OREGON NEWS NOTES C F GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout tho ilz'.a During the Past Week. Austritnt Freed on Charge of Rioting. The Pnlies Th? SS Austrian chircml with riotir.g at Ortloy and wbo were held in the county jail here were dL.charsed by the justice of the TOiice f.i'ier he had heard the evidence for the Mate. While ihe Austrian had been somewhat boisterous tu their deti'.onstratio'is during an at teniptcJ adjustment' of accounts be tween tlvm mid the Hood River Or chard Land company, it was not shown that they w.re dar.serous. Work On Natron Cut-off To Cease. Klamath Kails. The announcement that Erickson & Pttterson, contract ors who finished the Natron cutoff of the Southern Pacific railroad north of here to the Williamson river, are packing preparatory to moving all of their construction equipment away, gives rise to the belief here that the work on this end of the cut-off will not be pushed this year. ROAD LAW IS EFFECTIVE Amendment to Let Counties Vote on Issuing Bonds, Sufficient. Salem. That amended section 10 of Article II of the state constitution as passed by the people of the state at the last general election In 1910, Is sufficient in itself to allow counties to vote on the question of bonding for good roads and that the only place that Jackson county failed In bonding for 1,500,000 was the form of proce dure, rather than from the necessity of further legislation, are some discov eries that have been made in connec tion with the opinion of the supreme court in the famous Andrews vs. Neil case. Tacked at the end of Justice Bur nett's extensive opinion In that case were three very brief specially con curring opinions from Justices Bean and McBride and Chief Justice Eakln, or the majority of the court. In these specially concurring opin ions they express tho opinion that the county can, by a local law submitted at a regular election, provide for cre ating an indebtedness and the issu ance of bonds for the purpose of building permanent roads. Men Injured in Collapse of Bridge. Lafayette. Fred Iandess and New ton Livingstone, workmen employed on a county bridge in course of con struction, were dangerously and prob ably fatallly injured when the one bent of an old bridge, which the new one is to replace fell, the heavy beams striking down the two men. County Official Seized. Pendleton. Arrested in this city by Sheriff Taylor upon notification from Pasco authorities, Commissioner Geo. Roe, of Franklin county, Washington, was taken back to Pasco to face charges of bribery and perjury fol lowing his indictment on three counts. PEST IS TREE DESTROYER Storey- Bracher Lumber Company Suffers Big Loss. Cottage Grove. With some 50,000 feet of standing timber already de stroyed and trees for a mile distant having Buffered damage, a close watch has been set for some mysterious ani mal or pest which has been working havoc on property of the Storey-Bra-cher Lumber Company, near here. The lumber destroying pest, which seems to work at night, starts about half way up the trunk and works its way upward to the branches, digging off the bark and sucking the sap. Nothing but fir trees are attacked. No one seems to have any definite idea as to what manner of animal is doing the work, although the gener al belief appears to be that it must be some form of the squirrel family. Normal List Shows Cain. Monmouth. The opening of the second semester of the Oregon Nor mal school shows an Increase of 23 new students enrolled, which brings the total registration up to 123. It is confidently expected that the regis tration for this semester will reach 15. 61,483 Rabbits Killed. Klamath Falls. It cost about $5672 to carry on the work of exterminating undesirable animals in Klamath coun ty during the year 1911. Rabbits are the biggest item in the list of ani mals whose slaughter is paid for in the office of County Clerk De Lap. There were brought in for bounty ears cf 61,483 jacks. Depot Robbed In Daylight. Salem. The West Salem terminal depot of tho Salem, Falls City & West ern was broken into by burglars in daylight Sunday while Agent W. H. Norris was absent, and the robbers escaped with a considerable sum of money. 