OREGON NEWS NOTES CF GENEjttLIHTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Engineer Finish Survey. Albany. Residents ot eastern Linn rounty. between Foster and Swaet Home, are greatly Interested In a sur rey which has been made In that vicin ity during the past two month. The survey Is said to have been made by (iiil engineers and the line, If built, will extend from Lebanon west toward Albany, collecting with the main line ot the Oregon Klectric railway at Ptr Ue, a new town on the Oregon Elec trie, four miles south of Albany. Apple Day Plans Made. Hood River. With the commercial slub, automobile club and business or laniiations of the city exerting ercry Sort to make the occasion the bisstest of its kind that the Hood River valley has ever witnessed, the little apple city is planning to entertain huudreds cf guests which are expected here dur ing the first week of May, when the orchards are In full blossom. BILL IS LIMITED 8lngle-Taxera Will Not Seek State wide Law, Is Belief. Portland. Advocates of single tai In this state are framing a bill on the ubject for submission to the voters In the November election. The extent ot the proposed legislation has not teen determined by the men who are drafting the bill, but It is not probable that any effort will be made to submit a measure state-wide in Its applica tion. "Although the committee has not finished Its deliberations," said A. D. Cridge, a prominent slngle-taxer, "It la not likely that a state-wide measure will be proposed at this time. The committee apparently favors submit ting the bill In several of the more im portant counties of the state, modeled after the one that Is before the voters of Clackamas county." This proposed amendment seeks the annulment of the constitutional amendment adopted by the people in the last general election and by wbich the voters reserved to each county a determination of the question ot levy ing taxes with such exemptions as Bight be deemed advisable. Umatilla County Improves Roads. Pendleton. The county court of Cmatilla county Is not waiting for the passage of good roads laws by the state, but is proceeding in a limited way toward the permanent improve ment of the principal highways. The court is being aided by the farmers who are supplying the teams and men necessary. Indian Lands May Be Thrown Open. Burns. H. G. Wilson, of the Indian service, located at Roseburg, is ex pected to arrive in Burns early in April to take up the work of dispos ing of the lands of the Piute Indians. For many years the people have been anxious to have the lands thrown open to entry. DISPUTE GOES INTO COURT Suit Against Land Company Ordered By Desert Land Board. Salem. The state desert land board has accepted the challenge of Presi dent J. E. Morson, of the Deschutes Land company, and ordered suit brought against the company on the ground that certain assignments ot Hens on land sold by the company are in violation of the contract with the state. The board has instructed the attorney-general to proceed with the case. Several months ago the hoard direct ed Morson to cease selling options on the land contained in the project he is promoting. He made an affidavit that he had done so, but lately a letter turned up with information regarding the project and containing what the governor believed to be an option. Morson replied, saying that It was an assignment of lien on the land and in vited the board. If it thought it could bring actions to restrain him from selling them, to do so. City Law Ignored. Cleone. A fiat refusal to comply a-ith the Portland city ordinances re tarding tubercular tests of dairy herdB fas the sensational feature of the meeting of the Oregon Dairy Produc ers' association held here. : Both Humphrys say "Not Guilty." Corvallis. Answering an indict ment charging them jointly with mur fer In the first degree, George and Charles Humphrys, the confessed mur lerers of Mrs. Eliza Griffith, have en tered pleas of not guilty. County Court Vindicated. Medford. After a week's investiga tion by the grand