The Journal's Piano Contest Closes Feb. 29th at 12 O'CIock. Be Sure and Have Your Votes in This Office Crook .County Journal. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, $1.50 YEAR PRI NEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 8, 1912. ""SZZ'XSIZSSZi H'XV'" VOL XVI-NO. 1 1 I HAVE REACHED a t an"agreement COUNTY COURT ADJOURNED TERM Court Will Have County Books Exported. ROAD SUPERVISORS APPOINTED Petitioner Aik Court to Inves tigate. Sanitary Condition of Lateral and Canal. An ndjiiurjied term til tlit county court wait held at 1 oVIisk p. in. on Monday, the ."nil iliiy nf February, p.i2. Present-H. C. 1.111. Judge, presiding: eomiulislonirn It. II. Uny. Icy anil JtuiK-a Hire; Warren llrown, county clerk, iin.l T. N. Uulfnur, sheriff. tloiinl ol eipmlltnllun On I lie Mill Any of IIi-IiiIht, l'.Ul, the Hoard tit F.quitllditlon Itli-t pursuant t notloe Hinl an provided liy law. Present, H. C. Kllln, county Judge, J.I). I.ii toilet t, county assessor: Wiirrt'ti llrown, county clerk mid ex-otllclo liicmlit-r ot tin1 lionnl. Certificate ot It. K. tirny, publisher n( tin' Crook County Journal; show. Ing legal inililli'iitlon of notice ul meeting of suld board, nit r n 11 lri-l liy Inw, was rend iiuil ordered Med. Thereupon, nnil before proceeding tl till f J Ull II 7.11 1 1 111 (if tlll niHI'Mlllllill mils of mild county, men member uf the hoard took nnil nubncrllicd tu the tmth reiiulrtij by law. Tliereiipon, the county clerk lulil la-fore until lionnl the nsitesninctil roll returned liy the nnniiuior for the yenr lull, nnd said lionnl proceeded with It hvhhIoii for the equalization uf Hiitd HKMiMiiient roll. There wen six petitions tlli'd for the red iic ll 1 1 n of tnc. to wit: liilund Empire Co., Madron Townslte Co., Ri'dinond Townslte Co , H. S, Cooke A Co., W. II. Tuylor, nnd Jesse llolini. The board ImvInK comileteil tin ilut leu nnd thin being the limit of time fixed by law, nnd bIx petition having lii-eii filed during the Hist week ol the session of thin hoard for the reduction nnil corr.rtlon of as sessments, and nu other objection having been made to tmld roll lor 11111, In accordance with law further than n already equalized, said board adjourns nine die, Petition for enmity road. Now. on this day In presented to the court the petition of (i. W. Wells et nl for n county road, nnd lifter duo con. Idcratloil, It lit ordered that the county clerk forward all paper for auld proponed road to the dlHtrlet attorney for bin opinion iih to their validity. Road fund warrant. Wlierenit. it the January term of thin court, claim No. 8 for $1000 In tavor of It. II. Rnylcy, wan ordered drawn, and whereon the county clerk drew war rant No. Wit In payment therefor, and whorenii wild warrant wan ordered drawn by mistake. It In therefore ordered that the county clerk timed mild warrant nnd mark the, name, null and void. It In further ordered that said county clerk notify the county trenmirer to cancel the registration of nald warrant upon bin bookn. Road mipervlHom for HM'J. The court appoints the following per vitin to nerve an road supervisors for the ensuing year within their re npectlvo districts. An to appointing supervisors for the remaining din trlctn, the name 1h continued until the next term of this court. DlHtrlet No. 2, Ireland M. F. Haw thorite. DlHtrlet No. fi, Slsters-J. V. Wilt, DlHtrlet No. 7, McKay J. K. Adam noil. DlHtrlet'' No. 8, Hay Creek-Roy Newblll. DlHtrlet No. 10, Cross Keyg-rerry Monroe. Dlntrict No. Ill, Johnson Creek C. C. Buchanan, DlHtrlet No. ID, Howard Henry Koch. Dlntrict No. 1(!-Sumnilt W. J. Schmidt. DlntrlcNo. 18, Camp Creek raul Held. . Dlntrict No. 19, Harden M. J. IjCIUOIIH. District No. 21, Maury W. A. Cur son. Dlntrict No. 24, Breose Hugh Gee. i'ews Snapshots Of Ihc Week (.iiaplrucy umilo nciiliixt him hut Aiiuuot In tomiiH'tlon with the lilrlnc of Dr. liusby ni a covernmcnt exiierL Count Oku, for many yenra chief of the gen eral nliitT of the Jni!tiice nrniy. retlieil to private life " Charles A. l.ludlierKli. one of (he representative from Minnesota, pusheil hb reaolutlon provid ing fur nu Impilry Into the ullcted iinuiey trust. Anbury K. Iver, coiiyrenidLiin from South Carolina, declared war on tlie so called butter trust. Dlntrict No. 2 l.iildlmv-1.. II. ltoot. Dlntrict No. '.'', l.anioutnCbnH. Pax ton. Dlntrict No. :t0, l.ylc (jap Win. Karrt'll. Dlntrict No. Ill, Hlllman-Otto linker. Dlntrict No. IK, ('line Fulln-W. K. Clnypool. Dlntrti'l No. 311, lllaek Ilutte . Sellimiil. Dlntrict No. II, Anhwood J. i. Clutk. Hond Vlewern f:irl'JI2. II Inhere