Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 28, 1911, Image 7

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    (r RANK M. RYAN
rrnk M, Ryan, president of tha
btructursl Iron Workori, wlio l bulnj
(Tjbcd In tin Indianapolis tlynamit
Invt ll(jtion.
Brief News of t!te Week.
. ... -
Work, on lti wmlim-Huii of the
II tin of railway front builpeu to
11 m! mm 1'iiy Ik Id pruciiil 11I uiu o.
lii iiiiniiy 110 Iuib In opi-ruUon 17
illricllile I.iiIIiiiiur, 11 li tutiKlUK '
llic iirmy 11111I six lo rhtii uwiivm.
A (llnpiili h front Siilnntkl, l.illii'-iin
Turkey. r'nrit it condition of uiinr
thy ilimuKhoul Mii- ilniilu. Murilvr,
tl!.'tn nail l.rlK.iinliHi" urn rlfo.
London's sinUiii of tube railways
will be Ini rnuM-il dy it diminutive, un
llprttrouml rullrimil wlili-h will tin un it
cxi-ltiKlvrly fur tha transport of luitil
Heurelty of innrrlaiteabls young
women In (iriinl count y. Kansas, has
caused lln bachelors of lli rouuly,
hlrh l 3 mi l it from k rullroail, to
band inKi'ilur with lh purposo of
ObtllllllllK WlU'H.
At the pri-ni'iit rutf of iiropniutton
A luHkit will It it v lirnl of mors limn
2,o0fl,ooo reindeer within ID yenrs.
accord! nil to It statement made by
William T. l.oi. In clmrmt of the
Kovtrnmmil reindeer srvlc.
An 11 result of ft meeting In Hi. Paul
It U reported I lint a general slnikeup
In pending on tha Grout Northern.
1 h method of operating the system
I to bo changed rarljr next year, in
an effort to socura greater etllcleticy
according to advice secured from
omclnls well posted.
France Ifi arranging another Impos
ing tmdlinmiltil of her fi'Vmlnhlp for
the United Hlntrit. A public subscrip
tlon In to he opened to olTer ft bronze
bunt of "La France," by the Illustri
ous French sculptor, Augusts Kodtn.
which will he placed at I no base of
the monument to be dedicated next
Juno to Samuel ile ('hmuiliiln, the
French navigator, explorer 11 ml din
coverer of the hike Hint boars hie
nit m a.
ion oteer
of the
News of Noted Persons.
John Arthur Johnson, the negro
-world's chiuuploil henvywelKlit prlie
flghler, has arrived homo from Ku
ropo. Wright Larimer, an actor, bent
known ns the ittur of "The Shepherd
KtnK," commltled suicide by Inhaling
It lie.
Colonel IlooBevolt, an Ih his cuatoin,
played Snutii Chius to tha pupils of
the little country school hoime nenr
Sagamore Hill.
Mrs. J. I'. Morgan, the fa mom fin
ancier's spouse, asserts that she Ib
registered among women who nro op
posed to nulfniKe.
The rurtUKunns government hue dt
fliled to proKucute MonalKiior An
thony MnniteH Hello, pntrhirrh of I,l
lion, on a chnrno of coimplrlng aKulnat
the republic.
K. Duna Duriind. director of the
comma, liitomle to resign his post us
t'.ie result of the refusal of congress
to appropriate lo com
plete the tabulation of tho ccmisuk
l'ersln hnu yielded to the demand
of the Russian ultimatum that V.
Morgan Shimler, an American, who
holds the post of trouBiirer genenil 111
the rrsinn government, be dismiss
ed from tho service.
Absolute iiHBuranco that Clarence
Harrow, former chief counsel for the
McNumuru brothers, would not be
protiecuted on charges of bribery
growing o"t of, tl10 Lockwood nnd
Ilaln cases, has beon given by Dis
trict Attorney Fredericks.
Chang Yin, Chinese minister to
Washington, has returned from Mexi
co, whore he succeeded In settling
the claims against Mexico arising
from the destruction of the lives and
property of Chinese at Torreon In the
recent revolution there.
There are rumors rifo In pollco cir
cles that Captain Ithlnelander Waldo,
Now York's millionaire commissioner
of police, Isolated for the nx and that
In hlB place Mayor Oaynor Intends
to put James Creelman, magazine
writer and war " correspondent, now
head of the city civil Bervlce coramls
sion. .
