Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 25, 1912, Image 8

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    Industrial Contest
For School Children
Oregon Agricultural College.
Theextraordinarr interest shown
bjr tho bankers' asscH-iaticn, com
mercial clubs and other organ
izations throughout the state
in the iruiutrial contests
for school children now in
progress in all districts, means
that the schools must incorporate
in the regular course some sys
tematic instruction in industrial
branches. The work can not be
confined to the high sfhool or the
seventh and eighth grades, but
is bound to cover the entire cour
se, with the proper adaptation to
the ages of the pupils in the dif
ferent grades.
For this reason school superin
tendents, principals and teachers
will need to familarize themselves
with the spirit and purpose of
this new education, and to secnre
material to present to the pupils.
To this end the summer session
at the Oregon Agricultaral Col
lege this year, which opens June
IS and lasts until Jul; ?t, will
offer special instructions. No
where could there be found a
body of experts better prepared
to give the teachers this very as
sistance than in the faculty of
the agncultuaal college. The
domestic science department is
ready to sssist in the outlining of
courses of instructions for the
fcirls from the lowest grades
through the high school; the en
gineering college will do the
same for the manual training
courses in the public schools; and
all departments of agricultural
study will offer similar aid in
planning the work in agriculture
for both rural and city schools.
Ten courses in elementary and
advanced agriculture are to be
given, four in domestic science
three in domestic art, and three
in manual training. These are
all in addition to the regular
pedagogic studies always includ
ed for those who wish toincreare
their equipment as teachers.
The methods of teaching these
industrial subjects in both town
and country schools, general
problems of school management
and the special problem of the
one-room school will be bandied
ably by expert instructors.
upon inquiry in the east as to
the best man for practical in
Btruction on the country schools,
frof. E. D. Ttessler, director of
the summer session, was inform
ed that the national authority on
the subject is H. . D. Showalter,
principal of the Washington
State Normal School at Cheney,
Hash., and he has been secured
for 0 A. C. for this summer, to
gether with several other able
men and women from other in
In some states school boards
offer teachers special induce
ments to prepare themselves
more thoroughly for their work,
either by paying a part of the ex
pense of the summer course, or
by raising the salaries of those
willing to spend their vacations
in study. The cost at 0. A. C. is
remarkably low, 40 covering
everything excepting the rail
road fare.
An enthusiastic teacher, quali
fied to instruct the boys and
iris and to inspire them with a
living interest in industrial work
may be the means not merely of
adding great wealth to the mat
teihl resourses of the district,
but also of developing a higher
efficiency and more substantial
qualities of character among the
Ponv Lost.
Pony lost near Powell liutteg on T'.end
road. Sorrel, witu white t,Mw, had
eauuie and barney on, overcoat Ktrap
India th Chisf Saurca of Supply arf
This Valuabl Gum.
Tragon's Mood, which Is used for
coloring vamlshi-a. a a mcdlclus) and
ID Bcio-rcgravliiK iirocrKsc. la pro
curnWp from croirr and (trucKlata In
every tuutanr In tmli.t. Noth th fills
and true ilracon's hiood mar be pur
chased In the ltombay market.
Sir tJeorse Wait iwva that certain
cane and rattnas when freshly cut
contain a Intro quantity of a liquid
which when evaixirated produce a red
rcslu. One of Hie boat known quali
ties of the refill la aonietlinea railed
East Indian drnfrona Mood. Thii I
mostly prepami from the frnlta of aer
eral species of ctilnmu found In the
Stnilta Settlement. The kuui exudes
naturally from between the scale of
the milt and. beltm friable. I collect
ed by shaking the fruit Into baskets
ana then sin me the resin Train the
stems ami particles of woody fiber,
after which it la melted either by the
neat or the sun or boiling water. An
Inferior quality Is produced by boiling
the fruit or by tapplui; the stems. The
only Indian siwclcs hitherto reported
as anromiug this resin la Dnemonorops
kunianns. The false dragon's blood
met with In Indian commerce Is Im
ported luto Itotnbay from Sumatra.
