or- Jii.t,,,., fcoii " Jlali ' Crook County JoMiraal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912. 'StXE;2Zl'XZl,m VOL. XVI-N0.16 County Court March Term The county court mot In regular selon March Bib. Present II. C. Fills, Judge, prodding; couilulsxton era Hullcy mill lllee; T. X. Balfour, sheriff; Warren llrown, county clerk. Ivtiilmi fur county nuiil liy It. U. Sturgeon ct nl prcsculcd to the court iiihI ii)un dun consideration It ! In ordered that tlu ctnntty clerk fur j ward nil papers relative thereto to j F. W. Wilson, district attorney, l.irj III opinion as to tliftr vnllillty. : IVtltlon uf J. 8. McVoy ft nl lor; county mint was presented to the court, t'pon dun consideration It : wni ordered Unit ull iiuiht relative thereto lie forwarded to the District Attorney nt Tli Dalles for his onliiloii n to their vnllillty. All papers relative to tln W. I". Mason rt nl rond. tin- C. J. Mock i t nl roml, tin- C. I. Preston et nl roml, the F.lnior W. tVrMlinll et ul roml. the A. O, Walker et l roiitl, tln H. A. I limey et nl rond and the J. I.. j Win. loin ft nl roml, were ordered j sent to District Attorney Wilson for Ills opinion us to thi'lr vnllillty. Tin petition of l.'. A. Douglas ft nl for county roml was continued U-1 cause of detective uotlee of posting,; vli, no signature to notice. Clerk In requested to notify petitioner of j Slloll dl'flTt, Tim petition of Victor L. Nhowc ; ct nl for county roml vn continued , for lack of legal notices tcliig ponied. I t'lerk roiUosted to notify petitioners ' of iieli defect. Construction of lirltljir-n by the; (Vntrnl Oregon Irrigation Co, Now In presented to the court n stale, j nicnt of tliv Htiiiul taken liy the ti n trnt Oregon Irrigation Co. with I reference to tbe construction nml ' maintenance (if bridges across Its ; ciiiiiiIn, accompanied liy n copy of n i letter niul opinion of their uttorncy, which mill) letter nml oplnlou iirej hereby ordered filed In the record i of tlilN court for further reference. Approprlntlon fur Hoy' nml Girls' Aid Society. The request of the Hoys' nml Girls' Aid Hoclety iwklng tlint Crook count contribute to suld aocti'ty the hiiiii of fH) er niontli wiin, upon due consideration, contlnueil. County health olllfer. Now In presented to the court the request of Culvln S. While, secretary of the state board of heulth, roinostlng Crook county to lieur the exiicnses of county pliyHli'lnn II. 1. Rclkunp for iittemliiui'e upon n 2iluys' con ference In l'ortlnnd attending mid also n convention of nil county mid municipal health ofllccrs to In held' March 28 and 20. The mutter was ' contlnueil. Now In presented to the conrt the ! communication of W. I). McNeeuier i relative to a bad place In the C. K. A. ' Foot road near Metollus. Com missioner Bayley was requested to take proper action In the mutter. Now In pn minted to the oourt the Application of John Atkluson, JiiBtlce of the peace of Iuvn precinct, re questing a copy of the statutes, In eluding the 1907 session laws of Ore gon. IniiMiiiuch an the recent legls luture wade uo provision (or the furnishing of Lord's Urt-gon I.itwn to jiiHlleeH of the peace, said reijucHt 1b continued. However, the county clerk In requextcil to fiirnlBh appll cnut with the bchhIoh law miueHted. WhereaH, M. F. Hawthorn and John AtkliiHuu have von notice of their withdrawal from the olllclnl bond of W. G. Fordham, jtiMtlce of the peat for Irclund prhclnct, the clerk In therefore to uotlty said Ford hum to fumlHh a new bond. It appearing to the court that there In no duly elected and quali fied countable In Madrui precinct, It In therefore ordered that J. G. Hardy be mid he In hereby appointed con stable for Madron proclncu to serve until the next general election. It appending to the court by the Rdlilnvlt of John Abactor that he had been wrongfully assessed for the year 1011 tor tho sum of $5.20, and that the sheriff, under tho pro visions of the statute bus remitted the sumv from his tuxes, It Is ordered that the county clerk