1 - - BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON K. P. Kerford of Cottage Grove haa just paid his taxes for tlu fifty Aral cousevutiv time in Lane county. J utiles W. Miller, r well knowu Ore gon pioneer aud an active Usui' tu the upbulMing of his part of lite s,tut (or m uiy jurs, died at his homo in Slit'tburn. a;:ed TT. Marion comity K. K. D. carriers tuet tn convention at Gervais. The princi pal business transuded was the ! rase of a resolution askins tor slate aid in good road building. Word has been received from Tuc son, Aril., of the death of Kd C. Her ren of Woodburu, Otvgon, a pioneer hop dealer of this state. Mr. Hcrreu was born in Salem iu IStil. More than SuO.OUO acres of produc tive farm land uow held by William llanley of Hums will be thrown open to settlement at prices that will at tract homesteaders from other parts of the country. Portland Railway, Light & Power company officials have accepted the proposals of the government, and the Oregon City locks will soon pass Into possession of the government at the price of $373,000. Senator Chamber'aln has received requests from I'ort'and labor u.iiotis to have delayed ni:;ils on the Harri m.ut lines investigated and the laws etifarced regarding defective railway equipment on their lines. With "Oregon First" as a slogan special trains of Beaver state citiieas will invade San Francisco March 14. On that day the sites of the state buildings for the Panama Paclilc Ex position, 1915, will tc selected. The interior department has grant ed to Will G. Steel a 20 year hotel concession in the Crater Lake nation al park. This gives Steel the right to erect and maiutuln a hotel and he has organized a company for the purpose. James K. Graham, a prominent eastern Oregon Democrat, who op posed Congressman Ellis in 1906 us Representative from eastern Oregon to congress, has announced his candi dacy for the Democratic nomination this year. The disappearance of R. C. Gass from Klamath Falls, where he had re sided for several months, is causing his friends much uneasiness. Gass was connected with the Klamath De velopment company as architect and civil engineer. To secure the conduction of a fine permanent highway ajong the Colum bia river, S. Benson has sent to Gov ernor West a check for $10,000, which he will give to aid in the construction of a road near Shell Rock, about six miles from Hood River. The secretary of the interior has received a report from the board ap pointed to investigate the West Uma tilla project. The report is favorable and strongly recommends the exten sion of the project, which will Irrigate more than 30,000 acres of land. The house committee on public lands has agreed to report favorably Congressman Hawley's bill authoriz ing substitution of odd numbered sec tions of land in Pauline national for est, belonging to private parties, for other lands in southern Klamath ceunty. Double-tracking, eliminating the curves and reducing the grades on the main line of the O.-W.-R. & N. company between The Dalles and De schutes, a distance of 44 miles, work which was started nearly two yerti ago and which 'Involves an expendi ture of $3,100,000, will be completed before May 1. A new corporation known as the Lake Packing company, has been or ganized at A6toria with a capital of $50,000. The company is authorized to conduct the business of packing fish and all kinds of vegetables and food products in Oregon, and Alasku and also to own and operate steamers and other water craft. With a complete confession at hand from one who participated in the rob bery of the steamer Humboldt, plying from Alaska i .Socitember, 1910, Gov ernor West declares he has unearthed the secret of the gold bullien theft which caused natioir.l comment at the time, when $57,000 worth of gold was taken from the steamship. Announcing the appointment of a committee of five members represent ing prominent business, horticultural, and agricultural interests as well as other industries of the state as a good roads committee to have free rein in passing on the merits and demerits of the various good roads bills which have been subject of discussion, Gov ernor West has taken afeps toward reconciling differences which