i; of a Kuacne Or Crook County Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 CIRCUIT COURT NEXT WEEK AVer, Short Criminal Docket. LONG UST OF CIVIL CASES Th Patterson Case Will the Principal One for the Grand Jury. Be Circuit court open next Mon day. The criminal docket U short one but the civil calendar in unusually long. The principal ease for the grand I Jury it that ol Ralph W. Patterson 'of Itend, charged with rape against bis 1 1 year oM stepdaughter. The defendant It in jail under 15000 bond. State of Oregon vi John I'eneen of Fort Kock. Deenen is charged with obtaining a home under fab- ' pretense, lie la held under f 150 bond. . State of Oregon vs Omar WiUon,1 charged with the larceny of a steer. He in in jail under (500 bind. State of Oregon v Chtil Wood of He ml, lie la charged with larceny from a dwelling. Ilia bond were placed at 1 1000 State of Oregon v Fred Ifahn of Tend. He ehot' hie partner, Her man Brauer, in a quarrel at Bend. State of Oregon va A. A. Dickey, J. W. McClure and J. K. Goodfel low, charged with removing a mortgaged automobile from the county without written convent of the owner thereof, will come up (or a bearing. Some cattle etealing cases re ported from the northern part of the county and on Johmon creek will alio go before the grand jury. Civil Case. White Motor Car Co , vi I) C PeU-r- eon. I) Y Stewart va John T Moore and Delia A Moore; forecUwure. John W Siixton va W C llurbcr. Hull for $:i(l,(KKI (lainaKi'Nfor aliena tion of wlfe'a affectlona. A C Sauford v J W Jonea; recover on note. F M Lovelnud va Fred Flaher; pay ment for drilling well. Zatbara Tnylor McIIargue va Mary E Mrllurune; divorce. F J McCuretby va Hed Croae I)ru Co. i I.iuiK A Co. va 8 N'anee. A C Lucaa va Hed Crone Drutr Co. Laldlaw Townalte Co. and llu)Hrt O Heed va Grace Frederlcka. J E Clan t nut va Cliarlea Angle, T N balfourand N Iluhu- Crauier and Harcrow va Malcoin McDonald, Crook County Bank va Fonnle S Hauuuer. W F Hammer and It I. Sabln; forecloaure. I J L Comba va l'lne Foreat Lumber Co. A JI Horn ot nl va J B Montague et nl. L J Green va A A Green; divorce. VA Forbea va 8 C Caldwell, J 11 O'Netl, W B Hellera, M J Kelly and Theodore Anne. Collection Agency Heglatrar va O llvdlund. W L Carter va Perry Wlble. U 8 Cowlea va J H Diuthlt. Central Oregon Irrigation Co. va Frank Htuveua et al; concellatlon of contracta. Cltlnena' State Bunk of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, ve J N WIllluniHon, D IS Templeton et nl. Oecnr Cox va Nathan Beach. A F Franz va Mellana Auu Cntlow and Dim Catlow. D I & P Co. va W B Wlleon and State Land Board. C. M. Zell va Wm Lemon et nl Tvm a-lum Lumber Co. vh U Nortlirup mid W II Klnst. Henry Tumiu va Frnncla S Tarn in; dlvore. It L Sabln, aeelguee, va Samuel Gregg. YEAR PRINEVILLE, J C Cix kiTlmin, II N Lawrle nnil W. C. IliirlH-r. J Streln v Ontrnl Oregon Well Co. nml N C Juniin.'ii. ico O'Nell inn) Walter O'Nell v John K M iitiHiikcr. O'.Ncll Itnw Co va Wllxon ft Field. tirui-ii Northey v Otto Northey; illvnrre, Clly of Mu lnm v Itny l.miibert on, N Manner v M J Ponnldaon A S..II.J-. The lone Pine TruilliiK Co ve Fred N Wallace. A C l.ucaa v Itnlph Pntteraoil, Miiry l'attrrmm, J W Hiiuicrull, W K licrln it and Alex llolhrook. (leu vY Comba ve C V and I. Maude Wllmin, torwloiiure Carey anil Kheldoa v M A Itoblu- Kill. Uuy It Craw ford t Marie A Craw ford; ill voire. KC Caldwell v J Wt'aher. V Y aud Kn If 8 Hammer va R I. Sublu. I) O Itenn va C K ltentul, W R Shoemaker, the I) I A I' Co, and the Board: relative to recta- til it 1 ton nt cliwrt laud Wm 10 tltirkhanl v John L and Herman Spou. !eii Itt'nw'lioter va C H NleU-n. M K H Colllna va J II Unrkley et nl. MhIm'I M Kendall va Central Ore Kou Irrigation Co and tli I) I & I' C'l. K C Caldwell v Cntph and .Miiry Pniterann. Pauline