1 J I I i i ! t t, 1 1 it' i ! I t 5. I lei THE CARE OF LAMBS AT WEANING TIME I Real Estate Transfers i i - i Furnished by tha Cre-ik Comity Ab stract Company. ! Orln A. IVsrce, et x to Jacob S. : Movhrinc nw'a ne'j l;llll:t MM. K. ins; John 27i 14. A, U. Kurnswortu, et ux to Paly, l4 inttereat in ne'4 i sU se'i una f's w. Columbut J. Johnson to C. M. Nye sere tract 2 in block -I Johnson iutxli- vision, I'nneville, fliVV A. S. Collins to Andrew J. Noble, Tue separation of the ewes iinil their lamb J Is simple In Itsett. but utter wtwaUis extra cre come Just as It does when the pigs, calves or colts are weaued. writes 1. C. Courtier tu lows ( Homestead. Separate thoot and ruu i tiic ewes tn some far Hold out of sicht ; ml sound. They need only sparse Fmilnff nnn .. a ;,.. i tk.. t " m ...... i nuu 1 1 lie-,1 j - - fire allowed clean drlukfmr water mi,l id 'i s I sec. :W-14 lii. salt una their udders are milked out a Wisconsin Western Timber Co. to ti. little once or twice the first ten days K. Sanborn Co. a sec. Sand n4 sec. they will give little trouble. The lambs l !. vi ! fl should get their usu.il share of feed ; ri,, Ann fern and husband to ml care aud the extra care left over c , , fm, ,),. t.,.. ;.. .h 'Ionian ltarne-, wt4 sec. 2311 K 10. w . a, a .i9 t iv . liiu uuir ... ... . mie ui iregoii 10 r reu r u nor, e, so 4' see. 8, and n8 ne' sec. 17 l'Mt. I'liited States to Charles E. Cbealey, for tlie little lambs, and unless they j are Induced to forget their touellness ! by filiiug their stomachs they will grow thinner instead of fatter. Save the fresh, choice pasture plots for them. If possible turn them Into the dooryard in the evenins. Save the second cuttings of the clover mead ow and when possible turn the lands on to small patch of clover and let them mow that down. U is better to grow lambs fat now and sell them on the early market than wait and fat ten them on corn or hav after it Is st-1 ;. 3.V21-1.1, patent. I'nited States to JKred Fisher, s1 sw, sec. . and si4 sec. S-HM4. i CertiriVate.timil l'roof to Clifford VV. ; Sowers (or s l4 sw'4 sec. 12, and .' sel4 sec. 11-12-14. j Oregon & Western Col. Co. to Harry i Hudson, pi.t S, 4, 5, ti, , S, , block 3, I Fifth add. Prlneville, ti'uX. In the barn and send them to market i Henry Hudson to Timothy K. J later when there are all of the others ! Duffy, lots 7, S, t, block 3, Fifth add to iu wiui'vitr against, tvery aay I ecu I'nneville. these lamha all the mm nn.l np i r n- ....... , ilw lo A , aniHisKirx, n'o 6l?LCT,-l?aSt0m.tb t0,ia !nd neW ne me. 25 12 11 U. .uuui. auu itucj uj tun leeu seen . . .. . ,,. ,, . ..,., , j secl.. i;!9, i. Andrew Tierson to Anna E. Pierton, n sec. 9, and a ncj sec. 811-14 tbem there. Where the farmer was wise enough to Uilnl: of bis lambs and feed them grain from birth almoRt he now sees the advisability of It. for he has fat lambs while his neighbors' latuba are thin, and his lambs will catch top prices two mouths before his neigh bora will Clean water, shade, salt and attention as a guard against mag gots make them comfortable. The contented lamb Is the fatteniug lamb, and the fat lamb is the mouey maker. 10. M. Mmi9 to Nels M. Muus, se1, tec. ,.'