Farm end Garden GOOD LAWN BEA'JTIFIER. It Foundation U Only on Old Umbrel la From, but It's Moit Artiitio. One does not need th service of an xpensiva landscape gardener to make one's lawn a thing of beamy. Of course, thick, well rolled mid well cropped turf Is the prime necessity, but there is always needed some bit of color to aecentuaie the eye resting beauty of the long sweep of green. Here is the way one ingenious wom an secured a centerpters for her sward, according to Popular Mechanics: She dug up an old umbrella from the attic, cut away the faded silk cover- BIVFLK ORSiJfKNT FOB LaWX. lug, ran a piece of thin wire through the top of each rib, taking a turn around each eye. so as to keep the ribs apart at regular Intervals, and then sunk the handle deep Into the THE EARTH'S EROSION. Enormous Amount of Mattsr Carried Away by Rivoro. Investigations by the United States geological survey of the erosion of numerous drslnage hnslna of the Unit ed States show that the surface of the country ts being removed at the aver ace rate of about an Inch In TtW year. Though this amount seems trivial when spread over the surface of the country, it becomes stupendous when considered as a total or even In sep arate drainage bnslus. The Mississippi river, for Instance, carries annually to the sea 13lV.4OO.0OO tons of dissolved matter and 340..VXXOOO tons of sus pended matter, and of this total the Ohio river carries S3.3.W.000 tous and the Missouri river contributes more than twice as much. The Colorado river, which has built up for itself a vast delta, takes down more suspend ed matter than any other river In the United States, delivering annually 5S? tons for each square mile of Its drain age bnsln. or a total of 100,740,000 tons. The rivers of the United States carry to tidewater every year 270,000.000 tons of dissolved matter and 513.000. 000 tons of suspended matter. This total of 7S3.O0O.0OO tons represents more than 330,000.000 cubic yards of rook or 610.000.000 cubic yards of sur face soil. If this erosive action had been concentrated on the Isthmus of Tanama at the time of American oc cupation it would have excavated the prism for an eighty-five foot level canal In about seventy-three day. $60 Round Trip Fare to St Paul and Minneapolis via Oregon Trunk Railway. Round trip tickets will be soil at ! shown above on April 2.", W, 17, l!'12, . i . mn -i.ia nm of tho i via Oregon Ttunk Railway, the North . , . ... -Bank Road, Great Northern or North- odln the m dd le of the lawn. 1 n 'RMvfl Then she planted some sweet peas In j Tn6 i)tefcoa Trunk morni,1f train variety of colors, and now she has a ; makes direct connection at Fallbri.lge Joseph's coat mouud of color that Is with train for St. I'aul and Minneapolis. an absolute delight And. obeying the ' Stops are allowed going and returning. nl.l ailnire. "the more sweet oeas von ! Return limit October 31st. Details will Hotic ol Coolest. IVparitntni of the (manor, I'nitnl Statea I .ami Olttc. Th liailw.On-iron. March a. Iflll. To Jinint II. l)iiiiiraii of l'rtuevtlle. Oregon, i'ontasn-e : You ar hereby notincu mat Martin o. Kamstra who gives ritmille, a Ina poatomee ad-tress, thd on March '... ill-, tile HI IMS oni, ins uwiT nirniivi ateil application t itiiti ami eciare the amvllatioii of your Qvmi?.l'aii r.nlrv o. i-erliil No. OlKVi niatlc vinir is. VHW, for N V NWi4. SWi, N V sect lun Hi. t.,wnhiu 1-4. S.. ranire l'l, K., Wihain tile Meridian, and as Kniliiula ur ,( run. tet h alienee that -aid James H. l ni striut has wholly alnliir,i ml tract lor over six immths lint nreceadlllK tll tlHh lav of August mi;'nat n lias wnuiiy tailed to reside upon, improv or cultivate said land for over sii uiantris next pre eeedinir the tsth day of Aumi-l. lull. as by aw re.iure.l or at ail during nam nine. You aw. tlicrvtonn, Itirtner nuiiutii mat liaaul allegations w ill I taken ly (tin otttce as having heen cm Insert hy you. ami your said ntry ill r