th to wi P st b. ri o! I w i o i ': k ! i i ; d t ' t 1 t I ; t i I i i Howe Taken Back to Madras Henry Hon, who stabbed Thomas McCormack in th back in a fa loon row at MaJra, wis taken back to MaJra? yesterday to be tried for airs pie aault. Ilow wa lodged in tha county jail waiting the result of McCorruack'a wouuds. They rcved to be not of a aerioue nature and on the recommendation of Justice Jack eon of Madras Howe wat taken back to aland trial for a minor offense. Had a Very Rough Trip H. O'Dell, George Clayton, P. L Timer and Columoua Johnson came in Sunday from Cortland. Mr. O'l'ell waa tied up at Fall bridge for a week, owing to the enow blockade. The Oregon Trunk, when it found out that trains could not be got through, offered to transport the passenger free of charge back to Portland or pay hotel expenses at Fallbridge. Mr. O'Deil, who ia bard of bearing, did not understand the announce ment when made so remained at the Junction where hotel accommo dations were severely taxed to take care of the large number of belated travelers. James R. Barkley, chalk talker, Crayon Artist, Commercial Hall, Jan. 20. James R. Barkley, Third num ber C. C. H. S., Lecture Course, Commercial Hall, Jan. 20. Resolutions of Condolence, Hall of PrineTllle Encampment No. 61.I.O. O. F. We, your committee appointed to draft resolutions of coudulence, beg leave to report as follows: Whereas, the All Wine Ruler baa called bence the well beloved mother and grandmother of our Brother Patriarchs, T. H. Lafollette, L. B. Latollette and Guy Lafollette. there fore be It Resolved, That the heartfelt sym pathy of this Encampment be ex tended to the bereaved Patriarch with the assurance that "Bleatied are the dead that die in the Lord." Resolved that a copy of these reso lutlona be spread on the miDutes of the Encampment, a copy published In the Crook County Journal and a copy sent to each of the bereaved Patriarchs. C. B. Dinwidmk, G. P. Reams, A. E. Noble, Committee. A Gentle Hint On Saturday, January 20, we will have a sale on Chocolate Peanut Clus ters. Regular 50c, special 25c per lb. Our candies are marie where sold and made fresh daily, fancy boxes packed to order. Don't forget your friends or sweetheart with a box of sweets. It , Long's Chocolate Shop. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our thanks to the friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us in our skik ness and the burial of our baby, also to the singers and for the flowers. Mr. and Mas. A. Emmons. $30,000 for Farm Loans. See Hren ton Jones, Metoliur, Oregon. 3-Zip Buggy Robe Lost Between Foster & Iiyde place and ttie Davenport ranch about a week ago. Return to city marshal, Priiieville, and get reward. M 3tp Wyandotts for Sale. I have a few fine White Wyandotte ior sale. 1-11 Rev. J. C. Liningkk. List Your House. I rent your houce and collect the rent for 1 per month. CilAH. F.Co.ndaht. 1-18 Home Comfort Range Forea'eat the Prineville Furniture Exchange. Six-pound all-wool sanitary Blankets, as long as stock lasts, ti.OO per pair. A. H. Lii'Pman 4 Co. 12-21 Application for Grazing Permits. NOTICE is hereby given that all ap plications for permits to gra.n cattle, liornes and sheep within the Ot'HOCiJ NATIONA L I-'OKKST during the season of 1912, mutt be tiled in my ollice at Prineville. Oregon, on or before Fehu ary 15, 1U12. Full information in re gard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to he used in making applications will be furnished upon re quest. l-4-4t HOMER ROSS, Supervisor. Gov. West Doesn't Like Morson J. E. Morson, of the Doschutes