Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 29, 1912, Image 4

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    Bad Fire at Red
mond Monday
fVJmoml suffered a severe k!
Vj fire Monday night. Four dum-
places were destroyed. K.
Mbet'a hardware store, loss flOOO,
itteurHDce 13000; W. H. Hohbs'
grocery and bakery, loss H000, in
uranee f 2000 ; Wright &
nxm'g secoud-haod store and
furniture, losa 1300, no insurance;
The Redmond Spokesman, loss
T0Ot, insurance f3000.
Th. Spokesman's loss was total,'
aothing being saved. The paper
had installed a linotype only a
month ago, and that and other
Talnabltf printing machinery were
lUmage of foOO to 300 was
dome t the iJotel Oregon, adjoin
ing the burned building. The
Hotel Usdmond, across the street,
uffered some loss from heat and
broken windows.
The cause of the fire was a lamp
explosion in Miner's hardware
lore. The only fire protection
was a chemical engine which .tiled
lo control the fire at the start.
The Spokesman has already or
dered a new printing plant from
Portland and Sin Francisco.
Opened Saturday
The Prineville postal savings
tnk opened for business last Sat
urday. Jack Smith wag the first
.Accounts may be opened and
deposits made by any person of the
age of 10 years or more in his or
ker own name, provided the per
too is a patron of the office. Only
accounts of individuals will be. ac
cepted. No charge is ; made in
eoBDestion with the opening of an
account or withdrawal of money,
and strict privacy must be main
tained by the postoffice officials re
garding accounts.
Deposits are evidenced by postal
MriBge certificates issued in fixed
denominations of $1, 12, to, f 10,
r20, $50 and tlOO, each bearing
the name of the depositor and
ether data. No account may be
pened for less than 11, nor will
fractions of a dollar be accepted.
However, 10 cent postal eavings
t amps, and a card bearing nine
ltascps will be accepted as a de
posit of f 1. No person is per
iitted to deposit more than $100
in any one month or to have a
tMiil balance at one time of more
tban $500 exclusive of accumulated
interest. A depositor may ex
Smsge the whole or any part of
lis deposits in sums of 120, $40,
ISO, $80, $100 or multiples of $100
sy t and including $500, into
registered or coupon bearing bonds
el tie United States bearing inter
est at t per cent. H&-
Interest will be allowed on all
dtjioeite at the rate of 2 per cent,
computed on each savings certifi
cate separately, and payable an-
sally. No interest will be paid
i money which remains for a
inttlion of a year only.
ine money deposited with a
j wtal savings bank remains in the
jne postal savings system was
stablished for the purpoee of pro
Tiding facilities for depositing sav
ings at intereet with the security
w trie United states government
for the repayment of principal,
itb accumulated interet.
The Leading Lady
Here is the story of a laughable
s&zaedy, featuring that inimitable
rpaedian of the silent stage, John
liunny, which may be seen at the
Lyric Friday and Saturday even-leg-
"The Irish Washerwoman is
to fc produced by Manager Mathew
Ttloa. The cast is all engaged
llct the leading lady. Finally in
Ihe newspaper Mugg?, the plaj
iiglt, sees tbe picture of an Irish
too at a downtown restaurant.
lit jasistB that she is the type he
wants, and Talon mUBt engage her.
Ss goes up and is introduced to
lj stage manager, Mr. Small; re
htixeal starts, but Bridget ertirely
unused to the theatre, wants to run
thing ber own way. She has
row with Small, which almost
comes to blows, hut Talon and
Moggs smooth matters over and
the rehearsal starts again. After
many amusing incidents, she got s
back to her kitchen, much to the
delight of Mr. Murphy, who is hav
ing a hard lime without ber."
Events Occurring Throughout
t the State During the Past
Elk in Wallowa Forest Range,
la Grande. Fifteen wild elk, from
the Jucksotis Hole country, S o ar
rived here to be released In the Torest
reserve at Enterprise. Sheep owners
are protesting, as (hoy claim they
have paid (or the destruction of the
coyotes and now waut the reserve as
a range for their flocks and are bit
terly opposed to Introducing the elk
In the forests, but their protest has
not met w ith success.