jury of the affairs ef the county court, no indictments rere returned. SMILING TY COBB "J ... Ty Cobb, of the Detroit team, whom many fans say is the greatest of all ball p'ayers. Is after more laurels' the lomlng season. Brief News of the Week A foot print system of criminal iden tification will be used by the police of Los Angeles In the future. A nation wide Inquiry Into an al leged "coal trust" with Chicago as Its center, Is In progress by the govern ment Only one-sixth of the excavation ne cessary to open the Panama canal to navigation remained to be done on March 1. New Jersey's state senate has de feated a resolution providing for wom an suffrage, only three members vot ing tor the measure. Woman's suffrage and the election of United States senators by direct vote both went down to defeat in the Massachusetts legislature. The Japanese Antarctic expedition returned to Wellington. N. Z. They report having seen nothing of the Brit ish polar expedition ot Captain Robert F. Scott Declaring that progressive Michigan should sot be behind backward China, the woman suffffragists of Michigan descended upon the legislature Mon day in support of their principle, "votes for women." Equal suffrage has been granted the women of the Chinese republic. Suf fragettes, however, incensed at cer tain restrictions on their franchise, attacked the quarters of the national assembly at Nanking, routed the statesmen and broke all the windows in the building. People in the News Residents of Caracas, the capital of of Venezuela, entertained Secretary Knox lavlahlyv Roald Amundsen, discoverer of the South Pole, will visit the United States next June. General John W. Noble, who was secretary of the interior In President Harrison's cabinet, la dead. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., who has been' a carpet salesman In San Fran cisco for some time has left for New York to join the staff of a Wall street firm. That President Madero of Mexico will be executed If he falls Into the hands ot the rebels, is set forth In a decree signed by General Pascual Or ozco, the rebel commander. , More father In the home was ad vised by Mrs. E. R. Weeks, ot Kansas City, at the convention of the National Congress of Mothers. She is a vice president ot the congress. General Henry H. Bingham, member of congress from the first Pennsylvan ia district, and "Father of the House," died at bis home in Philadelphia. He had been a member of the house con tinuously since March 4, 1879. Political News Bits Two women are to run for delegates-at-large on the Taft ticket In Califor nia. Sentiment for Wilson Is reported to "be strong among Wisconsin demo crats. ,The New York republican club In dorsed President Taft and denounced the Roosevelt theories. Senator La Follette, according to announcement from his headquarters, will leave Washington soon after April 1 and tour Nebraska and Oregon. , Eight of Maine's 12 delegates are firmly and enthusiastically for Wilson. Ot the remaining four, none is defin itely opposed to the New Jersey gov ernor. Indiana's democratic convention has instructed ita delegates to the Balti more convention to vote for Governor Marshall for the presidential nomln ation. The republican state committee of Montana, after a stormy session, de feated a proposition for a presidential primary by a vote of 11 to 26 and In dorsed President Taft for renomin dtlon by a vote of 27 to 10. Although Governor Hay several months ago declined to call a special session of the legislature to enact a preferential presidential primary law, a movement has been started in Seat tle to ask the governor to reconsider his decision. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Potato growing In the Kliimuth ba sin his received a hi Impetus. Forest Grove claims one of the beat tlh kchool orchestras In Oregon. Union county will teach scientific) agricultural Instruction to children. At Hood River Warren Miller sold a 3 year-old hog Unit tipped the scale t 503 pounds. La Grande's commorvliU club will roust rm-t a fltiO.OM) office building ud club home this summer on tht unit plan. A farmers' co-operative store Is to be started at Roy, a station on the P. R. & N. railroad, five miles north ot Forest Grove. A congress of governors and a con vention ot states are added features proposed for the Rose Festival In Portland June li) 15. John Mure hi on. who for several years has resided In Grant rounty, committed suicide near Dayvllle, by taking carbolic acid. Douglas rounty this year baa the honor of being the first county In the state to come forward with halt Its hare of the state taxes. The old City Hall that has served the city ot Grants Pass tor a number of years was struck off to the highest bidder for the sum ot 1 10.000. Governor West has Issued a requis ition upon the governor of California for tho return to Portland of T. J. Uhb man, charged with larceny by bailee. Extradition papers have been Is sued by Governor West for F. A. Sternberg, alias Stein, w io la under arrest In Portland and Is wanted In San Francisco. For the first time In many years Douglas county Is free from debt and on a cash basis. After all outstand ing warrants are paid, f32,058 will re main In the treasury. From the latest movements in rail road circles Indications now point to the resumption of work on the Klam ath Natron cutoff immediately follow ing the first of May. A deal for the sale ot the Eugene General hospital to the Sisters ot Mer cy ot the Catholic church baa been completed and they will take charge of the Institution May 1. Charles H. Kelley. formerly travel ing auditor for the Pacific Power t Light company, with headquarters In Portland, died at Astoria from tuber culosis after a long Illness. Aa a result of the "booster day" held by the Dallas commercial club, over 100 new name were added to the membership roll, bringing the to tal u? to over 200 active members. All candidates whose names will be placed on the primary ballots must have their completed petitions on Die not later than next FMday. That Is the last day petitions can be received. A favorable report was made to the senate on several Chamberlain bills to pay claims on small Indian tribe scattered about Oregon. The pay ments are based upon treaties mads In the '60s. Several hundred farmers attended a mass meeting called at Estacada to devise plans to divide Clackamas county In two parts and organizing a new county, with Estacada as the county seat Resolutions have been filed with the secretary of state by the Oregon 4 California railroad providing for the extension of the Southern Pacific from Salem to Fir and tor a short loop at Forest Grove. Rev. Placldus Fuerst, abbot of the St Benedictine abbey at ML Angel, won In the Wendl will contest case. The contestants and appellants were John B. and Regina Wendl, brother and sister of Rev. Emmerman D. Wendl, deceased, and maker ot the 111. There wlll'be 102,960 corrupt prac tices pamphlets printed by the state for the republican party prior to the primaries April 19, and 41,280 printed for the democratic party, according to flsures completed by Secretary Olcott. This will be a total of 144,240 pam phlets for the state and will Include 18 separate pamphlets. In answer to his request for the presence of battleships In Portland harbor during the Elks' grand lodge convention in July, Representative Hawley has been advised by the navy department that If the Pacific fleet ha returned from Its cruise to the Philip pines by that time vessels available will undoubtedly be sent to Portland for the celebration. Declaring that failure uniformly to assess property of the Albert C. Hop kins estate in Klamath and Josephine counties has reduced the value of the estate from over $1,000,000, which It is stated It should be rightly appraised It (840,581.30, State Treasurer Kay ias taken up with County Judge Wor den of Klamath county, the question of a reappralsement on a uniform val uation. Resolutions directing that all con tracts entered Into by the state In the construction of public works be made on an eight-hour basis, were pabsed