Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 18, 1912, Image 5

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Insurgents Defeated in Fight
Over Appointment of Com
mlitee Member.
Washington. About th only vnt
of mom than ordinary Interest lu Con
gress during lh punt week waa lit
11 11 lit In lli huus 6ver Ih appoint
ment at a lurceaaor to I lie hit E. II.
Mndtaun on Ilia cuiiiinlltu on ruli'i,
th. committee which com ruin Hi leg
islative proceeding. It precipitated
th- flrat conlllcl of Hi session, b
lw III Insurgent and Kugiilnr It
publlcnu. The Insurgents went down
to defeat and lb lingular with tli
aid of Democratic voir succeeded In
electing I'litllp II. Campbell ot Kansas
ovr Victor Murdork. A resolution
to plac Warburtou, another Insur
gent, on tli sugar trunt coaimltlo
a lout by a lurg vol,
mall River and Harbor Bill Llktly
Oaear Underwood, floor leader of
th waya and meaua committee, I
Dot at all aura that river and barbor
legislation will b undertaken at tbla
Session, Ho predicates bla doubt on
lb fact that liter la an estimated de
ficit In tli treasury for till fiscal
year of llR.OOO.ouo and on the recent
legislation affecting pensions. II
frankly aaya tbat If in Bherwood bill,
a pawed by the bouae, la permitted
to aland, It would ao crlppl tli treas
ury that no new project or expendi
ture could ba authorised, leaving nub
llo bulldlniia aud river and harbor
to another aeaalun, except for project
already under continuing contracts.
Political Information Sought
Seeking Information regarding th
political alluatlon aeeina to b tb
chief occupation of moat men In
Waahlngton at thl time. It It almost
certain that a man going through th
capital the day will b asked by
litu out of every ten men he meeta
a to the political condition and to
Blv hi sues aa to whom both part
lea will nominate.
Tbe Democratic altunllon la cha
otic and ther never wna a time when
ther waa ao much uncertainty a to
ho will b th atandnrd bearer, but
It aeema rather atrnng that there
should be any Inquiry regarding th
Republican candidate In view of th
certainty among moat men a few
weeka ago that Tnft would be renom
inated. It ahowa what a change baa
been created by th fact that Roose
velt will da nothing to prevent bis
friend from going forward with an
effort to nominate hlin. That 1 what
lias upset all calculations regarding
the Republican alluatlon.
President' Muuge Numerous
In the messages President Taft has
sent to" this session of congress to
data lie has laid before that branch ot
the government nearly 60 separate re
commendations for legislation. These
over Items acattered throughout the
whole field of executive endeavor, and
the end la not yet. In adopting tula
system tbe president baa not only
consulted bla personal convenience,
but the convenience of congress also,
and he has succeeded In centering the
attention ot the ouutry upon one ub
Ject at a time, furthermore, those
who rend th mcssngua of President
Tnft with on eye to political develop
ments In the near future wilt find In
-each mensure a general discussion of
the fundamental principles Involved,
which will be hundy In the heat of the
coming presidential campaign. These
message will be frequently compared,
not only with the recent Bpeechea oft
Senator Hubert M. La Kollete of Wis
consin, but also with the public utter
ances of Democratic candidates.
National Capitol Brevities
Vice President Shorninn expects to
see tho present session of congress
extend beyond the national conven
tions. Secretary of War gtlinaon stroiiRly
tirgos the passage of a bill to supply
discarded hrmy KniK-Jorgeniion rifles
and unimunltlon to schools and rifle
In the opinion of Senator Hornh,
congress will puss a bill In some form
giving the people an opportunity to
vote on tho direct eloctlon of United
States Bonntors.
Senator Lorlmer appeared before
the senute nil witness In his own
behalf, lie emphatically denied that
he ever paid a cent to anybody to
further lila election.
Mllltla of Oregon, Washington nnd
Idaho will unite with tho regular army
In maneuvers at some point on Puget
Sound, If a bill appropriating 1,350,
000 for that purpose passes congress.
In a message to congress, President
Taft announced that this government
would refuse to admit free wood pulp
nnd paper from nny government other
than Cniiiida until tho courts had
gottlod the question.
