Dry Land Farming By Prof. Shaw Dry Land Farming' is th sub Ktofthe latest publication hv j Harris armed in t nne- Professor Thomas Shaw, who!T,1,lhe firfl ' ,he ""k- Mr was formerly connected with H e' ,s ,he n n"g ' h M Wi-;,.ii!t,,ri r.oio.Taf it, R ly Construction Con.- versity of Minnesota. It was placed on the market yesterday. What is termed "the dry Uud area" embracing five hundred million acres in the United Statss: and C .mad a. all of which mit tip! sucessfully tilled, comes in forjPP'ntri by the Commercial Club consideration by Trof. Shiw. out rail connection for detailed description of the most 1 1flnvi!1- We understand that cn.cf-ii .- r.,; .....I, ; the committee secured ome tort of particular section is given. SYNOPSIS OF CHAPTERS. In nineteen chapters, covering 460 pages, it discusses the follow ing: What is Meant by Dry Land Farming. The Origin and History of Dry Farming. The Domain for Dry Farming Soils in Dry Farming. Soil Moistureand Dry Farming. Plant Growth in Dry Areas. Plowing in dry Areas. Cultivation in Dry Areas. Sowing and Planting in Dry Areas. Crops That May Ba Grown in Dry Areas. Growing Grain Crops in Dry Areas. Growing Cultivated Crops in! Dry Areas. Growing Legumes in Dry Areas. Growing Hay and Pasture Hay and Pasture Crops in Dry Areas. Growing Trtesand Fruitin Dry Areas. Rotation in Dry Areas. Maintaining Fertility and Hum us in Dry Areas. Live stock in Dry Areas. The Water Supply in Dry Areas. Tbe book is handsomely bound : and beautifully illustrated, and is sold at the low price of $2 00. It is published by the author who lives at 1253 Knapp St, St. Paul, Minnesota. Prof. Shaw's book represents 50 years of agricultural work, and experiance in the Northwest. It is one of the most valuable books ever published and every farmer and business man should have a copy. Commercial clubs should interest the leading farm ers of their community in this book. "Dryland" is defined as any j section where the rainfall is less than 25 inches per annnm. Prof Shaw's book will be read with more interest than the most thrilling of the "six best seller" by tne farmers in the "dry land" areas and by thousands of East erners wbo are planning to come to the Northwest. It is the op inion of Prof. Shaw and other 'agricultural experts thot a modi fied sort of '"dry farming" will eveutnally be used on all lands not artificially watered or irrigat ed where the rainfall is less than 30 inches per annum. Even where there is a heavy rainfall there occur.dry periods in the late summer: when if the soil mois ture was conserved the failure of crops would be almost un known. In tne Northwest the "dry land" area extends from .a point west of the Missouri River to the Cascade Mountains, wbicb if 'swa, i. I Construction Men Visit Prineville ! A- N.v'; U11P0 An.aeie. i piny of Seattle. Tlift-e gentlemen were looking over the recent right of way route selected by their lieu tenants lleckuian and Osborr, While here the construction men ! were interviewed bv the committee a proposition Irom Mr. Kyle hut the nature of it was The committee have which to think the not divulged, two weeks in matter over. 'are barely 100 miles from the Pacific Ocean. i The "dry land" area extends from the heart to Canada south ; to the interior of Mexico and from the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ! Mountains east almost to the ! Mississippi River. Prof. Shaw' book is the first comprehensive books ever writ ten on "dry larmmg. and is written in a plain and simple manner, readily understood by any one. The Publication of this ; work will be of special interest to farmers along the line of the j Great Northern Railway who for years have read Prof. Show's 'articles on "dry farming," which have been published in the local newsprpers. This work, carried on by the Great Northern Rail way with the co operotion of