have arisen. One of the most sweeping decisions rendered by the Oregon supreme court in years was that of the case of Hie Corvallis & Eaotern railroad vs. the Slate Lend board. Only 45-100 acre of tide land was involved, but the decision gives over to the railroad company the entire stretch of tide lands along the shores of Lincoln county. George G. Brown, clerk of the state land board, declares the de cision one of the greatest calamities that could befall the people of Lincoln county. On the other hand, Justice Burnett says the finding may be un popular, but it U bused on law, BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON lioseburg Is guaranteed a rail road to Coos Bay if the city will agree to pay $100,000 for it. The North Heud city council has called a special election for April IS to vote on charter amendments. Public dances will be absolutely prohibited in Albany If an ordinance Introduced In the city council passes. Out of 85 applicant! taking the ex amination for a state limine to prac tice medicine in Oregon, S3 passed and 32 failed. I'nlon is to have .one of the best water systems in the state. Twenty thousand dollars will be spent In ad dition to the preseut system to make it the best. Frank J. Bolter, of Brooks, tor 25 years one of Marion county' most prominent and successful hopprower and farmers. Is dead of hemorrhage of the brain, Joseph Kirk wood, a pioneer of IMS, and one of the famous characters among the early day Oregoulans, is dead at Hopewell, Yamhill county, aged 91 years. Suit waa Instituted In the "circuit court at Kuxene by Wlllard S. Plank against Wlllla P. Morse to recover $10,000 dameges for the alleged alien ation of his wife's affections. Nels A. Bystrom, who has worked on the lower Columbia river as a fish erman and longshoreman, was run over by a freight car at Astorta and so badly injured that he died au hour later. That the demand for trained teach ers Is rapidly growing, and that tliero were six or seven places for every graduate of the first class going from Monmouth normal school, Is tho statement of President Ackerman. According to a report of the Rogue River Fruit and Produce association, 45,049 boxes of pears and 20,071 boxes of apples were Bhlpped out from Med ford last year. The pears brought an average of $1.93 a box and the apples, $1.50. The senate public buildings commit tee authorized a favorable, report on the Chamberlain bill appropriating $75,000 for a site and a federal build ing at Oregon City, and the Bourne bill for $185,000 tor a site and building at Astoria. Representative Hawley has been ad vised that a quarter million of black spotted and rainbow trout eggs will be sent to State Game Warden Flnley for the Oregon hatcheries, In addition to shipments of young fish already awarded the state. , Plans have been carefully laid for the promotion of an active campaign In Oregon for equal suffrage. With the sting of defeat still rankling in their minds, the women who have for years favored the ballot for their sex are prejaring to make the campaign of 1912 end in final victory. The Interstate commerce commis sion, in a ruling by Commissioner Lane, holds that the Southern Pacific In hearings at various points In Ore gon last summer failed to produce evidence which will Justify the com mission in granting It permission to continue all the rates In Its local tar iff 161, which contains class rates for transportion of traffic. State Capital Gleanings Petitions favoring the nomination of William Howard Taft for president were placed In circulation the first of the week. Congressman W. C. Hawley has filed his declaration of Intention to be come a candidate for re-election on the Republican ticket for Congress. A. 9. Miller, George A. Hartman and A. A. Cunlngham were named members of a committee to investi gate and expert the books of Multno mah county, by Governor West. February 27 has been fixed as tho date for a visit by the members of the state board to the Eastern Oregon Asylum. They will be accompanied by Architect Knighton and a thor ough inspection of the building be ing constructed will be made. Announcement was made by Gover nor Went that his off or to five a new mail wagon