Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 18, 1912, Image 6

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Oregon City will taavt a bit toultry
how February I and J.
Member of the Port ot Coqutlhs
commission hare been named by Got
rnor West
Work has been resumed and will be
pushed on the line ot the Natron
Klamath cut-off.
A total ot over $90,000 wa spent
in buildings and improvements Id
Cottage Grove in 1911.
The big bridge spanning the Colum
bia at Celilo baa been thrown open
and trains are now crossing it
The water system of the city of
Vnion will be placed In first class
shape as soon as weather conditions
will permit
The big Agricultural Fair at the
Oregon Agricultural College is to be
Friday and Saturday, January
12 and 13.
Hugh S. Jory, a prominent pioneer
manufacturer and citiien of Salem, is
dead, aged TS. Mr. Jory came to
Oregon in 1S47.
Work will be begun on the Lebanon
sewer system early next spring. Sew-
r bonds for $60,000 have been sold
and the cash Is on hand for the work.
Believing his land contains gold, D.
L Walker, a capitalist ot Roeeburg,
is sinking a shaft in his yard In the
Tery heart of the residence district
George F. Sykes, instructor of so-
ology at the Oregon Agricultural Col-
lege, will give four lectures In Janu -
ary on the Conservation of Health.
Su tong houses In the old and new
Chinatown In Portland have given up
ine pagan worship which was a prom -
lnent part of the ritual of the socle -
Frank Pierce, a woodchopper of La
Grande, was shot and fatally Injured
oy the accidental discharge of a shot
gun, the load of which buried Itself
In the man's groin.
Baker is to see a more active build-
Ing campaign the coming season than
ever before. A large part of the con-
struction will begin as soon as weath-
er conditions permit
Governor West has set aside Friday,
December 13, 1912. as "Hangman's
day," provided the proposed Initiative
measure fails to carry at an election
of the people in November.
E. M. Brown, a policeman of Lake-
lew, was shot and killed by Bert Tay-
lor when he attempted to interfere
wim layior. wno was Dealing his
wife. Taylor then committed suicide,
Governor West has appointed E. L.
Thompson, of Portland, as a special
commissioner to Belgium to investl-
gate, and report on the flax industry
In that country. Mr. Thompson has
accepted the appointment
First payment of 60.000 on the
purchase price of the 15,000 acre
Hume estate at the mouth of Rogue
river was made by the Macleay Estate
company, which bought the property
several week, ago for $230,000.
Difficulty in finding homes for boys
from the state training school with
people other than those who want
them purely for the work they are
able to do, is reported in the annual
statement made by Superintendent
N. H. Looney.
To stimulate the cultivation of field
barley In the Willamette Valley and
Western Oregon, Harvey E. Louns
bury, general freight agent of the
Southern Paciflc, has arranged for the
free fctritutioa ej fee? to the fann
ers in that section.
A corporation capitalized at J30.000
has been organized to take the Pen
dleton Round-Up into the Eastern
states as an amusement feature. The
entire capital has been paid In by the
stockholders and steps will be taken
at once to organize the big attraction.
By applying the pruning knife the
present administration reduced the
state's average quarterly payroll from
1205,997 In 1910 to ?202,.J4 in 1911.
No salaries have been reduced, but
on the contrary where it has been de
served some have been increased.
J. Nelson Wisner, of Oregon City,
who for nine years was field superin
tendent of the United States bureau
of fisheries, has been appointed direc
tor of fisheries of Uruguay, South Am
erica. He will receive a salary of
$4500, which is equivalent to about
$5500 in this;.-.
N. Duncan, County Judge of Linn
county, by officiating at 48 weddings
In 1911, has broken all records for
the greatest number of marriages ev
er performed by one man in one year
in Linn county. The former record
was 41. This was also held by Judge
Duncan, who established it in 1910.
