Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 18, 1912, Image 2

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Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
1 Train Hfia Snow, Kiilirg Labcrtr.
The DlSs. A the rult of a
orktrain on the Deschutes railroad
hiit!nx a lane (now but k. Miss Zas-
Ua. a laborer, to dil and lm Glev
omaovaeta it aot ei.-cted to lira.
The to men, ho r employed aa
snow ioT!era, were ttandmft oa tbe
forward platform of tbe caboose when
tbe train ran into a busse snowdrift.
Tbe Impact canted tbe cira to tele
scop. Zaklan was to eTUm!)r crush
ed list he died simot tnnantly.
Lard Valuta Rise in Harney
Burns. The beginning of railroad
construction i hating Ua elect is
stimulating real eftate v!u- here.
Moat of the landowner ho hold val
uable water rights along SiHies river,
Maibeur lake and even ama!l creek,
vbo a few jeans ago would have been
glad to bare parted with their land
for $;) to 130 per acre, expect It to
be worth l0 to $ 10 per acre aa aoon
M the railroad reaches thla valley.
Mining Towns Indorae Idea of Having
Scientific Stations Established
Baker. Every mining town lo eaat-
ern Oregon la making atrenuoua ei
forta to further legislation In congreas
to authorize ore testing planta for
Oregon, from tbe 1100.000 appropria
tion recommended by Secretary of the
Interior Fisher. Tbe mining organi-
xationa of Baker, Sampler and Prair
ie City, aa well are the commercial
clubs hare passed resolutions endors
ing and promising financial support
to the movement that baa been Inau
worsted by the Oregon Mining Con
gresa. Tbe plan of the Oregon Mining
Congress la to have a plant in Baker
and Grants Pass. The testing planta
bold the same relation to the mining
industry as doea tbe experiment sta
tions to agriculture. Judge Thomas
C. Burke, of this city, president of
the Oregon congress, and L. D. Ma
hone of Portland, secretary of the or
ganization, have completed a tour of
the entire district Bad the plan was
approved and support promised in ev
ery camp.
La Grande Party on Long Tour,
La Grande. A party of 20 or 40
La Grande business men left early
Sunday morning on tbe first lap of a
junket that Is destined to take them
to the southernmost parts of Oregon
on a 1400 mile sightseeing and "get
acquainted" tour. They stopped In
Portland and Salem, and will stop at
all tbe principal towns down to tbe
most southern point.
j Japan Buys Berry Planta.
Canby. The Canby. branch of the
R. M. Kellogg company, of Three Riv
ers, Mich., has shipped 2000 straw
berry plants to Japan by mall. It is
claimed that the orient will soon be
large purchasers of Oregon plants.
Tbey can be sent by mail, parcels
post, In 11 pound packages to Japan,
cheaper than they can to Portland.
County Desires Expert Engineering
Advice in Highway Construction.
Eugene. Employment of an expurt
roadbullder, to have direct charge of
all road construction In Lane county,
was decided upon by the county court,
and tbe court is now seeking a suit
able man for the place. A practical
man, capable of directing the work,
and of giving the county expert engin
eering advice. In what Is wanted. The
court expi-c'a to keep for itself the
planning of road work and the Jinn!
aay as to what roads arc to be Im
proved and how, but they want an
expert who .111 adviBe them as to
the hunt forms of construction to ucc
in the different hccUoiik of the county,
and to give accurate estimates of all
the different elements of cost of any
proposed Improvement. The present
road superviaors will not be displaced,
but will rather be aided by the expert.
There ure over 1500 miles of road in
Lane county, Utile over half of which
have any sort of Improved aurface.
Philomath Banker Gets Long Term.
Corvallls, James Evars, whose real
tame ia Charles James Kvana, was
given an indeterminate sentence of
from two to 20 years In the state
penitentiary, having been found guilty
of for;;cry, in connection with hiu
management of the Kirtit State bank
of Philomath while cashier of that
Pendleton Requests $35,000 Additional
Pendleton. In response to a tele
graphic Buggeslion of Senator Bourne,
the Pendleton Commercial club has
voted to nsk congress for $35,000 ad
ditional appropriation for a federal
building In this city.
Tbe senate baa confirmed tbe nom
ination of Postmaster Mine at Forest
Fred P. Cronemlller bas been ap
pointed receiver of the Laker lew land
ManthfUld ia asking SIPO.OOO from
eon:res as starter for jtiy work
at Cow Hay.
