Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 01, 1912, Image 6

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    Measures to go
Before the People
With the statement of Gover
nor West that there will bo at
least seven or eight road meas iS- article I. Oregon constitution
and taxation on property taxed
for state purposes, and for ap
portioning state taxes among the
several counties as county obli
gations by reasonable and equi
table rules.
For an amendment of section
ores to go on the ballot, with it be
ing noised around that a plan is on
foot among the members of the
Q. A. R. to initiate a bill to make
February lS.Llncolu's birthday a
public holiday, with 11 measures
already on file in the office of the
BKretary of f tate, and with the
other measures now being circul
ated through petitions, or in the
course of preparation, there are
at least 54 measures winch are
actually in sight to be voted on
by the electors at the next gen
eral election, with a possibility
of the number going to 40 or over.
In 1910 the voters were called
tor the purpose of permitting
taxes to be levitd upon different
classes of property at different
rates but providing that taxation
must be uniform upon each sep
arate class within the territorial
limits of the authority levying
the tax. and shall be levied and
collected for public purposes only
and the power of taxation must
never be surrendered, suspended
or contracted away.
tor constitutional amendmont
of section 3, article XI, of the
constitution, making stockholders
in banking corporations liable to
pay for the benefit of depositors
upon to pass on the merits or j an amouut equal to the par value
demerits of 82 bills. That num- therefor.
ber was far in excess of any! An act appropriation f 173,000
Toted on before through the in j or building and equipping an ad
itiative and referendum, but this ! ministration building and extend
year there seems to be a possi (iQg heating plant to the same, for
bility of perhaps 10 or possibly
13 more in sight with the election
about nine months away.
Governor West's capital punish
ment bill will be in circulation
before long. He said recently
that it is in the course of prep
aration and he hopes to bare it
university of Oregon, and also
appropriating the further sum
of 1153,255.92 for the purchase of
additional land, equipment and
apparatus; making repairs, ad
dittons and improvements to
buildings and grounds; paying
salaries of instructors and em
completed soon. The biUaimiDg'PIoyes:payogstreetassessment9
to place the state printer on a i and fr additional maintenance of
flat salary has been circulated for tn8 correspondence study de
several weeks and about half the partment of University of Oregon,
requisite number of signers have j An acl appropriating i72,OO0
now been secured. for the construction, equipment
The Prohibitionists have an- and furnishing a modern fire
tounced that they will have a'prooflibaryand museum building
measure to vote Oregon dry in and the extension of the heating
1912, if possible, and this will bePlant t0 tne same, for the use of
circulated soon, it is understood, j tne University of Oregon.
W. S. U'Ken says there will! An act Vesting the Railroad
be two bills from his hands. One Commission with powerand juris
will be the bill providing for 'd'etion to supervise and regulate
proportional representation and evelT public service corporation
it will include his plan of a cab - utility in the State of Oregon, as
net' form of state government, i t0 tce adequacy of the service
and numerous other provisions I rendered and facilities provided,
practically changing fhe entire the fairness of rates, tolls and
legislative system. His other jcharges to be collected from the
measure will be the single tax public therefor, and also as to
plan. This will be practically the interchange of business between
same as a statewide measure, 'such public service corporations
he says owing to the fact that it i and utilities, the purpose of the
will be put on the ballot in every bill being to give the commission
county. There probably will be supervisory control over all such
seven measures from the com- corporations and utilities as far
mission on taxation and at least i as tDe'r business has to do with
two from the commission to re j tDU general public.