credit tho sheriff on the 11)11 tux roll with said 5.20, the Bitmo being the amount of such wrongful assessment. It uppearlng to the court by the nlllduvlt of I'aiil C. Bates and by other evidences that the said Paul U. Kates wns wrongfully taxes with innchliiory, hones, etc., that he did ' nud does not own, uml that by mis take ho had paid tuxes thereon to the amount of K,85, It Is therefore Keiuitur Itet-d of Mlxixmrl liitrxdueed I resolution In the senate providing for n Investlsntlon of the election of Kenntor dn I'ont of iH'lawure. l'niildeiit M micro encountered the first serious opioi)ltlon to his rule In Mexico when relict bnnds took tbe city of J uii rex. Wllllnui Ix-nti Howell, the noled author, celehruled the seventy-fifth anniversary of bis birth. A party of the nt ilk I HIT mill workers of Lawrence, .Mnsa., Journeyed to Washington to be present at the house invemtkntinn of the strike. Yuan Willi Ksl's former truoim sin tinned In Peking revolted suddenly and looted the city. The American residents were forced to flee. lioliert I-ee Henry of Tei in sud Chairman I'ujo of the committee ou bunk In u nud currency climbed over the question of choosiug a counsel for tbe bouse committee Is the pro poned tuoucy trust luveatlKUtloo. News Snapshots Of the Week ordered that the county clerk draw a warrant on -the general fund In favor of I'iiuI C. Hati-B for (3.S.V Im- Inif the nmoiint of tuxes paid by him uuilersueh wrongful nssesBment. The clerk wns dins-ted t drnw n warrant In favor of Jennie 11. Sellers in the sum of f s.mi, tlie same l-lug the amount of wronutul UBBcHBinent paid by her, The plats nud tnu'lng of llend View Addition to till city of Bend were approved mid ordered spread of record. All the requirements of law wen' complied with. The plat nml tracing showing a portion of block 2, city of Kend, to bo vacated, and It npeurlug that nil the requirements of law haVebeen complied with His ordered that said plat and tracing theruof be approved and ordered tiled. The county clerk Is lieeby directed to make note of ami reference to this pint on the orluliml plat of Bend. The application of W. P. Vaude vert et nx for the approval of the plat and tracing thereof of the re subdivision of block SI, city of Bend, was approved, All the requirements of law were complied with. County clerk Is directed to make note of and reference to this plat upon the origi nal plat of llend. Tlie county clerk was directed' to draw a warrant In favor of S. Nuce for $."i.'.'5, same being the amount of wrongful assessment for the year Mil. It. A. M 'reliant ot nl road. View. its' report rend a second time In open court and approved, ami lu ac cordance with said report, said rond Is disallowed. County clerk Is di rected to notify bondsmen In said road of any cewts connected with said road and request Immediate payment thereof II. K, Melton et al rond. Viewers' report nad a second time In open court and approved ond lu accord ance with said report said rond Is declared a public highway. The county clerk Is directed to notify the local supervisor or supervisors to request petitioners to donate at least one day's labor In opening said road and fences across the same if any, and that 'said supervisor complete the work ot opening said rond as soon as he shall have suhlcleut funds therefor. Hoy L. Kidder et al road. View- ers report rend a second time In open court uud approved, and in accord ance with sii Id report suld road Is declared a public highway. The county cleik Is directed to notify supervisor to request petitioners to donate at least one day's labor In opening said road aud fences ncrpss sumo, If anyj said supervisor to com plete the work of opening os soon as he shall liuve suillcient funds there for.' M. J, Mc'Jruth ct nl rond. View ers' repori- rend second time In open court and approved, and lu accord- the code, i Decker as sureties. As nil legal re- requirements have been ' compiled with it Is ordered that the bourd of roud viewers meet nt the beginning