Jaekaiin va l.dwanl Jai'k ami: divorce. Mary II lliiwklu v Rolla X Doty. Wm Baldwin vJ H Unn. Flint National Itiind of Bend va Earl ItoiiHton, May HoiiHton and A llarryinon. CouatnnceM Eaton by A Browna queat, Imr guardian, va S I and C A Frar. Dinchutea Hyrto.Elei-trlc Co va Prlntile Fall, Electric Power & Water Co. . AitHlguuifiit of B C Dove. Evlwni Atklnaou va the (Vntrn) Ort-Kon Irritation Co and the D I & P. Co. W A Booth va J A and J J Boyd. W A Houlti va J A llovd. J W Woodruff va C H Irvln. AanlKUtiteiit of II C WlUon. E M Thonipaon va Harlot a and Jean SclilnYr. State of On-gon va E A Buaaet, admlulatrator estate of Hluhard Meyer, deeeaaed. Guy S'ura va P C Campbell and TIiouihm Can in n. J Streln va Petor KIIIhtk, Sum Ed monitaon, W 11 WilllauiMou and A P Clark. 8 J Xeweom va Nancy E Logan, Elmer and Franrea Clark. T F McCnlllater va Geo MeCnlllater et al. May Maekey va John and Sadie Ferguaoii. Lone Pine Trndliijr Co va Dwlght and Edna Kolierln. J J Coftelt va W H Porter and E A Daveuport. , Central Ore. Irreatlon Co va Le roy t'overt. J II Wenandy et al va J T Comba; coat bill. It L Sabln, awHlgnee of W F Ham mer Co. va H E Scull. V D Harris va Ida Harrla; divorce. Katy GarllnKhouae va W S Dod aon and Myra M Dodaon. Fleckenateln Mayer Co va J B Gret'ii aud William Suell. Or'Kon Central Luuilier Supply Co va Samuel Gregg. W'MA,I0R 6UTT 1 J? a fuk4 I s - J .I.J . ' K ." LOWERING TITANIC'S LIFE SOWS if POM THE! CARPAfrtlA. News Snapshots Of the Week went down with his ship. . A senate committee inei the Carpatbia on her arrival tn New York and began an Investigation into the cause of the wreck. J. Bruce Ismny, head of the International Mercantile Marine, who was a passeuger on the Titanic and was directing her maiden trip, was the chief witness. CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, KaMtern Hallway & l.umlier Co v V nil ura T()wnnH Co. '. M. Klkln va Oreu and Julia Walte. CO I Co va I) I & V Co. Collection Agency Registrar va M 11 l'IIItte. Mary J Conwuy va C W Conway; dlvorcM, i Clutrk a I) Ihirliln va Annie Mating et al. Tho Arnold va C C Burhanan. A J Weaton va Lola France We, ton; dlvoree. Mr ll A McDowell va Lincoln An nuity I'nlun. . -' S H Wlkon va V W Sllvertootb and Sim Jlrowder. Tutu-a-Lum Lumber Co va Opal City Land Co. U Y Hautxira ve Oreo Walte. Jennie C Slinpaon va J K tilmeon; divorce. Mncdonnld Potta ve Dtuchutee Val ley Laud t luveatiueut Co. Mary I, PatUraon va It W Patter aon, J I. Kumemll and W E..Jueriu Jr. W h Me(ouaKlU et at va L N Jonen et ul. Ji-t-rtltt A Import va Henry Ooddte. M Iowell Broa va City of llwl nioud. in the matter of the determination of rlijlit to ue of water of Kipiaw Creek. J W Merrltli-ld 4CH Hurt man va 7. T MeClay and Mary McClay. John H Lm'kard va Jatuea Oott. JlCnxe TlireMhltiK Machine Cove J L and Herman Kpou and W E Uurkliard. Independent Foundry Co va Mud raa Gateway Hotel Co. It IC Clolden vh J K Loveall and A C Sauford KtrMt National Baak of B"-nd Sllvertootb A Ilrowder. Fieckeuatelu Mayer Co va J B Green. Flrat National Bank of Prlnevltle va L A Hunt. Eattern Oregon Brewing Co va T M Burden. . , I) I A P Co va Sarah E Burnett. IHnchutea Banking A Truat Co va Halph and Mary Patteraon, Jeaae L Mimerall and W E Guerln Jr. C I Co va Mllo Covert Eraxtua P Buehttnan va Little A Buchanan; dlvmve. F E Brlixica va John Braati' D W Tarpley va F P Talklngton. J P Hickman va W H Blrdaong and It A Aiiimona. Juaeph Palmer va Erneet MeCalie. Geo W Noble va Emily M and C A Cllne. Mad raa Lumber Co va C E Flora et nl. Mail raa Lumlier Co va H E Scull. Suean P Scbulte va John Selmlte; divorce. A C Suuford va F M Lovelnud and C R Kntuaey. Fnuula Wright va Earl Wright; divorce. A Correction. In reference to the article which appeared in the last ieeue of this paper on telephone