Tle world's clinnipion itrer, in
pi'iot'iilnge of dnnneil weight, liui
just liei-n Nlutiliteri'( nt the Union
Meat Ci)iii)aiiv's plant on the tien-
illtlllft. A ,'iOlllOtllll-olll fttlillltl,
owned ly A. It, Dunn nl Wiiito,
W'shIi., which weighed 21C0 pouniU
on tout, dreiHod 72.1 1 xr cent.
Tlie grand champion In this class
t the recent meeting of the
National Livestock Show, in
('liimgo (I reused hut CO 2 ier cent.
"So fur kr my records nhow,"
i"i id 1 1. (). Lively this morning,
"Mr. lunn' Short Horn U the
chiiinpicin of all cham ions. I
huve never heard of another aid ftpprouching it. Owing to tho
iiiiignilicent Mrceiittii;e t-howiti
revealed when the packers began
working on this animal, utmost
euro was used to get all figures
"When wo can offer such proof
at this of NorthweKtern feeding
values, the livestock world must
stn-perid fur it moment its homage
to King ('urn of the Middle West
and Mississippi, nnd give us
serious thought for the future."
The steer was the prize of its
elan at tho Sitlnin I'air, and also
in the Chicago Land Show. The
average steer driven to the flock
yards net ahout 65 per cent of
liveweiyht. Orcgonian.
Ranch for Sale.
Ili-ii)uil.ln Sheplitiiil's st'x k rn rich la
for suln. Impute at f irst Manorial
Hank. JiMio
Notice to the Public.
This la lo notl'y my friends ami the
public that the man Unit is koiiiji siouml
eallliiK liimaelf Jim Hough Jr. limit my
sou. Ills iiaiiie is llairv Itoifera
It Al.rm.ii llonill,'
(Jtn Benjamin
Real Eetate Transfer.
l-'urnlfhed by the Crook County Ab
stract Co.
Samuel J. Newaom, et 111 to Charles
F, Condart. Tract 80 by l.V feet, lying
south of block 3, Newborn's Third atlil.
I'rlnevlllii. 2. '
II. M. Owen, et tlx to Kenton K.
Wharton et nl sw4 u '4 see 13; ne'4
i see. Sl-lO-ll); sll see. W; sei aei4',
' oe4 ti and te1, nJ sec. 24;
I't mj, w. Sf'4 ami twt4' sec. 20; e'
'i w1,, w4' sej and se' sw'
sec. IHt'.l-lll. ft.
May M. I'liiiiey ami hutbaml to Ore
gon A Western Col. Co. nSj sej, sej
se'4 '"i and wa of sec. ltl-l:)-15. I.
Amlresr J. Noble, et ux to J. W.
Carlson. IajIs 4 and 6, block 2, Noble's
a.ld. Prlneville. 10.
Cor in II. Harnett, et ux to Chaa, I..
Hunter. t sec. It) 1'I14.
Slate of Orttgon to 0. W. Wilson. r lo
sec. 3II U H. HO0.
Talents from the I". S. to the ollow
ing: Hugh Carroll, Louis A. Young,
Heater I'. Davis. Maude C. MclVinahl,
Emil Zoiiiko, Klizatwth Kwing, Louis
Falkeiihsgen, Ixiuiella I'ullinm, I.00
telta 1'ulhain, Hetra of 0. It., I'ulliam,
Stflh S. Crawford.
Many a Man
Owes His Success
to an Investment
nil Hie liiKtitllnient pliill, ho-I'lllim-
It lllia aerveil lianil llliehor
lirnl kept I1I111I11 h eirnlght line
n tul Hwny from the iiiiinv "(jet
Itli-h Mli k" m heiuea tvhli li nre
an plentlliil todiy am) nlilrhsu
often menu riches only fur the
Sllllliitll touuileil priillliitera
there,,!. Hv Inveallnu IN YOUR
HOME TOWN you lire ileulliiir
Willi Hi I lira mill people with
wliiilil you lire HeiiiTilnteil
penph- who nre Inlereateil In
yuur welfitre Ihtiiiiw your m
ceaa IllelillH tile Hlleceaa ill others
iilmiit you, mill tho mure suc
eesffnl eltlz'-ns a town enn
lillliat of the heller pllu-e It will
c ill lie boil liy luiikliiK 11 very
kiiiiiII pn meiit dun 11 mill the
hnluiiie on leriiia to "Hit the
piiri-luiMer, iii'Hithly.liI 111. mi h!y
uiirtei ly, hiill-yenrly iiriiiiiiiuil
puy lueiiiN. '1'lieae lola lire the
Ileal lliventtllent III elt.V proaTt,
toilny. The only illatrlrt wllli
liulhllDK reetrlc timiM 11ml with
Htrii t liiiproveNieiit nml alile
wiilka nlreiiily In. Muke your
selection now. A few dollars
will holil the lota for you until
you ran uuike further pay
ments. You lire entitled to the
iM-at. Why not net It? Come
lii nml let me show vou NOBLES
ADDITION, the center of build
lug activity In 1'rlneville.
