Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, June 06, 1912, Image 3

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Events Occurring Throughout
tho Stato During the Past
Mining D; tc Postponed.
PmUit. S wn rn'flvd by thn
Xitkor cmniiirrc-lal rliib from U 1 1,
l4luiitf, of tho Um'Kihi MIiiIiik ("on
tri'i, Hint Hi" ni;it it.lultm conven
tion, hl h ua to Imvo liovn ti I I thin
aiuutli. lm liwti t'hmiKil t Autsuiit 6,
I oiul ?, liuiiK lliili'ly followtiiK tha
twtlnis of (tut suvrruont In HoIko,
filitho. It Ik tiliiiuii'il to bring tlio gov
inioiK li"r to Ik' convention.
Men with Elk Meat CaugM.
ri'iulli'loii, Tom Wllliiliy iiml Klmor
Kt'clioU witb Ml mnlir Mrri'nt iy
Ivimiy (iiiiini WimliMi Avrrlll nnir
IlinVuwny 8irtiiK on thn i'hur: of
llllliiK oik. Thi H r thw flint nrn-nin
lor tli b offi'iiBd pvor tnnili" In Uimittlln
ouiily, Tim nn'ii wcr taken liy ur
prin l.y th tl.'iiuty mill In lln-lr o
.;. Ion found tho elk nklii nnd
onto elk luriit.
fc'artln' Rapid to b Harnaaied.
KiiKt'tio I'lnn for tlio tli'volotiiupnt
f i:.i''in to tt.unu lior.i po or at Mur
Una ltniUI on tlie Mt Ki'iulu river,
13 Itillv runt of KuKMie, arc Iii'Iiik
mil. by tlio tin xon I'owi-r company
ant aurvtyltiK Imrtlra In chums ol
V.. II. Nlchola, chlwf vnRlnrw, will co
to tho rnplila to muk further aurvoya,
frolmhly will bo required
to tlovi-lop tlio projoct.
ill to bt Placed on Ballot by Inltla
tlva In Novambtr.
rortlnnil. Creation of now countle
nj tlio consolidation of contlKitoua
Incorporated cltle and towna by tho
people of tlio territory dlroctly Involv
ed are provided for In a propoaed Ron-
ml law which will bo aubtultled to
the voter of tlila atute next Novcni
Tho draft of auch a measure waa
ompleted at a niorttnK In Bt. Johna
ly a apeclul committee, coimlalltiK of
tho city attorncya of Bcnaide, St.
Johna and Cottiine Grove. Tho mom
kra of the conimltlve were: A. W
Korblad, of MiiMld; P. C. Stroud, of
tl. Johna, and J. C, Johnaon, of Cot
tfiK" Urovo.
The propoavd bill provide that now
ountlea may bo created from the tor
rliory of one or more old countlra,
provided thitt tho county from which
territory la taken ahull have romuln
hiK on urea of not lens thnn 600 aqunrc
aillea, a popultitlon of 2000 nnd pro
perty of not lena thnn 12,000,000 u
eased vnhmtlon, nnd provided further
thut tho proponed new county ahull
alo have tho annin nilnliiium n to
aren, population nnd property vulua
Tho creation of a new rounly mny
to proposed l)J' petition of 30 per cent
f the Ic'Kul voters residing In the tor
tttory of which It la to bo composed,
Cooa Bay on Scorn.
Maritlifleld. ImprovoiiientM In con
aectlon with tho lumber lnduxtrlca of
t'ooa county which have been made
recently nnd which are now being
itucled will iiKKri'Kiito in expenditure
aowToxlinately $1,500,000. Never be
fore In the hlatory of the locality haa
there been na much advancement In
the way of Improvements ami new In
Only Ono Bill Ready to go Beforo
Votera out of 40 to SO Discussed.
Salem. Although there nre between
40 and 50 measures under the Initia
tive which have been discussed with
a view to brlnRlng them beforo the
people next November It seems prow
able that many of these will never
reach the ballot through a ftilluro to
Initiate In time.
Under the law, July 4 will be the
Inst day on which completed petitions
can be filed, nnd July 1 la the Inst day
n which favorable nrgumenta for nny
measure mny be filed. This gives it
oomparntlvely short time for secur
lug over 9000 mimes on petitions for
each bill.
