WOULD TAFT BE A GRACEFUL LOSER? His Friends Believe He Could Meet Defeat and Still Smile. How does IVroMent Taft view hts owg chances for re-olcciionT If the fortunes of th campaign should go against him, would he b a good loser? Can he stand the gait without bis futur belnjt embittered? These are questions being asked by Americans, who love the National game of politics and take Interest In It. Nothing Is more uncertain than this same game and if the tide should go against the republicans and laud a democrat In office, would the bis fellow in the White House still smile? President Taft's supporters do not expect anything of that sort to hap pen, but they believe he is a good loser, basins this opinion on his past r ' . f-r t - Ha tl PRESIDENT TAFT actions and what he has said when ever the subject has been brought up. He must realize that, holding as he does, the biggest job on the Western Hemisphere, many others have their eyes fixed on the same high place. and the interests, which always seek to control the government, are ceaseless in their efforts to place a man favor able to them In the presidents chair. Knowing then the uncertainty of poli tics and the traditional Ingratitude of republics. President Taft has spoken of Just such a contingency. He spoke directly to the point on this matter when he said: "I am very grateful for the honors the people have given me. I do not affect to deny the satisfaction I should feel, if, after casting up the totals, pro and con, and striking a balance, they should decide that my first term had been fruitful enough of good to warrant their giving me another. Any man would be proud of such a verdict, but I have not been willing, nor shall I be, to purchase it at a sacrifice of my freedom to do my duty as I see it. My happiness Is not dependent ,upon any office and I shall go back to private life with no heartburnings, if the people, after an unprejudiced review of my administration, conclude that someone else can serve them to their greater advantage. "The truth is that political consid erations have not weighed heavily with me. I have tried to do in each case what seemed to me the wisest thing, regardless of its effect upon my future. Indeed, in more than one case I have been perfectly conscious whose bad blood would be stirred by some act of mine, or some refusal to act,: The circumstance that some persons who hail me after one appli cation of equal justice, as a far seeing, conservative patriot, denounce me af ter the next, as an unreasoning radi cal, does not greatly disturb ,my equanimity. I set that down as all In the day's work." TAFT MONEY OFFERED Bet Makes Big President Odds-On Favorite. The wager recently offered In Xew York of 15000 to $4000, that the pres ident will be re elected If nominated, seems to show that somebody has con siderable confidence In the return of the president's administration to pow er. Somebody with $5000 believes that Bill Taft can come back. , Money talks and some of the en ftiusiafitic backers of Mr. La Pollen e, Colonel .Roosevelt and W'oodrow Wil son ought to come to the front ami take the short end of this bet. As a sporting proposition, this is a p-oorl bet, even if he loses, but the fact that there are no takers as yet speaks elo quently. The east, which necessarily gets a clearer view of the president and a more intimate knowledge of J is work, from being cltser to him, is evi dently pretty well satisfied with Pres ident Taft and believes he will be re elected. The bet will be allowed to ' stand for some time, it 1b reported, waiting for some courageous enemy of the admlntatrnMon to come to the front 'with