Gene Graham, a native of Weston,
as electrocuted In that city by com
ing In contact with a live wire,
Aleck McKay, a well known young
man of Marshceld. cut his throat with
a raior and may die. Desswndency
was the caue.
Electric power will toon be running
the machinery at all the mines In the
Mormon Basin, one of the principal
districts in eastern Oregon.
The Irrigation of SO.CKK) acres of
land northwest of Vale la cow assur
ed by the flnsncing of the Bully Creek
project at a cost of JoO,iK0.
A Chinese tong war, said to be far
reaching in Its effects and Involving
practically all the big cities of the
Pacific coast, la brewing Is Portland.
Ground was broken Friday for the
first building of the IXWO.WO Reed
Institute at Portland, Mr. Helen Ladd
Corbett turning the Erst spadeful of
Charles Wilcox was shot and In
stantly killed at Coqullie by W. ft
Foote, a retired rancher, who declared
that Wilcoi had ruined hit young
The assessed valuation of property
in Clatsop county was fixed by the
assessor at I9.S29.361, but tbe state
board bas Increased it to mora than
After an Investigation Pjweburg of
ficers have reached the conclusion
that the body of the man found near
Oakland two weeks ago Is that of
William Permann, a former Roseburg
business man.
Oregon state taxes to be collected
in 1912 total t3.0S3.glS. an Increase of
J:3,81S over the entire amount col
lected la the three years of 1J), 1907,
and 1508. and IH9.7S more than was
collected In the two years of 1910 and
Vnder the new presidential prefer
ence law enacted by the last Oregon
legislature all national convention
delegates are entitled to 1200 aa ex
pense money, provided their party
cast five per cent of the vote at the
last preceding election.
Taxation of fire Insurance com
panies doing business In La Grande
may lead to warfare between tbe coun
cil and the companies, for stubborn
resistance against tbe new ordinance
taxing fire insurance compares 125
annually has already been evinced.
A co-operative wool warehouse at
Portland for the purpose of storing
wool until it can be shipped east by
water through the Panama canal. In
order to save freight, waa the chief
matter taken up by the executive com
mittee of the Oregon Woolgrowers'
association. In session at Baker.
Congressman Hawley bas Introduc
ed a bill validating bona fide transfers
of Siletz claims. He has also Intro
duced a bill appropriating 1230,000
for the construction of a road over
the Cascades near Mount Hood. An
other bill by Hawley would appro
priate $13,500 for the completion of
a road across. a portion of the Crater
Lake National forest.
State Capital Gleanings
That certain counties In the atate
lead the world as far as school attend
ance Is concerned is shown In a state
ment which Is being prepared by Sup
erintendent Alderman.
That certificates of delinquency as
to taxes can be foreclosed any time
after three years from the date of
their becoming delinquent is the giHt
of an opinion handed down by Assist
ant Attorney-General Van Winkle.
Secretary of State Olcott estimates
that tbe purchase of a new addressing
machine will result in a saving In one
year of 1S00. Tbe new machine Is
said to be capable of addressing 8000
Initiative and referendum pamphlets
and other pieces of mall a day.
That the work of the Salem Fruit
Cnion, in developing the fruit Indus
try in this section of the Willamette
valley, has been eminently success
ful, waa demonstrated at the union's
annual meeting, when it was decided
to construct a large cannery In con
nection with the union.
A delegation of citizens from Wllla-
mina appeared before the state rail
road commission relative to the com
plaint as to the Sheridan & Wllla-
mlna road. The citizens are desirous
of having a suitable station and de
clare that the track is in unsuitable
unci uns.-ife condition and should be
To have seventy-five thousand
school children or Oregon taking ac
tive part In the agricultural and In
dustrial fairs of the state in 1912 Is
the ambitiop of State Superintendent
Alderman. At least one-third of the
youthful exhibitors at the county and
district fairs are expected to come to
the state fair with tbe exhibits on
which they won prizes at their home
I ..... . . .
0. A. TVE1TM0E
t '''
V "'. v.
Photo or Awterieaa Pra Aasoetatleai
O. A. Tv.itmoe. th San Francises
labor leader who was Indicted for
complicity In the Los Angeles dynam
iting cases.
Murder is Sequel to Elopement of
Boyce and Woman.
Fort Worth, Texas. A tragic sequel
to the sensational elopement of A. G.
Boyce. Jr.. wfth Mrs. J. & Sneati. wife
of a millionaire Amarillo banker, was
enacted here when Snead shot young
Boyces father five times. Inflicting
wounds from which he later died.