' lct'b formcdicinc.rood
1 I C ' 1 it
yiu lasmonca nomcmaac
remedies of roota. herbs.
(jj ' atid brkaPcojile were hale
I and hearty then iustajthotc
iA 1 ' J . .t nt c c
1 . 1 arc now(wno use ulioo
! NTIViE HERBS the old
iimciherDai remedy
Sacrifice Sale
use it roa
The blood
Kidney trouble'
Liver disorder
P.DI'intoalcd tablet t.00
! .: ty baik if not utulicd
Raymond Calavan, Prineville, Or
Brood Sows for Sale.
(ood stiH-k; nlao ll-weeka pls.
1 1 :U J. C. iiuix, I'oivell l'.llttea. I
Hats at Your Own Price
Must Have Room for Spring Goods.
Nothing Reserved.
Mrs. Estes
Millinery Parlors. Prineville, Or.
Notice of 1'inil Settlement.
Nolle It harrft'T given hf Ihe t.nterfirmf1,
the i.tfttltiltri.Uir of Hie vattiu ul limtritn M,
ltl, ItH.-raiMHl, tllftt Uv Um Rtl tm f it fllt't
with tho vivtk al 1)10 ettumv timrt lilt, final
fttt mitiiltiff il lit tlitiinitfmioriol nti1 ituif,
nil Uiu cotintv rurt oi I'nmk
mnittjf, Ofrguit, (m otity. Hie 'ih ttny
ut frVb., w,.', at U) oMw l Hi Him fort-noon at
thr cntmuf ctturl rtm lit l'riiit?villr. itrt'Kon,
na tlic timo anl lr fur ht-auiMtt kii'I ftftilitiK
astld rtiml t tnuntltlK. At Vhlrh titb tll tf (terawm litti-renieil In mM ramie m)
lH-Nr ml ot-JtM t to m11 fliml vomit Ui,
Iu-.l thif.'l.t dy ul l4i'., I'.'ll.
M. K. KI I.IitTT.
Altn(nUtmtor of the tmtateol
Uvorite M. I'nul, decvMed.
Horses for Sale.
On tho old i Sum Smith rnnch,
near rrliu'vlllc: Mitld lu (my iuiuiImt
nt rraHuimtilt' prlren. Fur furthtr
lufortiiMtlon aildn'HH U. H. Kuhmki.i..
I'riiu'vllK On-tton. l'-MU-tf
PurH'tiretl Wltita Wytiinlott m'kereU
for nle. Hay V. Conatahlk, A1hih-
Nolle of I'hiiil vcttltmvnt.
Kotlee ta h pivot Klvn by th undpmlitneil.
th ilmltiltriUf of Ib iwtal of Abigail
Hnrinon, iltH-eaK1!. that he ha inalt and llteit
ttli Hi cliTk of Hie tHiuitlv lumrt hi hnal at
roiinilng of IHa liiiliiiniraiton of aaltt en i aie.
Thai Ht Honoraiilt II. 4 Kilt. Ju-lne of the
eotuiiy court of t'rNk eotiniy, orKin. hoi et
Moiulav. the ith la)' of K"l . HU J. at 10 oVUm k
til th foreiiHn at tint iouni court umtn In
I'rliievllle, tiri-iEon, asthe time aitd place for
ht aniLK an1 wltllliK nalt final aecoiiiiHliK. At
w Melt Hme aiul itat , anv pern'tu l!iter-tet
lo ul oitate may object iumio. final account-
lud Hili 2lt dy of tVo lwlt.
Atlinlnlmralor of the mu oi
Abigail Harmuu. tU-vtuttst.
Notice for Publication.
rMtwrttni'tit of the Interior.
r,8. Und urtlit' Hi The Hailca, Ori'Knn.
NoveiulH'r 'aNlh, VHl.
Notlw l hereby itiven tlmt 1, lvbl Wt'aver.