Wild Strawberries Rip.
Cottage Grove. Wild strawberries
are ripe, -despite the fact that It Is
only the middle of February. Hamil
ton Veatch brought In hulf a pint.
These have been on exhibition and
have attracted considerable attention.
Every one of the berries Is Juicy and
ripe. Mr. Veatch found them growing
in his pasture, without any protection
whatever from the weather.
$50,000 for Farm Loans,
ton Jones. Metoliu. Oregon.
See Hren-3-'J:lp
Grand Prize
at A. Y. RE.
Seattle, 1909
The Housewife says :
"I know that no other maKreaa cu (ive
Mich rod ul and healthful deep a
Carman's $15 Mattress De Luxe
because iti as comfortable that yon go
to tleep almoat immediately after re
tiring and yon awake ao refreshed and
cheerful in the morning. Before pur
chasing one I thought il inipoaaible to
and ao comfortable maltreat. It
certainly worth many n'mea the $15
you pay for a."
We sell the Carman! Matti-en De Luxe
because its maker Hands back of it with
$1,000 guarantee that its a better mattreu
and contains more long fibre cotton than the
most widely advertised $ 1 5 mattress in Amer
ica. It's sold on a 30-mghts free trial and full
purchaaepoce refunded if not up to our
claims. The Carman process of interweaving
the cotton into nine large fluff v layers make
it not only the most comfortable, but the most
taaitarv mattress made.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Prineville Furniture
Report of the Condition
Of The First National Bank at PriaeYille, in tbe
State of Oregon, at the Close of Buiiooi,
Feb. 20, 1912.
Loans anl rlln'Omitit $.X)l.-):t7.47
Overdraft, secured ami uiiMH-urud , A:W)A2
U. H. K'Hi'ls to auirure cirtuln'iun !'
BoihI.h, Securities, etc 21,'!
Buikinx house, furniture tunl fixtures 2t,Ho.U
ime (rum Ndtiuiml Bttiiits uot reserve
aKunto) 10,$8l
line from HtaUianl Private BHUL-funri
Jiankcis. Trust CuuipMiiiea ami Hav
ing" Hunks
Hue from afiprovd Keerve Ageti's..
('hwkH aini oilier v.nah It;mi
NuicHof other National Bunks, ...
Frtictionitl paper currency, ii.caels
and cents
Lawful money Heserve in Hank viz:
.Specie .;i,7K)
JKhI. tender notes
Uedeinption fund with I'.K. Treasurer
(." per cent of circulation j
h .V)
Capital stock paid in $ 3O.0tKi.ou
Surplus fund 5u.tj00.iju
Undiviilca prontH, lens expenses and
Taxes paid , j,;iiH.37
National Bunk Notes oiitstandiiue !J,7tHj,00
Due to ntate and Private Banka and
Bankers . I,386.tW
fividend unpaid on
Jiidiviiiual deposits subject to check :J0,7.:i2 H.t
iJemand certiiieatec of deposit SW..'
Total ,..ljO,i'j.87
County of Crook. (
T, T. M. Hamjwiv, Cawliier of the altove
nauted bank, do solemn ty nwear that ttiealmve
statement is true to the bent of my knw
iede and helief. T. M. JiALUWlX,
H'ihNcrited and dworn to before me this 2oi.h
day of Feb., 191'.'.
M- K- Brink,
Notajy I'uhliv,
Comhkct Attest:
Will Wur.wkii.krI
t, h. i.akom.kttk
aiocv W. h'mTtt I
for trr "fEEjmittrml
For County Aueitor.
To t lie iliiiix'rmic vuton ol Crwik
I livrt'hv annoiiiH'r) uir mmliiUor tor
lh inmiinatloii lor ruunlv nsnr
jtvt to the opprovnl of tint voter ol (lie
tirmocmtir mrtv at ttia trinirrv I'lec
lion. April Hnh.'liilS.