I'enanR, etc. The true dragon's blood,
however, la procured from Socotra and
Is obtained by tapping th sterna of
several species or dracaena, .not cala
Other technical publications stats
that Canarr Islands draron'a blond Is
me Taneiy outainca rrom the ceiebrat
etl drnirnn tre of TVnrifa ami arita.
cent Islands. Dracnlena draro. Verv
little of this now finds Its way Into Eu
ropean commerce, and the sjim ran Ka
said of Mexican dragon's blood, which
latter Is obtained from Croten draco.
consular Report.
Nolle ot Contest,
1W.,. ..,. ..r.L. , ,
I nlteU Mates lilt), ,
ltiellallra llr.M, l i. .... ,,..
la ..antra II ii.....- i ... i.
, y, .....n-i, i, iriurYiiir,
Oregou. 1 ontesiee:
-lunar herrliv notified that Martin 8.
Nftlli.tra tin nina I'm..i.-
,. "'-iir, I'll-gOtl, K
tii. wtottl.e ,, ,, Ma,,.!, :',v
atisl ami iraiiun i-.itita -...I ..-
r . r im -rvun1 Mir
, niii-rimiiim oi vour DouieateaU. Kntrv N
Serial No. miiMi Hiiit. Nnvciniwr 1 i"
PHW, forSi, NVi ,wv, SWA,, ..,;
(OWItKllUi II S Mhm It: L t-.!
tt Mrn.tuii. urn. mi k num. in (of hi ,ot.
11 h ttUrimi UmtHHh, Jam,1 )l, olm-
lMtl hi ttlltil Y laltMiiii.ii..i ....... . .
, ' m trn f mi
mrr u monltm ncxi prrc-r.iilr. tlif t'th
3Hid Unti for ovtr it mkiiii.M . ....
e.Unif itiM irkh iImv t a iun .' ...
law re.purv.1 ,r at all diinnit wul uiuv,
ou ar. her,-f.r, lurtlier iiui,,
tl) vaul altt'iruLi.111 vi-iii Im, i.k... i... .i..-
oitlc aa tiaviinr Iwen iMiilvmivt hv.' Vim
ami your said ntry villlie eaueelvd'tlirr
under ithuut your tirtlir richt .. Iw
heard Ihereiu, either twlore tl.i. ..rh. ..r
on i el. If you tail to tiie in thin office
within iweutv day alter iho rot' Kill
pl'. icailon of tin. nonce, as hown Iwlow
your answer, under oath, pecitically nifet
in and refpotnliii tn ilm .n.u..
eon teat, or (I yon tailviihin id at uu lo
hi in this othce du proof thai yu hae
aerve! a l-oivr urrmir ni... .1.- 1
couteMam either in uvrHtm r l.v m-.-.'..i
....... i, una rvn-e la mail y III de-
j . jWa, .... n T, t,iinvcoii
teatant in jiemon. proof of aueh service
nilial lie elt liar tlia ki.i.1 i...-.-...i- ..
ten aeknowlttlguieiil of hit receipt of the
"V . " "w it reeeipi, or
th atll.lavit ol th peraon by ahomtli
deiiverv was mad .siaiimr !. ....i . i...
th copy was delivered; II ,!, ,
retflslentl mail, iir.1.11 nl a,M.k .
cuusiai ni in affidavit or th person bv
whom tha ronvau mail.! - 1.-:.
and th pwtothY to which it waa mailed
... .uia ....Ma,., muM im areoniaiiiil h
the postmaster' m-eipt for Hi letter.
ou ahoulil stall, in .nt ,1...
name of the poatothc tom lneli you de-ire
u,uiv Hvmn to oe Belli 10 TOU.
4-11 k.i.i.r
Date of Brat publication April U, lull
"i April is,
' third " April
" fourth Alay i, "
For Rent.