to the rural mail carrier who writes the best 300-word article on the roads over which he travels, has created a spirited contest, and that already many communications are pouring in. Confronted with a request from State Treasurer Kay to turn all state funds in its possession over to him, the secretary of the state medical association has written Attorney-General Crawford to lenrn whether ho must do so. A law was passed by tho last legislature providing that nU boards must turn funds taken in by them over to the state treasurer. Governor West is taking under con sideration a petition recently received from over 125 residents In the vicinity of Port Orford, declaring that the cre ation of the Port of Port Orford is il legal and asking the governor to call upon District Attorney Brown to In stitute at once quo warranto proceed ings to determine the legality of the port and the right of the commission ers to hold office. White Wyandotte Egigi For Halchini. $2 per 15 K. K. Evans. Prine ville, 2-1-tI Many a Man Owes His Success to an Investment mi the liiNtnlliiient plan, lie t'tiilxe It linn nerved im tin mit-linr mill kept him III a atrnlulil Hue mill ii way Iruiu the nmn.v "liet lileli Ijulek" iii'lieiiiiw which lire mii ileiitlliil tmliiy uinl wh li b hii niton menu rli'lie only for the Mimmlli toiiiMinl iiriiiiHiteni tlieroof. Bv InvestlimlNYOUR MUftie. iun yuii lire tii'iutiiK wlili viiIiii'n mill people with whom .von are tn'qimlnti'il . people who are liltelVHleil III your wellure Inh'iium- your siie ermi liii'iius the mit'tiwi otutliera about j mi, niul the inure sue cestui eltlieiiM it town en ll himnt of tile heller plueeli will Ik-. Lots In NOBLES ADDITION run U' hail by iiinklut; n very miii tt II payment ilowu nml the lui I;i me on term to mill the punimwr, monthly, l. monthly quarterly, Imlf-yenrly or tt mnml i.YHif utH. Them loin Mtv the ln-Ht Investment In city proper! , toiltiy. The only illntrlrt with liiillillnir restriction nml Willi Hlnvt Improvement nml olile wiilk already In. Make your Relit-1 Ion now. A few dolliirx will hold Hie lot (or you until you ciin iniike further my. lilentH. You lire iltl I led to the lie t. Whv Hot Ki't it? Colli" III nml let nie hIiiiw.voii NOBLES I ADDITION, the eeliter of billhl Init activity In I'rlnevllle. A. R. BOWMAN Give tit your order for CORDWOOD Juniper or Pine, large or small quantities DILLON'S YARD Opposite Post Office. The Oregon Bar Al the Old SUnd a W.Wiley & Co., Prpt All kinds of Choice Liquors Wines and Cigars. Famous Ranier Beer in Bottles and on Draft. Nriicf of Fiul StttUawni. Notice U luTfNjr given tv lh un-mtgne1, th' iiii(iiirtti.r i U,e i-Htntv of WilluM J Crtttn, ilr'in l, )i he ha matte nt tU-l with the tier It nl the rmiuty court bis flul i ciiiintliiK of tut ft'lmitiiiirnitim of ikM mtnie, ami (hat the t.-'unty i-oiirl lm m-X MnmUy, Maruh4lli, at lOoVhw It til llm lor.'titmii, at the count) court rimm In I'ritievllle, on-iinii. am tht time aii'l fUce (or in-rtntr ami 'tiling M Anal artiMiuting. At which sni1 ttinwaipl place, any (I'Timi intfrcited In !! eatntv, may ari'ftr Niil ohji-ct to Briid final accounting. UftU-tl Oil lli tn) ui Feb., I'll.', Al.HKKT I. ('RAIN, A.lmlnlntrnlor nf the ettaia of WHIorU J. traiu, (K'tL-anvd, 2 ft Natict of Cooteit. ItrpartniPtu of tho Interior, Unite! ritah-N Lnii'l om-t The Halle. (irej("n. February 8, IW2. To Heir, ul William F. tfttulhurK, of 1'nne viUeOrtiffjn, route tee: You are hTt'!y notllletl ttmt Margaret Kim melt, whoKivfM Prim-vlHe, ctrf on, her post utltce aihtreiis, did on l.-e,. al, I'M t, file In this ofllee her luly rorrohornU-t e)II':ntion lo con lent at)t fteciirft llifcaiu'ellatlun of your Home ulead fciilry No.