HOW TO BUILD A SAND-CLAY ROAD Proper Drainage Must Bs First CcasiMci SIDE DITCHES HFi GOOD. Be 0 Combination of Sons' rn4 Clay Hot Secern Thoroughly Dry It tnowto1 fio Dragged vry Morning to Smooth Out tn Rut. Car Should B Take, to Keep Ditch Clean. V'bvn a saod-clar rfd ia lu!it 1K0 clay eubyrade pro; drainage la U Of th lUost eSMHllijI tiiiugs, for ul.; tue au'igrade of the road It dry Ltd firm tne urtaciu of aauo-ciay w ur to treak tnroUKU. ay rrofeaaor M. G. Ilutue vf the I"utTerity of fcontn Carolina, ordinarily tide dlicbe, v bk'ta auust bo rf eooccb to carry off all of the ater fa!liu oa th road, rt!l be enrncient. Tuee aide ditches altoukl bo vrld and shallow rather Una barrow and deep, as thus they will nut he hard to keep wn nor dacjrerou to (rarel Tbey should bo from four to fir feet wldo and from on to on aod half feet deep, storing- three to oue on tli tide neit to th road end down to oa on th enter side, and they should bav outlet a frequently aa poeslble to carry tbo atrr entirely away from tho road. B'bi tb ubrrd at wot or damp most of tb time or Is throujrb wampy land tile utlraln should bo laid In ordr lo keep tb foundation it tbo road dry and Brui. It oiuat b borne In niud that greater car uiust be exercised to keep tli clay suberad dry aod to tho majority of eases of a ubgrado in sandy suii. Tb roadbed should b graded true to tb lines and grade established by toe engineer. All epongy oiaterial. vegetable matter, trees, roots aod (tuinps should be carefully n mo red from the roadbed aud the space thus filled la with eouad material, and lb surface of the roadbed should be dry and tbe sand and clay should be p!ow ed and harrowed with a dink barrow to a depth of four inches until the clay la completely pulverized, and the clay aubgrade should be coiuparu lively dry or it will not pulverise. After this lias been dune the roadbed ttKU d be leveled up, sud it will then be ready for the sand. The subgrade la now corered with all to el'lit luche of clean, sharp aud sound sand. When the clay alreuily i: i ' - :v BOAD WITH DRAI.lAi; aTSTKM. coufalus much sand the amount of aand (ttated nliove should be cut down by that much. Tbe aand should be aprcad evenly and be of a uniform thickness. To get the best results the road bed should be dry when the sand la added, and eapecinlly should It be dry when the sand and clay are mixed, aa It is rery dlincult to mix the aand evenly with the clay when tbe latter la wet and sticky. Tbe mixing Is now carried on with a spike or spring tooth barrow until tbe aand and clay are thoroughly In corporated and the mixture Is brought to a state of flue lubdlvhilon. The roadway in now shaped up with road machine. A apllt log drug may be Used. From now mull the surface becomes thoroughly consolidated the greatest care should be exercised to keep the surface smooth nnd proper ly crowned, nnd for at least a week the surface of the roadway should be reshaped every morning with the road machine, for If the roadway la worn Into ruts at first It is a hard matter to ever get a smooth surface. As soon as It has dried out iiifficlent ly the nurface should be smoothed With the road machine and Riven the proper crowu. And Just before It be come entirely dry it should be rolled until It (jocomea hard and censes to allow the tracks of ordinary loaded vehicle. The roller