nwespapers, has resulted in mil lions of dollars of agricultural wealth being added to the Great, Northwest. The Journal Contest There has been a slight shifting of positions in the contest this week. Mies Glaze tops the list, and Miss Elliott drops to second. Mrs. Cyrus has closed the gap be tween herself and the leaders so that all are now on the home- stretch without much advantage over the other. Three weeks will decide tbe race. The votes are as follows: Miss Magirie Glaze H3.1S0 Miss Mriry Elliott l.W,K15 Mrs. Ytra Cyrus 1.MU75 Minn Kuierlen Young 4475 baptlHt Church, 1'riuevllle 1000 Mies Myrtle Joalin oj HayBtack.1000 Reached an Agreement Continued from first page. lien price, or its equivalent in cash shall be deposited with the trustee. The company is to place the Pilot Butte flume in safe condition prior to the 1912 irrigating season; is to furnish the board with a monthly sworn statement of work done, this to be accompanied by maps; the board agrees upon re quest immediately to open for sale about 18,000 acres of land under the North Canal prior to delivery of water thereto, and permit the company to sell the same, and the board agrees to increase the price of liens on lands covered by the contract of June. 1907, to an aver age of 145 an acre, provided such lands shall be classified in units and pone shall be sold until so classified. "Whenever that company is ready to take the board into its confidence and is ready to co-operate with the board We will be with them. Otherwise we will 'fight it out on this line if it takes all sum mer,'" said Governor West in com menting upon that company today. Piano for Sale. Good piano for rent or sale cheap. Enquire at Journal office. 2 8 $50,000 for Farm Loans, ton Junes, Metoliua, Oregon. Bee Bren 3-!:)p Crook County Journal, county official paper. 11.50 a year. Rick Wood. Rick Wood. Any amount you want; quick deliv ery. Pjuxkvillk Fua.N. Exuio. 1-18 White Wyandotte Egji For Hatching. 'l per 15 E. E. Evaks. Prine ville, 2-1-tf Animal Life in a Drop of Water . , . . . . . . arop ! water is a eery insig niticant thing but on of the great in in uiaiiuiaciurera nas leen ahie to make it a remarkable subject by magnifying some of the baccilli found in a single drop of stagnant water, photographing them alive and in motion, and projecting the image on a screen bv means of the moving picture machine, where they appear some 40,000 time larger than their actual site. This marvelous film entitled "JBoil Your Water," will be shown Fri day and Saturday night at the Lvric Theatre, and should be seen by all for its educational value alone. Terrebonne's First Cattle Shipment Although the stockyards art not completed. Ten ebonne made her first shipment of otock Mon day. Messrs, Slayton. Howard, Har ris, and Montgomery, who have been holding off shipment until the stockyards here were in shape to handle the business, started their cattle from their various ranches Sunday, reaching here that night and, as there was no feed yards, they found places with the farmers near the town to hold their cattle over night and feed, and bright and early Monday morning started them in for the loading pens. From tbe time of loading of the first car until all were loaded the entire time consumed was only fifty minutes. The stockmen were highly pleased with the expeditious manner of disposing of the load ing and as a natural result, tbe citizens of Terrebonne are elated. A special train was provided to take the cattle to Portlond. get ting out of the Terrebonne yards at 8:45 a. m. and arriving at Port land at 2:00 a. id.., Tuesday, which is pretty good record in tbe matter of stock shipment, and we understand the best ever made out of Central Oregon. Terrebonne Oregonian. Announcements For District Attorney. To the Republican voters of Wasco, i-rooi anu noon Klver Counties. I herehy