Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 11, 1912, Image 1

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Crook County Journ
County Court Meets
Very Important Term
Tax Levy Made for 1912 Call for Convention
to Meet at Prineville to Consider Bond Issue
for Good Roads, Etc., Etc.
Tim regular term of the Com
liilsaloner Court convened at Trine.
vllle, Wednesday, January .1, llilJ.
I'nuent, II. (', Kills, Judge, presiding;
It. II. liny ley nnd Jnmea lllee, com
luWuloners; Wnrron Itrown, clerk;
mid T. N. Itiilfotir, nhcrlrf.
IVtltloii for frnnchlse for water
nml electric system In Metollim mid
elxewhere by the Inlnnd Kinplre
Company. It In ordered tluit tln
right, privilege nml franchise be nnd
In hi'rvtiy granted to tint said Inlmiil
Ktuptro coinpnuy, lis successors mill
nsslgns, for n period of So yenrs from
nuil ntter .litniuiry I, litis, to Iny,
construct, renew, ri'piilr, replace,
purchase, maintain unit oiruiii 11
system of water ple, rnnlns, con.
dulls. In nml upon Hip streets,
alleys, highways, pulillf roiuU mid
public plan within tin limit of tin'
ulil townslti) of Mctolluanud within
n radius of two miles from tlit limit
of said tuwunllo of Mctolltis nml
within n radius of two mile (nun
the llinltH of milil towuslte, also up
on niiy nml nil lnvl, alleys, high
wiith, roads nml public plnri'ii be
tween the townsltes of Culver nml
Mi'tollim for tlm purpose of con
ducting wuti'r to nml from cither or
nil of milil towim, nml of supplying
water for any nml nil tiurposc to
person mill corporntlotia residing or
being within tlio limit of either or
nil of said towns, or within the t.-rrl-tory
Ivlng within n radius of two
mill from tlm present limits of Mi'
tollim nml to persona nml corpo
rntloim residing along tlm rniilw of
nn.v of the pipes, limine, jr conduits
laid; provtili'il Unit nil such pipes,
I'ti'.. be maintained ntul operated ko
n to Interfere ns llttlii nn possible
with tlm use by the public of nnlil
streets nml highway. Ami pro
vided furllirr that tlm hmIi! Inland
Kinplre Co. shall save harmless tlm
t'ounty of Crook from any ami i ll
I'laluiH or causes of action that limy
cause or 1h brought uguliist snld
county by reason of thecoiistruetlon
nml opi-ratlnii of snld plprs.
It In further ordered that n frnn
chine Im nml U hereby grutitid to
nnlil lnlaml Kinplre Co. for n pi-rloil
of 50 ycurs from nml nf tor Janunry
1, 1912, to construct nml operate
electric light nml power lines, wllli
nil necessary and eovonleitt nppurte
imiici'H In nny ami nil streets, alleys,
ronds, highways nml public plnci'H
In the townslte of Mi'tollim mill In
nil public roads nml publli' places
leading from the power plant now
being constructed ut "The Cove" on
Crooked river to Metollus, cither (II
rtftly or by way of Culver and from
Culver to MetolliiN nml from MetolliiH
to Madras; iiImo In nil streets, nlleyH,
public roiulH, highways mi l public
places within n radius of two miles
from the present llinltH of suld town
site of Mi'tolliiH, for the purpose of
supplying electricity for nil purpoHeH
to persons or corporations ri'Mlillnn
or being within the limit of the
towHHltcH of Metolliisuiid Culver mid
the town of Minim, or along the
route of any of the line constructed,
maintained or operated under till
fninelilKe: Provided, however, that
mild equipment liall be enlist rue ted
lit the ldu of the rondwuy mid bo
located iih to Interfere a little n
poHHlblu with the me by the public of
mild street, nlleyH, road, highways
mid public plnccM.