A good dniiy or tiM'k ranch; l(k)0
ith, .1..,, inn nay i ihv aerea nil
der ditch i long loaa to right party.
Kor tmrticillar iuollirM at Journal
iMiivw. j rn.ii
at a.
1 Smith & AHInghan., Props, t
(- vi fiaBV4t 1
Imported and Domestic
a aa
3 Ugars'
Famous Whiakiei
Bids Wanted.
$50,000 for Farm Loans. See Itren
liojone. .Metolmf, Oregon. 3-:3p
ror isittleehip I.inolinni goto A. H.
i:tppman dc Co. 1 per square yard,
Pay Up No Nonsense.
All persons indebted to me are n.
quested to settle at once or their ac
counts will be placed in the hands of an
attorney for collection.
3-2S-lmp Pi llooots.
Sawmill for Sale or Trade.
.10 M capacity, near' Sisters. Will
give good terms to right man. Inquire
i luis oiuce. 4-j i
Brown Leghorns
Pure-bred Frown Leghorn eggs, 1
setting: dav old chicks; Mrs.
Zkix, Prineville.Ore. 37
Horse for Sale.
On the old C. Sum Smith ranch,
near Prlnevtlle: sold In nny mitnlier
at reaannnlilM L-.r. t. .1
r ' v . a ui luillll-r
InforniHtion addrexs G. II. Rusmkli.,
rnuevuie, uregon. I2-ltI-tf
T O Ci 1? l rXJE meets erery
Straosers welcome. O. P. Reams, N. O.; C.
L. ghattock. V. O.; Burt Barnes, See.; and
C. B. Dinwiddle. Trwu.
Notice for Publication.
liejiartment of the Interior,
I. S. Land Office at The Dalle, Oregon.
Notice U hereby a.een th.?""1 ,Mi
, , ,' .anno nciitrr.
S2,"1 Home.",.,
No.lfc.-75, forsei; ne', ,ec9. sod si, nw'., ne'.
T'?' r,,ie ' "". 'Hsn
ette Meridian, ha filed nolue of Intention 10
make anal commutation proof, to establish
Claitll til IIIM ar.H a).... J.. . , . .
Timolhy C UWi. mmSnel "
, .'"J" " "nes-s: Hiram M.
an nl p H,er fconun. Joe 1'ost, Caleb Davis,
, ' ' C.W. MOORK, Register.
Bids are wanted for emisina. In- ail.
acre tracts or lot, all of the timber
lands in Crook ennntv lti,l,l ......
a surety bond In the uiu of ;i,000
guaranteeing tht eorrectnes of hi hid
to within I.i ptr cent of conservative
Cruise, such conservative rruiautn lu .1
termined by the court or a responsible
cruiser selected by said court, the con
tractor to fiav til coat nf aoi-li .ii.u ,
case the variance .-il i
otherwise the couuly to pay therefor.'
1 aiiiiriim ior sucti ciuisiKg to he made
at regular terms of this court as the
wotk progresses, until 'J per cent of the
total cost thereof shall have been paid;
the remaining 75 per cent of the cost;
thur.iiif ia t., K.. K .. .. t.
.....v. tj w -fli'i u earranu is.
nil-.) at regular term of Ibis court as
uie ora progresses, but thu same are
not to be due or payable until on or Iv.
fore one year from the .late of the is
suance thereof, such (UlerreJ pavnienta
to draw interest from date of issuance
at the rate of l er cent per annum
until paid. All bids to be sealed and
filed with the county clerk prior to
May 1. IU. and the county court re
serves the right to reject any and all
bids, and further reserves U,e right to
go into full detail, should a contract be
entered into with any bidder.
Iiated :his 11th day of April, 1912.
lly order of ths court.
Wakhk Pkowk,
County Clerk.