Irrigation Company, was scored bytiovernor West at tha Port land Ad Club banquet at the Portland Hotel rathskeller yes terday noon, says the Oregonian. It is this company that has been selling land in the big La Pine project. Governor West de clared that while Morson has been givmsr him the I.e. Morson is himself the chief prevaricator. He declared the postal authori ties should investigate Morson's methods of advertising through i tho mails Mn sutlers, he sa d, have been induced to invest where there is no hope of their receiving the worth of money. their Morson. he said, has sold op tions on land to the amount of about 1700.000 and conlJrTZL ( 150,000. But the Desert Land Board, or which Governor West is a member, has no record of i iv, dii ;j ik. n..onr. cJ that there is no way for the board to tell whether or not the , , . . , , . i .otirv oervoT fiven mai t nnevuie same laua nas oeen sola to more .d.ool district So. 1 will t be respon- than one person. He told of re- ,,w 'ol lebta antrartel by any indt . , ,, , ... vidual nnlMf aaid pwHinhu aa order .t:iwuBo icuci uuui a puuiit service corporation a few days ago, asking i Morson had any thing that could be attached, as his account was long past due Will Make Paper From Lodepole Pine An experiment in the making of paper from black pine pulp is soon to be conducted by the Crown Columbia Paper Company of Camas, Wash , three carloads of the ptne having been shipped to the mill by John E. Ryan cf Bend, a representative of large timber interests in Central Ore gon, says the Portland Journal. Mr. Ryan, who with Mrs. Ryan is registered at the Imperial, is of the opinion that the ex periment will prove a success. If so, it is understood that a number of mills will be estab lished in the inland empire. Tte United States forest ser vice is much interested, for, within its iurisdiction. are millions of land in Oregon cover ed by a dense growth of "lodge pole" pine, which heretofore has been regarded as valuable only for fuel or fencing. Experiments on Montana black pine, which is similar to the Oregon pine, are now being cond ucted at the forest service station at Madison, Wis. "Central Oregon has much land especially along the Deschutes river which will be valuable for farming or dairying when the lodge pole is removed," said Mr. Ryan. "In some localities there are thousands of acres in a body, near which a paper mill may be established. Contiguous to this land is good water, which is necessary for the successful making of the pulp. It costs a great deal to set up a paper mill and unlike a sawmill it cannot be moved profitably. In central Oregon a mill may be put in the midst of a big lodge pole district having an abundant water sup- p'y- "Whether the lodge pole pulp will be valuable for the high class paper is not known at present, but experiments have been con ducted far enough to pretty thoroughly prove that it is suit able for white paper and the rougher product." Journal. House for Rent New six-room bouse, warm, electric lights, atr, bath, toilet, 'phone, etc. ; barn, chicken park. Also household furniture Apply to J. W. Ktuwart, at Klkin's store. 1-4-Ut Ranch for Sale. lienjamln Shepherd's stock ranch is for sale. Inquire at Kirst 'ational Bank. 1 2-;i0 Of" A f NKS'f NO. J.-.8 a Vy m Subordinat 8X te Order of Owls, meet the second and fourth Thursdays in each month ni lielknap hall. All miKratory owls cordi ally welcome. T. K. J. iJuffy, President! Wiliard II. Wirtz, Secretary. l-4tf Real Estate Transfers i KurnUheJ by the Crank County Ab trct I 'omptnT. Zo K. liibnon and huabaad to Mrr. Altwrune II. Tai toMO, el al, n m . aerttoo M8 20. l. Kandolph l.iheon, t ax to Mr. ' Albertin H. Tackman, ee w-4 t pction U; n, nJ eection !; m-J 'nvjandn', m-J Mi-iia St, and oi ni xitioo 2-li Sil. $1. Kva A. Stle, idmr. of Anna K. iStvvle aetata u It. li. WillUnit, , j nw. wl" nl and nl aw' eectioo jlM 4-10. 