Election Table Cot Official Election Returns for Crook County Together With the Registration in the Precincts a Jolt Lut Wetk RepuUkaa Democratic i I f 'J U' i . , f 4 'A I i. : 1 5 I. I' r i i . I . . t . 11 i r ' !.' 2 Jt Wl v tt $'r :jtr.-,-f t!t .. tv. --I '.!. f- Vf 'i. J4 . 7i. t'.tj iVvt.l 1 ;V, 7!t i'J'j, lVu'.jeVJt VA. Jvf ifwlXvl, tf- '"- J'oi VjJaw.i r.s; i7y. lit'jtt 7. Odd FtUows Enjoy Redmond Trip it, titv Iriiti 1,J (tfMr 8toU-j VUw . ry to t lis. tiirrtd'at -J J f!i avl JU ko P lb V J aM.ixma' Ai! ty,tl an n.i (Utw, ytMrii tr;p K,'j ryl tr-ttt.ivt by 4U frjl rtiiuae bi I It Utah of tdu,u,d. j 'lb prrw fur lb day op tied 1 ) i a .f I li (. ft !' &''.. ... ' '- W"ft f ( ..-) ji." ! v V 1 I I.' i i I I is ii i r J5 5 i , It it I t 17' ll l r I l M 1 It 1 (i I- I ! II r I' I II li ! It J U 5 I : I if: It u It .'- . t J t l I ! i ' !i ., i. V I ' '- ' 1 1 if.-.' II i ' I It 5 i I . itV t ! I ! it n 1 . r : ! : . i ' ; 1. Jl I ! J ; J. ! I- I it .( 1 T- T !' 1 ft) . II ;i ii Is i l r ; ll i r f-i I1-' 1: t. t i I'. i H , V " . ! ft ; V ! It J, i t H it I M at lUiiuvitii, fryf!Mf tO ditfl" by t. ii. oJi Jlr.tk, tj.ue of I lh LOCAL MENTION iA jutit frow tu d Mrr- iophoniore Day ara u by J. W, S'.itmtr i . v . . . UvU f.,r frai!i.. i - t umn tiMi i t.m i rt-m iiir i im m lifMii . - - - w - " - the .,...1 t M.( ..;t. .t I al. , c . , .("Omiig fiJ bluk," lb 'ufb 4r. l innate. riiiiig iiid' Tl , ,, 1 iuI'm avra rtilrl ud tht , , ., . . i , , .... l nul cim otwrtiii"-. lhi ti all d lti$. Among . , ..t i j , . ... b become out w tb K!drof It kr of tb dy riot:,. - . . ' , rijri(i(fer of Culvrr, T. If. , , , ' . . . ,, f lidHjoiiiJ, J Jj, I,(ol!u of , . ' i ,i . , ... . , lioriri tb virtoui Untn of ttu- tdfii(M,d. but by fr th , , , . . , , . ltniut rd by ib JUUUhi of i c,,w, ol b" teiitil tb Ecdiuimil lit & o'clock p. oj., (iefi:l h lo od w tu tb well fcltb til dlrvUr went tbitir Uifllf of tlm ('. C. If. Ki.kru.1 alnoa ... u..l . . . 'I 1 . I . . I I nor a, in- imL f llif!Iil. y Kridny, April W. wm obo.oo Arbar li.y w. t.!ll ooon t! ,,nr3r lr,m t4tn Dr 1o,d norIirttb:.C.lI.. Fr-!b 1m t njiouUi to rform tbtj' ' of od of bn eye. Mod tU t5i.uff wbere Old Glory ii ' "tt evdice for tbe Hoobomore iry. y. Jfi tore ewiubed a piece nd be tbowtd i,iu.!f equl to,' urM ,Dl 11 u ,ur lbeoccion. ( arrival of Ir. Botoberg it might Tb day end. in a teoiii. n,kb bv t"l'y e ' I'l-iueylll daU-gttion reelid horn l D.U) p. m , well pled witb tbe Uy and tntbumattiii about tb boepitality ol tbe ,,U of Ued aiuiid. , For Sato. f'ttiiUu wauiill, ',, M tan siilM lluui -;u, (if aala i,f lr., H T t.'oM.I U', Kl.Klta. Hiuce they entered iu ball tbey bare been leader in oratory, debate, declamation and athletic. Tbe claee b woa firat In each of toe firt three and ia well repreeerited along all linei ol athltica. Mine Milliorp perforrned in her The Beauty of 3 between tbe .kupbutnors and tbe acbool atid a ball ffimt. Tbe da won tbe UnnU double, tii-d tbe aitifle and loet in tbe ball game. There were not ai many viaitori a tbe preceeding Friday when tbe two literary aocietie joined in tbe celebration of Arbor I-ay, but it wi rierertbelee a tnoet enjoy able occtuNfion. More your lit Koola la our warn. h.h A YWiiti i.e. I'uMMirr, Eggs for Hatching. I'artrHuH Wyan'lottaa. Uarred Plymouth Ilofki, 0ldn Wjrao- IHIM, Apooiiaa, 19 for ri. Poaliriiflit A. J. Micbler, an attorney of Aurora, Oregon, wa a 1'rineville vititor tbe liret of tbe week. He in an eitenniv landowner in tbe W illow Creek diitricl. .Mr. Mieh-l-r like Prineville and may locate bare. A number of tbe younger ret made up a theatre party Friday to e tbe portrayal of Dante' In ferno at tbe Lyric. Howling at tbe club and tupper at tbe Grill finiebed a very pleasant evening for tbe participant. Tbe tenni court at the Com mercial Club ground baa been put in fine condition and i being en joyed by member o inclined, wben tbe weather permit. Tbe i V mm Why Look Older Than You Are? Iiantaifia, 15 (or I:'. 