Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 07, 1912, Image 3

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    High School Students
Give Leap Year Party
Krvtral of the High tohool boyi
wtrt pleasantly surprised lal
Thursday tvrning when their girl
frirndt ol tht tcnlor and junior
olat-a called upon tliain about
7;!!U and In true cavalitr Hyle
corttl. I hi' in to an outdoor leap
ytnf party.
On tht bank o( the rivtr in
N obit's Addition tht lair escort
had built several bonfires and tut
up wigwam In ont ol which
rival o( Hit) Cutiinran iliyl foretold
tht (uturt joy Mini wot-t ol I lie
merry company. Thin In real
Indian fashion tht guests and
their hosltssea nut around tht fires
and told weird ttorii w hi la they
toatttd niarshmallows and, inci
dtntlythtir faces. After an
awning molt pleasantl spent tht
tribes broke up camp and atarU'd
for tht bnme country.
Those who enjoyed tht evening's
pleasure were: Misses IoU Kile.
Thi-rsna Bundy, Kra Bold nun,
Mamie Bailty, Corrinnt Collin,
Gladys Doak, Nora Livingston,
Iila Gayer, Hfih Thomas, Nil
dreth Geytr and Klma Noble;
Mrs. Boltnd McCallister,
Row til, Robert Lister, Hoy Mo'
Callistt-r, Warren Yancey, Fair
Mct'allister, Lawrence Lister, La
land Belknap, Arthur O'Xeil,
Adolphus My-rs and Clark Mors.
Tht parly wan rhaparonod by Mm.
Estes, Mra. Wood and Mim Con
way. Deputy Assessors
Assessor Lafollutta hai assigned
liia dt-putirt at follows: Allen
Willcoxnii will have . the west
central district, which includes
Kedmund, Bend, Powell Butte, etc.
11. Karl ('rota will have the south
eastern part of the county. W.
K. Cooke the northwestern portion.
This will include Madras. I!. S.
(off will have Kutcber and contig
uotia territory. Ton Lafolltttt will
have tht McKay; II. E. Reynolds
the Paulina cnuniry, and W. I).
Moflitt the northeastern pari of
tht county.
A Chance for
Prineville Sports
T. M. Wilon, who lives near
Madras wat In Prim-villa Monday,
Mr. Wilson it trying to interest
Printville sportsmen In the rabbit
crusada now going on in hit fee
tiun ol the county. The bunnies
art becoming so thick that they
are a menace to crop). Last year
they did immense damage to the
wheat fields, ao tht furmera de
cided to hold rabbit drivea daring
tht winter rnonthi to et II tht
numbert of p't could not be re
duced. While thousands have
iifcn killed Mr. Wilson aaya that
the rabbita seem to be at thick at
Prineville gunmen art invited to
tnkapartin these drivea and are
promised a good "feed" any time
they choose to take an outing
Mr. Wilnon would bt glad to get
iu touch with anyont who deairea
to join in the ahoot. Ilia addrt't,
it Mad rat.
Local Mention.
Mra. Scoville will deliver an ad
dress on temperance Friday even
ing, March 8, at the Methodist
Iho flreiiHMi'a "fcrnl" lnt Friday
night wna well attemh-il. After up-M-rntthi
nrumi'ii'a hull PrvtloViit
Adiiiiiann of the Coimnervlitl t'lob li -vltetl
ull present t adjourn to the
club room, where the prlvllegm' i f
the club were extended to ull. 3'lia
rent il the eveiilnn win devoted to
the bull nlli-ya, phiylnK billiards, '
pool mill ciirdn.
Four new name were added to,
oir Annoiinctiiient Column this
week. John 1'. Busk ol La Grande, J
who annouces himself aa a pro-1
gressive republican candidate forj
congress for this district. Krnest
C. Smith of Hood Hiver, who seeks
the republican nomination tor die
trict attorney of thia district. John
McTaggart of Madras, who ban
entered the lint fur the republican
nomination of ahcriff for Crook
county, and Frank Elkina who is
out for the republican nomination
for sheriff.
Out for the Office of
District Attorney
Krnest C. Smith ol H miJ Kiver,
wat a Prin-vil't visitor the first of
tht weik. "Mr. Smith it an at
torney from Hood Kiver who is
seeking the nomination for district
attorney at the hand of the re
publican votera at the April pri
maries. Mr. Smith is a graduate of tbt
law department of the University
of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He
has oven practicing law at Hood
Kiver for a little lees than four
years and is well known through
out Hood Kiver county. Until
recently ha was president of tht
Hood Kiver Commercial Club. lie
has never before sought any politi
cal ollice and says ht knows noth
ing about the political game. All
he expects to do is to. ray to the
people that, if nominated and
elected, he will give thim honest
aud eflicient service and will vigor
ously enforce the law. The demo
crats of Prineville art talking very
strongly of indorsing Mr. Smith on
April 19 aa their candidate.
