Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 16, 1912, Image 3

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    Startling Changes
To be Yoted On
Oregon government will bo
mad over from top to bottom If
the votors of the mate next Nov
ember approve a voluminous
amendment to the constitution
dow being toot out by the Peo
ple's Tower league, which bat
been framed by W, 8. U'Reo of
Oregon City and Its coworkers In
the lawmuking vineyard. Here
are some of the most startling
changes proposed:
Cabinet system of government
for the state, with a state busi
ness managur on big salary to
take general cLarge.
Governor and state auditor tbe
only state officers to be elected
by tbe people, others' being ap
pointed by the governor.
Sheriff and district attorneys
to be appointed by governor.
Board of three "directors to
rule In county government and
employ a county business man
ager, tbe latter to appoint other
county officer.
State senate to be abolished
Sixty members of legislature
to be elected by proportional rep
resentation by the state at large.
Members of tbe legislature to
hold power on roll call to voting
in proportion to the vote they
received at the election.
Governor and dofeatod candi
date for governor to be ex-oftlcio
members of legislature and bold
large voting power therein.
Entire legislature may be re
called and activities suspended
by the recall vote.
Voters to doslgnate first, sec
ond and "other choices" for all
officers to be elected.
Primary elections abolished,
except every fourth year, on
president, vlcepresident, electers
and delegatus to national coo
Keiflbtored voters only to be
Allowed to vote or to sign petitions
for candidates or measures.
All franchises to be limited to
0 years, and pnblio may take
over propertr In connection
therewith on physical valuation,
Numerous changes Id tne pro
visions for use of the initiative,
referendum and recall.
Tbe "new constutlon," as it
may be called, eclipses all pre
vlous legislation brought before
tbe people of the state in the
sweeping changes it would make.
Mr. U'Ken's contention is that
the plan means greater efficiency
and economy In government,
placing emphasis upon the short
ballot, proportional representa
tion and the second and other
choice method of votiog.
Tbe proposed amendment,
printed in small type In pamph
let form, comprises 10 pages and
practically rewrites four articles
of the present constitution. Mr.
U'Ren has started the circulation
of Initiative petitions to place the
measure on the ballot next Nov
ember. Several pages of news
paper spaca would be required
to fully explain tbe changes made
4n the preseut laws of the state.
To be a qualified voter, citizen
ship resident in the state for one
year and registration are requir
ed. At present a man may vote
on first citizenship papers, only
six months residence la required
and those not registered may
swear In their votes.
The term of the governor re
mains four years, but the year Is
changed, making the next elec
tion in 1913, instead of 1014, and
thereby cutting one year from
Governor West's term. The
state auditor, the only other state
officer to be elected, is also to be
chosen in 1913, taking office the
January following. Boards of
county directors for county gov
ernment are likewise to be chosen
in 1913 and every four years
thereafter. Congressmen and
judges are to bo choson in 1914
and every second year there
after. Seven sections for preference
voting and short ballot regulation
are provided to govern in elec
tions until changes may be made
by law, this bolng species of
expressly legislating In tbe con
Tbe sections provide tbe meth
od of counting second and otber
choice votes and set forth a bal
lot form to be used. Three col
umns are given, In the first of
which the voter msyexpsess bis
first choice, the second for bis
second choice, the third for
one or more "other choices.
This system. It should be under
stood Is to be usod at the general
election, there being no primary,
and alt candidates' names of all
partite will appear together.
If any candidate has a majority
of first choice votes over all the
others, be Is elected. If ha falls
in this, the second choice votes
are to be counted and added to the
first choice, and any candidate
having a majority of first and
second choice is elected. Failing
this, the "other choice" votes
will be added to tbe total for eecb
candidate and tbe one having tbe
largest number Is elected
Except In esse of candidates
for governor, senators and rep
resentatives In congreis, legis
lators and presidental electors,
no party designation may be
printed on the ballot after the
name, or anything except name,
residence and occupation.
Reapportionment of legislative
districts Is made, whereby the
Multnomah representation would
be increased from 12 to 18. Mar
ion county would have 4, Linn 8,
Lane 8, Douglus 2, Coos and Curry
2, Jackson and Josephine 8, Den
ton, Polk and Llncon 3, Yamhill
and Tillamook 2, Washington 2,1
Clackamas 3, Clatsop and Colum-1
bia 1, Klamath, Lake and Crook;
5, Grant, Harney and Malheur 2,
Wheeler, Gilliam, Umatilla and
Morrow 8. Baker, Union and
Wallowa 4 and Wasco, Sherman
and Hood River 8.
Tbe new divisions of legisla
tive districts, with two or more
members from each district, Is to
tit in with the new system of
proportional representation. No
voter is to be permitted to vote
for more than one member of tbt
legislature. The system is such
that any candidata receiving one
sixtieth of tbe votes is assured
of election by tbe stste at large
Names of legislative candidates
are to be printed on the ballot,
however, only In the districts in
which they reside. Voters in
other counties desiring to vote
for them may write In their
names or paste "stickers" on tbe
ballot. In this way a Harney
county candidate, for Instance,
could be elected by votes from
other counties in any part of the
state, though the vote in bis home
district were heavily against him
if his total vote were larger than
tbe (total vote of opposing can
didates living in that district.
