Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 18, 1912, Image 3

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Church Federation
M. L and Christian
A new ilii ol church ervic
It nnouiiGtJ tliia week through
the federation o( the M. K. and
Christian c lui re 1 1 en of Prinevile.
The program outlined ii about
follow: The patorof theae two
cburche are to Hrnntl y occupy
the pulpit at the M. K. church, be
ginning January 21. Kach mln
later la tree to represent hi own
religious body end Ita diitlnctiv
teaching aa faithfully end aa loy
ally a if tanding alone in hi
own pulpit aurroundud by hie own
congregation. The united effort!
of thee two churches are to be put
forth for the apirltuat edification
of the community and the enlarge
ment of religioua efficiency. Evan
gelitt Samuel dregg, who haa
been employed by the Chrlalian
church, will preach Sunday morn
ing, January 21, and Rev. Wil
liams ol the M. E. church In the
evening. The entire community
will watch with intermit the prog
ret of the federation thua entered
Passed With
High Averages
Huerinlendent Ford aayi he la
greatly pleated with the average!
made by the Crook county teach
era in the recent examination!.
He baa just received the return
from the State Hoard of Educa
tion. Mi Hubbard of ('line
Falla and Miaa Proster of Sinter
made the hi ghee t averagt-e. Mrt.
Pavldton of l'owcll Ituttea and
lCdger Powell of Lower McKay
following very clotely.
Rev. Ihiloy ha baen laid up
with a ore throat.
The infant son of Allen Willoox-
on died of pneumonia January 8.
A. 8. Collins came over from
Rend Tuetday to spend a few days
in town.
l'atent from the U. S. govern
ment have been issued to David B.
Iturden, Wm. R. Cook, Robert
Glover and Max Wilson.
The young men of the Baptist
church are at work fixing up the
baaement of the church and when
it i finished expect good times.
The first regular train to reach
Lakeview arrived on January 10.
During the winter the train will be
mixed, handling both freight and
The first of the federated ser
vices will be held in the M. E.
church next Sunday. Evangelist
Gregg will preach at 11 a. m., and
Ilev. William at 7:30 p. m. All
the members of the M. E. and
and Christian churches are urged
to be present and take a part in
these services. The public cordial
ly invited.
Fred Wilson Will
Not Be a Candidate
Since it la but a ahort time until
the announcement of candidatea
fur variou o (Ticca at the coming
primarlee will have to be made,
and knowing that the candidacy
of tome partie fur the office of
Dittrict Attorney depend upon
whether or not I thould again de
aire to be a candidate, I deem it
but fair to audi aspirant and any
other, to definitely announce that
I will not be a candidate for nom
ination at the coming primaries.
Pretture of private buainei iaiucb
that I feel that a lacriflce of auch
hutinnta mutt be made, or the
dutiea of the Diatrict Attorney'
oflice would not receive that cloee
attention which they deterve and
demand, and for that reaaon I
have come to the above conclusion.
In making Ibil announcement,
I trust it ia not out of place to ex
preae my aincere and heartfelt ap
preciation to those who have given
me their loyal support and wCrd
of enoourgmnt during the time
I have performed the dutiea of the
Diatrict Attorneyship, which at
time bave been somewhat ardu
on, and I trust that my aoccetsor,
whoever he may be, will enjoy this
plearant association and co-opera
tion to the aame full extent a it
has been given me.
Fkkp W. Wiijhin.
Get Busy.
To My Friendt: Do not delay
tending in your volet. So many
have promised and the time ia gel
ling abort. Send to me or the
Journal otlicP. Urgently.
1-11 Mrs. Vira Cyius.
T. L. Trice has returned to Prine
ville. II may go into business
Horn At Post, January 7, ,to
the wife of W. II. P.rummer, a
George Russell has returned
from Tacome where he went to at
tend the wedding of bis step
daughter. Eldon Hamilton, a former Prine
ville boy, writes from Hedley, It.
C, that he is doing well in his new
home. He was recently elected
Worshipful Master of the Hedley,
II. C, lodge.
The Merry-Go-Round Sewing
Club were entertained at the rooms
of Misses Richardson and Jacques
last Thursdny evening. Refresh
ments were served and a pleasant
time passed by the young people.
Geo. Millican was exhibiting a
fine specimen of qnartz in Prine
ville a few days ago. It came
from a mine in California In which
he and his son are joint owners.
The specimen was rich in gold and
if cut and polished would make a
beautiful ornament.
You never had a better chance to save money on your purchases, of
Rubber Goods, Blankets, Comforters, Groceries,
Hardware, Shoes and Dry Goods
A Little Cash Will do a Greatdeal for You at
J. E. Stewart & Company's Closing Out Sale
Artisans Initiate
and Install Officers
Sixteen new member were ini
tiated into the Arliaana Monday
night by Deputy Diatrict Grand
Matter llerryman. Fourteen of
the new memliera are benefit mem
bers. After the initiation the fol
lowing officers were inatalled:
Past Matter Artitan, Gardner
Matter Artitan, Albert Noble.
8urintendent, Maggie Price.
Secretary, Wilde Belknap.
Treasurer, Warren , lirown.
Intpector, Julia McDaniel. '
Senior Conductor, Kffie Adams.
Junior Conductor, Martha
Matter Ceremonies, Lealie Rey
nolda. Warden, George Myera.
Inttructor, Vira Cyrua.
Field Commaniere, Nora Btearns
and Ksleigh ( rot.
lhyticlan. Dr. lielknep.
Organitt, Leora Stearn.
The Journal Contest.
