-7 h VIP -r .titBii4tanihrftiiiiniN;MifKjtk.iiwlblL Is mtumitk. Am. . Wkm ftsstssH 4 He Wst train. ciopM airi Mtfutwt ufficirtl ft sal I Is Ik matt swtl wf t jiattiae ssrttt V utot ? JUrf sua nc i in fees. I a rmnrt Ik ansfe 't k saiir arid eci rta. uimM M Ik pwrsnrm ui lne ids' itatttll, lelSjtiil. ft wccsstuily tresm Ms Jfsji MstiKtiN iB k Us siruwcif itjtct IM elrkotf) k wM u wtHiiif.ty ti ! H to In. jtt wlkint Ml ft 9x wjj tokSsj s k tuH d 4c wi kMTj tie list if fuffint let iki k I tvitatk ast UtUr iiBferm.' ; -tm tkusn ad e at i l fcii Iswa. mM From tbe Ouinha Dully Bee, March 13. 1911 LABORPLEDGES Administration's Record Squares With Its Promises, MANY NEW LAWS ENACTED. Pottal Savings Bank, Workman's compensation and Employers' Lia bility Laws Passed Eight Hour Law Upheld Labor ' Recognised on Com missions. From the day three years ago wbeu It placed its interests In tbe keeping of William Howard Taft to this hoar la bor has critically scanned bis every act, and with discriminating mind it is judging him as one who, without clam or or demonstration, bas kept tbe faith.' On Sept 9, 190S. Theodore Roosevelt, then president of tbe United States, wrote a letter to Conrad Kobrs on tbe Issues of tbe camnnten nml llmself to the' laboring men. said: "If there is one body, of men more than another whose support 1 feel I have a right to challenge on behalf of Secretary Tsft it is the body of wage workers of the country. A stancber fripnil f'Hrar an1 mm r,,............. ative they cannot And within the bor ders of the United States. He will do everything in bis power for them ex cept to do that which is wrong. He will do wrong for do man 'and there lore can be trusted by ail men. r Mr. Taft Labor's Friend. , The workingmen of tbe 'country Judged Mr. Taft in 1908 by a record of twenty-seven years as a statesman, ad ministrator of national affairs and pres idential adviser, and they helped to give him the magnificent majority which put him in the White Iloute. During the three years he has been president his excellent record has been maintained so splendidly that the la boring men have been confirmed ic the belief that they never had a better friend in the White House. The establishment of the postal sav ings banks, which was recommended l;y President Taft, was one of the things thnt organized labor favored. The $10,000,000 now on deposit in these depositories represents the savings of the wage enrirers. Taft's Personal Interest. President Taft approved a law on May 30. liiOS, to cotnpensafe workmen for Injuries received while In the em ploy of the United States. After the J.'OB.-.Hge of this act a number of work men in the employ of the federal gov r.ment were killed, and their farai I'iey. not being familiar with tie pro lliloua of the law, failed to file allida vlts within the specified time. The sec retary of commerce and labor had no power to set aside the provision of the law an-1 was therefore obliged to dis approve the claims. The matter was taken up by the pres ident, and he satisfied himself that Jus tice was not being done to the families cf the men who had been killed. He fent a special message to congress rec ommending that a general act be pass ed allowing all sueh claimants cofepen aatlon If their claims were otherwise meritorious. This was an Instance that proved tbe president to be broailmind ed and ansious to aid the workiugrnen In any way that be could. . An employers liability act ajprjved few V. June U, WOtt. was on January 8, IPOS, held to be unconstitutional. Another of this sort was passed on April 1!J, 190$, which as yet bas not been tested In the courts. Through the efforts of the president a commission was ap pointed to make an Investigation of the subject of "employers" liability and workmen's compensation." Labor Men Appointed. The report of the commission, the evidence taken before It and the draft of the bill prepared as a result of tbe fitiditigs of said commission have been transmitted to" congress, accompanied by a social message by President Taft, In wbicti he