Instead of having equal vote in
the legislature, members of that
body are to vote on roll call the
total number of votes they re
ceive in the state. If Smith of
Multnomah, for Instance, receiv
ed 50,275 votes when elected, for
example, he would have 50,272
votes in the legislature, Brown
of Marion receiving 32,467 votes
would have 82,497 votes in the
legislature. A majority of all the
votes cast throughout the state
for dandidatos for representative
are to be required to pass a bill,
a mere majority of members not
being enough.
The governor is made an ex
officio member of the legislature,
also defeated candidates for
governor receiving the highest
number of votes within his party,
provided the party is one re
cognized as a political party by
the general laws of the state.
The governor and defeated can
didates for governor would cast
in the legislature a vote equal to
the total vote cast for the un
successful candidates of his
party for the legislature through
out the stato. .
The presiding officer of the
legislative assembly is not to be
a member or to have a vote, or to
appoint committees. The legis
lature is to meet annually, instead
of every two years. Pay of mem-
bers remains at $3 per day, with
a limit of f 120 for one lesson.
Appropriations for state instu-
Hons nd maintenance of govern
ment are made available at once
and are not to be subject to refer
endum when not exceeding tbe
amouut of previous appropriation
for the same purpose. The ref
erendum may be used on any in
crease, except in emergency of
war, Insurrection or calamity.
All franchises and privileges
granted are limited to 20 years,
with a provision for taking over
property connected with the
grant for public use at any time
on payment determined by esti
mate of physical value.
Bills introduced after tbe legis
lature has been In session 20
days are not to be passed unless
emergency measures, and print
ed copies miut be In the bands of
members five days before pas
sage. A fine of 110 Is fixed for
each member failing to vote on
any roll call, unless he baa been
excused. A majority of tbe
members, representing also a
majority of tbe people, may call a
special session.
Recall petitions must be signed
by registered voters, and the
time for calling the election is
lengthened from twenty days to
from 60 to 80 days.. The quest-
Ion, "Shall be recalled?" Is to
be printed on the ballot, and if a
majority vote "Yes" the officer
under fire is, out. At the same
election candidates for tbe office
will be voted for, but the name cf
the Incumbent is not to be print
ed on tbe ballot. If the voters
say "No" on tbe question of re
call, be remains in office.
To carry an emergency clause
on a bill, a separate roll call and
a three fourths vote is to be re
quired. If referendum is called
on an emergency bill, it shall be a
law until voted on. No law en
acted by tbe people is to be re
pealed or amended by tbe legis
hture or bv a city council except
by a three fourths vote.
The governor is to appoint
cabinet, consisting of an attorney
general, secretary of state, treas
urer, superintendent of schools,
secretary of labor and state busi
ness manager, to hold - office at
the pleasure of the governor.
Members of tbe cabinet are to
have salaries provided by law
Tbe governor may go outside
of Oregon to choose the business
manager and is authorize! to fix
the salary for that officer up to
$12,000, which amount may not
be exceeded until aproval of the
people is gained. The business
manager, subject only to the
governor, Is to have power to
consolidate offices and supervise
and manage the departments of
state. Present state boards are
The governor and members of
the cabinet are to have seats in
the legislature, may take part In
debate and must answer ques
tions propounded in writnig con
cerning the government ol the
state, in accordance with the
European system of interpreting
It is made the duty of the gov
ernor to Introduce all appropria
tion bills, no other member
having the power to do so.
Salary or the stato printer is
fixed at 14000 per year. The
auditor, to be elected by the
people for four years, must have
had five years' experience as an
Counties are granted power by
initiatave to adobt a county
laws and constitution.
Cities having 100,000 or more
inhabitants are authorized to con
solidate city and county govern
ment, but only upon vote of the
people of the city and county
A county board of three direc
tors, chosen for four years, is to
plan and direct the affairs of the
county and employ the "county
business manager, whose salary
bi hxeci by the board, but may
j not exceed $5000 a year without
approval ol tue people. Tne
business manager is to employ
the subordinate officers and em
ployes of the county, except that
county judge, justice of the
peace and constable will not be
within tbe jurisdiction of the
county manager.
Municial debts are to be limit
ed to one-tenth the amount of as
sessed valuation, unless for reve
nue producing property and
public utilities, tbe use of which
is paid for by the persons ser
ved. Tbe amendment as a wboie
ti declared self executing, but
legislation to aid its operation is
authorized. Journal.
For BattleelilD Linolium to to A. H
Mppman ft Co. 12 per square yard.
Nona better. 2-2U
Socialist County Convention.
Tbe Kocialiat Otintr convention (or
Crook County, Met of Oregon, i here
by ctlltx to nim-t at tne htewart mil
In Frinevillo. nr-aoD, on baturdar,
June 15, 11(12, at 1 o'clock p. m., lor
the purpoee ol i..ininatins candidate!
lor ail county uiiirpe to oe nueu at tne
next iceneral in.tion, and for tbe
transaction of tucb other buaineee aa
mar come before eeid convention. Tbil
will be a maaa convention and all per
ona in Crook County, State of Oregon.
known to be identified with the Socialiat
movement will be entitled to a voice in
tbe proceeding of the convention.