announce my rancllilmv for the Republican nomination f.ir District Attorney tor the Seventh JuiIIc-IhI LMxtrtctcomnriard of Wnwo Crook and Hood River counties at the coniinar primaries to tie held April 19, 11)13. If nominated and elected, the dutlea of the Dlxtrlet Attorney's office will always have flint consideration. I ahull strive fully to enforce all lawn, and urn- tect. to the utmewt of my ability, the Interests of the whole neonle mv district. I pledtre myself to irlve mv personal attention to the needs of the counties ccinilirlHlnif the Seventh Judicial District. adv2-8 Charlton L. Pepi'Kk. W. A. Bell for District Attorney. To the Republican electors of Crook, noon mver, anu vtasco Counties: I hereby announce mvself a rnnili. date for the Republican nomination lor iismci Auornev at the Coming pri maries, April 19th, and if nominated and elected I will durintr mv term of ollice devote my entire time to the lutiee of the office to tbe exclusion of other law businesa, and give my perso nal aiienuon, anu nrev consideration to the butdneee of the ollice. ami will reonally assist the officers in each county with the enforcement of the criminal law, and especially will I exert myself to enforce the law xgainHt vice, immoral acts, and the traffic in white slavery. i nave resnled in the Pietrict, at Prineville, and The Dalles, Oregon, for me m iweniv-nve veara. anil miu eighteen years in the active practice of the law. l-l!5Adv W. A. Hum.. Notice of School District Bond Sale Notice in herebv iriven. bv tba linrlnr- signed, the Couutv Treasurer of t). Connty of Crook, State of Oregon, that, purnuaiii to an order of the Hoard of Directors of School District No. :tr. ( Crook County, Oregon, we will sell pu ttie best price obtainable (500 six tier cent bonds of said district on or alter the 29tb day of February, 11112, at the office of the County Treasurer in Prine- vine, uregon. For further information, applv to the Hoard of Directors of said district. Dated this 8th day of February, 11112 K. L. Johdan, County Treas. Call for County.Warrants. Sualp bounty wsrrantr un to and in. eluding No. OX.'i are called for payment. Intercut stone on this date. K. L. Jokdax, County treasurer. Dated this 1st day of February, 1112. H05 CHOLERA SERUM. Jovsrnmsnt Den-enatratsa ha Value In Test t South Omaha. A aiioreasfMl uYiiionutrtitl.iu of the value of the new Kmcriuuont neruill fr prvvenilui; rholoru turn juat twn roii. lu.l.il nt South Oiunlm. Neb., by the bureau of ntitmu! Industry of the t'llllwl Stale depitninetil of aisrl nil lure. The eltl. leucy of the eruill linn bwn mvl many times In the at but In order Hint Ita value tiiltht tx hroiiijlil more airlklngly before the people of NehriKka a Ui'mmiKtriitlim waa arranged for at the t'ulon at,v yard M Smith Omaha In co-opera tlnu with tae talon Sl.H-Uanl company of Omaha. The turkyinls rnmpnny ptirvlim.-d thlriy pls welching front forty In alxty round mch. from a farm which had been free froiu hog cholera for new-Mi yeura, Those plct were brought to the atockyard. and on July 2A ll'io, four of them were Injected Mill blood from hon Uk of tieg ciiolern. Thi lnviilntnl pica were placed la a pou by theiuHch ea, and wlthlu five day they had hecoina alcK, at whbh time eighteen uf the rvniaiuliig plu were encb lilveu one doae of the aeruui, while the other eigin piea ere not treated In any way. The eliihteeii aorum irontcd plk' and the ellit untreated plk- were thou placed lu the aauie peu with the four pliM which had been Hindu alck by inoculation. The four plfa which were tint gr en hog cholera all died, and the eltflit untreated plira all contracted the dia use from them. The eljihlwu plua w hlch were given aerum and which Were confined in the aatiie pen with the four original alck pie mid nllh the Ick untreated pica remained perfectly Well and were finally turned over