should wolgh from six to ten tons, never more, and may be either horse power or a steam roller. The side flitches should be given n Ifeneral cleaning and repaired at least once In tbe early sprliiK and once In tbe early fall, All tr.ih nnd other oh ((triictlons should be thrown out ou tbe sides opposite from the roadway, and all scoured places and holes In the' ditches should be filled Up v-It li firmly packed rock and clay. Salt Water For Dut Problem. Rait water taken from I he meariov. alreams will be used by the ndlcinla of Atlantic City lo rid the county roiida of the diiiit nuisance. The elllcacy ot milt water was discovered nfier they hud expended thousands of dollars ii xporlmenia with oily concoctions. EE WISE; STICK TO FARM. i h Stand Fse Cmrythinf, Attractive, aVheleeetne an Pmtrtatol. j Tor the reetiea boy or girl wbo ! wain to go away from the nu and get out luto the big world to do sow thing, oo better bit of earnest rending j run be found thau this extract irou) tbe New lord lnthfetideut. j The new farm children It aaya. , "Ht a third diinttlu. Th-l.-u UgB to take bold of the laud at leairt trty years ago, but then nt as oft clearing Ue4eaary. Tb trnulliou , -ritd waa (irotracted. niaiuly becauar , the land a already 1u w.KKn of a re of farmers that must die off. j "J'b agricultural college applied tbe a-itice to tillage aud to crp aud to ; suiuial 11: ou tb farm twenty flv i year ai:o. It u alow work, mt ; ouly to awaken the farmer, but lo lu j Testigat. discorer. aud iheu to apply. J Tbe axe is bow raddiy into tbe I hands of men a ho are a lite to the i greet fact that productiou ha never yet approached It maiiujum. The or j chard bus all thl while, thnuka to ! moth aud caterpillar, beivme ttiore aud more as eutotuological laboraiury Uttiduully it ha came about that not . a tUn.g on q be growa oo the laud without a tight Tula ha not by auy means U-eu a permacent lo, but bat wakened I spirit of ecieutinc namina Hon aud determination to master roo ditioua ,Th ml-roacop and the cru cihle are as necessary today a tbe plow and the hoe. Tbe farm boy 1 not without stimulus, nor Is he with out interesting conditions; rather it will how take the brighter buy to do the farming. The development of farm machin ery aud the application of new forces on the land bar gone on at the same time. In erery department of the home. In tbe bouse a well a la the barn, machinery take tbe place of nieu. and the help problem U no driving us to a still more complete age of me bauism. "There Is no tut oo earth so enrlable today as that of an Amerlrau farm boy or girl. They hare room, frenb air. beautiful surrounding, while the art and science are Involved lo their work, and isolation i absolutely Uil bsbed. ".Nothing can be rained any lonirer by quitting the farm. It stand for everything that I attractive, whole some aud protltanle; but at tbe same time It stand for the new and the stimulating. Country life cannot be ruado dull, unless It wilfully sever Itself from advantages that are freely offered." WILD MUSTARDGREAT FEST. Not Ucaful Lik It Eatabla Ceuaina. but an Indafatigabl Kltnac. About a .troublesome a weed a the farmer the world over ha to deal with la the charlock or wild uiuxtnni. It 1 proline In tbe extreme and. unlike its black and white rotiximi, u not ouly worthless, but harmful. About