canceled there, under without your Hinder right t. be heard therein, either below tiuiotnreor on .a; peal, it you iuu ui mr m iiiimmuit within twenty .lays alter me rot mn mhinatton ul tins noln c. o nown oei.xv our answer, muter oath. siMvit'.t'aily meet- itur uii.l resmmdini: ti toe alknatioti ol contest, or if you tail within tim to tile in this office due prool that you nae served a copv of vour answer on ttie saitt nte-unl either to uermnur by registered mail. If this samce is nia.le y the t iivery ol a copy of your answer to the con testant in person," proof of such service uat te either tne mo romesism wru- ten acammledattienl of Ins recruit of I lie copy, showing th dale of its receipt, or Itieenmavti oi me twh " Wivm was mad stating when ami where the copy was delivered: It man ujr registered mail, proof ol uch service must consist of the athdavit of th person by whom the copy a maneil Mating wnen ami th postottlce to which It was mailed, and this atlidavit niul U accvniianicd by the postmaster' receipt for th letter. lou snoutu siaie in name of th postotnee to which you desire future notices to b aent to von. , ve viiiiiur 4.11 itegister. Date of Srst pulilication April ii, iu. - ' April l", " ' third " April , " " fourth " May a. " pick the more you'll have." she has her vases all through the house filled all the time. THE VALUABLE TURNIP. Worth Growing if Only For Its Effect on Dairy Cows. "While the real food value of turnips Is considered somewhat low. they are wonderful appetizers, especially for dairy cows, not only toning up their systems, but increasing the Sow of milt. Then there are several tempting dishes for the table that can be formed from turnips, and by storing a goodly supply of tbein for winter their use .Will save considerable of the higher triced products, both around the feed stalls and table. Turnips for winter storage should sot be sown till in July, from the 10th to the 20th, or even a few days later will not be too late. Where they are own earlier than this the hot weather causes them to become strong and pithy, but If sown as above stated they mature when the weather Is cool er, which greatly enhances their flavor, gives them a firm, solid flesh and adds to their keeping qualities. A rich, sandy loam or fresh sod soli is best adapted to turnip raising and they may be sown either broad cast or drilled. If sown broadcast It may be done Just before a shower, and there will then be no necessity for covering the seed, as the raindrops will do the work better, a light cover ing being all that is required. If the Seeds are drilled one can arrange so the plants may be cultivated by band, the rows being placed about eighteen Inches apart Put In plenty of seed st the time of drilling and thin out the plants when they come up till they are from three to four inches apart, thus giving them ample room to grow. Homestead. be furnished on application. H. Bcnkol, Agent, 4-18-lt Redmond, Ore. $30,000 for Farm Loans. See Bren. ton Jones, Metolius, Oregon. 3-lp For Battleship Linoliuni go to A. H. Lippman & Co. 2 per square yard None better. 2-2J Pay Up No Nonsense. All persons indebted to me are re quested to settle at once or their ac counts will be placed in the hands of an attorney fur collection. 3-2S-lmp Si Hoixjes. Brown Leghorn Eggs. 15 for 11.50. Leave orders at Whitis grocery. Mas. Preston Thomson. ip Sawmill for Sale or Trade. 10 M capacitv. near Sisters. Will give good terms to right man. Inquire at this olhce. 4-11 Brown Leghorns Pure-bred Brown Leghorn eggs, $1 setting; dav old chicks. Mas. Lkla Zmx, Prineville. Ore. 3 7 Rap Seed For Hogs. If a little rape seed Is sprinkled in with the rye a variety of feed will be provided and the bogs will do even better than upon rye alone. For Sale. L . S. Cream separator, as good a new, at reduced price. The Prineville Furniture Exchange. 