Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 18, 1912, Image 5

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    The Public School
Gives Entertainment
I'rincvilla chimin may well bf
jtouJ of her school lor they rank
cond to none In the (tale their
record at Haleiu will show. Hut
never wa thvlr prldn mora Justi.
(led than it the entertainment
given at the Club Hilt last Friday
evening, and thos who failed to
attend missed a rare treat. A
well Oiled hall greeted the happy,
railing Iao ot tbe children and
from first to last the different num
ber! followed each other wilb sucb
rapidity that one bad to ait up and
keep their eye 0en to take it all
The introductory addreia by
Orville Yancey wai good, but we
minted a portion of it aa the late
comeri and numeroua performer
bad not yet settled thmlve for
the evening'! enjoyment, but after
the flrt number there wai no un
necessary nolne, no tedloui wait,
everything moved like well oiled
machinery, Keen number wai
good and ihowed such earoeil ef
fort that It li difficult to lingle out
any particular one better than the
other, but the musio deiervei
special mention. One unique fea
tun wai the juvenile accompany
ill, Guessi O'Xeil, who presided
at tbe piano throughout the even
ing. We predict that tome day
Prineville will be very proud of
her muiical gifta.
The two concert longi by the
iint and aecond gradea were ex
ceptionally good for lucb wue
The long by twenty boyt wai in
deed jolly and they lang with a
right good will,
"The Skater Song" by five girls
nd two boy would have done
credit to much older pupili and
(hey responded with the round
"Three Ulind Mice."
"Tbe Spring Song," by leven
girli waa one of the beat on the
program. One leldom bean lucb
sweet, itrong voice in girli 10
MIm Hrobst wat in especially
good voice and tang in ber usual
gracious manner. The number
given by the "Apollo" quartett
wit especially good. W hope to
bear them again.
The two recltationi by Ruth
Yancey and Kyde Sumner were ex
cellent but the one by Alma Lipp-
man, In which Hex entertained
tha new minliter and bii wife, con
futed the audience by holding tbe
mirror up to life.
The dainty young miiaei In the
Japanese fan drill looked and
icted the part. And the Indian
braves and maideni made lucb a
hit with their aong and drill that
they were forced to respond to an
The Topsy-Turvy song and drill
mad ua wonder If we were not
with "Alice In Wonderland" frfr
their feet appeared to be where
w usually see their beads yet each
time they came right side up and
Mis Rideoot's monologue made
a pleasing change and . snowed
careful preparation.
The Wand Drill with lU dainty
maidens marching in such perfect
lime and rythm was a fitting cli
max to tbe beet public school pro
gram rendered in l'rineville.
Tbe sum of $79.10 wss realised
snd the improving of the school
grounds will begin at once.
Commercial Club
Elects Directors
The directors of the l'rineville
Commercial Club Messrs. Kins.
Btinson, liowman and W'ylde
met Monday evening and elected
A. II. Bowman, president; Frank
Wylde, secretary. Attorney Itriok
declined to qualify as a director,
so bis place will I filled later.
Tbe task before the new officials is
a huge one. All books and records
were burned at the Antlers' Club
tire. Kven the by-laws. So it is
up to the new officials to begin all
over again. In addition they will
have to devise way and means to
pay off an indebtedness of $1700.
Arbor Day at the j
Crook Co. High School
The Crook County High School
will keep open house Friday after
noon, April 19, so that friends and
patrons can see tbe class of work
tbst is being done. It frequently
requires a long time for a new de
partment to become thoroughly es
tablished but such is not the case
at the Crook County High. Vis
itors will find every department
Arbor Day will bs observed by
tbe two literary societies. A joint
program bas been prepared as fol
lows: ,
Song by school, "The Ivy Green."
History ol Arbor Day by Wil
liam Criswell.
Instrumental duet Kims Noble
and Kvelyn Milliorn.
u es a i n g, now me r.omn
Came," Corrinoe Coffin.
Vocal sole, selected Mrs. Coe.
Extemporaneous, Foreit Im
provements Otto Hodges.. Wood
Industries Vernon Bell.
Male quartet Messrs. Lowther,
Rowell, Cooke, Cos.
Heading, "Woodman Spare That
Tree," Elmer Thomas.
Heading, "Thoughts From a Dis
couraged Farmer," Hobart Bel
Vocal solo, selected Miss Con
R tad ing, "With Dad a'bilin
Sap" Warren Yancey
Instrumental duet Aver Dobhs
and Georgia Cleek.
Planting of tree by school.
Dedication of tree Van Brink.
louare invited, totue out to
the exercises.
Rtorw your gorilla In our ware-
hku Phdiilck Compaxv. 4-ll-3t
Eggs for Hatching.
Anconaa, I2.B0; White WyanJolts,
2.50; 8. 8. Hamburics, fl.AO. Also
Uroui turkeys. J. 8. Fox, P. 0. Box
55, I'rioeville, Or. 4 4-tf
Order your gom! sent til care i
For Sale.