The shooting occurred in the crowd
ed lobby of the Metropolitan hotel.
Boyce was sitting In a chair near the
entrance of the hotel talking with a
friend when Snead came lo from the
street. Snead drew a slxshooter from
a hip pocket and fired five shots, three
bullets piercing the abdomen.
Boyce fell to the floor unconscious
and died shortly after.
Trains Wrecked; Three Dead.
Topeka. Kan. Three are known to
be dead and ten more or less seriously
Injured when two trains were wreck
ed on the Missouri Pacific a mile west
of Norton Lyndon.
Roosevelt Can Withdraw.
Lincoln, Neb. Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt and Colonel W. J. Bryan
will not be compelled to stand as
presidential candidates on the Nebras
ka primary ballot If they Insist on
withdrawing. Thla is the modified
ruling made by Secretary of State
Waite, who heretofore has contended
that a same must remain on the bal
lot unless the 25 men who filed the
petition withdraw it
Madrid, Tbe Spanish cabinet, of
which Jose Canalejas was premier.
has resigned as the result of diverg
ence of views with King Alfonso as
to the advisability of commuting the
death sentence of one of the rioters
who murdered a Judge and who
wounded several court o....cers in the
town of Cullera, last September.
The cabinet was opposed to tbe
king extending clemency to the riot
ers as a matter of public policy.
The strike at that time Involved
a plot to assassinate General Weyler
and the king was compelled to sus
pend the constitutional guarantees.
Realizing that It was a sordid crime
and that the accused men were Impos
sible objects of sympathy, the radi
cals raised a false issue, accusing the
government of tortures and cruelties
toward the prisoners. The agitation
spread with great rapidity.
Singer to 8ue for Divorce.
St Louis, Mo, Mrs. William Rapp,
known to the music-loving world of
two continents as Mmo. Schumann
Helnk, admitted that she Is planning
to file suit for divorce.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 80c;
bluestein, 84c; red Russian, 7Sc,
Barley Feed, $37 per ton.
Oats No. 1 white, $31 per ton.
Hay Timothy, valley, $16; alfalfa,
IJuttcr Creamery, 38c.
Kgga Ranch, 38c.
Hops 1911 crop, 44c; 1910, nomi
nal; contracts, 25c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 9lCc;
Willamette Valley, lu17c.
Mohair 37c.
Wheat Bluestem, 81c; club, 78c;
red Russian, 77c.
Barley per ton.
OatB $30 per ton.
Butter Creamery, 38c.
Hay Timothy, $18 per iny.
ExpreM nd Passengers.
F.i press matter from Oliver to l'rino
vllle out) cent a pound. Passengers
t Lorssao Srot Co
Many a Man
Owes His Success
to an Investment
on the Installment lnn. lie
Cttuvrtt Imsaervetl naan RtH'hur
hu.I k. pt him in a irnluut line
nd nwny Imiiu the mnnv "tier.
Kk-h ynk-k" m hrtii(a wliVh are
ktitltul t.Klny sua whk-h so
often uienn rk-h- only fur the
smooth tunirueil promoters
ttH-rvof. Jiv Inveatlnts IN YOUR
HOME TOWN j on r .lenliu
with value and euile with
whom you are ninmliile.!
people who are liii-n-ttM In
your welfare nevauw your sur
er means the nunt-M ol others
about you, ami the uiorw sito
wiul rttltiiM a town ran
boast of the l-t!rr lniYlt will
cm Ix- had liv nmklii a very
mall payment down ami the
lialanre on terms to suit the
pun-haser, monthly. Id monthly
quarterly, knit-yearly or annual
payments. These lot are the
let Investment In city property
ttxlay. The only district with
bull. Unit ri-strk'llona ami with
street Improvement' am! side,
walks nln-adr In. Make your
selection now. A few dollar
will hodi the lot for you until
you can make further pay
ment. You are entltleil to the
best. Why not get It? Come
In ami let me show you NOBLES
ADDITION, the renter of build
ing activity In I'rltievlIU?.
Give us your order for
Juniper or Pine, large or
small quantities.
Opposite Post Office.
Notice af Final Settlement.