3 28tf Horses for Sale. On the old C. Sam Smith ranch, near Prineville: sold In any number at reasonable priced. For further Information address i. H. Ruhhell, Prineville, Oregon. 12-16-tf If y"V T71 LODGE meets every J, Jt V Saturday nlsbt Btraagers welcome. G. P. Reams, N. Q.; C. I, Bliatlock. V. o.; Bart Barnes, Sec.; and C. B. Dinwiddle. Treaa. For Rent. A good dnity ot itock ranch ; 1000 acres ; cut 3-Vl ton bay i VH) acre un der ditch i long lsiato right party. For particular inquire at Journal ortice. ll-HMl Bids Wanted. Bids are wanted for cruising, by 40- acre tracts or lots, all ol the timber lands in Crook conntv. Bidder to give a surety bond In the sum of $'J0,UHU guaranteeing tlit correctness ot bta bid to within 1" per cent of conservative cnils. auch conservative cruise to be de termined bv the court or a responsible cruiser selected by said court, the con tractor to pav the cost ol sum etuino in case the variance exceed li percent, ntlirwi the conntv to pav therelor. Pjrmeiits for such cruising to be made at regular terms of this court as the work progreseea. until .' per cem ot wie total cost therel snail nave ueen pam ; the remaining 7.1 per cent ol the cost thereof is to be psid bv warrants in. sued at regular terms of this court as the work progresses, but the same are not to be due or payable until on or lie fore one vear from the date of the iS' suanoe thereof, such deferred payments to draw interest from date of issuance at the rate of H per cent per annum nntil paid. All bids to lie sealed and filed with the county clerk prior to Mav 1, 191. and the county eourt re serves the right to reject any and all bids, and further reserves toe r)tt to go into full details, should a coutract be entered into with any bidder. Dated ;hi 11th day of April, 1U1'.'. Uy order of the court. Wahren Brows, County Clerk. raaAAa,AAAAA-V. J " RECEPTION 1 i Smith & Atlingham, Props. s , Champ Smith's old stand. 4 J Imported Wines Liquors. 4 Imported and Domestic Cigars Famous Whiskies Willard II. Wirtz Attorney-t-t,HW. omc lu M It. Hlgga' olllce. I'ltlS KVtt.t.K, OHKIIIIN. 0. Jf t'AU A how mm Pmtxm.r li n NittttT urrtr oni ma NnttTN or auammoiti titti'v HrtiNR Mi -tit .fti an i-,' it tic Wlrptatiuvt HlittrH'tl iViltcrtH HiitMti.y, HKtiti, J. J. Uurlins Eninr Portland, Ot. Itnu chamber ef I'niuuierec Sdg a.;;ta.. HAVE YOU Filml your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract? (Vrtnlnly t'veryou has an abstract now. Ihiyon know wlier your corners nr. Well, No, Not clly. Brewster Enginmin Company, rrinevllle, Orvgon, will locate them lor you slid giiiiiaute the work. Surveys Ing, I'lattlug, Irrlgallou F.ngiueerlng. I'hon nicer ii, (i. A. Mcl'AKLAM' Lawyer I'ractic la all court and V, S, l and Oll.ce. Redmond, Oregon m Old Crow; I lermitrtge; Red M Ton Rve: Yellow Stone: t i Y'A Canadian Club; Cream Rye; James L Pepper; t Moore's Malt l h:' I v) Porter, Ale and Olympia K Draft Beer on Tap. y $ iN'.iM,.vUj(.V,v.,.ij.i'. 1-, trofessir.iial Cards, Dr. Howard Gove Dentist Rooms 14 and IS Adamton Building. 1 and I it? Jr.l I (4 i A Chance To supply your table for a nice Sunday Dinner. All of the articles mentioned below arrive Fresh every few days. Cauliflower, Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Aspara gus, Sweet Potatoes, Green Onions, Radishes, Rheubarb, Bananas. Oranges, Lemons. Also if you wish a nice dressed chicken, or a nice tender roast of any kind, visit the O. K. Market 3 3 3 VA T. J. DUFFY Attorne-at-Law (xucctssor to W. A. lUtll) PH!NEVII.I. OltCUON Dr. J.Trc;clks Fox M. It. C. S. Kng: and 1.. H. A. Llf-eiif'rel)ri..oil Stale Medical llonrti. pwialtst in hurgary; Myxiens; Ali mentary lanal: wouivn and cluliircii s dt'-eascs. rilre and resl.tence, Mslli SI. I'rlnevlllo. dr. Brief Suggestions. ' Go over the orchard and see that all the wounds are well painted. .The golden wax bean Is a favorite with many garden makers. It Is 'teuder, of good quality and strlngless. i; a small pig is chilled it can be re vived by dipping It In water as