Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, February 01, 1912, Image 5

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Final Touches Put on Metal
Tariff Bill by Democratic
Of Ksntuoky, &ertary IN
Dtmooratio National Cemmltlaa.
WnshltiKton, I). C Tho tariff revl.
lull HkIiI opened In tlia lluuaa when
consideration 01 uio imuni isnn uui
was Ink i' ii up aa tha llrst u( lbs muss
urea which tha Domot-riitla loaders
will utli-mpt to furuo throuuti con
gress. H All attempts of tlia llcpiibllrnti to
mend llm inenaur failed. Considera
tion of tlx bill wilt lunrki'i) by sharp
division between Demorrtits nnj III
uritent Hi'pulilk'una ami tho open
4clumlloii uf many of Ilia Insurgent
that tlu-y wero Riialtist Ilia bill.
Hit attempt to amend llio bill be
gun a noon aa .Mr. Vnderwood aliut
rT debate. The Kepublttuna fought
Application fur cloture rule, but lost
J The bill at It will K to lh Hottnta
till carry nil average- reduction uf
tariff duties on nil metal nrllele uf
bout 3& per rant from the rates uf
tho 1'nyni' Alilrlih law now In 'urea.
l la expected If It becomes law to
Jm-rcase lt)ixirU by :t,OU0,000 and
ti'dura revenues about Ittuo.ouo.
1 May Invaatlgatt Monty Truat.
j Inquiry Into Ilia "money truat" hna
li'utiii ona of the inuat Important
)ribliua beforo tlia lHmocraia of tha
liu, and with a dlftoronco of opin
ion existing among them aa to tha
ldoin of such an Investigation aa la
jirupoafd In tha resolution Introduced
liy Itepresentullve Lindbergh, of Min
nesota, Itepresentatlve Henry, of Tex
41a, chairman of the rule committee,
took llio poaltlva aland that tbo In-
u,ulry was Impuratlve.
I II la known that Itepresentntlve I'll-
idirwol, tlia majority lender, and oth
ers are opposed to saddling any mora
I Investigating committees upon con
egress at thla time, but whether pres
sure In thla Instance will be atrong
I enough to convince Ihnm that It la
I their duty to delve Into tha secrets
of Wall street flnnnra remains to ba
seen. It la probable thnt the matter
I will not ba Battled until the House
s Democrats have fought out tha laaua
- In caucus.
I Will Coneantrata Army.
Secretary of War Btlmson. acting
. upon an exhaustive report from tha
general ataff, hna decided that no less
than 16, and probably 18, existing
(ft I1S. by Am.rlrao Pr Aanctatloa.
Ecuadorians Storm Penitentiary and
Take Law Into Own Handa.
Guayaquil, Krundor. A mob broke
Into tha Quito penitentiary In spile of
a double guard, and lynched Oenersls
Kloy Alfaro, Flnvlo Alfnro. Medardo
Alfnro, t'lplan Paes and Manuel Sur
rlaiio, prominent revolutionists.
General Kloy Alfnro waa a former
prealdeul of Kcundur. Ilia brother,
General Flnvlo Alfnro. waa firmer
mlnlater of war and commander-lit.
chief of the revolutionary forcea. Gen
eral Mednrdo Alfaro la believed to
have boon a brother to the two Alfaroa
and Generate I'nei and Manuel 8er
rluno were the lending llKhta In Kcua
dor'a luteal revolution.
Revenge by Revolutionists May
Mean Scries of Horrors Like
Hankow and Nanking
IVkln. Selling 21 prominent re
publican lenilera at Mukden, Imper
lallata aubjerled the prloi,era to bide
0.1a torturea before finally putlfiig
thum to deulh. ItevolutlonlMta have
aworn retaliation, and the utrocltlea.
It la feared here, will cauae another
aerlea of borrora, auch a a were enact
ed ul Hankow and Nanking. Imperial
lata threaten to contli.ue the alaughler.
lteporla reaching here from the
north atnte that the Imperial garrl
aoue are preparing to Join the rebel
forcea becauno they hua received no
money for their ervlc'8. Thla newa
haa thrown coiiaiernatlon Into the
ranka uf the Manchua nnd the older
prlncea have renewed their efforta to
perauadu the dueager cmpri sa to abdicate.
Harrlmen Roada to Vancouver.
6an Franclaco. Tbo New York
bnnkera behind the Hnrrlmnn rail
road ayalem have decided to bultd Into
Vancouver, 11. C, aud within two
yenre, or before tha opening of the
Pnnnma Pacific Kxpoalllon In thla city,
will be running through paaaenger
tralna between San Francisco and the
tlrltlah Columbia metropolla. aa they
are already doing between thla city
and Portland and Seattle.