Kz ,: Choice Land for Sale. ISO seres dry lml on north slope ol t'oweil Huttejover 100 acres ttllald; I WOO worth ol improvements on place, aim :) acred wheat in ground. Pitch lateral runuiiiK through place. I'rv oil. f IS per acre. Inquire at Journal Oihce r write Lavkhns Sa, Prine ville, Ore. IS iHKltnp IVst prices paid (or household good. AIo sell and rirhange. Prineville Fur. nitons P.xchsnge, Chas. K. Oondart propr. X'i H Home Comfort Range Kor sa'e at the Prineville furniture Kxchnkiv 1-1S To the Taxpayer of the City of Prineville. T. Mitt tim And triiillilrt the tax payers of Prineville are rvo nested, be fore caning ni die pnrrui s mine lor mr nuriKwe id navitii! their taxes, to pro- vide themselves with an accurate de scription of alt town property owned by mem. T. ". Pi vi-roctt, sheriff. WiiU Wiujoltt; E(i Far Hitcais. i per 15 K. P.. Kvass. Prine ville, S-l-li Sol) ,000 lor Farm Loans. See Hreu ton Jones, Mclolius, Oregon. S-tp Pure-bred White Wyandot! cockerels lor sale. Kay V. CoxsTaBi.s, Adam- son's Drugstore. 11 2-tf Eggs for Sale. White niul ltrnwn leghorn oirts. $1 ot) fur 15 Leitve tinier t F.IMns' store, or phone Independent. 2-.N-tf J. . STKWABT, For Sale or Trade. 0 well-broken mules from 4 to 6 years old. 2 bay horses, 4 and o years old. 2 good saJdle horses, iltiO lbs. each; will work. 1 mule, 1 horse li years old. 2 niulei 2 years old. 4 mules 1 vearold, all well grown and perfectly gentle; eay to handle. . Al saddles, small purs and snoats. Will sell for cash or trade lor cattle, lat hogs, sheen, tirsin, hav, potatoes or real estate. P. Ki'k.nm k Co., liedinond, Or. Z-1 1 o.o.o. EST NO. LViS S ubo r tl ina te Order of Owlf. met the recoml and fourth ThurK!ftv in each month at IViknap hall. All miirratorv owlsottrtli- JW eleome. T. E. J. ltiflv, Preitjent. Witlard II. Wirt, Secretary. XAxi Notice of School District Bond Sale Notice is hereby ijiven, bv the under signeri, the County Trvaturer of the County of Crook; Mate of Oregon, that, pursuant to an order of the Board of Directors of School District No. 61, of Crook County, Oregon, he will sell for ;he bet price obtainable $1100 t per cent nf bonds of said district on or after the 29th day of February. I'.'l.', at the ortice of the County Treaeurer in Prine ville. Oregon. J-or further information, apply to the Hoard of Directors of said district. Dated this 8th day of February, 1912, Ralph L. Jobdax, County Treaurer of Crook County, Oregon. SaauBoai. In the Circuit Court of tbe State ol Oregon, for Crook County. W. A. BtKuh.'i'liiniiff, vs. Ju, A. Boyd and Jims J. Bot1, fttffemlsnt. To Jus, A. iiyd aiui Jcs J. Boyrl, sill tie feiidtiiits; In Hit-name of the State of Orriftm, you are n-rfoy ro'ioirfti to H(peKr ami Atiw.-r iiit'iiii piHinttilfd in ihtf above tntutt-d chuso bih! tutirt en or i'f(Tt tin: nth flay of April, V.'VZ Ami ii vou fw il to to Atinr and anut r, tin j-iainttff will take jii-luit-tit hk auit you tur mc sum oi r. ur itunnrvo i'iupt wun inter est thereon hi the rait-uf tvn per ci'di i-r an nuin frmn the 6th day of Julv. !'.(. ti-Vtui at tommy's ftea and hid costs and disburMnenis of Iflis action. This smninon! i jinhlished by order nf the Honorable W. L ItradshaHr, jnd' of the circuit court of the ?siat' of Orejton for Crook county, made on the Uth day of Feb., 191i, and prescribed that tiiis iuniiuou be published for six conner-utive weeks in (he Crook rniuity Journai. ft neekly DewMDaiier uuoliahfd in Priiifville, Crook count vf Oregon. The date of juu uay oi r eb., mz. M. R. Ki-Liorr. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the circuit Court of the State of Orfgon lor crook county, Charles Milton Zell, plaint I fT. y. William Urn on and the unknown heirs of the aaid W illiam Lemon, alao all other persons and parties claiming any nxht, title or interest in the real properly dtscrilu'd here in, defendants. To William Lemon and the unknown heirs of the ftpl VMIlinin Lemon, also to all other pernoii!) ,or parties unknown claiming any riicht. title, iutereitt. Karate or lifn uioti or in the real property dJh:rlo-d in complaint Herein, aiHo deHfTiix a in tins tms suiumioih. In tlie tiHine of the Htnte oi oretron, Vou nd each of you are hereby Kiihimoned and re- quired to appear in the atwtve enmii u tour and aiixuer or tl-ad to the cotnidaiut filed therein, in thin uit agHinPt you on or before the 2ih day of April. M2, which 1 the time pn.M rileil in the order of the county judge of Crook county, Oregon, pursuant to which this bumrnonsi publilied, in which you are re quired to so appear, and amuer or otherwise' plead, and if you fail to so appear, answer or oiherwi.se plead the plaintiff v t 1 apply to the court lor the relief demanded in the com plaint, which relief is: That plaintiff be de clared the owner in fee simple of the Houth w'Kt fjnarier of tlie Kouthwest quarter V-4f of tection thirty-t'ix -:Jfl- in township fourtei-n -I t soutn of rainre fifteen -16- east of the Wil lainette Meridian in Crook county, Oregon, and to each and every part thereof, and that you and em h of you be required to ne( forth the nature of your alleged individual ais'd mv era! elaiiiia, riKht, title, eHtate, lien or thten st in said iTemises, adverse or conlliclinj; with the i'jtat' or interchi of plaintiff in aaid lmid mid premiscK, that the nawie may be deterin iued und teriiiinated by a decree of thin court, and that by said decree plaintiffs title to said irem.eK te forever oUietcd ntfainst you and etch of yon, and all permim claiming by. throtiglior under you or either of you, and thdt vou and each of you and all perwm- claim nig or to claim by, through or nnderyou, ) forever barred, enjoined and restrained from ciHiming or netting up any right, title, inter cm, lien or estate in or to said premises or any pHrt thereof, and that you and either of you, and persons claiming or toclairn by, through or under vou or cither of yon be. decreed to have no interest. lit, title", estate or lien In or to said iremie& or any part thereof, mid j for joi(:h oloer and furth''rreli'-f (n the prem- i!-cs alorcMiiU as to the court may eem eijun i Mf, and lor comb and di.sbureinentij al this .suit. 1 ijiH tiumnifins is tiublishcd inru:uit to an ! orrb r ol the Hotiornble H. C. Kills, county I jii'it-'e of Crook county. Oregon, made the IhlU iltjv oi I-' hrtmrv. A, I)., V-12, i he dute of (lie lirM publication of this sum mon ih the i'Jtti dav of Kebruary, l'.H2, and the dm- of ihe iBht publication the 11th day of Apr:i, vwz. T. K. J. hfyt v. Att.oru y for plain tiif. ttofes$fctiat Cards. Dr. Howard (Jove Dentist. Rooms 14 and IS Adamton Buildinf. T. L J. DUFFY A ttorney'-t-Lw tsuwur W. A. UiH rKINKVll.Lt ... OKKUIIN Dr. J.Trciidlcs Fox M. K. I S. Kiiu: ami 1.. S. A. l.onJn; Lirtmw lr'i Mull Mci(t'itl Htmr.1. Sirialisl til Surgery; llvairnr; All tfntry Cstisl: woiik-h anil cliil.lri'ii'i mnl r'.l,U-iu', Uu St. I'riiu'rUlo, Ut. (Viuulisiton Fr- Hour. I ml R. D. Ketchum, M. T. D. C Ai-uti' amlclironlc (Hmmisiw tronlt'd auiit's(nlly ly (mrcly ilnittU'iw in. 'Ui. ills Rhh 16-17 Am BUf. Calls ) 0rfm Dr. John lluback Ij.te Veterinary surgeon V. M. Armv, Ieparuueilt ol'tlie I'tilllppittex. Alt surgical Work t Kcawinablt I'rieea. Hamilton Stable. Prinvill, Or. W. A. HELL Lawyer The Dalles On-Run e'er LISTS Zftelkncp c Cd wards (County Physician.) SPrimtmUl; Orfn S?. iutt. frit ,,,, One. FrM A. Rice, C. K. J. H. Neville, JrM K. M. County Burvejor. Deputy t o. Hurvryor, Rice & Neville Civil Engineers. iienerikl Fnclnminit. 