by ordered that the appointment of the Hoard of linad View era for the yenr l'.H2 lie continued until thin court nliall next convene. In re Irrigation cnnuln. And now In presented to thecourt the tietllloli ol certain resident uf Crook county relative to the nnt.!titry condition ol laterals and illtelien It In ordered tbnt the ciiuuty clerk riqiu-nt C. M. Redlleld, chief eimlliter of I lie Centrul OreKou Irrlijatlon Co., to furulnh thin court with the iiiuncs nnd nil dresses of each and every ditch rider and the iemon In cliivote of such ditch riders, and further nctlou In this matter In continued until tlie March term. Northwest Towtmlte Co. 1'pon npplleatlou of the Northwest Town site Co. for tho approval ' f Its pli.t and tracing thereof of Its l-'lrst Ad- lltlon to Itend; said company lielnu the owner thereof, and It satisfac torily nppenrliiK that nald plat and traclmr thereof, together with the dedlcatlou of the strivtn, avenues nnd alleys to the public, have been (lied with the county clerk; that the name nave ueeu uuiy approveu uy tho county surveyor nnd the county anncHHor, and that all the require inents of law have been compiled with, nald plat and traelntr thereof In hereby approved by the court and ordered spread of record. First Addition to La Pine Town site Co., Cpou application of the La Pine Townnlte Co. for the approval of the plat and trneliiR thereof of tlie First Addition to I.aPlne, and It up penrlug to the court that all the re quirement of law have been com slled with, said pint aud tracing thereof Is hereby approved by the court and ordered spread of record. Vacation of alley In block 2 of rcillntrer'H Addition to Redmond. And now Is presented to this court n pint uud trnclntf thereof of Elllnser'e Addition to Jtedniond, showing a certain alley In block 2 to be vacated and It appearing that all require ments of law have been complied with, It 1 ordered that the plat and tracing thereof be approved and ordered tiled, and the county clerk Is hereby directed to make note of nnd reference to this plot on the original plat of Klllnger'8 Addition to Red mond. Vacation of alley In block 8 of Mountain View Addition to Red mond. Now Is presented to the court a plat nnd tracing thereof of Mountain View Addition to Red mond, showing a certain alley In block 8 to be vacated, and It appear ing that all requirements of law have been compiled with, It Is ordered that the plat and tracing thereof be approved aud ordered Bled. The county clerk Is hereby di rected to make note of and reference to this plat on the orlglual plat of Mountain View Addition to ilea mond. Vacation of Melrose Park. Now In presented to the court a plat and New VolK (Klrlj fur in Brm tune In yearn pnld hnmnge to royalty when the Duke nnd (liitichler, tlm I'riucexa Patricia, wero Biumtii of Wlillelnw ReliL Tbo roynl vUitora were JuincK T. 1 1 h r:i I ut 11. former liend of tho i i I lnotn Central niilroiid, aud three rompnulouf were limited rriioheit Into the prlvnte car In which they were ulceplng. Dr. Harvey V. Wiley tracing thereof of Melrose Park, Hhowlni; Melrose Park therein to I' vacated, and It npiearlng that all the requlri'lbi-nts ol law have Is-en compiled with, It U ordered that the pint nnd trnelng thereof be approved I and ordered Hied. The county clerk In hereby directed to inuke note of and reference to this plat, mi the original plat of Melrose Park. Fxjiert accountant employed. Whereus, Max Crnr.dal, expert lie couiitiiut, has been employed 1.v this court to expert the books of Crook county at the earliest possible date. It Is then'fore ordered that the said Max Crnndfil make a careful examination Into the llnnnclal con dition of each and every ollieer handling public funds and that be report to this court fully the result of such Investigation; that he further recommend micb changes as he may ileem evneillent In the several olflces: that he make a report of the ex- Ileuses of each of the respective of fices In addition to the salaries, nnd ullownnccs provided by law; limi ne expert the emergency road fund handled by II. C. Fills and make a full and complete report thereon; that he examine and audit the nc countsVt It. II. Ilavley tu reference to the moneys exieuded under the di rectum of siitd It. H. Hnyley. That all of said reports be presented to this court ami filed herein and made a matter of public record nnd that said reports nnd recommendation or n summary thereof lie published In the otliclal county paper. In re salary of Wnter Master. Whereas, It is the opinion of this court that the provision