1'lyaioutb rooatar! new court i aleo being cleared and tl. AIIKalrn atock; not related to leveled and will be reade lor ute any Kaatcro Oregon churkeoa. r. lia.Ai.Lia7 . Mw. T. 3-21 LOCAL MENTION. County court i in ion thia eeek. Sir, A. Ketr left Tueaday for fortland. Mr. Will Wurzweller lft tbe ml of the week for her borne In .Portland, Mm I.onl Kuintlir l boii.t from f'ortlaiid for a rr.t of a couple W uoatb. Kalpb llinlil, chM riHlnenr of tit North liank und Ongon Trunk a In i'rf nvill the lent of the nk. Maun! J. Aiitone of Lake otiity, and Lore May Hintouuf Wieek cmtiity, wro marrind by Xey, U illiuin of thu M, K. tliuri Ii Momlity, Joe Taylor lnt a Imm of hiireee Muiuluy. Hit waa IiuiiIIhk hy uri t'rookod rivt-r when oiin ol lli liurna iluwn and Iwlnre tiili arrived a vulintliln npun of uiitrca wa dniwiiml, Anarixioii lliull.tir Wrlli-n to tilt' Julitlial fm follow; Will unyoiin knowiiiK I lit whf rimhmiia of 1 u xi Cole,, height fi ("ft, iiciir IW) poiimtK, fulr linir timi blue eyee; (( 1'imt hi'itnl of lit Itml aioml, Oregon, in May 11)11. rieaae notify Mra. J. IC. Watkina, CottaK" Orove, On'ron. MU Wiiiiiik ia thu rrclifit of aoy nttetiliiiii from ln r (rit'tul he Hy. The Miihiml Club ill give In r a almwt r at tlm lunm ef Mr, Ktl wtvrtlr tliia ullnriiuim, Mi. Oliver Adam will giv hem Jlavliu Chiim almwur Kriiluy Mia I'ay HiiUlwin und Mina luni 'Jab, Crook will give reocptinn to tffa WiiHieV iHiimin. Miaa Ouk Tl..e, ttuil ft ehower lor Mian WiiiiU'V. MomUy. M'iuitliue t tit Voy will take we id Ungh. LOCAL MENTION Hand boy' dance May 10. The I'reabyterian church baa been renovated and paiuted. N. Neileon and N. ll. Klliott of Terrebonne are In town on buai- na. Workmen are repairing Mr. Lively' cottage that wa damaged by fire. Mr. A. Keter left Tuesday for a vUit to relative in Portland and CorvallU. Mr. aud Mr. A. W, lloyc and daughter of Iatack epent Hatur day In 1'rineville, The Muaii.al Club met at the home of Mr. Itnecnhorg Tueeday afturnnon. A good program wa given. Mr. Iieliow, who ha been viniting htir daughter, Mm, Itla ,tdl, alt winter, left the firat of the wenk for bur home at I'omoroy, Withh. The (!, C. II. H. Alumni held their firnt meeting thil year at the home of thu preatdont, Mia Emeriti Young, Kefriirihmerit were nerved and a moat enjoyable evening wa aiflit, I'r, Hameiiy met with quite a aerioti accident to hie auto while on hla way home from 1'rineville hiat Hitlurduy, Eight .mile thia Id of PrliieviHit, in turning a corner, the ear pkklilml Into a deep rut with aueh force Unit one whunl mid omi axle were broken. Mr, W. I.. I'oraythe, Mr. W. II. Lott iiiiui anil Mir (irnc I.otlman were enjoying a ride with the doc tor when the aooident occurred, Noun of the oroupanU wire in jured. Col, Hiuith brought the pnrty to It'toliiiN, while the cur tnkeii tu Priiievillo fur rt'i'iiirK, Mi'tollu Oregouiaii. LOCAL MENTION The E-A Club nitet Saturday next. A. H. Collin came over from fiend today. John (itbeon of I'ot, an o'd