Old Crow; I lermitage; Red V
Top Rye; Yellow Stone; f
Canadian Club; Cream V
Rye; James E. Pepper, f
Moore's Malt
Willard II. Wirtz
Oltlce hi M. It, lllgg' otthe.
oaf Smrrd
faua Asswiaaii Paoaeri luv na Miaat
"a lasis IH.eiN ir AhSHaoa'S
liaix SO. as Hio li uttli a au leaj.
dutuia lBli.t.....
Filftl your Deed? Of Course.
An Abstract)
(VrtltllltveVstVUIIM haaan alialracl .
j I hi von k now her your cotner r,'
vii, io, ,oi enacliy.
Brewjlrr Engineering Company,
I'lineville, Oregon, will locale Ihein ,,r
l ..II Ull.l ..III. .. 1.. ,1. ....l. L-
B,.,nl,i,v ,(lp wins. mirvey
' lug, I'luitliig, Iriigatliiu hngliievnng.
j I'llotl I'loiicer 'AH.
Kliilureeitr,.ii, no llullilu,,,. tMm,.,io : ( J A Mcl'AHI Wl'"
I I lt...ll.. Lawyer
fl oui 1111
1019 Chamber ol rummerce n,g, )t,mt, or.
- .IM-P
Itvalene and Pkiarj aihls tallsuia.ti
Dr. K. 1). Kctchum
I'riigh I'h.valclnn.
Hour by appointment
Practice In all courts and V. H. .nJ
Redmond, . Oregon
j Porter, Ale and Olympia
Draft Beer on Tap.
Imported Wine and
Liquors. b
Professt'.ttal Cards.
Dr. Htmard (love
Dentist '
Rooms 14 and IS Adamson Building.
T. !. J. DU1TY
(Wucetssur to V. A. Ib ll)
PltlxEViUK . . . Oittonx
Bidi for School Bonds.
NnllM Il h.Ml,. .In.. I ,1-- .
themVini7.., ... J unaersnmn,
Vti?! rp?'n' thl" Pursuant to an order of
the board of directors of school district No
7. of Crook county. Oreson, he will sell for the
zyrz. """ " w scnooi bonds or
said district, on May IS, 112, at the oftce of
'"S """"ii irrahurer, rrlnevllle. Oregon.
nAi J. . m.i"ii appiy 10 me board
of directors of said dltrlct or to this office.
. . kali-h 1.. JORDAN,
bounty treasurer of Crook county, Oregon.
Bids for School Bonds.
VnllH, I. h..l.. . . . , .
micj Vivrn oy ins unaerslgned,
1. . T """"ioi uie ceuniyor 1 rook.
"leof Oregon, that pursuant to nn orderof
7 VtrJ. i u""r ":t"" nistnct No.
7, oftrook county, Oregon, he will sell lor
the heat price obtainable I l school bonds of
said district, on May IS, 1012, at the office of
lbnillnl,l.,.m. 1,-1 ...
... . ""u,ri, , riuviitK, wrt-gon.
-. . .m,,. iiiiuriiiuiHin apply lotiielsjttrd
of directors of said district or to this office.
County Ireaaurcrof Crook county, Oregon.
In the county court of the State of
rod to Mufbllu
Livery Barn.
Keward. Notify Soritag;s
A Scotsman was employed to mow
the lawn of a close fisted old lady. She
Insisted that he must cut it very short,
adding that oue Inch at the bottom
was worth two at the top. He did it
so well that she was moved lo produce
a whisky bottle ntid a glass, which she
filled about half full.
"Kill It up, mem," said Sandy, "for
It's no like the gross. An Inch at the
tap's worth twa at the bottom."'
Oregon, for the
T a.1. - - . . .
in uie matter 01 the estate of Robert
renniiiernn .irihnnnn
lo ered Johnson anrt tn oil t
devisees unknown, if any there be,
In the name of Ilia ta, nr n-
yoo are hereby cited and required to
-I'lieai m ine county court 01 the (State
01 uregon, tor me Uoitnty of f:rook, at
the COUrtriVim tliuriar.f . 11-: :u.. :
- a, , lllltlvilHj 111
the County of Crook, on Monday, the
1 in. , uoy 01 june, wt, at JU o'clock in
the forenoon of that day, then and
mere xo enow cause, if any there be
wliv an older nhnolfl nnt I. i 1.'.'