for the payment of a water master Is not properly provided for In the Irri gation code, It Is therefore ordered that H. C. Ellis attend before the state board of water control In company with Water Master Brewster and attempt to secure a satisfactory adjustment. Cruising Timber Lands. It Is or dered by the court that W. A. Hell, co operating with the county as sessor and the county court, forth with examine nnd submit a proposed contract and advertisement calling for an estimation of the amount of merchantable timber upon all lands In Crook county by 40-acre tructs. showing In a general way the topog raphy, kind, quality and amount of merchantable timber upon each of said 40-acre tracts. That snld bid and contract call for the completion of said work on or prior to Borne date In September, 11112, aud that be thoroughly investigate nnd make written return as to tho details of such work. Thereupon court adjourned subject to cull. Spring Sample Jut Received. Spring and Summer goods tor ladies' ware; latest out. Made to order. 6 per cent discount for all orders sent in before February 24. Leave orders at Hamilton's confectionery store. 2-1-lm Mas. J. N. Wright. Laying Pullets for Sale. I must sell my mixed hens to make room for full-blood and offer the follow ing at bargain prices : 1 dozen Leghorns; mostly pullet j all now laving. 1 mixed bens and pullet at a h resin. Also offer a good 50-egg incubator cheap. MTKggifor hatching. White Wyan- duttes, Anconas and S. 8. Hamburgs. J. S. Fox, "Braeide," Prineville, Or. eb. l-t (The Starvation r -i f !!. J Mr. Lindia liurfield Hazzard. - the Seattle "Starvation doctor,"! was found guilty of manslaughter! by a jury in the Kitsap County Court at Port Orchard for having caueed the death by starvation of Miss Claire Williamson, an English lieiref who underwent Mrs. Haz- zurd'd lasting treatment. Counsel for Mrs. llaizird gave notice of an appeal and asked that the bond be fixed at $5000. The state' representative objected, and the court fixed the bond at $10,000 Mrs. liaizdrd was remandei to the iway Ol in nnenn until a new bond is given. Mrs. Hazzard did not comment on the verdict in court, but after she left the building in the custody of the sheriff she burst into a storm ot denunciation of tho persecution she alleged she had been subjected to by members of the medical pro fession. 1 Mrs. Linda llu field Hazzard was arrested Aug. 5, 1911, on a charge of murder in the first degree, on an information filed in Kitsap County, the complaining witness heino Miss Dorothea Williamson, aged 37 years, who alleged that her sister, Claire Williamson, aged 33, was starved to death by Mrs. Hazzard. The Williamsons were English womeu ol means who were on a tour around the world and who consulted Mrs. Hazzard concern ing their health. Mrs. Hazzard soon had both the women in her starvation sanitarium at Olalla, where, on a diet of orange juice and asparagus brotb, Clair died May 9, 1911.' and Dortha was wasted to a skeleton. After Claire's death, Mrs. Haz zard obtained the appointment of herself as guardian of Dorthea, by alleging that the latter was of in firm mind. She also applied for appointment as an administratrix of the estate of Claire Williamson. The plight of Dorthea came to the knowledge of C. E. L. Agassiz, British Vice-Consul at Tacoma. with the result that Miss Dorothea was declared of sound mind and her guardian removed. Mrs. Ha zard's application for letters of ad ministration of Claire's estate was refused, and Agassiz was appointed administrator instead. Dorothea was nursed back to health. Each of tbe Williamson sisters is said to have inherited $250,000. As Linda Burfield, Mrs. Hazzard a few years ago was prominent in Minneapolis. In december, 1903, Samuel C. Hazzard, a former first lieutenant of the Fifth United States Artillery, who had been dropped from the Army rolls for Duchess of Connnueht. with their very much linprenned by the city. Inslnntly killed when the Panama wa esonernted of the charge of desertion, was .rrested tn Minne-i apolis for contracting a bigamoua marriage with Linda l!ui6eld, i while married to Vera Fitzpatrickitbeboard and company represen- Harrsrd, whose family is widely ; known in Minnesota. Hansard served a term in the Stillwater (Minn.) penitentiary for bigamy j piacea on and after his release, his former end of the agreement at the wife having obtained a divorce 'suggestion of Governor West while he was in prison, Hazzard '.foe company is now practically remarried Linda Burfield and came complete control of the to Seattle with