That more money has been cxpend
rd for railroad construction in Oregon
nee the creation of the present com
mission live years ago than was ex
pended in tiie v.'hule previous history
of the state is shown in the annual re
port of the railway coimuis&iori. The
commission exercises jurisdiction
now over :,i)22 operated miles.
Arrang.iiricrits have been complet
ed whereby the business men of Sal
em, Alb ny and CorvaiHs will make an
application for terminal rate3 at the
hearing of the Interstate Commerce
CommiHsiou at Washington, D. C. on
January 13. The three cities have
raised a fund of more than ? 1250 to
send an nttcrr.ey to Washington ti
prstsa 1:.:.:; ir.-;rwt3 at that hearing
Bills Allowed
by County Court
The following Mil sw ordered
'paid nt the January term of the
county court :
j Cfwrel foi.
IT.. ," , ' , 7"
' Pilot Butte Tel co, tel service 11
Polly Hodp-s, vk nss'rs oMW -W "5
1 Wallace Pout, eoroner'a fee... , 6 40
; V W OrvHitt, justice foes 2 10
V W Orrutt, Justice fees
4 SO
9 SO
W C Holllnslieail, const fee.
4 M l.tiwreuee. Justice fee...
I.on L Kos, deputy sheriff 2 50
S M Mackintosh, witness fee 1 SO
11 Kerrell
Mary I. Patterson "
Irene Ivy Pae " "
1 50
1 50
I 50
4 SO
1st 40
II 50
, Nettie Stevenson, lul prisoner
I Joliu E Kd wards, auto fare..,
Wm H Hes, services
J H Jacfcsou, Justice tin1 6 Si
Chna Eagles, witness fee..
R Wallas ' " " ..
Oscar Lituberg " ' ..
j M Maloy, " " ..
J Harris, " " ..
S 0 Comb " " ..
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
J L Campbell
M Strikes
j qo
1 00
5 00
ISO 00
12 00
41 00
4 00
Dillon Feed Yard, wood
'j P Doherty, wk ass'rs oiliee..
j Mrs R E Gray, teacher's exm
Lora L Stearu. (It A Ford )..
j E Bersland.bal due filing trau
' E H Smith, Jail beds 9 00
, Templeton & Son, supplies tW 15
! . H Llppman, erv', supplies 66 110
, Bushnnir & Co. supplies 200
,' Pacific S P Co, supplies IS 00
i Glass & Prudhorome, supplies 11 00
R0v Lowther, witness fee 2 00
j Warren Yancey,
2 00
2 00
4 00
10 00
Guy Sumner, " "
c P Bailey, " "
j j d Powell, " "
Henry Cram " "
j w H Wlrtx.'postage, etc
j xick Halm, deputy sal
i Prlnevllle Planing Mill, indue.,
J Mrs I Michel, supplies
. Pioneer Tel & Tel Co, tel eer.v
' w J Eagles, care Smith family
j Prlnevllle Revlew.500 subp
S 00
2 00
61 35
11 40
IS 60
71 15
22 20
10 00
J Crook Co Journal, printing, etc 147 0s
i Frwi A ri wartt mileage, etc 221 50
t X Balfjur, postage, etc 10 75
j H H Clow, Janitor salary 150 00
I t N Balfour, expenses US 50
r l Jorda", clerk hire
j r l Jordan A Co, mdse
; Brewster Eng Co, map, surv
iMr Marv Hinton, bd J Statu
j Winnek Co. tjauDer acct. stat
50 00
20 30
25 00
50 00
34 6S
; Redmond F 4 F Co, wood 11 00
j Hillmau Mere Co, mdse, etc 6 ft!
Prlnevllle Light & Water Co... 65 15
' H H Clow, laundry, etc 12 00
H Kennedy, Justice lees 9 25
Snag Hodges, witness fee 1 50
j A H Kennedy. Justice fees 7 45
Joe Hoover, witness fee 13 50
; 0scar oheTg .. .. 16 50
p A Powell ' " 13 50
' r, f Thronn ' " it i0
, A H Kennedy, Justice fee 9 &5
I T X Bulfour, board prisoners 102 21
1 Wenandy Livery Co, team hire 25 00
Ross E Moores & Co, printing
i J H Jackson, drawing jury...
