OREGON NEWS H9TES CF GEKFM INTEREST Occurring Throughout Ihs Stata During the Past We:::. Merchant Shoctj Friend. ,Tutf:u -MUtuken for a burglar, J!i;m l":ii!t. nii'il carrier between l.o ;i a::.! Haiet IXM1. daiiKerouly s-V-t by Kjward Smith, kroper of the ttort lit Lowell. Cain enrriej a key to the f.'otv, so he coulJ enter to get the mail sacks in the enrly morning. He h.ul seci reit the sack and was leaving the building when Smith, who lives oer the store, throw up a win dow und fired ut Cain w ith shotgun. Sr.ti;h hastily ran downstairs aud for.:;J he had shot his friend instead cf a burglar. Lake County Folk Active. View Point Uelievmg that they have cpnortunitiea in their locality that equal aud even exceed most oth rs in t'entral Oregon, also that the public is not aware of such existing cjiportunitiea. the homesteaders in the vicinity of View Point, Lake county, have organized themselves into what Is now known as the View Point Homesteaders' Association. The object of this association Is to promote the settlement of many of the homesteads yet open in that locality. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON JUDGE MAHLON FITNEY RESERVE FUNDS ALLOTTED Grant With $3627 Get Most of Any Oregon County. Salera. Each year the federal gov ernment turns over to each state 25 per cent of the total revenue received by the government from the forest reserves within the state, this fund to be apportioned among the counties according to the forest reserve area within the county. Each county must eliride Us portion equally between the school and road funds. The distribu tion of the fund received for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911, has been completed In the office of the secre ! tarj of Btate. In Oregon there are 1,148.900 acres of forest reserves, and 25 per cent of the revenue from them for the last fis cal year was J35.612.30, or $0.00220524 1 per acre. Of this amount Crook, Grant and Lane counties will receive over $3000, while Douglas, Klamath, Lake and Wallowa will receive over 12000. JaiAson county has spent JMS.OOO ; for good reads during the year mil. The Mc.Minnville High School has I perhaps the only das of high school bojs in cooking tit the state. The spring closed season for catch ing salmon In nets began at noon Saturday, and will continue until May first. Real estate transfers to the total amount of $440,445.37 have been re corded In Lane county for the first two months of ISIS. Dr. Harry ljuie of Portland will not be a candidate for United States Sen ator, or for any other office at the coming primary election. Ileitis the terminus of the railway ; lines into Central Oregon. Uend ex- pects to be the headquarters for a large tourist travel this summer. According to Heputy Came Warden George W. Kvans, it is bears that have been peeling the bark from flr trees In the vicinity of Cottage drove. Several cases of eggs have been hipped from Klamath Kails to Port land lately. These are the first egs to be exported from the Klamath country. L. Haney was awarded $2000 dam ages from the Oregon & South eastern, a logging road out of Cottage drove, for injuries received in an ac cident on the railroad. He had sued for $ 10,001). y i V it , 1 sv V i A Judge Mahlon Pitney, named by President Taft to fill the United States Supreme Court vacanoy. Brief News of the Week Will Enforce Dog Ordinance. Roseburg. Determination of Mayor Joseph Micelll and Ctief of Police Fenton to allow no dog owner In the city to escape payment of the annual license fee for canines brought five prominent citizens Into the police court. Each was fined $5.00, but col lection was suspended upon consider ation of Immediate payment of the dog license fee of $1.50. Avaunt the corset New York suf fragists have declared against corsets in their camimlirn for minor ... i.,r Through the efforts of J. K. Mount.! 