her. jboard and should the company Hazzard was an honor graduate, be responsible for delinquencies of West Point, became instructor ; tbe board could take up tbe com et language and adjutant of the pletion of the project itself if so academy and was accounted one: desired. of the most brilliant young officers "IQ event of failu re of the con of the Army. While stationed ,pany to keep the covenants or near Tampa, Fla., he disappeared, ; proform the obligations by it t and after the statutory time he was 1 be kept and preforn el under dropped from the rolls for desertion. Ubis contract, the board may de Most of his subsequent career has i clare it in default," reads tbe been linked with that of Linda Burfield. Before the arrest in the William - son case Mrs. Hazzard had been in frequent trouble on account of the Heath nf r,tipntj! eiirht havino nun - cumbed to the starvation treat ment. The method was to deny the patient all food except orange juice and a vegetable broth, gene rally asparagus. The Hazzard trial, which lasted three weeks, was one of the most expensive in the history of Kitsap, which is ane of the smallest counties in Washington. By a unanimous vote, lh sen ate com mittee on public lands Jan. 24 combined and favorably repor ted the Borah three-year home stead bill and the Jones bill granting homesteaders six monhs leave of absence in each year of residence. As the bill is reported, home steaders, after the first six months of continuous residence upon their land, will be entitled to leave their homestead lor six months in each succeeding year. the time when absent to be counted as part of the three years residence required by law. Thus the homesteader will be able to get title after cultivating his laud for three successive summers, and will be permitted to be away from his land each winter to earn money elsewhere. The committee was unanimous iu reporting the bill and it will be called up aud unquestionably will pass the senate at an early day. This coinbind bill is in direct line with the reform urged by Senator Borah in his speach last week. So effective was that speech that many eastern senators stand ready to vote for the measure, which is framed to acquirement of title by homesteader. It is believed th bill will pass without opposition. The bill applies to enlarge homesteads, as well as to 160 acre entries. Irrigation Project Will Be. Pushed.! MUST COMPLETE NORTH CANAL Desert Land Board Agrees to Open for Sale 18,000 Acres Thereunder. Salem, Or., Feb. 4. After be- jing in session nearley all day Ut- day and until well after midnight i list night, final agreement was reached today between the Des jertLane Board and tbe repre- jsentatives of the IMCUHJO acre Central Oregon irrigation project ' near. Cend- The supplemental agreement wiu signea oy tat,'ves 10 ne morning signing eing posponeu oecause louay . .Sunday. conclusion or the agreement. iTbe company and the trustees ; shall thereupon be so notified and - unless the company shall, withim j 90 days from the date of such notice, malte good all existing delinquencies, the board is here by authorized and it is hereby made its duty to take over lb performance of the contracts to be performed by the company and prosecute the work as fast as the availabe assets in the hands of the trustee in such event is hereby directed to pay out all funds on hand or whick may be .collected for account of the company upon vouchers to be approved by the board. All cash, notes and other assets re maining in the hands of the trustee after the completion of the contract of June 17, 190Z, shall then be turned over to the company." With this clause as consider ation, a xeasonable extention of time is granted on tho Benham Falia project. Under the supplemental agree ment members of the board are confident that the work on this, by far the largest project of its kind in Oregon, will be prosecut ed to a successful conclusion. Briefly, the company is to raise $150,000 before March L this year, to complete the Nortk Canal; all assets of the company are to placed in the hands of trustee and he is to have charge of all disbursements; the funds held by the trustee shall be used t complete the construction of the North Canal and for maintenance of the irrigation system; the trus tee is authorized to pay a cer&m sum for lateral work under the Pilot Butte and Central Oregon canal systems; the company is al lowed to continue the sale of lani in approved lists 6, 13 and 16, emit upon sale of land in these (isU notes equal to 75 per cent of the Continued on inside page.