!4 21-14, $3000. ) Chas. Altschul to Oregon A Western Col. Co. nw sec. 2.1-13-lS, 8t0. j Mattie M. Waugh to Claude ti. I Ramsey, sw nwj and n!i si sec. 2U i 12-1.1. $1. I Augustus Walker to J. A. Hoover.sel Caring For Turkeys. ,nJ "H'wi nwj and ne'4 Toung turkeys are delicate, and It is l 27-1H-20, $1. best to hatch the first two clutches or Martin L. Fvcrett to Homer Koss, litters laid by the turkey ben under j !o 4, 5, 6, block 5, Fourth add. Prine hens. After the weather becomes set-i ville, $1. ''ai,W!,rn! a he0 ,urk m"k a j Wm. Brown to A. J. Harter, eS, naj ery good mother. 'see. 15-1:1.9 $1 Give them plenty of water and grit j ,'. ,, ,.',.', , . from the start and put a very little1. t- ' JIhn ar,,s ",t lard on their heads ami nn.W th : of lots 2 and 3, blcxk 3, First wings of the hen to keen n. tie. a ,d- Pevil,e, $700. which are peculiarly fatal to very I Aur Zell to Henry FMwards i J Toung poults. Do not overdo tM t ec. 2!i-l..l."t, $2ll, greasing: a very little lard goes a long Kufus E. Wal drof to Jeese W. Lvman way In killing lice and not enough et a!, a1 sej sec. 15 and n'a' iic' sec. hould be used to stick the down to 1 22-13-13, $2,500. the body. Oue drop of warm lard is j Astic Dand A Cattle Co. to Clara L plenty for one pouit. BgU ,r n(, an,j , , , X( u r r me urat wee. Ur!0 neV- 31.12.. Andrew I Pierson, wS,' dk S.andn'jneJ X-1M4; jWm. A. Pullen. e'3' w', nw'4 sel- and swt neil7-ll-14; Wm. McElroy, : nwj and lot 2 of sec. .10 and srj swl4 ! 19 11-14; Frank M. Uveland. n'., n. list Your IHouae With Me. I will rent vour dome and collect the rent for $1. Ciua. Kr Coxhakt. I ll Notice of thi! Sale ( Kii EMutc by Admlimt rat or. Notice is hereby tilwn that pur. snant to ail nnlfr ttl Court of the County of Crook, Stale til Oregon, niaoe on the 3rd ditv of Janu arr. 1I2. in the matter of tlm it.ita ,o' J. W. MtioilSkMtl. tleeed-ttxl ilin n, signwl administrator af said estate will s ii ar private sate sutom to the con- HrUiatitUl Of the Hni.l iMIlrt tr.wit alter the 10th dav of February, 1;12, all ! inerigni, ime, interest and estitte of said J, W. Mctlouacill at the time of his Otath. and all of the rtuhi inU intertt ilm Niki.l MMtuid i,..-d .... quired other than or in addition to that in hit mm n, .iiawiiiiiim at lb time of his death or eithsititient thereto, iu all that part or poiti.m u( Ian I sitn ate.1 in tlie county of Crook, Oregon, and more particularly descried as follows ton it : The wist hulf (i ol the west half ( . I of section twenty four l-t i in lonnsiup niii'i'n it i south ot range twelvo ( 12i ea-t of the Willamette Meridian, in Crook Couuty, t)regon, and all in one parcel. Terms and conditions of sai I sale, i cash in gold coin of the I'nited States, ! 5 per cent of Purchase price to lw pant on day ol sale and the balance iiiou the coiitiriuation of sale bv said court. PattM this lllh ilv nf itiiniirv mi" and publishe.1 for the first time tin the lllh dayof Januarv, lvt2, and data of last publication February liiih, i i. W. It IMarY, Adtiiinistrstoi of the estaie of J. W, .uctionagill, deceased. Slx-pimnd all.wonl sanitary IlUnketa, as long as stork lasts, l.',0 per pair, A. H. I.htihn Co. 12-21 I fa t 10 m.tt. ewry v, y ' tnlavnitii. stmns-n wHvtui i). , Kmiu, ti.; l t, N'lattock. V, Hurl Hamm. !.; anil '. II. tliiwi1tlt,Tre, 4 C D and uey is 29-12-1:1; Huliert i A. Scoggins, el2 ne, st nw and iw ; ne'4' sec. g-Itl-11. j Beat prices paid for household goods. ! Al sell and exchanire Prineville Fur- uiture Kschange, Chas. V. Condart jPropr. uh i Pare-breil White Wv-nnilnti rtmi. tor sale. Kav V. Coxstaiilx, Adam son a Druggtore. n -tf Notice to the Public. j Notice is hereby given that Prineville echool diHtrict No. 1 will not be respon sible foi debts contracted by any incii I vidual unless said person has an order ; signed by some member of the ftchool ! board. Mrs. R. F:. Okav, Chairman. 