of said proposed roud' on tbeSth day of April, 1!M2, view, review aud sur.tey said proposed roud and re Port thereon at the next term of this court. Jacob Hoffman et nl road. Be muse of the ud verse opinion of the district nttorney the same Is hereby continued. Chas. 11. Fry ct al road. Tecause of the adverse opinion of the district attorney the same Is hereby con tlnuecT. (J. W. Wells et al rond. Because ot the adverse opinion of the district attorney the same Is hereby con tinued. Charles Thompson et al road. Be cause of the adverse opinion of the district nttorney the sumo Is hereby continued. IVtltlou for a private road by J. M. Dnvls et al. It Is ordered that all papers herein hi forwarded to the district nttoriiey for his approval or disapproval us provided by law. Now Is presented to the court a communication from the Metollus Commcn'lal Club in reference to road signs. The clerk Is hereby requested to notify eneli roud siiS'rvlsor who has qualified for otiicit to strictly comply with section 0.117, L. (). l. the snme uIko appearing upou pne II) ot the rond laws of Oregon for Mil, and request each supervisor to see that the law Is fully complied with lu reference to said guide bonrds. IVtltlon for ferry by Ora Van tassel. Now Is presented to the court the petition of Ora VauTassel for leave to operate a ferry across the Deschutes river aud to fix charges for sumo. There Is no showing be fore the court that legal notice or that any notice whatever has been given to the public of the pre sentatlon of this application ns re quired by law and further action herein Is hereby continued. Kond viewers for 1912. It Is or dered by the court that Fred A. Rice, Geo. V. Wells and H. 11. Grimes be aud they are hereby appointed board ot road viewers for the year 1812. Hoad supervisors for M12. Tur sunnt to law the court hereby ap points the followlug named persons as road supervisors for the respect ive road dlstr'ct, us shown by the following list) No. 12 Deschutes, R. M. Elder. No. 6 Haystack, It. V. Jenkins. . No. 20 Beaver, C. R. Henry. Sculp bounty. Now Is presented to the court the report of the county clerk showing the payment of bounty on 3411 coyote scalps, on 2T4 bobcat front feet and on 4 cougar frout feel, amounting In all to $817. Suld sculps and front feet were thou re duced to ashes lu uccordunco with of IsnlH-lln Polmlexter, the same be- J Warren Brown, freight Ing the amount of wrongful ussess- Mrs. Michel, mdse nient of taxes paid by her. Hi W Co M. I). Powell was wrongfully taxed j H Grimes, horse feed upon certain priqierty and that by j E'l Harbin, use of tools mistake he had paid such wrongful ,J P Doherty, work as. office tax to the amount of 1.1.25. It Is C D Kite, services ordered that the clerk draw a war- i P Tel Sc. Tel Co rant In favor of said M. I). Powell for W.25, the same being the amount j of taxi's paid by him under such i wrongful ussessment. Bids for cruising timber lauds, i This mutter coming on to be heard upon the tH'tltlon of the assessor of! Crook county, and It npiearlng to the court that sealed bids should be culled for, which should siiecify the i work proposed to ts done by such bidder. It Is therefore ordered that tlie comity clerk be nud he Is hereby Instructed to advertise for bids for cruising all the taxable timber lands In this comity, said bids to be ac comnanled by a contract drafted bv such bidder, showing the method of ,c T Bradford, flagman jay vt iison. iuarker..