The acuura Clothes Washer. No
rubbing. Kliopl.r put wanker In
boiler. The uteani generated runs it
automatically, i'rlce $il.
4-11) 4t Mil. i'KAHL. UllKKMISO
Purse Lost
March 23. containing small sum ol
money. Keturn to this ottlce. 4-4
Homesteader's Bargain.
5-year-old mare, 1100 lbs; thoroughly
gentle and well broken all round. iiV
Inch steel axle wagon in excellent cod
tlilion. 3-year-old cow, milking now
Ireahens In August, lloljiein Jersey
croaa. All lor J. 8. Fox, P. O.
Box W, l'rineville, Ore. 4-4-tt
W. F. King left for Portland
George and Jerome Knox of
l'ost were business visitors yester
day. Warren it Dixon have bought
tbe Davenport place north of
l'rineville for $18,000.
Tbe Baptist ladies will have a
window sale at Jordan's Saturday.
Lots of good things to eat. Open
Arbor Day tomorrow. The
Crook County High School invites
your presence in the afternoon.
Interesting exercises.
Rev. John Williams left Monday
tor The Dalles to attend the dis
trict conference of the M. 15.
church, lie will be home tomorrow.
An automobile top cover was
picked up on the road the other
day and left at the Journal office.
' Owner can have Barae by paying
for this notice.
' The annual sub-distriot Epworth
Leagues convention for Crook
county will be held next Sunday
at -Madras. The Prineville dele
gation, fifteen strong, will leave
bere by auto truck.
The clerks and merchants of
Prineville will open .the baseball
season on Labor Day, April 30.
The fans are promised their
money's worth and then Borne,
The line-up and other details will
be published next week)
J. C. Robinson of Madras, who
handles the Reo, has a demon
strator in Prineville this week.
The 1912 car is by far the best
machine the lleo people have
turned out. Mr. Robinson has
sold one carload this spring and
expects another In a few weeks.
G. W. Horner, the Laidlaw mer
chant, was In town Tuesday.
Albert Noble left yesterday for a
10-day vbit to relatives in Cor
vallis. A good big delegation of Prine
ville Odd Fellows will help Red
mond celebrate April 20.
Dr. Virgil Bulknap, who has
been visiting his brother in l'rine
ville, left yesterday for his home
at John Day.
Mrs, liechtell arrived in Prine
ville Monday, She will keep
house for her son, L. M. Bechtell of
the Haner Abstract Co.
Attorney W. A. Bell of The
Dalles was in l'rineville this week
looking after his campaign for the
district attorneyship of this district.
Ernest C. Smith of Hood River,
candidate for the nomination of
district attorney for the Seventh
Judicial district, is pushing his
campaign in Crook comity this
Rev. Edgar and family left the
first of the week tor the Willam
ette valley, where he will engage
in missionary evangelistic work.
His headquarters will be at
C. E. Deichman, the expert ac
countant who has been working on
the county books, left today for
his home at Ililleboro so that he
could cast his ballot at the pri
maries tomorrow.
Myrtle Lister, the 9-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Lintor, was given a lawn party and
pluto Bhower at the home of ber
parents yesterday. The occasion
was her birthday. Twenty-one
little friends helped to celebrate
the event. There were all kinds of
games and refreshments.
T. L. Quinn bas quit banking
and bas moved out to his home-U-sd.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrow of
Grizzly were week-end visitors to
Miss Richardson leaves this
evening for Bend to speod a few
days at home. Tomorrow is Arbor
Day. No school.
Tbe ladies of tbe younger set
gave a bowling party last evening
at the Commercial Club. Lunch
eon was served at tbe Oregon
I'rioeville Flouring Mill are
paying II a bni- lor wbeat. Tbe
ro carloads of blue stem and club
beat and b-mdless barley that
Stewart & Carlson bad shipped in
for distribution among the farmers
waa snapped up in a jiffy. Th
grain wss furnished to growers at
The greatest marine dissster in
tbe world's history happened last
Monday when the gigantio liner,
Titanic, struck an iceberg and
sank in four hours. Thirteen;
hundred and twelve people went
down with her. Details of the dis
aster are not fully known. Tbe
survivor have not yet reached
Federated services at tbe Metho- j
diet church Sunday. John E.
Williams will preacb. Subject of
morning sermon: "The Church,
Past, Present, Future." Evening
subject: "Some Excuses the Un-j
saved Make, Answered." The!
choir will render some choice!
music. Come and enjoy these ser-j
vices. Everybody welcome. j
McKay creek claims to have tbe 1
banner brood sow for Crook coun
ty. Sunday, March 31, ahe gave
birth to a litter of IS pigs. One
died, leaving 17 bealtby, thrifty
pigs. Last October she gave birth
to 15 pigs, and March 5, 1911, she
had 14, making a total of 47 pigs
in a year and 26 days. Tbe sow is
a high-grade Poland-China and is
the property of R. M. Powell.