Vise the judicial system. Per-i An act appropriating IjO.OOO
haps there will be more from the 'or building, furnishing and eq
latter commission. I uipping a dormitory at the Ore-
Just what these two commis- fon Normal School at Monmou'h.
sioners will do is not exactly de- j
finite, but there will be a number!
of measures coming from their'
Notic of th SU ! Kwtl Eatat fcy
Notice ia hereby lwn that pur.
suant to an order of sal of the CmmtT
Court ot County of Crook, Stat of
Oregon. made on llie 3rd dav ol Janu
ary, 1'M:J. in th mat tar ol the ett of
J. W, Mctionafill, ilereatr.l, tlio under,
iirnetl administrator M i-aid astat will
-ll at private aula auhjwl to tlx con
firmation ol the said court from ami
after the Wilt dav o( February, 11J, all
ineriUT, ime, interval ami estate, ol
aul J. XV. Mctionactll at Ilia time ol
hit dralh, ami all ol the rilii, title and
interest the said relate may have ac
quired other than or in addition lo that
ol the aaid 1. XV. Mcluna!ill at the
tune ol his death or sureiiient thereto,
in all that part or portion ol land atln-1
ated in the county ol Crook, Oregon, j
and more particularly described as
MIows towit : The went hall (V ol !
the went hall (', I of Ho tion twenty lour I
C-MI in township lifteen itSi south of'
rarue twelve 1 12l rat of the Willamette j
Meridian, in Crook County. Oreirou. ami '
all in one pan-el. '
lerma and conditions nf aaid aale. '
cash in gold coin ul the Infled State. !
A ir cent ol l'nrchae price to be naid !
on uar hi saie ami tne halance iiion
the continuation of ale by aaid court.
Dated thia lllh dav of January l'H2
and published for the tlrat lime on the
11th day ol January. 1M12. and date ol
Ian publication February tilth, h'll.
t. N . Kamhity,
Adininitrtoi ol the estate of J V
McGunattill, deceased.
fix-pound albwool sanitary tflanketa,
aa long aa dock lasts, 5,iK) tier pair,
A. H. I.irrau a Co. i-j.Ji
la V. V . I' sllitl
HMet rrv
day an h i.
8tmnr walaxm. K. V, 'natile, N. t.i
WUlit Kama. V. (1,1 II. U Uubtw, Nay,; and
C. H. tHuwId.lle. Treaa,
Horse for Sale.
On the old C. Sam Smith ranch.
near Prineville: Bold la nnv number
hands, at least, and the estimate ! mVSld. it ',r
given is not considered a radical frineviile, Oregon. i2-i-tf
one- Best prices paid for household goods,.
Of the 11 bills now oil file there ; Al!0 se" an'l exchange. Prineville Fur
ire three at least, the University j Diture Enne. t'haa. F. Condart
of Oregon referendum petitions, 1214
and the Monmouth Normal refer- Notice to the Public.
endum, which may possiblv never ' ,Not.ic? ' hereby 8ven that Prineville
,, ,1. . , , i 801,001 d'Mnct No. 1 will not be resiion-
gO ID the voters. The ballot ib!e foi debta contracted l,v anv inHl.
vmuai unless earn person lian an order
signed by some member of the Bchool
Doant. i-is Mrs. K. K. Gbay,
Notice to Light. Water and Power
I'leaae read carefully and take due
nen tne collector ca: on you ynu
:, - , . . . , . '
win piease oe prepareil to set tie Your
account. All light, power and water
accounts are due and must lie paid be
fore me lentil ol the month. All m
service must t paid in advance, if the
collector fails to And you by the sixth ol
i ne inontn, you win please call at the
otlice and pay your bill, if your account
is not semeu ny me tenth ol the month
the service will be discontinued without
notice. If you are pavimr in advance
auu nave pam iot a lull montn and you
"wiiii move ui a nouse mat naa no
lighta or water, that portion of the
unused month will be refunded to you.
providing you make claim within
wenty-lour hours, for the amount due
you. Also il your bill rhould be lanrer
than usual. More you make a com
plaint, it would be well for you to check
up your lights or water, and be positive
that you are r o: nsing more light or
water than you are paving lor.
Now please think twice, is it riirht
you to wain into a store and purchase
1 worth of sugar, and ss soon as the
mervnanta oacK la turned, lor vou in
take f2 worth?