Students Debate at
M. E. Church Tonight
The eighth grade class of the
Prineville Public Schools will meet
the Freshman class of the County
High School tonight in the Bret of
a series of three annual debates.
This series work will provo mobt
interesting because the classes are
promoted annually and those who
this year oppose the high school
will next year have to fight for the
honor against the next eighth grade
class, while the final debate of this
group will take place in 1913 14
between the classes that are now
in seventh and sixth grades in the
public schools. Itoth of the present
teams have spent much lime and
study in preparation of the subject
and there willl bt a close content
for the honor of the first victory.
Crook County Journal, county
official paper, f 1 .r0 a ytar.
Walter and.I!aker Knox of Post
are in tht city.
Mra. K. H. Smith left Tuesday
for Redmond to visit friend--.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Booth of Hit. ;
tera were county teat visitors Mon-
day. i
Mr. and Mrs. Larson of Trre-'
bonne wre week-end visitors in
M. K. Jirink haa been urged by '
friends to make the raoe for county i
judge but he dedin-i the honor.;
Mr. lirink will not be a candidate.
Andrew Morrow ofGrizrly, was
in Prineville Ha'orday. This is
the first tinn he has b -en out since
bis attack of typhoid last Sepiam-
The mail Irom Culver to Prine
ville waa not discontinued March'
1 as expected. Tht service will i
continue from that point to the
countv seat. !
The O'Xeil postofEce is a thing!
of the past. Mr. Larson, tht post-',
mater turntd over the reenrdi
and o'.her belontlrv's to Post. :
master Ledford the last of the
week. I
The silver cup won by Central
Oregon for the best Alfalfa ex-i
hibit at the Northwest Land Show '
at St. Paul is on exhibition at J
Adamson's drug store. It was of-!
fered by the Northern Pacific Kail-'
way Co. I
J. C. Houston of Roberta came'
in fur supplies the last of the:
week. It has been a good winter
for aheep, he says. The wool will '
be of a much better grade than ,
usual. There will be no breaks.!
A pood slexlv crnirth m Bunt i I
market selling price.
Dr. Cal vin S. bite of the Sta'e
Hoard of Health waa in Prineville
the Grt of the week. His visit to
Crook county is to investigate the
complaint made by canal water
users. They allege that the water
in the Pilot Butte canal it becom- j
ing contaminated. The water is
used by a large number of people
for domestic purposes aa well as for j
White Leghorn Hena.
Two down thwuuglihied tingle comb.
Hi bent Slid Cork, not related, I7.AO;
1-' hens and cock 12.50. Write or
'phone r,ny I.t folic tie, Prineville,
Or. 2. KM
Horaea for Sale.
On the old C. Ham Hmlth rnncb,
near I'rlnevltl-! nolil In jinr nnnilws
at n-aaonable iirlien. For further
Information nddreea II. H. flinwrai.,
Prineville, Oregon. 12-10-tf
White Leghorns I
(Pure Bred)
The kind that lay, and lay big eggs. Eat Ieaa and lay more
than other kinda.
Eggs for hatching, guaranteed pure, $1.50 per setting.
locks $i.uu each-
GUY LAFOLLETT, Prinevile, Or.
II. 1. Still lett today on a busi
nets trip to Portland.
The ladiea of the M. E. church
will hold their annual Easter Fair
March 2!).
Robert Zevely left Friday last
for Portland to tee bis mother who
it dangerously tick.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Booth got
back Tuesday from their visit to
Willamette valley points.
K. T. Tieraon, editor of the
Metoliua Oregonian waa a county
seat visitor the first of the week.
Robtrt M. Wood and Gertrude
Ida Kellogg of ('line Falls were
granted permission to marry yes
terday. On Tuesday County Clerk Brown
' issued a marriage licente to
Charles James and Susan Snyder
of Ashland.
Hev. Perry of The Dallea, dis
trict superintendent of the M. K.
church, held quarterly conference
In Prineville last Saturday.
Hend was visited by another fire
Monday night. A number of
stores were burned. We could' not
learn Ihe 'amount of damage.