hot as -j on con bear your hand In, then wrap ping it In warm flannel. ' fion t keep your horse In an over lieaved stable and then stand blm for hours In a freezing atmosphere and wonder bow he became paralyzed. The durability of the mule Is a strong point In his favor. He lives and works to a gor d old ape. Ills "sense" of self protection Is strong, and he avoids many injuries. Never get the idea in your head that drugs and health are insepurable, for , In most cases It w;ll be found that i what we kec-p out of the pig's stom ach has more to do villi Its health than what we put in. Blackberries are very prolific and tlpen at the time tlipy can be econom ically gathered and marketed. They are seldom injured by late frosts and for this reason are surer than some other berries that ripen earlier. The wheel hoes are great labor savers. A plow attachment Is very convenient for opening furrows and to cover the larger seeds, ns peas, beans and sweet corn. Some of the com bination wheel tools with drills, culti vating teeth, plow and rakes are very satisfactory. Summons. In the Circuit Coiut of the State of Oregon for Crook comity. D. F. Stewart, I'lnlntiff, vs. John T. Moore and Delia A. Moore, Defendants. To John T. Moore and Delia A. Moore. Defendants. In the name of the state nf Oregon. You are hereby required to npier and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the last day of the time prescrliied In the order for the publication of this summons, to-wlt: on or before the 2nd day of May, 1U12, and If you fall so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the rellei aetnaniieu in iiiscoiupiann, tn.wlt.! for tuilament against you for $415, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from War l.tth liiOH fur (.VI.uU attorney's suit or orr,n. luat pursuant u. an oracr or : . , , , and (Unburn. 7,of urook county, oregvm, he win sell for the ments of this suit. or a decree lor the sale ol the lands ueacnueu m that certain mortgage executed by vou and In favor of plaintiff, dated May 14. 1908, and for the foreclosure of said mortgage. I'hls stiminous Is published by order of the Honorable W. L. Brad' abaw. Jntlire of the above entitle) court, which order was made and entered on the 11th (lay of March, 1912, and the day of the first publi cation of this summons is tne an day of March, 11)12. M. It. ELLIOTT, Attorney for Plaintiff, Bids for School Bonds. Notice is hereby si ven bv the underslsned. the county treasurer of the county of Urooa. best price obtainable r',V60 school bonds of said district, on May Is. ID 12, at the offlet ot the county treasurer. Prineville. Oregon. For further Information apply to the board of directors of said district or to this ofnee. KALI'K L. JORDAN. f'ounty treasurer of Crook county, Oregon. Bids for School Bonds. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, the county treasurer of the county of t'rtHk. slate of Oregon, that pursuant to an order of the board of directors of school district Mo. 7. of Crook county, Oregon, he will sell lor ttie lient price ubtatntdile I'.uO school bonds of said district, on May Is, mil!, at the office of the county treasurer. Prineville, Oregon. For further Information apply to the l,oard of directors ol said district or to this office. KAU'H L.JOK1AN. County treasurerof i. rook county, Oregon. Jt. SPotrnitrj i 1 TvV ii 4 . . r f f , I Begin Treatment Now Rheumatism Can Be Cured A rv,iicst,il brifg you our I rw laaiUet dcwribillg HOT S7WM fas asws CavMM'f iImm, mat mmwmn h mmmf Wfrnm lAMa. Pr.ntm.ll; Ortfm. f(ttmrm9jrmt-jC mm Slial Cttati PrntmJU: Dr. John Huback, Late Veterinary Surgeon P. H. Army, bepartment ol the Philippine. All Surgical Work at Heaaonablt I'ricea. Hamilton Stable Prinavilla, Or. W. A. BELL Lawyer The Dalle Oregon CMm. S Ctimmnlt X. 3. SQ.IJtomp OCCULIHT8 Belknap & Cdwards JPkjimlmnt mmJ Smrfnt. (County Fhysician.) PrlmfilU. Or,fu Si. CllMt, jfltornty-mt-jCmm Ortft. Citation. In