And provided further tliut the mild
Inland Kmplre Company hIiiiII Have
mid hold hnriiile the county of
Crook from any nnd nil claims or
caiiMcH of action that limy come or
bi) brought agiiliiMt the Hiild county
by reiiHon of the coiiHtructlon, tuuln
talui'iiee and operation of tiald h.vh
tern of electric IIiich and wires. Ap
proved Jan. it, 1912.
Whereas, It appears to the court
by petition that a vacancy exist In
the olllco of the JiiHtlce for hum
Precinct, It Is therefore ordered that
John Atkinson be nml Is hereby ap
pointed justice of the peace for Lara
Precinct to serve until the next gene
ral flection.
Now U pnneiiti'd to the rourt the
petition of Jacob llofftomi et nl for
a county road and It I ordered t but
the county clerk forward nil pnpera
rvlntlve to mild road to Fred V.
WlUon, dlntrlet attorney, for hi re.
Petition for Ihpior llconw. Now
I prtwetited to the court the pt
tltlnn of Ocorge A. Steven mid
William Comb for a Idiuor lleene
for llliu k llnttii privbict nnd It np
l'iirlng that nil n-inilrement of Inw
have Ih-cu fully compiled with, that
the reeclpt of the county treaurer
for ItiW 00 I on II le liereia; It I thert
fori orderml that the clerk. tnHiie n
retail 1 li nor lli-enwi to the mild
(icorgu A, Steven and William
Comb to Hell upliituou, malt mid
vliioii llquora nnd fermetiU'd elder
In le iiiiiiitltle tlinn one gallon In
the Hint k llutte precinct for a period
of one year, iM-glniilng Jmiunry lt,
I'll-' uml emlliiK IMwiiiImt :ili.t, l'.il:',
both IncliiHlve.
Petition for llnuor license. Now I to the court the H-tlt Ion of
li. W. ItnpiT for n llnuor llceniw for
Ireland Precinct, nnd It npis'iirlng
that nil requirement of law have
liocu fully compiled with, nml tluit
the rivelpt of the county tri'iisurer
for -'0il WJ on file herein. It Is
therefore ordereil that the county
clerk Ikhiic a retail liquor lleenw to
the mild (l.W.Kaiier to m-ll spirit unui',
malt nnd vinous llquorii In )e
(iinntltl'H than one. gallon In Ireland
precinct lorn period of six months,
beginning November 1st. lull, mid
ending April :10th., lid:', both In
Petition for liquor license. Now I
presented to Hie rourt the petition
of J. W. MiColliini for n liquor license
: for Precinct No, Kleven, known n
Asliwood Precinct, and It nppenrlng
tluit nil nqulrement of law have
been fully compiled with, that the
j receipt of the county treasurer for
; 1100.00 I on Ille herein, It Is therufore
: ordered Hint thecomity clerk Issue a
retail liquor license to the said J. W.
Mi'Colluiii to sell splrltoiiH, mult and
vinous liquors In Precinct No. Kleven
for n period of one year, beginning
January 1st, 1H12 nnd ending De
cember 31st., 1H12 both Inclusive.
License to be Issued quarterly.
Now Is presented to the court a
plat and tracing thereof of the town
of l.ytle, Oregon, showing iv part of
Main, Fourth, A nud C streets mid
certain alleys to be vacated nnd It
appearing that nil the requirements
of law have been compiled with, It I
ordered that the plat nml tracing
thereof be approved nnd ordered
Hied nnd the county clerk Is hereby
directed to ninke note of and refer
ence to till plat on the original plat
of the town of Lytic, Oregon.
Viewer' report on the J. K. lCil
wards' rond : Now Is presented
to the court the report of the view,
ers in the matter of said road and It
appearing that bcamse of snow and
Inclemency of the weather. It was
Impossible to complete the viewing
out of snld road, It Is therefore
ordered that the viewers meet at the
beginning of said proposed road on
Kith day of April, 11112, and proceed to
complete the viewing, rev.ewlng and
surveying of said proposed road.