The only bill so fur recolved Is n
proposed constitutional ' amendment
providing for woman's suffrage. July
22 Is the last day on which argument;
ppoBlng, any in en sure may be receiv
ed, ami September 11 Is the Inst duy
for the secretary of Btnte to mail out
Initiative and referendum pamphlets
Beoretary Olcott fears that there
will be such a rush of petitions at the
lost moment It will be practically Im
possible for the clerks In the office tc
aheck over the names.
I Gebhardt la Freed.
Oregon City, Following a dramatic
litaring, Justice of the Peace Samson
dlamlased tho charge of murder
ngntiist August Gobhnrdt. The court
Villi that Uehhurdt shot nnd killed
Robert Llndley, a furmhand, In de
fense of himself andwife followlt g a
jiarty at which beer was served.
Japanese editor of the Pacific coast
will hold their fourth annual meeting
In Portlund, Juno 11-13.
Jack I,e, a trusty who esraped
from tho atute penitentiary at Bnlem,
a short time ago, was arrealed at As
The city cf North liend haa taken
atepa to prevent the holding of 1. W.
W. meetings and apeotliinttkiiig on
the at reel a.
ltobert Conner, one of Koaeburg'a
wenlthlOHt residents, hits boon fined
4ii0 and sentenced to 30 days In Jail
for violating the local option laws.
The IMiuglaa county grand Jury baa
filed an Indictment charging ex May
or Hoover, of Itonehiirg. with selling
venison In violation of the atato game
High water In the t'olumhla river
dumuged a long bridge on the O.W.
It. A N. at Itiifua, cunt of The Dalles,
to the extent thut trulua were blocked
for two daya.
The Soul hern Pacific la planning a
moat extenalve system of electric feed
er througliout tho Willamette valley
to be built us soon as the main lines
Into Portland are electrified.
Professor Lester tl. Shlppee, of Pa
cific I'nlverKlty, haa accepted a posi
tion aa Instructor of economic at
Washington State College summer
school, Pullman, Washington.
Incorporated In the Indian appro
priation bill reported to the senate are
numerous amendment proposed by
Senator Chamberlain to pay old claims
of various Indian tribe In Oregon.
With aeven countle yet to hear
from report from countle In the
stnte with relation to tho eighth grade
examination show that 2598 pupil
were aucceasful In the examination.
George Anderson, who ahot and kill
ed Attorney George W. flame on the
street of Canyon City laat June, ha
been acquitted. The trial showed that
llurne started the trouble which end
ed In hla death.
Many feuturea of unusual Interest
have been Included In the program
for the nineteenth annual Chautauqua
assembly which open at Gladstone
park near Portland, Tuesday, July 9
continuing for two week.
The senate ha posaed a bill pro
viding a reservoir site for Pendleton.
The measure direct the secretary of
tha Interior to furnish 200 acres of the
t'mntllla Indian reservation tor the
site of the proposed reservoir.
In order to protect themselves from
varlou advertising medium of more
or less value and publicity schemes
offered to merchants, the business
men of McMlnnvllle havo formed a
Merchant' Protective association.
Au experiment station In Coo coun
ty to supply aid to the fruit grower
and farmers west of the Const Range
of mountains Is the plan which P, M.
llall-l,ewls, the Coos county fruit In
spector, Is endeavoring to carry out.
Tho Portland, Kugene & Knstern
begun construction of an electric line
between Cauhy anil Molalla, a distance,
of 10 mile. The line will connect
with tho company's main line that will
tap tho Willamette valley from Eu
gene to Portland.
Mrs. Lennru Pcnchln shot nnd killed
horholf at her lent home near Wichita
station on the Kstncnila electric line,
after shooting nnd probably fatally
wounding her husband, Kverott S.
Peachln, a sergeant In the Portland
police department.
Ilroodlng over hi recent arrest and
fine for killing deer out of season,
Jiinies Itnldwln, of l.'klah, attempted
to commit suicide by swallowing a
tenspoonful of strychlue, but medical
nsulatnnce reached him before the poi
son hnd taken full effect.
Order have been Issued to the con
tractors on the Oregon & Kustern rail
road to rush work on the first 80 miles
of that extension out of Vale. This
will take the line, 96 miles southwest
erly from Ontario to Riverside
through the Malheur canyon.