3hoto bjr American Press Association. MAMMOTH BROXZS TTJIIKET, feed very stale bread soaked In swoor ; milk and squeezed quite dry or cottage i N,ic, Cniitm ArlTf tWCk 80UnBllk- lfI."-hen!to",v"'' by Add a little black pepper to either of le'lininitratorot the iie ot tupii i these feeds and a small . 'Ifi?iieiV:.!?l'"'' of s.i.i "'"vu lAiiAiveti unis. rauru DO lieu Notice to Light, Water and Power Consumers. Please read careful- and take due notice. When the collector calls on yon, vou will please he prepared to settle v'oifr account. All light, power, and water accounts are due and mo! h.i n.n.l 1. for the tenth of the montli. All new rvie miMl m iviitl in .K.j.. if i.u collector faitsto tind yon by the sUth of me uiontn, you win please call at the office and pay your bill, if your account the servh-e will be diacnntlniietl witlumt notice. If you are paying; in advance, and have paid for a foil month and you snouui move to a house that h is no tlifhts nr Kater. tfint iwrtiH ,.f .1. unuset! month mill tie refunded to you providing yon inane claim within twenty-four hours, for the amount due vou. ! Also if your bill should ha I man usual, neiore you uiake a com- nlamt It I u...tl ... ... i. . op your lights or water, and be positive arc i-v: untnur iuiir llglll or wiitnr than mil nr f.avit,.. f., am ....... - - NOW nUianil Ihir.k t la i.-,. ia il .i.rl.l I - r - - -- - - .. w. - it.ii. Vnil 111 a...,c mrn a a,.l $1 worth of Slltrar. anil aa B.an aa !,.. merchanta bai-k is turned, for you to laae J worth 7 - If you are not positive at to the amount of current that you are using, if yon will take the trouble to call us up and unattM vmir uUnt tnna ti a u ...il . niijio hit; limtmi lur TIM1, And furthermore if you must purchase your lamps eisewnere (ami weposiltrelv know that this practice is being indulge-! in) be sure you purchase a lamp of the Wattage. Voltage ami make that we are now iiirnisning. we positively will not furnish current to lamps, Hat irons, and motors that are ntt suited to our current. In conclusion I will say that I have been With Vntl for 111, laal , a. nt eleven years, and during; that time I nave oone my Desi to lie honest and sipiare wilh the people of Prineville, and in the future, if you cannot play Aniari "itli My Sugar ISarrel We l)o Not ant our Patronage. Vou niav think it. atrant.it It, at an should issue this notice, but condition compel us to iio so. Our instruments at tlie rower House ti ll us that we arc llirnishlnir flftv fttntthura nf iu,r.r. ol which we have no lecord. riease remember. Urn comimnv re serves the rifhl to diacotititme the current at any time to prevent fraud or or a juse or lor nonpayment ol due-, Vrmra Tmlw. Prineville l.iuht and Water Co Per C. L. Shattuck. Supt The Brosius Bar Fineit Brands of VVinei, Liquor and Cigars. LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor Natty Neckwear mm ti m m 11 mMMi ahinvs the a I lna( of n itcntlr. tun ti. Men nf illai-rlmlimtloii buy their Nn-kllea nnd ot lu r llulier. Imahery here, laviiuae they get tlm lioweat atvlea In the best (imlltra. We lire now shuwlntf the new aenauti shtulca In fuuey Nirkucar. I'leualiiir Unvcltlea In dealuna mill eulurlima. Cotnti III nml loiik oxer nnr atia-k--yuii will be ulnd you ncci pted tlm IllVlflltllltl. FOSTER & HYDE S.yjUlv....lri..M Who Said Hard Times? 