the only way to control It is to use a spray aft. v - J. ..... i, - -. it1 St-UAtEU TO UOsTitOI WEKPK. made up of either a 2 per cent solution of copper sulphate or a 15 per cent solution of iron aulphale. The quantity needed in from fifteen to twenty lotjn to the acre, and American uraln growers go after It with a aort of watering cart. It Is particularly obnoxious In wheat fields, not only choking growth, but making the harvesting of the crop a matter of great difficulty. Crk an Ideal Farm Hand. A wideawake farmer noticed that his creek, if dammed ot a certain place, would produce a six foot waterfall fie built a dam and put in a water wheel a $.'S00 turbine that yielded twenty-five butnt'iiower. Over the water wheel he built n powerhouse In which lie placed a dynamo for the water wheel to run. The electricity waa wired 1.700 feet to the farm bulld ings. Then he put his electricity to work In every possible place about tbe prem ises, lie heated and lighted tho house, did the cooking and the washing and Ironing, did the sweeping and diluting, beat eggs aud at threo different speeds too turned the Ico cream freez er nnd lu summer ventilated tbe bouse with fans. Now with a vacuum milking ma chine be milks twenty cows, two nt a time; drives tho creatn separator, churns, pumps water into every room In the bouse nnd Into the stall ut each horse and cow, drives lathes and drills In a workshop, drives a circular saw to cut cordwood and drives nn ensilage cutter. It pays to bo up to date. ..;.j;;i-;IIIIIH;Iji..!. THE MONEY MAKING MULE. Th muls i a alave animal. At two year h ia ready to do con atderabl work and will from that aga on make a profit over and above hi feed and expense bill In th valu of hia labor and at th same time be growing mor valuabl until four or fiv year old, at which aga h will command the top of th market V in hi aga class. - H-I-(-W-r-t--H-H-M-- !tTofeiii0at Cards, Dr. Howard Gove Dentist. JUaa U and It A4aoa Btuldiaaj. T. 11 J. Di l i V A ttornry-mt-Lmw o uoor to W. A. bell) ratxrvuxg ... Qkkuok Dr. J. Treadles Fox M. K. t". 8. tug: anil L. . A. liviun; Liceiicee ir'jpun Male levin l Kaii. al ju turkTrvt HKirt: Ali mentary t'ansi; woum-u ;,a ctitktreu'i dlNeaw. (ttuwaud nwtdeui'v, Vutu M. i'ruievllle, t.H. CmM w.r.rf TMy mmp r mfA4 Qt C. 33r,M Dr. John Iluback, Ijit Veier'nary urretB t. a Arai y, leirivm iM tl.e I'tjiiiel'tiMw. Ait ur;(ml Work t kmaonattl lfK. Haaailtmi SufeUa. Priawvill. Or. W. A. BLLL Lawyer Tb Dalle Oregon CS CfUHTW $elknap Cdivards (County J'liyicin.) X. CtlitM, jfltmrmtf-mt'jCmm " mill; Fred A. Bice, C. E. i. B. Seville, Jr., K. M. Couoty Murveyor. bvi.utr Co. Surveyor, Rice & Neville Civil Engineer . SSrink jCawytr Ortfom. Dr. Charles MacFadden Osteopathic Phyiictan Hwnlc. Dletrtlo and Nulnrsl Theritpentlr Kinptoyed. Chronic llw-iien a Hpeetully Olfic Over Morris Furniture Store. Telephone: Pioneer, No. 126. Crook County jfisrac Co, Abatraeu ol title to all land nd town lot In Crook county. B. F. Wyla, Secretary, Friatvill, 0reea HAVE YOU Filed your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract? Certainly everyone ban an atxlract now. Do yon know where your corners ure. Well, No, Not exactly. Brewster Engineering Company, I'rinevillo, Oregon, wiil locate them for yon and gtiurantee the work. Survey ing, I'lattlng, Irrigation Kngineering. I'hone