On Thursday, June 6, the new tom
ple of Corvallls lodge No. 14, A. F. &
A. M., will be dedicated by the most
worshipful grand master of Oregon,
Thomas H. Baldwin, of Prlnovllle, who
will be assisted by practically all the
othor officers of the grand lodge of
When the submarine mines that
have been laid Just below the Fort
Stevens wharf were exploded a couple
of days ago, thousands of sardines
and other small flBh were killed. In
the neighborhood of 200 salmon were
tunned by the shock of the explosion
and came to the surface.
George Shartle and Wesley Hat
field, of Chetco, were drowned In the
breakers at the mouth of the Pistol
river when the engine refused to work
In their gasoline launch. They were
carried to sea by the ebbing tide and
their boat capsized in the breakers
with fatal results to both,
By a wholesale slashing in many of
the reports and particularly in the
printed report of the secretary of
state, State Printing Expert Harris
believes a large saving can be made to
the state. He Intends to eliminate
from the report of the secretary of
state over BOO pages of matter which
carries nothing but a detailed state
ment as to the warrants Issued, and
believe it will result In over $2000 be
ing saved.
s.jji nan-. t V.waJ JSk J
Wilbur Wright, tha famou aaro
plane Invtntor, who died at hi home
In Daton, Ohio, of typhoid fever.
Brief News of the Week
California' enrollment of automo
bile ha grown to 74,210.
The stock holder of the United
States Rubber company have Increas
ed tho capital stock from 175,000,000
to 1120,000,000.
Hampton's Magazine has suspended
publication. One of the loser In the
magazine I Speaker Champ Clark,
who I said to have Invested $4000.
An eight hour day for all trades In
the Drltlah Isles Is the ambitious
scheme upon which the force of or
ganised labor are concentrating their
Thirty hotels and restaurants In
New York are affected by the waiter's
strike. A demonatratlon of 4000 tink
er on Fifth avenue wa marked with
much disorder.
For tha first time In 35 year the
diplomatic business of the United
Stnte In France I being conducted
In English. The predecessor of Am-
bussador Myron T. llerrlck used
A Great Northern train carrying St
Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth busi
ness men has left St Paul on what Is
said to be one of the largest trade ex
tension excursions ever undertaken.
The tour, which comprise a 4000
mile trip to the Pacific coast and re
turn, will cover two weeks.
People in the News
John D. iioekefeller Is now worth
more thnn $1)00.000,000, according to
estimates published.
Dr. William McMlchnol Woodworth
of Harvard University, an authority
on soology of world-wide reputation,
is dead.
T). H. Durnhnm, one of the world's
greatest architects, who planned more
that SO buildings in the heart of New
York, died in Germany while on a
tour of the world.
That "General" William Booth, the
head of the Salvation Vrmy, who re
cently underwent an operation for the
removal of a cataract from his eye,
will henceforth be totally blind Is the
opinion reached by the doctors after
a consultation.
Rudolph Kntz, soctallat candidate
for congress from the seventh New
Jersey district, and an organizer ot
the Industrial Worker of the World,
was arrested and sentenced to serve
six month In jail for Interfering with
employes in a silk mill.
Political News Bits
A solid delegation of 40 instructed
for Woodrow Wilson has been elected
by the Texas democratic convention.
Washington politician freely ex
press the opinion that the bitter fight
between Taft and Roosevelt will re
sult In two republican conventions In
President Tuft's Texas supporters
refused to participate In the state con
vention dominated by the Roosevelt
supporters, marched away and held a
separate convention.
The democratic voters of Rhode Is
land at the presidential preference
primary favored Champ Clark by a
large plurality over Woodrow Wilson
and Judson Harmon.
Adherents of President Taft expect
Colonel Roosevelt to come to Chicago.
If he does, they say, It will Indicate
that he Intends to bolt If president
Taft Is renominated.
The name of Governor Simeon E.
Baldwin, ot Connecticut, will be pre
sented to the democratic nattonal con
vention at Baltimore by Dean Henry
Wade Rogers, of the Yale Law school.
