-vl I! wmm m That we A Single Fact Outweighs a Thousand Claims It is not through "FALSE CLAIMS" that the people far and near are being drawn to this store of late. It is not through "False Claims" that we are kept busy from morning 'till night. We'll tell you wherein lies the secret of the success of our recent advertising. The fact has become known throughout the country that we are compelled to give up the building in which we have for several years done business and that now we are conducting a genuine, bonafide closing out sale which affords an unusual opportunity for saving money on high grade seasonable merchandise of all kinds. Not a Sale Where a Few Staple Articles Article in the Store Reduced. Your money will do its full duty in the "Grocery Section." Head Rice per lb No. 1 Jap Rice, per lb Fink and Itago Beans, per lb... Small White Beans, per lb Standard Corn, per can Standard Tomatoes, per can- 7,(,e tie 6'aC 10c 10c 10c 9c 4.-)0 3.5c 10c 10c 30c 31c 13c 10c 13c 10 ic 1.47 .59 1.35 .70 .19 .18 .IS .17 .2,5 .23 .09 .25 .30 6. So Carnation Milk, per can.. Jersey Cream Milk, per can 10 lb Sack Rolled Oats 10 lb Sack Corn Meal , Volet Wheat Mush, package Kellogg Corn Flakes, package -Columbia Wheat Flakes Columbia Oat Flakes, package. Dried Apples, per pound Dried Raisins, per pound Dried Peaches, per pound Large Italian Prunes per pouuil. Large Pail Cottolene Medium Pail Cottolene 10 lb Pail Lard 5 lb Pail Lard Sugar Cured Bacon per pound.. Bacon, backs . Bacon, sides HainsA ... Six bars Silk Soap Gold Dust per package.. Old Dutch Cleanser 30c grade of Coffee. 35c grade of Coffee Sugar per sack These are only a few of mail orders and same will 25 Per Cent. 0 are doing the business Quality combined with Closing-Out-Prices. These are the days when one scarcely has the time to stop and investigate the. quality of an article. It is a satisfaction, is it not, to know that whatever your purchase may be during these closing-out days must be true; rnust be exactly as advertised or your money back for the asking. It is absolutely impossible to give a complete list of the bargain prices throughout the store, but after seeing for yourself, you can not help being convinced of the fact that the offer ings are lower than ever before known in Prineville. , Men's Furnishings. Fine Ribbed 1'nderwear t .K $1.25 Fleece Lined Fnderwear .5 12'tc Arrow Brand Collars .11 Mens' 5c work Shirts 45 Mens' $1.75 Negligee Shirt 1.25 Mens' $1 50 Negligee Shirts 1.15 Mens' $1,25 Negligee Shirts .95 Mens' $1.00 rloz. grade Cotton Sox .5 Mens' $1.50 Heavy Gloves 1.20 Regular $3.50 hats .. 2.4 Regular $2.50 hats - 1.75 f f on Tinware, Crockery and Glasswari the many bargains to be had at this great. sale: Don't hesitate to send us your have our prompt and careful attention. ' v PRINEVILLE, OREGON are Thrown Out as Just a few prices given from the different departments of the Dry Goods section Cullcos, now per yard '. $ .03 Regular 5e dress goods .45 Regular $1.25 dress goods ,M 15c Dress Ginghams, now .., r. ,11 10c Apron Glughain, now .......... .04 12's Bleached Muslin, now 10 10c Blenched Muslin, now... OH 12'jC Outing Flannel, now- 9'u 10c Outing Flannel, now OS Ladies' 25 and 30c host-, now 21 Ladles' Lisle Fiilon Suits, $1.25 values 95 Ladles' 35c Ciimfy Cut Vests, now 21 Ladles' $1.50 Muslin Gowns, now l.lj." Ladles' $1.25 Muslin F.inb. Skirts, now 95 45c Extra Large Bath Towels 30 45c Rub Dr Towels 33 15c Hand Towels 10 Ladles' White Walstlngs, ..12,'j to 3.V. 300 Pairs Boys' Shoes We have about 300 pairs of boys shoes in both light and heavy grades which must be closed out at a great discount. If you miss this opportunity, you miss one of importance. these days "Catchers," but Every Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! There never was a better chance to buy good footwear at Rock Bottom prices than right now. Our shoe de partment represents savings for every member of the family, and the at tractive part is, they are up-to-date shoes. 250 pairs Men's Dress Shoes, per pair .... One lot coiiBlstlng of 250 pairs of Mens' Dress Shoes, all sizes and shapes to be closed out nt per pair .. Mens' regular $5.00 shot', now Mens' regular $1 50 hIiim's, now Mens' regular $4,00 shoes, now 150 pairs Ladles' Shoes, per pair We've one lot of Ladles' Shoes, about 150 pairs, to close them out, they goat per pair ... Ladles' regular $1 00 Sorosls SIkm-s, now ... Ladles' regular $3.50 R.J. R. Shoes, now $:',75 2 75 3(i5 3.50 3.20 2.90 2.H5 V