CH Jackson " " ...
D W Burnett " " ...
4 20
3 00
3 00
3 00
i H Grime, viewer 4S 00
', G W Wells, " 4.N 00
j Dan Crowley, flagman C 09
.T X Balfour, 1000 stumped en r 21 24
,CityofPrlneville,waterCHyd 5 00
i Warren Brown, ex clerk hire... 100 CO
: Wm Johnson, work on tax roll so 00
, L J Murdock, salary, Xov, Dec 2-l 10
, R A Ford, exp to supt conv... 17 70
j " " car fare, postage, etc
, The Home Hospital, servkeft..
I Warren Brow n, stamps, exp...
j George Hamilton, team labor
i Etiie Houghton, care A Weber
19 SO
70 00
13 70
, First Xafl Bank Prlnevllle, iut 122 CO
: H P Belknap, Webber pauper.. CO On
r 11 isrennaii, witness -J Wi
H J Karris, freight charge.. 2.1
Beach Mfg Co, materials etc. ..11:." 70
i It 11 ISaylej-, road work ...'I0'0 00
Claudia Wouderly, services... 13 Su
It H Bayley, couiuiissioner fi.t-s .'!" TO
James Hlce " " 0;
i Road Fond.
I L Smith, road work 41 00
II U Bayley, " " UM m
Robert Moore, repairs, etc i) 7.1
John Corwln, supervlsrir S4 -V)
li S W right, road supplies 1.11 '.)
lieiill & Co, rond supplies 4i;- 7i
Tuui-A-Luiii I-unibi-r Co "'M M
R L Jordan & Co, camp sup 72'i '',
W V Kinpr & Co, rood supplits hi (K)
Prineville Planing Mill, lumber 4S 10
; I'linevllle Paint Shop, slns... ;m)0
T J Mincer, steam fi tt i r.ji.- 22 20
V Piiinilexter, work on bridge 7 ."0
'itorse Hun-ell, road wui l; 2 IS 50
t High School Fund.
T J Mlnirer, paint, work, etc... S 40
Coliiim V Kll.ins, supplies 4 fi
Shiip &;Perr.v. luinber, etc MM 25
F Kinjj & Co, supplli s
Crook Co Joui nal, printing etc
W !' Kinu; & Co, supplies
C V Sj'rinij, work, etc
Vl hwest School I ur Co, inde
I.uurelBook Co, supplies
1 Japan Paper Co, paper, etc.....
KtaffordKiijrravIng Co, print-
2:1 m
20 :!5
4i 77
Si:; 00
i,l:; :;i
:i 70
3 f.0
I iii(? 40o,bulletins
; Atkinson, JMcMzer & Grover
W s:;
Manuel Art Pre, iiile. 9 id
(1 A Gimtafson, janitor YM 00
J II lUner Co, Ins on HS.etc 00
H 1 Karris, hooks, etc (12 Ml
R I. Jordan & Co, mdse.,,.,,.., S4
E 1- Coe, ma(falnes, etc HI 20
0 E Smith, itrndlnir st tor H S Id 00
Pioneer Tel & Tel Co, service is 60
T K J Huffy . work is oo
J K till! & Co, supplies 2(1 00
K I. Coe, salary .Nov, IVv 2.V1 (K)
JCV Conway, salary Nov. lVe
, ' . ,' ..