During the week Speaker Clark
$ lined the delegations from Kentucky
with 26 votes; Montana 8, and Arizona
6, or 40 In all. Wilson carried Minne
sota and New Jersey, and Georgia's
delegates went to Underwood. A poll
ot the delegates elected shows that
Clark hns 342, Wilson 226, Underwood
83, Harmon 46, Burke 10, Marshall ,30,
Baldwin 14 and 187 unlnstructed. Of
the delegates to the Chicago conven
tion Taft has 471, RcoBeveft 451, La
Follette 36, Cummins 10, and 86 con
tested or doubtful.
Settle Up. !
As the lolloaltig firm ra out of lui.l-:
umi they wish to close accounts atooce
O'Neil llroa.
O'Nell liro. Co.
lme Pine Trading Co.
O'Neil, l.amon it Co.
(u-ttleineut oinat be msde by either
cah or note with Walter O'Neil, Prine
ville, Ore., at the law office ol (jeory
llnrnier. 4.8
Cancellation of County Warrant
Notice ! herein given that ftOdayt
terMhe tirst of July. 11)12, the follow
ing lint of warrants ixsoed over seven
years a0. willjw cancelled if not pre
sented to the county clerk of Crook
county for payment on or before the ex
piration ot the ihove time limit.
The person to whom iratlt-d, the
mount and date of isme are as followa:
C A Mile, H, May 11, P.H14
C A I'.arnea, $1, " "
I. K Allii.gliiiui. $2. May 11 1!Kt
J W '.tiee, 2. March 7, 103
Jatnea Mitchell, $22 80, July!!, PJ03
C O Uethol, $1. hep 4, l'-i".
ti I; Rolierta. $2, Nov. fi, P.03
Dudley Mayfleld, $1, Jan. It, 1904
Harney lvvis. $1, Jan. , i'MH
Max I Pane, $l,Jan. 0, P.SI4
Chaa. W oner. $1, Jan. tf, 1MI4
( haa. Turner, $.50, May 11, 1!H
, T 1. Cl.iMers, $1.2.1, Mav U, P.I04
A Iavi, $2, July 1, l'.HH
J A .Moline, 1 fto, July 1, P4
John Mulvatiill, $:i, July K. lltot
C t Cornett, $:i, July 8, l'.H
W North. 2, Sept, HI.W4
II J Horn, $1 M Nov. 2, P.KI4
Alra Firehill, $2..M) Nov. 2, l'.MM
J P Vanilouten, $1, Jan. 7, l'-Wo
W M Mwa. $:i. Jan.
i C Cox, $.1, Jan. 7, 105
Jow li Whitfield. $1, Jan. 7, l'.'Uo
C W I'almehn, $.', Jan. 7 l'J5
W K Hotter, $1, Jan. 7, IWj
(' F Delano, $1 Jan. 7, l'-t05
T J Mulloy, $1, Jan. 7. 11105
Mra. Kthel ISnta.$1.50, March 8 P.I0o
( S Harnes, $4.(10, March H, l'.K)5
Roy Jonea, $1.50, March 8, 1U05
.1 amea Sitherwood, $1 tk), March 8,
T Kt Michel, $1.40, March 8, P.H)5
F W Copeland $1.40, Match 8, 11105
J M Pattou, fl.40 March H, PK)o
N P Weider, $1.40, March S, P.tOTi
W E Htephena. $1.0, March 8, 1005
A Liaka, $1 50, March 8, 1H05
K U Weianer, 91.20, May 12,1805
K C Weianer, $1.30, Mav 12. 10U5
T J Dolan, $1, May IS, 1H05
W Hannan, $1, May 18, 1905
II Flether, $1. May IS, 1005
A Hixon. 97.05, May 18, 1U05
State of Oregon,
County of Crojk. 1
1, Warren ISrown. clerk of the above
named countv and state, do hereby
certify that the foregoing list of war
rant contains all the warrant in my
olllce which have been iesued over seven
veara and are still unpaid.
Witness my hand and the seal of ssid
court on this the lot day of May, ivii.
Wabrks Bbows,
County Clerk.
00 0 NEST K0, 1588
. U, KJm Subordinate
Order of Owls, meet the second and
fourth Thursdays in each month at
Belknap hall. All migratory owlacordi
allv welcome. T. K. J. Duff v. President!
Willard H. Wirtx, Secretary. l-4tf
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. EJEROSIUS, Proprietor
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
I'. S. Land OilK'y tit The Dalles, Oivgnn.