Northwest Townslte Company's
First Addition to Madral. I'pon
the application of the Northwest
Townslte Company tor the approval
iif the plat and tracing thereof of the
Northwest Townslte Company's
First Addition to Madras, said
Northwest Townslte Company be
ing the owner thereof, and It satis
factorily appearing to the court that
said plat and tracing thereof to
gether with the dedication, of the
streets and alleys as shown thereon
to tlio public, have been Hied with
the county clerk, that the same have
been duly approved by the county
surveyor nnd the county assessor
and that all requirements of law
have been compiled with; said plat
and tracing thereof Is hereby ap
proved by the court and ordered
spread of record.
Prluevllle Acres. I'pon the appli
cation of the Oregon Western Colo
iilmitlou Company for the approval
of the plat mid tracing thereof of
Prluevllle Acres, and It satlnfactoiily
HpjH-nrlug to the court that ild
pint mid tracing thereof, together
with the dedication of the streets as
shown thereon to the puhlr, Imve
Is-eii filed with the county clerk, thut
the situie hnve iM-en duly approved
by the county surveyor mid the
county assessor mid that nil re
quirement of law have lieen com
plied with; mild pint nnd t raring
thereof I hereby approved by the
court uml ordered spread of retard.
Petition for change In county road.
This matter coming on to tsj lirnrd
this 4th day of January, 1012. on the
petition of J K. Adamson et nl, for
for a change In the county rond
known as the Prlnevllle-Dnlles road,
and It nppenrlng to the court thut
the proposed road begins at a point
on the present county rond Z'A ft
north and 115 ft. west of the south
cast corner of section 25, tp 14 .,
range 15 eivst of Willamette Merldlnn,
Crook county, Ore., and terminates
III snld sec. 25, tp 1 1 , r 15 e W. M ,
mid It further npiiciirlng to the court
that the petition for snld change
regular, that the petitioner liuvs
given n siitllclent bond In the an in
of t'.'oO 03 conditioned that the obli
gor would pay nil costs and ex
penm Incurred by snld change, aud
the court further fluds thnt the pe
titioners are the owners of the bind
through which the proposed change
In road Is to Is? made nnd that the
change ns made I upon other hinds
of the petitioners; wherefore It It
ordered by the court that the Hoard
of County Itond Viewer meet at the
beginning of snld proposed change
In the county rond on the 1st duy of
Fobrunry, 11112, mid view, review nud
survey the snld proposed change and
report to this court according to
Hrhlge across Denchuteii river.
Now Is presi-nted to the court the
petition of the United State by
Claude C. Covey, asking permission
to erect a steel wngon bridge ncross
the iK'srlintcs river In the southwest
quarter of sec 20, tp 1!) a, rnnge 13 e
of Willamette meridian, said bridge
to lie located at or near the site i f
the present ferry crossing said river
on the w ii gun road leading from
Warm Spring, Oregon, to Mecca,
Oregon, said bridge to be constructed
without expense to Crook county, It
Is therefore ordered thut permission
be given In accordance with the
prayer of said petition.
Report of county clerk on scalp
bounty. Now Is presented to the
court the report of county clerk
showing the payment of bounty on
4'1.'( coyote scalps nnd Iffil bobcat
front feet, amounting In all to $'.100.50
said scalps mid front feet were then
reduced to ashes In accordance with
the code.
Wrongful assessment. It appear
ing to the court by the affidavit of
Lou I.. Fox thnt he had been wrong
fully assessed for the year 1H10 for
for the sum of $;14.T5 nnd thnt the
Sheriff under the provisions of the
statute, has remitted the same from
the total amount of his taxes, to
wit $.10.4!). It Is ordered that the
county clerk credit the sheriff on the
1010 tax roll with said $.14.75.
Wrongful assessment. It appear
ing to the court by the affidavit of J.