E E Kvaus,
J W Smith " " 222
Mr XI V Wood" " ' iM 00
Alum tiltchcll " " ' 200 00
Prlnevllle Uuht A Water Co... 22 1st
I.C Wood, tniilnji piano , 5 00
I'M Baldwin, prem on policy Utt 00
Ranch for Rent,
200 acres, 120 fenced ; SO under irri
cition. Innuirs of Frank Foster or
write tieo. Suirkmnn, Ontario, Or. 1-11 '
Notice ot the Nulo f Real Estate by
Notice is hereby itlx-en that pur
suant to an order ol sale of the County
Court ot the County of Crook, Plate ol
Oregon, made on tli 3nl dsv ol Jsiiu
ary. 1012. in the matter of the eitstsof
J. V. Mctionairill, dei'easel. iho umler-DiL-nisl
administrator ;il mid estate will
I'll at private sale suliiect to the con-
: nrmation ol the said ixiurt Irom nl
wi" hid nun usv ui renruarv, iii, ail
the right, title, iuteivst aud'esuie of
said J. W. MeGonatMll at the time ot
his drath, and all of the right, title and
interest the said estate tnsv have ac
quired other than or in addition to that
ol the said J. W. .MrGonagill at the
time rt his death or tubsrqupnl thereto,
in all that part or portion of land situ
ated in the county of Crook, Oregon,
and more particularly described as
follows towit: The west half ( ol
the west half (t, I nf section twenty four
(24) in township fifteen 1,I sotitli ol
range twelve (121 eat o( the Wil Ismette
Meridian, in Crook County, Oregon, and
all in one parcel.
Terms and conditions nf mi, I ale.
cash in gold coin of the I'niied States,
5 per cent of purrhare prii-e to be paid
on day of sale and the balance upon
the continuation o( iale by said court.
IHited this 11th day ol January 1012
and published for the first time on the
11th day of Januarv, 1M12, and date of
last publication February 10th, l)il2.
ti. W. Ramsky,
Administrator ol the estate of J. W.
Mctionagill, deceased.
RnttratMa U Eatry st Lwis is Natwul Fsmt.
Xotlce I hereby given that the
land described u-low, embracing
w.s acre, within the lK-schutes
and Cascade Xutioual Forests, Ore
gon, will b? subject to settlemeut
and entry miner the provisions ol
homestead Ihws ot the United states
and the act n( June 11, l'.NMl, (34 Stnt.,
233), at the I'm ted Mates lund office
at The Dalles, Oregon, ou April U,
1012. Any settler who was ac
tually and Id good faith claluilim
any ol said lands for agricultural
purpose prior to January 1. Uluti.
and ha not abandoned snme, has a
preference right to makea homestead
entry for the lands uctually occupied.
Said Ihuiis were listed upon the ap
plications n the persons mentioned
below, who have a preference rluht
subject to the prior right of any
such settler, provided such settler or
applicant Is tjualilled to make home
stead entry and the preference right
Is exercised prior to April 3, 1012. on
wlilcti date the lands will be subject
to settlement and entry by any
I mil I tied tierson. The lauds are as
follow: The w'o of sw J, the set o(
swj, the w'j of swj ol ui-i ol bwJ.
tile sej ol s '4 i l n,-'4 o( sw'4, sec
tion 15, I p. IS south, range It east.
W. M., 127.50 acre", aunncatloii ol
David J F. Gue-nu 1. if Kobert.
Oregon: List 0 5 0.
The awl of nwl sivtb.11 25, the lie
o iie'4, sect ion 2i, tp. 20 soutli, ra . e
lOensr, HO acres. u atlmi of .lnhn
W. Usher, of Bend, Origin: List 0-
The of nitj, the nw-J of swj,
section 25, the s i of iicj. section 2ii,
tp. 20 south, ruuge 10 east, except a
strip 30 feet wide described as being
off the north and west sides of the
tract: and nlso the nej of sej, sec-
linn L'fi. to. (l uohHi- ritnie 111 e.'iut
except a strip 30 leet wide off the !
west side thereof, the net area of!
l,.th tPHClu llullH. l.i: IIOI-.M II- I
55icatlonol William H. H. w'lllliiins, j
9 00 of 701 Andover street, Seattle, Wash-;
iiigtoi:: List a-naa.
