NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Senate Investigation of Titanio Disaster Way Continne for Two Weeks More. Virtilnti!i,ti. Ten tttiya or two 4k iHiiillnui'il srenluns may be re o)ulrc to tlnli'U the atmiil InvestUu tUn of Tllnnlc tlltmster. Th hearing: hnv been reill llb dramatic testimony, liirluilliiK th rnorli' of some of the seamen. They tnlil of music, guy dinner pur happiness and Imwhlur on that (iMiiuful Hanhnth nlKlit aboard th Tl tanle, anil tliu shifted to lalea of slnuth and suffering ou Ilia frusen mid- light '. Amid tha preeminent fuel th coin vnltin him been lulil talc of heroism ainsurpassed In murine annul. Little IhlIiImiiU of (lis 11 moment f Major Archibald Ilult. UUlur Htraua, Captain Wmlth, John Jacob Aslor and other notnble who lint their Uvea on (ha lll fuled ahlp mada deep Impros Ion. Captain Moor, of Ilia (learner Stount Temple related tha wireless record of tha Inat worda Unshed by tha Titanic to many ship, ami told how, only 4B mllea away, ha approached to within 14 mllea, only to find himself barricaded behind mountain of lea. Titanic Commander "Moat Unwla. Captain Moore denounced aa "moat unwlne" the action of tha Titanic' oramandr In rushing at 21 knot ahroufh the nla-ht, when he had been dvlavd of the Ice. II waa also em phatic In hla assertion that tha posi tion sent out by tha Titanic wa -wrong. II aald the ahlp wa eight nllea further eaatward than Ita oper ator reported. Ablaut with llttht from her anion nd cabin, tha Titanic daahed full apeed to her destruction, according to Kraeat Ulll, a donkey ennlueman on The uteemshlp Callfornlan. Me (aid that Captain Stanley Lord, of the Cat 4forntan, refused later to go to tha aid of the Titanic, the rocket from which anuld be plainly teen. Captain Urd entered a weeplng de mlal of Ulll' accuaatlon and read ex tract from the Callfornlan' log thnt rapport hi contention. Captain Lord -aid that If the ahlp'a wlrelee oper ator had been on duty ha would have aught the Titanic' ilgnala, and that t would have taken about two hour Co reach the TlUnle'a position. Waa Making 2) Knot. The commute haa developed that the Tltanlo rushed at a 23 knot gait through vaet Held of Ice, apparently '(mllea of warning. Other testi mony Indicate many veaaola were within a few mile of the (Inking liner, tut their wlroleaa operator were 1eep. iler ro-keta were aeen but Ig nored. Vice President Franklin haa .wilted he heard the rumor of the disaster over It hour and received fpoalllv confirmation from tha (team- -ax Olympic over alx hour before he felt tha new lufflclently "authentic" to dlacloae It to the relative of the Tl ttunlca passenger and tha public Buropis Send Warvhlpa to Mexico. Aa a direct result of a declalon reached by Prealdent Taft at a cabinet nesting, not to aend a worship to pro tect American and other foreign cltl en In Mexico, but to aend a trnn jort Initead, the British, French and German government are ruahlng croJanra acroaa tha Atlantic. Japan wriTl also aend warship to protect her citizen. It haa been pointed out by Prealdent "Taft that any form of Intervention -would be followed by a slaughter ot h American and othe. foreign cltl xon. Bank Ar Inquired Into. A tha first atep In the money trust Investigation, tha committee on bank ing and currency announced that It had aent to mora than 80,000 bank a request for detailed Information on all iphases of their buslnea and their re lations with other Institutions. ' Tha committee haa embraced na tional, state, private . and saving tiauks In It inquiry, as well as loan nd trust companies. Roporta are asked for showing conditional at the Close of bus In e April 30. National Capital Brevltlea There are In the United States, aa 'cording to the census report, 6,361,502 farms, containing a total ot 878,798,000 acrea, ot which 478,452,000 acres ore -improved. The senate bill appropriating $1,. 