a We are not going out of business because we want to do so. We are forced out of the location we have occupied for several years, because the property has changed hands, and we are unable to make a satisfactory renewal of our lease. We wish the people of Prineville and vicinity to know that this is a bonafide sale. There is no trumped-up excuse to inaugurate -a big sale. You now have the facts. They are exactly as stated. We publish this advertisement with the full knowledge of the penalties provided for in the OREGON STATUES COVERING FRAUDULENT ADVERTISING. Every Article in Our Store Reduced We are not reserving anything and if you are looking for first-class merchandise at cost prices, don't fail to take advantage of our misfortune. Our stock in a few departments is large and knowing that it will take longer to dispose of some stocks than others, we will, for a short time only, keep our grocery line complete. We appreciate the patronage which has been extended to us in the past and wish that conditions were such that the friendly business relations might continue in the future. All Sale Prices are Cash We have not the space here to quote any prices but every article in our entire stock will be marked in plain figures and a visit to our store cannot fail to impress the fact upon you that this is a genuine CLOSING OUT SALE. emember the Date-Saturday, March 30 And continuing until every article is disposed of. To enable us to arrange our stock, store will close Thursday and Friday, March 28 and 29. Don't send away for your supplies this spring without first giving us a chance to figure with you. Full Line of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Furnishings, Hardware, Groceries, Machinery, Wagons, Etc. Ro PRINEVILLE, OREGON