S. V. Proudllt. Assistant Conimls-!
sloner of the General Land Ofliic.
1 1 ,.,i.. vi
Oirini A. '11101111)8011.' Acting Secre-
tnry of the Interior. l-lv4c
' Citation".
In the county court ol the state ol
Ori-ifon, for the county ol 'Cnxjk.
In the matter ot the estate of Hichard
Meyer, citation.
To K. A. Kusrett, administrator of the
estate A Hichard Meyer, (leeeaned,
ami to all the heirs at law, known or
unknown, of the paid lUidiard Meyer,
deceased, Greeting :
In the name ol the state of Oregon,
You are hereby cited and required to
appear in the county court of the state
of Oregon, for the county of Crook at
j the court room thereof, at Prineville, in
I tl e county of Crook, on Monday, the
I 4th day of March, 1012, at 10 o'clock in
i the forenoon ol that day, then ami
j there to chow eaui;e, if any there be,
j why the following described real prop
erty, bel'iiiini! to the estate of S'.iid
Hichard Mever, (lecca-ed, to-wit: The
norlliesft quarter of the northeast
quaiti-r of section in township 11
south of ranee 1 1 east of the Willamette
.Meridian 111 Crook county, btaleofOie
tfoti, and contHiomi 4l acres, sbrni'd
not be sold to pay the ejLpemei of d-niini.-tration,
and claims suainst said
estate and such cotts and lecal charg e
as mav accrue.
Thiscitation ii published in thet'rofik
County Jourmil lor ix foil weeks In
order of the Hon, ii. C. Kl is, jmlne of
the county court of the state 01 Oregon
for ( !i ofik county.
Witness, the lion. II. C. Ellis, judie
of the county court of the slate, of Ore
iron, for the comity ni Crook, with the
seal of said court atlixed this 11th day of
January, l'.(12.
Attest: Waiiuf.s Hhowx, Clerk,
I'y A. V. liattles, I'einity.
Sti-pouiid alUwool unitary Illstikrt.
a loud stuck latin, t,t.0O per pair,
A, 11. l.ll'l-MAM to. 12 -21
It f 1. I.oim rnnn mry
V. V. I' sourdsr n 1 li I.
tMmitgvni wriwm, K. V. t'tMtiUlits, N. U.:
Wnl.1 Harm-. V. ti.; II. U IUiI.Im, hw.) ami
t K. Ttmu.
The Brosius Bar
Finest Brand of Wines,
Liquors and Ggan.
F. E. BROSIUS, Proprietor
3 Prineville, Oregon
Smith & Allingham, Props.
Champ Sniith'i old stand.
Imported and Domestic
Famous Whiskies
4 Old Crow, Hermitage; Red
4 Top Rye; Yellow Stone;
i Canadian Club; Cream
4 Rye; James El Pepper;
4 Moore's Malt. f
4 .
Porter, Ale and Olympia
4 Draft Beer on Tap.
4 1 1 u: .nj I
AIXipVl ll-U 11 I1IW UliU
4 Liquors.
The Oregon Bar
I At the Old Stand
G. W.Wiley & Co., Prps
All kinds of Choice Liquors
Wines and Cigars.
Famous Ranier Beer in
Bottles and on Draft.
Application for Crazing Permit,.
XOTICK is hereby given that all ap
plications for permits to graze cattle,
horws and sheep within the OI'IIOCI)
NATION A L I'IjUK.ST during the season
of 1012, mint be filed in my oflice st
Prineville. Oregon, on or In-fore Febru
ary 1"), V'l'J. full information in rn
ghrd to the grazing fees to bn charged
and blank form" to be used in making
applications will be furnished upon re
quest. 1-4 It IIU.MEK KOSS,
Notice for Publication.
,i'inrtrivnt offhe fnliTior,
U.K. '""ll OIHi:eiil Tin- liuM.s. Ori'imn,
ISM:i-iuis'r ll, 1111.
Notice Is herehy Ivi'li Hint Kltziils.'th V.