lines con structed by tbe U. S. Forest St r vice, five ranger districts con taining approximately 4J billion feet of excellent yellow pine tim ber are now connected by tele phones instead of two as stated. Tbe Ochoco National Forest con tains approximately 6 billion feet of merchantable timber and furniehes summer range to 110, 000 sheep and 12,000 bead of cat tie. - v-a it Ai-Jf "it The White Star liner Titanic, the Inrpcst, fastest and most luxuriously appointed boat In the world, struck an Iceberg when 600 nines oil Cnpe Snuie wnue on her mniuen trip and sunt in less than two hours and a half. Of the 2.1S1 passengers and mem bers of the crew only 706 were saved, having been picked up by the Cnuard liner Carpatbia after drifting about In open boats for hours. John Jacob Astor and Major A. W. Butt the president's aid, were among the notables who perished. Captain Smith THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1912. Jury List District Court The following namea have been drawn for jury service next week: J. H. Dean, Bend. Geo. P. Reams, I'rineville. F. II. May, liend. II. J. Uranittelter, Madras. E. A. Burnett, Powell Butte. I. A. Buckley, Bedmond. E. II. Braden, Lamonta. John Ferguaon, Montgomery. A. M. Logan, Paulina. ('haa. Boyd, Bend. It. G. Bowser, Bend. It. S. Moore, Haycreek. A. T. Bogue, Montgomery. J. F. Bice, Powell Butted. Henry Bivenr, Culver. W. II. Birdaong, Johnson Creek. J. M. Tengman, Powell Butte. U. 8. Grewell, Young. Earl Benton, Redmond. F. J. Benedix, Madria. I. W. Berry, Sinter. Harry C. Laniug, Howard. Thomas I.angdon, Powell Butte. A. Wilt, Sisters. Isaac Belknap, Haystack. Albert J. Moore, Lamonta. Chas. Montgomery, Montgomery. John Milliorn, Bar Creek. Fred Merritt, Roberta. lUy Archer, Redmond. Gardner Perry. Prineville. Mrs. Mai ican Making Plans Mrs. Ada B. Mil'iicao came in from Millican on the high desert Thursday of last week. She re ports heavy travel on the road from Bend to Burns. Mrs. Millican ia one of the vice presidents of the State Equal Suf frage Association , and President of the Crook County association. She is making an itinerary for a speaker and organizer to be sent to Central Oregon from headquarters at Portland. They have promised one of the best in the state. Ar rangementa for her reception and entertainment here are now being made. A request ia made that all mem bers of the Equal Suffrage Club of Prineville and all women who are favorable to the amendment, meet at the home of Mrs. Hugh Lister on Friday afternoon at 2:30 where further arrangements will be made. For Sale. Gasoline 6 horse power wood saw. See Chae. F. Condart. &2-U . Wanted. Man and wife to work on ranch; no children. Address C. C, care Journal. Notice to the Public I will lie in Prineville more or less terouorarllv from now on. Those wish ing my attention may inquire at the borne of a. h. Hodges. 4-25 1b. R. I. Kktchdm. r . V:. Tr, -v N Is) 1 : ". - a - . jr . a - . s s ..(; v...-w X - . ft? i I f ,f' v x 7Vt CUNAO DOCKS VC lfc a s jf PHOTO 6T ,"lRrN -! f. i i Home-Coming Day Methodbt Church It ia quite common to have an annual homecoming day, at wbicb time all the members and frienda from far and near make special efforta to attend. The Methodist church of Prineville bae set May 5, as "Home-coming f ,1 f M ki' J 1 Day." The Rev. T. B Ford, P. I) . of Oregon City, one of the ablest preachers in the West will be here, Dr. Ford will deliver his ereat lecture on Abraham Lineoln, the Great American and Citizen of the World, on Friday May 3, and will preach in tbe Method ita church Sunday morning and evening May 5. The people of Prineville are to; be congratulated on tbe fact that they will have an opportunity to hear one of the ablest lectuters and preachera on the Pacific Coast. Tbe congregation is making special