I'loneer 14. (i. A. McFAKLANE Lawyer Practice in all courts and U. S. Land Office. Redmond, Oregon Willard II. Wirtz Attorney-at-Law. Olllce tn M. It. BIkh' office. PlllNKVIM.K, OlIKGON, Calm Ahmwrbrii Promptly Dt or Nioht OCFICR )NR DfHlH HflVTH Ot AUAUMM' DruuUtohr. Hath oOico au reJ deuce Uilejihouei, Vregon RtlnforcCMl Coiicrett' hufltlinifH. Comjilcte Jiu- J. J. Burling Engineer UilO Chamber MOmimtrcc B'!g, I'ortland, Or, Summon, la tbe Circuit Cotut t t be Mate i't regu lor t runk cuitlity. l. 1'. Stewart, J'Ilntif(, v. John T. Moore aud IV lla A. Moure. lMeudalita, ToJbtiT. aud IVlla A. M' JK'I. lulm.l. la t!w mime o ttie ttri lretr" Vuu are h-r liy r'uii-d U epirar aud answer the ci'tuplmiit bled Hgatut J"" In tkealKive entitled uit du or licture t tw lu.t day id the time pn-aCrllenl In tbe urdtf f'r tbe putiiicatlou "t thlsauiutuoua, tu-w It : .n or before the Jtul clay id May, 'H, and H you tall mo to pier aud answer. lir want tliereul. tlir plittntiff w ill apply tu tl court fvr tbe n In bl enmplalut . to-wll: lor juvigttHiit again! Jim tor 41.'., with luteret tUcreon at the rate of teu -r ceut f' Hhiiiim from May lath, 10 tr fM.W attorney' (ea'aud br Hie rot and Ulliur. nietit ol Hit fUlt. Kr a dn-n lor be anle t the Innda UeacrllWHl lu ; that certain ntortgage ricruted by i y ou and it) favor I plnlutin, iMtnl j Miv 11 l.i . and lor the l.irccloaure of H1 inorttfiige. ' 1 This aumiiMMia la pttblilrtt by order of the Houornble V, L. Brnd tm . Judge the above elilltleil court, bli b order w a made na I e isrrrd uu tbe lltbdayof Mart h. f 1W2, ai"d the Jar of tbe Brot ptil'll cation M lbi euinmoti I the ;!l duv of ilnrt li, l.'l.'. M. H KULKITT. i... i'ii,.tirf - zrzizM Nalk i DuwlstMa f rartaariaia. N'otlee la berelir irlven to all Her- 'aiNU eoticerurd tbt tbe copHftner- hip formerly eltltig aud rughged In tlie aaamlll IiuImcm on lima , Creek, Crook county, state ol Ore. goti. between . 1. Walleutitl'ic and ; H. C. Kanvr, utiiW tbe (I'm uaiue and style of Walleuburg A Kurrer, baa lieeu tbi ilny dtolved by timtuiil ronavnt, H. C. Knrrer, retir ing. All money and debt due run I i to liecome due said former firm are payable to K. Wnlieuburg, and : all debts aud llHlillltle due or to lie. come due from anlj former Arm nre ! to tie paid by liltn. (Signed) O. K. Wai.i t xhi mi. ! II. C. Kamiikm. i Dated this loth dor til Unnli, l.!!.'. N'-ti;: for i uHIIciitioii. IW-rNtrltiMtit of t Imp Itilrrwr. (V H. 11.4 Offlrr 1 Tti 1-tttlfHk, tr-.rti. '-lrutjf Ht, Ivia. NotJtn hrrw-t.t iriv-tt I'mt Kttioft, f famllim. -Tt-..n. vim. m Karrb ;!b. Ifu, lltaktli- IttMlraU nd . Ut t, T't It H'-,'Ittl O t rw'.. -vIlin r. lowit(ii l taatulli. ruiif ; 'li -l W ti:attiMiu MfrtJun. lm 111"! nlt.w itf HilritU'fU hi Ulatkr HiihI dMitUMitMtsrj -raif, Ui i-lskftlit rinini lithrittl ! , de-rrlrar.t, l-.f'tri V. irfrB Hn.wtl, rMJUlV , ;riTat,At lita I'dltv. Ht PrlucvUttr, On'rti, UU ' tetlfll!!' ItHttr HJI Hl"' J'WfH lj I...-c i.f ttuiit.,, Jiie liri. if ti, f 1 1t-d.y. tlpftiD, Matrhm lay ior, utitl , '.nff lUty, of lt. f tfiMt. i Jp W. MtXittFs, KrttUlrr. j Hoik ! Cfrwtitm. ( t'trmot '4 id !. .) Jfjm- M. M-ii( i 1h lu i T"i(s-r t.i mii ti-v-'I n ; tl tK-raitu Ltttinjt clatiui- tt4ilit t-aintr t ' ' f-f-- nt tlit-ui witit lh i.ntr tU' lit Hi W liir - unrlrfwitid tl.t? (jAm ut St, K. tUl-'ll lu t i ff iUr ilir, Ort'Kftl, iUtt (1 UK multth ol ffct' lUtt: oi th tiral mt,-t (! thi Bttif, 1 iu4 ttiU -li.i Ja ..1 f "ti , IV;.'