'omen. of Silverton, a deal was closed where-; Vaccine for scarlet fever, originally by SStiv) acres of luud belonging to St.,j discovered " a St. Petersburg phy Benedict's Abbey of Mount Angel, was j liclun- was put to Its first practical turned over to the state game warden I ll'5t Homou and proved thoroughl) to be used as a state game preserve. ' successful. That A. Kamle agreed to buy a farm j Employers in the Lawrence, Mass.. from them if they got him a wife and textile strike offered concessions to that after they had secured a wife for! ,ne strikers, agreeing to an advance him he refused to take the farm. Is! of flv P'r cent In wages. The offer was not accepted. Los Angeles is agitating the com- uu.-iuii ioriu oi government, a com mittee of 15, two of whom are women, having been appointed by the council to draft a charter. The new Chinese government has taken a strong stand against tha use of opium. General Huang, minister of wnr, has ordered shot all soldiers found smoking the drug. There Is no improvement In the Mexican situation the past week. De sultory fighting occurred In different portions of the republic. An ultima tum has been given to Mailero by the permanent committee of the Mexican congress that be must restore peace In Mexico within 60 days or resign. Many a Man Owes His Success to an Investment mi the liint nil mi-lit IiKiii. lie cniiNe It ha M-rveil iianii niiehur itml kept liliu In n i might line nml nsiiy tiniii the tunny "(let lilell tjulek" eclieiiica which nre mi plentiful ti'ilii.v nml which so olteii tueotl rlehea only fur tin NiniKith tonuiieil prnuintera tli.-iv.it. Itv Inventing IN YOUR HOME TOWN .Vim are ileiilluu wltle YHlue Htnl people with whom j-iui nre eiimlnteil- Hiiple win nre luten-Hteil In your weltan' Uvniiae your one cih Illi HllK the suivesK nl ot hem iiliuiit you, nml the more sue ceioful cltlxeim n town rim lioiiKt of the lietler iliieelt will be. Lots III NOBLES ADDITION e.ni le liiul by milking; n very Kllillll iu v lin-nt loll nml the I ui In iui on term to suit the I'Urelmner, monthly, lil-iiioiithl.v iimrterl,v, liiill-yearly ornumiiil iniviuetitH. Tliew lots lire tile iM-ot luvcHtiiicti! In city prii rt. toilnv;. The only illstrlet with Imllillnit nwirletloiiii nml with street liiiprovi'iiieiitu nml slile vnlkn iilrcnily In. Mnke your m'lcctlon now. A feiv ilulliin lll holil the lots for you until you can mnke further pn.V in. 'lit , You nre eiitltli-il to the tHit. Why tmt net If.' Come In mul let me hIiii villi NODl.tS ADDITION, the ii'iiter i.l tiulUI tug netlvlty In rrlttevllle. A. R. BOWMAN Woodlark Squirrel Poison For Sale at The Cash Grocery Geo. VVhiteis, Proprietor 1 iM W m - FURNITURE You hill look llh admiration over lb pletuli.l .iiii.i nl nimlerii 1 iinilture that Imve nil riliilntioti III our Show tiKMin, the iiot artistic ami lwt coliKtrmteil Kiirniliiie e'er turned out ly iki.I craller. The lrign, the wrkniiiliip, the beautiful lluUli, cliatui vun t sight, and warrant (he iliirahility il every piece of Furni ture boiithl (tutu in. I'urt'ainl prin'. A. U. UPPMAN & COMPANY 9 Gypsum Gets Big Plant. Baker. The Acme Cement & Plas ter Company, of St. Louis, will erect at Gypsum, this county, next spring, probably the largest building in this vicinity for the manufacture of ce ment plaster. It will cost about $200, O00. A large force of men will be em ployed when it is running at full capacity. ORCHARD MEN INDICTED True Bills Returned By Grand Jury Against Real Estate Promotors. Portland. Wildcat real estate oper ators received a shock here when the federal grand jury returned indict ments against the Washington Or chard Irrigation & Fruit Company, the Oregon Inland Development Company and P. C. Lavey, individually. Each indictment is based on alleyi-d fraud ulent use of the mails by which, it is declared, money was secured through the exploitation of fake land proposi tions. W. E. DeLarm, A. J. Eiehl, George C. Hodfres, H. H. Humphrey and 3. H. JlcWhorter are indk-ted in connection vith the operations of the Columbia River Orchard Company, all being un der arrest except Hodges and De Larm, who are supposed to have left the country in fear of the eonieiiuen ces of their acts, this company