tit the ottlclala of tbe abx-kyarda coin pany upon the completion of the ex pertinent. Sept. 17, 1310. The experiment waa wltnraaed by representative of the Nebrnaka agrl' cultural experiment atntlnn and of the Kcbraaka Swine Itreedcra' aaaoelatlon a well aa by repnwt-utattvea of agrt cultural papera published In Nebraska Tbe department of agriculture d not distribute thla aorum to farmer, but la endeavoring to bring the value f thla method to the atteutlon of the took ralalng Interval In order that they may arrange to aecure atate funds for the manufacture and dlatrl but Ion of the serum. Tbe government authorities consider that thla new se rum treatment If properly applied will result In tbe saving of nitlllona of dol lars. msstingneuse a Marvel. It la not fair to call IJeorse Weatlne. house a human dynamo, because a dy namo must be driven by something. ana vv estinghue driven himself. He u a numnn power Plaut. a llvlmr force If he were not a man he would bo one or tne mechanical marvels of the world. Today he owna more than 15,. w patents, and hi own Inventions number 3uX-IIampton'i Magazine. Notice of School District Bond S!e Notice is hereby given, by the under igned, the County Treaturer of the ( ounty of Crook ; ttate of Oregon, that pursuant to an omer oi me Hoard o Directors ol School District No. at, of I too Uountv, Oregon, he will sell for the best price obtainable $1100 (I tier rent of bonds of said district on or after the ftith day of February, l'.ill'. at the office of the County Treasurer in I'riue- vine, uregon. For further Information, apply to the ooaru oi Directors ot sent district. Dated this tub day of February, 1012, Kai.ph L. Jordan. County Treaurer of Crook County, Oregon. Notice to Stockholders. Notice la hereby (riven thntn meet lng of the stockholder of the Central Oreiron Airrlcultural AaHoclatloo will he held In Prineville, Otviron, on the 2Mb. day of February 1III2, fur the purpose of considering the ml visa lilllty of diKpoNitiK of certain real eatate belonging, to tl e nxaoclntlon. A full attendance In d cm I red. 2 8 lit J. F. Cadi.b, Secretary Prineville, Oregon, Feb. -ind, 11)12. Eggs for Sale. White and Brown Leghorn eggs $1 50 for 15 Leave ordere at Klkltm' Htore, or phone Independent. 2--t! J. W. Htkh-art. Lots for Sale. Three good rpHldcnce Iota for anle. Inquire of Mra. Lively. 28lf Choice Land for Sale. 120 acres dry land on north slope of I'owe.l liutte; over 100 acres tillable; F1000 worth of improvements oil place, also 20 acres wheat in ground. Ditch lateral running through place. Dry soil. IN per acre. Inquire at Journal Ollice or write Lavkknk Skaks, Prine ville, Ore. 12-:J0-3mp THE WORLD ALMANAC 1912 Edition la thla mmpirt foltim of vlobl and tnttr n4 MrtrntaMon, a oompletj op-to-tlat llbrtry la ttI, rou nill find tuK'urar. partlciilin of ta MMlrtns of Cnnrrrm. th lx-ttnf, nnmu rutltttm n1 poiiiinwjni, tvclprocttr, tht l'knn 0nl, rnarkft. croin. Incrrsut in prtrs W lUfl pnxlucu. of Drtni, ril .uMnat. r-o4t irU rtfaaatm. irKmJIfW dlrovrrte. Jiplmv tkiB ind Innotitlntu of It'll, wr, ini.rntlonAl flvrcmenf tru othn fr( rrturortcaJ tmtt, Ctt if thf Unliori Incrwasiug rjotmlsv cx wrwl wealth of eoiinfrlM. Nfau nil munirl wlltla, rontrata-lortil rtroMa irtinf rstoMi, irrtnfy. weifhta and mMftiirvt, weatJm fortoaatt, nivrll!p airiil M'liryt religioiu order, tndiu (rt4 fomfnrre, rallroaut hiiipnif, dehti M (taflftn arnilHi anrl ogyie nf tK wnrli), hanklni tnrtriey. tuxn, trutirartw polill'-at ttle, wrtt wrlettei, chili i, birth mrrla(i dirorer tn) iMt.tt winiac stiff race and lO.flOO Othft Part and Mxiira I'p tn DnU f tttif J Uitnear aitd ralue to J$ryxMlt, No meryhiftt, farmer laborai biMlnew mm houlft oj bntinrm woman i-hoo tmj or i-hool rirl lionUi bt Milltoiit I eniV ot tin s hid tile rrfarfMH't foliirnt of uacful .nffirmatlnn frl.i !tf-', Wft oi Uufaio and