To encourage settlement nnd mnke
homostcading easier, Sunator Cham
berlain will introduce a bill providing
Unit nny homesteader nftor six
months' continuous residence, may be
entitled to leavo of ahBonco for six
months of each year,
( K
0 . . '1
Chsrlet I, Osborn, governor of
Michigan, who (uggeited that Taft
and La Follstt both quit Making
th Republican nomination.
Brief News of the Week.
Heavy Boclnllal gains proved th
feature of the 1D12 election to the
German Itelchstag.
Difference of opinion among th
member caused the resignation of
tbe Krench cabinet,
Franc' population la 39.601.C09. an
lucreaao ot only 3,6no,000 In 40 years.
Paris ba J.HWU10 Inhabltauta.
Sine th establishment of th pea
(Ion system nine year ago tb South
am Pacific ha paid out IM8.S38.
Declaration (a mad that 33,000 Jap
anese, all trained soldier, have been
amuggled Into Hawaii since the Ituis-lan-Japanea
The expedition. Including 670 men,
ordered by the United State govern
ment from Manila to China, disem
barked at Chin Wang To.
Seven Turkish gunboats carrying
contraband goods for troop la Arabia
were sunk by Italian battleship oft
Koufuda. Many Turks ar supposed
to have perished, but no Italian were
Of interest to women waa a demon
stration of 1912 gowns at the National
Tailor' and Dressmakers' congress In
Chicago. A noticeable change la th
return to th natural waist line; Em
pire (feet ar out'of fashion; aullor
collar and large lapels have fallen
Into disfavor and all coat are to have
a decided "cutaway" effect.
People in the News.
Colonel William J. Ilryan will tour
the south, giving a series of lecture.
ttobert Uncoil, ambassador of tbe
United Stntes at Porta, has resigned.
Dr. John Grier lllbben Stuart has
been elected president of Princeton
University. Ho succeeds Dr. Woodrow
Wilson, who resigned
W. Morgan Shunter, an American
recently removed aa treasurer-general
of Persia, accompanied by his family,
la on his way to this country.
Kansas will lose Rev. Charles M.
Sheldon, the author ot "In Ills Steps,"
He hua accepted a call from New
Zealand to work In a movement
ngnlnst saloons.
Leap year has already brought to
master-General Hitchcock, a proposal
the only bachelor of the cabinet. Post
of marriage. Tho one who la "willing
writes from Houston, Tex.
Jud;jo Hook of Kansas has nddresB
od a letter to President Taft denying
the charges recently made agaliiBt him
with the Idea of preventing his nomin
ation to the supreme bench.
In the federal court nt Indianapolis,
Judge Anderson, declaring that Detec
tive W. J. Hums had rendered ft Brent
service to his country, released htm
from all charges of having Mduupod
the McNnmnnm.
Political News Bits.
Friends of both sny that a fair nnd
well understood working agreement
has been arranged bctweon President
Taft and Roosevelt.
Ollle M. James, Democrat, has been
elected to the United States senate
by the Kentucky legislature to suc
ceed Thomas II. Paynter.
Goorge A. Neely, Democrat, was
elected to congress Tuesday from the
Eleventh Kansas district, the district
;;nde famous by Jerry Simpson.
Governor Judnon Harmon hue speak
ing engagements for the wool; in Bev
eral western cities, v.hllo Governor
Woodrow Wilson, hla rival for tho
presidential nomination, has accepted
an engagement to address n conven
tion of Michigan editors in Detroit.
It Is thought Representative Hum
phrey will be unpointed United Sttiteu
district Judfjo for wcslorn Washington
to succeed Judge Donworth, who re
signed. Ho la strongly endorsed by
Senator Joncu, while Senator Polndcx
tor Is said to be oppoted to the appointment.
I'ura-bred Whit Wyamlott cockerels
forasle. Ktr V, ConaTaai.s, Adam
on' Drugstore. . 11 j-tf
I The
t Sacrifice Sale :
Of Millinery
l Still Continue in order to
Make Room
Mrs. Estes
Notice to Light, Water and Power
Please read carefully aud take due
not ice.