Riiarihanof the k roi ami h;hi of larlcin
1'nvtT. tlnKie) til I'rliievllle, OreKtMl. n ho on
February -nd. made hnineatfad No. O.Mlti,
fur e e'4 nw 4 nvo. 8 and Mi'1 lie1 nc.
lo, townitbli' IS wmiii, ranitc lfi ennt, WUIhiu
ette MerbllNli. Iinm rlletl notlee ul intention to
make Hnal eoiiiinniHttuit nriKkf. to eiabUsh
elalm lo Hie lainl aUivv demrllMu. Ifre T. K.
J. Duffy, 1 . H, ComitOoKloner, at his othee at
I'rluvvllle, Oregon, on ihc'.'Jml day of January,
t'lalmHiit namea an witneKH,fi: (;tHiro W.
Jone, t)libHu Weaver, t'harh'y Weaver, Ed
ward H, jotien, all of rnnevllb'. ort-gon.
1J.21 C. W MUiiKK, Kegister.
A Merry Christmas, and A Happy and Prosperous
New Year, my wish to all.
To those who have been my patrona the paat year I deaire to extend my heartfelt
thank. In my atore during the next year, (aa in the paat) will be found a good clean
stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Furnishings, Notiona, Candiea and Cigar, and I
will strive to extend all poaaible courtesies, a haa been the custom with me alwaya.
Very Respectfully,
Mrs. I. Michel
Sherman, Clay & Company
Morrison Street at Sixth, Portland, Oregon.
mun. SWU.uJiu..iwavn'-iii n w.iuiiusntty
' jj N . . -
Business Integrity
A iioihI name Is a great conimeroiiil HCBet. ConHilenee is the Iwsis of t lie
world's liiislnvsii. Whun conlltleuce is ilisturlicd vonfusion, panic and dis
aster follow.
There sr firoat coiimmrcial houses, hanks and other business coiieerns
In every eomtminity, who by Ioiik years of fair anil honorable biiBinesH doal
lniis have lieoimie kuowu us reliable; concerns wlnwu word is as good as a
"Uold llond."
Khei man, Cluv & Co. are dealers in reliable pianos. Kor nearly half a
century tiny have been selling pianos on tlio l'acitic Coast and their selling
niutliotls are well known. Kvery piano is just as represented, and fully
Huaniuteed. One price to every one every whore makes certain that you
got full value for your money.
We make no pretense of fctvinfr vou soini'tlilnu for notliiuu, but vn. as
sure you "An Holiest l'iano at an Honest i'ricu." Why buy a piano i
indifferent quality when yon niinlit just as well have one of worth? We
sell a now piano as low as 2l5.lH) ami fully guarantee it.
We sell Kteinwav, A. 11. I'hnse, Kveiett, Conover, Parkard, I.udwig,
Kstey, Kinorson, lvui tninann, Cabin, Kingbui iy and Wt llington I'ianos.
Our Mail Order Departmnut is under tile eupervisiou of a practical
piano builder who knows tone.
If you are thinking of buying a piano writo for catalogue, prices and
terms. We deal direct with you.
The "businoHs integrity" of Sherman, Clay & Co.. make it coituin you
will he satisfied with your dealings here. v
A Bird in the hand is
Worth Two in the
'"nl ll I l J You can't keep waiting if you are going to secure
an overcoat of really clever style. You must re
member this: An overcoat on your back right now,
is worth two that you might expect to own later. It
is the early purchaser who invariably secures the
smartest style and most fascinating fabric When
you purchase early you have a score of shades, colors and patterns to select from
you have many different models to choose from you have everything necessary to
the securing of garments which will prove an excellent purchase. Come while the
season's young.
Our excellent assemblage of BRANDEGEE, KINCAID & CO. MODELS
will delight you. Visit our overcoat department while possibilities for a wide choice
are greatest.
Clifton & Cornett
I 53$!
S A N D I C t t K I N C I D 4 C-
Lots for Sale.
A bargain, lour lots, for sale, one or
all, in most desirable bnildiug section.
Inquire before purchasing elsewhere, at
tiiisomce. ium.
Four houses to rent, from 2 room to
7 room. List your housa now. Prine
ville Furniture Exchange, Chaa. F.
Coudnrt, propr. 12 H
$5(1,001) for Farm Loans. See Prom
tonjonee, Mctoliifs, Oregon. 11-23-t.f
The Home Bakery Bread
Is now on sale'at A. G. Ellefson's, both
white and Urahain. 10 1'Uif
Manufacturer of ami dealer In
Harneas, Saddles, Chaps, Bridles, Silver-Mounted Bits
and Spura. Reatas, Quirts, Ladies' Stride Saddles.
E. H. Smith, Prop. Prineville, Or.