recommends the passage of the promised measure, lu their deliberations the members of the coliirnlsslon find tiie borietit of fre quent consultations with the president It Is believed the act will staud the test of constitutionality. In order that the commission might have the benefit of the esiierieiice of a practical man President Taft ap pointed as one of Its members Daniel L. Cense, the editor of the Railroad Trainmen's Journal, the official organ of the railroad trainmen. .Mr. Cease has derrrfed the best years of his use ful life to the cause of labor. The president also appointed experienced labor men as Inspector under the lo comotive boiler Inspection law. They were John F. Knslsm of Colorado and Frank XIcMnnamy of Oregon for chief Inspector and assistant chief inspector respectively. The defects In the present eight hour law have-not escaped the attention of ('resident Taft. He has recommended to congress amendments which will make It really effective hy "providing that ' public works shall he construed to include not only buildings and works upon public grounds, but also ships' armor and large pins when manufactured In private yards or fac tories." Thirty Years' Service. With regard to the bigb cost of llv. ing. which Increases the burden of the wage earners. President Taft has al ready taken the initiative that will re sult in a worldwide Inquiry into this problem. He has advocated the as sembling of a world's congress to dis cuss Its varied phases and to suggest remedies. This unparalleled record of thirty years' service to the cause of all the people Is deserving of consideration. No charge of.broken faith or of broken promises can be made, no bint of de- I parture from the plain path of duty can be laid at the door of William I Howjird Taft, who without ostenta tions display bas wisely and fearless ly administered the trust imposed upon him In litOS. w hen he was elected to his high otlice by the volts of labor ing men. DELEGATES PLEDGED FOR TAFT. On Saturday, . March 30, 1912, the deleyatee to the Republican national convention pledged to President Taft were as foliowt: Alaska , 2 Altbama 22 Colorado , 8 District of Columbia 2 Florida ., 12 Georgia 24 Indiana 18 Iowa 8 Michigan 6 Mississippi 20 Missouri 8 New Mexico , 7 New York 79 Oklahoma , 4 Philippines 2 South Carolina 16 Tennessee 16 Virginia 24 Total Neceseary for choice, .278 539. Notice of Contiot. IVpsnnirnt of ir-e Interior, VniteU Males Land Olht e, Hie liailni. Orriom. March l. 1IHJ. To Jam II. OlniMead of l rmevillr Oregon. Contest? : You are hereby notified that Martin S Kailtfttra whoilives I'llovlllr, Oregon. a. lue stottW e a.brefi. did tin March i.v j PH.', tile in Ihn othc hia dm eur rubor aied apniivAtmn to rottteM ami mim1 iho camvlialtuit of vour homv-trAd, Knlry No, j f-ertal No, 0li.v nutdt Sovendir l.i. ps, tor N't , V, NWi4, scci ion ; ., lownrlnp W S., rutin U, K.. Wibaiu elte Meridian, and a grotuei tor hiti eon. let he alleges itist md Jaim-n 11. olm-j siead bas wholly akitnlonr.1 said tract for i over sit month tiru prreeediua- the rth 1 dsy of August l'.dltMtat he lm whobv i fiit'led to rhie nm. improve or culttvatt i mtid land for over ix niwnth next pre-, trediiut the liith diiy of Auun-t, loll. a hy law required or at ail .hiring Mtii hum', ! You are. thrreforo further uotii,J timi th caul alienation- will l taken hr tto oilic ae liaMun lrn eoifMit hv yoii. ' and your moi entry will canceled then- 1 under without yo'ar inriher right t ! , heard therein, either tn-lonr thle om. e or j on a; peal, if you fall to file in tin offe e withm twenty dam alter the Fill hill: ptthitcatton of liu notice. a?fiown tiel. ' your answer, under oath, eperitH-ally men-1 ing and resiHiiidiiu; to tbee n l t-nlioi, of coutet. or H' you (.ill wiihiii that tune to ; til in tht othve due proof that .i ha'r erved a copy of vour enrw.'r on the saul ; contestant either in person or bv registered ' 1 matt. If thu service i made the dr-i . livery of a copy of yojr answer to the coil' tretant in tHiriwn. proof of ucn service ! ninsl l either the mid contestant writ ten acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing the date of tie receipt, 'or the affidavit of the person by whom the leUver was made stating when and w hrre the fotiv o ilellVMrvd: It tiiaiiR lv registered mad, prtnit ol such eervte niut consist of the affidavit of the person bv tioin the coov waa mailed ulaunir when and tlte poatortic to which it was mailed and this athdavil uiunt te accontttaiitl bv the postmaster s rex-eipt lor the letter. 