I.ondoii. A oinpatch from Tientsin
fiaya the Imperial family met at the
pulacij In Peklu to conalder the quea
tlon uf abdication. Yuan Shi Kb! haa
consented to tha convening of the
natloiiul assembly either at Hankow
or TbIiik tan.
Nimklng. The armistice thnt haa
been In operation several week hue
ended, but no definite atflpe have been
taken for !t removal. The Pekln gov
ernment la trying to obtain an exten
sion of the arsnletlre, but Wu Ting
Fang, republican minister of Justice
at ShanKhal, haa tcleitraphed, threot
ening to renew hostilltlea unleaa abdi
cation la accomplished.
Moore Dead from Chauffeur's Shot.
81m Frnnclsco. John J. Moore,
wealthy clubmnn and coal dealer of
Bun Francisco, who was shot In a re
volver duol With Samuel U Timothy,
a chauffeur, near the residence of Mrs.
Moore in this city, has died of his
wound. The dying mnn accused Tim
othy of having been too Intimate with
Mrs. Moore.
iiiiuuti nxtit a c
A Bird in the hand is
Worth Two m the
' You can't keep waiting if you are going to secure
an overcoat of really clever style. You must re
member this: An overcoat on your back right now,
is worth two that you might expect to own later. It
is the early purchaser who invariably secures the
smartest stvle and most fascinating: fabric When
you chase early you have a score of shades, colors and patterns to select from
you have many different models to choose from you have everything necessary to
the securing of garments which will prove an excellent purchase. Come while the
season's young.
Our excellent assemblage of BRANDEGEE, KINCAID & CO. MODELS
will delight you. Visit our overcoat department while possibilities for a wide choice
are greatest
Clifton & Cornett
Appliutieai far Cniisi Ftrauti.
NOTICKIm hereby lven that all
nilk-fitiiiia for permit to urnie
entile, biirxea nnd ehe-i within the
Iiik the Menem! if 11)12, must be tiled
In iiiv olllee lit ltoeliirir. Oretrou, on
or la-fore March 15, ll'12. Full lufor-
latlon In reanrcl to the Krnzluir, fees
to lie clinrireil mill lilmik loruia to lie
w-il III iniikluu aiipllentlous, will be
fiirolshed upon reiiutnt.
1 at n. t. ISA it nil i, BiipervtHor.
Statement of Resources and liabilities ol
The First National Bank
army posts should be abnndoned at
f tinea. In order to nut an end to the
' "extravagance and Inefficiency reault
Mug from Improper distribution of the
I mobllo army."
Among the posta condemned ara
' llulsa I In r racks, Idaho and George
-., Vrlfht, Washington.
Government Railway for Alaska
i President Taffa next apeclnl moa-
saun to coiik-reaa will deal with the
; conservation of natural rcsourree,
Villi the general aubjtvt of conserva
tion goea tho administration of ufTulrs
1 la Aluska. It has bceu decided to
' recommend aubatantlitlly as follows:
The construction by the foderal gov
ernment of a central trunk line rail
rond from tidewater to Tanana nnd
Yukon, In Alaska. The pnssuge of a
liberal but carefully safeguarded leas
ing law, development of mineral re
sources and especially of conl InndB;
the reservation of a aufriclent amount
of conl lauds In Alnskn to provide for
the future needs of the navy nnd the
milling of coal by the government for
this purpose; more liberal appropria
tions for the construction of roads nnd
trullo In Alaska.
Long Session Predicted.
VongreHsman Fltxgcrald, chairman
tf the committee on appropriations In
the housu, prodtcts a very long session
of congress, extending long after the
nutloiml conventions huve miido tbolr
nomlniillone for president. Ho thinks
tho dlHngreements between tho hoime
and semite will tend to extend tho ses
sions, for there will he no disposition
to yield, especially when political capi
tal limy be In the balance.
National Capital Brevltlea.
Secretary of tho Navy Meyer will
AHk congress for an appropriation of
$1,000,000 to establish wireless sta
tions on the l'ncillo coast.
Bonator Ilrudley has Introduced a
till allowing American vossels free
use of the Panama canal, except
where a vossol la owned by a railroad
That the United States will not
Interfere lu Chinese politics unions
forced to do bo by an antl-Americnn
demonstration, waa announced by tho
atnte department.
Senator Gore has Introduced a Joint
resolution for a Joint congressional
Investigation of the presidential cum
in rmifia nf 1904 and 1908. and, nu
soon as possible, of 1912.
During the hearing on tho house
bill which would Impose an eight-hour
labor restriction on ull government
contract wovk, Senator Month de
nounced tho stool trust, declaring It
"paid millions In dividends, yet has
.In Its 'boll holes' men who work 12
hours a dny woven days a week and
ol hers who work 18 to 24 hours In one
Cathedral In Soudan Dedicated.