When the collector call on you, you
will please I prepared to settle your
account, All light, power and water
account are due and mint be paid tx-lor-
th tenth ol the month. All new
service must I paid in advance, if the
collector fails to tlnd you by the sixth of
the month, you wilt please call at th
utiles and pay your bill, if your account
Is not eeltleil by the tenth of the month
th service w ill be discontinued without
notice. If you are psviuir In advance,
and have paid fur a foil month and you
should mnv to a house tbat has no
lights or water, thai portion of the
u nn tied month will be refunded to you,
providing you make claim within
twenty-lour hour, for th amount due
you j Also if your bill rhould be larger
tliau unual, before vou make a com-rilsifit-
it would tie well for vnu to check
up your lights or water, and be positive
that you are using mora light or
water than vou ar iisvlni for.
How pleas think twice, is it right tor
you to walk into a store and purchase
1 1 worth ol sugar, and as soon a the
merchants back I turned, for you to
take ('.' worth?
If you are not positive a to th
amount of current that vou are usins.
il you will lake the trouble to call ua up
and make your want known, we will
come and arrange the matter for you.
And furthermore il you must purchase
your lamps elsewhere (and we positively
know that this practice is being indulged
i") be sure you purchase a lamp of the
silage. oltage and make that we are
now furnishing. We positively will not
furnish current to (snips, flat irons, and
motor that are net suited to our
In conclusion I will say that I have
been with you for the best part of
eleven years, snd during- that time 1
have done my best to be honest and
square with the people of Prineville, and
in the future, n you cannot play bqusn
With My Sugar llarrel We Do Jot
Want Your Patronage.
You mav think it strange that we
should teeue this notice, but conditions
compel ua to do so. Our instruments
at the Power llouee tell us that we are
furnishing fifty ampher of current
of which we have no record.
Please remember, the company re
servo the right to discontinue the
current at any time to prevent fraud or
or a Mine or for nonpayment of dud.
lours truly,
Prineville Light anil Water Co.
PerC. 1.. Slisttuck. Sunt.
Sheriff Sale.
On Kxfculion in Foreclnsurs.
In the Circuit t'ourt of the Mate of
Orenon, for the Countv of t'rook.
Kalph I'orlilv, plaintiff, vs. Ollie h. IA-
lefeon aud Nellie B. Kllefsou, defend
nntn. To the flmriff of Crook countv, Greeting :
Whereas, on the lUth day ol Oct.,
Kill, in the above named court, a juriu
muiit was rendered in favor of the
shove named plaintiff and SKainiit the
shove usmed dt-fi'iiiliuitH for Six Hun
dred and Kilty Dollars, with iuteret
thereon from theWth dav of Feb., l'.KJ'J,
nt the rati) of 8 per rent per milium and
ievenlv-hve Dollars attorney s loe, and
the lurther sum of Fifteen follar cofta
w hich judv'inoiit wap enrolled and dock-
eted in the clerk's office of Kid court in
aid countv ou the ltHh dav of Dot.,
And whereas, it was further ordered
and decreed by the court that the
nortlicnet quarter of the fouthoat
quurter of M-tiou sixteen in township
iiftoeu Boulh of lane Bixteen east of
Willamette Meridian in Crook comity,
Oregon, be sold by tha sheriff of said
county as under execution, and the pro
ceeds of such mle, after payinx the
coi-Ui, disliurseiuenta, attorney's feee
and expenses herein Hinted, shall be
applied upon the judgment, and if the
urucemts of such tale bo ineulliciont,
the plaintiff shall have judgment and
executim against the defendants, Ollie
L. F.llefpoti and Nellie B. Kllefsou to
recover ninth balance unpaid, notice U
hereby ieu that I have levied upon
the proptrty above described aud I will
on the
10th day ef February, 1312,
the same lieiuK Saturday of the week,
at 2 o'clock in the. afternoon of said day,
at the trout dour of the courthouse in
1'riiieville, Crook county, Oregon, sell
to tliehiiilieRt bidder tor cash, nil of the
riitht, title and interest of tho said Ollie
1.. Kllefsou and Nellie H. Kllefson, de
fendants herein, in and to said real
property und piemises to satisfy said
judgment, costs and disbunenients, ac
cruing costs, expenses of sale aud at
torney's fees, und said sule will be
made subject to redemption in the man
ner provided by law.