, ,J" "..'ID III
this court granting the administrator of
fl estate mi! hnntw 1,1 .,.!! ,.1 1
eeiaie 01 sam (leceased at private sale
iii-wi ineesuriiu f r. i.a .
. u,... cjiiiiieuni
quarter of section seven and the east
half of the nnrllu.aut i,nari. ni
. . .ji.nnci jt Kl-l LIOI
eighteen in township thirteen, south of
...iige ourteen, east ol Willamette
-ueriuian 111 1 rook countu Smi. ,.1
- umro UI
Witness- the Ifnn It n i-ii:,
r.t .i.- ..:. 7 . . ' . J s
",c wuniy court 01 trie Mate of Ore
gon, tor the riniinlv r.l t'.,.r., -.1.1. .1 .
1 . . . 3 viv. mill uie
of Kid court aflixed Hub 17th day
'O'iii, iy, 101,
Attest AKKiiN IiaowN, clerk.
Id the Circuit Coiut of the State of
oretton ior C rook county.
I). F. Stewart, I'lulutlff,
John T. Moore and Delia A. Moore
To John T. Atilnea niut rill A
- - - - -' - ui... . ' I III. J
Moore. Hefenilnnta
In the name ol the stntci.f iiumn
1 oil nre neri'liv remi red tn iimu.
sun answer ine Cfiiniilnlnt !,!
aifHltiHt you In the above entitled
milt on or tiefore the lam dny of the
time preMcrllietl In the order for the
i.uuiRtiu..ii 01 tniHstituinona, to-wlt:
on or tiefore tho 2ml day of May,
l'.12, and If you fall so to appear
and answer, fur aunt n,..r... . i...
plaintiff will apply to the court for
me reuti iieiimiiueil in DIM complaint,
to-wlt: for JmlKuieut ajraliiHt you
for $415, wltb lutereat thereon at the
mie 01 wa per cent per annum from
May 13th, 1U08, for 150.00 attorney',
fees and for the nuts unit ,111.
rnent" of thin ault. For a dis-ree for
ine aaie or tne lamia deac-rlbed In
that certain mortgage executed by
you and In favor of plaintiff, dated
Miy 14. l'J08, and for the furccloaure
of aald mortKaue.
Thin aurntnona la ptililmheil by
order of the Honorable W. I,. Brad
shaw, Jiidge of the above entitled
court, whlc-b order waa inmle and
entered on the 11th day of March,
1912. and the iIht fif ih. e.. ....1.11
cation of thin numinous Is the 21et
uay 01 March, 1!)12.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dr. J. Treadles Fox
M. R. 0. S. Kng; and t. W. A. London;
Licence,. Oregon Mai,. Medical Hoard,
Specialist in Mirgery; llygien; All
mentury c'anali wunirn and cliililreu's
ofli. o an. I resiln, Main st. Prlnei Ills, Or
Thoat. old DiittierreotVMHi ol
l.randfnlher ntid tiratiiliuother
mid Aunt Mary and then ths
Itlnlnt pictures nf fHther ami
mother taken Just after the
w ar money could m buy th. iu
from yon. Am you forgetful of
the tact that liiture teiicriilUina
would cherish ju.t ailrh pu-tun-a
of you? full and look nt our
work ami brln In your Kmlak
tllina for di'vilupinu and t.rlut
ItilC, Central Oregon Studio
Morris ll.lg.. 1 Ilia N, ol ts,m
Special Easter Sale
Select line of Spring I lots
at 10 per cent discount
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlor, Prinevills
When Waiters Walk
PAjntan mn4 Smrfm
Cmtt, aawsawW pnmtHp mr ave miril
JSM VaiaaM.aa mmh.
mm Mfmm JI..IS.
iPnn.miHt, Ormmmm.