11. O'Nell that he had been wrong
fully assessed for the year 1910 for
the sum of f 10.42 nnd the sheriff hav
ing remitted the mime from the total
amount of his taxes, towlt: $102.4!),
It Is hereby ordered that tho county
clerk credit the sherirf on the 1010
tax roll with the nald $10.42.
And now Is presented to the court
the communication of Charles O.
Chrlstlanl rebitlvo to the necessity
for a bridge over Crooked river be
tween Prluevllle and O'Nell, and It is
ordered that said communication be
continued and p'need In the Hies of
the original petition for said bridge
heretofore tiled In this court.
Petition for franchise for water
works for Aubrey Heights, Ore.
Now Is presented to the court the
petition of Henry Llnster, asking a
right iHid franchise to install, main
tain and operate a system of water
works In, through, over and under
the streets, avenues, alleys nnd pub
lic grounds of the unincorporated
town of Aubrey Heights, Oregon,
and leave Is hereby given to the said
Henry I.lnster, his successors nud
assigns, to locate, establish and
maintain therein nnd thereon nil
necessary equipment for furnishing
the public, within the unincorpor
ated town of Aubrey Heights, Ore.,
with Water; provided, that the Biild
system be Installed, maintained and
ofsTated o a not to obstruct,
render dangerous, or Interfere with
the public use uml occupation ot
said streets, avenue, alleys, nnd
public grounds: provided, that the
said Muster, hi si rcessom mid as
sign ahull save hnrmlet- Crook
county from nil l or diimsge
urlslng from the construction, muiii
teniiuee or ofsTntloii of Maid system;
uml provided, that the location of
ull water mains, plisn, etc., with
ivfcreiH-e to the curb line, shall lie a
hereufler agreed Is-tween the grantee
of this frnnchlse nud the county court
of iild Crook county or other offi
cials having Jurisdiction of snld
streets, uveniie, alleys aud public
ground, also, provided, that the
Installation of snld system shall
commence not later than CO day
after the granting of this franchise
und extended thereafter to meet the
need of the Inhabitants of snld
Petition for franchise for electric
system for Aubrey Height, Oregon.
Now I presented to the court the
petition of Henry Llnster asking a
fruuchlse and right to Install, main
tain and operate an electric system
for the distribution ot electric cur
rent In the unincorporated town of
Aubrey Heights, Oregon, and leave
1 hereby given the said Henry Llun
ter, bis successor and assigns, to
use the streets, avenues, alley and
public ground of the unincorpora
ted town ot Aubrey Heights, Ore
gon, for the location. Installation
aud maintenance therein and there
on, ot all necessary equipment to op
erate a complete system for supply
ing electric current to the Inhabi
tants of said Aubrey Heights, pro
vided, thnt the Installation of snld
system shall commence not later
than Jnni ary 1st, 1910, nnd extend
ed from time to time thereafter as
required to supply the needa of the
Inhabitants of said town; provided,
that the said Llnster, his successors
nnd tisslgns shall save harmless
Crook county from all loss or dam
age arising from the construction,
maintenance or operation of said
system; provided, that snld system
shall be so Installed und maintained
so a not to Interfere with the free
use nud occupntlon of snld streets,
avenues, alleys and public grounds
by the public or ns may be ngreed
upon by the said Llnster, his suc
cessors, or assigns and the comity
court of Crook couuty, Oregon, or
other proper otlicials having Juris
diction over suld streets, avenues,
alleys nnd public grounds.
W. P. Hershey et nl couuty road.
Now Is presented to the court the
petition for a comity rond lending
from Gateway westward. Said pe
tition is Irregular; the same Is here
by continued with the request that
Commissioner Itlce cause proper
forms to be forwarded to the said
Accounting of emergency road
fund. Now on this dny is preseuted
to the court the accounting vt H. C.