II you are not positive as to the
mount of current that yon are
if yon will take the trouble to call us up
and make your wants known, we will
come and arrange the matter for yon.
And furthermore if you must pun-hase
your lamps elsewhere ami we positively
know that this practice is being indulged
in) be sure you purchase a lamp of the
XVatiage. X'oltage and make that we are
now furnishing. We positively will no
lurnisb current to lamps, Hat irons, Hnd
motors that are net suited to on:
in conclusion I will sa that I have
oeen with you f"r the best nart of
eleven years, and diirmic that time I
have done my best to be honest and
S'l'iare wilh the people ol Prineville, and
in tne ruture, n you cannot play S-inar
"ilti My imitar Harrol We llo Not
nam lour Patronage.
iou mar xn na it stranire tiiat m-a
should issue this notice, but condition
compel us to do so. Our instruments
v nic iuirr nouse leu us mat we are
lurnishing nfty amphers of current
ol which we have no ie';ord.
Please remember, the com piny re
serves the rn-lit to discontinue the
current at any time to prevent fraud or
or a)use or for nonpayment of duel.
Yours Trulv,
Prineville Unlit and Water Co.
PerC. L. Slinttuck, Supt.
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brand of Wines,
Liquor and Guar.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
Natty Neckwear
ahiiwa the g.ind tnale of n u,,fr.
ninii. M. n i. ilUrliiiliiiUlnii buy
their Nwk Ilea nml other
Iiitaliery here, iMrouxe they tet the
lien.! atvli-a In the l-t null Ilea.
We nrv now aluiwlng (he new M-naoii
ahndc In fnncy Neckwrnr. I'lcitalng
liovellli-a In di-altt Iia uild Culiirlnga,
Collie III nml liaik liver our stuck
you will lw Kind you ncccpted i
t w
g.atf a&SVjtM laiiliVrtl
1 To O
7 r-
f J' ci
w rnnevuie. uregon
ur Friends and Patrons:-
In starting the year 1912. we wish to thank
patrons for their patronage. We hope that in the pnst
year we have given satisfaction and thnt in the coming
year our business relation will be as satisfactory as it
has in the past. It will be our aim to satisfy our custo
mers; giving the best thnt ia to be had at right pricca.
We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Y
S Smith & Allingham, Props,
3 ChaiiiD Smith's old stand.
titles for some of those bills now
on file are as follows:
Equal suffrage amendment, ex
tending the rights of suffrage to
For constitutional amendment
of section 8. article V. for tho
Restoration to Entry of Lands in
National Forest.
.-souce 1h hereby xlven thnt the
lands described tjelow.embraoliiK -'00
acres, within the Deschutes and iw
purpose of creating the office of
Lieutenant Governor, who shall ' '"ler the provisions of the hoiu".-
ii nd
l!!4Stat., SMi.
act as OriVArnnr in oaco f i i 8eau l"-s ,,I the I nlted .States
ability of the Governor to per
form his duties and also act as
President of the Senate, and prt
viding for the President pro tern,
of the Senate to act as Governor
in case of the inability of both
the Governor and Lieutenant
Governor, and in case of the in
ability of tha Governor
m xne i mteu states and nlllii
at Lnkeview, Oregon, on April
11)12. Any settler who
was actually and In t;onl faith
clHimini; any of said lands for agri
cultural purposes prior to January
1, 16, and has not abandoned same,
has a preference riiitit to make a
homestead entry for the lauds actu
ally occupied. Said lands were listed
upon the applications of the persons
iiii-iiuoiicu ueiuw, iv id have n
1-iieuien- i" c "Km sunject r.o the firlor
- iK"i " sucn seiner, provided
P'O Kijch settler or nmillciinr U ,,,i,,ii,,,.,i
tem. of the Senate, the Sneaker to '"al"? liomcstcad entry and the
i.i. iciu. , m e.Hrcireii prior to
npi" r-'i. on wnicn dale tin; andn
ant Governor and Pre.Sident
of the House to act as Governor.