C C. 33rl
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brands of Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
F. E.IBROSIUS, Proprietor
Dr. John Huback,
Ite Veterlrary aiimenn I'. B. Armr
Ilft.BrtHll'HI i.l II... I.I.I I- '
All Surgical ttork at KcaaonaMs
Hamilton Stables.
Prioevilla, Or.
Tht Dalles
tftolknap d 6 d wards
(County Physician.)
at. ...
f "SSWIff, fMfSS
SI. ClttoH,
Fred A. Bice, C. E. 1. B. Neville, Jr.. V. M.
County Burveyor. Iwpnty !o. Surveyor,
Rice & Neville
Civil Engineers,
General Engineering. I'amCTii.i.g Obsooh.
?. 33rink
Jt ltrmtt, Prntvll; Origan.
9- .
Mihd our Joinu. in carry tin; them to tab!, tl.ev .guerlence the long.
tK that only lua-y, lend,, M.,.u ,-an pro-luce. Kor nur lleef, pork, mit
ton, vea , l.mV and I'onltry .,. v.,y templing In their savory fragrance-
City Meat Market
Low Round Trips East
Throughout the summer season, on the dates given below,
round trip tickets will be sold to the points in the east
shown below, and many others, at greatly reduced fares
Great Northern and Northern Pacific
Atlantic City
Colorado HpritijfH..
SUl.nO Detroit
1U7.A0 I Mi 1 11 1 li
.,, I 1111111111)1111
i?rS h!l,""u,itUy - mm I'lttHburg....
i.iuvriiuaee ,2.iaj N(. l,0Ul8..
$ N2.60 Omalm ,.... flO.OO
tH'.uu rn at i ti i a ... Kin Mi
St. I'aul Oil no
Toronto 111.50
W'uHliliigton... 107.H0
M InnrapollH..'.....,'".".'" lio.oo
Mont run I lor. on
66.00 New York..."."1' 10N.50
"II. i, A. i 1". II, li, In, 24, 11)12.
Jt'NK. 1, , 7, H, l.'i, 14, 1ft, 17, 1H, 11), 21, 21, 25, 27. 28 20- 11)12
JI'f.Y. 2. 3. 0, 7, 11, 12. 15, 16. 2(i, 22, 2:1 211 2 30 "l ; 1012
AVCVST, 1, 2, 1), , 7, 12, 15, 10, 22, 2a, 21), 10, il; 1012
SEPTKMBER, 4, 5, 8, 7, 8, il, 12, :i(); 1)12. ' '
nmlt'otT.bJr1ll!'l!!l2.0' rUU,S (,"UWei 1,1 eaCh 0lrectl,"- "nl roturi
Trjtins lalaai R..J A.1A - 1-1 I t aa.
FAST THROUGH TRAINS ,0" etc., w.U be
ftirulHlicd on re(UtHt. 11 V 1
W. E. COMAN. Gen'l FreiaU & P.. a-s dsi.j r
2-ltf rrRilKra7r.o' .
J. H. CORBETT, Agent, Bend, Oref on!
Dr. Charles iMacFadden
Osteopathic Physician
Um..I. T.I..I..II. A V..I 1 m. '
iits' iiii;. ,'i'-i,-iiu nun i-ni.urio 1 oernpeutlCS
Kmployed. Chronic lilseases a specialty.
Office Over Morris Furniture Store.
telephone: rioneer, No. lzb.
Crook County jibs tract Co.
Abstracts ol title to all land and
town lots In Crook county.
B. F. Wylds, StcMtary, Primvills, Oregon
Prineville-Redmond-Sisters Stage Line
Matt Kulesch, Proprietor.
Passenger Fare to Redmond, $1.50. Express from Red
mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50
pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c.
Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the
Pioneer Cream Company.
1H6 S. R. COOPER, Agent