-, Merml No. l)7,tfi'J, tiimlu Hfpt. 1, lit JO, fur HK1 HKU Met: 3, N- NK'i, NK'i'NW', Sie 10, Tp Hi, H. Kaniro K. K, W u laniutte Meridian, nti'l ak it romnlri for tier cnti-H-ft ahe alletcea iliat hhi-I William K, Htielher tiled Jhjc. 11, l'Jlo, ltiaviiiR Im lather, Kranlt SheloerK. hi nole heir, and that Maid Will (ant F, Hhelltcrtf, hrovi-r nix inonthn prior to Auk 19, 1'.'il, had w holly ahuidoiicd Hat.l tract and hail wholly faik-d to reticle upon, colli vain or Improve the hheih- aline milking fluid entry; thai aatd Kranlt lK-lH?rj( Iihh woolly failed to rent ie upon, cultivate or Improve natd tract of land (or over hIx tnotithx prior to Auk. lli.l'.dl, nor has anyone for him improved or tmltlvated th' Maine dnriOK aid time or at all. Von are, tliin:fore. further notified that the Raid Hill-nations will he taken hy llils oniee nm havlliK onfi HM'il by you, And your hnid entrv will he eanceled thereunder without your ftirlh.tr rUlit to be heard therein, 'iiherl-f(iru t h 1m of- flee or on nppenl, if you fail to file in thin otliee rfitliin twenty duyn nfti r the Koi'iitii publication of thin notlee. tin hIiowii below, your answer, under oath, ttpeeifieiilly (m-eilng and reMpondluK to these iill-KIIoiia of run tent', or If you fnll within thai time to tile In thin of flee due proof that yon have Nerved a copy of your aitMwer on the toild couieOuit either In peraon or by reg ottered mail, if tliln aervlee ! made by tint delivery of a copy of your an swer to the contestant In nemon, proof of audi service mtirtt be eltjo-r the wild content a tit's written aeknowledKiin-tU ol bin receipt of the copy, tdiowlntf the date of It receipt, or the allidavlt of the pemoii by whom the delivery wnn made, mating when ami where the eopy wan delivered; If mado by regitttered mall, proof of Kiich Hervlce intm cuiihIhI of ihc affi davit of the person by whom the eopy wua mailed. Hlatlng when and the powt office to wiiich It was mulled, and thlNamdavit'muht he accompanied by the poNttnflNter'a receipt for the letter, yon Mhoitld male In your answer the name of the pot ofliee to which yon desire fin ure no tices to be aeut to you. C. W. Mooiik, HoKlmer. Ttate of first publication February lo, W2. Imte of second publication February YM2. liate of third publication February uu, HiU. Itate of fourth publication March 7, ll'l'J, Applications for Grazing Permit i. NOTK'E la lieroliy Klven that nil HppUcaMoiiH for pt'PiultH to rnzn cattle, liorHeR and nliccp within Ihe cak;aiK national kojikst during the HctiHon of V,il'2, iniiHt lie HUM la my olllce at Ktitrone, Ori'ton, on or before Kcltrtuiry 20, 1!H2. Knll Inforintition In regard to tin; wriJng fii'H to berharMl and blank foniiH to Im1 iiHcd In tnakbio; appltcutloiiH will be furnluhed upon rtMjnpHt. 2-1-Ut IMAPK It. SKIT, SupurvlHor 8 Go mil I ( ii FURNITURE You will limk with n.lmlrnlhm imr tlm ip.lul ru in lt-a ul liiixluru Kurnllllrii llmt litvn on oliililtiun In our Hhihkii, tli iiiimt nrllalic tnl lwt miiatrurlnl Kttrniliirii war liirinnl put ly mI rmlurt. Tli ilil!n, tli orknitiliip, tho bi-miilful llnll., will 0 'mini von m nilit, ml wurrmit llimlutnl'ility il i'mtv nt KuruU tins Ixinytit from ii. l'orl'iiil iriin. A. 11. UPPMAN & ARE YOU SURE Thf MToriln iiliow n rli'nr tltli to your iroHTt.v? Tlm nvimlM tnlli'il lo uliiiw riirnrt title In nli uhhIk tlil wwk ty a li-inlliitf ri'iil i-tnti rmniiHiiy. RESULT lmtf il. liiy niul ii)iillili lorn, ltwti-r li t the I'loiu-cr Almtmi't, I'limpHiiy look nttiT ymir Inti-rfiiiii, PIONEER ABSTRACT COMPANY (Member Oregon Attociation of Title Men) PIONEER SADDLER Miimiliicturvr ut nml ilrnliT In Harnett, Saddle, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits - and Spurs. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles. E. H. Smith. Prop. Prineville, Or. 6 Pioneer None Money Back if You Made -at Pioneer Agents DeLaval Separator. V5: OLD "I. W. HARPER" is the whiskey with the delicious 'rewell." IU wonderful taste is a fair criterion of the all-round excellence of this most famous brand. ' Sold By Silvertooth & Browder Shaniko and Bend, Oregon 8 tsmmsomamammmmmat W. A. n.TH, I're.. D. F. Htkwaiit, VIoo-It. c. m. Ki.K.,0hlor Crook County Bank . PRINEVILLE, OREGON St.tam.nt of th. Crook Courtly Bk of ur,ininuoni or diiwi, June 7th, 1911 .t,1"cou"?!i:;:'; w mm C..h kurf di7roi b.i,k, 47,809.95 ' ; m'j:' JI8,I)0M8 1188,11110.118 The Cash Grocery In ihimwuhI to iiiply yuii ntCi ihu cln icat yrut'inli, Iruiu ml vrgluli tl 111 in'UKill tlm brat In qimllly lit tli luwot iurkt mUmi, 1'ioiiipt tnj Rimini UiliviT)'. The Cash Grocery GEO. WHITEIS, Trop. COMPANY L - : - Butter Better Are Not Satisfied. Home. Cream Co. P,iovill0, Oregon, .. r.ndored to th.