I'd. ilv. II. A. r'oHTK.
(AUli hvwtcr)
For Sheriff.
To the reuliictt voten of Crook
roiintr :
I horvhv xinminc myiwlf ciuli.llr
for the ollioe of ahr-ritf, uojm't to the
approvnl of the rvpiillu-n voter at tiie
pruiinrie lieia April 1'.',
h1. lv. V. 1. Hbown,
For County Qerk.
To th voter of Crook county :
I hereby announce my mmli'Ury for
the noiniimtloi) ol county rlurk on the
rvptihlu-nn ticket at the niuiinit pri
marlen, April l:'ih, ami If iuiiiinte,l
hikI elit'tci, J will xrtorm the ilnticn
of the otllce to the lient of my ahihty,
and Inr the Ixwt interentri of the tatiuiv
r aint allien ill tteneral an J aloui;
oiiml btisiiii'M priiiciile
itl. adv. lloiVAKO . TftiNaa.
For County Clerk.
To the ileniocratic voter of Crook
county :
I herebr announce nivm lf a candiilate
for the ollicv of counlv clerk, uhiivt to
the approval of the democratic voter at
the primaries held April I'1, 111'J.
p.l. adv. W akkkn Uk(i n.
For County Surveyor.
To the republican voter of Crock
county :
1 herehv annmiuce luvaelf a candidate
'or the othce of county urvevor, auh
jei't to the approval of the reruidlcan
voter at the primaries held April f.),
l'TJ. p.l. adv. K. 1.. 1;kwbti:k.
For County School Supt.
To the republican voter of Crook county:
1 nereby announce uiyiwll a caiulldate
fur the otiica of roiintv rtchool Hutierin-
tendent aubject to the approval of the
republican voter at the primarie liehl
April 1. d.adv. J. K. Mvtiui.
For County Attettor.
To the republican voter ol Crut k
ctxinty :
1 herehv announce mv candidacy for
the nomination to the oflice of county
pwwor at the priraari on April It',
1U12. If I am nouunateil and elected,
I will dunlin niy term ol olllce, one my
bet eiufeavor to give a thorough and
impartial aeeeaement, to aaeeu by U'lial
ulHlivlaioo, to index by aubdiviaiona,
and by name, to keep all record in an
up-to-date manner, makinf it eany to
find amount of tax on each parcel of
land, or amount of each Individual tax
to personally attend to the duties of the
olllce, to Rive prompt and camions
treatment to all. I desire placed after
my name on the noniinatlnir ballot, A
Business Administration of the Aaee.
or' olllce. ,
lid. adv. W. E. VajiAutN.
For Sheriff.
, I hereby announce myself as
candidate fur the Democratic nom
ination tor enerift at the coming
primaries, April 19. A square
deal to all.",
I'd. adv. T. N. Balfucr.
For County Assessor.
To the republican voters of Crook
I hereby announce my candidacy for
the nomination for county anftcor, for
Crook county, Oregon, at the prnnarie
to be held on April l!Hh. 1912.
If nominated and elected, I will, dur
ing my term of oHicp, devote my entire
time to tne Uutim ol the othce. 1 nhall
une my utmont endeavor to aecure eijual
aPttruient8 witnout tear or lavor.
will eee that the tax rollu are prepared
promptly and a provided by law. The
pocket hooks of the tax payer are di
rectly effected by the admi'iiietratiou of
tliiA omce.
I deeire to have placed after my name
on the'oll'k'iul nominating ballot theite
words Strict Attention to Itimineas.
Kiial AHReHaments. Ia rtil i ty to IS'one.
For County Judge.
I herrhy iininjiince my I'tiwlldfivy
for uouiinatloii on the Kfiiulillcun
ticket fur the office of Comity .lude
hum, ii eieeUMl. promimi tin cltlzeiiH
of Crook county n fair and hnpnrtljil
jiuiiiiiiiHi ration oi that othce and will
uhh my entire effort toward the bet
terment of 1 he condition of our
county and Uh citlzeiiH.
pd udv HAiti.i;M o. Vm.UAHu.