11-V.o. U 11 t i t n - i- - . . lu ' a aeetioa 11 1 li Alphonto A. Urarn to J. Alton Tliompaon. act l teotion 25-15-11 I IWde from atat at Oregon to Carl i Shiiholtn and A. A. (imo. I Patent (rum L". S. to Ueo. R. Stamp, Milton U. Plllette. Randolph Uibton. jtieo. W. Null. Archibald Mcrhereoo, lieo. T. Peter. Card of Thanks. evmpathv and financial help at tha ?' TLr t ,LW. T" thank the pupils of the third grade tor their thougbifuluen and hvli. Putt. Notice to the Public signwl by tome member of the school 1 board. I IS Maa. R. K. Okay. Chairman. Hens For Sale, One down large hena just starting to lay, ts. Also good AO egg incuhator cheap. J. S. Fox, "B.aetide." Prine ville. Oregon. MS-U IWfnuh egga tha year round. Rick Wood. Rick Wood. Any amount rrxi want; quick deliv ery. FaiNt yille Fcax. Kichci. 1-18 Sell ing At Reduced Prices Stock consists of Blankets, Comforts, Pillows, Pillowcases, Sheets, Etc., Trunks, Suitcases, Hand-bags, and House Furnishings of all kinds, sold at prices that will save you money. J. F. MORRIS Sale of Buy a heater while you can get one cheap. No. 18 size sheetiron lined $3.00, now $2.15. Any other heater in the house at reduced price. Am not going out of business, just closing out our line of heaters. AH orders given prompt attention. Prineville Furniture Exchange Charles F. Condart, Prop. Z V f i "i I 7 7 7 7 Masonic Building. .7lrrrfnnnrrrr'rririnflrr1rnn7i'lTrn"1rflrr1r),1 LJ n UJ ri Seneral ffilacksmithing LJ ri LJ ri LJ n L'J r.l t i r,- tij rt LJ r i LJ r. i LJ n L"J HoBsESHOEifta, Wood Wokk, etc., Neatly and Pkomptly Donb Whem it is Donb By : : : Siobort Tffooro Satisfaction Will r.i L'J r.-i L J Pkinevim.k, rTirirrnrnrrnrrnrirr;rnrnrinrir?irnrnrnr-'irt',ir;nrja CJl-JLJL.Jl.JLJLJLJL;jL:jLJLjf 1-UL.IJIjUl; JUUkUL'iiLiLiyfJLIJJLyiBUiiWti J Resolutions of Condolence. 1111 of tVhiiro l.Hlfo No. 46, 1. O. O. K Prineville, OrvKn. Wo. your committer, appointed to draft reaoluUotie of routloli'tu-e, beg kitve to rvport aa follow; Where, It hit pleaaed the Henveuly Father to remove from our nildHt the well Moved mother and grandmother of our twtremed broth er. T. II. Latollette, I.. 11. Lafollette and Ouy latollette, therefore be It Krvulvrd, tbat the dorp ayiuttathy of Hit Lodge lie rstouded to the be re veil brut bora mid nmy they be comforted with the promlm that "Whither I o ye ahull tie lo." Keaolved, tbat copy ot tin resolution be vprvnd on the minute ot the Lodge, a copy published In tnetruok County Journal and a copy ,iit to each ot the bereaved brother. Wuu Ha KM KM, li. X. CI.IKTOK, I.KWI MoHliAS, Committee. List Your Houae With Me. I will rnt yonr house ami collect th rent for 1. Cu. F. Cusiuit. Ml Crook County Journal, county official paper, f l.O a year. THE WOULD ALMANAC t.tfit'Ltl ' IB IhH Mnmr-av-t e. it.llitt llVtn .l v.ttf' fW'iy-- af ;ao th- ( !