Xotlce I. h-rrt.j jivfo liy the ustrtnrt
the s,lmtiilsostur wt the route ot oeomp M'
raul, tleeMtl, that b ha mte nl Hint
Mltti the clerk ot lite eouotr emirt hi Aim!
wruunlliif l kin lmlltllrllonol ull enlele.
o. the Himorthle omnir eciurl of t:r
county. Oregon, h let Wmi'Ly. the 5ih Uv
ot F eb , l 'U. at 10 o'elot t 10 I lie (urenixn si
lb county conn mum In frtnerllte. fprn.
ft tbe Unit atl'l plare for heftrins and eeullns
J.l final miiim. At ahlrh ftmf ami
piaee anj oeraon Interested In MI4 etteU may
apftear anil ot-Jeel to aatil Bits) areottnuns.
Iialetl tin. ii.t dar of llet- . loll.
M. K. Cl.t.lfiTT.
Administrator ol theeelateof
lieorse M. Paul, dec-eaited
Ifotic of 1 inal Settlement.
Xotlw li bTfhy lT..n h)r un-lT'.lKnc-i,
the a'lmtm.trmr ot the eaute of AiiKii
Hrrotn( dtHt-e.l. that ht bw irnwle mni riiwj
with the elrrk ol ih count t court hu Hnl tu
Cdunilnit ot bl fJirjluuirBtion of .1 tmutc.
That ihu Honorable H. ('. Hits, Jti-lna ol tbu
t'Muniy court ol C'frtttlf cuuiity, OrK"ti, h hi
Moii'iar, t.. teh 'lay ot K"l W. at lUo'ctork
In the fofpnMiii at the county court rtwra In
Prtnt-vllle, Orftfon, athe time aut ptuce (or
htaring ami (!llng -iid ftfiat (.otiiiiiiif At
wht b time atil fla e, any !r'i iutt-tviliMl
in airj estate may otym to mi4 final atcouul
luted this 21t day ot )'., l'J ) 1
A4mlnltrfttor ot die rtat of
Abjfait Hariuou, dcvawd.
Notice for Publication.
iJeoartment of tha Interior,
t',9 Lami btticcatTh lIU-, or kid
Dei-emuer Mil, ill,
Notice U hereby t!v u that
U H. Kot,
of I'rfijpvllK Ort'Kot), who, on Jtint lth, 1910,
iriale liontcnifrtti. No.u3i, (r HU SW',, NK'
NW'4, anl HW4 NK'i, m-ttton J, towimh.
15 aoutb, frntiun IA fin, Willamette
Mrtdian, h (iifd notico of intention
to make titial commutation frtKif, to
'Mtatl.Hti claim to (It? UrM aUira (learrttrf!,
Iwfore Timotny K, J, Imffy, I', M. (;nmmi'iiiM'r,
at tiik oitU'M, ui friifviUu, Oregon, on tii 6iu
day of Kibruaryt I'Jli.
"lafrnant narnTN an wltiieic: Dtarlr'R B.
Dinwlilditf, WaU" Hiton. Mvl Vaink-rpool,
Ollie KUcfMiu, ati of I'rim-vfll.-, hth-u.
14 C W. XtRK, U. gUter,
Notice For I'ublicutioii.
lnol.itffi Trant. PiiMIp iMtMt Hule,
iJepHriint-nt of the Interior,
V. H- iMid Olltue hi Tin Lmllfa, Orvon.
NovnrniMir WWi, lll. 4
Noilw I ln'rchT it I v' it thttt. hpi llwtirt hv I
tin-( 'oiiitiil-sthtHfr of tiic Ot-n.rul IjiiiU OflWu
unl'r urov!lm of Act nftngrpH mpnWl
Jin2; l'kj, (4rtlU.,iil7j, wn will oHVr fiL
pohllo ftKlc. in th ItlitliHut, nlifiltr, at :W
o ci'H'tt a. in., nn me win tiny or Jtintittry.
l''2, hi HUH niV-H, Utf followlntcdtfMcHrH-d
Ii.rirl: Wi sK' Tp. M- it Kiwi,
. M. No. IM),7y.
Ativ tHTrvniH plutmlriir Hflvurwly lh hIkivo
dtifcs-frttH'4 hind r ailvlwd to f)I ttilr flntiint
or ohjfciiuio on or l'foru tlic time uNlKtiuU-u
is- W. MOORK, lU-gUti.T.
Notice of Appointment of AUniiois-
trator uau to Creditor.
NoiHe In hpri'by lvn tliHt tii tindentfirned
hiw Ih-pii. hv ttif-winttlv court of the Htti-of
ori'Koti for Crook wmiity, duly Hl'iKilnud
niliiiKinitor or me emum or Maria t;. Hoy.