by the state board. The eight-hour law providos for eight hours only of work done by the state and does not apply to contracts, but tho board de cided that the intent of the legislature was that the eight-hour law apply to contracts also. Irrigated Land for Sale. 80 acren, 11 miles from Prlneville, on old lleiul stac road. All under ciilti vs t ion ; .VI aires in alf.illa ami clover; 7, uiil' limn railroad, Aililrr-iis X Y I rare Journal. No agents. it ' li Horse and Saddle Lost. Between t'linevill and lied tumid, one Hlack mare aorut !HX pound with addle on. Reward lor return to Dillon teed yard. 3 !1 Brown Leghorn Egga. IS for 1 .V). Leave orders at Whitkis' grocery. Man. I'ishto Tiioxrsnx Many a Man Owes His Success to an Investment on the liiHttillment plnn, lx chum' It Iimm served iimhii iim-linr mill kept lilm In a xtmlulit line iiml Mwny (mm the nmii.v "(jet Rich (JtiU-k" heme w tilt h are n ilentlftil tiwltiy ami which an ofteir luentl rlchia tuily fur the Minoiitlt titiitrueil promoter thereof. Hv ItlveMtlnu IN YOUR HOME TOWN you nrv ileHllnit with value ntiil people with w hom .von are HcqtiHlnteil people who are Intennteil In your welfare Iwvntim your mic cm menus the mii-raw of other about you. Mini t lie more ur cvmMiiI ritlxen it town enn liont of the lu-tter plucelt will lie. Lot In NOBLES ADDITION c m tn had hy milking n very hiiiiiII payment ilowu Mini the liiilnme on term to roilt the piirchiiw-r, monthly, til-monthly quarterly, half-yearly tirnntimtl payment. Tliew lot are the lHt Invent incut In city proiMTt, tiHlny. The only illnlrlrt w ith liiillilliitf rcHtrlrllona ami with mrvet Improvement anil Ule. walk already In. Make your election now. A few dollar will hold the lota for you until you ran make further pay ment. You are entltieil to the txnt. Why not int It? fume In and let me show vnu NOBLES ADDITION, the center of build ing activity In l'rlnevlllo. A. R. BOWMAN The Oregon Bar At the Old Stand G. W. Wiley & Co., Prp. All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft KuniiiiooM. In thf rirrtiU court o( th. Htateof Oregun for the Cf.ntity of rntok. W. l,.M.oiirill. '. Mr'innaKlll, V. R. Mr tfunnirfll tri'l Burcli M GoumicIH, ihoonly tiHri at law of J W. Mi'l.ousnjill liweased, plRinllffa, . ! N. Jon en, My Jones hU wit, 3. H. Jotiw, AtiQl Jon- bi wild, Thorn u J, Jin, Hrtnimh Jo nm fait wile, A. J. Jnnt-a, Viol Junea hi W. t, J n nest. In June hti wife. D?lla Jackftoii. formerl) !la Jnnr, ami Krel jarkano, her (intlmQd, and O. W. Jon ft, the ulrs at law of Million Jmta rincaaftt'il. alto all other unkuown helra of tha aid Hu-i'hen J one. eUlniing any tight, title, ettt or lien ofon ot Intenit In the real firojumf iUin:nUji In com plaint 'irvln. defrnilaiiu, 'In A. J. Joniaanrl Viol J.ima h la wife, ami Thoma J- Join's) and Hannah Jon Ilia wife, he!" at law of Mheit Joih-r, itcfatil; also all other unknown heir of tU h up hen Jou,r, t lalinitiit any riKht, title, claim, lim noon or interest in the rl pro'Mrly ileNcrltH'd in th la Hti mm on ami comiilattit herein, (ffemtantn. In the name of tin-Male of nretfon, Yon are h rhy required to appear and answer the enm plaint filed aKahiMt you tt the a Ik) vo entitled (.-fittrt and anil, on or Uore th lait dny of the time preaeribed in the order (or publication of thta auininoiot, to wit: The -tth day of May, lyu, and If you fail to to answer for want thereof, th plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief in thin mimmmifi and naideom. pialtit demanded, to wit: Th&t the defendant), and each of them bereoiilrvd and tompelit-d to tet tip and phIhIiUkIi their claim or rlMimn, intercut or interest, In the land henMn dettcrlhed to wit: The went half of the north went ouarti-r. and the went half of the south- went '(iiarier of sect ion twenty. four, In towti fhlu flllecii Month of ratiKe twelve, eaxt of the Willamette Meridian. In Crook rounty. Ore- Kon, ad vrne and conflN'tlnx with the entnie HtHl i mere in or piainiin menuo. iiihi lie fendaiiw and each of them, and alt peraotut rialrnirifr or to claim