Kills lor the emergency rond fund
since the date of the last report,
to-wlt, January 1, 1911, to January
1, 1912. Said report showlug receipts
as per account approved by this
court on January 1, 1911, of a bal
ance ot $:li)5.54, and itemized disburse
ments thereof, together with vouch
ers showlug payments of the re
spective amounts to Jnuuury 1,
1912, of $150.50, leaving; a balance In
said emergency fund on January 1,
1912, ot $140.04, which said account
was examined nud approved In writ
lug by Commissioners Bailey and
Ulce on January 3, 1912, nnd ordered
filed In the public records of this
Now Is presented ti this court the
petition of P. J. Llthauser of Sisters,
Oregon, asking for a license to con
duct a poolroom nt Sisters, In Crook
county, Oregon, for a period of six
months, beginning January 1, 1012,
nud ending July 1, 1912, which said
petition is accompanied by the coun
ty treasurer's receipt for $25. It Is
therefore ordered that a poolroom
license be granted to the said P. J.
Lithanser for a period of six months,
beginning Jan. 1, 1912,
Letter in regard to assessment of
Jessie L. Hill. It is ordered that
snld letter be submitted to the coun
ty assessor thnt he may correct the
assessment roll to correspond with
the facts. The application for a re
fund on former tnx Is disallowed lu
accordance with the laws of the state
of Oregon.
I'pon the application of H. J.
Healy, together with the statement
of the sheriff nnd upon an examina
tion of the records of the county, It
appears to the court that the said
H. J. Heuly Is taxed with more renl
Big Increase in
State Apportionment
It is 137 Per Cent in Crook County No Reason
Given for the Big Increase for
State Purposes.
The following statement will
be of great interest to our readers
and is from the official records at
Note that the amount of Crook
County's apportionment of state tax
for 1912 shows an increase of op
wards of 137 per cent. The
County Court is unable to learn
any reason for this enormous in
crease. In estimating the rate of tax
ation from the assessment rolls it
is usual to allow approximately 10
per cent more than the actual
amount required to allow for
double and erroneous assessments
and amounts which for other
reasons may 'not be collectable.
It is plain to see that the gene
ral levy for the current year will
of necessity be much higher than
Apportionment required by suie:
lery In Crook County for iwi:
state and County
. milU
General school tund
Road tund (c. Prinetille)
Hlh school fund
Library (und
estate than he owns and that the
amount ot taxes so erroneously paid
by him nmounts to fO.fiO. County
clerk Is ordered to draw warrant In
favor of said H. J. Healy for 9.60,
less 1 K0, amount of special school
tax already expended.
Special school tax. Tursuant to
: law nud upon request of the county
school superintendent, showing fail
j ure of the following districts to levy
nny or sufficient school tax. It is or
dered by the court that the follow
ing levy of speclul school tax for the
following school districts respectively
lie mnde, and that the county clerk
extend the same on the tax rolls for
the year 1911:
District No. 6 1 mill
" 15 1 "
" 28 2 "
" " 29 5 "
" 8i 5 "
" 35 5 "
" " 37 li "
" 52 5 '
" " 55 2 "
58 5 "
' ' 62 5 "
" 68 . 1 "
" " 7S 5 "
" " 79 o "
" 81 5 "
Petition for county road by
Charles Thompsou et al. I'pon due
consideration It Is ordered that the
county clerk forward all papers
relative to said road to Fred W.
Wilson, district attorney, for his
opinion ns to their validity.
Petition for couuty road by Albert
Moore et nl. lpou due considera
tion it Is ordered that the county
clerk forward all papers to District
Attorney Wilson for his opinion as
to their validity.
The pnpers for the Jacob Becker
et al rond nnd for the Chns. H. Fry
et nl county road were all ordered
sent to Mr. Wilson to pass on their
The petition for the G. G. Groves
et al rond was continued because ot
the failure to file bond, and also be
cause of Insufficient number of peti
tions. Clerk to notify eaUl Groves
of such detects.