1'rimvu.i.k, Otiroos. C. Erink jCatvyer Dr. Charles .MacFadden Oiteopathic Physician Hrsenle. Pl-tetlc and Niitiiral Thernpeiillnt Kinpluyed. C'tirullle IHm-iim'k Np.H:lHlty Office Over Morris Furniturs Store. Telephone: Pioneer, No. 126. Crook County jibstraci Co. Abntracti ol title to all land tod towo lou In Crook county. B. F. Wylde, Secretary, Pritwrille, Ortfos HAVE YOU Filed your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract? Certainly everyone has an atmfract now. Ioyou know where your corners nre. Well, No, 'ot exactly. Brewster Engineering 'Company, Prineville, Oregon, wiil Jocnto them for you and KMiiraiitee the work. Survey ing, 1'lauiriK, Irrigation Kngineering. Phone Pioneer 204. G. A. McFAKLANE Lawyer Practice in all courts and U. 8. T.anil Office. Redmond, Oregon Wil lard II. Wirtz Attorney-ut-Law. Ofiice In'-M. It. HIkkh' ofllt-e. PlIINKVIt.I.K, OlIKUON, SAysean and iSuryton j CAiiiJ) Answrrkd I'komptly Jmt on NlOUT OlTICK ONK 1JX;R HOUTH OF ADAMHON'l UKi'ti Btohb. both ofli'te an im dCDce telfcj)lioii:8. , Ortaoti RtfUilorwlViUH'nrl MtitUlliisc IVmiUvIv IV iKli. J. J. Hurling Engineer toil t hamtwr ofcommorv Ddg, IVirttand, Or. Pull Stump and Trees. Ttvm ami ui 11 in p i'iiUe.1 t rvawm slilp ratoa, Wmk dotm irui'itly. lor lnrtttT iartii'iilar apply o Aviihk A KmauiN, frltioNlllo, Oro. J-iiw.lnip Notkt Is CtMlilon. ntlee t herel-T gtveti. Iy the util'rlitni4, the eeulet t llie 'itle ot InmeiiH. Mt Mim-m, ili't'rH'i-'l. I nil reOller tif Ml.l idvinl ftll II Tua ImvlllK elim. Hifnln.t AA eiulr te lir.-.fiit (hem uu Ihe iri'r v.m.'lu-r. te Ihe uti.tervi:net l llu M. It. KUI..II In I'rltlex llle, tln'M'Ul. M kthlll ! nienlh.tif rie rtnie el Ihe tlr.l iillh uon ot tin. iteltftf. 1 1.1.1 lhl ..'n.l.Uy ,. K"h , lulj. t'ti4Hi I' Mt'MKK. K.nt K. Mt'MKltx. Sheriffs Sale. On r'xm'iniitn in Koiwlnsiiro. In (ho Circuit Court I tlio Mala ol Ort'it'Ot, (or tlis t'ountv ul t'roolr. 1'iittilv. l.liiinttK, v. (Mile l Kl UImui anil .Nellie 11. r'.lU'fmui, ileleint ante. I'u dio rlieriff olCrixik cHiunty, tlreelintf: here.i, tin tlia l''tli ilny ol Hi t., 11HI, in dio almvo imuiwi court, a jihlit Incut mis reiulereil In (avor tit tlis alHivo itatnnl tlainti(t ami attsitmt Hie sIhivs niuiie.l ilelenilmits lor Six iluii' ilre.1 ami Fitly lollar, with iulen-nt tlietfon trom t'.it fill tlav ol Ksli,, lKfi, at the rsttt ol H t cent per annum ami Seventv-livs Killiirs attorney's l, ami the lurtlier sum ol Kiltn'tt IhillHi-M fonts allied jii.lk-itit'iit wa oiirnllwl ainl ilmk ele.l m tlio clerk's ollie o( eaiil fourt in suiil foiinly ou too I'Jth tlav ol Del , isill. Ami aheress, it was further nuleretl an t ilei-re.l lv Ilia court that til tmrthetist iiliter ul tlie ootitlioa-t i)inirii'r ol nectinii sixteen In towtuhip fifteen south ot lui sixteen et of Willninelto MiTi'.lian tn Crook reiinty, (hen. ui, lie milii 1V tlu slierift of ns'hl tiinnt) rs ntiiler cxectil ion, ami the pro t'eeila'of siit'li rale, after paying the cortu, ililiireii!t'!its, nitornev's feet ami exeu!ies herein Httitoil, niuill lie applitHl upon the iu Ikmii'iii, ami it die prucretU of such eali I iurulliriehl, the plnintiff h:ill have judgment sml oxerndon Huaitint the del. miauls, lillm 1,. l.llri-.ii ami Nellin It. Kllefui to recover iicli hiilnni-e unpaiil, inn he l hereby (jiveii that 1 havo levied Um the prop rty aUv di"H'rilit ami 1 alll on dio IfitkJ.yof Mink, 1912, the same heirm Saturday