preparation for these serv ices. The church will be ap propriately decorated for tbe oc casion and the choir will render special music. The church extends a most bf arty welcome to -all the pioneere and the public in general. By order of tbe program committee. An Importer of French Horses Charles Bernard passed through Prineville the first of the week on his way home to The Dalles from bis stock ranch on Beaver creek, where he bas sheep and horses. He recently imported 10 head of young blooded mares and two stallions from France which he bad shipped to bis Crook county ranch. Mr. Bernard states that the lambing season out his way has been cold and rainy. Tbe percent age of loss bas been quite heavy with those not provided with ade quate barn room and shelter. His loss in this respect has been small. The prospects for hay and grain in the Beaver creek country were Ufver better. The ground is full of water. There should be bounti ful crops, he says. VOL.XVI-NO.23 I nnni i prrrn urtrt LLl ILK 1U COUNH FARMERS Establish Co-operative Fields. HELP ALONG THE GOOD WORK Get in Touch with the Super intendent of the Demon atration Farm. Oregon Agricultural College. Corvaliis. Ore.. April 22, 1912 Open, Letter to the Farmers of Crook County: The two dem onstration farms recently loca ted in Crook County are rapidly being put into operation, tha seeding being practically com pleted. A great many varieties of seed of many different crops have boen secured from all parte of the United States. What spec- machinery ana sctentinc equipment is required is now ia transit to tnese larms. ftoon e late seeding wm De started. boards put op explaining Ihe work being carried on in each fie'-", and as the crops appear above the ground these two farms will come into full operation. The work on these two demon stration farms, however, is really only a minor part ot th1? pro gram to be carried out by the representatives of the Oregon Agricultural College in their en deavor to assist the farmers and new settlers of Crook County. The college authorities wish and -are determined Lf it is in any way possible.'-io Cb every farmer in the county who wishes assist ance. The first step in this dir ection is to be taken immediately. This step is the establishment of co-operative fields in each im portant section of the county. These fields may be only from one-half an acre to five acres in siza but if established in each of he important farming communi ties of the county, they will be tbe local center for the advisory and instructional work of the college experts. Toget this co operative work started at once it is des ired that every farmer who is anxious to see some demonstra tion work in his neighborhood started and who will be willing to furnish the use of a couple of acres of ground and take care of it under the instruction of the col lege authorities, make this known at once by letter or in person to tbe superintendents of the demonstration farms. Those located in the dry farm ing sections should address them selves to the superintendent of the college dry land demonstra tion farm at Metolius. and those located in the irrigated section should- address themselves to Superintendent Powers of the college demonstration farm at Redmond. Make known to these superintendents what special problems in tillage or cropping your neighborhood is interested in, state that you are willing to devote a half acre or more of land lying adjacent to a main traveled road to domonstration work, ahd that you will furnish tbe tools and put in and takecare of a certain amount of crop under the direction of the superintend ents', describe the location of your land, aud ask for a visit. A letter of this kind directed to either one of the superintendents of the demonstration farms will Continued on page 5