IMttalnirgb, )c.) Br mail, HCc A4dxM The New York World. Nctr White Leghorns (Pure Bred The kind that lay, and lay big egg. Eat lea and lay mora than other kinds, Egg for hatching, guaranteed pure, $1.50 per letting. Cock. $2.00 each- GUY LAFOLLETT, Prinevile, Or. i -J i U JSJLJiLjjrj I fMiinoJea, MouldiPK. Windows, I " Doom, GlaxMee, Etc. KtC, Etc. Prineville-Redmond-Sisters Stage Line Matt Kulesch, Proprietor. Passenger Fare to Rrdmortd,'$l,50. Express from Rrd mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50 pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c. Leaves PiincviHe for Redmond Daily, Offxct at the Pioneer Cream Company. 1H6 S. R. COOPER, Agent Pro fast:, tat Cards. Dr. Howard (Jove Dentist Roams 14 and IS Adamsoa BuUding T, L. J. DUFFY Attomey'-at-Ltw (Nucrmaor to W. A. Boll) PBIMtVU.Ll ... Oaaaon CmI, prmmNf mj tr m,rM4 V Ml Will m f N. V. Sanborn Attorncy-iit-I.aw Adnmson block . I'rltievllle C. C 33 W. P. MYERS O. C. YOUNG jCamjtrt Prartlce In all onru. Bpwlsl atKntlon te water naliu, UUksIIuu ami urlniliial Uolontoi. Culrtr fntltn, Ortfan Dr. John Huback, Ite Vi'tcrltiary Hurirfnn V, ft, Army, I piirtnif in o( thr l'tiltiijhi. All Hiirjf it l Work at Kuajonable j'ricua. Hamilton Sublet Prinvill, Or, W. A. HELL FRANK MENEFEE Lawyers The Dalles - . Oreiron CAas. S. Cdmrm-M Jf. P, S3.lkma OOCUMHT8 Belknap d Cdwards pAjftmmmt mmJ Smrftmmt, (County f hysiclan.) SI. CUioH, . JflHrmtf-mt-Xmrn Ormamn Fred A. Rico, 0. E. , B. Novllle, Jr., R. M. Deputy Co. Hurvoyor, County Hurvoyor. Rice & Neville Civil Engineers, encrnl KiiKlnocrlnK. l'aiNaviu.a, Oiirion. J5Jr 6. Sirink jCawyr X ttrtt Printuill,, OrtffoH. SHIPP& PERRY B PRINEVILLE. OKEliON i Dr. Charles .MacFadden Osteopathic PhriicUa Mr-nlo. I'llrlld an.1 Nnlural TIraa.iiUi r.tuiHiymt. i nnMilo iMarnw a MK'Uity Offwe Over Morris Furniture Star. TsUphattw Piosmt, No. 126. Cftk Cumty jf ml tract C: Atris ot nil la all Isn4 ai town lu In Cnuk cuguly. I. F. W;Ut, Stctetary, rriilla, Onfm F. E. Fremont Architect and Designer, tit niMHfHi in ttltilinarmtrirtiitn. Interlur armusmituu ami tm-uraiiuu. IU4.iirlri al Orun Haiti. PrineTille, . . . Oregaa. HAVE YOU Filed your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract? Ciirtitluly everyone has an ahslracl now. Duvuu know where your corners nre. Well, No, Not exactly, Brcwiter Engineering Company, Prineville, )ri..n, will lucalu them lor you aii'i Kiinrantxe the work. Survey ln, I'iattliiK. Irrigation Knglueering. l'hune I'luiiwr (J. A. McFARLANE Lawyer I'ractire In all courU anj V. S. Uml Office. Redmond, Oregon Willard II. Wirtz Attorncy.ut.I.HW, OIBce In M. It. Hlifira' ollice. l'KINKVIt.l.K, OlIKQO. Huntington & Wilson Attorneys Of The rlli., Uinve )p..nl(l nmi-ns In Portland, Oregon, Rooms 80S-807 Lewis Buildins. Bimlnr-M Rent fit tht.ni rr.ii.. f-ivl. r.A....t- lliroiiifli th(tr otrli-n in Ti.H linn... ... 'i... In thi-lr FurllMinl iIiln- will ma-lva pmiuut allcnllon. 1'orilMiia Hlionv. Main 'in. 0, fyd. !PAyttan mmd Surmrtm VthiM ANtwsasn Fanarri.T 1T oa Nisht orruis ons 1KK) x,,mn or Aiuaaua's lauu HniKs. Buth ntlm iu rual. duuua tuliiptauuut. Ortfn Dr. J.TrcRelles Fox m. ii. u. b. Knit; Lineiieee Ori-irou Hu anil I,. 8. A. I.nnili.n- iMiMs mutcai iiuaru. Hneelallat in HurKryj ilyirlens; All- mentarr Canal: women and children's (lioaaaiis. Oltlcu and reilitonoo, Main at. I'rliinvlllo, Or. Consultation Frea Houri to S R. D. Ketchum, M. T. D., D. C. Acute anil chronic tllHenaes treated BUcceHHfiilly hy purely (IriiKli-HH tnuthoilH Roomi 18-17 Adamioa Bldg. Calls suds o. o. o. NK8T NO. 1588 S uhorillnate ? "L01"' n,ei,t 1,18 el'"l and fourth JhurMlays in eaeh mouth at liiilknnp hall. All miirratorvnwlannr.ll. allv ' we i-ome T. K. J. Duffy, President: Willard 11. Wirtr., Secretary. l-4tf Home Comfort Range For u'e at the I'rl , - - V,HV S. Ill 1111 II I ( fcxchan.e,; j.18