-.. -wiasu rt-wia- , I 'a nana t.V-f I. iWl-f, J '( It-. i !. Ik.iw if-J lBtMu l4 " lr t-W Vwtm., u'H turnm r r iTaat n! ' la (: 'a-w tt'-taftiK : ! itnft rwiflHj rait I'tw htharatft ' a Vf hi I14 ti.t'ttt iS'a St b'jainj MrMa, , el. 4t'l 4tMiM tO.tMMI (Hhe, rra .d fl9nf I t pt. 9t Ui tuintv tM to ffUt , tien hlli famef lUri V'n u . rUwnr tMtH .' t r !).ikm Irf. u.'HaM ht t ' d. Ht M.rr d tl'iD tUJ W. iW4 of b'trtat mai tUta.ur. iiV. Ha 't. &tttts T tvi M imh1 ta I art. Out Heaters ' Pioneer Phone. L J rt LJ ri LJ r,i L J r..i L'J ra LJ CCI LJ r,i LJ r.i L'J L'J r,.i r.n L'J r.s L J rsi LJ r.n L"J C'l L'J He Guaranteed Oh boon. BiaauatiiaMiBHrjj s tup cicu : Is an alblinpnrtant on In the household epeillr to th rook, alio It nltnn blaiu! I ir a dish whna lb ipiabty of lb U alon at fniilt, W supply f.miliM. botcU and f.turnt with tb flnmt bikI Imlwl Klh fruin rlvor. Ink and oetn. Wa dvlivvr urdvra dell. Nhelltlsh a aperiabt to Its too. Itoasonabl Citv Meat Market! lfoessfcta Cards. Dr. Howard Gove Dentist Room. 14 and IS AoWaMoaj Building. T. L. J. DUFFY lfforney-f-Law ttmwMKW to w. A. B.IIJ PaiNKViiLi ... OaaaoM Fkmmimm mmd f N. W. Sanborn AttomeyatlJiw Ailamaun bbxk . 1'rlneTllle fa C. SSrj, W. P. 31YUS O. C. YOUNG Prrtlc n til mttrt. Hrll ttlvmlon to Dr. John Huback, fjit Vetrrtnry Hiinrmn V, ft. Ann f, l i)airtmiiiit oi the l'hiltitiln, AU H.irKUnl Work at MMonMt Hmiltoa Subla. PrtMvill, Or. W. A. HELL FRANK MENEFEE I.awyera Tha Dalit Oregon OCCU LISTS Belknap & Gdwards SPkjfiMmn mm4 Surjttm. (County lhyskUn.) Primtmtll,, Onft &. Clliott, jfHarntfmt-jCmm !Pri 0U, Onaem. Krcd A. Hlco. C. K. . B. Neville, Jr.. K M Deputy t'o. Hurvwyor. County Hiirvt-yor. Rice & Neville Civil Engineers. UenerU KukIhoitIuk. I'siSEvai.r Oriuioh. ffft . SSrink Ortyowt. Prineville--Redmond--Sister3 Stage Line Matt Kulesch, Proprietor. Passenger Fare to Redmond, $1.50. Express from Red mond to Prineville, one-half cent per pound for over 50 pounds. Small packages of less than 50 pounds, 25c. Leaves Prineville for Redmond Daily. Office at the Pioneer Cream Company. 1116 S. R. COOPER, Agent m ircTf nw 1 prices a wialtr alwaya. M ma Dr. Charles MacFaddcn Ostopthic PhyticU llrfrnlr. tHrlrllo nit Nittuml Tlomprullo kiutiUtr4. i'hnmlv IhM?kM- nMrtitr Offic Orr Morris Furniture Star. TeUpliaMi Pioneer, No. 126. Cr0 Cmmmty Xtttrmtt C. AIlrv-uot title la ell Un4 b4 tawa lata In Cruok couuly. I. F. WybU, Secrettry, PriMvIlk, Ongea F. E. Fremont Architect end Designer. lAto nttwtiiiit. In tMitltliiitf rn.iruriinn. iitlerlor ermncvuiviiut aiui ilnwniluli. M.J.(utirr. ai orrf on Hui..l. Prin villa. Oregoe). HAVE YOU your Deed? Of Course. HAVE YOU An Abstract) Certainly everyone ha an abetract now. lo von know wlier yoiir cornar ar. Well, No, Not eiti'tly. Brewster Engineering Company, Prineville, Oregon, will lucita lliera lor Ton and gunrantp th work. Simey. Ing, I'latilng, Irrigation KngiiiMrlng. I'tion l'knvr 3lH. D. H. PEOPLES Gvil and Irrigation Engineer. Irrigation, Subdivision, Land Surveying, Mapping, Estimating. Office next door to Lyric Therter G. A. MeFARLANE Lawyer Practice In all court and U. H. UnJ Ollice. Redmond, Oregon Wiliard H. Wirtz Attorneyit-Lnw. Ollice In M. II. ollice. I'lllNKVII.t.K, OllKOIlS, Huntinnton & Wilson Attorneys Of The linllM, thuvt ciwned olDmi In Portland, Oregon, Roomt 805-807 Lewie Building. BiulneM ont to tlirm rrmn I'm Omintv tlmnlKli Ih. lrolflc-o In Tim Halloa r dlm l In their I'orlluml aililn-u will nxivlvr pruinut alU'lltloii. 1'iirllmiil I'liiine. Miilli ' ijia, (Jlu Aaiwaatii FanMrri.T iut or Night UaueHToaa. B..1I1 nfllee an ruaj. deuce luleibuuaa. Ortfam Dr. J. Tregelles Fox M. It. 0. H. Knu: nnd I- H. A. bondoiii I.IPOl.pee Oregon StutH Medical Hourd. Hpeclulist in btirgcry; llyglrne; AH nienliirr ( ..i . .1,11.1.....'. dleliaea. (Dice and rcaiilenre, Main St. rrlnovllo, Or. Cuiiaultntlnn Free Houn S ti0 R. D. Ketchum, M. T. D., D. C. Acute unil chronic cUmchwh treated Mtii'ccMHfully by purely (IrtiirleHH tnethoilH Roomt 16-17 AdanioB Bldg. C1II1 made