May 17tU,lyu
Notloe It hereby given that
Marlon K. Taylor H
of Post, Or., who, on June ind, 1907, made
homestead. No. 1W serial. No. tMl.iO, for
lot , swf- nw!4i mo. 5 and lot L, ae'i neli
MM'tton 6, township 17 south, range lv
east, Willamette Median, hut tiled notice of
intention to to make final five-year proof, to
establish claim to the land above descrUted,
before Waiien Brown, oounly elerk. at his
otrlceat Prineville, Urton, ou the '3th duy
of June, laii.
Claimant names as witnesses: Caleb Pavls,
Edward H. - Knox. Frank Po&t, Reuben
Botiten, all of iottt, Oregon.
&-3p 0, W. MOORK. Register.
Notice for Publicatian,
Department ol the Interior,
l?( S. Laud Othce at The Dalles, Oregon,
May tHU, m
Notice la hereby given that
Raphael 8. Dixon
ol Rarnei, Oregon, who, on June 19th, 1907,
made homestead No, litflft!, serial No. 0410, lor
wA lie1 v sew nwi, ne4 w4', nw se, see
tlonM, township 1U south, raince 2i east, Wil
lamette Merhlian, has tiled notice ol iutention
to make final five-year proof to establish claim
to the land above described, before Warren
It row n, county elerk, at hieotthe, at Prineville,
Oregon, on the '26th day of June, 1912.
Claimant uainea as witnesses: William C.
Jacobs. o( Paulina, Oregon; Lysander S, Logan
ajid Henry W. Pickett, ol harnes, Oregon;
Columbus J, Johnson of Prineville, Oregon.
5-i6p C. W. MOOKK, Register,
Notice of Final Settlement. .
Notice is hereby given by the undersigned,
the administrator of the estate of John
Wagenblast, deceased, that he has filed with
the county clerk of Crook county, Oregon, hlh
final accounting of his administration of said
estate and that the court haa set Monday,
the 1st day of July, 1912, at 10 o'clock In the
forenoon at the county court room In Prine
ville, Oregon, as the time and place for hear
ing and settling said final accounting. At
which said time and place any person inter
ested in said estate may appear and object to
said final accounting.
Dated this auth day of May. 1812.
Administrator of the estate of John ogen
Uist, deoeased. -80
The record show a clear title to your propertj? The
records fallal to show correct title In a aale made tbl
week by a leading real estate company. RESULT Long
delay anil possible loss. Better let the Pioneer Abstract
Company look after your Interest.
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
When you ask for Cyrus Noble the
dealer knows that you know good
It costs you the same aa any other good whiskey.
W. J. Van Schuiver & Compang, Agents, Portland.
Manufacturer of and dealer In
Harness, Saddle, Chap, Bridle, Silver-Mounted Bit
and Spurt. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles.
E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or.
Money Back if You Are Not Satisfied.
Made at Home.
Agents DeLaval
$9.30 Round Trip Redmond to Portland
Rose Festival
All Week June 10-15.
Tickets Sold June 9, 1011. Return
Limit, June 17 ;
The Greatest Floral and Civic Carnival of
the Year.
Splendid parades, music, decorations, illuminations, water
and field sports every day.
Oregon Trunk Railway trains run daily without change
between Central Oregon points and Portland. Train leaving
Redmond 7:1 5 a. m., arrives Portland 5:30 p. m.
Details will be furnished on request.
Gen'l Frt. & Pass. Agt., Portland, Oregon, Ag't, Redmond, Oregon
Statement of Resources and Liabilitie. of
The First National Bank
Of Prineville, Oregon
At the clot of business June 7, 1911
Loans and Discounts t2M,S35 03 capital Stock, Pid In I 50,000 00
United State. Bonds 12,500 00 Surplus fund, eamd so,O00 00
Bank (remlses,tc 12,540 12 Undivided profits, earned S7.T24 6
Casta Due from bank 210,4 04 circulation 8.W0 00
Deposit. 885,099 53
331,424 19 531,424 19
B. F. Allan, Preudont T. M. Baldwin, CailuM
. Will Wurwil.r. "
- : - Butter
Cream Go.
H. Baldwin, Am't