3)00,000 to repair the crevasses In tha ''broken levesa of the MIsslHslppl river and Us tribuflr.'iea was passed by the (tonne. No irore copper pennies will be joined If the Bulkley bill, providing ihree-cent pieces, becomes a law. In utead there will be one-cent pieces which will be composed of nn ulloy that Is practically the same as the , present nickel. Senator Cummin's bill provld'ng for ma appeal to the United State su iprnme court from the decision of the district court In New York, approving itne reorganization ot the Amer.'can Tobacco company, has unantmously passed the sonata, " ' CAPTAIN A. H. R0STR0N t'hoie br Amiirsn Ptm AMoistlon. Captain A. H. Rostron, commander of th tteamshlp Carpathla which picked up th aurvlvor of th Tltanlo. Brief News of the Week According to lata advlcea the entire alRte of Ulnaloa, Mexico, ilk that of Chihuahua, la In rebel band. Lo by th Mtsslnalpp'l flood In Louisiana I eatlmuled at 116,000,000. There la much Buffering among thous and of homelea victim. A wreck commission to examine thoroughly Into the cause ot the Ti tanic disaster, and place the responsi bility, baa bean appointed by tha Brit ish government Keara are entertained of further dis orders In Canton, China. Thousands of soldier have returned from the north In a slat of discontent and have been disbanded. A revolt of the populace and sol dlery at Fei, Morocco, caused by th new military regulation In connection with 1h Kreurh protectorate, resulted In the massacre of bundreda ot Euro pean. People in the News President Madero haa appointed as ambassador to Washington Honor Cal eru. hi late minister of foreign affair. "Mnd King" Otto ot Bavaria la 64 years old, ot which he haa spent 34 In confinement because of hla mental condition. Justin McCarthy, historian and nov elist, and for many year a member of parliament, la dead at Folkestone, Eng land, aged (2 yeara. Or. Daniel Kimball Pearsons, of Chi cago, 92 year old, who in recent year gava more than $5,000,000 to (mall oollegea, chiefly In the middle weat, la dead. A fourth attempt la being made to liberate Harry K. Thaw from the Mat- teawan State Hospital, where h has been Imprisoned for th slaying ot Stanford White, alx year ago, be cause of "Insanity. " Striking at tha principle of th re call, particularly tha recall of the Judi ciary, and at aoclnllsm, Archbishop Ireland spoke at Oalena, III., at the Grant celebration on "Some Problems of Democracy." He aald tha recall waa a peril which must not be treated light:. Political News Bits New Hampshire primaries went sol idly for President Taft, Roosevelt be ing defeated by nearly a two to one vote. "I am out of politics," waa the only answor that Charlea E. Hughes, asso ciate Justice ot the supreme court, would make In answer to queatlons aa to whether he would accept tha nom ination tor the presidency as a com promise candidate. The Hndley Roosevelt combination steam-rollered through the Missouri republican state convention after an all-night aoaalon. As an aftermath, Missouri Is In the contested column with two sets ot delegates-at large to the national convention. Speaker Clark Is gaining steadily and Governor Wilson Is losing some ot the big lead he bad two and three weeks ago. Late figures give Clark 149, Wilson 118, Marshall 30, Under wood 24, Burke 10, uncertain 101, needed to nominate, 769. The fight for the republican presi dential nomination was enlivened the past week by bitter personal attacks on each other by Taft and Roosevelt President Tnft made several speeches In Massachusetts, devoted mainly to attacks on Colonel Roosevelt And a defence ot himself and his administra tion. Roosevelt followed on the pren ldent'a trull, making a number of speeches In which ha roundly scoreO Tuft and his administration. 