. i ritAfti r 4' M' Wxkv. t-MHA V. lciv IA f 1.1 IMIMIK ti.t. evrry V. V I1 . HAturdAir DlfliL atriiim eelnone. O. 1. Urania, X. a I, Mli.lN. k. V. ).; Hurl Harne. Sac.; and C B. Innwiiliil. Tmu. The Brosius Bar Finest Brand of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor " RECEPTION " Smith & Allingham, Props. Champ Smith1! old stand. Imported and Domestic Cigars Famous Whiskies Old Crow; Hermitage; Red 9 lop Rye; Yellow Stone; w Canadian Club; Cream Rye; James E. Pepper; 9 Moore's Malt. ' 9 Porter, Ale and Olympia Draft Beer on Tap. Imported Wines Liquors. and ilrVAAaVAWW ,V FOSTER 'A A Chance To supply your table for a nice Sunday Dinner. All of the cuticles mentioned below rrive Fresh every few days. Cauliflower, Cabbage. Leituce. Celery. Aspara gus. Sweet Potatoes. Green Onions, Radishes, Rheubaib, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons. Also if you wish a nice dressed chicken, or a nice tender roast of any kind, visit the O. K. Market .Cip'q ZZ 4 I. k ' it - - " ur.eel Mnliral Staff, Hot late Mineral Water Cure ttlteitmatttni, Ctomach, KUner, lilovt and hkln Diaunler. - a HOT LAKE SANATORIUM. . . Hot Uke, Oregon WALTER M. P1LRCE. Pre, and M,r. i .'S Low Fares West SPRING COLONIST PERIOD Daily March lit to April 15th TO ALL CENTRAL OREGON POINTS C'IiIciiko $.T1.00 (Incliiimtl Mllwiiukee 111., VI St. Ltitil :(2.00 New York M1.00 Detrolt 'MM l'rtim Other Knatern Pulnta In Proportion. Tell your frlcnda In the Knat of thla oiporttinlty of tnovliiir Went at low riitfa. Direct trnln acrvlce vlit Hurllniftoii Itottte, Northern Ptwlllc, tJrvat Northern, "North Hunk" nnd Orctfon Trunk Itiillwnya. , You can (IcpoHlt Iimda with mo mid weat boiinil ticket will be ftir nlaht'd people lirtliu Knat. DctitllH will be fiiniUhci on retiicat. W. E. COM AN, Gen'l Freight & Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. 2 -UI H. BAUKOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon. Prineville--Redmond--Sisters Stage Line Matt Kulesch, Proprietor. Passenger Fare to Redmond, $1.50. Express from Red mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50 pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c. Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the Pioneer Cream Company. 1116 S. R. COOPER, Agent Above All Things we want yon not to forget lb tart that e are all t be j car round ready to nerve you alt h the l-t. aud t make yo let-l that you are git ting the full wort b 4 your uiotoy when j oU buy here. We are hot rwltlg. ating burg aliia la tbeaetiw of rlteap prb'ea only, for our cjuilttk. are Bot obtainable rlarwtter at hum h higher figure. If you dou't dWI here Juu loee. & HYDE eilU'fX1 ' a 'a Jiajltj Begin Trgatment Now Rheumatism Can Be Cured A rr.ut will brief yon our rear ! k!et ilr tilling HOT LAKE SANITARIUM. Natu ral itot Mih"il tJath. Natar' Cure for Kheeinatiun. itr nilli ll et.l I tolM lete, ln- .ON. I(RY. CENTRAL OREGON LINE - FROM - Ht. I'nnl . liVfKr Xanana City L'.VOO Otnitlid jft.OO IieaMoliica . ... 'T.Sl lliilluliapolla 3."i 8f UcuviT 26.tX MJfflJrUaiatlrTlliT 1 Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, GlaBHes, Etc. Etc., Etc. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON Sr3fqRilT5iW5iiir r? E4 rj