Upon petition for certain changes in
the boundaries of certain road districts.
It is ordered that the boundary of
what is to be known as the Johnson
Creek Voting Precinct and Road Dis
trict No. 13 be established as follows:
Beginning at Crooked river on range
line to 16 s, ranges 15 and 16 e; thence
north to the sw corner of sec 6, tp 15
Lery In crook County for 1908:
County and Bute
General School fund
Boad fund e. l-rlnerllle) I
High School fund
Library lund 1-20
Levy In Crook County fo 1909:
County and State
General School fund
Road fund (eic. rrlnevtlle)
High School fund (exc. dist li)
Library fund
Levy In Crook County for 1910:
County and Slate
General School fund
. t
. 2.2
. 125
. -05
Road fund exc. PrinevifUq
High School fund exc dlit. l-'l
Library fund
Levy In Crook County for 1911 :
State 2 mllU, county i'i mill 7'4 I
General School fund 8
Road fund exc Hrlnt-vlllej S 19-20
Hlg 3chool fund exc, dist. 12 Hi
Library fund 1-20
Levy In Crook County lor 1912:
Cruiiing Umber, I1, mills, state
4' j mills, County 7 90-100 milU.13 95.1COmlll
General School fund S
Road fund, ex Prineville & Bend 1
county High School ex.dbt.l2. V-$ "
Library fund . 1-20 '
Additional mlllage to meet state levy 2 mills
Sew levy on acct of cruising timber 1
Total increase over 1911 levy..
Levy of 1811 '.
t mill
Total tor 1912.
30 mills
south, range 16 east; thence east 1
mile; thence north half mile to south
boundary of Prineville; thence east
half mile on south boundary of Prine
ville; thence north half mile on east
boundary of Prineville; thence east
half mile; thence north three miles;
thence east 2 miles; thence north 2
miles; thence east 4 miles; thence
south 6 miles; thence west 4 miles;
thence south 2 miles; thence east 1
mile; thence south 2 miles; thence
east 3 miles; thence south 6 miles;
thence west to Crooked river; thence
down Crooked river to the point of be
ginning. Boundary Hat Rock Voting Precinct
and Road District No. 38. It is or
dered that what is to be known as the
Hat Rock Voting Precinct and Road
District No. 38 be established as fol
lows: Beginning at the northeast
corner of sec 12, tp 15 south, range 15
east, W. M.; thence west 6 miles to
the northwest corner of sec. 7, tp. 15
south, range 15 east, W. M.; thence
south 20 miles to the southwest corner
sec. 18, tp 18 south, range 15 east, W.
W.; thence east 6 miles to the south
east corner sec. 13, tp. 18 south, range
15 east, W. M.; thence north 10 miles
to the northeast corner sec. 36, tp. 16
south, range 15 cast, W. M.; thence
east to Crooked river; thence down
Crooked river to range line tp. 16
south, range 15 and 16 east; thence
north on said range line to the point of
Boundary Powell Butte Road and
Voting Precinct No. 25. Upon peti
tion for certain changes in the boundar
ies of certain road districts, it is or
dered that the boundary of what is to
be known as the Powell Butte Voting
Precinct and Road District No. 25 be
established as follows: Beginning at
the northeast corner sec. 12, tp. 15
south, range 14 east; thence west 6
miles to the northwest corner of sec.
7, tp 15 south, range 14 east; thence
south 8 miles to the southwest corner
sec. 18, tp. 16 south, range 14 east;
thence east 6 miles to the southeast
corner see. 13, tp. 16 south, range 14
east; thence north 8 miles to the point
of beginning.
Petition for certain changes in the
boundary of Hillman Voting Precinct
and Road District No. 34. It is ordered
that tho boundary of what is to be
known as the Hillman Voting Precinct
and Road District No. 34, be established
as follows: Commencing at the north
east corner of see. 36, tp. 14 south,
9.2 mill
I -
Continued on page two.