1912 MY 1912 :. l.v J. F 2 3 4 PI6I7I8I910I11 12il3I4l51617 19M2IK2M24 26272859003! DEATH LOSS FROM TORNADO IS LARGE . , ,, j TWo Oklahoma Towns Wiped Out; 41 Dead and 100 In jured Counted. Oklahoma City. Aa detailed reports come In, the extent of devastation and loss of life and property from Sulur duy'v tornado Increase. It la known that 20 towna were atruck by th atorm which swept northward through portions of south western and central Oklahoma; that two of them, llutler and Koss, were literally wiped out and 41 dead and more than 100 Injured are accounted for. All central Oklahoma seems to be domorallted and It may be daya be fore th loss ot life and property is known. Western Oklahoma streams are out of their banks. The Rock Island bridge over tha Cimarron river, 20 mllea south ot Enid, waa washed out. Following I a summary ot the dam ag to Ufa and property: Fos, Okla., 10 killed, 25 or 30 Injured, town badly torn up. Butler, Okla., nine killed, many Injured. Sentinel, Okla., two killed, (0 bousea blown down, iilnton. Okla., one killed, many Injured, scores of building blown down. Hobart, Okla., two known dead, four ethers reported dead, aeveral Injured, great damage to property. Lugert, Okla., two killed, five fatally hurt one (tore building left atandlng. Rockway, Okla., on killed, half of town blown away. Calumet Okla., three killed, alx or eight Injured, heavy property ioaa. Italian Capture Island. Rome. A wireless meiaage an Bounce that to complete tha occupa tion of 8tampalia, an Island of the Grecian Archipelago, belonging to Turkey, the Italians landed two com panle. which seized the height com mandlng the town ot Llvaderia. The (mall garrison aurrendered at the Brat summon. tat Would Cheek Telephone Marger San Francisco. Attorney General U. 8. Webb, representing the state of California, and City Attorney Percy V. Long, repreaentlng the city and county ot San Francisco, have Hied two suit In th local superior court to act aside tha merger of th Home Telephone company and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company. Big Vaudeville Men In Combine. New York. B. F. Keith haa pur-, cbaaed the Percy O. William circuit Of vaudeville theater In New York and by consummation ot a deal with Meyerfeld and Beck, ot th Orpheum circuit Mrs. C. E. Kohl of Chicago, and Max Anderson, ot New Tork, bas brought about the amalgamation of tntereata Involving mtlllona ot dollar and by th purchase ot Interest In each other's bouaea east and weet practically makes a gigantic combina tion ot all tha blgh-claaa vaudeville houses In America. PARISIAN BANDITS KILLED BY POLICE Pari a. Bonnot, the leader of an or ganised gang ot automobile bandits who have been terrorising Part and the (urrounding district for months, and Dubois, a notorious anarchist, were shot to death In tha most thrill ing encounter in the annals ot French crime. A garage at Choisy-le-Rol, six miles south of Parts. In which the bandlta had taken refuge, was blown up by dynamite, after these two men had kept at bay for hours a large part of the police force ot Paris. Bonnot and Dubois, after wounding two policemen, took refuge In the gar age. They were trapped In the build ing, which at once was surrounded. Bonnot was captured alive. He was riddled with bullets and died on the way to a hospital. Parisians, particularly automobllists, have been In a state ot terror because ot th roekless crimes of the automo bile bandits, which reached a climax In the murder of Assistant Superinten dent Jouin of the detective department and the wounding of Chief Inspector Colemar by Bonnot on the morning ot April 24. : The government then or dered all the available police to hunt the assassins day and night. Queues Roll Chinese Republicans. Shanghai. Republicans in th dis tricts around Shanghai are attacking all residents who wear queues, forci bly cutting off the objectionable ap pendages. Coolies and others in the International settlement who retain their queues are afraid to venture be yond the limits. Fire Sweeps Damascua. Constantinople. The great baiaar quarters in Damascus have been de stroyed by fire. Several persons were killed and many injured and the dam age is estimated at f 10,000,000. A Photograph of the Sinking Titanic Would be great, but if you want good photo go to Lafler's Studio Come and our work ami lift price, "Price to suit the tlmea." We do vie" work on the fiirni. 