Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 29, 1912, Image 3

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    Order . Yoiir New Spring Soit Now!!
There are numerous advantages in placing your order early. You get the pick of patterns when the line is fresh and new. Give us ample
time for the jlelibcrate care necessary to the best results and you will have the clothes ready to put on when you want them.
B. Gormley, The Tailor, - - Prineville, Oregon
Good Start for
an Excellent Band
Th Modern Woodmen Hand re
cently organlied In Prineville
gives proinlBo d( becoming ike
largest organisation of the kii (1
that I'rintTillH hai had. It hai
now a incrubtTMhip ol eighteen
with a good prospect in iacreainp
the number to thirty when the
present class has had more
practice.. The inntruiuenta are en
tirely new anil cost the organua
tion over 400. When the luntru
menta are all paid fur new uni
forma will be bought. The boys
meet for practice in tlio baseman!
of the Ituptist church on Tueday
and Friday evening. The inslru
mentation ii at follow:
Kli cornet Warren (ilate
) 1 olo Ky V. roimlalile
lib Corunta 'Inn. K. Cm Urt,
! 'I'll it. Krpilih
First Kb comet Kuwcll
Second IIIj cirnnt . Kay Mar key
8 ilti alio .. WMiain Ayrm
1'sriUms ., . A, T. Rogue
First alto t lareure r'alliretli
Kecond allo.. C'lydn Klmler
Second tenor R,iy Hill
Trombone ......Orange HnJgns, William
Arnold, My run lliter
lib bats lian McMillan
Kb bass 'Mei Short
Hnare drum Kd ltolnotii
llunadrum ...It. H, Houe
The ollicera are as follows
President and leader, Warren
ilaf; secretary, Ray Hi',!; treas
urer, Chas. K, Conjart.
Finance committee Warren
(ilazs, Kay V. Constable, Chas, F.
lluniiieva managers ClyJe Kin
der snd Clarence Calbreth.
The Mother Finds
Her Boy Alive
Mr. Krel Kroeger of Goshen,
Orgon, niotbor of Frank Way,
W io wa thought to hare been
murdered, arrived in I'rineville
Sunday night to help find ber r-on.
She did not know 'that he bail
true" Dp a'ive and will until she
read it in the Crook County
Journal on the train coming up
the canyon. She went to Snaniko
and tried to hire a team to come
in way but the liverymen re
fuxed to make the trip. She wan
informed shit could take tbe train
to K'nlmond and did io.
The ha been in great
distress of mind. She learned
tbat her son had been murdered
hut was not funnelled any detail
She was just convalescing from
an attack of typhoid fever at tbe
lime nut could not endure to re
main idle while search was being
made. So she braved the danger
ofarelapi-e and stated for I'rine
ville. She was o confident lur
on was dead that she purchased
embalming fluid snd burial
clothes for the dead. She tid she
wanted to perform the last sad
rites herself. The mother was
oerjoyed to learn that her boy
was alive and did not tuke kindly
to the suggestion that she should
get a stuffed club and una it on
thoce who told her of the sad news
but neglected to tell her that ber
son was alive and well. Mra.
Kroeger left Monday for the home
stead up Crooked river.
Miss Lorene Winnek
Stricken Blind
Miss Lorene Winnek wis stricken
blind while enjoying' lerel( at a
social session of the Eastern Star
last Thursday evening. She was
apparently in the best of health!
and without warning of any kind
lost her Eyesight. Khe, with some
others, wre olavinir at the loci ire-
r j n - " )
room uoor lor a lew minutes while
it was snowing and for the fun ol
the thing locked some of the you g
men outside. It was here-that she ;
remarked that she couldn't see. j
l'bysicians think that the blind-,
uess is caused from a blood clot, !
but further than that the cause of j
the malady is unknown. All tbat
medical science can do for the
alluded young lady will be done
to restore ber eight.
Miss Kearney Gives Lecture.
On Suturday evening of last
week MWs Kearney delivered her
great lecture on "Old Pay in
Dixie Land." Ai the Result of
several unavoidable circumstances
the crowd was the smallest that
has attended any number of the
lecture course thus far, but all
who were present were delighttd
with tbe masterly manner in
which Bhe handled her subject.
