f The Circus Drew Big Crowd liarnum and Kailey o( (he C. C. II. 8, aisisted by the entire tudeiit body, have demonstrated attain that tlity ir good entertainers. Tim Urge debt tlit has been hang Ing over the athletic association has caused tlia tnlndi of the etud enta to 1 active fur ioiiio time. Tim fact of i llurnum anl a liailcy among the student naturally nig grated the thlnu thnt made th former bearer of the nam illua trioua. Accordingly a few week ago it waa decided to duplicate th performancea of tliti original alio, men. The country waa searched fur mil around and expedition! were eeiil to foreign countries wi h the Instruction to bring home every atranga animal obtainable. The result waa the moat fearful nd wonderful collection tver brought together. In the parade which extended i quarter of a mile, each group came in for ita thara of attention. Har notu i& liniley, in a lavishly decor ated automobile, beaded the pro cession of horsemen, acrobat, kltno, Japs, Chinese, ruhea, in carnated Mother ioos. elephant", tigers, hyena and clowiu without number. The maatertul manner in which I!ocoe nd Jamea handled the lavage bull-terrior and the efll cient method that Warren, ltiracb and Hoy adopted to keep "Did Hill" up with the procession do serves tpecial mention. Van l'.ritik. Maude Potter and Wannie Ralston carried out their make-up unusually wall. The lteuhen Hand Hindu up in volume what it lacked in harmony. Long before the hour eel for the program to begin in the evening the hull waa comfortably Tilled and before the curtain went up on the firet part every eeat waa taken. H is deeply regretted that through aome roiatake the lull waa not properly aeated and aome who held reserved aeat ticket found their aeala occupied when they ar rived. The atudenU felt the error keenly and did alt they could to relieve the eituatioa by bringing in chaira from varioua placet and mot of the crowd waa comfortably aeate I. Kvery number on the program waa well rendered. The Nightin galea aang unuaually well. Then Mica Citchul aprang aomething new in the ahape of a pantomime. It waa certainly very cleverly done and the audience enjoyed it immensely. Mine Lela (ieyer read, in her usually finished manner, and the well rendered play. "My Lord in Livery," finished the program. The circua aldeibowa then claimed the attention of the people. reals of giant strength were wit nessed, palraa read and freaka of nature presented. The wildman waa especially good and hia booth was kept well filled. The combination booth the fat lady and the double faced lady took in the Urgent amount of money, ' At the finish the voting for the moat popular literary aociety of the high achool waa fust, and de cided by a email margin in favor of tbe Alpbaa. In the contest of aelling ticketa by the two aocletiee, the Alphas won and will be enter tained by the Ochoconiana in tbe near future. The atudenta are very grateful to all who assisted by kindly interett and looeened puroe atrioga toward making the circua a auccess. K- pecial mention ahould be made to toe band who volunteered their service and did auch excellent work iu the parade. The net pro cceda amounted to nearly 1150. For Sale. Complete sawmill. M capacity, tee rmles from town: lor side or trails. See 3 7 Ootxixs W. Kl.KtNN. White Wyandotte Egga for Hatching. Kislwl ant! Kelly strains. 2pr 15 K. K. Evans, I'rinuvillo, Or. 2-ltt For KstllesMp I.lnolium go to A. H I-lppman & Co. 2 vt square vr, fioue better, 2.11) Turkey Egga. White Holland. 9 for $2. Mhh T r. McC'ALUaTKa. ' ;i-21 Vanderpool Goes Back to Asylum John Vanderpool waa adjudged insane Tuesday by Dr. Edwarda. This will not be bia first visit to Haletn. While there before hia homestead waa aold by hia mother but after hia release he got it into hia head that the land belonged to him ao pitched hie tent and an nounced hia intention of defending hia rights. The autboritiea were notified and Ktraud I 'rice and I)r. Kd wards went out to bring hint in S'traud waa an old acquaintance and thought thut the old ties would be atrong enough to induce Vanderpool to come to town with out trouble. Hut they were not and when Price told biin be must come anyway the crazy man made a break to get hia gun ki the tent. He waa overpowered and brought in. An attendant from tbe asylum ia expected to today to come and get him. Timber Cruising Stirs Opposition Nothing waa done by the county court Monday regarding the order made for cruieing timber. A num ber of bida were filed but a atrong protest waa also filed againat Crook county in any manner becoming a party to such a contract. The pe tition called for an opportunity to be heard further before any cruis ing contract to be paid for from the public funda be entered into or approved by the county court. The court granted an extension of time until Wednesday, April 3 before any action would be taken. White Orphington Egga. Kellerstrsn Ntraio. Cook Htrain. J .'iO pr silting. S-l'l-tf Oscar C. Hyde.. Shoe Repairing. AM kinds of boot and shoe repairing. Prices ri-asonable. Work guaranteed. Ikaac timr, Fifth street, first door out of John Morris' store. 