3rd Ht. Sear Courthouse. Amateur Finishing Don Neatly and Promptly. , 3 28 Crook County Journal, county official paper. $1 .r0 a year. Notice for Publication tVtWttiifnt of th Inferior. V.H. Lund Offl'nTtw lmll.ortfnn. April Jtti, Mi Notice la hereby flvrn that John H.w kMt. of Mmon!a,rr.,wtio. on Mr l-'nhl. made hniMlfd, JNo. 1444V Mir1l. No. UViftt, for K4. wUon 14, towna hip IS south, rri( U mjuI, WlllnriMTtbs M'-rldlun. hu ttl nolle of hiintlon to to mitke flnal Ov-yir proof, to eoiMolUh claim lo the land hor (WciJIwhI1, tWorf I ohioOh-7 K. J. I'ufTy. IT H. Com mlMlonfr at hla office at HrlnTllle. Orecuu. on I h Hth day of May. laimani nam aa witnMt Tnomu n. MHmm. Jotih K. WH.tand.or La mo n la. Om en. Hhalrld Hoxaxtti, M. A. Itehiuan, of tWreooune, Oregon, "p w. moukk. rcguter. Hotice for Publication. Department of t h Interior, C. 8. Landomc si Tho lul. Ori-fon, Msn-b r.ia, im. Nutlet Is hereby given lliml Chrlt W, freemsn ot I.tmontA, uregon, who on July lath, ui.ilo Honieitesd No, lerlsl No. U1UI17 (or e1 ec. t.'. anl e1-, ne1-, lection 'O. towtublp 18 south, range U cut Willsmette Mertiltsn. hu niwl notice of tnu-ntton to mske One) Sve-year proof to eetshluh claim to tue lend above derrtti1. belore Warren Hrown, county clerk, si bl. office at Prlnevllle, Oregon, on Ine (tb lsy of May, Ml. Claimant name, aa Charles Pax Ion, beorge Kagner. John w. Jenktna, airaeon S. Nfgua, all of Lauionta, On-gon. Hp c. W. MtxiKB, Begliler. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon for crook county. . A. Booth, plaintiff, vs. I. A. Boyd, defendant. To J. A. Boyd, aald defendant : In tbe name of the Hute of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and euawer the complaint niea agaimt you in tnesnoveen. titled action on or oelore the 2nd day of May, ll12. and if vou fall so to appear and answer the plaintiff will take Judgment againat you for the mm o( nine hundred dollars with in terest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the (lb day ol July, for 11 UO attorneys fees ana lor nig coats ana disburse ments ot this action. This summons is publl.hed by order of the Honorable VY. L. Bradshaw, judge of the Cir cuit court ot the Mtate ot Oregon for crook county, made on ine lath aay 01 Marco, wu, and prescribed that this summons be pub lished for six consecutive weeks In the Crook County Journal, a weekly newspaper printed ana puuusuea m rriaeviue, iroos county, Oregon. Tbe date of the first publication of this sum mons la the Usi day ol March, mi. . R. Elliott, Attorney for plaintiff. Notice (ar Publication. Uepartment of the Interior. Not Coal Land. I. 8. Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon. March U, 1912, Notice Is hereby given that ' Kstells M. Hall, ot Hamnton. Oregon, who. on February . 1910. made Homesterd entry. No. tttulft, for 3W4 KWL Dm. 1 and Hfr'U HKU Mee. la township 21 S.. Range 20 K.. Willamette Meridi an, haa filed ontlce ol inteutfon to make final commutation proof, to establi.b claim to the land above described, before H. C. Kills, U.S. Commlaslooer at his office, st Bend, Oregon, on IheXMhdayof May. 1U. Claimant names aa witnesses: Burr Black, Adua Fogg, Lloyd feck, Louis Miller, all of Hampton, Oregon. A. W. OKTON, 8-21 Keglster. Netict far Pablicatiea. Department of the Interior, !'. a Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March iMh. 112. Notice is hereby given that Millard T. Cowan of Lamonta. Oregon, who, on October 2nd, 1906, made homestead. No. 14719, serial. No. usrj, for wU nw-14, and nW w, section 8, township 14 south, range 14 cant, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Warren Brown, Comity Clerk, at his office, at I'rineville, Oregon, on the ?th day of May, ml Claimant names aK witnesses: Carl McGhee, of Madras, Oregon: Charles Foster, Abel Cudd, Shalrid Bosarth, of Terrelionne, Oregon. 