She demonstrate.! Iieyond a doubt
her right to a prominent position
on the American platform. Many
ol thote present considered it the
best number of the course. If
Miss Kearney ever returns to Prine
ville she may be sure of a good
Won Piano
Horses for Sale.
On the old f. Nimi Smith rnneh.
Orrin Mills came in from Tost
the first of the week.
Mis. Charles O'Neil and children
of Howard are spending the week
in town.
W. F. King says that it is s mis
take, that he is not a candidate for
the oflice of county treasurer.
James K. Fuller was in from
Mill oreek the last of the week.
Lots of moisture out bis way.
Mill oreek is booming. Crop pros
pects were never brighter.
Mrs. Scoville, a lecturer of
' national reputation, will speak in
the Methodist church at I'rineville
on March 8. She will appear here
under the auspices ot the W. C. T.
Willie O'Neil of Lone Pine,
while out hunting jack rabbits
Sunday, fell from his horse and
dislocated his elbow. Dr. Rosen
berg attended to his injuries.
The Methodist ladies realized a
tidy little sum from their chicken
dinner last Thursday. Not as
much, however, as the dinner
justified. Kvsrvthing was cooked
to a torn and served piping hot.
Thurman Moflitt and Margaret
K. (irant wore married at Antelope
February 22. They will live at
Powell Butte. A reception was
tendered the newly wedded couple
at the horns of the father of the
groom at Powell Butte last night.
Six new announcements this
week. C. I). Brown asking for the
republican nomination for sheriff;
Warren Brown for a re-eloction
forco'unty clerk; R. L. Brewster
for the republican nomination for
county surveyor, W. K. VanAUen
for the republican nomination for
county assessor, and Addie Foster,
asking the nomination for asseeor
at the bands of the democratic
voters. Read the "Announcement
Column" from week to week if you
would know who is who and what
they want.
The contest is over. Jt wa a
pretty race from start to finish.
The contestants hsve worked bard
and kept close together until at
the close when Miss Glaze nut in
enough votes to give her a lead
ol 10,610 over her nearest com-
!etitor. We congratulate the!
young lady on ber success. The
piano ts hers. The final count is:
Miss Millie Wnxe 4r8..",M)'
MIm Mnry Klllutt Ml.MTO
Mm. Vlra C.vrun XM.IBO
Vn I'lt'lflltitll T.!n1illrr an tv 1 II
l.i.prc)Ml Co. L' per square rsril! !
None bellr. 2 2J i
House for Rent !
Seven-room house; electric light and i
eitra!r; one block wit ul public'
s houl. C. C. McXkki.v. 2-l.Ylmp i
Room for Rent j
First house back ol Klkins' store.'
'I-'-.) L't Mm. liri.i.mmn. (
For eoiiL'liH and colds, (jet HIIks '
naUtlln. Krtr artrjitna nu. ...(..(.. ... .
nny iinln, one IIIIhh Oil. The beet'
meillcli.e iiii.ney can buy.
lM5 lf riirsiileby KornioniWalnvan. !
Houses For Rent. '
6-room modern, 16.
T n.oiiisemi-mo.lern, S15.
"room wiiter and lights, !5.
4-room, waler, $S.
3-nxini, f 7.
-'9 ClIAH. F. CoMIART.
Spring; Samples Just. Received.
Spring ami Summer goods lor U'limT
ware; littett out. Candies, Kuta
So.las. Ice Creams, ets. '
Mas. J.N. Wku.iit, next door to I.yric
T,,eatr''- 2-1-1 m
Pull Stumps and Trees.
Tree and stumps pulled at reason
able ( rates.. Work done promptly. For
further particulars aplv to Arroca A
tBiCKMox, I'rineville, Ore. 2-291mp
White Leghorn Hens.