-- D P Adiunson & Co R S Price, expn-ss Home Hospital, services P B Polmlexter, hang, signs C W Klkins, "milse H H Clow, Hulnry & laundry Crook Co. Journal, printing Wlnnek Co., mdse Wlunek Co., mdse Crook Co. Abs. Co H P Belknap, Co. physician.. I P Hewett, legal services W D Barnes, ex. bonrd of ed. Mrs. McLaughlin, ex. board F A Klce, surveyor fees H Grimes, viewer G W Wells, viewer Taxes Not Coming la Very Fast Taxes are coming in very slowly this year. To date Sheriff Balfour has deposited 10,000. Some people are making s big roar about tbe bigb assessment but when matters sifted down it is fonnd that they themselves are partly to blame. For instance, School District No. 77, South Hampton Butte, levied a special tax-of 40 mills. School District Xo. 77, in the Stanley-Davenport ! section, levied a 40 mill tax. School j District Xo. 80, Metolius, levied 25 ! mills, and so it goes. When you i add tbe YU-mill state and county. your taxes are climbing, do de nying that, but tbe people of tbe school districts decided on tbe amount of the special levy them selves. . The amount of the state tax was more than double this year. 1 35 ! Crook county raised 17,454.34 in 5 051910, but for 1911, she had to dif f jup 39,599 75. Some difference 27 00 1 iooo School Funds 15 00! 51 01 7 30 5 00 HS 00 Badly Managed nnce with suld report said road Is declured a public highway. County dork Is directed to notify local super visor to request petitioners to do nutq ot least one day's labor lu open suld road (ml fences across same If any; that said supervisor complete the wor' of opening said roud as soon as i. bus sulllolent funds there for. Jacobl' Uoret ul rond. Now Is presented ' i the court tho petition of Jacob 'eckor et nl for couuty road, accompanied by a bond of 200 Wrongful assessment. It appear ing to the court by tho affidavit of John H. l.ockard that he had been wrongfully assessed for the year 1911 for the'sum of $52 08 and that the sheriff under the provisions of the statute has remitted tlie snme from tho total amount of his taxes, to wit, S7.73 It Is ordered that the couuty clerk credit the sheriff on the 1011 tax roll with suld I52.0S, the same being the amount ot said wrongful nssessmont. The clerk was ordered to d raw a with Wultor A, Foster aud Jacob ! warrant lu the sum of 4tU4 in favor making and supplying' such esti mates, the amount of bond to be furulxhed and the time within which said work shall Is? completed. Such notice shall specify that this court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All bids to lie filed with tlie couuty dork prior to March 25, 1912. I ho following bills wore allowed: O H Wilson, chairman.. Fred Kant, chalnmnn HUH! SCHOOL Kt:.NI. expn-ss.Ji Prlnevllle Stuge Co P I, & W Co W F King Co., mdse i Wlnnek Co, fudse C W Elklus, mdse R 8 Prise, express D P Adamson & Co, mdse. E L Cue, express, pti Sanborn, Vale & Co,, mdse.... J E Stewart A Co., mdse Miss Gltchel, salary Mrs. Wood, salary Miss Conway, salary J W Smith, salary ... E E Evans, salary It A Merchant, flagman Sam Mitchell, chalnmnn G C Hurt, chalnman L E Baker, marker W H Elliott, chalnman S E West, chninman Walter Ruble, chalnman E A Clelund, chainman Jerry Groskruger, flagman.. Glen Cox. marker 84 5 ' P Reynolds, chalnman 446 10 j W. Abernathy, chalnman 50 ' R A Ford, tavellng expenses 1 00 j Prlnevllle Review, printing... 3 75 1 A H Kennedy, justice fees 85 Mrs. C W Elklus, ex. board 18 20 j W F King Co., mdse 4 4-1 j G J Hnrdv, constable fees..;... 5 70 j D W Burnett, drawing jury.. 200 00 C H Jackson, drawing jury. 200 00 J 11 Jackson, drawing jury. 222 22 ; Mann & Beach, blanks 222 23 Kelhum Stn P Co., slat'ry 222 22 R L Jordan, reg. warrants... 2,"i0 00 Kushong & Co., supplies The school fund of Ore- 3 001gonhas been beaten out of niil 151; lions o! dollars simply because 114 So j the state land boards have not 3 95 bad data as to tbe value of school 26 25 ' lands that have been sold" is the I 20 1 surprising statement made today by State Land Agent T. A. Rine hart. We don't know any more about tbe true value of the state school land than you do," he said to tbe Journal correspondent, who is absolutely ignorant on the sub- 2 OOjject: " " '-". '. 2 CO I "SDeakinff in round numbers. we have 16,000,000 in the school f ii n r? ortrl rn rrVi t in Via? - 4 001 ' " 6 4 oo ! 