1 HARNESS and 1 SADDLERY Prineville, Oregon AAA AAA AAAAtt i " RECEPTION " If you trade with us, and take into consideration the quality, quantity, etc., you won't notice any defTercnce in times. shop 0. K. MARKET Stroud & Stroud, Proprietors I hi 3 '4 rii Smith & Allingham, Propt. Champ Smith'! old stand. Imported and Domeitic Cigars Famous Whiskies Old Crow; Hermitage; Red Top Rye; Yellow Stone; Canadian Club; Creorn Rye; James EL Pepper; Moore's Malt. Porter, Ale and Olympia Draft lieer on I ap. Saaaaaaaaa IwWutaTinia a ia' aaaai.ltf Begin Treatment Now Rheumatism Can Be Cured A teiiic wi hricj. you our lew UmMet ilraeiiblnn HOT lKE SANITARIUM. Nam I tl Hot Mineral Uallm, Nature's I Cure for Rhsumatiam. ur equipment is lomtltiie. In. Mineral V.r Cures Kheiiinatiim, surpassed Meiliral Huff. Hot Lake Stomach. Kidney, Wood and Skin Iiisordeta HOT LAKE SANATORIUM, . . Hot Lake, Oregon WALTER M. PIERCE. P-ae. end Ma,. Imported Wines and Liquors. eggs mixed with bread after the first week. With the third week beirln feeding cracked wheat and cracked corn, but the cottage cheese may be fed with the grain if desired. It is always a good feed. Give the poults more lib erty then. Do- not forget the supply of grit, clean water and green feed. teetl a little and ofteD at first "i"1 clan-. lo present the nmq with the may be fed TT K,Z,n Wflr,, t Wl!tiin BIT Illl.tltha, (entr. II. . " of this nml.. Datt-U Jan. i', 101 , Aijmlnlnratorof the istatc'of Ho'pli'ia j. l.a- Restoration to Entry of Lands in National Forest. Notice Ih herebv Klven that the liuidH ileHcrilicd tielow.emlirncliiL' 'no ncrea, wltliin the DiKhiitea mid ( ,. When ri, t,tt. i. .... !'"". witnin tile DcKhlltea UI1( red"-that is. show the red cannula- ln: SnVVn Uons on the neck, turn them loose : under the provUlonn of the home and let them go where they will In fHtead Inwa of the ("nlted Stutea anil search of Insect feed After this thev -thc aet ' ',lint' H. 1M', Suit.. 2:;:t . are Indifferent to bad weather nnd will ' a the I n! ted Stutca land not be Injured bv anv storm tloir mn '.'J1 !''!k:,n''ew' Oregfin. on come, Alwava feed at nlirhr to beer. !... .. I.. .,..Anv . -,W!U1,,r . " iiciuauv lllltl in fwnl them In tne notion of coming home. Scoura In' Calvea. Scours iu calves Is caused by over feeding, bad food or drink, damp sta bles and filthy surroundings. The best remedy Is to remove the cause and to withhold food. Give once dul ly twenty grains potassium permanga nate In a pint of water. Farm Journal. Ollii April who r..i. i. i claiming any of said lauds for n'frrl- iimiiiui puroeH prior to Januurv 1 1. 