, improve or cultivate aaid tract for ovnr in months net piweeding AiiKUat 111. lull. You are, therefore, further noli li til that the aaid allegation will be taken by Una oilhe as having been contented by you, and your nail! entry will lie canceled there under without your further right to he heard therein, either before this office or on appeal, tlirou tun to tile In thisomi-e within twenty days after the KOU KTH publication of this notice, as shown below f'our answer, under oath, siiecitically nieel tiar and reeponding to these allegations of content, or if you tail within that time to tile in this orhec due proof that you have aervedacopy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mail. If this service is made by the de livery of a copy of j our answer to the con testant in person, proof of stuii service ni list be either the said contestant's writ ten acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing tbe date of ita receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the delivery waa made stating when and where the copy was delivered; il made by registered mail, proof ol auch service must consist of the affidavit of tbe person by whom the copy was mailed stating when and the poxtoffice to which it waa mailed. ami tins aiiiiiavit inuxi m accompanied ny the postmaster'a receipt for the letter. You should state in your answer the name ol the posiomce to wnicn you ueaire future notices to be sent to you. O. V. MOORE. 6-6 Register, Date of first publication Jane 1912. " second " ' June IS, ltt2. " third ' " June 20, 1012. " " fourth " June 27. 11112. Notice of 1 .mil Settlement. Notice ij horeby Rivn that th nntlerslgned aitmtuUirator of tht) ealHtu of U. W. (lurk, Je cottst'tt, has lilcd It is (lunl report ft ml tlte cottri hasttfi MonUtty, the Itit tiny uf inly, A. 1. mi, at tlm county rourt room in tbe county court hotiso, hi I'rlnevllle, Truok county, Oreunn, s the timunuit pUfe (or bcHrluK any ami all oh jfcitons tn rtki fliiAl rt'iort, ami the Ulsvuargv of tho ailininititrator from hu trust. Dated this 6tU day oi June, A. I. 1912. C- C. (VNBil., Atlmlnintrator de bonis not. of the estate of C. V. Clark, deceased. HAVE YOU Filed your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract? Certainly everyone has an abstract now. Do yon Know where your corners are. Well, No, Kot exactly. Brewster Engineering Company, PriDeville, Oregon, wiil locate them for you and guarantee the work. Survey ing, Platting, Irrigation Engineering, Fhona Pioneer 204. W. A. Booth, Pres. D. F. Stewart, V'loe-fres. Crook County Bank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Statement of the Crook CountylEank of Superintendent of Aaiett ( Loans nnrt Disoonnts............. Overdrafts Furniture and fixtures.,.. Ileal estate Caih od kaati and dii from banks ,,'..fl2! iH11.8,i ... 2,SIHUt ti.7iiti.iH) J47.S09.9S Crook County Journal, county oflioil paper. II 50 a yer. Sheriff Sale. lie virtu of ao execution and order of sale i aeued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Crook county, on the nth day of May, 11U2, in favor ol May Mackey, plain l iff, vi. John rergu tn and Sadie J-Vrgueon, dHfmnlanta, for the turn ot eh van hundred forty three dollar! and aixty cents 111 MM.)) with Interest thereon from the oiu day of May, 11112, at the rule of In per cent per annum, anil one hundred dollsrt (I0U( attorney's fen, and the further sum of seventeen d illara and fifty cents ($17.50) coat, which judgment wai en rolled and docketed iu the clerk' office of said court in aaid county on ikeUlh day of May, l!U2, which aaid execution commands ma to aell the following de scribed property, lying and being ai fol. Iowa: The eoutheast quarter of the southeast quartnr of tettion twenty. three) the southwest quarter of tbe aouthwe.t quarter of section twenty four: the northtr-st quarter of the northwest qnaio-r of section twenty live, and the northeast quarter of tbe nortbesst quart-r section twenty-six. township eigl.le n south, range twelve east oi nuiani. I .Meridian, in Crmk county, Oregon. I c sold by the alien of aaid county, aa under execution, and me proceeds ol such sale, alter paying tbe cost and disbursements, attorney') leea, and the expense herein staled, hall be applied noon tht judgment, and if the proceed of auch sale be in- aull'wienl 1 1,. ,.L,,,,,(T I..,.. i,l , , ...... J !, men! and execution against the de-f Llie lendants, John, ferguaon and Ferguson, to recover auch balance erguson, laid, and and in oledience Ui aaid execution. ortler of sale, and decree, notice is here- by given that I have levied upon tbe property sbovo described, and still on SatareV, Jaas 29, 1(12, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at tbe nortn uoor ol the courthouse, in l'rtne ville, Oregon, tell to the highest bidder fort-ash in hand, the above described property, or ao much thereof aa may be icjuirvu w musty sam juogoieni, inier est, coeta and accruing costs. Dated tins 30tk day of May, 1912. T. N. Balkock, Flieriff of Crook county. Sheriff Sale of Real Et&te. T. F. McCalliater, piaiutiff, VI. George McCallister, as administrator of the estate of Lewis McCallister, de ceased, lieorne MiK'allhter, Henry C. i McCallister, A. M. Manly and Manly, : her husband, J. I) McCallister, Kate Kiuett and Fiuett, her husband,! Hannah Foa and Foat, hir husliand, ' William McCallister, Alber McCallister, Ivy lialcb and bteve llali li, her hits- ; band, and all unknown heirs of Lewis ' McCallister, deceased, C. M. F.lkins, C. J. Johnson, L. A. Booth, O. B. !.ray and O. C. Gray, defendant. 