also doing business under the name of the Washington Orchard Irrigation and Fruit Company. Construction is Rushed. Junction City. The Oregon Electric railway Is rushing work on the moat difficult section of construction be tween Albany and Eugene the sec tion between Harrisburg and Junction City where the electric line will cross the Willamette river and also will have to cross long stretches of Jood land. Albany Proscribes Dances. Albany. Public dances are a tiling of the past In Albany. The city conn cil has passed an ordinance makiuy St a misdemeanor . to give a public !a;ice in the city, defining a public dance &g or.e which is advertised the gist of a complaint filed against Kamle in the circuit court at Albany, by 4. W. Uoth aud George Edelman, real estate men. T:"ar.'Tc': dairy and creamery in lerests have just closed one of t!le cucvcssfcl years In the history of t'ie Industry in the section. With more than 3,300,000 pounds of cheese manufactured and sold for $150,000. the record is one which is deemed ex tremely satisfactory. Those interested In the various oil projects in t oos county are encour aged with the prospects at the oil well at Bear creek near Bandon. The well has been drilled over 20o0 feet and it is stated now by members of the com pany that sand which is heavy with oil has been taken out. Homer C. Campbell of Portland and Fred S. Byum of Salem have filed their declarations of intention to be come delebates to the national Repub lican convention. Both express pre ference for Taft James W. Maloney f Pendleton Is a condidate for de!e gate to the Baltimore convention. Coos Bay is to have a form of relig ious work which will be- peculiar to the locality. There is to be main tained a gospel boat, or "colportage boat," as it will be called. It will be conducted similar to the gccpel cars on the railroads and the gospel wag or.s in ether part3 of the country. President Taft and officials of the land office and interior department had a conference with Representative Hawley and Ralph Williams, as a re sult of which it is believed patents will soon issue to all bona fide entry men of Siietz lands Intended to be benefited by the provisions of the Hawley bill. Announcement wes made from the offices of the Portland Gas & Coke company at Portland, that plana con templating the establishment of a new annufocturing plant to cost $2,000, '0 have just been completed, and that the first unit will be finished be fore the end of the coming summer at a cost of $750,000. Discouraged in its efforts to secure a meeting with President David Ec cii of the Sumpter Valley railroad, the Baker commercial club has given up the liir;a of au amicable settlement of the log rale question, and has or dered Prank McCune, a Portland at torney, to bring the matter btifore the state railroad commission. The Oregon raiirond commission has instructed Attorney General Crawford to commence a suit having for its object the penalizing of the Central Oregon Railroad company for its failure to comply with an order of the commission directing that it maintain the lines between L'nion Junction and the town of Union. Claiming to have iron deposits of much value, F. E. Litzenburg, owner of gold mining properties in the Blue River district. Lane county, and the Tale brothers, on whose land the Iron ore was discovered, have filed notices of eight mineral claims on govern ment land adjoining the Tate farm, four miles from Vida, on the McKen zie river. The interstate commerce commls ion, In the case of the California Pole tr piling company vs. the Southern Pacific, holds that present rates for Hie transportation of poles and piling in carloads from Portland and other Oregon points to San FranciBco and intermediate C'alfornia points are ex cessive in so far as they exceed the rate on lumber between the same points. I ... mi ..ij.iiirm-Mif THinritnir ! People in the News J. Pierpont Morgan, according to a dispatch from Cairo, has been cleverly swindled out of $40,000 on a purchase of Coptic manuscripts. There is