Khartoum, Soudnn. Khartoum ca
thedral, the first Christian edifice of
Its kind to be erocted In the blood
soaked desert of the Soudnn, was con
serrated by the bishop of Ixmdon and
a distinguished body of Anglican cler
gy, with full religious and military
Chicago. A gigantic struggle be
tween every railroad operating In the
western part of the country, scores
of commercial organliatlons nnd thou
sands of shippers In cities and towns
throughout the west begun In Chicago
Monday at a hearing before George
N. lirown, chief examiner of the Inter
state Commerce Commission. The Is
sue, which involves millions In freight
rates, Is whether the roads shall be
permitted to put Into effect on Feb
ruary IB next a long list of changes
In what Is known as the western
frel;ht classification.
It Is clurgod that tho mil carriers,
by uhlftlng hundreds of classlllcatloiia,
are seeking to achieve the samo re
sults, so far as advancing freight rates
are concerned, that, they attempted
to obtain In the big frclht rate pro
ceeding decided ndversely to them by
the Interstate Commerce Commission
a year into.
Cuildar" Lauds Northwest
St. Paul, Minn. In a statement is
aued from the offices of the North
we t Development league, James J.
Hill, chairman of the board of the
lJ.- at Northern railroad advocates
the strengthening of the orgaultntlon,
cooperation of the northwest states
and the establishment of a central
colonisation or Immigration bureau
to aid in the development and settling
of the American northwest.
"The states of this league spend
enough separately on Immigration pro
jects to bring In several times as
many persons every year as they gain,
but a considerable portion of it Is
devoted to enticing settlers from one
of thcin to another," said Mr. Hill.
Retailers Are Blamed.
Chlrapo. Efforts to show that the
retailors were largely responsible for
tho high price of dressed beef were
made by counsel for the defense at
the packers' trial.
The figures read showed thnt a
large part of the shipments actually
was sold by the packers at less than
7 cents a pound and In many Instances
tho profit was less than 1 cent a
Northwsstorn'e Head Denies story.
Chicago. Concerning the report
sent out from Portland that the Chi
cago & Northwestern railroad was
to be extended to the Pacific coast,
Pro tdent Gardner denies thnt tlnl
company Is planning to extend from
Lander, Wyo.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 82e;
bluestem, 85c; rod Kusslan, etc.
Parley Feed, J40 per ton.
Oats No. 1 white, S32 per ton.
Hay Timothy, valley, $16; alfalfa,
Diittor Creamery, S6o.
Eggs Hunch, Sic.
Hops 1911 crop, 44c; 1910, nomi
nal; contracts, 25c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 9016c;
Willamette Valley, lBUfHc.
MoUtilr 37o.
Ar.yhim bend accused
State Robbed by Napa Management,
Is Charged.
Sacramento, Cal. Serious irregular
ities in the management of the state
hospital for tho Insane at Napa are
charged In a report to Governor John
son, The report accuses Dr. Uhuer
K. Stone, tho superintendent, who has
tendered his realgnution, with tho em
bezzlement of $11:10, which, It is de
clared. Stone admitted taking. It Is
8uld thnt he gave a check for the
amount, offering also a check for
$1800 to cover extravagant personal
expenses, which the bonrd of control
refused to accept.
It is charged In the report that with
in four years the state paid $12,000
for meat that was never delivered
and for other supplies In proportion.
Wheat, S6c; club, S3o;
red Russian, 82c.
Burlcy $40 per ton.
Oats $30 per ton.
Butter Cmtmery, S7o.
Fggs 81c.
Hay Timothy, $16 per ton.
Big Aviation Meet Ends.
I,os . Angeles. The third interna
tlonal aviation meet at Dominguex
Fluid was brought to a close hero
after nine consocutlve days of flying,
Approximately $30,000 will be distrl
feuted in prizes to the flyers. The
greatest winners are Lincoln Ceachey
and Phil O. Purmalee.
.Of Prineville, Oregon
the doM of basinose Juno 7, 1911
In the county court of the state
Oregon, for the county ol Crook.
In the matter of the estate ot f.icnara
Mever, citation.
To K. A. ltussett, administrator of the
estate of Kicliar.t Meyer, deceased,
and to all the heirs at law, known or
unknown, of the ssid Kichanl Meyer,
deceased, Greeting :
In the name of the state of Oregon,
You are hereby cited and required to
mmar in the count v court 01 the state
ol Oregon, for the county of Crook at
the court room thereof, at Prineville, in
the county of Crook, on Monday, the
4th day of March, 1U12, at lu o'clock in
he forenoon ot that day, then and
here to show cause, if any there be,
why the following described real prop
erty, belonging to the estate of said
Kichard Meyer, neceaseu, io-wh: ine
northeast quarter of the northeast
quarter ol section 33, in township 15
south of range 14 east of the Willamette
Meridian in Crook counly, state ot Ore
gon, and containing 40 acres, should
not be fold to pay the expenses ot au
minietration. and claims against said
estate and such costs and legal charges
as may accrue.