For District Attorney.
To the Ilcpublican voter of Wanco,
('rook and flood itlver Countict.
I hereby unnounce ny caiuliiiacv
for the Kepubllcaa nomination for
OiHtrict Attorney for the Seventh
Judicial OiMtrlctcotnprlHed of Wntjeo,
Crook and Hood River countfe at
the comina: prlniarle to be held
April V.K 1112. If nominated nnd
elected, the dutlea of the Dlatrlct
Attorney'u oflice will alwayH have
firnt connhleratlon. I ahull ntrlve
fully to enforce nil lawe, and pro
tect, to the utinont of my ability, the
IntereMtM of the whole people of my
dintrict. I pledge myHelf to (five my
persoual attention to the wedH of
the counties c(mpriHing the .Seventh
Judicial DlHtrlct.
a1v2-H . Chaioion l4. Fkipm:b.
W. A. Bell for District Attorney.
To the Republican electorn of Crook,
Hood Hiver, and Waaco Counties :
1 hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination for
District Attorney at the corning pri
maries, April !th, and if nominated
and elected I will during mv term of
office devote my entire time to the
duties of the office to the exclusion of
other law busmens, and give my perso
nal attention, and first consideration to
the linainea of the olll-e, and will
perrumally it the I) III. 'era in ea.-li
ivunty with th enlorcemeiit of the
criminal law, ami raptvially will I exert
mymdl to enlurco the law mainnl vice,
immoral net, and th tralho In white
I have resided in the liNtrlct, at
I'ritieville, ll nd Th I'allea, Oreiron, for
the paat twenty dive year, and nnntted
eiifhttM'it veart 111 the active practiee of
the law. ' l l'..1v V. A. ln.i..
For County Surveyor.
To the Itepiibllcnii Voter of ( rook
County, wrvitoti;
1 hcrvl.y aiinniiiiiH- mv cnndldiicy to
miivivd uiywK to the olllce of Count v
Surveyor, aulijivt to the npproviil
of the Ucpublli'tlll voter. o( nh
coiiMty. Kukii A, Kii'K.
For Sheriff. !
I have Ihh'H urueil li.v n iiiiiiiIht of
prominent cltlaciia of till cointv to
UK"'" lunketlie nice for Mlierlff, Now
liti villi! n kllnwledue of the Work nnd
d ill lee of llmt olllce by ui'tlntf
clih'f deputy for the mt yenr. nd,
niter due coneldi'mtlon, I will com-
1 1 1 v to the wlnhiw of the c!tlr."ii re.
fern-il to mid wImIi to berehv nii
nounce my i-Hiiilldiiey for t lie olllce
of Sheriff, ruitilect to the w I he of
the otem of the IviiKM'riitlc l'nrty.
John K. Kpwaiiiw.
In Hi' rin-.m t uttrl of ttu
i'iil Mm.'U U, ,'Ullitlrr.
va. .
w lmitn n1 ilir titikntiwn
ttiirtif In Mll Ulilimu l.t'intiti,
Nlitt tl muer )i-rth nt ( rtu
t mimiiiif ny r'Khl, uil r mt' r- !