Krv. neilli'T anil wi'' h"lr (iftii-oiyn h Fry,
rli-f-'-HM ,1. of lrliii:vtllt', Im-Koii, wlui, on .hiti
uiirv --nil, 1''"'7. iiiiel,- IhiiiieMti-iiil No. lOl'ls
Hi-rial, No. Ol":!, f',r h':, lin'. -' i, uiiij
si-U ll''1. iei-t,in la, tiiM-n-hlp l.'i soillll. raiiKi
1H east, UHliiliiftte M'Tldlin. ha llli-fl lioll'i;
lit llitentl'in to niwko limit irirlilliillfsUull
prisif. toeiitiitillh clalin to the lull'! iilmvc
i-Hcrll-rt before I liiiolhy K. 4, Diill'v, I' M.
CniiimlHlolii-r. At litx oltlce at 1'rtiievlllf,
Ori son, on llni2Vnil tiny of J iiniuoy, lJ2.
liialmiint niimi'H as wltiii-Hm-s: Fmnk T.
(.'ox. l-'.lir.iilier h K. ','x. (.'lareni-e McAIIUler,
A, Wilson, all of Prlnevllle, Oregon.
lUiv C. w. MOOlciS, lUvlstcr.
Our Fine Line of
Gents Furnishings
Is most complete, hlli gratln and
liuklern. It Include all lb nrwitt
ideas in Dress and l'nniet Kliiits, Im
ported and doniesliv Necksvsr In an
in tl it it variety nl sl)li and ahsdrs,
Collars, 1'ufT and Handkerchiefs ot III
purest linen, imvelties In Ibuiiery that
will appeal tu all men nf lante, and
Underwear to suit all tastes au I r
q tlreilients.
b Our Friends
In starting the year 1912, we wish to thank our
patrons for their patronage. We hope that in the past
year we have given satisfaction and that in the coining
year our business rt lot ion will be as satisfactory as it
has in the past. It will be our aim to satisfy our custo
mers; giving the best that is to be had at right prices.
We wish you all a I lappy and Prosperous New Year.
Stroud & Stroud, Proprietor
a.. "" ; '
II - T I
surpassed Me.licul Staff, Hoi Ijika
Stomach. Kidney, IIIikmI and Skin
HOT LAKE SANATORIUM. - - Hot Lake, Oregon
WALTER M. PIERCE, Pr... and Mjr.
Columbia River Bridge
Opens January 7th, 1912.
From January 7th, 1012, llie wonderlul l.ridjie ol llic Oreoon Trunk
Ry., across the Columbia River at Cililo P ulls will lie in service anil
Central Oregon Points g Portland
Trains leaving Kedtnnnd 7:21 a. m will arrive at Portland 5::'.0 p. m.,
instead nl U:UU . in.; direct connection at Kallhrldgu with through train
or Kpnkane, St. 1'aul and Chicsgn,
I.eaviiK Portland H:55 a. m , train will arrive Uedinond 7:110 p. in., in
ilend of 7 :4,ri p. in.
Tickets wild through to points In lha Kitst, Northwest and California.
I'etailn will be lurnished on reitiest.
W. E. COMAN, Gen'l Freight & Paas. Agent, Portland, Or.
1-4 if H. BAUKOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon.
J. H. WIGLE, Proprietor
Stock boarded by the day, week or month at
ReaBonable rates. Remember us whnn in
Prineville. Rates Rkahonable, Wb have
Fine Livery Rigs For Rent
Watch Jthe Journal Piano Contest
and Patrons:-
vj-I v lively i
Begin Treatment Now
Rheumatiam Can Be
A reitint will bring yon our
lew bnntlet describing HOT
ral Hot Mltienl Haihs, Nalurs't
4 Cur for Khaumalitm. I Mir
equipment i complete. I n-
Mineral Water Cures iheuniatim,
Trains Run Through via.
Oregon Trunk Railway
. ,
b .3