For an amendment of section
1, article IX, of the Oregon "coiT
stitution, providing for a uniform
rule of taxation, except on prnp
erty specifically tsxed, providing
for the levy and collection of
taxes for state purposes and for
county and other municipal pur
posss upon different classes of
property, and for the asceratin
ment, determination and applica
tior o an average rate of levy
win ne subject ti) settlement and
entry by any qualified person. The
lands are as follows: The nwi of
ni'H. S -e. V.), T. 22 S., It. Ill :., . .
4il acres, application of Stanley J
F'leree, of Iiend, Oreiron; l.lst fi'.:,:!2
The se of sw l, S-'c. W, T. 22 S., It. 10
E., 40 acres, a))licat!on of John I',
Bo;ue, of Lapine, (Jreiron; JJst U"i;6
The e'j of se'. the se of m See. 22,
T, 21 S., It. 10 E., 120 acres, appll
cation of Christ, A. Anderson, of
Laplne, Oregon; Lls0-5(i!i.
H, V. Proudfit, Assistant Com
missioner of the General Land Oillce.
Approved December 19, lull, Carmi
A. Thompson, Acting Secretary of
the Interior. 1-25 4t 1
Sheriff. Sale.
On Kifcution in Foreclusnre.
In the Circuit Court of the stats of
Oregon, for the County of Crook.
Kalph Porfily. plaintiff, vs. Ollle I Kb
lefsonand Nellie U. Ellefson. defend.
To the sheriff .of Crook countv, Oreelini? :
Whereas, on the llith dav of
1911, in the above named court, a itidir.
ment was rendered in favor of the
above named plaintiff and against the
above named defendants for Mix Hun
dred and Fifty Dollars, with interest
thereon from twelfth day of Feb., l!K)!t,
at the rate of 8 per cent per annum ami
Seventy-five Dollars attorney's fee, and
the further sum of Fifteen Dollars costs
which judgment was enrolled and dock
eted in the clerk's office of said court in
said county on the 19th day of Oct.,
And whereas, it was further ordered
and decreed by tiie court that the
northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section sixteen in township
fifteen south of tan(?e sixteen eant of
Willamette Meridian in Crook county,
Oregon, be sold by the sheriff of said
county as under execution, and the pro
ceeds of such sale, alter paving the
costs, disbursements, attorney's fees
and expends herein stated, shall be
applied upon the judgment, and if the
proceeds of such sale be insuliicient,
on- piainiiu smut have lodgment and
execution against the defendants, Ollie
i,. r.iieison aii'i isellio li. hi efi-on to
recover anch balance unpaid, notice is
nereuy given that 1 have levied upon
the prop;rty above described and I will
on tne
lOtl dy of February, 1912,
the same being Saturday of the week,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day!
at. the front doorof t tie courthouse i'n
Prineville, Crook .rouniy, Oregon, sell
to the highest bidder for cash, all of the
right, title ami Interest of the said Ollie
I., hllefson and Nellie I!. Klleffon, de
fendants herein, in and to said real
property and premises to satisfy said
judgment, costs and disbursements, ac
cruing costs, expenses of side and at
torney's fees, and said sale will be
made subject to redemption in the man
Her provided by law.
Dated this Hith day of January, 1912.
" f. N. Balfock,
1-1' Sheriff of Crook county.
List Your House With Me.
I will rent vour house and collect the
nut for 1. Cms, F. Condaiit. I ll
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskiei
Stroud & Stroud, Proprietors
Bg'" Treatment Now
Rheumatism Can Be
A request will hrb g yon our
rear booklet drarrlblng HOT
ral Hot Mineral Hatha, Natur.'a
Cure (or Rhaumatxm. imr
npilpment is i omnlvin. fn
Mineral Water Curea IMiiniUn,
surpassed Medical Htaff, Mot Uke
Htouiach, Kidney, Bloo.1 and Skin Disorder.