1 ou eltouui state in your answer the name of the rwtortie to which you desire future nutices to be sent to you. C. w. MOORE. 4-1 1 Kegiter. Date of lift rut'liiation April n, IHli " ' seivitil " Ayrtl 1, " " third Afril ; ' ' " fourth " .M.iy 2. " Bids Wanted. Bids are wanted or cruising, bv qu aere tracts or lota, all of tits timber ands in C rook rountv. Bidder to give a surety bond in the sum of f .H.ooo guaranteeing the correctness of Lis bid to within 15 per cent ol conservative rule, such conservative cruise to be de termined by the court or responsible cruiser selected by said court, the con tractor to pa the cost of such riuise In case tbe variance exceed J5 percoiir. otherwise the conn I v to pv therefor. Pavuientj for such cruising to be ma le at regular terms of this court as the work progress, until -o per cent of the total cost thereof shall have been paid ; the remaining Toper centAd timeout hereof is to be paid Pv warrant le aned at rt-trmar terms ol this court a the work progresses, but the same arejDr. I . Tl'CiiC 1 1 I OX fore one year from the date of the is suance tiiereof, such deferred payments to draw interest from date of issuance at the rate uf rwr rent per annum until I'Hhl. All bids to be sealmi and filed with the county clerk prior to May 1, I'll:', and the county court re serves the right to reject any and all bids, and further reserves tl.e ribt to go into full details, should a contract be entered into with any bidder. I'dted :bis 11th day of April, l'.U 15y order of the court. Wakhe.v I'.kowh, County Clerk. Summons, In the Circuit Coiut of the State of Oregon for Crook enmity. I). F. Stewart, 1'lalutlff, vs. John T. Moore and Delia A. Moon', Defendant!). To John T. Moore nud UelJn A. Moore. IiefeiidatitH. Id the name of the urate of llreuoii. Vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint hied nttalimt you In the above entitled suit on or liefore the last day of the tlnie prescribed In the order' for t publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the 2m! day of May, l'il2. and If you fail so to appear and answer, for want tiiereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in his complaint, to-wlt : for Judgment against you for $415, wltn Interest thereon nt the rate of ten per cent per annum from .May Wtli, 1WW, for toO.OO attorney's fees and for the costs and disburs riientg of this milt. For a decree for the sale of the land dewrilied In that certain mortgage executed by you atid In favor of plaintiff, dated May 14. 1'.0N, and for the foreclosure of said roortgiiKe. This summons la' published . liy order of the Honorable V. L. lirad shaw, Judge of the above entitled court, which order was iniule and. entered on the 11th day of March, 1912, and the day of the first, publi cation of thin ftmnnious 1h the -'lnt day of March, 1U12. M. K. ELLIOTT, ) Attorney for Plaintiff. The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. , ' ... i LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E 'BROSIUS, Proprietor For Rent. A good daiiy or etock ranch ; lUHl acres ; cuts ISoO tone liay ; JOd acres iin dur diteh; Until lose lo rlialit party. For particulars imptlre at Journal otlicss. ;i s,ti r afk A Ait A A A. A A. " RECEPTION v i Smith & Allingham, Props, t U an p Smltli't old stamlf W ft Imported and Domestic Cigars Famoui Whiikie 1 3 Old Crow; Hermitnge; ReJ Top Rye; Yellow Stone; ft i Canadian Qub; Cream ft i Rye; James E. Pepper, ft j Moore'i Malt . Porter, Ale and Olympic ft 4 Draft Beer on Tap. ft Imported . Winet and t