1 Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution and order of sale of mortgaged real estate issued out of the circuit court of the state of Ore- j don for Crook county, in the above en- j ntlnd euit, on the L'.lth day of May,' 1112, In favor of the above named plain-' tiff and against the above named de- i fendanta. upon judgment and decree In fitvor of the said plaintiff for tbe auni 1 of Twenty-one hundred forty-nine and sixteen hundredths dollars, with inter- j et thereon at the rate of ten per cent j per annum from the 18th day of Sen-' teinber, 1907, until paid, and tbe furth-j er turn of two hundred tifty dollars as attorney's fees, and tbe further sum of I nftytivedollars as coets, which said judg ment vans enrolled and docketed in tbe j ollioe of tbe county clerk of Crook conn-! ty, state of Oregon, on the 9th day of! May, 1012, and which said decree' or dered that the following described mart-1 gged real estate belonging to the estate : of said Lewis McCallister, deceased, to-' wit: Lot one, and tbe east hall of the i eoutheast quarter of section six, tbe northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section seven, the. southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of sec tion Ave, all in township sixteen south. of range eleven east of the Willamette Meridian in Crook county, state of Oie gon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances there to belonging or in any wise appertain ing, be sold by the sheriff of Crook county, state of Oregon, to satisfy said judgment, attorney's fees and cost. Naw therefore notice ia further given that I have levied upon all the above described real property, and 1 will, on SataHay, tat 29tk say at Jaas, 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the north door of the county courthouse in trineville, Crook county, eta:e of Oregon, sell, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title and interest the said Lewis McCallister, deceased, bad in and to said premises at any time since the said ISth day of September. UH)7, and all the right, title and interest each and all the above named defendants had or have in and to said premises at any time since the said lth day of Sep tember, 1!H)7, in one parcel, to satisfy said judgnieut and decree, attorney's fees Hiid coNtB and accruing costs. Oated and published tiret time this 80th day of May, 11)12. T. X. Balfoi-h, Sheriff ot Crook county, state ol Ore gon. ', Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, I!. 3. Land Oftk-e at The lialles, Oregon, . Mav Slat, lrj. Notice Is hereby given that , John Panniala, of GrilBly, Oregon, who ou August Wth, 1-.10, made Homestead No, 07SV2, (or seii swi, 8tM), a, and no1 nwi, section 11, township iB &outh, rouge 15 vast, Willamette oiuriiliau. has tiled uotice ot intention to make commutation proof to establish claim to the laud above described, beiore Timothy E. J. Duffy, IT, 8. Commissioner at his offloe, at Prllieville. Oreiron. on the llthdAV oLInlv. 1913 Claimant names as witnesses: Thomas Pmtcu, Joseph Smith, t'osper Newbill, Joseph Montgomery, all o! Urizxly, Oregon. t-i 0. YV. iMooftK, Register. C. M. KLsriNS.Cashlei Prineville, Oregon, as rendered to the Banks, June 7th, 1911 Liabilities . Capital paid In full yiR.000.00 Surplus , Undivided profit.. 2.(W.?-.' Deposits HO.HO.It i ' . . : ' . . . Ht.!f0. Notice ! L ' V'-.? . . . ' I " s ii I will be in Redmond on or before June 1 3 with two carloads ! " II 1 . D' T O 1 T"v V-OWS. riOlSteillS, Dig leFSieS, KeU Dllf- I " J ; hams, and Ayershires. AH Government I T . 1 1 CSlCQ. 6-6 tf The "Utile" Four Roadster Fully Equipped F. O. B. Portland $795.00 20 h. p. Motor, 4 Cylender, Selective Transmission, High Teiuion Magneto, Semi-float Axles. EQUIPMENT Mohair top with hood and curtains, wind hield, Pi et-0-Lite tank. MOUNTINGS-Full nickel throughout J. C. ROBINSON Agent for Crook and Madras, Sherman Clay Music Co. Cable Player Piano Best on the market for the money. Maker stands be hind it with a guarantee. Brand new, with $20.00 worth of records free. Sold at Portland price $475, with freight $12,70 added, making $487.70 for this magnificent Mahogany Player complete. TERMS TO SUIT. DROP IN AND HEAR US PLAY Give Us a Trial. . Prineville Furniture Exchange Charles F. Condart, Proprietor Masonic Building. I CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL of Highgrade Dairy CP. JUDGE, North Portland, Oregon Hamey Counties. Oregon Satisfaction Guaranteed Pioneer Pbone.