hy through under them or either of them, he declared to have no eatatyor Interest In the ttald premlaea or any part thereof, and that decree lie entered by thin court forever barrintr the aaid defendntitt and each of them and all person clnimltitf or to claim hy throuirh or under them or eltlier of them, from claiming or to claim, an ealate, riirht, title fn or Ititereat In the aald premise or any part thereof, and that plaintiff be de. creed and declared to he the owner a In fee timple of the land aUve described, and that plaintiffs have their coat and dlahumeineniRof th Ih unit, and inch other and further relief aa to the court may tteem equitable in the preiniaea. Thin Biimmon in ordered to be aerved upon you by the publication thereof, in the Crook Oonnty Journal, a weekly newapaper pub llahed In Prineville, Oregon, by tlie order of the Hon. H- C. Kills, Judge of the county court lor Crook rounty, Oregon, "ld order (, inn dated the'joth day of March, 1112, and the datnfthe firat publication of thla aumirioim la .March 'jlat, m, and the date of the laat publication May 4th, ItfU. T, K. J. Itorrv, Attorney for plalutiffi. Notic for Publicalion. department of the fntcritr. U. 8. Land oilioo at The Dal lea, Oregon March 4lh, 1'J12, Notice la hereby aivrm that (iKoli'.K A. IJTTMS, of I'rinevillo. Oregon, who, on March 11th, 1010, made homeatead. No. WWu7. for aefi, Section 21, towiiHhip 17 aunt h, raiiRc loeaaL Din incite Mcridtan, Iihh tiled no(i-e of Intention to make tiiinl corn m hi at Ion I'roof, to eKialdiah clnlm lo the bind above deaerllied, beiirv 'i imotby K. J, Imffy, U. H. t'oiiimlrtHloner, at. hin olliee, nl I'rinevillu, ( irenon, on tho i!0iu duv of "April, V.Y2. tiiiiirirtiit names aa wIuipwh: ii?ore W. CrHwt'ord, Nathaniel . Morriwelie, Hceara Leu, of rriui'vilb', onon, and A. O. Myera, of j(i.d niond, OrCKoil. if-Mp C .VV. MOfHtK, Hrrtfister. The Right Way To get good groceries is to buy them at the CASH GROCERY. A fresh line of Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables is constantly being- received. No old stock to dispose of. If you want the best value for your money, patronize The Cash Grocery Geo. Whiteis, Proprietor FURNITURE You will look with admiration over tlie plemlid sample of modern Furniture that w have on exhibition In our Showroom", the iunt artintlo ami bent constructed Furniture ever turned out I y wood trailers. The dealgim, th workmanship, the beautiful HiiUdi, will charm you at iitlit, ami . we warrant the durability of every piece of Furni ture bought Irotn li. l'ort'iiul prices. A. II. LIPPMAN & COMPANY ARE YOU SURE The record liow n clear tltlo to your property? The ' record lulled to allow correct (Hit III It vale made till week liy a Iciiillnii real olnte coinpnny. RESULT Long delay am! pollile oa. Ilettcr let the Pioneer Abatrnct Company look after your Interest, PIONEER ABSTRACT COMPANY (Member Oregon Aaaociation of Title Men) PIONEER SADDLER Manufacturer of and dealer In Harnett, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles. E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or. Pioneer - None Money Back if You Made at Pioneer Agents DeLaval Separator. Of all the whiskies, the one which comes nearest perfection is the "I. W. HARPER" It is scientifically distilled from choicest grain; never sold until thoroughly matured; always delightful and guaranteed satis factory. Sold By 1 . Silvertooth & Browder Shaniko and Bend, Oregon W. A. Booth. Pre. D. F. Stkwaht, Crook County IBank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Statement of the Crook County Bank of Prineville, Oregon, as rendered to the Superintendent of Banks, June 7th, 1911 Amu Liabilhl.. l.onninii(l Dimounta iat.S7n.2fl CupitHl pnld In rull BH.wm.nn Ivnrrtnifu a.HH.SH HlliplllK , , hi.ikki.iki Kui'lilluri" and flxturuM 2:MM llllillvlili'd pronU S!,XJi0Sa llcul DHlllIp ... II.7NUKI Doponlln HU,J.I.W Caib on himl ud due from bunk. $47,809.95 . I88,W.U8 tim,w,l : - Butter Better Are Not Satisfied. Home. Cream Co. 4 VIoa-lTei. 0. M. Er.KlKS,Cnlilei