Wai. Boegli of Culver was look
ing after his political fences in this
part of the county the first of the
week. He state that be bas not
withdrawn from the county judge
ship race and bas no intention of
doing so.
Mrs. Jane Reams, grandmother
of George Reams of Prineville, died
in Kentucky the other day. She
wai 92 year of ags. She was tbe
mother of 7 children, 81 grand
children, 179 great grandchildren
and 10 great great grandchildren.
Five generations. Some of them
live in tbe Prineville and Mitchell
country. Th old lady lived on
ber homestead in Missouri continu
ously since 1838 74 year.
Shoe Repairing.
All kinds of boot an l thoe repairing.
Price ranonbl. Work guarantee.
Ikaac (iurt. Filth street, Brut lor
wet! ol Julio Morns' store. 2 itt
Egg for Hatching.
Partridge Wyandotte. liar red
Plymouth Rockt, Golden I -arm! Wyan
dot!), Anconaa, 15 lor -. Heabright
HanttiTii, 13 (or Plymouth rootra
$'). All Eastern atock; not related to
any Kaatern Oregon chickens. lft. T.
F. McCallmti. 3-21
Thoae old Daguerreotype of
Grandfather and Grandmother
and Aunt Mary and then tbe
quaint pictures of father and
mother taken Jimt after the
war money could nt buy them
from you. Are you forgetful of
the tact that future generations
would cbertah juet a nth pictures
of you? Call and look at our
work and bring In your Kodak
Alms for developing and print
ing. Central Oregon Studio
MorrK Bdc I Hlk Korth ol Poatofllca
Special Easter Sale
Select line of Spring Hats
at 1 0 per cent discount
Millinery Parlor, Prineville
Figure with us and save money on
Flour, Feed, Oil, Salt, Lime and Ce
ment. ItEDMoNO Wholesale Li mukb
Pkoihte Company. 4-18 3t
Will II. Bennett, state bank ex
Banner, was in towo last week.
Horace Addis of the ; Rural
Spirit was in Prineville the last of
the week.
George W. Wimer and son of
Tumalowere county seat visitors!
Tuesday. t
Cirandview is the name of a new
Crook county postoflice. F. F.
Sellman is tbe postmaster. '
Reports from up the Ochoco say
that three iuches of snow fell last
night. Tbe surrounding hills have
a white mantel today.
Mrs. Frank Johnson left today
for Redmond to meet her sister,
Mrs. Smith from Missouri. It is
thirty years since they last met.
Oscar Hyde, who sold his prop
erty next to tbe Crook County
High School to Mrs. Hamilton,
moved out Tuesday to his acreage
east of town.
Alfalfa is the name of a new
postolTice that was recently estab
lished in Crook county. It is lo
cated at Walker's store, nine miles
southwest of l'owelj Butte, in the
irrigated district. j
The farmers on the flat north of
town are enclosing their places
with rabbit-proof fencing. John
Mattson, Dave Grimes, C. 15. Din
widdie, Fred Stuart, Tom Creamer,
George Slayton, John Elliott and
others will try and rid their fields
of the rabbit pest.
Mrs. John R. Stinson underwent
a critical operation at The Dalles
last Friday. Drs. Riter of The
Dalles and Rosenberg of Prineville
were the operating surgeons. The
results were highly successful. It
will be three or four weeks before
the lady can return to her home
iu Prineville.
Good Seed Potatoes.
Good seed Burbanks. Blue Victors,
Pride of Crook, etc. Apply to C. J.
Sc.tDUPisT. 4-4-lmp
White Orphington Egg.
KelleratraM Strain. Cook Strain.
$2.80 per sitting.
3-21-tf Oscar C. Hydr.
Put Up
Parties owing me on account come
and settle same immediataly. This
uieans what it sa.vs.- Mko anokrpool.
Crook County Journal, county
official paper. $1.50 a year.
1 foU
tw isr.xi a i ii jrv j i .,.
A powerful 30 h. p. car 2, 4, and 5 passenger, semi
float axles nickle steel, Timpken Bearings, five pas
senger, fully equipped, $1,275.00 f. o. b. Portland,
self starter $25.00 extra.
v Knight-Type Motor.
The Quality Car
Agent for Crook and Harney Counties.
Madras, - - - Oregon
Get a Good
J Your wife is entitled to
Good Tools
We want the lady of the
house to see our
Real Estate Range
Quick Cookers: Economical in Fuel; Handsomest Range on the Market and Fully
Get Our Prices for. Cash, or Easy Payments
TO THE NEWCOMER We extend you a hearty invitation to visit our store.
If you will, we will put before you a proposition, showing why you can do best by
deaiing with us. Special inducements for cash purchases.
FOR FIELD FENCING, Barbed or Plain Wire, Gasoline Pumping Engines,
Plows and Other Implements, Call or Write r
COLLINS W. ELKINS, - ,' Prineville, Or.