Robert Cram of Trout creek
came in today for his wife, who has
been visiting ber parents, Mr. and
MrB. Horigan, for several weeks.
The firemen will hold their an
nual ball this year on March 15.
The boys are going to spring some
thing new on the Prineville public.
We have it on the quiet that they
are practicing the bunny hug, Texas
Tommy and turkey trot for the an
nual event. Don't miss it.
One of the treats of the season
was enjoyed by a goodly number
at the M. 15. church Friday even
ing, March 1, when Miss (.iitahol,
assisted by local talent, delight
fully entertained those who were
brave enough to venture out into
tht unexpected scowdtorm. ,
A. J. Weston of Sisters waa a
business visitor the last of the
John W. Jenkins and Iottie E.
Fn-eman of Lamonta were mar
ried by Justice Kennedy last Sat
urday. "
Cornelius M. K ruches: and
Myrtle K. Proser of Sisters wire
granted a license towed last Satur
day. Councilman Ward returned Sat
urday from bit trip to Portland.
Hit daughter, Mrs. O'Connor, came
back with him for a visit.
The Journal has received an or
der for the paper from Lum Jack
who seven years ago worked for
Mra. C. K. McDowell of Hotel
Prineville. Jack says he haa been
in Portland, Astoria, Chioago, New
York but is now running a chop
suey cafe in Jackson, Mich.
Will N. Fulton, who left Crook
county last spring, writes to the
Journal that he haa bought a
home near the ocean in Humboldt
county, Calif. Great Bport there,
he says, hunting, fishing, digging
olams, gathering musselB and
Federated services at the Metho
dist church Sunday morning and
evening. Rev. John E. Williams
will preach. Subject of morning
sermon, "Luminous Hours." Even
ing subject, "Is There Any Harm
in Card Playing, Theater Going,
Dancing." Free seats and all are
Sunday services at the Presby
terian church are as follows
Morning theme, "The King's Busi
ness." Music, by the choir. Offer
try solo, "Face to Face," Johnson,
by Mrs. Edgar. Evening subject,
"Regeneration, Twice Born, or
Born Again." The evening ser
vice will be strictly evangelistic.
If you enjoy good Binging and
straight preaching, come. . E. II:
Edgar, pastor.
County court is in session this
Jesse Windom of Culver was in
town this week.
Dr. Belknap is convalescing. He
is able to sit up a little.
Mrs. S. R. Cooper hag returned
from her visit to Pendleton. '
Mr. Barnes ol Laidlaw wat a
county teat visitor the last of the
Mrs. Eites advertises some new
ideas in millinery at her opening
March 14.
Dr. Fox has a very sore hand.
A case ol bloodpoisoning. Dra.
Edwards and Hyde operated on it
the last ol the week.
Miss Winnek it gradually re
covering her eyeBight. It ia now
only a question of careful nursing
until her sight it fully restored.
Married March 5, at Hotel Ore
gon, Fred K. Barber and Mary E.
Volland, Rev. E. II. Edgar of tbt
Presbyterian church officiating.
One hundred tickets were sold to
homeseekers at St. Paul March 1st,
by the Hill lines. Crook county
is bound to get some of them if the
people do their share of the work
of getting them onto tht land.
Thomas Dempsay, who lives
over near Madras, wat adjudged
insane by Dr. Edwards Saturday.
Sheriff Balfour telegraphed the
asylum authorities Sunday for an
attendant to come and get him.
David C. Pickett, a former grad
uate of the Crook County High
School, but now a junior at the
University of Oregon, will repre
sent the university at the inter
collegiate oratorical contest to be
held at Forest Grove tomorrow
evening. There will be eight com
petitors for supremacy in oratory.
David's oration ia entitled, ' The
Modern Paradox,", an appeal for
universal peace. I
A powerful 30 h. p. car 2, 4, and 5 passenger, semi
float axles nickle steel, Timpken Bearings, five pas
senger, fully equipped, $1,275.00 f. o. b. Portland,
self starrer $25.00 extra.
Knight-Type Motor.
The Quality Car
Agent for Crook and Hamey Counties.
Madras, - - - Oregon
Use the Olliver Plow
We have every style from the well known No 20 and 40
Chilled walking plows to the late No. 28 Sulkey. Also,
the gang with interchangeable bottoms.
Full line ofShares and Repairs. New line of Discs, Peg and Spring Tooth Harrows, Rollers,
Fresno and Slip Scrapers, Hardware and PAGE FIELD FENCING.
FARMERS: You are invited to call and look these over.
See new stock.
Collins W. Elkins