more than a possibility that King George of England, with a brilliant military and naval staff, will visit the Panama-Pacific exposition in 1515. President Taft visited New York Saturday to attend the banquet given by Colonel George Harvey to William Dean Howells. the novelist. In honor of his seventy-fifth birthday. President Taft, Cardinal Gibbons and other men of national prominence took part In the twelfth annual meet ing of the National Civic federation, which met In Washington Tuesday. Mrs. Kmmallne Pankhurst, Mrs, Tukes and Mrs. Marshall, the three leaders of the window-smashing cam paign, by which the suffragettes suc ceeded In terrorizing the London tradesmen, were sentenced to two months imprisonment. The long delayed trial of Eugene E. Schmltz for bribery while mayor of San Francisco came to na'ight, Dis trict Attorney Flckert admitting his Inability to convict because hla main witness, Abe Ruef, refused to testify unless 69 Indictments against him were dismissed, and this the Judge re fused to do. Give us your order for CORDWOOD Juniper or Pine, large or ) small quantities. DILLON'S YARD Opposite Post Office. ARE YOU SURE The records show it clenr title (o your ri rty'? The reeonls (nlleil to show correct title In n nle uwnle tliU week by h lending renl etnte eoiiipnnv. RESULT -l.oii( ileliiy mul uwllit lows. Better let the Pioneer AUtriut t'lmnuuiy look nfter your Inlen t. PIONEER ABSTRACT COMPANY (.Member Oregon Association of Title Men) The Oregon Bar At the Old Stand G. W. Wiley & Co, Prpa All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranter Beer in Bottles and on Draft PIONEER SADDLER Miiiuilncturrr of nml denier lu Harness, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles. E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or. 6- Nitict ot Final StiUait. Nolle 1 liT'ly f Ivctl bv Hi ttrntrriltf tint th tlmtitutfittifr ! i lie eui of wtilrl J Cmill, (Itrt-MKftwl, His! lie ba mtlu Mtll Hlfti with the cIitx f Hit count) court hia Html e. (imnttliK of iti avImtiiNtmUnn uf ait csfKlt' ftlKl ttiM tip rou tit J- court ti ht MuiitUy' MtTli 4th. l'.MJ. at V) nVhh'k tn I lie for. uouii t tin county court room in I'rlitvvlllf , orcRott rh the time ami pirn e for n'nriio ami m-uUntf Mtil final otoutitiug. At wliicb ait Unifsm.i f.lftUf. U) pvron ltltiTt- tn si rattj limy p( -r n I oi.J-:! tna!t Utial fctTomitlng. Hau-4 tbli tlt la uf Ko.. I'M.'. At.HIHT I ( tut, A Imlnlatmtor of tbo citato of Wllfoni J. Political News Bits On March 17 President Taft will be gin a vigorous beeoh making cam paign, Btartlng at Boston. Reportu from 90 Tennessee counties show that Republican conventions In 72 Indorsed Taft and three UooHevelt. Representative Oncar Underwood of Alabama, majority leader of the houae, has entered in the race for the Dem ocratic nomination for the preHldeney. Of the 48 states of the union, 22 have republican governors, 9 of whom have declared for Taft, 7 for Roose velt, 1 for LaFollette and 6 not yet having expregaed a choice. It is now certain that the Baltimore lonventlon will not be pOHtponed, fcpeaker Clark, Governor Harmon and other Democratic leaders opponlng any change of program, After selecting Aberdeen as the place and May 15 as the time for hold ing the next state Republican conven tion, the Wauhlngton sta'te central committee by a vote of 19 to 7 adopted I rejsolution endorsing Taft. A letter from Theodore Roosevelt and speeches by ex-Governor Fort, of New Jersey, Governor Stubbs, of Kan sas, and Senator Clupp, of Minnesota, signalized the opening of the Itoose velt "progressive" New England cam paign in Boston. Nitict of Contttt. iFfpHrimpnl of the Intirlor, Unite! Hii' Lntiil om (j, The lrtll-a.(irttfon, K.'hrury ft una To ll.-lra of Willi,,, F. HhciUrg, of Vtiu. vllle.( irfgnn, f 'omenta': You itr hfivhy iioiirii-i thnt Margaret Kim mell. Khnirlvfi lrhip HU (irrcoti, n hr t.ot. oitu tuMn-a, dlt on lifv l, t). tn thta uim'e hit niiij forroooraiti piilt'nion to con. teat aii-l avcorit tin- cam litttloii of vour Home- It-Hi I Entry No. , f?f-rlnl So. UTwiJ, niitde Ht'tit. 1. t'jltt, f'T K't HK4, Hi-f .'