Thiscitation is pumistiea in me l took
County Journal for six full weeks by
order of the Hon, II. C. Kl is, judge of
the county court of the state of Uregon
(or Crook countv.
Witness, the Hon. H. C. Mils, Judge
of the county court of the slate of Ure
rnin. for the countv of Crook, with the
seal of said court adixed this 11th day of
Attest! Wakrkn liaowN. Clerk
By A. W. Battles, Deputy
Loans and Dtscounu'. tl.835 03
United Btatea Bonds 1U00 00
Bank (remise tc IS. MO 12
Casta Due from banks 210, ot
1531 ,424 1
B. P. AlUm. PrassW
Will Warawar. Vka
capital Block, paid In (04 00
Harplus fund, earned 80.000 00
Undivided profits, earned SJ.T24 SO
CtroulatloQ 0
Depoelia ," "
531.t24 10
T. M. BaUwisw Casluar
H. Baldwia. Aa'l Chsar
What a Treat!
n Benjamin
h I I. IV
Your family would have if they tried our Specially prepared
Ham, Pork and Bacon. They are put up for family use in a
way to best bring out and preserve their delicious flavor.
City Meat Market
j."" " ' . .
Herbs for medtcincgood
toju iasuiuiicu iiuiut-niduc
.remedies of roots.herbs.
were hale
artd hearty then just as those
areinowwnouse oijioo
Kidney trouble1
Liver disorder
Indigestion. ,
200 uncoatcd tablets 1.00
Money bacK if not satisfied
Raymond Calavan, Prineville, Or
Seneral tBlacksmithing
t -2
t j
t J
t j
C'J .
horseshoeinq, wood work, etc.,
Neatly and Promptlt Done
When it is Done By : ; :
Siobert TIfoore
Satisfaction Will Be Guaranteed
Portuouese Republic Bankrupt.
Lisbon. Tho ship ot stnte of the
Portuguese republic Is drifting peril
ously near to the shoals of bankrupt
cy. So threatening has tho situation
become that Portugal has put up some
of her African colonial possessions
for sale and 1b trying to find a pur
Notice for Publication.
Peprti-nmMH ot the interior,
tl, S. lJimi Ollii-e hi The lmlles, Oregon,
Jauunry 27th, H1'.
Notice Is herebv Riven tliHl Ttirl M. Larson,
of PrlnevUle. Orcnoll, wltooa Atmust l"th, 1910.
made homestoatl, No. in;iki. (or n;, eotlon'2f,
township lti south, rnntio lit east, Willamette
Meridian, has tlleil not lee 01 intemton to
mako final eomuintatton iriHf, to establish
claim to tlia laml ahove (lescrittiHt, luifore
Warren Hritwlt. cooaly Clerk, at his ollieu. at
l'rntttviUe. OreROn' on llio ilth day ot March,
t'laimnnt names as witnesses:
Kraut l. Knnu-lton. Maninel 11. KUis. Krncst
O. K mi in .-I I. l.oiian U. Mt-l'beraon, nil of l'rine.
viHe.Orettou. CW. MOOHK.
J.lp Kegislor.
Notice to Crtdilori.
Notice Is herehv elven. by the iiniterslnned,
the administrator of the estate of Sophia J.
Lafollett. deceased, to all creditors of said de
ceased and to all persons havlnp claims awainst
said estate, to present the same with ttie
proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the
office of M. R. KUiott In Prineville. Orciton,
within six months (rom the tlrst publication
of this notice.
Bated Jan. . UU. I..VKOLI.KTT,
Administrator of the estate ot sophia J. La
follelt, deceased.
Buggy Robe Lost.
Between Foster & Hyde pluea and
the Uaventort ranch about a week ago.
Return to city marshal, Priueville, and
2ot reward. l-15-3tp
Choice Land for Sale.
120 acres dry land on north slope of
Powell Butte; over 100 acres tillable;
$1000 worth of improvements on place,
also 20 acres wheat in ground. Ditch
lateral running through place. Dry
soil. $1S per acre. Inquire at Journal
Office r write Laveksk Sbars, Prine
ville, Ore. 13-30-3mp
Children Wanted.
Two or three children wanted at once
bet weeu the ages of 8 and 13; a good
home in good tamilyj a good school,
clothes and board, no work. Address,
J. A. Holmus, Bond, Ore., care up-river
mail. , . 1-13-41