the county court of the State of Oregon, for the conntv of Crook. i In the matter of tbe estate of Koliert I Pennington Johnson, deceased. To Fred Johnson and to all heirs and I devisees unknown, if any there be, Greeting: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of tbe Htate ' of Oregon, for the County of Crook, at ' the courtroom thereof, at Prineville in the County of Crook, on Monday, the third day of June, 1912, at 10 o clock in the forenoon of that day. then and I them to ahow cause, if any there be, j uhv an Older should not be made by I ' this court granting the administrator of ! said estate authority to tell all the real i estate of said deceased at private pale, Ito-wit: The east half of the southeast i quarter of section seven and the east I half of the northeast quarter ot section ! eighteen in township thirteen, south of ! range ;onrteen, east of Willamette I Meridian in Crook county, State of i Oreaon. . , Witness, the Hon. II. C. Ellis, judge j of the county court of the State of Ore ! gon, for the County of (.'rook with the seal of said court affixed this 17th day of April, A. D. 1J12. I Attest Wakken Browji, clerk. The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E.1BROSIUS, Proprietor Fred A. Rice, C. K. , B. Novillo, Jr., E, M County Surveyor. Deputy Co. Surveyor. Rice & Neville Civil Engineers. Generkl Emlneerlnf!., OReoom. flrink jCawytr Prin.pilU, LAKE SANITARIUM. Natu ral Hot Ml :rsl llatttx, Nature's Cure for Rheumatism. I Mir eiiuiiniient ta coiiitlwte, I'll- surpassed Medical Staff, Hot Lake Mineral Water C'ura libeiiinalilin, Stomach, Kidney, Mood and Skin I'iaordcra, HOT LAKE SANATORIUM, - - Hot Lake, Oregon WALTER M. PIERCE, Pres. and Mgr. W-.'ri Low Round Trips East Throughout the summer season, on the dates given below, round trip tickets will be sold to the points in the east . shown below, and many others, at greatly reduced fares quoted. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railways Oninha ...... f OO.OO rhiiiid.'iphin ... ion r I'lttalmrK l. no St. I-oula 70.00 St. 1'huI llu.Ott Toronto ' Ul 50 Washington 107 .AO Atlantic Cltv 1111.00 Hetrolt ... W.60 llnltlmore 107.fi0 Duluth.- 00.00 Boston 110.00 Kanaiui City W.OO Buffalo 01.50 Milwaukee 72.50 Ohlcairo 72.50 Minneapolis 110.00 Colorado Siirlnirs.. 55.00 Montreal 105 00 Denver oo.uu new ion io.ou DATES OF SALE MAY, 2, 3, 4. 0, 10, 11, 17, 1H, 24, 20; 1012. ' JI NK, 1, 0, 7, 8, HI, 14, 15, 17, 1, 10, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27. 2N, W; 1U1Z. JI IvY. 2, 3. 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 10. 20, 22, l. 2(1, 20, SO, 31 ; 1U12. Al Ol'S T, 1, 2, 3, 0, 7, 12, M, 10, Kl, au, ;ii; JUIZ. SKPTKMBKR, 4,6.6,7. 8, 11, 12,30; 1012. , , Stopovers mill choice ol routes ulloweu in eacu uirectioii. I'ttiai rciuru limit October 31, 1012. Trains leave Bend 6:30 a. m.. Redmond 7:21 a. m. FAST THROUGH TRAINS EAST. Dnton of schedules, fares, etc., will bo (iiriilshctl on rciniest. W. E. COM AN, Gen'l Freight & Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. 2-hi H. BAUKOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon. J. H. CORBETT, Agent, Bend, Oregon. IiTJT3VCBE5IR, Shingles, MoultlinRS, Windows, Doors, G lapses, Etc. Etc., Etc SHIPP&PERRY I PRINEVILLE, OREGON Ortgon. Dr. Charles MacFadden Osteopathic Physician Hsrr-nlc. Tllntetls and Natural ThoraiwnUcs liiiipiuyvd. Chruiiiu UIm.'uh a Specialty. I Office Over Morris Furniture Store. Telephone: Pioneer, No. 126. Crook County Abstract Co. Abstracts of title to all land and town lots In Crook county. JB. F. Wjlde, Sccrttarr, PriscrilU, Oregon Prineville-Redmond-Sisters Stage Line Matt Kulesch, Proprietor. Passenger Fare to Redmond, $1.50. Express from Red mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50 pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c. Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the Pioneer Cream Company. 11-16 S. R. COOPER, Agent