Dated this llith dav of January, 1012.
T. N. Balkouh,
1-18 Sheriff ol Crook county.
Choke Land for Sale.
120 acre dry land on north alojie of
t'oweil llutte; over 100 acre tillable;
1000 worth of Improvement on place,
also 20 acres wheat in ground. Dit b
lateral running through place. Dry
soil. ! per acre. Inotilr at Journal
Ottlceir writ LivtKx 8kak, Prine
ville, Ore. 12..J0 -Snip
Hortea for Sale.
On the old C. Hum Smith rimch,
near Prineville: mid In nny numlier
at. reneiiimhle prices. Fur further
ItiforiiiHtliiii MdilreM (. II. Hiihkki.i.,
Prineville, Oregon. IMtt-tf
lk-t price paid for household goods.
Also k-II and eicham; Prineville Fur
niture Kxcbangp, . Condart
propr. Yi-H
n Benjamin
v : w every ooay usca
, -iiet bs for medicinc.good
iasmonca nurac-iuauc
ies of roots.hcrba.
arki.Pcorilc were hale
arid hearty then just as those
iJA...l - T J I T C C-
are nowAwno use olioo
N ATIViE HERBS the old
J use it for
VJ The blood
Kidney trouble
Liver disorder
200 u'neoated tablets 1.00
Monev hack if net satisfied
Raymond Calavan, Prineville, Or
v v
Extraordinary This Week
Are the prices put on Men's and Boys' Sweaters, Sweater Coats and Jackets.
'Also on Children's and Misses' Jersey Leggings. Men's and Boy's Caps. Men's
Suits and Overcoats. Sweaters, 50c and up. Jersey Leggings, 52c Men's
Caps, 25c up. Suits, $7. Overcoats, $8.
The best values in Boys' and Girls' Shoes ever shown in Prineville. See them
before you buy elsewhere. Only; $1.00 per pair. You cannot afford to let
your children go with wet or damp feet when you can get them a good pair of
Shoes for $1.00
Seeing is believing. Come in.
The Leader,
Mrs. I. Michel, Prop.
laaNsccct kincsio a c.
you purchase early you have a score of shades, colors and patterns to select from-
you have many different models to choose from you have everything necessary to
the securing of garments which will prove an excellent purchase. Come while the
season's young. .
Our excellent assemblage of BRANDEGEE, KIN'CAID & CO. MODELS
will delight you. Visit our overcoat department while possibilities for a wide choice
are greatest.
Crook County Jewelry & Sporting Goods House
L. KAMSTRA, Proprietor.
Of Prineville, Oregon
At tbe cloM of bosinas June 7, 1911
Loans and Dtneoanu MXX 09 capital Stock, Paid In I KM 0
United Htalaa Bonds UJ00 00 Hurvlns fund, earned SooiO OS
Hank rremiaeatc 1110 H Undtrtded profile, earned 17,74 9
Caab A IHu from bank 210,924 01 Clrenlat km .) 00
lMpoali .0 U
' i31,21 1
I. F. AlUa. rWdm
Will WanweJUe. Vita Peaaldal
S Shingles, Mouldings, Windows,
1 Doors, Glaggee, Etc. Etc., Etc.
A Bird in the hand is
Worth Two m the
You can't keep waiting if you are going to secure
."i an overcoat of really clever style. You must re
member this: An overcoat on your back right now,
is worth two that you might expect to own later. It
is the early purchaser who invariably secures the
smartest style and most fascinating fabric When
ifton & Cornell
and you can hear the full clear ton of
our works Id all onrclocka and watcbt.
Tb ticking I loo I, the striking sonor
ous, th works perfect Whatever your
need in th Clock or Watch line, com
her and save money wbila getting tb
very best qualities. Clock and watcba
repaired. If you want anything in fit.
gold or silver Jewelry we can satitfy you
at little cost.
Statemeot ol Resources and Liabilities of j
tl,it If I
T. M. BaMwia. Caahiae
K sWwsm. Aa'l CaaUar