2 '29 Put Up Parties owin me on account come and settle same immediately. This meana what it says. Ikd YaniiKri-oiil. LOCAL MENTION. J. W. Jonea of Grizzly waa a business visitor Monday. Mrs. George II. Russell and daughter left for their homo In Spokane Monday, Mre. M. U. Klliott entertained the 500 Club last Saturday. Mrs. Milliorn won first prize. Annual Commercial Club meet ing next Tuesday evening, April 2. A full attendance ia requested. L. Connell of Portland passed through Princville lust Friday on hia way to hia stock ranch at Meadow. Bend viaitora Monday were: W. II. Staata, J. X. Hunter, Clyde Mc Kay, J. H. Bean, A. 3. Collina, J. 1 Keyes, 11. F. Averell, II. J. Overturf. Guy Lafollette Bold 40.0CO pounds of potatoea to the Culver Warehouse people Saturday. They ara to be delivered at Redmond, lie received 1 jo per pound. S. R. Cooper returned Sunday from his trip to San Francisco. He was a member of the "Oregon Firet" excursion to the Golden Gate city, lie had a great time. Mrs. Victoria Huston got a bad full Tuesday. The old lady wus in the barn when she stepped into a hole and wrenched her knee out of joint. Her injuries are very painful. The ladies' basket ball team from Bend will play the Crook County High School girls at Com mercial Club Hall Saturday even ing, March 30. The return game will be played April 19. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millican were in from their ranch tbe last of the week. They are getting ready to build an addition to their dwelling in order to hike care of the increase in travel in that section. The new building will double the capacity of tbe house. LOCAL MENTION John MoTaggartof Madras was a I'rineville visitor last week. Federated services at the M. K. church Sunday at 11 . ru. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. Gregg will preach. Arthur Conrad Boesohen died in Salem last week. lie waa tbe young man thut married Miss Mary Salomon, a I'rineville girl, about six years ago. The I'rineville public school will give an entertainment Friday evening, April 12, at Commercial Club Hall, to raise funds to set the school grounds to lawn. Marshal Coon has been busy this week with team and scraper cleaning up Main street. It cer tainly has improved the appear ance of the street. Keep up the good work. The Ladies' Pioneer Club and Publio Library Association of Terrebonne filed articles of incor poration last Saturday. The in corporators were Viola Davidson, Charlie Pack ham and Clara Kent. C. Sam Smith of Prineville is in Madras looking over tbe demo cratic political situation, and cir culating some petitions for Dr. Harry Lane of Portland, candi date for the United States Senate. Pioneer. There was a good picture in last Sunday's Oregonian o,f Homer hoss at the wheel of his Buick. Mr. Ross is the Forest Supervisor of the Ochooo National Forest ntd is a firm believer in the value of an autobile in fighting forest fires. Dr. Ida Behrendt, the Baker optician, will be at the Oregon Hotel for a week to give those who suffer with eye trouble a chance to find relief. The doctor has patients in Prineville who speak of her in the highest terms. From personal experience the editor of this paper can say that her work is first-class. LOCAL MENTION "Sweet Sixteen" social at the Baptist church basement on Friday evening, April 5. Mr. Frasier, the horsebuyer, is in town. He is looking for a couple of carloads of horses. A county rally of the Christian church will be held in Prineville April 13 and 14. C. F. Swander state evangelist, will be pjresent. The public school baseball team put it all over a pick-up nine last Sunday afternoon. The little fel lows beat their larger opponents in all departments of the game. J. II Gray took first prize for a carload of 2-year old thoroughbred Hereforda at the Portland Live stock show. There were 1G ateers in the bunch. He sold the stock afterward for 18.80 per hundred. Blooded stock will pay every time. There are several cases of pneu monia in town among the children. A. H. Kennedy's little 7-months-old baby was taken down with it and died Tuesday afternoon. George Whiteis' little boy has been sick with the disease but is Rotting better, so also are Ray Constable's two children. One of them was very sick but ia now getting better, Mr. Hockenbefry, father of Prof. Hockenberry, formerly principal of the Crook County High School, is traveling inrougti the county in ! the interest of his ion, the Port land architect. He brings word that Mrs. Hockenberry is much worse than when she lived in Prine ville. She must now wear a plaster cast. Mrs. Hockenberry'a friends here will regret to hear that a change of climate has failed to benefit her. Pay Up No Nonsense. All person's indebted to me are re quested to settle at once or their ac counts will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. 