There ia no relative change lln
the positions of the three leading
contestants this week. Mias hi
liott maintains the first poaition
Mrs. Cyrus ia second and Mis
Glate third. All are working
hard and each thould receive the
support of friend. Statement
will be mailed to all in arrears
with a request to settle as early at
poteible. The vote will be great
ly appreciated.
The vote stands as follows:
MIm Mnry Klllntt 12.1,tS5
Mn.. Vira Cvnia .,. ll-'.l
MlM MniMle tilnae W.Mfi
Mlea Kiiierlen Yuiiiik..-
lHitlHt Church. I'rlnevllle NHJO
Ml Myrtle Jcmilu of
J. P. Doherty, deputy county
uaeasor. is back from his Senttle
DiedInfant son of Arthur and
Violet Emmons, January 13, 1912.
It was buried Sunday.
Miss Maude Dobb entertained
the 600 Club lustFriday afternoon
Mrs. Wingers won the priie. ,
The Culver school ha grown so
rapidly that two teacher ar now
employed. Wm. Roegli ha charge
of the higher grade.
The infant daughter of Mrs
Piatt that was accidentally burned
to death last Thursday afternoon
was buried Friday. A purse of
1100 waa raited for the woman.
James Allen of Pnneville came
to town Saturday evening to at
tend the public installation of of
fiuers of Mt. Jefferson lodge I. O. O,
F. Mr. Allen is very active in
lodge work. Madras Pioneer.
A program for the second and
third grades has been arranged
and tea will be served in the as
sembly room at the public school
building Friday afternoon. Adults
will be charged 10 cents. Every
body invited.
A. H. Lippman cold lot 7 in
block 3, lathe Second addition to
Prineville to P. G. Milliorn for
Mr. and Mr. Noma McCoin and
Mr. and Mr. I. W. Spear came in
Monday nuht for the Artisan in
The young ladies of the E. F. U.
W. Sunday School clatt will give a
'onundrum tup per on
evening, February 3.
Look for
further announcement next week.
The Ladie' Aid of the Baptist
hurch will have a window at the
'ioneer Creamery next Saturday.
There will be pie, caks and other
good things to eat. Open at 9:30
William Johnston patted the
"5th milestone of his career yeeter-
ay. The county clerk' office
force recognized the event by a
little token of regard. Clerk
Brown does not know of another
man that could equal Mr. Johns
ton in the exacting task of extend-
ng the tax roll. This job hat
fallen to the lot of the old gentle
man for many yeara and be has
always been equal to it despite his
growing years
"What Shall
Wouldn't yon like to tit down to a beautiful player piano and find rest, relaxation, pleasure in
playing aome dreamy nocturne from Chopin, tome niajeetic masterpiece from Liszt, or possibly
some sparkling selection from the lateet opera? No matter how defective musical training may be
The A. B. Chase "Artistano" Player Piano
immediately endows you with resources as rich and varied as are the aspirings of musical genius.
A recent improvement, the accentuating pedals, an improvement not found on any other player
piano, haa made the "Artistano" pre-eminently "the player piano with the human touch.'1
Sold on convenient terma and with the full market value allowed on your old piano in exchange
Other player pianoa from S.'wO.OO up. Write for illustrated catalogues, prices, terms, etc. We
deal direct with you.
"The Home of the Steinway." Victor Talking Machines. Visit our New Sheet Music Department
Sherman Clay & Company
Morrison Street, at Sixth, Portland, Oregon.
J me R. Berkley, Commercial
Club Hall, Saturday, Jan, 20.
Federated tervice at the Metbo
ditt church Sunday evening. Sub
ject of sermon, "The Foundation
Tested, or God Speaking Through
Nature." I!ev. John E. William
will preach. Don't mis tbia ser
vice. An opportunity will be
given to those desiring to unite
with the church.
Chalk talk by Jamea R. Berkley,
cartoonist, Saturday evening at
Commercial Club HalL Wit,
botnor, pathos and eloquence por
trayed in crayon a teen in every
day life. He i an adept ecbolar
in the delineation of character
sketches and an artial in the por
trayal of landscape and borne life.
Popular price.
Baptist church eervice next
Sunday are a follow: . 10 a. m.,
Bible echool. 11 a. m., preaching.
Topic, '"What Christ Became and
What For." Baptism after ser
mon. 6:30 C. E. society. 7 30
preaching. Topic "Law of Obedi
ence and Blessed nes." Baptism.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all who desire to meet with us.
C. P. Bailey, pastor.
We Do This Evening?"
Mr. and Mrs. Wnrxweiler and
Arthur left today for Portland.
R. II. Barnett and B. Dombrowe
ol Madras were county seat visitor
Two republican and four demo
crats registered at the county
clerk' oflice last week.
Mrs. Garfield, mother of Mrs.
Carey Foster, will leave Friday for
her home at Walla Walla.
Mre. R. E Gray will leave to
morrow for a vi-ut to her titter at
Ashland. She will be away for a
month or six weeks.
Rev. William? will preach at
the Uper Ryegrass tchoolhouse
Sunday at 11 a. m , and at the
McKay tcboolbouse at 3 p. m.
P. M. Wilton and Mra. Mabel
Penault of Madraa were married
in the county clerk's office at the
coorlhoose Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. William tied the knot.
The "Smith" of Metolius have
filed article of incorporation with
the county clerk. Capital stock
$10,000. The company will con
duct a general merchandise busi
ness, buy and sell real estate, etc.
The incorporators are W. I. Smith,
W. B. Smith and L. G. Savage.