of the week, al o'ciiH-k in the aflerniMin ol wid dnv. at the front dour of the ronrtlioum in 1'rineville. Cnnik comity, fireiroii, tH'll to iliehiijhent biddor tor cah, nil of the lik'ht, title and inlerent ol the said tUlie 1.. I-.lirfKin ami elll H. Klleli-on, ih fenilants herein, ill and to suid real property and pteniines lo natiufy said jti'llttiient, roets and diHhiirfeitienU, ae crtiinif conts, expenseii of sulo and si hirney's fee. mid said sulu trill he ! tnsils'suhjei t to redt uiption hi the man- I ner proviiled hy law, Pated this liitli dav of January, 1913. 1 T. N. Hu.rotK, 21."i Sheriff of Crook roiuiiy. rf i X.I l.OIMi meela every , J, Jt I Ha tit rd y nlshl Mlrnnter weleonie. i- l tteaioa, N. U.; C L-HliHltn, k. V. 11.: Hurt Hanie. Xee.j slid , C. H. Dlnwldille, Tream The Brosius Bar Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors and Cifiara. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor X " RECEPTION Smith & Allingham, Props. Champ Kmith'a old stand. Imported and Domestic Cigars Famous Whiskies Old Crow; Hermitage; Red Top Rye; Yellow Stone; Canadian Club; Cream Rye; James E. Pepper; Moore's Malt. Porter, Ale and Olympia Draft Beer on Tap. Imported Wines and Liquors. FOSTER , . , s a i.'- J Opportunity !! Ask us about our coupon whereby you can save I Oc dollar. O. K. MARKET Stroud & Stroud, Proprietors - i " - " tt ft'' ' 4T.f ur'pawed Meilieal Htiiff, Mot Lake Mitirrol Wslef Cnre Klieiiiiiiititn, Moniaili. Kidney, Uloo.1 and Skin Ilisotders. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM. . . Hot Lake, Oregon WALTF.R M. PIERCE, Pres. and Mcr. l Low Fares West SPRING COLONIST PERIOD Daily March 1st to April 15th ALL CENTRAL OREGON POINTS . - Clilfiitto OA C'liii liiiiiitl il'.ls) Mllwrnukec .'11.50 St. 1-mila II2.IK) New York . BO. (Ml Detroit .'W.00 1'rum Other KiiHtorn Ptilnta lu Proportion. Tell your friends In tlio Kiwt of this ipnrtunlty of inovlnir West nt low-, niton, itlrift trnln Horvlcu via liiirllnirtuii Ituiil.', Nortlicni i'lU'lllc, (Irout Northern, ".North Uimk" iniil Ori'icon Trunk Hitllwa.va. Vou van ilfposlt IiiihIm with me and went houiiil tickets will b fur lllKliftl people In the Kiiat. HetnllH will lie fiirnlHhetl on request. W. E. COMAN, Gen'l Fieight & Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. 2 -ltf H. BAUKOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon. Prineville-Redmond-Sisters Stage Line Matt Kule&ch, Proprietor. Passenger Fare to Redmond, $1.50. Express from Red mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50 pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds', 25c. Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the Pioneer Cream Company. 11-16 ; S. R. COOPER, Agent Our Stock in Trade Itit'ltides our "slocking" trade, and lliat is a largo one, liecaore our iiuiiory ia ala ay of tlia dcpeiiiUliItt kind, (ientl ineii buy their Iiom here lh'i ii they llet itmre lout comfort and belter aesr from theiii. Hot that docs not mean that ws are neccKwrily liitli prii ed. Wo carry a full lino of flue Kuriildiiiigs ami w gtisranlee eveiy article a wll to da lit rt'preneiitcd. & HYDE ooks the on ff3 Begin Treatment Now Rheumatism Can Be Cured K tetiivt iil bring yen our tew lHHt,let disiribiiig HOT LAKE SANITARIUM. Nam ml Hot Mitietsl HalliH, Nature's Cure for Kheumatiim. I Mir I ii 1 1 ill i ronn lete. I n- ON. r;vj:i'.iv:v.'j.v.!uxSt'.siua hTrhRy. CENTRAL OREGON LINE FROM - Ht. Pfttil 2.-..P() KitiiHiiM City io.tK) (tllinhft M.(H DiwMiilni'S 21 M InilliuniiollH S.'i tin Donver '.'5.00 Shinglen, Mouldingrt, Windows, Doors, GliiHxeB, Etc. Etc., Ete. SHIPP & PERRY PRINEVILLE, OREGON i J 3 'A