3-2s-lmp Si Hodges. McGrath Liked His Quarters Douglas McGrath waa tnrned loose yesterday by Sheriff Balfour, having aervsd bia time. He waa sentenced to pay a fine of 125 or serve it out in jail at the rate of 12 per day for assault and battery committed near Youngs, thia county. Dug waa loath to quit hia comfortable quartern and three ( squar,ea furnished by the county, for the uncertainty of rations on the outside. The sheriff had to use some forcible language in or der to make him depart. "Borderland." "Borderland" will be given hv local talent at Commercial Club Hall next Monday evening. The proceed h go to the benefit of the Modern Woodman i Hand. The folio ing is the cast of characters: I Jack Ralston, guide and scout... I r.,1 Korwrt .foe IVmpser, an ontlaw...,C. F. Condart . Hud. fstii k McKaddle. a New York! politician Dr. H. Q, Pint Mr. lister, a retired banker K. Barnes: Kidder, Uemijsrv's Dal Kov Hill Cyrus, a colored servant... fcsru Ellis Charlie, a young terror.... Uoy Lowther Mary Ivester, a .New York belle , Miss fliindy j Polly, her sister Miss Lotta Horigan Mia Kprigifins, an old maid with never ! a word Ui say Mrs. lavii w inona, a faithful Indian girl : Mrs. Parry j Have Your Eyes Tested The onmber of persons who stumble throogh tbe world ith defective eye sight is appalling. Are you aware that eye troubles, if negltwted, may lead lo total bilndnesa? Many need Klatse and do not know It. You may 1 wear ing glasses improperly fitted, or they may need changing. Eye stain is the result in either caa. I naming yt ur eyea bymodern ai.d scientific methods, free of charge, and if you do not need glasses I will tell you so frankly. Take the benefit of the doubt. Come and see me. Dr. Ida Behrendt, at Hotel Oregon r, Millinery Special Easter Sale Wednesday and Tounday, April 3rd and 4th Select line of Spring ' Hats at 10 per cent discount Two Days Only Sale Gosei Thursday Evening Mrs. Estes Millinery Parlor, Prineville Automobiles RE0 THE FIFTH A powerful 30 h. p. car 2, 4, and 5 passenger, semi float axles nickle steel, Timpken Bearings, five pas senger, fully equipped, $1,275.00 f. o. b. Portland, self starter $25.00 extra. THE FAMOUS APPERSON JACKRABIT CARS. STEARNS CARS Knight-Type Motor. PREMIER The Quality Car J. C. ROBINSON Agent for Crook and Hamey Counties. Madras, - - - Oregon Investigate Page Fencing We Have a Full Car Load of Page Wire Fencing Made up of Field, Hog, Rabbit and Poultry Styles. Xo. 1028 10 wires 28 inches high, and Xo. 113411 wires-34 inches high. TheBe are eepeci- ally adapted for Hop". Xo. 1730 17 wires 36 iuches high. For Poultry and Rabbits. Xo. 204820 wires 48 inches high. For Poultry and Rabbits. Xo. 942 9 wires 12 inches high. For Hog and Field. Xo. 1345 13 wires 45 inches high. For Hog and Field. - Xo. 1741 13 wires 41 inches high. For general nee. Xo. 1148 11 wires 18 inches high. For heavy field use. PAGE fence U only one of the hundred or more styles thnt are now on the market. PACE fence Is the one generally In uee In Eastern Btatee, In the Willamette Valley, Southern Oregon and Klickitat Valley where fences have been tried out durlug the laet twenty years. To the man who does not know, one fence is aa good as another thats why In a new country yon find all kinds of fence. Ask the man who knows and he will always recommend the PAOE. There Is a reason. PAGE Is an Independent maker. PAGE makes his own wire, galvanizes his own wire, weaves his own fence. AVE BUY DIRECT FROM TAGE-no jobber no middle men Jl'ST PAGE AND I'S. Now take that Xo.102 10 Inch hog fence. Small wires but it stands more than 11,000 pounds strain. No. HU7 will stand up against more than 25,000 pounds, while the heavier fences will likewise stand more than any other fence of their weight. PAGE Is the only fence we know of that Is made of Basic O. H. process thats whv It stands one third more than other fences. " Other fences must have six Inch stays for hogs beenuee it will not stand the strain, and must have posts eight to 16 feet apart. PAGE says: "do not put posts closer than 24 foet." Infield fencing he' recommends post not closer than 50 feet with stays between. .Don't think you are getting a bargain if you get a fence at a "cheap" figure. Page fence stands. Will not sag, can and Bhould be stretched tighter than other fence. We make delivery at the railroad. Write to us or phone and we will tell you more about PAGE. Collins W. Elkins, Prineville, Or. ssa