1M06, and has not abandoned same : Iiub a preference riht to make a homextead entry for the lands actu ally occupied. Said lands were listed upon the applications of the persons . mentioned below, w ho have a preference rl(fht subject to the prior right of any such settler, provided such settler or appllcunt is (jtifililied - 10 iiiHKt' noinesiHmi ..ntrv- nn.l .1,,. preference rlht Is exercised prior to Silo N-..;t I " 'V1."' ou w"lctl (,ilt the lands The alio will .,.1,-a .1,..' .. . H1" "? "Ubject to settlement and ,i .,,; :;.:zj 1 r,tr"y y 'jnii'ra-(i p-rson. t t,. uul,.,s luc Yiiuier. r.ven inniiM are as follows: The uw ot in ma warmer portions or tlie south- ne4'. Sec, 111, T. 22 S., It. 10 K., W. M. tiest the pasture cannot always be de- 411 acres, application , of Stanley J. pended upon to supply the animals Pi,'r. of Bend, Oreson; List 6-5:12. The silo is almost a necessity for the ' ,l.'lle,!,,,'i of MWi' Sec- 10' T- 22 s - JJ- 1" dairyman - J'-, 40 acres, application of John F. ' ' : Bogue, of Rapine, Oretron; List 506 i ne e'j, oi Be',, tlie ej of m Sec. 22. T. 218., K. 10 120 acres, applb cation of Christ. A. Anderson, of Laplne, Oregon; List 6-5U9. 1 8, V. Proudfit, Assistant Com i mlssioner of the General Land Office. Approved Decemlwr 1!), 1!IU, Carml I A. Thompson, Acting Secretary of I thc Interior. 1 2o-4t Tha Milk Pail. Don't use wooden milk palls. Tin makes the best milk containers for any purpose, provided the seams afe smooth and there are no sharp angles to catch nnd hold minute portions of m;:k In wlili h bacteria can breed. Sheriffs Sale. On Kiccution in Foreclumire. In tlia f'ir.'iiit l',.,ir ..f .1... ..... w.bu. ..uui a ui liiv Ul uregon, lor the County of Crook. Ralph Porlilv. tilaintiff. v. Ollla f- Ft lefsonand Nellie ii. Kllefson, defend anta. To the elieriff of Crook county, Greeting : Whereaa. on tha llith ilau ni tk... 1911, in the above named court, a judgl men i was reiioereu in lavor ot ttie a Dove named plaintiff and against the aliove named defendants far Hir tt.,... dred and Fifty Dollars, with interent mcii-uii irom lue inn aay oi ren., nwi, at tlie rate of 8 per cent per annum and Seventy-five Dollars attorney', foe. and the further sum of Fifteen Dollars costs which judgment was enrolled and dock eted in the clerk's office of aid enurt. in "aid county on the 19th day of Oct., I 7 1 I , And whereas, it was further ordered and decreed by the court that the northt.net quarter of the southeast 'pinner oi section sixteen in townahip mown aouiu oi range sixteen eadt of W 11 amette Mum inn in I Vv,- .-.... Oreiron. lie sold bv tha ol.i.r.ff i county as under execution, and the pro ceeds of such eale, after paying the cofts, disbursements, attorney's feea and expenses herein Htuted, shall be appueu upon tlie judgment, and if the proceeds ol biicIi ale be Insufficient, the nlaintiff simll h execution against the defendants, Ollie cueieon and .Nellie ii. Kllefson to reel ver Mitr-ti tm unce n,,nu ri ...... -- u..,ui.., l hereby Kiven that 1 have levied upon tlie iroii.-rtv above described ami I ..III lOtk da; of February, 1912, the same being Saturday of the week, o cioca in me aiternoon of said day m u ironr. i rinrnt tiu -.,..!.. , - VMM, .IIUI1RO in Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash, all of the ogio, ime ami interest ol the said Ollie ... j.iiBieon ami neine r. r.lielson. de lendants herein, in and to said real lironertv anil nrpmiaea tt aat.cf.. ..n:.l raiini, l-KIIJ ll,. i, ...An. 1 .!:..! j b , ami uinuurReinenis, ac Criliria CORts. exnenaea f.t aafa an.l . torney's fees, and said eale will be maue sunject to redemption in theman her nrnvided hv lau- nated tins Pith day of January, 1912. 