Done by ordur ot the bocialwt ounty
Central Committee, May titb, 1112.
C. C Ban, Chairman.
F. F. Wilhoit, Secretary.
Settle Up.
Ai tbe following firm are out of baI-
new they wuh to cloee accounta at once.
O'NmI Broe.
O'Nell Broe. Co.
Lone 1'ine Trading Co.
O'Neil, Laraon 4 Co.
(Settlement mutt be made bv either
caiih or note with Walter O'Neil, Prine-
viile, Ore., at tbe law office of Oeorge
Bernier. 4-18
Private Sale of Real Estate.
From and after the 28th day of June,
li12, tbe undersigned guardian of the ;
neraons and estate of Clara Everdinjr
Baxter and Clarke Baiter, minora, will ,
tell at private aale all tbe right, title,
interest and estate ol tbe aaid minora,
or either of them, in and to the follow- j
ins described real property situated in
the county of ('rook and state of Oregon,
towit: The west half of tbe south treat ;
quarter of section 4 and the north balf j
of tbe southeast quarter of et-ction 5 in ;
township 11 south ol range la east ol 1
the Willamette Meridian, containing
ltio acre, more or lees. Terms caib. ,
The property will be sold free from any
dower irterent. Offers can be made to :
Reed A Hell, 1009 Wilcox Building,:
Portland, Oregon. 5-ltt-6t j
Guardian of the persons and estate
nf Clara Eventing Baxter and Clarke I
Baxter, minora, in the county court of I
Multnomah county, slat ol uregon.
Report of the Condition
Of TW Fret Nitiaaal Baak at rriatvint, ia la
Stat f Ortfea, at tk CI af Basis,
April 18, 1912.
Loam and discounts ...2?5,MH"
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 8.5W.1
U.S. Bonds to secure ureuia-lou ij.-hwuu
Bonds, Beeurttles. etc H..'sM 71
Banking bouse, furniture and fixture 12,&M.d?
Due irom Nettoual Banna not reserve
aeenul . , 23.218.0S
Due Irom State and Private Banksand
Banker, Trust Companies and bav
in Ki Banks S.MS.SS
riua from ennroved Reserve Agent.. I38.411.AS
Cheeks and other ('ash Items 1.50
Notesof other Nalloual Banks .. ... 1,7M
Fractional paper eurrency. nickels ,
and cents.. S8.39
Lawful mousy Reserve In Bank vis:
KpeHe 133,412.20
Keiteuiptlon tuna wtin i. ireasurer
(4 per ceut ol circulation 625.00
Ttl 51,SU.1B
Capital stock paid in I 50.0W.OO
Surplus fund , 4O.0U0.tW
Undivided profits, leu expense ana
Tase Laid SS.Sn3.6S
National Batik Notes outstanding ... 10,400.00
Due to stale and Private Banks and
Bankers t&M
Dividends unpaid 2.5uo oo
Individual deposits subject to check SftO.itS IS
Demand certlrkatea of deposit 7,816.00
Total JolMU!
County of Crook, 1
I, T. M. Baldwin, Cashier of the above"
named Uank,do solemnly swear that tne above
statement is true to the best of my know
ledge and belief. T. M. BA.LDW IN,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd
day oi.Apnl, MM,
M- E Brink.
. Notary Public.
CoRHicr Attest:
Will Wt'Rzwu.saj
T. H. l.AFOLLKTTE Director
Carkk W. Kostkb I
On Improved. Producing
Large Loans a Specialty
Prineville, Oregon
Dairy Cows
I invite letters from any one wanting information, also those wanting
to buy high grade or common dairy cows in car lots or lees. I bay my
cows in the best dairy locality in tbe Central States where lean always
get good common and high grade Heletein, Durham and big Jerseys.
Very few dairymen in tbe extreme West care to tell off a real good
dairy coir, so it is necessary to go where tbe kind of cows most suitable
(or Oregon dairies can be bad plentiful and at reasonable prices.
Calves, yearling and heifers on hand,
I can also furnish Bulls of any breed or grade. Write to
516 tf North Portland, Oregon
A powerful 30 h. p. car 2, 4, and 5 passenger, semi
float axles nickle steel, Timpken Bearings, five pas
senger, fully equipped, $1,275.00 f. o. b. Portland,
self starter $25.00 extra.
Knight-Type Motor.
The Quality Car
Agent for Crook anil Hamey Counties.
Madras, - - - Oregon
Keep Your Money in the Town
That Supports You
Why send to mail order houses for your goods when you
can get a better grade at the same price in your home
town and save the bother of sending away.
We have the most up-to-date furniture at most reasonable
Give Us a Trial.
Prineville Furniture Exchange
Charles F. Condart, Proprietor
Masonic Building. Pioneer Phone.
Satisfaction Guaranteed