in ihr r i roK-rt) lcrT(U-t Uvtv-
11, -'ti'ttUuUl
I . M U t nut l.viintti n1 Ih uitkttuttit wt o(
llio m'i V till tit uh tit, In nil ttluT
l-vrxia 'or iatrtia u riatintitt any
rnjtit. mtt", t:iiiT4t, )-ttn tr llvn hinui or tn
tii rtl iiri-nv .l"rlMl in iuniiiiiiit
htrf Ui, liM lt 'rnx d III thi llil iiintinntiM,
lit i hi luiiie ol ill M.m it i tft'Mitti, you
vitt'h ol uu r l)vrti tnitmniit"i tni rr
ttirt'tl to a(tNr In Hit iUm rntitti'tl tsiur"
ti l n-wr ur l t.t ttiv ttmitiiiti rtu-l
ii.rttt, iti ihi atiit tini Tnu on ur Iwior
ih lath Uv ol April 14) j. Wtiit h u Ui tluiw
(r r.i'l tn thf urdrr oi lur romitv jn-U" t
crutik rwumjr, Ortin, iirtiiht timhti h tlitt
iiminoit uiiiaiivt, in whU'ti uti art r
tiir'l in mi nifcii, mul ntr or (ittirrM u
t'Mtl, int ll Tiiti ImII .i m Aerar, KiiiiMvr ur
OtlHTW IM tl'il flit) plftlmiff W it il)- tu llt
wmn lor im r 1 1 - Vrnfttntcl in im c i
,..nit, tiiiHt rt-lift is iiit iiiitiff tv U
tmr'l lln ot nt'f in implo ut ih uuih
twt ttinrifr ol tli miliwfii ipri r
ul ati-iion itiirt'tl tu hwiilik. (otiriti'ti
U KHiiii of rim nitit it -IV ri ui ttir il.
Imnt-uP1 McrhliNii tn OihiI rotntiy, i-ruin.
aii'l titth rikI t vfrjr in ihi-ril, anl Oit
ou nnl h ol vott 1 rriiirl tu ft inriti
thf otur of your ntlinvl mlu ilul icv.
ml fiilH, rtKlil, tll', itr It.-tt or liili-rral
Una 1-1 i-ri-ltiltrai, a.lvcrM t.r rn till It HUH Willi
ihf fNtatf r t n ir-rt-t f UttifilY in Mil Uixt
tnl i-rt'tnUt-, iiii i Mm) may U'tfrui
iniM iriiiUmif5tl ! ttrt rt of (hit cuuri,
nl that ty liH-rw llitt!rt', ml tu m!I
lirt tatM-a W torr.rT ilt t'l Hi;4ilit you hiuI
t-arh of you, nt nil roui cUltniiii lv.
ibroiiKti or un.liT ymi or tu her ol you, ami:
thai you a tu) rat It ul you an-l all froli t'laiiu- ;
ihr or to tiaitti Ity, tiirouIi or utxlcr yon,
t ri'rr larrrl. r iifmiit'tl aint rMtiraiti-l I rum
t-ialniiiiK or itiiun up any riulit, till', hitt-r-;
(, livii tr iniaii- in or to ahl irrtniaa ur any
part thtfrtol, ami (hat you n rttlnr ut you,
atit ?rMn t laitmnit or tutlaint by, tliruuli
or iiul'-r you or Mthrr o( you di--r'Hl tu
haw no tiitcra!. right, iup. ttt or tlvti tn
ortoiut prpmiku-a or any iarl thfrHl, and
(or ncti nOier anl lurtbr rt'lirt in th rvm
lnta alotcaal.I aa to ihv cmiri may wtti ?(... I
alii, aud Itr coal and diiburat-m.-tiu ul tit I
Thli turn mom U utl Uhd immuanl to an
ordi-r ul thf Hiiuratiii II. C. Klltn, rounty
jndiie nM rook fuiiutr, orf nun, luadw ttia Jtlb
day oi Kfhruarr, A. !., l'M J.
I he datf of tilt rlrkt uiihtiratlon at thin iiim
inona it thy .1111 ilav of Ki hruary, i'-'U, and ilia
day of the lant uhlUatlon the llth ilay of
Aril, ltfti. T. K J, I't-rrv.
Aitorm-y (oir ulaiuint.
Report of the Condition
Ttll1, In th mate of divtum, mi the tioac of
buslnvM February -JOtlt. If 12: i
Loaniand itUcotinu $iuK.ih? M
Overdraft, att-urtd and unc4'uriMl.
Buudi, and warrania..
nauktnc ioue 1M,J
Furniture and rixturia
Hue from oaiikn (not rpavrvn banks).