3-2Hp C. W. MOOKK, Register. Summons. In the Circuit Court oftheBtata ofOregon for Crook ooutity. Charles B. Durblu, plaintiff, vs. Annie Mallng, as executrix of the last will and testament of Charles Cooper Mallng, de oeused: Annie Mallng, Frederick Muling, Mary Muling and Annie Moling, George Dee, Llscle Klbttee, and John VY. Iiee, Eleanor Otidsll, lna Hurley, Charles IHirhaiu, the unknown helra of Charles Durham, de waxed, and also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest In the real estate described herein, defendants. To Annie Mallng, a executrix of the last will and testament orCharles Cooper Maltng, deceased: Annie Mailing, Frederick Mallng, Mary Mallng, Annie Mallng: George Dee, Llssle Klbbee and John W, Dee, Klanor Uod sil, lna Uurley. Charles Durham, the un known heirs of Charles Durham, deceased, aut also all other- persons or partiea un known, claiming uny right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described In the complaint. Defendants. In the name of the State OfOregon. you are hereby required to appear 111 the above en titled court and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit on or liefore th 2nd day of May, mi, and if you fall so to appear or answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for the relief demanded In - the complaint against you. The relief demanded In the complaint against you Is that the platntltra title In and to the following desorlt)ed real property sit uate In the County of Crook and 8tate ofOre gon, to Wit: HK1. ofWV,,8K'. of NK'ii of section 1K1; 8Sof UK1--., or B , W ' of NVY4of section 21.. SW of 8V' orseotlon 28, NH ofNWI, liW1, of NK', 8h or NW',. SofKK'i of section 29, all In township 12, south, range laeaat of the Willamette Meridi an, be roivver quieted against the olalmsof yourselves, the said defendants, and that you, the said defendants, lie forever res trained from setting up any claim In and to said premises or nny part thereof and re moving any cloud that may exist thereon by reasons or any said claims on the parlor yourselves, the said defendants. Also that a certain deed made to Charles Milling by Charles Durham be reformed, and made to include the KK't of the NVH. of said section 2!: that the plalnliir recover the costs and disbursements of this suit, and fur such other and rtirther relief aa may seem meet and proper In the premises. This summons Is dubllshed pursuant to an order therefor made on the 201 h day of March, 1912, bv the Honorable H. C. Kills Judge of the county court of the state of Ore gon, for the County of Crook, acting in the absence orthe circuit Judge from the county, and the first publication thereof Is mndeon the Slat day of March, WW. tllLTNEB A SKWAt.T Attorneys for plaintiff. The Right Way To get good groceries U to buy them at the CASH GROCERY. A fresh line of Groceries, Fruits and Vegetable U constantly be ing received. No old stoclc to dispose of. If you want the best value for your money, patronize The Cash Grocery Geo. Whiteis, Proprietor -T-H ii skl FURNITURE Von will look wltb admiration over th plrndid sample oi modern Furniture that w have on exhibition in our Showrooms, tbe moat artistic and beat constructed Furniture ever turned out by wood crafters. The designs, tbe . workmanship, the beautiful finish, will charm yon at sight, acd we warrant tbe durability of every piec of Furni ture bought from us. Portland price. A. H. LIPPMAN & COMPANY, ARE YOU SURE The record ahow a clear title to your property? Tbe records failed to show correct title lu a sale made this week by a leading real estate eompany. RESULT Long; delay and possible Iom. Better let tbe Pioneer Abstract Company look after your Interest. PIONEER ABSTRACT COMPANY (Membra- Oregon Association of Title Men) PIONEER Manufacturer Harness, Saddle. Chap. Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits and Spurs. Re&t&s, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles. E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or. Pioneer None Money Back if You Made at Pioneer Agents DeLaval Separator. Of all the whiskies, the one which comes nearest perfection is the "I, W. HARPER" It is scientifically distilled from choicest grain; never sold until thoroughly matured; always delightful and guaranteed satis factory. Sold By Silvertooth & Brqwder Shaniko and Bend, Oregon SADDLER of and dealer in - : - Butter Better Are Not Satisfied. Home. Cream Co. 1 fcmrigles, Mouldings, lndows, Jj Doors, Glasses, Etc. Etc., Etc. jj SHIPP& PERRY 1 f KlJNitVILLJi;, UKiiUUr m