Old Crow; Hermitage; Red l
Top Rye; Yellow Stone: t
Canadian Club; Cream
Rye; James L Pepper;
i Moore's Malt
f orter, Ale and Olympia h
r . r. r '
urarc Deer on lap.
Imported Wines
Rtttsrttioa ta Entry af Laadt ia Nalioail Fsrtit.
Notice Is hereby (riven that the
lands described Im'Iow, einbracliig
jim.'wt ncrep, witiiin tne Ueschtites
and Cascade Natlonnl Forests, Ore
Kon, will be subject to settlement
atid entry under the provision of
homestead Jaws of the I nlted States
and the act of June 11, lliisl, (.14 Stst.
2:1,1 1, at the Lniteil h tales land office
at I he Dalles, Oreuon, on April It,
1912. Any settler who waa ac
tually and hi cood faith chiimltig
any ol sain lands lor agricultural
purpose prior to January 1, 1IHH1,
and has not abandoned turns, has a
preference riirht to make a homestead
entry for the land actually occupied.
Sahl lands were listed upon the ap
plications ot the persons mentioned
below, who have a preference riirht
subject to the prior rlght'of any
such settler, provided such settler or
applicant I ijuallllei to make home
stead entry and the preference riirht
Is exercised prior to April !!. 11)12, on
which date the lands will be subject
to settlement and entry by any
iiialltied person. The lauds lire as
follows: The w,!; of swj, the sej of
aw, the w,'j of sw of nej of w,
llie sej OI SW'4 OI or sw1,, HCC-
tlon 15, tp. is south, range in east,
W. M., 127.fl0 acres, application of
David (Jut'rmuth, of Itoberts,
Oreiron; Mst H o10.
The nwl of nw section 2"), the nej
of ne'4 , section 20, tp. 20 south, range
10 east, SO acres, application of John
W. I'sher, of lleud, Oregon; 1, 1st
The sw of nw, the nwi of wj,
section 25, the se of nej, section 2li,
tp. 20 south, raiiifij 10 eust, except, a
strip . '10 feet wide described as being;
olf the north and west sides of the
tract: and also the tie of se, sec
tion 20, tp. 20 soufh, range 10 east,
except a strip !I0 feet wide off the
west side thereof, the net area, of
both tracts belnir I'iO.IIS acres, appli
cation of William 11. II. Williams.
of i01 Andover street, Seattle, WuhIi.
Inifton; List rt-002.
S. V. Proudfit, Assistant Cominls.
shuier of the Genera! Land Oflice.
Approved December III, 1911.
wirmi a. j iiompson, Acting Secre
tary of the Interior. l-ls-4t '
Metollit 8:.'10 n. tn
Trulu use the wonderful new lirlduro acros the Columbia Itlver at
Dally trnln leave ItemI 0:.'10a. in.. Reilmotid 7:21 n. m..
Vf.. c ii . . '
.uuurii8o:ioa. in, arriving: rort and 6:.H) d. ni.
Direct connection at Fiillbrldire with throuuli train for Nnnkntm at
Paul and fhlcuiro, arriving Spokane 9:4Ti same evenlnir.
Direct connection at Vancouver, Washlnirton, allow arrival anine evening
at Tacoina and Seattle, ,
I-eavln Portland :&. a. m., dally train arrive all Cent ral On iron iwdiitia
early same evening1.
Ticket Hold through to point In the Kat, Northwest mid California.
Detail will Imj furnished on request.
W. E. COMAN, Gen'I Freight & Pa. Agent, Portland, Or.
111 H. BAUKOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon.
- I amaaaMaBiMssMMaa. v
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by tho day, week or month at
IteaHonable rates. Remember us when in
Prineville. Ratks Rkasonabuc. We have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
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