(, N'a N K1 . NE',4 NW4 h-c H), Trt Hi. h, KaiiKt- ;ty ,V limiotlt Mi-rhltaii, hii1 an (frtMimU for iivr ctin tritahn allfg.-n that mmIiI Willmm y. H(ifllcr illt'ii li'c. II, l'jlu, icnvtiiir liti utli.-r. Krmtlc SilcllMTtf , hla no if heir, Bltif that unlit Wllllfl'ii K. HltrUrtTK, (or over "ix month prior to auk ID, ll'll, Itml w holly ahiunloiM'tl aai.J trnrt mul had wholly fnlh-o to r-Hiic upon, l 1 1 1 1 v st i ir Un prove tfifl aniiM- ditnu mitkniK anlij i-ntrv lhtanit Hriiiik slii-lln-rif lirit wiiollv fnllvil to 1 TPHiili' upon. iilllvnli or lmproo m tl trurt o( Imiil for uvT am iiiohilit prior to Auk, 1H, J'.iil nur ha miyoiu- (or hun tmprovt-d or rutt 1 Mt-i ; th- anini! (loriiitc Maid tltor or nt Mil, ; Yon nri thcr'-lor- (itnlurr imtlilf.! that the' taut uili'dEHliottN w ill or (Hkt'ti h thin nititf as ! havlnvt h'fli cotiffUM-! hy jou, aiu vour nni uijiry will in.- rnmrl..fi tlii-n iMiifiT wulioutyour i lurtli.tr ri1it to t; hcanl tin nln. fiihtr li'hn iliimif. tli'i-nriiii in ) tf i. .11 ru n i.. ' thia ottUe within twenty 'ilaya after the Kurimi ' piinin'iuioii oi hum jmiH-t!, h MiOh helow, ynir Hliawi-r. ntnli r oath, ap )'lfinlly mrt-ttiiK itti't renponiliriK to cheat- allt-Knf I'Mih of coutKHt, or If you (Ml w ithin thnt tlm.' to iiiv In thla if tr.K lint- priMif that yon have 'm-rvt'il a copy of your an-wtT on tht! :tl conifarunt i-tttmr In m thoii or by rt'iflaierrtl mail. If thtii Hervlre la nia'li? hy the delivery of a ropy of vour an hWer to the foritcatant in jn'raon, proof of aui h Mtrvlce innat he ylihiT thu niild -onttajit'ii written ark tmw let lg mull t of hla receipt of the cony, ahowinic the, dati of 1m receipt, or the ailidavit of the peraon hy u liont lliu delivery whu iiiad, MtatltiK when and wh;rn the copy whs di'llwred; If made, hy rcnlatcrcd mail, proof of mien acrvke innat conaiat of the affi davit of the person hy whom tho cojiy was mailed, matin when and the pot otJice to which It wax mailed, and thlaamdavlt rnuxt le nrcoinpatiled by the. iulinatuf receipt for the letter. Yon ahouM atHte In your amwor the tiameof the jiot oltlre towhii h you dealm (uiureno tlcta to be aunt to you. f:. W. Moork, KcKlRter. Iate of flrat piibllcatldn February I ft, 1'J12. Iate of acrond .ulilication February w, HH'i. Dale of third publii atlon February 'i'. VM2, fiateof fourth publication March 7, 'j.lftt-I Pioneer-:-Butter None Better Money Back if You Are Not Satisfied. Made at Home. Pioneer Cream Co. Agents DeLaval Separator. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice in hereby given, by th iindtrhlir tied the. administrator of the extnte of John (' Tucker, dcri'iined, that he baa made timl filed with thy elerk of the fJoiini.y Court, li la II mil K'couttiiiiK f hiM admiulsira'iou of imbl ea Utteand 1 hat the t'oiinly Court luia net Mou dav. the day of March, at the County Court room in rriui'viile, Oregon as the lime and place for luariiiK 'Uid m-tiliiiK naid Dual imcoiini In. At which mil Id timotuid placeany perwon iutrrrMit'd In m entttte may appear ii pd ohjert to at Id II mil iircoiintiiig. jMted thin iKtday of Feb,. 111',!. J A. I'KCK, Administrator of the of Ksiate ,lonn C Tucker, Ifeceawd. 't- m mm OLD "I. W. HARPER" is the whiskey wkh the delicious "farewell." Its wonderful taste is a fair criterion of the all-round excellence of this most famous brand. Sold By Silvertooth & Browder Shaniko and Bend, Oregon W. A. HnOTH, Fre, D. f, H'ritWA bt, VIofrPniH. O. M, Ki,KiHH,Caliler Crook County J3ank PRINEVILLE, OREGON Statement of the Crook County Bank of Prineville, Oregon, as rendered to Superintendent of Bank., June 7th, 1911 the Ataat. Iioann mill DIhcoihiIh fl2R,mi.!M Ovcr.linflH a.lll.HK Kurlilliiii-nnrt llxliiri'H 2.2WM4 Itinl OHlHln H.7IKI.INI Cub od bud ud dut from bank. 1)47,809.95 lH8,WH).Ha tl.bilitl.l Capital pull! In full,,, HitrplilH ,., I ' nil I vliliul pnillU, .LKipONltH,,,,, ...tmi.KKi.on , ,, I0,KH.IH , . . a,Kri v.'i ,. l l(l,14ll.7ii 1188,9110.118