1. . DALFOUK, - T1S Sheriff of Crook county. RntoratiM t Entry af Uaili ia Natiaaal Fort otiee la herebv trl binila ileaerlheil luili.a, .....I.. 1 ... -t. ..v. ..,...., ,i .f fK.IIIg :tfix.M4 ni'lf.H. within tl... Ii..a,.i, ....... - - ..... ...r-viiii i.cn ana t.nHoaiie .Minimal i-orest, Ore- iron. Wl 1 IH Hlllo.if-r. in aet tie, ,... and entry under the provisions of if inieMreiiii inwa fii r lie I ntieii wt.....u and tha aet of June II tiSNl I'll u. tm, ,ai me i nueu states lanil olllce i i ne loiin-s. iiregon, on April .1 1910 Anv settler nltr. .... tually and In gj.od faith clulming: any ui nam inuiiH lor agricultural purposed prior to January 1, plot,, and has not abandoned aame, has a nreiorenep r irnr rri tnu ire ii, ............ .1 entry for the lands actually occupied. .-wihi i.iiiii were nsieii upon the np. plicatloiiH of the persons men tinned iii-iuw. will. niLVH i. itrei.ireiu.u ,. Bll hli-i-r to the tirlnr rlvht . .1 ...... audi settler, provided audi settler or appncaiir. is (juaiineu to make lioine stead entry nnd the preference right m exen-iM-u prior 10 April ;i, on Which llflte the Ifiiwla will Iu. ai,l.l.u.. in seriieiiient; aim entry ny anv riliallfiffl lierunn. The lerwlu '..a,. follows: ThewJofswi, the sej of bw, ine w'i, oi swt oi ni'i of aw, the wj of mt!4 of tie.'i of sw1.,', sec tion 15, tp. In south, range in east, W. M 127.50 acres, application tif David F. (liitermiith. of It un'jron; Jlst 0-WiU. The 1wi of nu-l aeetlnn 9fi the .,.,1 of ne1;,', section 20, tp. 20 south, range neiisi, nil acres, application ot .Inllli W. I 'wlief. of liclid. Oreiron; 1.1st. (I. 504. TIlUHwlnfnwl the nrvl .if ui.-l section 25, the sej of ne, section 2 tp, 20 south, range 10 east, except a strlll :!0 feet wide lleuerll.ed lla 1...I,... off the north and west sides of tin; tract; and also the nej of sej, sec- Hon 0. to. arnifli return 111 excent a strtn .'10 feet, nl.le r.fi n..'. west side thereof, the net area of both tracts bcluu 15..'W acres, appli cation of William H. II. Williams, of 701 Andover slreet. Senttle U'..U. Ington; List -02. S. V. Proudflt, Assistant Commls- sinner oi trie (ieneral I, and Office Aiiproved December 19, 1911. i.anni a. j nompson, Acting Recre tury of the Interior. l-lH-4t TRAINS RUN THROUGH BETWEEN CENTRAL OREGON POINTS And PORTLAND regoiiTruiRy. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Trulns use the wonderful new bridge across the Columbia Itlver at Celllo I'al Ik, Dally train leave Hend 6.:i0a. m.. Keiltnoml 7-'l .,. i.,...n.. u.on ... . ., , , - " I I'mi'lllll. r,.,W fl. II. Madras N;40 a. in, arriving I'ortlund 8::K) p. in. iireci connection at l alllirldgs with throiiitli train for Spokane, St. I'nul and ClilciiKU, arriving; Kpokatie 9:45 snint! evening. Direct connection at Vancouver. WuhIiIiiimoii. nlii.ua i,rH...,i ,..... ' at Tacoina nnd Seattle. leaving I'ortlund 9:55 a. Ill,, dallv train arrlveanll t 'entri.l Ar........ ....1... early same rveiilng. I Ickets sold through to points l:i the East, Northwest ami California, Details will bo furnished on request. W. E COMAN, Gen'l Freight & Past. Acent. Portland fir. 2-ltf H. RAUKOI. A.,-nt R-J j n , - -o -I ..V.U.MU1IU, VICKUII. it I TU 17 UAIVlir TTM OTAni r-o. I THE HAMILTON STABLES J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor PRINEVILLE, OREGON Stock boarded by the day, week or month at ReaBonabla rate". Remember us when in Prineville. Rates Reasonable. We have Fine Livery Rigs For Rent '6' ; 1 Watch! the Journal Piano Contest Vi