000,000. Nearly all the school 6 oo: land in western Oregon has been 4 00 j sold at some price. We have. 2 00 1 about 500,000 acres of school land- left, most of which is in the - eastern part of the state. Art appraisement of the land has. never been made. "When a man comes to the -state land board and wants to' buy school land, he offers a pries' and we have no information by which we can tell whether he is offering to pay full value for the I land or only a third of its value. 45 00 10 oo 10 oo 9 00 231 70 56 00 56 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 4 00 ' : oo 2 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 20 50 69 50 7 95 10 50 3 95 13 CO 3 00 3 00 3 00 E I. Coe, salary G A Gustafson, salary... 120 00 ( Glass & Prudhomme, suppl's Rem. Type Co.. bal. on much Pioneer T & T Co R L Jordan & Co., mdse Vlru Syrus, mdse A Flunngun Co., nidso A R Bowmnu, Insurance C1KNK11AI. Fl'NIt, F B Powell, roud work....... J K Powell, road work R H Bailey, rond work 1000 00 40 00 Lynch & Roberts, prescrlp'n 13 S5 T X Balfour, exp. Way case 4 CO Al Yancey, exp. Way cae IS 80 T N Balfour, stamps, etc 24 20 T N Balfour, board prlsou'r 33 00 LJ Murdock, school superv'r 74 00 14 00 R H Bailey, road work 1000 CO R H Bailey, rond work 1000 00 Pilot Butte Tel Co 8 15 J B Myer, justice foes 6 00 I. M Miller & Co, mdse 6 10 Wnrron Brown, money ad vanced Juvenile court 13 60 Earl Forest, auto fare 2 50 F W Wilson, expenses 2 50 S A Sandvig, burial pauper.. 25 00 State treasurer 189 49 J J Wilt & Co., mdse 14 80 J H WIgle, livery hire... 55 50 J C Williams, dra'g jury list. 3 00 Hlllman MorCo,, mdse . 5 70 Clifton A, Cornet, mdse 7 10 l.alMne Intor-Moontalu, pub lication fees 1 50 W H Wlrtr., oilk'Ial excuse.. 11 35 O'Xeil, Larson & Co., mdse.. 9 87 G W Todd & Co., protecto- gruph 30 00 C II FosteV, reg. electors 3 50 Wm. Johnson, work on tax roll ISO 000 Pioneer Stage Olllee 10 10 J M Lawrence, dep. sheriff ... 125 00 Dr. Fox, cure Jordan 16 Ou j T X Balfour, exp. Welter case ! T N Balfour, spl otlice dep'v F St John, livery Ora VnuTnssel. labor Geo. Hamilton, labor Joe Stnngnrone, lubor 1) B Trout, deputy sheriff. R P Scheurer, auto, insane... Nick Halm, deputy sheriff. E G Johnson,' chninman John Porter, chalnmnn.. J C Stevens, chalnman 1 Michel, supplies Clifton & Cornett, supplies O I Smith, supplies J H Barkley, supplies G Gregg. & Co., supplies 35 80 Hotel Redmond, meuls lndlg 4 10 King & Basey, supplies ISO 98 Warren Brown, extra help... 100 CO Worren Brown, evel. exp. etc 140 83 Ctaudie Wondorly, services... 11 00 Thereupon court adjourned until 4 ?0 18 80 no oo 807 90 86 27 1 60 154 00 26 50 24 CO 151 00 300 00 109 30 84 00 17 50 3 40 4 00 21 00 8 15 3 00 100 00 IS 00 is eo 18 00 (3 70 136 11 174 55 47 15 Monday, March 25, 1912, at 11 o'clock p. m. Irrigated Land for Sale. - 80 acres, 11 miles from Prineville, on old Bend stage road. All under culti vation ; 50 acres i alfalfa and clover; 74 tuiuw from -rt.ii.oad. Address XY 2 care Journal, No agents, 2-20-tf And you may depend on it that the offer is usually much less than the true value. "We have a minimum price fixed of $7.50 an acre. School land that is worth more thaa that price has been readily sold, while the real $7.50 land and poorer quality has been left on the state's hands." The matter came before the state land board in a proposition State Land Agent Rinehart made to undertake the appraisement of all the school lands left to the state. He is urging the board to permit him to begin on the task in May. after the weather is settled. His plan is to taka wagon and team and make a per sonal inspection of every section belonging to the state. He says the work will take two or three summers to accomplish, but that the data secured will be the i means of saving to the school i fund large sums. Just now the state land board is negotiating with the federal governmeut in an effort to get the government to send a special agent here to clear up the state's title to certain swamp lands with in the state. If the agent is seat and the work is done the coming " summer it will likely interfere with State Land Agent Rinehart undertaking the appraisement'of the school lands until next year.