pioneer, died Tueeday, aged 7'J. Mif Klla Jolinaon of Corvallia, arrived Sunday to upend a few day witb relative, tbe Muagrave fum- iiy. Dr. Ida l!ehreiidt,the eye apeclal iat, arrived from Mend Wedneaday. Hbe will remain in Prineville until the laat of next week. There will he preaching aervicee at the l'reehyterian church Hun day morning anJ evening by tbe paator, Itev. M. A. Prater. Every body welcome. The Commcrciftl Club will give a Ket-tngether-meuVmeeling at the duh room Haturday evening. Club member! and thoao who ahould be member, are invited. The city park hit) been greatly Improved thia apring, Carolina poplar have been planted all around it. The ground ha been plowed and leveled and a nent wire fence encircle the Inclosure, Next year It will be town to gra and then will come walk, eeaU and a band etand. (ieo. V. Noble returned hut week from a trip to Wallace, lilahn, where he made an in apevtion of the property of the tieiubow Mining Si Milling Co. on hehnlf of auliHcriher to the utotk In Prineville. He found every thing n represented. Oood do posits of ore and ol u!licitiit qnnnlity to mtiko a pitying propo fit. ion, The mining uctivily of the Coeur il'Alenu diatrict wit" it great surprise to him, in a abort time. Fraternal Men, Attention! Increased assessments have been declared by many of the leading orders. If yours hasn't, it will be next Will you stand for iO If interested in oppos ing higher rates with no greater advantages, communicate at once with E. N. S care Crook County Journal, Prineville, Oregon. 5-2-3t I'lKure with it nut! enve money on Flour, rWil, Oil, Mult, Uine ami C- Illent. l(KiiMoHI) Wlfol.KMAI.K I.I Mlit.K t Pliolii rn Compa-sv, 4-lH 3t White Orphington Eggs. Kelleratraa Htraio. Cook Htrain. fttl pur Bitting. 3-21-tl (lacAR C. Myi-k. Have freluhtera' cliurifea by umkliitf your own liitul from liKinioMi Wlllil.KHAI.K 1,1 Hlll.lt A PltiOil'l K COMI'AMV. 4 lH-3t Eggs That Hatch. From 10 Ki(a aold Mra. Cottrell Vi I'll ic kit liatelied; from my pen of 'Jl While Ij'uliorna during March I Rot 4'. ill -kk"; 'rum 144 now attttlnir llll teat gixul. Wlio can beat It. Your (or emia, J. W. HitwAKT. Millinery NOW ON SALE Select line of Spring Hats at 1 0 per cent discount Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlor, Prineville r ''.Ue TROUBLE-viMon Klacs need l-' not mall ''i not make one look older, or cause embarrassment by Iktuir 1 conspicuous. Kryptok Ix-nscs comprise near view and far vicwlenst-s in an integral piece of glass. They have an absolutely smooth surface, and are entirely free from the scams, dirt-catching lines, cement and bulky appearance characteristic of old 6tyle pasted double-vision lenses. . ') Kryptok Inej are good looking. They have the great advan tage of perfect vition for both dioarue and reading, coupled with the neat appearance of tingle-viaion gbute. In no way do the tuggest advancing year. Over 200,000 people are now wearing Kryptok Lenses DR. IDA BEHRENDT At Hotel Oregon, Prineville, Oregon, from May 1st to 11th. Band Boys' Dance The Big Event of the Season Friday, May 10th, 1912 Music by Luckey's Orchestra An All Night Dance Tickets $1.00 Given by M. W. of A. Band Boys' of Prineville, to apply on Band Instruments. Demaris will play after midnight The Leota Howard Dramatic Company Will be in this city for 7 nights commenc ing May 6th. A reportoir company of High Class Artists in Dramas and Come dies. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Popular Prices.