UolfiN, (lfVHMf(t Hlld Hit pHrxOMH IlHVlKK
Ha) tint lotiiliiHt K to tKiHfe um iifr'-by rcoulri'd
to prcfM-nt tlio Hiin,Miily vnriH'd. ma id nil
rrilnlMlmtor ui th lawoilic of M. K. Hrlnk,
In I'rliKjvtHn, (irr'icon, within nix month.
from ttm lutf of the dritt puhllcutlen of thli
nottf'A. .
I'ui'drmd tiuiiliMhf'd ntrtt lirnn Ik-mmwr
7tli, Ml,
AdmtnfHlmlor of thv eUiU of
Murla lu-yuoin, df denned,
Notice for Publication.
I)fmrtin''tit of the lnt.-rtor,
IT, H. Jnd Oilicy ttt The Dall", Or-KOt).
N(tvfMH)it;r 2:nii, '.H.
Notice 1h luTfiiy uivpfi Unit I, lfuid Weaver.
uardiHiiof the iernon and en;uio of I,nrl(ln
Weaver, (innHiie)ot rfincsviit'i, Oregon, who on
Kidirtirtn J!ri, miolii lioimihtend No, (Mi) Hi,
for Me1,,', nw1 Kec, -i ii nd oe1 ne'4 Htjt'.i
in, towiiKtilp (8 no inn. mum! .tfi Hunt., Wiilftni
ette Meridian, liHtt tlt;d noiieeof intention to
tli html e,ofiiniiiuifloii proo!, (o CMtfttdiKh
flu I in to the ImihI alfiive de.MTihed, bofore, T. K.
,f, Ixiffy, I!, rf, CohinilMMlotier, t inn orticte at
i'riiii'vlllt!, f iregoi), on llietid diiy of January,
t-iaiiiiunt iianiew n wWiwm.w, (ieorfjo w.
Jdiii'i tifdeon Weaver. (Ilmrley Weaver, lfid
wnrd H. .lon';M, till of I'rfnevilln, Oregon.
a 1
Yon will look with admiration over the
splendid sample ot modern Furniture
that have on exhibition in our
ehowtoonis, the most artistic and bt
r msiructed Furniture r turned out
by wood craftrr. Tlis designs, the
wjrkman.hip, the bku:!lul fii,i will
charm lou at siM, and w warraut
the durability of every piece of Furni.
tuts boiinhfratn 11 . I'ort'snd prices.
The records show a clenr title to your pm(erty? The
rworls lulled to show correct title In a sale uinde I his
week by a leadlim real estate company. RtSULT-Img
delay nti.l powslble liws. Iletter let the Plonwr Alwtrnct
Company look after yuur Interest.
(Member Oregon Association of Title Men)
Manufacturer of ami denier In
Harnett, Saddles, Chap, Bridles, Saver-Mounted Bit
and Spur. Reata. Quirts, Ladies' Strids Saddles.
E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or.
TO $20
That's what a good cow will make it
pay you, and the market is right here
in Prineville. We will buy all the
cream you can produce.
Pioneer Cream Co.
Agents DeLaval Separator.
Provide yoursell with a litile ol the true essence ol
Holiday Good Cheer
Royally ilseli enjoys no bellcr liquor than is offered
in a good old bottle of genuine
Sold By
Silvertooth & Browder
Shaniko and Bend, Oregon
W. A. Booth. Pren.
1). F. Btkwart,
CrooJv County; Bank
Statement of the Crook County Bank of
Superintendent of Banks, June 7th, 1911
Lonn unit I)lRmii!n
Kuriitturc mid flxturiiH ,
H-al esliitc
Cull OS band and iat from baolu
.. a,2ia,44
Neighborly Advic
ought to put too nn tlis right track for
! irise le. They del tier and
lor that rraxia poibshlr getting
better itmreriea Ihsn you. VY's nsk
It a loint to ksp only the tt and
imtst Mt!fvtii s's.lri sntt lor tlist rea
son are tree Iruia nioiplsinla. (ilv
us a sllisls trial and prut this 10 your
own stifartiu. Aud dj it euoti luf
yuur own sske.
The Cash Grocery
(1 M. Ki.uimb (-i,ul,l..
Prineville, Oregon, at rendered to the
Ounltiil paid In full
Unillvldi-d prufltN "
. , .t-tn.mio.rKi
,,, Jll.'KKt.llO
.. llll,M0.7!)
Ja-W tJ. W. MOOItK, Kutfiwtcr,