Liquor. Professional Cards. Dr. Howard (Jove Dentist. Room 4 and IS Adamsoa Building. T. L. J. Dl l I Y Attorne-at- Law (HurerMor to W. A. Ilvll) I'mNKVIU . . . Oiitun.' M. R. ('. S. Enu: and 1.. S. A. London) Llcenceedreijmi Main Miillcal lioaid. Swcmli.i in Hurneryj llviririiv; Ali mentary Canal; women and children's di-eases. ofll. e and rci'lrui', Miiin hi. prlnevlUe, Or, SPAysitimm mmti Smrf CmHs mmmrt prtmptjr Imp mipAi 0'" W eWr - fjmMmm ' aVrmf tfmaf, jVkltM 4SeWeT 4 evsaef WmAat Ve. Prim:ill, Cr.fm. C; c. Sri, jfftarmf-mt-jCmm Rial Cslalt Dr. John Huback, ,r av VPtfr!nrjr Hurffn t. K Army D-i'riiii. m uj t!i.- I'tiilii'i'im-. All htirtju-iil Work hi Kt-HnonnMc Hamilton Stables. Prineville, Or. W. A. HELL Lawyer The Dalles Oregon OCOl-IHTS Belknap d wards fAylfamt mmJ Surfeit: (County Physician.) X. Cltiott, iPri um. Ortaen. Fftd A. Rice, C. E. J. . Neville, Jr.. K. M. County Surveyor. luiputy Co. Surveyor. Rice & Neville Civil Engineers, Uencral Engineering. I siseviixs, (msoos. $5; . firnJc jCawytr JX sin ft, !Prinilt; Ortgon. Dr. Charles MacFadden Osteopathic Physician Hwnln. Ttlotetlo nnl Niilnrnl Thrmpcutlcs i'-mploytrtl. (Jtironle DIim.'um h puelulty. Office Over Morris Furniture Store. Telephone: Pioneer, No. 126. Crook County jis tract Co, Abstract of tide to all land and town lots in Crook county. B. F. WylJe, Secretary, Priatville, Oregon Willard II. Wirtz Attorney-ut-I-nw. ((Ill Iti M. It. .Unite' oftlot.. I'lllM.VII.I K, (llll llilN t'tua Aniwisiii I'aoartt lu ea "ftuat urmiONa IKia on of aiuk.i.Vi ieesioi Hoili nRii au iwj. deuce teletlonee. Keiitloreed rotierrie HnlhtttiL-, l eri)-Me Pis lli. J. J. Itutiin Engineer blt clianilKT of Couooerce ruitimet. tr a 7-.'iu.t I I i 3 r-ja m. c-3 To supply your table for a t, of the articles mentioned i I A Chance aays, auin lower, v-aouage. Lettuce, celery, Aspara gus, Sweet Potatoes. Creen Onions, Radishes, Rheubarb, Bananas. Oranges, Lemons. Also if you wish a nice dressed chicken, or a nice tender roast of any kind, visit the O. K. Market. i ... i. . -, , ii i surpttsiJi'.I Medical Staff, Hot Lake, Stomach, Kidney, Wood and Miu Ibsorilers. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM, . . Hot Lake, Oregon WALTER M. PIERCE, Pre., and Mgr. & 2H LEAVE CENTRAL OREGON EVERY MORNING ARRIVE NORTHWEST POINTS SAME DAY Portland 5:110 p. m. Snlcfu p. m. Astoria 10:;"0 p. tn. Seattle AOre Train Leaves Redmond 7:21 A, M. THROUGH TRAINS TO PORTLAND Direct ciuiuectlou nt Fullbrldso with throuirli trulna to Spukiitio, Ht I'oil nud Clili'HKD, Details will be furnished on request W. E. COMAN, Gen'l Freight & m stnngies, fliouldiDRS, Windows, n w a 111 l! CEr3ERETiErsrraSi5P Prineville--Redmond--Sisters Stage Line i Matt Kulesch, Proprietor. e ', Passenger Fare to Redmond, $ I. $u. Express from Red mond to Prineville, one-half cerit per pound for over 50 pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c. Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the Pioneer Cream Company. , 1116 s! 1f COOPER, Agent HAVE YOU FilrH your Dcexl? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abittracl) Oertitlnlv everyone haa au sbetract now, lo you know where your coiners lire. Weil, No, Not exactly, Brcwitrr Engineerini Company, I'rincullo, Mlegoii, i liaiale them lor vou and giifiranloa tlta work. Survey ing. I'laillnn, Irrigation Kttllieerliit. I'hone I'loneer 'M. ;. a. mci-aklam: Lwyer l'raiti.e In all cuiirta and l", K. 1 ami iric. Redinond, Oregon nice Sunday Dinner. All below arrive Fresh every few s Begin Treatment Now Rheumatism Can Be Cured A teiuel will bring yon our new booklet describing HOT LAKE SANITARIUM. Natu ral liol Mineral Hatha, Nature Cure for Rheumslum. Our equipment is complele. I'n. Mineral Water Cures rtheiiinsli.ui, Walla Wnllrt..., Spokane Titconm llil'ip. ui. 7:L p. tu. 0;4.'i p. in 10:00 p. in. gdiiThRy. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. H. dAUnOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon. Doors, GlasBes, Etc. Etc., Eto, RH1PP PPDDV a a a uu 1 Ullll 1 Tr T VT TTS ITTr T n a n n av V. 4