Two dozen thorouiihbied simile comb.
n-nr I'riiirvllle: Mold in nny Mimtier Six hens and cock, not r!ated, t'.TrO
Bt reimble price. For fiirtlwr ; 12 hens and cock II' "iO Wni. or
luforiiiiirlon addrena i. il. IIuhmkm , , nl coca i. .o. Write or
rrinevlllc, Ori'Kon. 12-ltMf "Ju7 mwhik, rrinevine.
2 22tf
Horn Feb. 21, to the wife of
Bert Peruana, a boy.
Miss Pol lie Hodges has accepted
a position in Pr. (love's dental
Mr. Wade of the Tuui-a-lum
Lumber Co., Metolius, was a busi
ness visitor Monday,
Pick Long came over from
McMinnville the last of tbe week
for a visit to his parents.
Sheriff Balfour says that taxes
are coming In very slowly. Only
12700 was collected last week.
Mrs. M. R. Klliott entertained
the 500 Club this week. John
Combs and Mrs. Minger won the
prizes. Those present report a de
lightful time.
The Prineville Flouring Mills
are paying 90 cents a bushel for
wheat; 11.75 per hundred for
barley and oats. Growers are
holding off for better prices.
C. P. Brown, the republican
candidate for sheriff, was in Prine
ville Monday looking after his
political fences. He says that he
is going to make a hustle for tbe
office. Read his announcement
Fred F. Smith of Post was s
business visitor to Prinevillo the
last of the week. This has been
the wettest winter he has experi
enced in his section of the county
for a good many yearB. Grass is
good and with a little sunshine
the range would be fine.
Sunday services at the Presby
terian church are as follows:
Morning theme, "The Conversion
of Children." Both children and
their parents are requested to be
present. "Repentance" will be the
subject for the evening service.
Special music both morning and
evening. Song service in the
evening. You will be welcome at
ibese services. K. II. Kdgnr, pastor.
Leap Year ball tonight.
George Rodman was a Culver
vicitor yesterday.
Born February 28, to the wife
of Mart Bailey, a boy.
H. Kersten, a business man ol
Mtdras was in Prineville today.
IF. V. Brown of Portland has
aocepted a position in the county
clerk's oflice.
Mrs. George Noble returned Sat-
uiday from The Dalles. Her
health is improving fast.
There will be a dramatio recita
tion tomorrow evening at the
Methodist church by local talent.
The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist
church will give an oyster supper
on Friday evening, March 8, in
the basement of the church.
The ladies ol the Baptist cburch
will have a window sale at the
Pioneer Creamery next Saturday
from 9:30 a. m. until sold out.
The Prineville Fire Pepartment
has issued, invitations lo a stag
lunch to be given tomorrow even
ing. A big time is anticipated.
Joseph L. Smith and Mrs. Mina
Weberg ot Suplee, were married
last evening at the borne ol Robert
Moore. Rev. Williams performed
the ceremony.
The Crook County High School
btBketball team played a mixed
team at Bend last Friday and
Saturday. Friday night the C. C.
H. S. boys won by a score of 37 to
23, and Saturday night they re
peated their victory by a score of
33 to 15. The boys report a jolly
good time.
I.N.Mills is 'circulating not) i
nation petitions in Crook county
for Walter M. Pierce for U. S.
senator. Mr. Pierce is the popular
proprietor of the Hot Lake S.ici
torium and lias a wide acquaint
ance throughout the state,
A powerful 30 h. p. car 2, 4, and 5 passenger, semi
float axles nickle steel, Timpken Bearings, five pas
senger, fully equipped, $1,275.00 f. o. b. Portland,
elf starter $25.00 extra.
isjiignt-1 ype Motor.
The Quality Car
Agent for Crook and Harney Counties.
I Madras, - - - Oregon
Use the Olliver Plow
We have every. style from the well known No 20 and 40
Chilled walking plows to the late No. 28 Sulkey. .Also,
the gang with interchangeable bottoms. j
Full line ofShares and Repairs. New line of Discs, Peg and Spring Tooth Harrows, Rollers,
Fresno and Slip Scrapers, Hardware and PAGE FIELD FENCING.
FARMERS: You are invited to call and look these over.
See new stock.
Collins W. Elkins