Due from apftrovvd rwrvo bank,,,, lft,4vu .i
Cherkaand otluri;aali Ucrna Iu7 W
Cash uu hand H.oiu 4M
Total.. , trjlV Ml;
('HpUal inn k paid tu ,.... m.m) Oi)
Hurplun lund U.wo (w
I , a
i. huh hi. i'omi., ivm vxi-iiatra a imi
Uxut lald, t it W j
Due to bank and bunkera , l,.7s hj j
Depualt due Htate Troaaurer. 4,nvw-
Individual dt'iKJttu mibjcct lo fht k. 4U
Dumand certlllcatt of ih-toH ti.fttlo 'l
CiuhitTr'a clu'oka on ta taint lii; , fto oo
Time tfrliflcaif of h (Knit, , , , t 11,077 7
BHU payable for lumu y borrowed, .. , .ViOO 00
ToUl fll,lV. HU
Htalc of OrtiK'm, County of ('rook,
I, ('. M. Klklna, t'aitlitcr of thealMive-nntui'd
bank, do aob iimly aw-ar that the above atate.
uu'iit Ik true to tbe bent of my kiioulrdK'1 and
belief. l', M Klkitia. (,'nnbUr.
Hubrll'd and sworn to before me tliln '7lli
day of Kebruaiy VAi, M. K. Killott,
Notary public,
t'orreel - Attent : I). V. Mtkwaht,
U. M, 1,'OltNKTT,
Choice Land for Sale.
120 acre ilry land on north elnpo of
I'oweil Hutte; over 1(K) acre tillaliln;
(1000 worth of improvement on plucn,
aim -0 acrui wheat in ground, J)ilch
lateral running through place. Iirr
soil. flH per sure. . I mjuf r at Journal
Ollice nr write Lavkknk Sbarm, I'rine
ville, Ore. 12 :i0-.'jiiip
Turkeys for Sale.
Large bronze turkey hen for ale;
1 each if taken at once. Miw. G. W.
Hi.ayton, Prineville, Or. 2-H2-tf
Heat prices paid for household good.
Also sell and exchange Prineville Fur
niture Kxchanne, Cha. K. Condart'
propr. vili
Home Comfort Range
For tAe at the Prineville Furniture
Exchange. I-ijj
To the 1 axpayers of the City of
To nave time and trouble the tax
payer of Prineville are reiiirmted, be
fore calling at the ahefiff'a oltlce for the
purpone of paying their taxes, to pro
vide themselves with an accurate de
scription of all town property owned by
T. N. Kalfouk, sheriff.
Crook County Journal, county
oITicial paper. $l.f0 a year.
Leap Year Ball
Thursday Evening, February 29
Commercial Club Hall
One Dolalr a Couple. Lunch Served in the Hall
Gentlemen tree it eiomiiiiJ by lady; if on, SO pent.
Lady without partner, CU cent-.
You Will Have No Kick
coming if you use the Reach
Goldsmith Goods. We are
agents for these goods.
L. KAMSTRA, Proprietor
Crook County Jewelry and Sporting Goods
House, Prineville, Oregon.
White Leghorns
(Pure Bred)
The kind that lay, and lay big egg. Eat lew and lay more
than other kinds, a
Eggs for hatching, guaranteed pure, $1.50 per setting.
Cocks $2.00 each.
GUY LAFOLLETT, Prinevile, Or.
Jj ai w aaaaaiaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaa aaaaaai w n
, jl
' rl
I Vi
PrinevilIe--Redmond--Sisters Stage Line
Matt Kulesch, Proprietor.
Passenger Fare to Redmond, $1.50. Express from Red
mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50
pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c
Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the
Pioneer Cream Company.
11-16 S. R. COOPER, Agent
rhone Your Urder
and you will find ns at the other unit of the wire ready to (end you the
freshest and finest Fish that ever came from ocean, river or lake. We
make a specialty of phone orders and make very quick deliveries. Hvery
variety of Fish is here in season, the qualities ami freshness guaranteed.
And our pricea are acknowledged to be vory reasonable.
City Meat
Hliingltn, MmilcliiiK", Windows,
Doom, liliiMHex, Etc. Kta., Kta.